HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Attch 7 Reso Apprv'g SDR&Vest.TentTr7929RESOLUTION NO. 11 - XX A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AND VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 7929 FOR AVALON BAY COMMUNITIES, SITE C, DUBLIN TRANSIT CENTER (APN 986-0054-005-02) PA 06-060 WHEREAS, the Applicant, Avalon Bay Communities, submitted applications for an area of approximately 7.21 acres known as Dublin Station, Site C within the Dublin Transit Center (PA 06- 060) and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area; and WHEREAS, the project site generally is located north of the East Dublin BART Station, east of Iron Horse Trail, generally west of Iron Horse Parkway, and immediately south of Campbell Green within the previously approved Dublin Transit Center; and WHEREAS, the Dublin Transit Center project (PA 00-013) was approved by the City Council on December 3, 2002, by Ordinance 21-02 adopting a PD-Stage 1 Planned Development. The Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone provided for various land uses including the development of 1,500 units; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for a Stage 1 Development Plan amendment and Stage 2 Development Plan in accordance with Dublin Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.32; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, at their meeting of September 14, 2010, reviewed a 486 unit project on this site including a Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment and Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7929 and a Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission approved the Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7929 and recommended the City Council adopt an ordinance amending the Stage 1 Development Plan and approving the Stage 2 Development Plan and an Ordinance approving the Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Tract Map for 505 residential units on Site C of Dublin Transit Center; and WHEREAS, the complete application submitted is available and on file in the Community Development Department; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with State Guidelines and City Environmental Regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, Staff has recommended that the project be found exempt from CEQA pursuant to Government Code section 65457 for residential projects that are consistent with a specific plan. The Project proposes to transfer 100 units from Dublin Transit Center Site A to Site C. The sites are Page 1 of 25 ATTACHMENT 7 designated High Density Residential and have been planned for intensive urban residential development in the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Project is within the scope of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Dublin Transit Center General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning, Tentative Parcel Map, and Development Agreement (SCH 2001120395) which was certified by City Council Resolution No. 215-02 dated November 19, 2002. This recommendation is based on a determination that there are no substantial changes to the project or its circumstances, and no substantial new information that would require preparation of a Supplemental EIR; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application for this project on March 22, 2011; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the Planning Commission approve a Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Tract Map subject to the findings and conditions contained herein; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use their independent judgment and considered the Dublin Transit Center EIR, and all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Planning Commission of the City of Dublin does hereby make the following findings and determinations for the Site Development Review: Site Development Review A. The proposal is consistent with the purposes of this Chapter, with the General Plan and with any applicable Specific Plans and design guidelines in that. The proposed site design for the development of the Dublin Station project, as conditioned, is consistent with Chapter 8.104 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, complies with the policies of the General Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, the Stage 1 Planned Development zoning as amended, the Stage 2 Development Plan, and with all other requirements of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance in that it will create housing opportunities; and provide additional landscape amenities and areas to congregate at the Transit Center. B. The proposal is consistent with the provision of Title 8, Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance in that it provides a well designed project in relation to BART, other development in the area, and the Campbell Green. C. The design of the project is appropriate to the City, the vicinity, surrounding properties, and the lot on which the project is proposed because it is within the context of development in the area; it is consistent with the Dublin Transit Center area development, and continues with implementation of the plan adopted with Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment by coordinating improvements, circulation, and housing opportunities with the adjacent properties. D. The subject site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the approved development because it provides high-density housing, continues the envisioned Page 2 of 25 development pattern for the Dublin Transit Center which is within the recommended density for the site. Further, the site is relatively flat and the residential project and its density take advantage of the site's location adjacent to the BART station. E. Impacts to the existing slopes and topography are addressed as the site is predominately flat and drainage has been accommodated into an underground collection system and conveyed away from the property. F. Architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the design, site layout, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, screening of unsightly uses, lighting, building materials and colors, and similar elements result in a project that is harmonious with its surroundings and compatible with other development in the vicinity, have been incorporated into the project, and as conditions of approval, in order to ensure compatibility with the design concept or theme and the character of adjacent buildings within and adjacent to the project. G. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, and similar elements have been incorporated into the project to ensure visual relief, adequate screening and an attractive environment for the public. H. The site has been adequately designed to ensure proper circulation for bicyclists, pedestrian, and automobiles. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin hereby approves the Site Development Review with the following conditions. This approval is based on findings that the proposed Site Development Review is consistent with the Master Vesting Tentative Tract Map, the Amended Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment for the Dublin Transit Center area, Stage 2 Development Plan, General Plan, and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. This approval shall conform generally to the plans prepared by GGLO Architects, the Guzzardo Partnership, Inc., BKF Engineers and IPD Parking Consultants, dated received March 15, 2011, Avalon Dublin Station, Site C, Stage 2 PD/SDR Submittal Avalon Bay Communities, Inc., consisting of the packages, sheets, booklets, and plans on file with the Community Development Department and the Applicant's written statement. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits, establishment of use, approval of final map or filing of parcel map, etc., and shall be subject to Planning Division review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval: [PL] Planning; [B] Building; [PO] Police; [PW] Public Works; [CM] City Manager's Office; [ADM] Administration/City Attorney; [FIN] Finance; [PCS] Parks and Community Services; [F] Dublin Fire Prevention; [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District; [LDD] Livermore Dublin Disposal; [CO] Alameda County Department of Environmental Health; [Zone 7] Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 7, [LAVTA] Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority; and [CHS] California Department of Health Services. Page 3 of 25 CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: GE NERAL - SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1. Approval. This Site Development Review approval for PL On-going Planning Dublin Transit Center, Site C (Avalon Bay Communities), PA 06-060, establishes the detailed design concepts and regulations for the project. Development pursuant to this Site Development Review shall conform generally to the project plans submitted by GGLO Architects, dated March 15, 2011, on file in the Community Development Department, and other plans, text, and diagrams relating to this Site Development Review, unless modified by the Conditions of Approval contained herein. The approval of this Site Development Review is subject to the City Council approval of the Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment and Stage 2 Development Plan. This approval supersedes and replaces Resolution 10-43 approving the Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Tract Ma 7929. 2. Effective Date. This Site Development Review PL Approval of DMC approval is contingent upon the approval of the related related 8.32.030. Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment and Stage 2 entitlements B Development Plan. If the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Planned Development zoning is not approved this Site Development Review approval shall become null and void. 3. Permit Expiration. Construction or use shall PL Two years DMC commence within two (2) years of Permit approval or from permit 8.96.020. the Permit shall lapse and become null and void. approval D Commencement of construction or use means the actual construction or use pursuant to the Permit approval or, demonstrating substantial progress toward commencing such construction or use. If there is a dispute as to whether the Permit has expired, the City may hold a noticed public hearing to determine the matter. Such a determination may be processed concurrently with revocation proceedings in appropriate circumstances. If a Permit expires, a new application must be made and processed according to the requirements of this Ordinance. 4. Time Extension. The original approving decision- PL Two years DMC maker may, upon the Applicant's written request for an from permit 8.96.020. extension of approval prior to expiration, and upon the approval E determination that any Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure that applicable findings of approval will continue to be met, grant a time extension of approval for a period not to exceed six (6) months. All time extension requests shall be noticed and a public hearing or public meeting shall be held as required b Page 4 of 25 CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: the articular Permit. 5. Permit Validity. This SDR approval shall be valid for PL On-going DMC the remaining life of the approved structure so long as 8.96.020. the operators of the subject property comply with the F project's conditions of approval. 6. Revocation of permit. The Site Development Review PL On-going DMC approval shall be revocable for cause in accordance 8.96.020. with Section of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. I Any violation of the terms or conditions of this permit shall be subject to citation. 7. Requirements and Standard Conditions. The Various Building Standard Applicant/ Developer shall comply with applicable City Permit of Dublin Fire Prevention Bureau, Dublin Public Works Issuance Department, Dublin Building Department, Dublin Police Services, Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7, Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority, Alameda County Public and Environmental Health, Dublin San Ramon Services District and the California Department of Health Services requirements and standard conditions. Prior to issuance of building permits or the installation of any improvements related to this project, the Developer shall supply written statements from each such agency or department to the Planning Department, indicating that all applicable conditions required have been or will be met. 8. Required Permits. Developer shall obtain all permits PW Building Standard required by other agencies including, but not limited to Permit Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation Issuance District Zone 7, California Department of Fish and Game, Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Caltrans and provide copies of the permits to the Public Works Department. 9. Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable fees Various Building Various in effect at the time of building permit issuance, Permit including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building Issuance fees, Traffic Impact Fees, TVTC fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees, Fire Facilities Impact fees, Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees; or any other fee that may be adopted and applicable. 10. Indemnification. The Developer shall defend, ADM Admin indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin and its /City agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, Attorney or proceeding against the City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or Page 5 of 25 CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, Community Development Director, Zoning Administrator, or any other department, committee, or agency of the City related to this project to the extent such actions are brought within the time period required by Government Code Section 66499.37 or other applicable law; provided, however, that The Developer's duty to so defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shall be subject to the City's promptly notifying The Developer of any said claim, action, or proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the defense of such actions or proceedings. 11. Clean-up. The Applicant/Developer shall be PL On-going Planning responsible for clean-up and disposal of project related trash to maintain a safe, clean, and litter-free site. 12. Modifications. Modifications or changes to this Site PL On-going DMC Development Review approval may be considered by 8.104.10 the Community Development Director if the 0 modifications or changes proposed comply with Section 8.104.100 of the Zoning Ordinance. 13. Controlling Activities. The Applicant/Developer shall PL On-going control all activities on the project site so as not to create a nuisance to the existing or surrounding businesses and residences. 