HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 Nat'l Lab Second CampusOf DU��JG
DATE: March 1, 2011
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager
SUBJE . Letter of Support for Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Second Campus
Prepared By. Linda Maurer, Economic Development Director
The City received notification that Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory issued a Request for
Qualifications for a second campus. The City notified property owners in Dublin and received
notice that one site would be submitted from Dublin. Staff is recommending that the City
Council direct the Mayor to provide a letter of support to Argent Development Group as part of
their submittal to the Request for Qualifications.
Staff recommends that the City Council direct the Mayor to provide a letter of support to locate
the second Lawrence Berkeley National Lab campus in Dublin
z 7
Submitted By evie e By
Economic Development Director Assistant Ci Manager
Page 1 of 3 ITEM NO. ` # 2
On January 3, 2011, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory issued a Request for
Qualifications (RFQ) for a second campus to consolidate current programs that are located in
space spread throughout the Bay Area, and prepare for long-term future growth. The
Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory faces a critical lack of space
for its current and future programs. ~
A second campus provides the Lab with substantial scientific benefits by allowing researchers,
presently scattered throughout the greater Bay Area, to interact more directly with=:each other
and with faculty and students from UC Berkeley, thus encouraging collaboration, education, and
cross-disciplinary research.
When Staff received the issuance of the RFQ, the request was immediately distributed to large
landowners and developers in Dublin with available land to accommodate the requirements
outlined in the RFQ. Staff received on response, from Argent Development (Suncal), the group
involved in the Camp Parks Land Exchange and developers of Dublin Crossing. ~
The main considerations in the Lab's evaluation of a second campus:
o Within a 25 minute drive time to its existing Berkeley campus
o Ability to accommodate 2 million square feet of office space, including the ability to
accommodate a 3,000 foot linear building
~ Community is safe and has low crime
~ Site is close to public transit and trails
o Has several amenities nearby
While Dublin may fall out of the drive time range by a few minutes, the developer and Staff
believed that the other aspects under consideration warranted the submittal of a response to
the request.
The Lab intends to announce a short list by the end of March and make a final site selection by
June. After environmental assessments and site development, design and construction,
occupancy could occur by the end of 2015. y
About the Lab -
Berkeley Lab is one of the top 25 largest employers in the Bay Area. A recent study estimates
the Laboratory's overall economic impact through direct, indirect and induced spending on the
nine counties that make up the San Francisco Bay Area to be nearly $700 million annually.
Berkeley Lab was also responsible for creating 5, 600 jobs locally and 12,000 nationally. The
_ overall economic impact on the national economy is estimated at $1.6 billion a year.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory
managed by the University of California for the DOE Office of Science. Berkeley Lab provides
solutions to the world's most urgent scientific challenges, including sustainable energy, climate
change, human health, and a better understanding of matter and force in the universe. It is a
world leader in improving our lives through team science, advanced computing, and innovative
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ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter of Support
2. LBNL Request for Qualifications
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March 2, 2011
Ms. Laura B. Crosby
University of California
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720-8288
Dear Ms. Crosby,
On behalf of the City Council of the City of Dublin, I wish to express our support to
locate the second campus for the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the City bf
The site being proposed meets several of the criteria that the Lab wishes to consider in
evaluating a second campus. The site can accommodate the future build out of the
campus and is located across the street from the East Dublin/Pleasanton BART station.
Further, the site is adjacent to several majar innovative companies, including the
headquarters of Sybase, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Microdental, and AB Sciex, just to name a
few. The site also sits between two of the largest business parks in all of California -
Bishop Ranch to the north in San Ramon and Hacienda Business Park in Pleasanton -
with each of these sites home to large corporations and emerging technology companies.
In addition to the site attributes, Dublin sits in the Tri-Valley region of the Bay Area
which is the home to two other national labs - Lawrence Livermore and Sandia National
Labs. This region was recently designated as an "Innovation Hub" by the State of
California. This designation is to create new_green technologies in this region.
