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HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 Attch 1 Tree Removal Report ARBOR RESOURCES professional consulting arborists and tree care TREE REMOVAL REPORT CITIBANK 7889 DUBLIN BOULEVARD DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA Submitted to: Mr. Seth Adams Planning Division City of Dublin Dublin, CA 94568 Prepared by: David L. Babby Registered Consulting Arborist® #399 Board-Certified Master Arborist#WE-4001B August 2, 2012 p.o. box 25295, an mateo, caltfornia 94402 • email: arborresources phone: 650.654.3351 • fax: 650.240.0777 • licensed contractor #796763 ATTACHMENT 1 David L. Babby, Registered Consulting Arborist® August 2, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 OBSERVATIONS 2 3.0 DISCUSSION 3 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4 5.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS 5 EXHIBITS EXHIBIT TITLE A TREE INVENTORY TABLE (one sheet) B AERIAL MAP (one sheet) C PHOTOGRAPHS (eight sheets) i David L. Babby, Registered Consulting Arborist® August 2, 2012 1.0 INTRODUCTION The City of Dublin has retained me to review an application for removing four pine trees from the property at Citibank, 7889 Dublin Boulevard, located at the northeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Regional Street, Dublin, California; to my understanding, the removals are a component of improvements to the parking lot, sidewalks and landscape surrounding the Citibank building. Specific tasks performed for my review are as follows: • Visit the site on 7/28/12 to identify the four pines, locations and existing site conditions. • Measure the diameters of each trunk at 54 inches above grade or where appropriate to best represent trunk size; all diameters are rounded to the nearest inch. Trees listed with more than one diameter consist of multiple trunks. • Ascertain each tree's health and structural integrity, and assign an overall condition rating (e.g. good, fair or poor). • Note any significant structural defects or health issues. • Obtain photographs; see Exhibit C. • Review the applicant's letter, dated 7/10/12, and an arborist evaluation summary, dated 5/10/12 (including the site plan and photo attachments). • Utilize tree numbers shown on the site plan, and for identification purposes, affix tags (rectangular aluminum) with those corresponding numbers to the trunks, and show the numbers on an aerial photograph derived from Google Earth. Note that the tree numbers shown on photographs included with the applicant's letter differ from those identified on the site plan and arborist summary. • Prepare this report presenting my observations, conclusions and recommendations, and email it as a PDF document. Citibank, 7889 Dublin Boulevard, Dublin, CA Page 1 of 5 City of Dublin Planning Division David L. Babby, Registered Consulting Arborist® August 2, 2012 2.0 OBSERVATIONS The four pines proposed for removal consist of one Canary Island pine (#1) and three Italian stone pines (#2 thru 4). Specific information regarding each tree is presented within the table in Exhibit A. Their approximate locations can be viewed on the aerial map in Exhibit B, and photographs are presented in Exhibit C. My evaluation reveals the trees appear healthy and vigorous, and provide notable canopy cover and shade element for the parking lot. Their structures, however, have major defects that result in a significant potential for trunk and large limb failure. Tree #1 is formed by four leaders that would require substantial pruning and monitoring over the years to reduce any risk to less-than-significant. Trees #2 thru 4 have multiple trunks that grow against another for lengthy distances, a condition that interferes with normal trunk expansion, forms very weak attachments between the trunks, and results in those trunks (one or more) becoming highly prone to failure. There are many bumps or mounds throughout the parking lot and along the adjacent drive aisle (the aisle between Dublin Boulevard and the site). These bumps have created a highly unlevel parking lot surface for both pedestrians and vehicular traffic, and are a result of root growth of the pines within the base material, or between