14. Accessory/Temporary Structures. The use of any PL On-going DMC accessory or temporary structures, such as storage 8.108 sheds or trailer/ container units used for storage or for any other purposes, shall be subject to review and approval b the Community Development Director. PR OJECT SPECIFIC - SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 15. Affordable Housing Agreement. The Applicant shall ADM, PL Issuance of DMC enter into an affordable housing agreement (or a any Project 8.68 regulatory agreement or such other legal mechanism building including but not limited to CC&R's, satisfactory to the permits City Attorney) with the City to ensure that the affordable units remain affordable for 55 years and that other provisions of Chapter 8.68 of the Dublin Municipal Code (the Inclusionary Zoning Regulations) are satisfied, including provisions relating to priorities in the rental or sale of affordable units as set forth in Section 8.68.050 of the Dublin Municipal Code. Such agreement (or other legal mechanism including, but not limited to, CC&R's) shall be recorded to ensure it has priority over and is not subordinate to any other recorded document affecting the property. Provided that the Council has, as art of the project Development Agreement between Page 6 of 25 CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: City and Applicant or other applicable mechanism, approved a waiver under Section 8.68.040.E, the agreement required by this condition, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Inclusionary Zoning Regulations, shall not restrict the rents that may be charged for the affordable units. 16. Inclusionary Zoning Regulations. The Applicant shall ADM, PL On going DMC comply with all provisions of Chapter 8.68, Inclusionary 8.68 Zoning Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance except as modified by these conditions of approval and/or an adopted Development Agreement. 17. Inclusionary Zoning Requirements. The Applicant/ PL Through Ord. 05- Developer shall provide a minimum of 10% moderate Completion 03 income units of the total units actually constructed and (Master within the Project. Unit affordability shall be between On going DA) and 80% and 120% of the area median income. Affordable DMC unit types shall be equally dispersed with the same ratio 8.68 as market rate units in accordance with the Inclusionary Zoning Regulations. Any changes to the affordable units must first be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development. 18. Mitigation Monitoring Program. The PL On-going Dublin Applicant/Developer shall comply with the Dublin Transit Transit Center EIR Mitigation Monitoring Program Center including all mitigation measures, action programs, and EIR implementation measures on file with the Community MMP Development Department. 19. Sound Attenuation. The Applicant/Developer shall PL Prior to Dublin submit a site specific acoustic report to be prepared by Issuance of Transit qualified acoustical consultants. The acoustic report Building Center shall include detailed identification of noise exposure Permits EIR levels on the individual project site and a listing of Mitigation specific measures to reduce both interior and exterior Monitorin noise levels to normally acceptable levels including but g not limited to glazing and ventilation systems, Program construction of noise barriers and use of buildings to shield noise. 20. Equipment Screening. All electrical and/or PL Through mechanical equipment shall be screened from public Completion/ view. Any roof-mounted equipment shall be completely On-going screened from view by materials architecturally compatible with the building and to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. 21. Master Sign Program. A Master Sign Program shall PL Occupancy be applied for and approved for all project related signage including, but not limited to, community identification si na e, address si na e, directional Page 7 of 25 CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: signage, parking signage, speed limit signage, and other si na a deemed necessary b the City. 22. Colors. The exterior paint colors of the buildings are PL Occupancy Planning subject to City review and approval. The Applicant shall paint a portion of the building the proposed color(s) for review and approval by the Director of Community Development prior to painting the entire structure. LANDSCAPING 23. Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans: Final PL Issuance of DMC Landscape and Irrigation Plans prepared and stamped Building 8.72.030 by a State licensed landscape architect or registered Permits engineer shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer and the Community Development Director. Plans shall be generally consistent with the Dublin Transit Center Planned Development Plan and the preliminary landscape plan prepared by The Guzzardo Partnership Inc., dated March 15, 2011, except as modified by the Conditions listed below and as required b the Community Development Director. 24. Plant Species. Plant species shall be selected PL Planning according to use, sun/shade location and space available. The landscape plan should include plant species that are not salt sensitive. Street trees shall be high branching and produce minimal litter. 25. Landscaping at Street/Drive Aisle Intersections. PL Planning Landscaping shall not obstruct the sight distance of motorists, pedestrians, or bicyclists. Except for trees, landscaping (and/or landscape structures such as walls) at drive aisle intersections shall not be taller than 30 inches above the curb. Landscaping shall be kept at a minimum height and fullness giving patrol officers and the general public surveillance capabilities of the area. 26. Lighting. The Applicant/Developer shall prepare a PL, PW, Planning lighting isochart to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, PO Director of Community Development, the City's Consulting Landscape Architect and Dublin Police Services. Lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to provide for security needs. 27. Street Lights and Trees. Maintain approximately 15' PL Planning clearance between streetlights and street trees. Where such clearance is not practical for design considerations, trees shall be increased to 36" box minimum to reduce the conflict between the lighting and foliage. 28. Standard Plant Material, Irrigation and Maintenance PL Issuance of DMC Agreement. The Applicant/Developer shall complete Building 8.72.050. and submit to the Dublin Planning Department the Permits B Page 8 of 25 CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: Standard Plant Material, Irrigation and Maintenance Agreement. 29. Landscaping. Applicant/Developer shall construct all PL Building Planning landscaping within the site and along the project Permit frontage. The on site landscaping shall be to the Issuance satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. The frontage landscaping, from the face of curb to the right-of-way, shall be to the design in the Dublin Transit Center Specific Plan. Street trees within the frontage shall be a minimum 24" box, their exact tree locations and varieties shall approved b the City Engineer. 30. Plant Standards. All trees shall be 24" box minimum, PL Occupancy Planning with at least 30% at 36" box or greater; all shrubs shall be 5 gallon minimum. 31. Maintenance of Landscaping. All landscaping PL On-going City of materials within the public right-of-way shall be Dublin maintained for 90 days and on-site landscaping shall be Standard maintained in accordance with the "City of Dublin s Plant Standards Plant Material, Irrigation System and Material, Maintenance Agreement" by the Developer after City- Irrigation approved installation. This maintenance shall include System weeding, the application of pre-emergent chemical and applications, and the replacement of materials that die. Mainten. Any proposed or modified landscaping to the site, Agrmnt including the removal or replacement of trees, shall require prior review and written approval from the Community Development Director. 32. Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance. The PL Building DMC Applicant/ Developer shall submit written Permit 8.88 documentation to the Public Works Department (in the Issuance form of a Landscape Documentation Package and other required documents) that the development conforms to the City's Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance. PLANNING - SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 33. Public Art Project. The Applicant/Developer shall PCs Prior to first Project acquire and install a public art project with a value of at occupancy Specific least $50,000 to be located in the median strip in Campbell Lane adjacent to its intersection with Iron Horse Parkway. Prior to final occupancy Applicant/Developer shall complete and install the public art. The public art project is subject to the approval of the City Council upon recommendation by the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission. 34. Peter W. Snyder Plaza: In conjunction with the first CM In Project occupancy of the first building constructed, the conjunction Specific Applicant/Developer shall have completed the majority with first Page 9 of 25 CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: of the central plaza located at the intersection of Iron occupancy Horse Parkway and Demarcus Boulevard. Additionally, of the first prior to that first occupancy, the Applicant/developer building shall dedicate the central plaza to Peter W. Snyder and erect a plaque acknowledging the dedication. The language on the plaque shall be reviewed and approved b the City Manager prior to installation. PU BLIC WORKS - SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 35. Tentative Map Conditions of Approval: All applicable PW Final Map Project Conditions of Approval for Tentative Map for Tract 7929 Specific shall apply to this Site Development Review. The Tract 7929 Map shall record prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. 36. Grading / Sitework Permit: Developer shall obtain a PW Site Standard Grading / Sitework Permit from the Public Works Construction Department for all grading and private site improvements. The Developer shall provide security to guarantee the grading and improvements, in an amount approved b the City Engineer. 37. Parking Garage Access Gates: The geometric PW Garage Project configuration and circulation for the gated entrances in Building Specific the parking garages shall be designed to the permit satisfaction of the City Engineer. The one-way drives shall be a minimum 11 feet wide. The key access gate shall be located so that at least one vehicle entering the gate does not block traffic to or from the public area of the garage. 38. Public Parking: The guest parking shall be combined PW Approval of Project within the public parking area of the garage. The public garage Specific area of the garage shall not designate or reserve building parking stalls for any use except that seven stalls in permit Garage C1 may be reserved for rental office users during office hours. The public parking areas in the garages shall be limited to a maximum of 2-hour parking, 7AM-6PM, M-F. Up to six spaces in Garage C2 may be limited to 30-minutes. 39. Guest Parking. The Developer shall operate the PW On-going Project garage in a manner that allows guests to obtain access Specific and ark in the upper levels of both garages. 40. Parking Garage: The Parking garage shall meet the PW Approval of Project following requirements: garage Specific building • The guest stalls should be a minimum 9 feet wide permit and 18.5 feet deep. Compact spaces shall not be used. • Compact size parking stalls for the private residential parking areas may be a minimum 8.5 Page 10 of 25 CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: feet wide and 18.5 feet deep. There shall be no compact stalls if the composite stall dimensions are used. Nine foot wide stalls shall be provided where structural constraints allow without the lost of parking stalls. • All parking stalls next to walls or columns that would interfere with opening the parked car doors shall contain an additional two feet in width. • All parking stalls next to columns that are within two feet of the edge of the drive aisle shall contain an additional two feet in width. • The driveway aisle shall be a minimum 24 feet wide. • Parking stalls at 90 degrees to one another should be two foot wider. • There should be no obstruction within the 24 feet back up area of a parking stall. • There must be space to turn around at the end of all dead end aisles. Turn around spaces shall be a minimum 12 foot wide from the end of the drive aisle. • All parking stalls shall be delineated with a double strip per the City standard drawings. BUI LDING 41. Building Codes and Ordinances: All project B Through Standard construction shall conform to all building codes and Completion ordinances in effect at the time of building permit. 42. Retaining Walls: All retaining walls over 30 inches in B Through Standard height and in a walkway shall be provided with Completion guardrails. All retaining walls over 24 inches with a surcharge or 36 inches without a surcharge shall obtain permits and inspections from the Building Division. 43. Phased Occupancy Plan: If occupancy is requested B Occupancy Standard to occur in phases, then all physical improvements of any within each phase shall be required to be completed affected prior to occupancy of any buildings within that phase building except for items specifically excluded in an approved Phased Occupancy Plan, or minor handwork items, approved by the Department of Community Development. The Phased Occupancy Plan shall be submitted to the Directors of Community Development and Public Works for review and approval a minimum of 45 days prior to the request for occupancy of any building covered b said Phased Occupancy Plan. An Page 11 of 25 CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all parcels in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose of the subdivision approval. No individual building shall be occupied until the adjoining area is finished, safe, accessible, and provided with all reasonable expected services and amenities, and separated from remaining additional construction activity. Subject to approval of the Director of Community Development, the completion of landscaping may be deferred due to inclement weather with the posting of a bond for the value of the deferred landscaping and associated improvements. 44. Building Permits: To apply for building permits, B Issuance of Standard Applicant/Developer shall submit seven (7) sets of Building construction plans to the Building Division for plan Permits check. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or have been complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participation non-City agencies prior to the issuance of building permits. 45. Construction Drawings: Construction plans shall be B Issuance of Standard fully dimensioned (including building elevations) building accurately drawn (depicting all existing and proposed permits conditions on site), and prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. All structural calculations shall be prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. The site plan, landscape plan and details shall be consistent with each other. 