It is the City's hope that you will give strong consideration to the proposal from Dublin
and the many attributes and opportunities that locating in the Tri-Valley region will .
afford the Lab and its employees.
Tim Sbranti
City of Dublin
~~.~~ ~'2 3I~ I~ -
a~ «
(RFQ) # 0103 ~
University of California
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720-8288
Contact: I~Is. Laura B. Crosby
Phone 510.495.2607
Email- Ibcrosby@Ibl.gov
LBNL 2nd Campus RFQ # 0103
~ /~
The Regents of the University of Caiifornia (University) manage Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory (LBNL, Berkeley Lab, the Laboratory), a federally funded research and development
center, under a prime contract with the US Department of Energy (DOE). Berkeley Lab
conducts unclassified research across a wide range of disciplines to deliver science-based
solutions to problems of national significance, with a strong emphasis on energy efficiency and
carbon reduction. It employs approximately 4,200 scientists, engineers, support staff and
students. Eleven scientists associated with Berkeley Lab have won the Nobel Prize.
Approximately 280 LBNL scientists hold a joint appointment with a University of California
Berkeley Lab's base budget for fiscal year 2010 was approximately $718 million. A recent study
estimates the Laboratory's overall economic impact on the nine San Francisco Bay Area
counties to be nearly $700 million annually. Technologies developed.at Berkeley Lab have
generated billions of dollars in revenues, and thousands of jobs. Savings as a result of Berkeley
Lab developments in lighting and windows, and other energy-efficient technologies, are in the
billions of dollars.
LBNL is located in the Berkeley hills, immediately adjacent to the campus of the University of
California, Berkeley. The University seeks to develop a second LBNL campus with the potentia!
for approximately 2 million gross square feet (GSF) of research and development facilities to
accelerate its pace of innovation, technology transfer, and commercialization; creating high
quality jobs in the process. The new campus would consolidate approximately 480,000 GSF of
leased laboratory and office space in the first phase of development. Existing programs in
leased facilities include Genomics, Life Sciences, and Physical Biosciences. The balance of the
development capacity would allow for additional consolidation, growth of existing programs, new
initiatives, and co-location with UC Berkeley, other UC programs, and complementary third-
party R&D organizations.
The University is issuing this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the purpose of identifying a
short list of sites that best meet the Site Attributes listed in Article 2. Accordingly, the University
is requesting eligible organizations to submit a written response to this RFQ in accordance with
the schedule defined in Artide 6.
The University intends to identify several sites from the responses to this RFQ and enter into
more detailed negotiations with the landowners and/or land representatives.("Respondents").
The results of these more detailed negotiations would be the final selection of a preferred site
for the second campus. It is the University's expectation that all short listed Respondents will
engage an entity with appropriate development experience to participate in the detailed
negotiations and that the third party developer will construct the infrastructure and facilities. The
University intends to finance the development of the site. However, the University will also
consider third party financing, or a combination of public and private financing, if such financing
would be more beneficial.
The University owns a 90+ acre property in Richmond which is generally referred to as the
Richmond Field Station (RFS). RFS by and large meets the parameters of the Site Attributes.
Respondents to this RFQ should know that the University may choose to site the second
campus at RFS and will be evaluating potential sites relative to their ability to better meet the
needs of the University and the DOE.
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LBNL 2nd Campus RFQ # 0103
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The University seeks to have the following attributes for its second campus, to the maximum
extent practicable:
1. The site should allow for the development of a state-of-the-art facility with a beautiful
environment that will be the location of choice for internationally recognized researchers.
It should allow for sustainable land use and circulation patterns, maximizing density to
reduce overall building footprints and conserve open space. The site should allow for the
placement and massing of buildings to maximize shared views.
2. The location should be within an approximately 20 to 25-minute commute from the
existing LBNL main entrance at Blackberry Gate.
