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November 1, 2011
Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
Joni Pattillo, City Manager""'
,� .
Semi - Public Facilities
Prepared by Kristi Bascom, Principal Planner
File #420 -30
The City Council will receive information on the status of Semi - Public designated properties and
recent General Plan Amendments related to Semi - Public and Public /Semi - Public designated
None at this time
Staff recommends that the City Council receive the information presented in this report.
Submitted By
Director of Community Development
Reviewed By
Assistant City Manager
At the City Council Meeting of March 14, 2011, Councilmember Biddle requested that an item
be placed on a future City Council Agenda to discuss the status of Semi - Public designated
properties in Dublin. The City Council's discussion at the March 14th meeting centered around
concerns that properties designated for Semi - Public uses were not being used as such, but
were transitioning to other types of development.
Page 1 of 4 ITEM NO. 8.1
On April 3, 2002, during a review of proposed goals and objectives for fiscal year 2002 -2003,
the City Council approved a goal to study and increase the areas available for Public /Semi-
Public Facilities by initiating a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Study. The City
Council expressed the opinion that, although there was sufficient property in Dublin to
accommodate Public /Semi - Public Facilities such as schools, government buildings, libraries,
post offices, etc., there was not enough property designated to facilitate the development of
Semi - Public Facilities. Semi - Public Facilities were considered uses that are not publicly -owned
or operated, but that served to benefit the greater community, such as childcare centers,
religious institutions, community centers, clubhouses /meeting halls, hospitals, etc.
City Staff completed the Study, which was submitted to City Council on February 18, 2003.
After reviewing the Study, City Council determined that public input was needed on the issue,
and directed Staff to advertise for participants for a Public /Semi - Public Facilities Task Force. A
Task Force was convened to discuss and analyze the issue, and to prepare recommendations.
The Task Force held five meetings over the course of their tenure and developed a draft Semi -
Public Facilities Policy for the City Council to consider.
In 2004, the City Council approved a Semi - Public Facilities Policy via Resolution 21 -04
(Attachment 1). This policy established guidance that, when reviewing amendments to the land
use map of the Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, the City shall also
review the provision of opportunities for cultural, educational and other community services.
Semi - Public Facilities, such as child care centers, religious institutions and others as defined in
the General Plan, deliver important community services. It is the intent of the Policy to increase
the opportunities for Semi - Public Facilities by increasing the locations of lands designated Semi -
Public Facilities on the General Plan land use map. To that effect, all land use amendments may
be reviewed for designation of Semi - Public Facilities lands.
Among other things, the Semi - Public Policy went on to establish the following standard for the
provision of Semi - Public designated land within new development: "New residential
development subject to this Policy shall strive to provide sites for Semi - Public Facilities land
uses at a rate of 1 acre (net) per 1,000 residents. In practice, General Plan and Specific Plan
Amendment applications shall strive to provide .5 acres of land designated for Public /Semi-
Public Facilities per 150 units of Single- Family Density (.9 — 6.0 units per acre) and /or .5 acres
of land designated Public /Semi- Public Facilities per 250 units of Medium Density or greater
density (6.1 or more units per acre), or increments and combinations thereof."
After approving the Semi - Public Facilities Policy, the City Council also adopted an amendment
to both the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan that added a new "Semi- Public
Facilities" land use description (Resolution 233 -04, Attachment 2).
As a result of implementing the Semi - Public Facilities Policy in 2004, one new Public /Semi-
Public has been designated and one new Semi - Public site has been designated:
• A new 0.34 acre Public /Semi - Public site was created at Emerald Vista for a childcare
center (currently under development); and
• Four new Semi - Public sites totaling 8.6 net acres were created within the 1,134 -acre
Fallon Village (no immediate development plans).
Page 2 of 4
Although property has been designated for Semi - Public uses, the result of encouraging new
Semi - Public Facilities has been mixed. The following new facilities have been developed:
• Springfield Montessori School was constructed on 2.57 acres at 5100 Brannigan Street.
The project consists of a 16,002 square -foot building, playground, parking lot and related
improvements for a daycare on the site, for up to 180 children aged 2 -6 years. The
project was approved in 2009 on a parcel that had been designated for Public /Semi-
Public uses for several years.
• Emerald Vista Childcare Center will soon be under construction on 0.34 acres at Emerald
Vista. The project was approved in 2009 as an integral part of the Emerald Vista
Residential Project on a parcel that had been designated for Public /Semi - Public uses.
• In late 2010, Mission Valley Properties executed a Development Agreement with the City
that specified a $1 million Community Benefit Payment in lieu of providing Semi - Public
designated property at Jordan Ranch, as would be required by the Semi - Public policy. A
portion of this payment helped enable the City to provide a grant to the YMCA of the East
Bay to assist in defraying costs associated with the operation and administration of
programs and activities at their new Dublin location on Sierra Court.