46. Air Conditioning Units: Air conditioning units and B Occupancy Standard ventilation ducts shall be screened from public view with of Unit materials compatible to the main building. Units shall be permanently installed on concrete pads or other non- movable materials approved by the Building Official and Director of Community Development. Air conditioning units shall be located in accordance with the PD text. 47. Temporary Fencing: Temporary Construction fencing B Through Standard shall be installed along perimeter of all work under Completion construction. 48. Addressing B Issuance of Standard a) Provide a site plan with the City of Dublin's building address grid overlaid on the plans (1 to 30 permits scale). Highlight all exterior door openings on plans front, rear, garage, etc.. Prior to release Page 12 of 25 CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: of addresses) b) Provide plan for display of addresses. The Building Official and Director of Community Development shall approve plan prior to issuance of the first building permit. (Prior to permitting) c) Address signage shall be provided as per the Dublin Residential Security Code. (Occupancy of any Unit) d) Exterior address numbers shall be backlight and be posted in such a way that they may be seen from the street. (Prior to permit issuance, and through completion). e) An approved apartment unit-numbering plan shall be incorporated into the construction drawings. 49. Engineer Observation: The Engineer of record shall B Final frame Standard be retained to provide observation services for all inspection components of the lateral and vertical design of the building, including nailing, hold-downs, straps, shear, roof diaphragm and structural frame of building. A written report shall be submitted to the City Inspector prior to scheduling the final frame inspection. 50. Foundation: Geotechnical Engineer for the soils report B Permit Standard shall review and approve the foundation design. A issuance letter shall be submitted to the Building Division on the approval. 51. Green Building: The Green Building checklist shall be B Issuance of Standard included in the master plans. The checklist shall detail building what Green Points are being obtained and where the permit and information is found within the master plans. (Prior to through first permit). Prior to occupancy of any unit, the project completion shall submit a completed checklist with appropriate verification that all Green Points required by 7.94 of the Dublin Municipal Code have been incorporated. 52. Cool Roofs: Flat roof areas shall have their roofing B Through Standard material coated with light colored gravel or painted with Completion light colored or reflective material designed for Cool Roofs. 53. Electronic File: The Applicant/developer shall submit B Issuance of Standard all building drawings and specifications for this project final in an electronic format to the satisfaction of the Building occupancy Official prior to the issuance of building permits. Additionally, all revisions made to the building plans during the project shall be incorporated into an "As Built" electronic file and submitted prior to the issuance of the final occupancy. Page 13 of 25 CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: 54. Construction trailer: Due to size and nature of the B Issuance of Standard development, the Applicant/developer in conjunction building with the Applicant/developer of the adjacent project on permit Site E-1, shall provide a construction trailer will all hook ups for use by City Inspection personnel during the time of construction as determined necessary by the Building Official. In the event that the City has their own construction trailer, the Applicant/developer shall provide a site with appropriate hook ups in close proximity to the project site to accommodate this trailer. The Applicant/developer shall cause the trailer to be moved from its current location at the time necessary as determined by the Building Official at the Applicant/developer's expense. 55. Copies of Approved Plans: Applicant shall provide B 30 days after Standard City with 4 reduced (1/2 size) copies of the approved permit and plan. each revision issuance 56. No Build Covenant: If section 506.2 Frontage B Issuance of Project Increase, of the California Building Code, is used to building Specific increase the area of a building. The owner shall file permit with the Building Official a Covenant and Agreement Regarding Maintenance of Yards for an Oversized Building binding such owner, his heirs, and assignees, to set aside the required yard as unobstructed space having no improvements. After execution by the owner and Building Official, such covenant shall be recorded in the Alameda County Recorder's Office, and shall continue in effect so long as an oversized building remains or unless otherwise released by authority of the Building Official. 57. Telecommunication: The Applicant shall comply with B Building Standard ANSI/TIA.EIA-570-A Standards relating to Permit telecommunications and the installation of data outlets Issuance for high-speed internet access within individual residential units. 58. Height of Building: B Permit Project a) Designer shall dimension, on the elevations plan, issuance Specific the overall height of the building to the highest and frame point and the height as defined by the building inspection code. b) Developer / Contractor shall certify the height of the buildings prior to first frame inspection in a manner acceptable to the Building Official. Page 14 of 25 CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: FIR E 59. The project must comply with fire and building code F Issuance of Standard requirements in effect at the time of submittal for building building permits. permits 60. Fire Access must comply with Section 503.1.1 F Issuance of Standard Exception 1. building permits and on-going 61. Fire Access roadways on Demarcus, Campbell Green, F At Project and Hamlet must be 20 foot wide with out parking. occupancy Specific PO LICE 62. The Applicant must adhere to Dublin security PD At Standard requirements, which covers items such as lighting, occupancy addressing, locks, and emergency telephone installation within parking structures. 63. Applicant shall work with police services to provide the PD At Standard installation of mirrors in blind spots, stairwells, and occupancy elevators, or other rooms, the trimming or removal of landscaping, the installation of lighting in dark corridors or walking paths, and the like. 64. The lobby/mail rooms, amenities (e.g., gym), and PD Issuance of Standard similar common areas shall employ the use of windows building in place of solid walls so that residents and passersby permits can witness activity within and without the facilities. 65. Restrooms that can accommodate more than one user PD At Standard at a time (e.g., in the gym) shall have security lighting occupancy and shall not have entryway doors that are lockable by the users. 66. Shared amenities (e.g., gym, mail rooms) shall have PD At Standard security lighting. occupancy 67. Doors leading to corridors, mailrooms, trash rooms, PD At Standard gym, business offices, elevator lobbies, stair cases, occupancy shall have elongated window panels to facilitate surveillance minimum 6" x 18"). 68. The fitness room shall have at least one full window on PD At Standard each wall adjacent to the hallway and facing the exterior occupancy of the building. 