3. The site should have development capacity for approximately 2 million gross square feet
of laboratory, office, and support facilities.
4. The site should be able to accommodate future large-scale research activities, including
potential structures approximately 3,000 feet in length.
5. The second campus should be located in a welcoming community with a positive civic
expression of interest in development of the site and the resulting creation of high quality
6. The second campus should be located in a safe community to ensure that employees,
visitors, and guests are safe when coming to/returning home from work.
7. The site should be readily accessible to a variety of modes of public transportation,
inclusive of local buses, mass transit (BART, Amtrak, and AC Transit), and shuttle
services. The site should allow for ADA accessible grade-level connections. The site
should allow safe bicyclist access from a designated bike path such as the Bay Trail.
8. The site should be proximate to either existing or planned restaurants and cafes which
offer a range in price and food types, preferably within walking distance. The site should
be proximate to either existing or planned convenience stores, a post office, banks
and/or ATMs, auto repair/gas stations, child care facilities, hotels, and motels. These
establishments should be no more than a 10-minute commute. The site should be
proximate to existing or planned publicly-accessed recreational facilities such as
gymnasiums, health clubs, and outdoor fields:
9. The site should facilitate efficient constructability of facilities (buildings, parking.
structures, bridges, etc.), infrastructure deuelopment (roads, underground utilities,
pedestrian walkways, etc.), and open space.
10. The site should allow for the development of sustainable land use and circulation
patterns which maximize bicycle, pedestrian and shuttle services.
11. The site should allow for electrical, natural gas, and water utilities for the lowest possible
12. The site should have, or it should be reasonably feasible to attain, unimpeded (not
crossing public roads) access to public fiber optic paths (telephone, cable company or
third party) and dual cable entrance facilities.
13. The site should require minimal or no environmental remediation or have a funded plan
approved to address remediation. Any prior decontamination of the site should have
been in accordance with state and federal requirements.
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LBNL 2nd Campus RFQ # 0103 ~~
14. The area surrounding the site should provide adequate separation from sources of
vibration (e.g. railways, freeways, etc.) or electromagnetic radiation (e.g. overhead
transmission lines or power substation) and the potenfial research facilities areas.
15. The site should have minimai overdraft (groundwater depletion) and groundwater related
subsidence. It should not be located in areas where there is the risk of flooding caused
by storm-related events, potential dam failure, or coastal hazards (including sea water
rise) that cannot be mitigated at a reasonable expense. If buildings exist on the site, they
should include systems for appropriate storm water management and wastewater
discharge related to existing aquifers, waterways, and storm water systems.
16. The site should have minimal occurrence of highly-compressible ground surface
conditions (e.g. areas known or considered prone to liquefaction).
17. Any existing buildings that the Respondent proposes for use by LBNL must meet the
current version of the University of California seismic requirements (or be rehabilitated to
meet those requirements), which can be found at: .
http://www.ucop.edu/facil/resg/seismic-safety ~
Each response to the RFQ must include the following:
1. General
A. Include a cover letter identifying the Respondent's name and address, solicitation
number and title, and the name(s), title(s), email address, and telephone number(s) of
the individuals who have commitment authority on behalf of the site.
2. Summarv Statement
A. Provide a statement of the key reasons why this site should be short-listed for further
consideration as LBNL's second campus. - 1 page maximum
B. Provide a summary of the site's legal description, soil characteristics, environmental
condition, utilities, sustainable elements, existing facilities and tenants, unusual costs
associated with constructing facilities, developer /land owner attributes, entitlement,
distance from LBNL, accessibility, local public transportation, service providers and
amenities proximate to the site, neighborhood characteristics, and local attitude toward a
project of this type and scale. - 2 page maximum
3. Developer / Land Owner attributes:
A. Provide a brief description of the Respondent's legal structure.
B. Provide a history of Respondent's business experience in California, the Bay Area, and
the locality within which the proposed site exists.