• The School of Imagination was constructed in 2011 on 0.56 acres on the corner of Dublin
Boulevard and Schaefer Ranch Road. The project consists of a 12,065 s.f. building with
playground, parking lot, and related improvements for the operation of a pre - school for up
to 72 students.
The Semi - Public parcels that remain face development challenges, including:
• The sites are small, ranging from 2.0 to 3.1 acres in size. These sites could be suitable
for a daycare /preschool facility, youth center, or clubhouse /small community center.
However, they are too small for most places of worship /religious institutions, community
theaters, or public- serving medical facility.
• Although designated for Semi - Public uses, the sales or lease price for the property is set
by the property owner, and may or may not be within the budget of an organization
seeking to develop the site for their Semi - Public facility.
Property owners have found that, although Semi - Public sites are required to be included when a
General Plan or Specific Plan Amendment is considered, that the sites are not readily utilized.
Currently, there are four General Plan Amendment studies underway to consider a change from
either a Semi - Public or Public /Semi - Public land use designation for one that allows residential
uses. If these General Plan Amendments are approved, there will be no more Semi - Public sites
remaining. However, requests for future General Plan Amendments that meet the standards
established in the Semi - Public Facilities Policy will require the designation of new Semi - Public
Current applications include:
Site Location
Existing Land Use
Proposed Land
GPA Study
Use Designation
Fallon Village: Southeast corner of
2.1 acres
Semi - Public
Low Density
Positano Parkway and West Cantara
Residential (up
Drive (Braddock and Logan)
to 6.0 units /acre)
Jordan Ranch: East of Fallon Road,
2.0 acres
I Semi - Public
Medium Density
Page 3 of 4
north of Central Parkway (Mission
Valley Properties)
Residential (6.1-
14 units /acre)
Dublin Ranch: Brannigan Street north
3.0 acres
Public /Semi - Public
Medium Density
of Gleanson Drive and south of
Residential (6.1-
Fountainhead Montessori School
14 units /acre)
(Lennar Homes)
The Promenade: South side of
3.1 acres
Public /Semi - Public
Medium /High-
Central Parkway between Chancery
Lane and Grafton Street, west side of
the Grafton Street between Central
(14.1 -25
Parkway and Finnian Way/ Devaney
units /acre)
Square (KB Home/ Charter Properties)
In most cases where land is re- designated Semi - Public to another land use, a Community
Benefit Payment is offered to compensate for the loss of Semi - Public land.
Staff recommends that the City Council receive this report on the status of Semi - Public
designated properties and recent General Plan Amendments.
Because this is an informational item for the City Council, no public notices were required to be
ATTACHMENTS: 1. City Council Resolution 21 -04
2. City Council Resolution 233 -04
Page 4 of 4
WHEREAS, the City Council identified a need for semi- public facilities in their 2002 -2003 FY
Goals and Objectives and directed Staff to work on a General Plan Amendment Study on this issue;
WHEREAS, Staff completed the Study in February, 2003 and presented it to the City Council at
their meeting of February 18, 2003; and
WHEREAS, the City Council formed a Public /Semi- Public Task Force to review the Study and
develop a draft Semi - Public Facilities Policy (the draft Policy); and
WHEREAS, the Public /Semi - Public Task Force held five meetings on this issue from June, 2003
through January, 2004; and
WHEREAS, the Task Force developed the draft Policy (Exhibit A to this Resolution) and has
submitted it to the City Council for review and approval; and
WHEREAS, the draft Policy has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under
Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and
WHEREAS, a staff report was submitted outlining the draft Policy and Task Force
recommendation; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations, and
testimony hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does
hereby approve the Semi - Public Facilities Policy attached as Exhibit A to this Resolution and directs
Staff to prepare the necessary amendments to the City's planning documents to create separate
definitions for public and semi- public land uses.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 3rd
day of February 2004, by the following votes:
AYES: Councilmembers McCormick, Oravetz, Sbranti and Zika, and Mayor Lockhart
NOES: None
City C erk
G: \CC -MTGS \2004- gtrl\Feb \02- 03- 04\reso -semi public.doc (Item 7.2)
- 19/�
It is the policy of the City Council of the City of Dublin that in reviewing amendments to the land use
map of the Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, the City shall also review the
provision of opportunities for cultural, educational and other community services. Semi- Public
Facilities, such as child care centers, religious institutions and others defined below, deliver important
community services. I"t is the intent of the Policy to increase the opportunities for Semi - Public
Facilities by increasing the locations of lands designated Public /Semi - Public Facilities on the General
Plan land use map. To that effect, all land use amendments may be reviewed for designation of Semi -
Public Facilities lands according to the guidelines below:
A. Purpose of Semi - Public Facilities Policy
The purpose of the Semi- Public Facilities Policy is to:
1. Create a greater sense of community in Dublin neighborhoods and commercial centers;
2. Enrich community identity and foster a sense of civic pride;
3. Recognize and anticipate the different needs of Dublin residents who represent diverse ages,
interests, national backgrounds, and cultural, social and creative pursuits;