the base and asphalt surface. The most notable damage results from Italian stone pines, which is a common occurrence for these pines situated in a hardscape or parking lot setting. I also observed that the concrete perimeters (and several feet beyond) of all planters have been raised, damaged and/or pushed away on one or more sides due to the normal expansion of trunks and buttress roots. This level of damage is a result of tree trunks and root mass outgrowing inadequately-sized planters. Targets beneath and/or within striking distance of the subject trees seemingly include persons, vehicles, parking lot and the building, all of which can be considered frequent or constantly used. Citibank, 7889 Dublin Boulevard, Dublin, CA Page 2 of 5 City of Dublin Planning Division David L. Babby, Registered Consulting Arborist® August 2, 2012 3.0 DISCUSSION It is my experience that when pines with weak structures, particularly stone pines, the failure of one or more trunks becomes highly probable in the very near future. The potential for the risk to be reduced to less-than-significant levels becomes impractical and unreasonable for such large pines due to their maturity, large size and excessive weight. Frequent pruning, such as every year or two at the most, may help to minimize the risk of limb failure, which is a frequent occurrence of these trees, but trunk failure presents the greatest threat to persons and property. Pruning or reducing the trunks of these pines would adversely misshapen and distort their natural form, and can potentially weaken the integrity of adjacent trunks. Regarding damage caused by root and trunk expansion, it can be addressed through a combination of root pruning and significantly enlarging the planters. Regarding root pruning, roots surfacing and causing mounds in the parking lot area could be selectively and likely successfully pruned to establish a level surface, however, they will return in as Y YP Y soon as a few years, and proceed to damage any new parking surface. Roots within or very near the planters could not be pruned without jeopardizing the trees' stability, health, and creating a severe safety threat to persons and property. To avoid this, the existing planters would require enlarging, and to the significant extent needed, would seemingly eliminate many parking spaces and potentially severely limit drive accessibility into and around the parking lot. Consequently, the economic enjoyment of the property may be restricted by limiting the use of property in a manner not typically experienced by owners of similarly zoned and situated property. Citibank, 7889 Dublin Boulevard, Dublin, CA Page 3 of 5 City of Dublin Planning Division David L. Babby, Registered Consulting Arborist® August 2, 2012 4.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on my review and information presented in this report, I conclude the following: • The pines, particularly #2 thru 4, present an unreasonable threat to the safety of persons and property within striking distance below. • Employing measures to reduce the potential threat to insignificant levels would only worsen the trees' condition, not provide effective control, nor be practical or reasonable. • Any measures employed to reasonably and effectively mitigate the damage, risks and liability associated with the parking lot damage would only severely impair the pines' structural integrity, and create an increased safety threat to persons and property. Citibank, 7889 Dublin Boulevard, Dublin, CA Page 4 of 5 City of Dublin Planning Division David L. Bobby, Registered Consulting Arborist® August 2, 2012 5.