Respondents are nof expected to have a development team or partnership identified at this
stage in the process. However, if such information is available please provide the following:
C. Describe the development partnership, if any, proposed for the project. Provide a
description of the partnership skills, resources and, if the partnership has been formed,
the terms of the partnership agreement. ~
D. Describe the Respondent's willingness and ability to finance the development of the
second campus. Provide a history of the entity's financing experience for similar
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LBNL 2nd Campus RFQ # 0103
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E. Provide a copy of the Respondent's financial statements for the most recent three years.
The University will treat any financial information in the response to this RFQ as
4. Entitlement: (Please. note: The Universitv is qenerally exempt from local iurisdictions havinq
land use authority. If the land is controlled by UC, UC may entitle the development. Provide
the followinp information for purposes of comparison and to understand local land use ~
A. Describe the current zoning of the site and the adjacent properties. Provide information
with respect to anticipated future zoning changes, types of change and associated
B. Describe the development capacity under the current zoning and/or the anticipated
zoning change(s). Provide massing studies if available, or otherwise describe potential
development capacity up to 2 million square feet.
C. Provide a listing of the local / state / federal authority approval(s) required for
development of the site and describe the process necessary to obtain the approvals.
5. Phvsical Site Characteristics
A. Leqal Description
i. Name of the site: Provide a common, recognizable name for the proposed second
campus to which it will be referenced by the Respondent.
ii. Size of the site: Provide the size of the site in gross and developable acreage with
current land and property zoning requirements and restrictions for the parcel(s)
and/or building(s).
iii. Location, leqal description: Provide the location of the site with the physical
address inclusive of street name and number, city, municipality, zip code, and
county. Provide the applicable parcel information, property vesting information, tax
and assessment information, tract number, subdivision number, legal lot number,
and document number. ,
iv. Title: Provide a preliminary title commitment and access to all underlying title
documents through an ftp (file transfer protocol to transfer data from one computer
to another) website. If an entity other than the respondent controls portions of the
site, describe the relationship to the respondent and method for securing fee
simple titfe. Also provide information on any other unrecorded rights including
leases that might affect development of the property.
v. Title Transfer: Describe the method for transferring fee title of the site to the
University (e.g. purchase of the entire site prior to construction, purchase upon
completion of the first phase, lease purchase over time, or other method of transfer
such as a gift) and the expected method for determining the purchase price (e.g.
appraisal, negotiated price, dedication of land).
B. Soil Characteristics (to the extent known)
i. Groundwater level: Provide an assessment of the existing groundwater levels
describing known aquifers, water cycles, overdraft (groundwater depletion), and
groundwater related subsidence, and/or seawater intrusion. Provide a description
of the known groundwater levels as they apply to the borders and site property
lines. ,
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LBNL 2nd Campus RFQ # 0103
ii. Geotechnical reports: Provide a description of the existing geotechnical conditions
including the terrain and prior known land use, general area geblogy, fault
proximity, landslides, and other concerns such as sink hole, fracturing problems,
and risk of liquefaction. Provide the key findings of any formal reports developed
for the site and the web address of an ftp site where the full reports and files can
be accessed.
iii. Vibration sources in vicinitv: Describe existing vibration sources within the vicinity
of the proposed site such as heavy vehicles on conventional pavement and
existing rail systems.
iv. Constructabilitv: Describe the average depth of bedrock throughout the site.
Provide an assessment of constructability on the site with respect to excavation for
foundations, underground utilities, subterranean parking structures, underground
sto~age tanks and the like which references the U.S. Geological Survey map and
map database for the Oakland metropolitan area; Alameda and Contra Costa
C. Environmental Contamination:
Soil: Provide a description of previous removal or treatment of contaminated soils.
