HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Mtg Minutes 01-20-1986 . ' ~ y • ~ Regular Meeting - January 20, 1986 A regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on January 20, 1986, in the Meeting Room, Dublin Libra~y. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Cm. Mack, Chairperson. * * * * ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissione~s Barnes, Bu~nham, Petty, ~d~.ck, ancl Raley, Laurence L. Tong, Planning Di~ector and Kevin J. Gailey, Senior Planner. * * * * PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Cm. Mack led the Cor~mission, Staff, and those present in the pledge of alleqiance to the flag. * * * * MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the regular meeting of January 6, 1986, we~e approved as submitted. * * * * ORAL COMMUNICATION Cm. Mack spent a few minutes reflecting on the ~easons why Ma~tin Luther King was being commemorated. * * * * WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Planning Director La~ry Tong said that several appealable action and final action letters had been given to the Commissioners fo~ informational purposes. * * * * Regular Meeting PCM-6-6 January 20, 1986 • . • • PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT: 7.1 PA 85-102 Dublin West Restaurant Conditional Use Permit ~equest to allow establishment of a recreation facility (dance floor) at an existing restaurant, 11891 Dublin Boulevard. Cm. Mack opened the Public Hearing and called for the Staff Repo~t. Kevin Gailey reviewed the zoning history of subject property. He said that the subject proposal was originally filed as a joint request to allow the establishment of the dance floor and to allow the applicant to secure an alternate type of liquo~ license. Mr. Gailey said based on research by Staff, the ~equested liquor license change was determined to be within the intent of zoning regulations. M~. Gailey said as a result of this, Staff dete~mined the Conditional Use Pe~mit be limited to the p~oposed use of the dance floo~. M~. Gailey said one of the conditions which Staff ~ecommended be imposed was the requirement that documentation be provided by the applicant verifying that the vehicular cross easements between the large office complex, Brendan's Restaurant and the subject property remain in effect. He said this verification would be done by submittal of a copy of a cu~rent recorded easement agreement. Mr. Gailey stated that subject to the conditions outlined in the proposed Resolution, Staff recommended the Conditional Use Permit request be approved. Mr. Kamran Nassiri, applicant, thanked the Commission for its conside~ation of his request. He said the intent will be to d~aw customers 25 years of age and older. He said Disco music will not be played, but instead he will employ jazz bands and bands whose specialty is music from the top 40's. Cm. Raley moved, Cm. Ba~'nes seconded, and the motion carried to close the Public Hearing. Cm. Petty asked of what type of material the moveable curtains were made. Mr. Nassiri said those curtains were made of plastic and were originally designed to separate dining a~eas for banquets. On motion by Cm. Raley, and seconded by Cm. Ba~nes, and by a unanimous voice vote, the Planning Commission approved the Resolution for the project as presented in Exhibit A, approving a Conditional Use Permit Application to establish a rec~eational facility (dance floor) within the existing restaurant at 11891 Dublin Boulevard. Regular Meeting PCM-6-7 January 20, 1986 . . • ~ RESOLUTION NO. 86-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING PA 85-102, DUBLIN WEST RESTAURANT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A RECREATIONAL FACILITY (DANCE FLOOR) WITHIN AN EXISTING RESTAURANT AT 11891 DUBLIN BOULEVARD SUBJECT: 7.2 PA 85-049 Houston-Ame~ican Citv Truck Sto Conditional Use Permit application to allow the continued operation of a truck stop and weigh station with exterior long te~m storage of trucks and ancilla~y retail sales (tires) at 6117 Dougherty Road. Cm. Mack opened the Public Hearing and called for the Staff Report. Mr. Gailey reviewed the zoning history of subject property. He said a Site Development Review for p~oposed furniture and household goods storage is still pending for the property east of the subject property. Mr. Gailey explained the need for an amended project description to include the exterior storage of trucks and ancillary retail sales. He said that he had met with the applicant, F~ed Houston. Mr. Gailey enumerated the Conditions of App~oval in question by Mr. Houston and stated Staff's position on each of Mr. Houston's conce~ns. Mr. Houston expressed appreciation to the Commission for the attention given to his request, and stated that he was in general agreement with Staff's recommendations. He said the subject truck stop has been in operation for 25 years. He asked that it be reviewed in the context of a truck stop o~ maintenance depot, and that it not be considered an office complex. Mr. Houston refer~ed to the list of Conditions, and said he was concerned that the sale of the prope~ty three years down road may be hinde~ed because of the stipulation in Condition #3. Mr. Gailey said the purpose of this Condition is to permit Staff the opportunity to insure that the Conditions of the permit be complied with should the property be sold. Mr. Houston ~equested Condition {#3 be modified so that the permit would be issued for a three year period to coincide with the three-yea~ lease on the property. Mr. Houston questioned the wording in Condition #6, and Mr. Gailey said the phrase "submitted to the applicant" would be revised to read "submitted from the applicant". Mr. Houston also expressed concern regarding a particula~ landscaping strip and asked that it be deleted. He said the weigh scale has a sump pump in it and problems have already occurred because of too much water running into it. He also said the vehicles using the truck stop are often 70' in length and it would be impossible to maintain the landscaping. Regular Meeting PCM-6-8 January 20, 1986 , ' • • , In ~esponse to a question from Cm. Petty, Mr. Houston said he did not have an alternative to the landscaping requi~ed in Condition #6. Mr. Gailey said the major purpose fo~ the landscaping was that it would serve to define the on-site circulation patte~n. Joanne Bergeron-Castro, of the Boa~d of Directors of the Dublin Chamber of Comme~ce, said she had noticed that the strip in question was used for short-term parking by the California Highway Patrol as well as by t~ucks. Mr. Houston said he thought it would be a