4. Leave future generations a cultural legacy which can change and develop as the City grows and
changes; and
5. Increase public access to cultural, educational and community services, citywide.
B. Definitions
1. Semi - Public Facilities. Semi - Public Facilities will include uses such as child care centers,
youth centers, senior centers, special needs program facilities, religious institutions,
clubhouses, community centers, community theatres, hospitals, and other facilities that provide
cultural, educational, or other community services. A semi - public facility may be used for more
than one semi - public use. Semi- Public Facilities are generally part of the Public /Semi- Public
Facilities land use category.
2. Transportation and Circulation Systems. Adequate transportation and circulation systems
criteria is defined as a site located on a class 1 collector street with two points of access.
C. Applicability
This Policy shall be applicable to all General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment applications. This
Policy shall apply to residential amendments involving 150 or more Single - Family Density housing
units and /or 250 or more Medium Density or greater density housing units, or increments and
combinations thereof.
Final Task Force Recommendation
D. Procedure
City Staff shall work with project applicants to meet the goals and intent of the Semi - Public Facility
Policy according to the following procedure:
1. The location(s) of the Semi - Public Facility site(s) as part of a Public /Semi - Public Facility land
use category will be determined as a part of the amendment project review by the City.
2. Identification of Semi- Public Facilities sites will begin at the early stages of the amendment
3. The City Council shall have final approval of the Public /Semi - Public Facility site identified for
Semi - Public Facility land uses.
E. Standards
1. When reviewing the sufficiency of the sites proposed as part of an amendment application
pursuant to the Semi - Public Facility Policy, the City will consider the following future
modifications of design requirements for Semi - Public Facility projects: parking reductions;
design modifications; use of nearby public facilities to meet over -flow parking demand;
partnering of Semi - Public Facilities with City facilities where feasible; and transfer of Semi-
Public Facility land use sites to other locations in the City of Dublin that meet the location
criteria described below.
2. When reviewing the sufficiency of sites proposed as a part of an amendment application
pursuant to the Semi - Public Facility Policy, the City will consider modification of these
standards for, or exempt, projects that provide affordable housing in excess of the City of
Dublin Inclusionary Zoning Regulations.
3. New residential development subject to this Policy shall strive to provide sites for Semi - Public
Facilities land uses at a rate of l acre (net) per 1,000 residents. In practice, General Plan and
Specific Plan Amendment applications shall strive to provide .5 acres of land designated for
Public /Semi- Public Facilities per 150 units of Single - Family Density (.9 — 6.0 units per acre)
and /or .5 acres of land designated Public /Semi - Public Facilities per 250 units of Medium
Density or greater density (6.1 or more units per acre), or increments and combinations thereof.
4. Private residential facilities* to be used to satisfy this Policy may not be restricted to project
residents and employees.
5. Future facilities will have an identifying architectural style that is attractive and that is
recognizable from the public right -of -way.
6. Sites for future Semi - Public Facilities will be reviewed per the location guidelines below.
* Private residential facilities are recreation rooms or facilities in housing developments that are
developed for the use of the project residents only.
F. Location of Semi - Public Facility Sites
In_ considering the potential location of Semi - Public Facilities, the City Council will consider
locations in all parts of the City. In addition, it is encouraged that Semi - Public Facilities be located
at sites:
1. with adequate transportation and circulation systems that have the least conflict with residential
2. where shared parking might occur between complementary uses;
3. with open space and landscaping amenities;
4. with proximity to City parks; and
5. with proximity to schools.
