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HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Attch 2 Draft PC Minutes 07-26-2011DRAFT DRAFT ~° ~' . fti' ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~-~-,~ Planning Commission Minutes °~ ~~ '~ ~`~ Tuesda Jul 26 2011 `~~$ ~~-~ Y, Y , CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL A regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, July 26, 2011, in the City Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Plaza. Chair Brown called the meeting to order at 7:03:11 PM . Present: Chair Brown; Vice Chair Wehrenberg; Commissioners O'Keefe and Bhuthimethee; Jeri Ram, Community Development Director; Jeff Baker, Planning Manager; John Bakker, City Attorney; Marnie Waffle, Senior Planner; Norman Weisbrod, Planning Consultant; and Debra LeClair, Recording Secretary. Absent: Cm. Schaub ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE AGENDA -NONE MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS - On a motion by Cm. Wehrenberg, seconded by Cm. O'Keefe the minutes of the July 12, 2011 meeting were approved. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -NONE CONSENT CALENDAR -NONE WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS -NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS - 8.1 PLPA-2011-00013/00014 Montessori Plus Day Care Center Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review. Norman Weisbrod, Planning Consultant, presented the project as outlined in the Staff Report. He stated that he spoke with Maria Chavez, a resident at 11854 Silvergate Drive who was not able to attend the meeting. She is concerned with traffic, parking, security for the children, and noise. Cm. Wehrenberg asked Mr. Weisbrod to explain 60 dba which is the level of noise expected. Mr. Weisbrod explained that 60 dba is the level that the Noise Element of the General Plan states is an acceptable noise level in a residential neighborhood. He stated a study was done using information from another similar day care center. The study indicated the noise level would not exceed 60 dba. Cm. Bhuthimethee'asked what type of finish is on the building. ~'lannirag (,'c~missavn ,~`uf~26, ZtI11 ~ggular ,4~`eetirag 92 ATTACHMENT 2 DRAFT DRAFT On a motion by Cm. O'Keefe and seconded by Cm. Bhuthimethee, on a vote of 4-0-1, with Cm. Schaub absent, and with the conditions added as stated by Jeff Baker, Planning Manager, the Planning Commission unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 11- 22 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR THE MONTESSORI PLUS DAY CARE CENTER LOCATED AT 11900 SILVERGATE DRIVE (APN 941-0103-011-01) PLPA-2011-00013/00014 Chair Brown called a recess at 8:00 PM. 8:11:57 PM called back to order. 8.2 Appeal of a Community Development Director Determination regarding Section 8.76.040.M.2 (Small Tenant Space) and Interpretation regarding Section 8.40.030.G.6 (Retail Sales) as they relate to the proposed Sahara Market expansion at 6783/6777 Dublin Boulevard. Chair Brown asked if the Applicant is in attendance. Chair Brown opened the public hearing. Jay Fink, Appellant requested a continuance on the item so that it can be heard by the full Commission. Chair Brown stated the request for continuance must be approved by the Commission. Mr. Baker stated that it is at the discretion of the Commission whether they would like to continue the item or hear it tonight. He stated that the Commission could give the attendees the opportunity to speak tonight if they wish. He also stated that the code requires that the Commission hear an appeal within 45 days of the filing. He stated that in order to continue the item the Appellant must waive the 45 day requirement because the next meeting is after the expiration of the 45 day period. Chair Brown asked the Appellant if he would like to waive the 45 day requirement. Mr. Fink answered yes. Cm. Wehrenberg mentioned that when the item is on the agenda again the entire Commission may not be in attendance and that is a risk that the Appellant must accept. Mr. Fink conferred with his consultant and then agreed and requested the continuance. ~1.'lrtnrt~~a~ C;c~mnrsesivs~ ,~`uCy 2fi; ZL1f.1 ~~gzr~ir s~feetirag 99 DRAFT DRAFT On a motion by Chair Brown the Planning Commission voted unanimously to continue the item to the meeting of August 9, 2011. RESOLUTION NO. 11-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AFFIRMING THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION REGARDING SECTION 8.76.040.M.2 (SMALL TENANT SPACE) AND INTERPRETATION REGARDING SECTION 8.40.030.G.6 (RETAIL SALES) AS THEY RELATE TO THE PROPOSED SAHARA MARKET EXPANSION 6783/6777 DUBLIN BOULEVARD (AP N 941-0205-001-56) Mr. Baker mentioned that the speakers have the right to speak tonight if they want to or they may wait until the August 9th meeting. Chair Brown asked the speakers if they would like to speak now or wait for the August 9th meeting. Hamed Rasti spoke in favor of the project. He stated he is a client of Sahara Market and was surprised to learn of the issue. He felt that City Councils should support small businesses more than major food chains. He felt that Sahara Market brings revenue to the City as well as culture. He stated that it is difficult for the Middle Eastern communities to find the kinds of foods they like to eat. He felt that Sahara Market's food and service are both great. , He was hoping that the City would make it easier on,small businesses compared to large food chains. He continued based on reviewing .the report and trying to understand the city code he hoped that the code would be applied to all businesses equally. He supports the expansion because of the employment opportunities and the increased tax revenue for the City. Chair Brown asked if anyone else would like to address the Commission on this item. Seeing none Chair Brown closed the public hearing. NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS -NONE OTHER BUSINESS -NONE 10.1 Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from the Planning Commission and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by the Planning Commission related to meetings; attended at City Expense (AB 1234). ADJOURNMENT -The meeting was adjourned at 8:20:24 PM rl.'frinnir~g C'n~rzrnissis~x ,~uCy26, 2~i11 ~i~Bulur ~~fee~irag l 00