Groundwater: Provide a description of previous removal or treatment of
contaminated groundwater.
iii. Current / Prior requlatorv status: Describe the currenf and prior regulatory status of
the proposed site with regard to contaminated soil and groundwater.
iv. Environmental cleanup adjacent to the site: Describe the extent of past, current or
future environmental cleanup measures for properties within 2,000 feet of the
property boundary.
v. Environmental studies: Describe the environmental studies that have been and/or
still need to be conducted for the site. Provide the key findings of any formal
reports developed for the site and the web address of an ftp site where the full
reports and files can be accessed. -
D. Site Constraints: Provide a map, or series of maps, of the site with the extent of all
development constraints clearly outlined and color-coded.
Soil contamination: Describe the extent of soil contamination (if any) on the
proposed site and the clean up required.
ii. Groundwater contamination: Describe the extent of groundwater contamination on
the proposed site and the clean up required.
iii. Setback: Describe any restrictions that inhibit development within a certain
distance from the property border or other boundaries.
iv. Special purpose land use restrictions: Describe any restrictions that inhibit
development within a certain area due to a special purpose designation (e.g. State
Tidelands, wildlife refuge buffer, or public waterfront access).
v. Utilities Riqht-of-Wavs: Describe any restrictions or easements that inhibit
development within utilities right-of-ways. Describe any nearby electromagnetic
radiation sources such as overhead transmission lines or power substations.
vi. Endanqered species and protected habitats: Describe any restrictions that inhibit
development within areas designated as protected habitats, wildlife habitats and
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LBNL 2nd Campus RFQ # 0103
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movement corridors (e.g. endangered domestic fish, wildlife, native plant species,
riparian and wetland habitats). ~
vii. Surface conditions: Describe any restrictions that inhibit development within areas
where there is an occurrence of highly-compressible ground surface conditions
(e.g. areas known or considered prone to iiquefaction).
viii. Municipalitv land use: Describe any land use constraints, zoning, development
density, zoning floor area ratios (F.A.R.), perimeter open space or parcel size
restrictions that may inhibit development of the site.
ix. Historic desiqnation: Describe any historical, institutional, or contractual
constraints that may restrict development (e.g. National Register listing, city charter
site planning provision, view corridors, designated architectural styles, circulation
frameworks, street design and landscaping).
x. Archeoloqical assessment: Describe any archeological study areas with statutory
protections that may inhibit development.
xi. 100-Year flood hazards: Describe any areas evaluated by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) program being designated as inundated by a 100-
year flood. Describe the site's elevation, or range of elevations, above sea level.
xii. Topoqraphical: Describe any areas that significantly affect facility design (e.g.
steep slopes, areas of bedrock, significant ridgelines, and projected sea level rise).
Provide a topographical map with site boundaries clearly marked.
xiii. Areas of Severe Fire Danqer: Describe the prevailing wind patterns and any areas
notable for being within severe fire areas. ~
xiv. Fault zones: Describe any geologic constraints (e.g. landslides and active fault
traces) that may restrict development of facilities.
xv. Open space designation and land conservation: Describe any reserved
undeveloped space or open space requirements that may restrict development of
the site.
xvi. Neiqhborhood interface: Describe any restrictions on development at the interface
between the surrounding neighborhood and the site.
E: Utilities (Availabilitv / Capacitv / Source)
i. Electricitv Service Level: Describe the electrical service in both voltage and
amperage capacity available on or to the site noting how much electrical service is
readily available.
ii. Natural Gas Capacity: Describe the natural gas capacity that is available at the
site. Provide size of main and pressure.
iii. Water: Describe the available water sources to the site; provide the size of the
mains and available pressure.
iv. Telecommunications: Describe the available telephone and networking
infrastructures on or to the site and provide a list of telecommunications network
system operators within proximity to the site.
v. Storm and Sanitarv Sewer: Describe the storm water and sanitary sewer utilities
that currently serve the site. Describe control measures that are required for the
proposed site and list known restrictions, including required hazardous control .