#A A***AA R
WHEREAS, the Caoneral Plan for the City of Dublin was adopted on February 11, 1985 and has
been amended a number of times since that date; and
WHEREAS, the Environmental Impact Report for the original General Plan was prepared and
adopted in 1984 and General plan Amendments have each received individual environmental review
under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as they have been approved over the years;
WHEREAS, the current General Platt Land Use Map (Figure 1 -1a) was adopted by City Council
ran November 5, 2002; and
WHEREAS, the City adapted the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan to
provide a comprehensive planning framework for future development of the Eastern Dublin Area. In
connection with this approval, the City certified a program ETR pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section
15165 (SCH: 91103064, Resolution 51 -93, and Addendum dated August 22, 1994, hereafter "Lantern
Dublin EOV' or "program EW ). The program EIR was integral to the planning process and
examined the direct and indirect effects, cumulative impacts, broad policy alternatives, and areawide
mitigation measures for developing Eastern Dublin; and
WHEREAS, the current Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Map (Figure 4.1) was adopted by
City Council on May 14, 1993; and
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the General Plan Housing Element on June 3,2003; and
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the Semi - Public Facilities Policy on February 3, 2004; and
WHEREAS, the City Council adapted the Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2004 Update on
March 16, 2004; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations
and testimony set forth and did adopt Resolution 04-60 on September 28, 2004, recommending City
Council approval of a General Plan and Eastem Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to modify the General
Plan Land Use Map (Figure 1 -1a) and Eastern Dublin Specific plan Land Use Map (Figure 4.1) to reflect
the Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2004 Update, Semi- Public Facilities Policy, and to add associated
text changes, under PA 04 -035; and
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law} and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations
and testimony set forth and did adopt Resolution 04 -61, on October 26, 2044, recommending City
Council approval of a General Plan Amendment to amend the General Plan Land Use Map (Figure 1 -1 a)
to reflect original and correct information included in the 1993 Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment,
under PA 04054; and
WITEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was ;given in all respects as required by law; and
WHEREAS, this Amendment to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan incorporates
PA 04 -035 and PA 04 -054, and This Amendment is the third General Plan Amendment for the year of
2004; and
WHEREAS, the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments was considered at a
public hearing before the Dublin City Council on December 7, 2004; and
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and
W11EEREA$, a Staff Report was submitted recommending City Council adoption of a resolution
approving a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to reflect the. barks and
Recreation Master Plan 2004 Update and the $erns- Public Facilities Policy, to reflect original and
correct information included in the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment band Use Map; to
amend the General Plan Land Use Map (Figure 1 -1a), attached as Exhibit A; to amend the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Map (Figure 4. 1), attached as Exhibit B; and to add associated General
Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan text revisions; and
WHEREAS, the specific changes in the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment that relate to City parks were studied in the Negative Declaration adopted by City
Council on March 16, 2004 by Resolution 48-04; and
WHEREAS, the specific changes related to the new "Semi - Public Facilities" land use description
in the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment are informational only as
no "Semi-Public Facilities" uses would be established on the Gcmeral Plan Land Use Map or Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Map at this time. Therefore, the new land use dues not cause physical
changes to the environment, it is not a "project" according to the CEQA Guidelines, and it is exempt
from environmental review, pursuant to CEQA Section 15061.6(3); and
WHEREAS, the specific changes in the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment related to the modification of the existing "PubliclSerni- Public Facilities" land use
classification as it relates to the General Plan Primary Planning Area would not change the
development potential of the lands designated " FubliclSerni- Public Facilities." This change would add
provisions for affordable housing, developed by a non - profit entity, to the description within the
Eastern Extended Planning Area section of the General plan and within the Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan. However, pursuant to the land use description, development of housing would be considered as
part of a Planted Development proposal and, as such, would be subject to environmental review under
Page 2
CEQA. Therefore, the modified land use does not cause physical changes to the environment; it is not
a "project" according to the CEQA Guidelines; and, it is exempt from environmental review pursuant
to CEQA Section 15061.b(3); and
WHF,REAS, the addition of a preliminary connection between the section of Fallon Road north of
Central Parkway and the section south of Central Parkway in the proposed General Plan and Eastern
Dublin Specific flan Amendment reflects the existing policy of the General Plan to continue Fallon
Road uninterrupted from the I -580 interchange to Tassajara Road and is illustrated with a dashed line
and the following footnote, "General location of future Fallon Road connection to Dublin Boulevard.
However, the exact alignment will be determined following further alignment studies." A precise
alignment is currently under review by the City and the environmental review is in process and will be
completed before the final Fallon Road location is established on the Land Use Map. Wherefore, the
preliminary connection does not cause physical changes to the environment; it is not a "project"
according to the CEQA Guidelines; and, it is exempt from environmental review pursuant to CEQA
Section 15061.b(3); and
WfI EREAS, the Environmental impact Report (EIR) fear the Eastern Dublin General Plan
Amendment was adopted May 10, 1993. The proposed modifications to the General Plan Land Use
Map in the General Flan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to reflect original and correct
information included in the Eastern Extended Planning Area Land Use Map were reviewed in the EBt
for the 1993 Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment. The proposed Amendment modifications
were part of the EITt.'s "Reduced Project Area" plan. The currently proposed modifications would not
create environmental impacts beyond those identified in the EK and
WHEREAS, the Dublin City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations,
and testimony and supports the approval of the amended General plan Land Use Map, Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan Land Use Map, and all proposed text changes; and
NOW,, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Dublin City Council does find that:
1. Proper environmental documentation has been prepared on the proposed General Plan and
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment in accordance with the California Environmental
Quality Act and the documentation has been reviewers and considered prior to the Planning
Commissions recommendation,
2. The proposed changes of the land use designations for the General Plan and Eastern Dublin
Speciflo Platt Land Use Maps and changes to the text are consistent with all other goals,
policies, and implementing programs set forth in the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan.
