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HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 PLPA 2011-00057 All American Label CUP&SDR~ o~ D,~
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February 14, 2012
Planning Commission
SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: PLPA-2011-00057 All American Label
Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review to allow a
4,456 square foot unenclosed addition, for the purposes of outdoor
storage, to an existing 23,994 square foot building at 6958 Sierra
Report prepared by Kristi Bascom, Principal Planner
The Applicant has requested approval of a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development
Review to allow a 4,456 square foot unenclosed addition, for the purposes of outdoor storage, to
an existing 23,994 square foot building at 6958 Sierra Court.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the
public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing
and deliberate; and 5) Adopt a Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit and Site
Development Review to allow an unenclosed, covered outdoor storage area in the Light
Industrial (M-1) Zoning District at 6958 Sierra Court.
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Submitted By Re i wed By
Principal Planner Plann' g Manager
COPIES TO: Applicant
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G:IPA#120111PLPA-2011-00057 AA Label SDR - unenclosedlPCSR 02.14.2012.docx
The project site is located
at the north end of Sierra
Court, adjacent to the
Alamo Creek trail to the
west and the Park Sierra
Apartments to the
northeast. The subject
building is currently
occupied by All American
Label, which is a
business that specializes
in the printing and
distribution of labels and
other packaging.
The 1.37 acre project site
includes a permitted
23,994 square foot
industrial building that
has recently been
expanded with an
unpermitted 4,456 square foot addition
The project site is depicted in Figure 1.
The project site is located in the larger Sierra Court/Trinity Court area, which is dominated by
light industrial buildings occupied by a combination of manufacturing, warehousing, and other
uses. Like the project site, most of the parcels in the Sierra Court/Trinity Court area have a
General Plan land use designation of Business Park/Industrial, and most of the parcels in the
Sierra Court/Trinity Court area are located in M-1 (Light Industrial) Zoning District.
Entitlement History
In 2008, Mr. Tom Vargas, Operations Manager for All American Label, filed an application with
the City requesting Site Development Review (SDR) approval for the addition of a 4,456 square
foot storage area on the northern portion of the site. The Business Park/Industrial General Plan
land use category allows a maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.40, and with an enclosed
addition to the building as originally proposed, the FAR would have been 0.48. Since permitting
an enclosed addition would exceed the allowable FAR for the site, the application was revised
and a 4,456 square foot addition was proposed as an unenclosed structure (i.e. carport), which
would still maintain conformance with the General Plan.
The SDR application was reviewed by the Planning Commission at a public hearing on November
12, 2008 (Attachments 1 and 2) and the Planning Commission approved Resolution 08-37
(Attachment 3), permitting the construction of the unenclosed outdoor storage area and the
associated Conditions of Approval. At some point after the Planning Commission approval of the
unenclosed outdoor storage area, the Applicant proceeded to construct an enclosed building
addition without Building or Planning permits. This action resulted in a Building Code Enforcement
case being opened.
In an effort to legalize the unpermitted structure, Mr. Charles Huff (Architect), on behalf of Mr. Brad
Brown (Owner), applied for Site Development Review approval for the 4,456 square foot building
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Figure 1: Vicinit. y Map
addition in May 2011. The Planning Commission denied the SDR application at their meeting on
August 23, 2011 (Attachments 4 and 5) due to the General Plan inconsistency due to the fact that
the building addition exceeded the allowable FAR for the Business Park/Industrial land use
category (Resolution 11-24, Attachment 6). The decision was upheld by the City Council in
November 2011 (Resolution 198-11, Attachment 7).
Mr. Brown has subsequently filed this current SDR application to construct a 4,456 square foot
unenclosed addition, for the purposes of outdoor storage. If approved, Mr. Brown will modify the
existing illegal structure to be in conformance with the SDR Project Plans (Exhibit A to
Attachment 8).
Conditional Use Permit: Outdoor Storage
Chapter 8.12 of the Zoning Ordinance (Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land) indicates that
an equipment and materials storage yard is permitted in the M-1 Zoning District with a Conditional
Use Permit reviewed by the Planning Commission.
The proposed outdoor storage area is adjacent to the building and located in the northern portion
of the site. The Alamo Creek Trail is located west of the project site, and mature vegetation exists
along the western property boundary that will screen the proposed outdoor storage area from
individuals utilizing the trail. The Park Sierra apartment complex is located immediately north of
the project site. There is an existing wall along the adjacent property located north of the project
site, which will screen the outdoor storage area from residents in this apartment complex. The
other surrounding properties include industrial uses.