good idea to identify that area as designated for short term parking. Mr. Gailey said several questions would need to be addressed before short term parking could be conside~ed in the area in question. Paul McDermitt, Rhoda Avenue, said he had had his truck weighed in December at the subject truck stop. He said there was nothing the~e to define the adjacent street as a public street, and that it appeared more like a driveway. He asked of what value the landscaping would have when the rest of the street looked like a d~iveway. Mr. Gailey said that the time framework of the approval will most likely coincide with the development of the north side of the street. M~. Tong summarized Staff's position in terms of the need for landscaping. He said that Houston Place at the present time was part of the Planned Development. He said property in that area will accommodate uses allowed in either the M-1, Light Industrial or C-2, General Commercial Districts. Mr. Tong stated that ~etail use could conceivably be established immediately ac~oss the street. He said with that possibility, Staff thought it was necessary to define where the best circulation points and driveway access were. Mr. Tong said Staff would recommend that the areas designated in Condition #6 be set aside for that purpose. Cm. Raley moved, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and carried, that the Public Hearing be closed. A consensus was reached by the Commission on each of the conditions discussed from the draft Resolution as indicated below. Condition #1 - This should be modified to reflect that the plans to enclose the southern portion of the existing building may be approved administratively with a Site Development Review, and that a Conditional Use Pe~mit would not be required. Condition #3 - This should be revised to make the pe~mit valid for a period of three yea~s with the possibility of an adminis- t~ative extension of two years. Condition #4 - This should be modified to indicate that any a~ea of uncovered storage, including trash areas, must be reviewed by Planning Staff. Regular Meeting PCM-6-9 Janua~y 20, 1986 • • • • Condition #6 - The wording should be corrected to read "plan shall be prepared and submitted from the applicant" instead of "to the applicant". Condition #13 - The landscaping st~ip at the north side of the weigh scale should not be required, but a low conc~ete area, 3' to 4' across and 8" high, should be installed to di~ect traffic. Other modifications were made to reduce the landscaping planter areas. Condition #14 - This should be modified to requi~e installation of area lighting to the easte~n parking/ maneuvering a~ea only. Condition #15 - This should be eliminated (dealt with storage bin which had already been removed from the site). On motion by Cm. Barnes, and seconded by Cm. Petty, and by a unanimous voice vote, the Planning Commission approved an amended Resolution for the project (modified to reflect the above listed changes) approving a Conditional Use Permit Application to allow the operation of a truck stop and weigh station with exterio~ long term storage of trucks and ancillary retail sales at 6117 Dougherty Road. RESOLUTION NO. 86-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING PA 85-049 HOUSTON/WINNING ACTION INVESTMENTS, INC., REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A TRUCK STOP AND WEIGH STATION WITH EXTERIOR LONG TERM STORAGE OF TRUCKS AND ANCILLARY RETAIL SALES (TIRES) AT 6117 DOUGHERTY ROAD (PARCEL "B" OF PARCEL MAP 4008) * * * * NEW BUSINESS Mr. Tong said at the regula~ meeting of January 6, 1986, the Commission requested individual copies of the League of California Cities Planning Commission Handbook. He said a copy of the index was included with the Agenda Statement. Mr. Tong asked the Commissioners to indicate which sections of the Handbook they would be interested in reviewing eithe~ at a futu~e Planning Commission meeting or in a training session. Cm. Mack said she would like to discuss Section VI-D, Expediting Commission Meetings, during a training session. Cm. Raley said he would like to discuss Section II-E, Rules of Official Conduct, including the Conflict of Interest and The B~own Act, at a Regular Meeting PCM-6-10 January 20, 1986 . , " ~ ~ regular Planning Commission meeting. The consensus was that this should be scheduled following the Annual Conference of Planning Commissioners which will be held in Ma~ch. The Commission requested that a special training session be scheduled for Friday, January 31, 1986, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. to discuss Section VI-D. M~`. Tong will make a~~angements for the meeting to be held at the City Council offices. Cm. Petty said he would like to ~eview Section IV-J, Special Districts, and Section II-C, Zoning, at a regula~ Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Tong said a ~eview of these Sections will also be scheduled following the Conference in San Diego. * * * * UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mr. Tong reminded the Commission that Thursday, February 27, 1986, at 7:30 p.m., has been scheduled for the Tri-Valley Planning Commission Joint Study. He said the hosting agency will be the County of Alameda Planning Staff, and a location for the meeting is being sought in Pleasanton. OTHER BUSINESS Cm. Mack asked if appeals had been received in response to several appealable action letters which were recently mailed. M~. Tong said an appeal has been filed by the architect for the Dubney project (PA 85-045). * * * * PLANNING COMMISSIONER'S CONCERNS Cm. Raley asked if it would be feasible to commence the Planning Commission meetings at 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30 p.m. Mr. Tong said it would be possible to do this and suggested that it might also be feasible to establish a cut-off time. It was the con- sensus that the 7:00 p.m. starting time should become effective following the Conference in San Diego on a trial basis. Cm. Petty asked if any additional information were available pertaining to the schools. Mr. Tong said he had read a recent article in the newspaper which indicated that one of the bills being considered may eliminate the option of special impact fees. Regular Meeting PCM-6-11 January 20, 1986 , ~ ~ ~ Cm. Barnes asked if additional information had been received for the Annual Plarini,ng Conference in San Diego. Mr. Tong said no information had been ~eceived to date. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~ annin mmission Chairperson Laurence L. Tong, Planning Di~ector * * * * Regular Meeting PCM-6-12 Janua~y 20, 1986