HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 General Plan Work Program ~ .;' SUBJECT EXHIBITS ATTACHED RECOMMENDATION Cttll of 1)UBOJf AGENDA STATEMENT LI~O - ~ Meeting Date: October 25, 1982 Dublin General Plan Work Program Preliminary Draft, Dublin General Plan Work Program 1. Approve the Dublin General Plan Work Program ~ 2~ Authorize Staff to begin consultant selection process ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None at this time. DESCRIPTION At its October 4, 1982 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Dublin General Plan Work Program. (See attached) At its October 18, 1982 meeting, the Planning Commission clarified and recommended approval of the following consultant selection process: ITEM NO. 8.;0 \ 1) Staff to prepare a Request for Proposals (RFP), Screen the proposals, and schedule interviews with the top 4 or 5 con- sultants. 2) Staff and Planning Commission'-to interview the consultants and make recommendation to Council. 3) Council to make final determination on consultant selection. COPIES TO: ... (-- "- PRELIMINARY DRAFT OCTOBER 18.1 1982 DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN WORK PROGRAM The purpose of this work program is to outline the tasks and time frame for preparing the Dublin General Plan. The work program includes an initial deter- mination of: planning area, time horizon, citizen participation program, and use of consultants. Planning area: The Dublin planning area covers all the territory, both public and private, within the City and the unincorporated areas which relate to the City's planning. The planning area includes land within the Dublin City limits and unincorporated areas including Time horizon: The General Plan is a comprehensive, long term guide to the physical development in the Dublin planning area. By projecting future conditions and needs and setting long-term policy, the General Plan will act as a basis for determining current policy and day-to-day decision making. Some proposals can be implemented now; others may need 15 to 20 years to complete. The main time horizon for the Dublin General Plan is the year 2000. Citizen Participation Program: Public involvement in the preparation and adoption of General Plan is vital to its effectiveness as a guide tv future development. To achieve a broad public' concensus, the following objectives should be addressed through a citizen partici- pation program: 1) Identify community values and goals 2) Inform the public about major issues, problems, and opportunities in the future development of the City. 3) Provide the community with opportunities to participate in selecting alternatives To achieve the objectives, various techniques will be used, including Planning Commission conducted workshops, press releases, meeting notices, and public hearings. Consultants: Professional planning consultants will be employed to assist in the development of the General Plan. Under the direction of City Staff, the consultants will provide specific services such as assisting the Planning Commission in conducting workshops and lending technical expertise as specific needs are identified. - The consultants work will probably occur in phases and may be provided by several different firms based on City needs and consultant capabilities. TASKS AND TIME FRAME Exhibit 1 contains a chart that indicates the tasks and time frame for developing the General Plan. Descriptions of each task are as follows: A T70II c (- PRELIMINARY DRAFT Page 2 Task I. Work Program: This document, when adopted, will serve as a general guideline to the tasks and time frame for preparing the General Plan. The specific tasks and time frame may be adjusted as new circumstances arise. The work program should be reviewed by the Planning Commission and adopted by the City Counei 1. Task II. Consultant:. The consultant selection process should begin as soon as the work program is adopted. The consultant agreement will need Planning Commission review and City Council approval. As each phase is completed or as different consultants are needed, additional Planning Commission review and City Council approval;may be needed. Task III. Identify Issues: Concurrent with the consultant selection process, the Plann~ng Commission should begin. identify-ing the planning issues and problems facing the Clty. After the consultant lS selected, a workshop or series of workshops is r~comme~ded.to assist in ide~tifying community value and goals and as a forum for dlscusslng lssues. The key lssues need to be defined and the issues that must be covered in a General Plan need to be reviewed. The initial list of issues should be reviewed by the Planning Commission and adopted by the City Council. Task IV. Collect and Analyze Information: As the key issues and required issues are identified, the City Staff and consultants should begin collecting and analyzing the pertinent information. This needs to occur in the early phases of the General Plan process. The collected data should be organized and stored for future use~ This task will probably be on-going throughout the General Plan process. Task V. Goal Setting: With the clarification of key planning issues, the major goals will begin to emerge. A workshop or series of workshops will help provide an opportunity for the community to express its values and goals. With this input, the Planning Commission and City Council can establish goals and objectives. Task VI. Testing Alternatives: After the goals and objectives are established, various alternatives should be explored for pursuing them. The alternatives should set forth different scenarios or strategies for accomplishing each goal. Again, a workshop or series of workshops would be a valuable means of providing citizen input. The Planning Commission should recommend and the City Council should select the. alternatives. . . . Task VII. Draft General Plan and EIR: ..After the alternatives are selected, the plan will need to be detailed and refined. The goals, objectives and policies may need to be adjusted. Additional detailing may be needed to meet all state requirements. . The process of refining and detailing the plan will culminate in a Draft General Plan and Draft EIR. The Draft General Plan should be reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council prior to its release for public comment. Task VIII. Adopt General Plan and EIR: The release of the Draft General Plan and Draft EIR will begin the formal public review process. The Planning Commission and City Council will both hold at least one public hearing on the draft documents. The formal public hearing process usually leads to changes in the drafts. With all necessary changes, the draft documents will then go back to public hearing for adoption as the final General Plan and EIR. . :. -. :.-. . "\NDrZr-."f~6RAM :-~:exH(f;~\'~]. __. ;.._ ___,__. .,.__'__k.~.._.._ .._ .~"=~ ._'~ ~;~:_,-:..~_;~~=~=__._:..~: _.,____ ~__:-.~-,_--..~----~u."-~--~--~~--.--- -- .~_...,-'-------~,,------..._-...--,....,--~~----- ..- .' . :::.:::~'~TIfv1E.. ." Ff<Arv1.e . 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