3. The proposed General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment t is in
the public interest and it will not have an adverse affect on health or safety or be detrimental to
the public welfare or be injurious to property or public improvement.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Dublin City Council does hereby adapt
the modifications to the General plan Land Use Map (Figure l - ) a), Exhibit A; the modifications to the
Eastem Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Maly (Figure 4. 1), Exhibit B, and the associated text changes
to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific flan, which are specifically described as fbllows:
PaAe 3
V- -l1�J l'
Mo dif) cations to the Land Use Maps to reflect City Council direction and to provide consistency
between the General Plan and the pastern Dublin Specific Plan. The specifte amendments to the
General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Maps are as follows!
- Removal of the Community Park ( "CF") land use designation from 45.1 acres in the northernmost
part of Dublin Ranch, along Fallon Road, and change the land use designation to Open Space.
- Removal of the Neighborhood Park ( "NP ") haul use designation from the 11.7 acres of land held
by the Past Bay Regional Park District, along northern Tassajara Road, and change the land use
designation to a new land use, "Regional Park" or "R1E'."
- Change of the Dublin Ranch Community Park to reflect the new acreage included in the Parks and
Recreation Master Plan 2004 Update Ilktstrative Parks Plan from 80 +1- grass acres to a minimum
of 60 +/- net acres. in addition, the Jordan Community Park would be retained to the east of Fallon
Road at the size identified in the Master Plan of a minimum of 11.6 net acres.
- The Neighborhood Park ( "NP ") land use designation for the 12.2 acres of land included in the
Transit Center General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Platt Amendment (PA 00 -013) would be
changed to a "Community Park" land use designation to meet community park needs identified in
the Parks and Recreation Masten` Platt 2004 Update,
- Addition of a now land use designation, "Semi- Public Facilities" or "SP," to reflect the Semi -
Public Facilities Policy adopted by City Council on February 3, 2009.
- A preliminary connection would be added between the section of Fallon Road north of Central
Parkway and the section south of Central Parkway. The northern section and its location at
Central Parkway were established as part of the Area F North General Plan and Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan Amendment project. Currently, the southern portion intersects Central Parkway
approximately 700 feet from the section approved with the Area F project. The proposed Land
Use Map reflects the intention of the General Plan to continue Fallon Read uninterrupted from the
I -580 interchange to Tassajam Road by showing a preliminary connection with a dashed line and
the following footnote, "General location of Future Fallon Road connection to Dublin Boulevard.
However, the exact alignment will be determined following further alignment studies."
Correction of the location of the neighborhood parks within the EDPQ area of the General Plan
Land Use Map in the vicinity of the Croak properties (APN 905- 0002 -002 and APN 905- 0402 --
001.01), and correction of the configuration and shape of the General Plan land uses in locations
in the .pastern Extended Planning Area. In particular, the Amendment would restore the original
and correct laid use configurations in the general vicinity of the following properties:
o Anderson, APN 905 - 0001 - 006-03
o Bragg, APN 986 -0004 -003;
o :Branaugh, APN 905 - 4041 - 004 -04;
o Chen/Tl`4II, APN 985 - 0027402;
o DR Acquisition, APN 985- 0029 -012;
o Dublin Executive/Campbell, APN 905 -0001- 404-03
o Dublin Investors/Braddock and Logan, APN 905 -0002 -003;
o EB7 Partners, AFN 985.0027 -004;
o Fallon Enterprises, APN 985 }0028.002;
o First American Title/Jordan, APN 985- 4027 -006 and 007;
o Fredrick, APN 966 - 0004 - 002 -03;
Paine 4
o Kobold, APN 985- 0002 - 005 -02
o Mission Peak, APN 985- 0002 -001;
o Moller /Richey, APN 985 -0001 -001;
o Nielsen, APN 985 -0002 -009;
o Quarry lane, APN 985 - 0002- 006 -01;
o Rigbetti, APN 905 - 4001 - 005 -02;
o Tipper, APN 986- 0004 -001;
o Vargas, APN 986- 0004 - 002 -01; and
o WalLis/Lin, APN 986- 0004 - 005 -01,
Genera[ Plan Text Chgp2rjo ggetion. i.&I lasti ficati ns 8 to 10
m Amend the "Park&/Public Recreation" classification in the Primary Planning Area and Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan Area sections of the General Plan to add a "Regional Parks" classification
pursuant to City Council Resolution 49 -04 adopting the parks and Recreation Master Plan 2004
Update, The new definitions are included below (proposed changes are underlined);
- Primary Planning Ares. (Page 8)
1Parks/Publie Recreation,
Publicly owned parks and recreation facilities.
