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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.4 Blmngton@BeckettNoParkCITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: April 9, 1990 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: No Parking Zone on Bloomington Way at Beckett 'Way (Report by Traffic Engineer Chris Kinzel) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Resolution 2) Memorandum from TJ~ 3) Location Map RECOMMENDATION: - ~1! Open Public Hearing  Staff presentation and public testimony 2) Receive 3) Question Staff and the public 4) Close Public Hearing and deliberate 5) Adopt resolution establishing 25-foot no parking zone on east side of Bloomington Way south of Beckett Way. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Cost of painting red curb, as well as the other recommended improvements, is approximately $100.00. Funds for these improvements are budgeted in the Street Maintenance Operating Budget. DESCRIPTION: Staff received a telephone request from Mrs. Cindy Kark, a resident of the Bloomington/Beckett neighborhood, regarding traffic which originates on Bloomington Way at the top of tme hill, moves down Bloomington Way, and uses Beckett Way to access West Vomac Road and ultimately San Ramon Road. This traffic tends to build up speed coming down the hill and turning right onto Beckett. Mrs. Kark had asked whether a STOP sign could be installed on Bloomington Way at Beckett so that the drivers would ~ave to stop before making the right turn. TJKM, the City's Traffic Engineer, conducted a field review of the intersection. While STOP signs are not recommended at this time, TJKM recommends installing a 25 mph sign for eastbound traffic on Bloomington Way and painting centerlines on Bloomington Way both north and south of the Beckett intersection. To increase sight distance at the intersection, TJKM recommends establishing a 25-foot no parking zone on the east side of Bloomington Way at Beckett. This curb is along the side of the property at 8669 Beckett Way. Approximately 1-1/2 parking spaces would be removed by this action, but Staff feels that the need for greater visibility outweighs the need to retain the parking space. Finally, TJX.! recommends monitoring traffic flow at this intersection to test the effectiveness of the improvements. If observations show a need for more restrictive measures, the implementation of further mitigation should be considered. Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing and adopt the resolution establishing a 25-foot no parking zone on the east side of Bloomington Way south of Beckett Way. ITEM NO.~_~__~ COPIES TO: Mrs. Cindy Kark TJKM RESOLUTION NO. -90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DESIGNATING A NO PARKING ZONE ON THE EAST SIDE OF BLOOMINGTON WAY SOUTH OF BECKETT WAY Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, Section 23, of City of Dublin Ordinance 55-87, the City Council of the City of Dublin does RESOLVE as follows: Section 1. In the interest of public safety, parking shall be prohibited on Bloomington Way at the following location: On the east side of Bloomington Way, from the southerly curbline of Beckett Way, southerly a distance of 25 feet. Section 2. The provisions of Section 1 shall be added to Chapter 6 of the City of Dublin Traffic Code. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 9th day of April, 1990. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: April 3, 1990 Lee Thompson, City Engineer Ty Tekawa, TJKM Field Investigations and Recommendations, Bloomington Way and Beckett Way Bloomington Way and Beckett Way The intersection is at the foot of a very steep grade along Bloomington Way. Beckett Way forms a Tee intersection and is the access street to and from West Vomac Road/ Southwick Drive. Beckett Way is controlled with a STOP sign at its intersection with Bloomington Way. The predominant traffic movements at this intersection are turning movements. Very few movements are straight through the intersection on Bloomington Way. Because of the steep grade on Bloomington Way and the need to clearly identify and provide for the turning movements at Beckett Way, I recommend painting centerlines on Bloomington Way north and south of Beckett Way. The center lines should be approximately 100 feet long. To increase sight distance at the intersection, approximately 25 feet of the curb on Bloomington Way at the southeast corner should be painted red. A "25 MPH" speed limit sign should be installed for eastbound traffic on Bloomington Way on the second electrolier east of 11437 Bloomington Way. This intersection should be periodically monitored to test the effectiveness of the recommended improvements. If observations show a need for more restrictive measures, we should consider the implementation of further mitigation installations. sam Enclosure cc: Chris Kinzel 157-001.2 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 214, Pleasanton, California 94588 · (4' PLEASANTON · SACRAMENTO · FRESNO. CONCORD N Paint Detail 22 100' Paint Detail 22 100' BLOOMINGTON WAY ~Y Paint Curb Red 25' Install R2(25) on Electrolier NOT TO SCALE DATE: 3/27/90 CITY OF DUBLIN BLOOMINGTON WAY AND BI=CKETT WAY 157-001 - 3/90 - 'iT