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measures. Provide information on the wastewater treatment plant(s) that serve the
F. Sustainable elements: Describe the available or potential renewable energy elements of
the proposed site (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass). Address existing sustainabie
elements with regard to brownfield redevelopment, protection and/or restoration of
habitat, or heat island effect and light pollution reduction strategies which are or may be
G. Existinq Facilities and Tenants:
Provide a site plan to scale with locations of existing, above-ground pertinent
features (e.g. buildings, major utilities sources). Provide a list of the existing
buildings. Note year constructed, gross square footage, height, number of stories,
type of construction, condition of the structure, foundations type & depth, and
general condition. Describe current use {e.g. lab, office, warehouse, shop, retail,
manufacturing, etc.).
ii. Provide a list of the tenants in each existing building and information with respect .
to lease expiration, and any other relevant occupancy information (such as renewa!
options and first rights of refusal for purchase of the real estate).
iii. Provide a plan to vacate existing buildings on the site inclusive of schedule and
phasing of activities. Describe any costs associated with lease buy-out and
iv. Provide a rough order-of-magnitude range of the cost associated with demolishing
any existing structures inclusive of buildings, operational yards, and underground
utilities and necessary abatement.
H. Unusua! costs associated with constructinq facilities at site:
i. Describe site characteristics which will increase construction cost, e.g. substantial
removal of industrial equipment; removal of decommissioned underground storage
tanks; potential for archeological findings, etc.
Describe abnormal infrastructure costs that would be associated with the
construction of roads, curbs, gutters, streets, sidewalks, drainage systems and
iii. Describe attributes of existing buildings and/or infrastructure which can be reused
or repurposed. Include age and condition of structure and/or equipment and
provide a rough order-of-magnitude range of costs adequate for necessary T
refurbishment. '
iv. Provide a rough order-of-magnitude range of the costs associated with ~
environmental cleanup to commercial standards as defined by regulatory agencies.
Describe the scheduling and/or phasing of such activities.
6. Location Characteristics:
A. Distance from LBNL Blackberry Gate:
Describe the distance an.d how it was measured from the proposed site to LBNL's
main entrance at Blackberry Gate.
Describe average and peak commute times (and how measured) to the proposed
site from LBNL's main entrance at Blackberry Gate (as shown in Article 16).
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LBNL 2nd Campus RFQ # 0103
B. Access:
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Provide a description of the existing access conditions on and off the proposed
site. Describe the main arteries and accessible routes and proximity.to existing
major streets, roadways or freeways and the potential impact that additional
vehicles may pose on these infrastructures.
C. Public Transportation:
i. Describe the current available modes of public transportation to and from the site
as well as the proximity of access to these services. Include access to available.
parking facilities, local buses, mass transit (BART, Amtrak, and AC Transit) and/or
available shuttle services. Describe routes of pedestrian access from these
ii. Provide a description of additional public transportation planned for the site.
iii. Provide a description of the pedestrian and bicycle routes to and from the site.
D. Amenities associated with, or proximate to, the site (existinq and planned):
i. Restaurants / Cafes: Describe the immediate and surrounding area food service
operations and establishments available to the site. Provide the type, size, price
range and hours of operation for these entities, as well as an approximate travel
distance from the site.
ii. Conference facilities: Describe the size of availabfe conferencing facilities, type of
services available, price range, and hours of operation for these entities, as well as
an approximate travel distance from the site.
iii. Retail stores: Describe the immediate and surrounding area retail establishments
available to the site. Provide the type, size, price range, and hours of operation for
these entities, as well as an approximate travel distance from the site.
iv. Hotels: Describe the immediate and surrounding area hotels, motels, and
extended-stay establishments available to the site. Provide the type, size, and
price range, as well as an approximate travel distance from the site.
v. Recreation facilities: Describe the immediate and surrounding area recreation
facilities (both indoor and outdoor) available to the site. Provide the type, size, and
applicable usage price range, as well as an approximate travel distance from the
site. ~ -
E. Neiahborhood Characteristics:
i. Provide a description of the neighboring properties and associated land uses.