Regional IParki lre parldands of AMWidg value usually—held usually-held by a public-agency
uch as the East Bay i nal P k DiatrioLvElth Uowers granted onder the Public
esnurces Code tstghan 5500 et sml
- pastern Extended Planning .Arga. (page 19)
Parks/Public Recreation.
Publicly owned parks and recreation facilities.
'octal Parks
' rr Parks are ar n f awide vs[ held n
such gj thg East Bay Regional P rk District, with yoUrs granted undor h c tublic
lResputai Code Isection 5—MO e
■ Amend the land use classification for " Public/Serni- Public Facilities" in the Primary Planning
Area and Eastern Extended Planning Area sections of the General Plan to standardize the
classification in the two sections; as well as to reflect the intent of the Semi - Public Facilities
Policy adopted by City Council on February 3, 2404 and the intent of the Dublin Housing Element:
to provide housing on semi - public sites. The revised classification is included below for insertion
in both the Primes Planning Area and the Eastern Extended Planting Area sections of the
General Plan, The proposed changes are underlined,
Primary Planning Area (page 8)
Public /Semi - Public Facififig!
(Maximum 91 ,50 FAR, employee density. 590 square feet per employee)
other than parks, owned by a public agency rjgn-
Page 5
profit entity that are of sufficient size to warrant differentiation from adjoining uses.
Such uses include public schools; des libraries: city office building
State, Coll—aty.and other oublic agena facilities• 20t Aces; fire ins; utilities: and,
Civic Center, mi- Public Facilifica 111M are u i- lic u ea such as Child care cealgrs,
youth centers. senior centeM 1099ial needs tyros ram facilities, M-112,291 institution
clubhouses., communfix centers, mmuni th,sat h i is apd Qthjr facilitie b
royitlecultural cational or other imila<r'services aud benefit the communft.
Semi-PlIblic. Facility u ed f r mo n ne such use l) velopment of housing on
a site designated on the General Plan. as Pub] ic/Semi- Public Facilities shall be considered
consistent with the General Plan when it is, ftvaRed by a - rofit entity Q rves to
meet afro able housing needs or hguling needs 9(au underser'ved es',r Qmiic searrr. nt of
fbe ommr uLt .. Determination as to whether housing should be pernmitted on a specific
PubliclSemi- Public Facilities site and the acceptable density and design will be through review
of Planned jjgft Development proposal under the Zoning Ordinance.
- Eastern Extended Planning Area (page 10)
rubliclSemi- Public Facilities
m [
.t�g y snuare
foot, r m t ee).
ant9eleated. A combination land use category of Public Facilities laud uses and Semi -
Public Facilities land uses. Public Facilities are uses, other than parks, owned by a
public agency or non-profit entity that are of sufficient sire to warrant differentiation
from adjoining uses. Such uses include public buildlegEtRAhM schools; libraries; city
office buildings; State, County and other public agency facilities; post offices; fire stations;
and utilities: aQd. Clyrc Center.
anikal. a
Semi- F iliti use si- LUM
Bch as child coreenters, youth centm, Ignior centem spmW needs nroaramm facilities,
religious institut%ons, clubhouses, c2WMUniLX centerli ,community theatreg, hgspitals.
private schools, and other, facilities that provide cultural. educational. or, aftr similar
Public - iti ies shall be i ed consistent i h the Gen r 1 n wizen it ig d 1 ed
h ouging should be omitted n Lamecic Semi-Public Facilities and the table
density and des_igu will be tbrQUgh „review of a Planned Develoy>c_n j proposal undgr the
Zonine Wdi t
e Amend the Primary Planning Area and Eastern Extended Planning Area sections of the General
Plan to add a new land use classification for "Semi- Public Facilities” to reflect the intent and
provisions of the Semi - Public Facilities Policy. No lands would be designated with the new land
Page 6
use at this time. However, new development may utilize this land use category to satisfy the
Semi - Public Facilities Poky in the future,
- Primary Planning Area (Page s)
Semi - Public Faelllties
ximum of 50 FAM emBloyee density; 590 jauskre f diLe—r—em-RIMMI
cultu 4
tional or oth
imila►r servi s
nd ne %t tine mmuni . A S i-
Public Facility
ma, be used SQL
Mare than 04th
. Eastern Extended Planning Area (page 14)
Semi- Public Fac`+_li i
po blic Facility may be us��for more than one�b use. SU
IiInSmI Plan Teat Chan "bit 2.1 (Pagre t
■ Amend Park acreage calculations found Sn Table 2.1 of the General Plan (page 17) to reflect the
amended park acreages as set forth in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and the addition of
"Semi- Public Facilities" land uses, as,follows (excerpted):
Page 7
Gederal Plan Text Changes, Section 3.3 (Page 31)
■ Amend the narrative description of the City's existing parks in Cenral Flan Section 3.3, Open
Space for Outdoor Recreation; and amend Figure 3 -1 of the Chapter which illustrates the existing
City Parks, as follows:
3,3 Open Space for Outdoor Recreation
Dublin currently has fuyr major outdoor recreational sites: the Dublin Sports Grounds 22.8
&eral Shannon Park and Community Center 2.7 r , Dublin Swim Center 3.6 a , and
Emerald n Park Phase T.(30aeres ). There are Lighl neighborhood parks totaling 22.4 acres
(Alamo Creek, Dolan, DouzberU Hills Mini. Bray_Qmmon , Kolb, Mape, Stagecoach, and
Ted Fair(; Id and three Community facHULes to IWIng 7.9 Acres, (CWc Center, i r Center,
and Heritage Parr. Additionally, there are 122 acres of andevelone Mblic open space
(Martin Canyon-and Dougherty Hills), Refer to Figure 3 -1 for location of parks and open space
areas, The need for recreation facilities will increase as the population grows and new
development occurs.