The proposed outdoor storage area will serve as an on-site location for All American Label to store
inventory and supplies related to their business. The addition of a covered storage area to the site
will provide protection to the inventory from the elements and also discourage vandalism.
Conditional Use Permit: Parking Reduction
The City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance contains off-street parking requirements by use type. Based
on the existing and proposed uses at the site, the required parking is as noted in Table 1:
Table 1: Parking Requirements
Light Industrial Use Type (as listed in the Zoning Ordinance): Parking required
per City Code
General Purpose Area - 2,800 SF (1 space per 400 SF) 7 parking spaces
PrintingNVarehouse - 21,194 square feet (1 space per 1,000 SF) 21 parking spaces
Proposed Outdoor Storage Area - 4,456 square feet (1 space per
1,000 SF) 4 parking spaces
10% Parking Reduction -3 parking spaces
Total Parking Spaces Required 29 parking spaces
The project has a parking demand for 29 spaces, which includes an overall 10% reduction for
the site as allowed by Section 8.76.050.D of the Zoning Ordinance. The 10% reduction
accounts for the need and use of parking throughout an average day. The Applicant is able to
accommodate 30 parking spaces on site in accordance with the Project Plans. A condition has
been placed on the project which requires the Applicant to re-stripe the parking area to achieve
the 30 parking spaces as shown on the Project Plans (Condition No. 13, Attachment 8).
The draft findings for the Conditional Use Permit can be found in the draft Resolution
(Attachment 8).
Site Development Review
The Applicant is proposing a 4,456 square foot covered storage area. The color and materials
are consistent with the existing building. The outdoor storage area will be supported by 13 steel
columns, which will be painted to match the existing building. The roof of the outdoor storage
area will consist of steel roof panels painted to match the existing roof. The proposed height of
the roof of the storage area ranges in height from 16'4" (portion closest to the existing building)
to 24'8" (portion farthest from the existing building). The covered outdoor storage area is
consistent with the height of the existing building.
The proposed modifications are appropriate for the site because the outdoor storage area is
compatible with the existing building and the use of the site. The project site is located within the
Sierra Business Park and it is surrounded by a variety of industrial uses. The site is visible from the
Alamo Creek Trail; however, existing vegetation along the rear of the property will help screen the
covered outdoor storage area from individuals utilizing the trail.
The draft findings for the Site Development Review can be found in the draft Resolution
(Attachment 8).
Pursuant to Section 15270 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Staff
recommends that the project be found exempt from CEQA in accordance with Section 15301
(Minor alterations to existing facilities involving little or no expansion) and 15303 (new construction
or conversion of small structures).
The project site has a General Plan land use designation of Business Park/Industrial, and is in the
M-1 (Light Industrial) Zoning District. The proposed project, as conditioned, is consistent with the
Dublin General Plan and the Zoning District in which it is located, and represents an appropriate
project for the site with approval of a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review.
The Building Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, Dublin Police
Services, and Dublin San Ramon Services District have reviewed the project and provided
Conditions of Approval where appropriate to ensure that the project is established in compliance
with all local ordinances and regulations.
In accordance with State law, a Public Notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants
within 300-feet of the proposed project. The Public Notice was also published in the Valley
Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. At the writing of this Staff Report, no
letters have been received regarding the project. A copy of this Staff Report was provided to the
November 12, 2008 Planning Commission Staff Report
November 12, 2008 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Planning Commission Resolution 08-37
August 23, 2011 Planning Commission Staff Report
August 23, 2011 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Planning Commission Resolution 11-24
City Council Resolution 198-11
Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development
Review to allow an unenclosed, covered outdoor storage area in the
Light Industrial (M-1) Zoning District at 6958 Sierra Court, with the
Project Plans attached as Exhibit A.
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Brad Brown, All American Label, 6958 Sierra Ct., Dublin, CA
6958 Sierra Ct
Business Park/Industrial
Current Use of
Location Zoning General Plan Pro ert
Planned Development Medium-High Density Apartment
North Residential Com lex
M-1 (Light Industrial) Business Indoor
South Park/Industrial Recreation
East M-1 (Light Industrial) Business Light Industrial
West M-1 (Light Industrial) Stream Corridor Alamo Creek
General Plan
Zoning Ordinance