HomeMy WebLinkAbout4 Draft Minutes from 08-22-2012 YAC MtgCITY OFDUBLIN YOUTHADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF Wednesday, August 22, 2012 CALL TO ORDER The August 22, 2012 meeting of the Youth Advisory Committee was called to order at 7:07 PM at the Shannon Community Center by Chairperson Sung. PLEDGE OFALLEGIANCE Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson Sung. ROLL CALL Committee Members (CM) Present: Brooke Brunckhorst, Vivian Sung, Nazineen Kandahari, Tim Elkana, Callan Jackman, Jenny Dyer, Dilpreet Anand, Ianna Fong, Kush Rastogi, Marcos Castro, Angie Wang, Rebecca DeGuzman, and Alexa Padnos. Committee Members Absent: Courtney Haubert, Ben Sher, Audrey Nunez Adult Member Absent: Ashley Wolfe Parks and Community Services Commission Liaison Representative: Tristan Elias Staff Present: Henry Siu, Frank Luna, and Officer Floyd Gill ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Staff from the Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD) provided a presentation on the Surgeon General's report on tobacco use among youth and young adults. Alameda County Public Health Department staff shared with the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Members ways they could get involved with the movement against tobacco use among youth and young adults. Staff from the Parks and Community Services Department indicated that they would contact the ACPHD regarding ways in which the YAC could get involved. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING- July 25, 2012 ON A MOTION BY CM RASTOGI SECONDED BY CM KANDAHARI AND BY VOTE OF 13-0- 0, THE YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE VOTED TO APPROVF, THE MINUTES OF JULY 25, 2012 AS PRESENTED. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS -None UNFINISHED BUSINESS -None NEW B USINESS Establish subcommittees for the nroprams/activities identified in the Yout1: Advisory Committee Work Plan for the 2012-2013 term Staff shared with the Youth Advisory Committee Members the overall expectations and responsibilities for serving on a specified Subcommittee. Staff Member Siu provided an overview of the various activities for each subcommittee: the Youth Mini Grant, fundraising for the Youth Fee Assistance Program, and the St. Patrick's Day Festival YAC information booth. Each subcommittee was established. Staff stated that the subcommittees are encouraged to meet after each month's regular Youth Advisory Committee meeting. Appointments to the Dublin Car Show Subcommittee Staff solicited volunteers from the Youth Advisory Committee to serve on the 2013 Annual Dublin Car Show Subcommittee. Committee Members Anand, Sung, Brunckhorst and Castro volunteered to serve. The Youth Advisory Committee Subcommittee Members will also serve with members from the Senior Center Advisory Committee and the Dublin Senior Foundation. OTHER BUSINESS Tristan Elias, Parks and Community Services Commission Liaison, asked for ideas from Youth Advisory Committee Members regarding promoting the City's new "splatter" special event, to be held on September 22, 2012 at Emerald Glen Park, to students at Dublin High School. Ideas included: • Post event on Facebook • Half time announcement at Football game (Friday night Dublin High Football game) • Flyers at Schools _ • Video Bulletin at Dublin High School Liaison Elias stated that he would ask Dublin High School staff if any of these ideas can be implemented before the "splatter" event. If not, these ideas can be used for future City of Dublin special events. ADJOURNMENT Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM by Chairperson Sung. R pect lly submitted: ~ ~_~ Frank una Recreation Supervisor APPROVED: Chairperson