Describe the residential, commercial, industrial, and historic characteristics of the
surrounding properties.
ii. Describe any current development in close proximity to the site which would be
complementary to scientific research and development. Provide information as to
size of the development and the types of buildings being developed.
iii. Identify the types and frequency of crimes in the neighborhood or locality.
iv. Describe any current or planned development in close proximity to the site which
would be detrimental to scientific research and development. Provide information
as to size of the development and types of buildings being developed. Describe
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impacts on access, public transportation, amenities and the neighborhood that
could affect the proposed site.
7. Local attitude tbward a proiect of this tvpe and scale:
A. Describe the civic expression of interest in development of the site for the second
B. Describe the potential financial incentives that may be offered for selection of the site
from the city, county, state, utilities, etc.
C. Describe potential items that would be required for development of the site such as a fire
station, utilities improvements, road improvements, open-space, Bay Trail development,
D. Include letters of support from local municipalities, development agencies, neighborhood
groups, and commercial organizations.
The University will respond to questions submitted in writinq via email to Laura B. Crosby on or
before February 25, 2011 - at or before 5 PM (PST). Questions submitted after the stated
date may not be answered.
Put RFQ # 0103 in the email subject line and send questions to:
Answers to questions that are germane to the interpretation of the. University's requirements will
be posted with other relevant information and documents on the following website:
http:UwwwJbl. gov/Community/second-campus/
If necessary, the University will provide supplementary information in amendment form with
specific instructions. Amendments will be posted ori the website listed in Article 4. Respondents
are encouraged to check the website periodically to obtain any new postings.
Qualifications shall be submitted at or before 3:00 PM (PST) on March 4, 2011. Submit 4
printed copies and one set of electronic files via email, flash drive, or ftp site to the addresses
listed below.
US Mail, Courier or Hand Deliver EmaiF _
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory LBCrosby@Ibl.gov
Procurement - Attn. Laura B. Crosby
One Cyclotron Rd. - Mail Stop 76-225
Berkeley, CA 94720-8288
Respondents are responsible for assuring that qualifications are received in accordance with the
submittal requirements. If the qualifications are to be delivered in person, call or email Laura
Crosby (ph. 510.495.2607 - Ibcrosby@Ibl.gov) on the day before the due date to arrange a
gate pass. There will be no public opening of qualifications and the identity of Respondents will
remain confidential until the short list of sites has been established.
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Acceptance of late responses will be at the University's sole discretion. The University reserves
the right to reject any and all responses, to waive any minor irregularities in any response, and
to cancel this RFQ at any time without cost to the University.
The University will not reimburse any Respondent or be liable for the cost of preparing and
responding to this RFQ.
The University will treat any commercial or financial information in the response to this RFQ as
proprietary. The University prefers not to receive proprietary techriical information. If the
proposal includes any proprietary technical information, it must be marked "Proprietary" or
equivalent. The University will use its reasonable efforts to (1) maintain such proprietary
information in confidence, giving it the same degree of care, but no less than a reasonable
degree of care, as it exercises with its own proprietary information to prevent its unauthorized
disclosure; and (2) only disclose such propriefary information to its employees, agents,
consultants, subcontractors or Government personnel who have a need to know in order to
achieve the goals stated within this RFQ.