69. Signage: PD At Standard o Doors within the parking structures shall have occupancy signs for identification (e.g., "bike storage," "stairs," "electrical room," etc.) o Within the residential buildings, all doors leading to facilities, amenities, etc. shall have signs for identification (e.g., "storage," "trash," "roof access," etc.) Page 15 of 25 CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: 70. Addressing - In addition to what is in the Dublin PD At Standard Municipal Code Security Ordinance, we require: occupancy o Address ranges of residential units shall be posted on inside corridors o Address ranges of residential units shall be posted at All pedestrian points of entry (e.g., from parking structures, as well as from sidewalks) o Addressing shall not be blocked by landscaping or architectural features, and shall have adequate lighting to make them readable o Address ranges shall be posted on the each elevation of the residential buildings. o The Applicant shall work with the Addressing Committee to provide address identification for emergency responders. 71. Parking Garage: PD At Standard o Parking garage shall be well lit, with garage occupancy ceiling painted white to enhance brightness. o Parking Garage must require keypad access for residents and visitors (except for retail & rental parking). o Parking Garage must utilize remote access for emergency personnel (e.g., Click-2-Enter) o Radio access for Police and Fire communication shall be provided 72. Construction Trailer: PD At Standard o Must be addressed, with visibility at night occupancy o Doors must have peephole or window o Must be equipped with telephone BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7929: Vesting Tentative Tract Map A. The proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map is consistent with the intent of applicable subdivision regulations and related ordinances. B. The design and improvements of the proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map is consistent with the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, as amended, as it relates to the subject property in that it is a subdivision for implementation the Dublin Transit Center, a community of various uses (including residential, commercial and campus office), in an area designated for this type of development. Page 16 of 25 C. The proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map is consistent with the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Planned Development zoning and is therefore consistent with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. D. The properties created by the proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map will have adequate access to major constructed or planned improvements as part of the Dublin Transit Center Master Plan and development in progress on surrounding and adjacent properties. E. Project design, architecture, and concept have been integrated with topography of the project site created by the proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map to minimize overgrading and extensive use of retaining walls. Therefore, the proposed subdivision is physically suitable for the type and intensity of development proposed. F. The Mitigation Monitoring program adopted with the Dublin Transit Center Environmental Impact Report would be applicable as appropriate for addressing or mitigating any potential environmental impacts identified. G. The proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map will not result in environmental damage or substantially injure fish or wildlife or their habitat or cause public health concerns. H. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, or access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. The City Engineer has reviewed the maps and title report and has not found any conflicting easements of this nature. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin hereby approves with conditions Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7929 for Dublin Station Site C. This approval is based on findings that the Vesting Tentative Tract Map is consistent with the Site Development Review, Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone amendment for the Dublin Transit Center, Stage 2 Development Plan, General Plan, and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and is contingent upon the City Council approval and effectiveness, of the Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment and Stage 2 Development Plan. This approval shall conform generally to the plans prepared by BKF Engineers and the subconsultants labeled Exhibit A to this Resolution, consisting of the packages, sheets, booklets, and plans dated March 15, 2011, and on file with the Community Development Department and the Applicant's written statement. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use and shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval [PL .1 Planning f61 Building [POI Police IPWI Public Works [ADMI Administration/City Attorney IFINI Finance IFl Alameda County Fire Department, [DSR1 Dublin San Ramon Services District [COI Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, IZ71 Zone 7. Page 17 of 25 No. CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: PUBLIC WORKS VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 7929 73. Approval. This Vesting Tentative Tract Map approval for Dublin Transit Center, Site C (Avalon Bay Communities), PA 06-060, establishes the detailed design concepts and regulations for the Vesting Tentative Tract Map. Details of this Vesting Tentative Tract Map shall conform generally to the project plans submitted by BKF Engineers, dated March 15, 2011, on file in the Community Development Department, and other plans, text, and diagrams relating to this Vesting Tentative Tract Map, unless modified by the Conditions of Approval contained herein. The approval of this Vesting Tentative Tract Map is subject to the City Council approval of the Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment and Stage 2 Development Plan. This approval supersedes and replaces Resolution 10-43 approving the Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Tract Ma 7929. 74. Effective Date. This Vesting Tentative Tract' Map PW Issuance of Standard approval is contingent on City Council approval of the building related Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment and permits Stage 2 Development Plan. 75. Clarifications and Changes to the Conditions. In the PW Final Map Standard event that there needs to be clarification to these approval Conditions of Approval, the City Engineer has the authority to clarify the intent of these Conditions of Approval to the Developer without going to a public hearing. The City Engineer also has the authority to make minor modifications to these conditions without going to a public hearing in order for the Developer to fulfill needed improvements or mitigations resulting from impacts of this project. 76. Development Agreement. The Developer shall meet PW Issuance of Standard all applicable sections of the Master Development building EDSP Agreement for the Dublin Transit Center adopted as permits Ordinance No. 5-03. Section 6 of the Master Development Agreement requires the Developer to enter into a new Development Agreement specific to the current project prior to the issuance of building permits. 77. Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions: A PW Issuance of Standard Homeowners Association shall be formed by Building recordation of a declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Permits Restrictions to govern use and maintenance of common areas and facilities. Said declaration shall set forth the Association name, bylaws, rules and regulations. The CC&Rs shall ensure that there is adequate provisions for the maintenance, in good Page 18 of 25 No. CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: repair and on a regular basis, of the landscaping, irrigation, fences, gates, walls, drainage, lighting, sign, building exteriors, parking areas, and other improvements. The Developer shall submit a copy of the CC&R documents to the City for review and approval pursuant this condition. 78. Lot 4, PM 7929 (former Parcel 3, PM 7983) PW Final Map Project easements: All utility, pedestrian and vehicle access Specific easements on Lot 4 of PM 7929 shall benefit Parcels 1 & 2 of Tract 7525 in additional to Lots 1 & 2 of PM 7929. 79. Lot 3, PM 7929 pedestrian access easement: A PW Final Map Project Pedestrian access easements on Lot 3 of PM 7929 Specific shall benefit Parcels 1 & 2 of Tract 7525 in additional to Lots 1 & 2 of PM 7929. 80. Iron Horse Parkway and DeMarcus Boulevard PW Improvement Project frontage improvements: The Developer shall plans Specific construct the project frontage improvements, including sidewalk and landscaping, along the east frontage of DeMarcus Boulevard and the west frontage Iron Horse Parkway as generally shown on the Tentative Map to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 81. Driveway Design: The entrances to both parking PW Improvement Project structures from the public right of way shall be a plans Specific modified driveway type entrance with 6-foot curb radius where the curb height varies from 6 inches at the gutter to zero at the sidewalk edge, the gutter continues across the driveway, the sidewalk profile is maintained, the sidewalk cross slope is 2% for a minimum 8-foot width and there are no ramps. 82. Sidewalks and Frontage Grading. Sidewalks within PW Improvement Standard the public right of way shall have a typical 2.0% cross plans slope. The 2% cross slope shall be maintained for a minimum distance of one foot behind the frontage sidewalks where there is adjacent landscaping, stairs or pathway. 83. Private Street Parking Restrictions. Parking on the PW Improvement Project private streets shall have a maximum 2-hour parking Plans Specific limit consistent with the days and time on the existing private Hamlet Lane and Campbell Green. 84. Loading Areas. The Developer shall make provisions PW Improvement Project for providing loading areas on the DeMarcus Boulevard Plans Specific and Iron Horse Parkway frontages as shown on the Vesting Tract Map. These provisions may designate three parking spaces on DeMarcus Boulevard and three parking spaces on Iron Horse Parkway for loading only on Saturday & Sundays. Page 19 of 25 No. CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: 85. Campbell Green Median Landscape: Developer shall PW Improvement Project landscape the Campbell Green median at the Iron Landscape Specific Horse Parkway entrance. Plans 86. Campbell Green Roadway: Developers shall PW Improvement Project construct the Campbell Green roadway on Lot 3 Plans Specific (formerly Parcel C of PM 7892) as generally shown on the Tentative Ma with a 28-foot width. 87. Campbell Green: The Developer shall complete the PW Improvement Project Campbell Green park improvements along the Plans Specific southern frontage. This work includes completing the improvements between the roadway curb and the existing park improvements in the pop-out areas at both ends, and removing the existing 6-foot wide concrete walkway and reconstruction an 8-foot wide concrete walkway. 88. Hamlet Lane: Developers shall construct the Hamlet PW Improvement Project Lane roadway on Lot 3 as generally shown on the Plans Specific Tentative Map. The width shall be a minimum of 20- feet wide for the travel way and 8-foot wide parking spaces. 89. Grading Design: The grading shall be designed to the PW Grading Standard satisfaction of the City Engineer so that if a storm drain Plans inlet is blocked the overflow will not exceed the height of the back of sidewalk. 90. Street Grades: The minimum street grade shall be PW Improvement Standard 0.7%. The City Engineer may approve 0.5% grades if Plans needed to meet other design constraints. 91. Construction Traffic and Parking: All construction PW Grading Standard related parking shall be off street in an area provided Plans by the Developer. Construction traffic and parking shall be provided in a manner approved by the City Engineer to minimize impact on Bart patrons. 92. Pedestrian Access: Pedestrian access from Dublin PW Grading Project Boulevard to the Bart station must be maintained at all Plans Specific times on one side of both DeMarcus Boulevard and Iron Horse Parkway. 93. The Developer shall comply with the Subdivision Map PW On-going Standard Act, the City of Dublin Subdivision, Zoning, and Grading Ordinances, the City of Dublin Public Works Standards and Policies, and all building and fire codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit. All public improvements constructed by Developer and to be dedicated to the City are hereby identified as "public works" under Labor Code section 1771. Accordingly, Developer, in constructing such improvements, shall comply with the Prevailing Wage Law Labor Code. Sects. 1720 and following) Page 20 of 25 No:: CONDITION TEXT Respon, When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: 94. The Developer shall enter into a Tract Improvement PW Final Map Standard Agreement with the City for all public improvements required for the Tract. The Developer shall provide performance (100%), and labor & material (100%) securities to guarantee the tract improvements, approved by the City Engineer, prior to execution of the Tract Improvement Agreement and approval of the Final Map. (Note: Upon acceptance of the improvements, the performance security may be replaced with a maintenance bond that is 25% of the value of the performance security. 95. The Developer shall pay a Public Facilities Fee in the PW/F Final Map Standard amounts and at the times set forth in City of Dublin unless DA Resolution No. 214-02, adopted by the City Council on allows November 19, 2002, or in the amounts and at the times otherwise set forth in any resolution revising the amount of the Public Facilities Fee, as implemented by the Administrative Guidelines adopted by Resolution 195- 99. 96. Developer shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from PW As needed Standard the Public Works Department for all construction activity within the public right-of-way of any street where the City has accepted the improvements. The encroachment permit may require surety for slurry seal and restriping. At the discretion of the City Engineer an encroachment for work specifically included in an Improvement Agreement may not be required 97. The Developer will be responsible for submittals and PW/ Improvement Standard reviews to obtain the approvals of all participating non- DSRSD/ Plans City agencies. The Alameda County Fire Department F and the Dublin San Ramon Services District shall approve and sign the Improvement Plans. 