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS • All information presented herein covers only those trees and the areas examined, and reflects the trees' size and condition at the time of my observations on July 28,2012. • My observations were performed visually without probing, coring, dissecting or excavating. I cannot, in any way, assume responsibility for any defects that could only have been discovered by performing the mentioned services in the specific area(s)where a defect was located. • The assignment pertains solely to the four subject pines. I hold no opinion towards other trees on or surrounding the project area. • I cannot provide a guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, that deficiencies or problems of any trees or property in question may not arise in the future. • No assurance can be offered that if all my recommendations and precautionary measures (verbal or in writing)are accepted and followed,that the desired results may be achieved. • All information presented on the plans reviewed is assumed to be correct. I cannot guarantee or be responsible for the accuracy of information provided by others. • I assume no responsibility for the means and methods used by any person or company implementing recommendations presented in this report. • The information provided herein represents my opinion. Accordingly, my fee is in no way contingent upon the reporting of a specified finding, conclusion or value. • This report is proprietary to me and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or part without prior written consent. It has been prepared for the sole and exclusive use of the parties to who submitted for the purpose of contracting services provided by David L. Babby. • Should any part of this report be lost or altered,the entire evaluation shall be invalid. Prepared By: i1� n David L. Babby ,L , Registered Consulting Arborist®#399 - iJ Board-Certified Master Arborist#WE-40018 Citibank, 7889 Dublin Boulevard, Dublin, CA Page 5 of 5 City of Dublin Planning Division David L. Babby, Registered Consulting Arborist® August 2, 2012 EXHIBIT A: TREE INVENTORY TABLE (one sheet) Citibank, 7889 Dublin Boulevard, Dublin, CA City of Dublin Planning Division ARBOR RESOURCES professional consulting arborists and tree care TREE INVENTORY TABLE _ j1 x wy 9:' 'da ,,, 4 {y�,sP:. ,.t`d`'s',' ��22� �,.y,.,s47 "'q^� 1 ,,s :`_-..1gi_.. ,`4':- f..: 1Q�} V�y�{x TREE .>. p " .. ` „ :<, ms, ... ,.. _ `NO.; - :TREEnNAME t-'.- ,`�e ' � . . ' z: .-e = u '"''r'- ©-;.tf-.: Canary Island pine 70% 40% 1 (Pinus canariensis) 23 45 40 (Good) (Poor) Fair Comments: In a very small planter. Roots have formed tall mounds in parking lot up to eight feet from the trunk. Structure formed by a main trunk that divides into four leaders eight to ten feet high;they form a relatively unusual structure,as well as somewhat of a weak attachment prone to potential limb failure. Grows partially beneath tree#2. Italian stone pine 80% 30% 2 (Pinuspinea) 26,26,39 50 65 (Good) (Poor) Fair Comments:Trunk encompasses entire planter,pushing and raising the curb on two sides,and part of the trunk grows over one side(in summary,it has outgrown its planter). Trunks form weak attachments highly prone to breaking from the tree. Roots have created large mounds in parking lot. Italian stone pine 25,23, 19, 80% 20% 3 (Pinuspinea) 19 35 70 (Good) (Poor) Fair Comments: Curb is damaged and concrete pad raised. Root mass surfaced throughout planter. Roots have created large mounds in parking lot, as high as six inches and up to nearly 50 feet away. Trunks form weak attachments. Italian stone pine 80% 30% 4 (Pinuspinea) 36,32 40 70 (Good) (Poor) Fair Comments:Massive roots have buckled adjacent curb. Trunks form weak attachments. Site:Citibank,7889 Dublin Boulevard,Dublin,CA Prepared for:City of Dublin Planning Division Prepared by:David L.Babby 1 of 1 August 2,2012 David L. Babby, Registered Consulting Arborist® August 2, 2012 it EXHIBIT B: AERIAL MAP (one sheet) Citibank, 7889 Dublin Boulevard, Dublin, CA City of Dublin Planning Division • / ., :... i _ - , . • k \ \ elvor ii;/0/1/ _0 • / \ ..01 ;fie...NJ , '...,7 • ' -1 \ 'ti'ti,ti, y •'k 61M ,i 4...!Tric - A \ 2. ..1F"ib i0:. -t4.t' ,+ ,v 3 4y.... • .. ;` , / x. Q °' .:* i CO •#� I- co „% ,. , a ua C .. ikj ...-•. . .F' iiii..._ i . . 4.,.",:-.. . ... E, • . -- e ' ••';r ' ,der... 'h 3' K '*� - 'C fix+ ,+ * 00. cr m: David L. Babby, Registered Consulting Arborist® August 2, 2012 EXHIBIT C: PHOTOGRAPHS (eight sheets) Photo Index Page C-1: Tree #1 Page C-2: Trees #2 thru 4 Page C-3: Tree #2 Page C-4: Tree #2 Page C-5: Tree #3 Page C-6: Tree #3 Page C-7: Trees #3 and 4 Page C-8: Tree #4 Citibank, 7889 Dublin Boulevard, Dublin, CA City of Dublin Planning Division n1 € - w ar- •. 1 N fl Y■ bt - ! 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