The City's existing trail network consists of bikeways located along Amador Valley Boulevard,
Village Parkway, San Ramon Road, ,Alamo C.r Dnblin Bo rd Tassaiara Creek and
Dougherty Road, nblic local H aloe M rti &n on Crec n a a r d lank
glens the Iron Horse Trail.
Page 8
The City has recently undertaken a Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update that encompasses
both the primary and extended planning areas. This Plan Update auatifries and quantifies the
City's need for recreation facilities_ This gLaAgm goolited by i Ce neil on M rch 16
2004. Readers should refer to this plan for additional information on city parks and recreation
facilities, as well as action and acquisition programs.
Guiding Potieie�
A. Expand park area throughout the primary and extended planning areas to serve new
B, Maintain and improve outdoor facilities in conformance with the recommendations of the
City's Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
Implementing Policy
C. Acquire and improve parklands in conformance with the stand a rds and licies of the City's
Parks and recreation Master Plan,
Guiding Poliey+
D. Restrict structures on the hillsides that appear to project above major ridgelines. The present
p ndisturbed natural ridgelines as seen from the primary planning area and key travel corridors
are an essential component of Dublin's appearance as a freestanding city ringed by open hills.
irn 1 n i Polic
E. Use subdivision design and site design review processes to preserve or enhance the ridgelines
that form the skyline as viewed from freeways (1 -580 or I -680) or major arterial streets (Dublin
Boulevard., AnWor 'Valley Boulevard, San Raman Road, Village Parkway, Dougherty Road,
Tassaj ara Road, Doolan Ca oyea4tomh and the future Fallon Road extension).
Guiding Policies Eastern Extended Planning Air .s,
P. Provide active parks and facilities which are adequate to meet citywide needs for open space,
cultural, and sports facilities, as well as the local needs of the Eastern Extended Planning Area.
G_ Establish a trail system with connections to planned regional and sub - regional systems,
including north -south corridors such as EBRPD's proposed trail along Tassajara Creek north
to Mt. Diablo State Park.
H. Using the natural stream corridors and major tidgelines, establish a comprehensive, integrated
trail network within the planning area that pernihs safe and convenient pedestrian and bicycle
access within the urban areas and between urban areas and open sgaee areas.
Im 1 mentin Polic y — Eastera Ex nded Planning A
1. Work mith,16WIPO to rffise w
imisdietion ever aWp"Idfifld within Sphere of 1000efteft
J. Require land dedication # for h& Warks designated in the General Plan
for the Eastern Extended Planning Area, ,grnd based on a.standard of 5 net. arm Uer IsOW
resi ants, Collect in -lieu park fees as required by City Imo icks.
K. Require land dedication and improvements for trails along designated stream corridors.
L. Require land dedication and/or public easement for ridgeline trail.
M. Confer with EBRPD reiarding Ihe District's standads for desier,and construction, 0 f
Me, IMSjara Creek trail a ri r and Rar nd r ardiu utial for th
Page 4
District to Assuine roagulibility for Lbe maintegance of theJamaigra.GWk trail
corridor and, garkwal.
Guidi P licies — West= EX161100 Planniti A
N'. Provide a north -south trail link across the Planning Area, as part of a regional tail network,
O. Create a local trail network which links large areas of permanent open space: while providing
convenient access from nearby residential areas. Maximize visual exposure to open space, and
provide multiple local physical access points to increase public enjoyment of open space.
P. Provide active recreation facilities to serve neighborhood residents.
Im lementin Pol i i s -- Western Extended Van_ning Area
Q, In conjunction with development approvals, promote land dedication or reservation, and
improvements for a ridgeline regional trail and other trail links.