98. Developer shall provide the Public Works Department a PW Release of Standard digital vectorized file of the "master" files for the project bonds when the Final Map has been approved. Digital raster copies are not acceptable. The digital vectorized files shall be in AutoCAD 14 or higher drawing format. Drawing units shall be decimal with the precision of the Final Map. All objects and entities in layers shall be colored by layer and named in English. All submitted drawings shall use the Global Coordinate System of USA, California, NAD 83 California State Plane, Zone III, and U.S. foot. 99. All rights-of-way and easement dedications required by PW Final Map Standard the Tentative Map including the Public Service Easement shall be shown on the Final Map. Page 21 of 25 No. CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: 100. Any street names assigned to private streets shall be PW/P/F Final Map Standard approved pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 7.08. The approved street names shall be indicated on the Final Map. 101. The Developer shall obtain abandonment from all PW Issuance of Standard applicable public agencies of existing easements and Building right of ways that will no longer be used. Permits 102. The Grading Plan shall be in conformance with the PW Grading Standard recommendations of the Geotechnical Report, the Plans approved Tentative Map and/or Site Development Review, and the City design standards & ordinances. In case of conflict between the soil engineer's recommendations and City ordinances, the City Engineer shall determine which shall apply. 103. A detailed Erosion Control Plan shall be included with PW Grading Standard the Grading Plan approval. The plan shall include Plans detailed design, location, and maintenance criteria of all erosion and sedimentation control measures. 104. The public improvements shall be constructed PW Improvement Standard generally as shown on the Tentative Map and/or Site Plans Development Review. However, the approval of the Tentative Map and/or Site Development Review is not an approval of the specific design of the drainage, sanitary sewer, water, traffic circulation, and street improvements. 105. All public improvements shall conform to the City of PW Improvement Standard Dublin Standard Plans and design requirements and as Plans approved b the City Engineer. DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT DSRSD 106. Prior to issuance of any building permit, complete DSRSD Issuance of Standard improvement plans shall be submitted to DSRSD that building conform to the requirements of the Dublin San Ramon permit Services District Code, the DSRSD "Standard Procedures, Specifications and Drawings for Design and Installation of Water and Wastewater Facilities", all applicable DSRSD Master Plans and all DSRSD policies. 107. All mains shall be sized to provide sufficient capacity to DSRSD Issuance of Standard accommodate future flow demands in addition to each building development project's demand. Layout and sizing of permits mains shall be in conformance with DSRSD utility master planning. 108. Sewers shall be designed to operate by gravity flow to DSRSD Improvement Standard DSRSD's existing sanitary sewer system. Pumping of Plans sewage is discouraged and may only be allowed under Page 22 of 25 No. CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: extreme circumstances following a case by case review with DSRSD staff. Any pumping station will require specific review and approval by DSRSD of preliminary design reports, design criteria, and final plans and specifications. The DSRSD reserves the right to require payment of present worth 20 year maintenance costs as well as other conditions within a separate agreement with the Applicant for any project that requires a pumping station. 109. Domestic and fire protection waterline systems for DSRSD Improvement Standard Tracts or Commercial Developments shall be designed Plans to be looped or interconnected to avoid dead end sections in accordance with requirements of the DSRSD Standard Specifications and sound engineering practice. 110. DSRSD policy requires public water and sewer lines to DSRSD Improvement Standard be located in public streets rather than in off-street Plans locations to the fullest extent possible. If unavoidable, then public sewer or water easements must be established over the alignment of each public sewer or water line in an off-street or private street location to provide access for future maintenance and/or replacement. 111. Prior to approval by the City of a grading permit or a DSRSD Issuance of Standard site development permit, the locations and widths of all grading proposed easement dedications for water and sewer permit lines shall be submitted to and approved b DSRSD. 112. All easement dedications for DSRSD facilities shall be DSRSD Issuance of Standard by separate instrument irrevocably offered to DSRSD grading or by offer of dedication on the Final Map. permit or with final map 113. Prior to approval by the City for Recordation, the Final DSRSD Recordation Standard Map shall be submitted to and approved by DSRSD for of final map easement locations, widths, and restrictions. 114. Prior to issuance by the City of any Building Permit or DSRSD Recordation Standard Construction Permit by the Dublin San Ramon Services of final map District, whichever comes first, all utility connection fees including DSRSD and Zone 7, plan checking fees, inspection fees, connection fees, and fees associated with a wastewater discharge permit shall be paid to DSRSD in accordance with the rates and schedules established in the DSRSD Code. Page 23 of 25 No, CONDITION TEXT Respon. When Source Agency Req'd. Prior to: 115. Prior to issuance by the City of any Building Permit or DSRSD Issuance of Standard Construction Permit by the Dublin San Ramon Services building District, whichever comes first, all improvement plans permit for DSRSD facilities shall be signed by the District Engineer. Each drawing of improvement plans shall contain a signature block for the District Engineer indicating approval of the sanitary sewer or water facilities shown. Prior to approval by the District Engineer, the Applicant shall pay all required DSRSD fees, and provide an engineer's estimate of construction costs for the sewer and water systems, a performance bond, a one-year maintenance bond, and a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amounts and forms that are acceptable to DSRSD. The Applicant shall allow at least 15 working days for final improvement drawing review by DSRSD before signature by the District Engineer. 116. No sewer line or waterline construction shall be DSRSD Issuance of Standard permitted unless the proper utility construction permit utility has been issued by DSRSD. A construction permit will construction only be issued after all of the items in Condition No. 9 permit have been satisfied. 117. The Applicant shall hold DSRSD, it's Board of DSRSD On-going Standard Directors, commissions, employees, and agents of DSRSD harmless and indemnify and defend the same from any litigation, claims, or fines resulting from the construction and completion of the project. 118. Improvement plans shall include recycled water DSRSD Improvement Standard improvements as required by DSRSD. Services for Plans landscape irrigation shall connect to recycled water mains. Applicant must obtain a copy of the DSRSD Recycled Water Use Guidelines and conform to the requirements therein. 119. Potable mains, Recycled mains, sewer mains and their DSRSD Improvement Project appurtenances shall be located in areas accessible for Plans specific maintenance, repair and servicing at all times. The Potable Water Main and Sewer Main located under the Central Plaza on the south side of Lot 3 are not in compliance with DSRSD Standard Design Specifications and will need to be moved so that they are not under the permanent structures of the plaza. Page 24 of 25 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of March 2011 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Manager C: (Documents and SettingsldebraALocal SettingslTemporary Internet FilesIOLKE51pc reso approving sdr vtm for dtc_avalon site c (2). DOC Page 25 of 25