The University intends to short-list potential sites with the combination of features and attributes
that offer the best overall second campus location. The University will evaluate each response
based on the information provided, the University's own experience, and/or information from
public sources. The qualification criteria the University will use to evaluate sites include the
following factors (not listed in order of importance):
1. Location and proximity to LBNL
2. Development capacity
3. Ability to provide a workplace environment which would facilitate world class research
4. Compatible surrounding neighborhoods
5. Environmental site constraints associated with development of the site
6. . Public transportation accessibility
7. Proximity to amenities that enhance the workplace environment
8. Community support for the proposed development
9. Sustainable development potential
10. Existing and potential utilities capacity and the ability to secure low-cost utility service
11. Existing buildings potential for adaptive reuse
12. Ability to develop the site in a timely manner
13. Unusual costs associated with development of the site
14. Impact of other development(s) in the surrounding neighborhoods
The Respondents may be required to submit additional information which allows the_University
to make a more informed decision about placing the site on the short list. Following submittal of
qualifications, some or all Respondents may be required to provide this additional information in
one or all of the fo~lowing ways:
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LBNL 2nd Campus RFQ # 0103
1. Respond fo requests for ciarifications
2. Submit additional information upon request
3. Make a presentation and provide immediate responses to questions
~~ l5
Funding for the development of the second campus will be identified following the identification
of a preferred site.
The University anticipates establishing a short list of the most suitable sites by April 2011. An ~
approximate schedule for the project is shown in the following table. The schedule is preliminary
and subject to change, depending on the outcome of each project phase.
Pro'ect Phase Be in End
Issue and Response to RFQ January 3, 2011 March 4, 2011
Site Selection - Short List by University March 2011 April 2011
Site Selection - Detailed Negotiations April 2011 June 2011 ~
Select Preferred Site June 2011 June 2011
Preliminary Development Agreement July 2011 September 2011
Conceptual Developmenf Plan September 2011 June 2012
Environmental Assessment November 2011 November 2012
University and DOE Approvals October 2012 November 2012
Design July 2012 June 2013
Construction July 2013 October 2015
Occupancy December 2015
The University reserves the right to enter into discussion with any Respondent on any aspect of
this RFQ. The University further reserves the right to request additional information or
clarification from any Respondent as necessary. The expected result of this RFQ is identification
of a short list of sites for further evaluation. The University does not anticipate entering into a
contract as a result of this RFQ.
By participation in this RFQ process, the Respondent agrees to hold harmless the University, its
officers, employees, student and consultants from all claims, liabilities and costs related to all
aspects of the selection process.
The University reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to discuss the requirements
of this RFQ or any element of a response to this RFQ with any entity. If the University elects to
enter into such discussions with any entity, the University shall have no obligation to give notice
to any other entity of the fact or content of such discussions.
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LBNL 2nd Campus RFQ # 0103
The University is not represented by any real estate broker and/or agent. Any agent, broker or
other support used in responding to this RFQ shali be payable by the Respondent.
The University will conduct a more comprehensive review of each site selected for the short list
in order to identify a preferred site. Short listed sites without a development partner will have the
opportunity to assemble their development team in order to conduct detailed negotiations. The
Respondents for each of the short-listed sites will be required to submit detailed information that
will allow the University to make a preferred site selection based substantially on the following
1. Location
2. Ability to meet mission objectives
3. Schedule
4. Initial and Life-cycle cost
5. Risks
6. Potential for environmental impacts
7. Respondent's experience and past development performance.
It is expected that additional factors may also be considered. The University reserves the right
to negotiate with any one or. more Respondent upon terms that may differ from the terms and
conditions originally solicited or offered. The Department of Energy and the Regents of the
University of California must approve the University's execution of any transaction related to the
second campus
This RFQ, the identification of a short list of sites, and the identification of a preferred site are
not actions that trigger environmental review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA) or the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Appropriate environmental
assessments will be completed prior to UC and DOE approvals.
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LBNL 2nd Campus RFQ # 0103
l5 ~ iS
The map shown below highlights the location of the Blackberry Canyon Gate main entrance to
LBNL. Driving times to the proposed site should be measured from this location. The gate is on
Cyclotron Road, which turns into Hearst Avenue on the no~th side of the UC, Berkeley campus.
END OF RFQ# 0103
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