'Page 10
Gene Plan Text Chan Figgre 3-1 Exbtimv Parks & Opon 592ce 0900
putlim l
111 w
3.4 m
A{LTny Cst 4vldyot"
IL6 q4
holtm W rwfty Sdvol
5.4 K
Win Psk
gyV�kMV FlillrGpen S�ce
105.5 u
Do64n SWF Cvg4LndLUvk C",
Dublin 5vtlrr (:ages
3.4 fe
� '
Hm"I A
�6 �
Smn ormw
1'10 Shano-aPmY&(:arffwiiYl;mler
FI Z Tnuanra � Raa�rl t'erk"RFD)
P l 3 '— 'd Gh` )'ark
F 14 TO Falmehr rak
5.) K
Axpanded PIS Brayop -w—1 .. 48x
��4T1lfa�0l1 Pl6 Plw'mCa yanCT44TruV Sas
O"K SSaee
Figure 3-1, Exiding Parks &: Open Spice
Page 11
E term Dublin Smifig Flan F190M 41 a e 30
Table 4.1
Land Area
Public/Semi- Public
Semi - public
24 FAR
Parks and Public Recreation
City Park
1 park
Cocninun4 Park
3 narks
Neighborhood Park
d ar
Neighborhood Squaro
g parks
Regional Park
1 park
207 6
1G at
Open Space
Grand Total 3,392.2
101)wel ing emit tmd floor area numbers arc based on assumed mid -mw yields for iah duty Q
Eastern Dublin ific Plant Scj&n 4.9 Planning areas foapta 42 fg 59
s Amend Section 4.9, Planning Subareas, of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to include revised City
park information and the new Semi Public Facilities land use deseribed above. Add "Semi Public
Facilities" to all of the Subarea tables, Tables d.A to 4.13 with development potential of 0 square
feet until that time that actual City land is designated with the "Semi - public Facilities" land use
type. Amend Table 4.10 of The Foothill Residential Subarea section (page 56), to reflect the new
park acreages and new Semi- Public Facilities land use, as follows (excerpted ):
Page 12
Table 4.1 0
Desi station
ArCres roes
Develo ment Potential
-- 'Deal at'k
1 nark
Open Space
Community park
Neighborhood Park
�� '
Park/Open Space Subtotal
publi mi-public me-public Facilities
.24 FAR
Semi- Public Facility
.24 FAR
PttblielSemii- Public F.mAlties
42L3 d
3 schools
E tern Dublin ific Plan 1 n 4.8.3 Pubilc and 5emij!uklic Faciliti (page 4b
Amend the land use category for "Public/Semi- Public Facilities" in Section 4.8.3 of the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan to standardize the category between the Specific Plan and the General Plan;
to reflect the intent of the Semi - Public Facilities Policy adopted by the City Council; and to reflect
the intent of the Dublin Housing Element to provide affordable housing on Semi - Public Facilities
sites. Add a "Semi-Public Facilities" land use to the Land Use Map legend, although no lauds
would be designated "Semi - Public Facilities" at this time. Changes to the text of the Specific plan
are underlined below:
- Public and Semi - public Facilities (page 46)
Public/Semi- Public F c�'tlitiit
(Maxinium .50 FAIL; emnlagee den " : 590 Mum fact per 0m1l2yM)
A combination land use igelzoa of Public Facilities land uses and emi -Pubii
u • lil ries• city buildi • S Ca n
Page 13
h cents ni r cents n am f l ili ' i us ids H10 JOE,
Clubhouses, mmuni n1try, cornnionfly theatre& has ital rivate sih9gUjand
other facHifi h t rovid ra edu ionid or oth r similar rvices an enef
. t
the comma i A Serni -Pu li Facility ma he used f r more .than n n s e.
D went of hQUaing on esi ndtetl Qn the GeneW Plan as Publidsemh
Public Facilities sbAl be causidgad consistent with the General Plan. ghen. it is
devdgmd by g non, profit entity ardjgr es to to t the hop ling needs of nartieul
gropy in 1he cornmunijX, Determinalion as to whgther housing hould rmit
on a Sttesrific Public/Semi-Public Facili ies site and the ReCO ble density .. na d desiza
will bo thrgugh review, of a Plannet., Develop merjtRrro osal under the Zogjn
Ordinatice. frovides
Semi - Public Faciiifles
aim m .50 FAR: m to ee i n : 590 s u r feet er m to ee
community. centers. ColEttmuni theatres. hospitals,_ __d_other i'alifies that urovide
cal u ucatio i A Semi
i n
Public -
FacilftX may be und f r more than Ane such HM
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 7th day of December 2004, by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, Oravetz, McCormick, Zilsa and Mayor Lockhart
NOES: None
0aw-:4�-, �
sty Cier
K2 /G /12- 7- 04 /reso -gpa -spa (Item 6,2)
G,,TA1f4004104.035 UFA Map Upda talky CpgincH= RWA00
Page 14
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