HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Meeting Minutes 03-02-1987 I _ . ~ ` Regular Meeting - March 2, 1987 A regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on March 2, 1987, in the Meeting Room, Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Cm. Raley, Chairperson. ~ ~ ~ ~ ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioners Barnes, Burnham, Mack, and Raley, Laurence L. Tong, Planning Director, Kevin J. Gailey, Senior Planner, and Maureen 0'Halloran, Associate Planner. ABSENT: Commissioner Petty {excused absence). ~ ~ ~c ~ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Cm. Raley led the Commission, Staff, and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. ~ ~ ~ ~ ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE AGENDA None. ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING I I The minutes of February 2, 1987, were approved as presented. The minutes of February 17, 1987, were not available. ~ ~ ~ ~ ORAL COMMiJNICATIONS None. ~ ~ ~ ~ . WRITTEN COMNNNICATIONS Mr. Tong reviewed the Appealable and Final Action Letters which had been made available to the Commissioners. It was noted that some of the Commissioners had not received the Appealable Action Letters for the projects referred to as PA 87-007 and PA 87-016. Regular Meeting PCM-7-39 March 2, 1987 , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PUBLIC HEARINGS SUBJECT: PA 87-013.1 and .2 Automation Electronics Corp./Hexcel Corp. Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review requests. Cm. Raley opened the public hearing and called for the Staff Report. Mr. Gailey ~ advised that Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review requests were being requested to allow a Permanent Special Easement - Master Office Identifi- cation Sign for Automation Electronics Corporation (11501 Dublin Boulevard) and I Hexcel Corporation (11555 Dublin Boulevard), located on the adjoining parcel to I the east (11711 Dublin Boulevard). He indicated that the application for the sign I was filed to comply with a Conditional of Approval established for the Phase I- ~ Automation Electronics Corporation facility. He reviewed the dimensions of the sign. Mr. Gailey advised that Staff recommended conditional approval of the sign and stated that the proposed sign is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Gailey stated that although no representatives were in attendance on behalf of the Applicant, Staff felt confident that the Applicant would generally agree with Staff's recommendations. Cm. Raley closed the public hearing. In response to an inquiry by Cm. Raley, Mr. Gailey indicated that the reverse side of the proposed sign would remain blank. Mr. Gailey reviewed the current status of the Automation Electronics Corp. - Phase II project, and indicated that the City had granted conditional occupancy of the building. He advised that a cashier's check had been submitted to the City which I would cover the items which remain to be completed on the project. He said it was anticipated that the uncompleted aspects of the project would be completed by the third week of March. ~ On motion by Cm. Mack, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by a unanimous vote (Gm. Petty absent), a Resolution was adopted approving PA 87-013.1 and .2 Automation Electronics Corporation/Hexcel Corporation Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review requests. RESOLUTION N0. 87 - 009 APPROVING PA 87-013.1 AND .2 AUTOMATION ELECTRONICS CORPORATION/ HERCEL CORPORATION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUESTS FOR A PERMANENT SPECIAL EASEMENT - MASTER OFFICE IDENTIFICATION SIGN ~ ~ ~ ~ SUBJECT: PA 87-014 Howard Johnsan Hotel Conditional Uss Permit and Variance requests. Cm. Raley opened the public hearing and called for the Staff Report. I Ms. 0'Halloran advised that the Applicant had submitted requests for 1) a Condi- tional Use Permit to allow a second Freestanding Single-faced Sign on the parcel, 2) a Variance to allow the Freestanding Sign which is not located within the i i 'I Regular Meeting PCM-7-40 March 2, 1987 !i • . • ` middle one-third of the lot, 3) a Variance to allow the sign to exceed the maximum permitted sign area based upon setback, and 4) a Variance to allow the sign to i exceed maximum permitted height based upon setback. Ms. 0'Halloran indicated that the Planning Commission had approved a Conditional li~ Use Permit for a 28 foot tall Freestanding Sign on the rear portion of the site on I September 15, 1986. She advised that in January 1987, the City Council amended I, the City's Zoning Ordinance to allow two Freestanding Signs on large parcels ~ adjacent to the freeways, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. I Ms. 0'Halloran reviewed the dimensions of the proposed second Freestanding Sign. I She stated that there is one non-conforming sign and one illegal sign on the site, ~ and indicated that conditions have been applied within the draft Resolution which ! would require that the unauthorized sign located on the north building elevation Ii and the signage on the back side of the existing Freestanding Sign adjacent to the Regional Street entrance be removed. ~ Ms. 0'Halloran advised that it was Staff's recommendation the Planning Commission ~I waive the Site Development Review requirement for the west elevation subject to ~ the conditions of approval and adopt the proposed Resolutions approving PA 87-014 I, Howard Johnson Hotel Sign Conditional Use Permit and Variance. ~I I The Applicant was not in attendance at the meeting. I ; Cm. Raley closed the public hearing. I' i In response to an inquiry by Cm. Raley, Ms. 0'Halloran gave a brief history of the ',i existing signs, including previous actions by the County. ~ I On motion by Cm. Burnham, seconded by Cm. Mack, and by a unanimous vote (Cm. Petty ~'i absent), a Resolution was adopted approving PA 87-014 Howard Johnson Hotel Sign I, Conditional Use Permit request. ! ~ RESOLUTION N0. 87 - O10 I APPROVING PA 87-014 HOWARD JOHNSON HOTEL SIGN CQNDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST FOR A SECOND FREESTANDING SIGN AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE SITE AT 6680 REGIONAL STREET ,I On motion by Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Burnham, and by a unanimous vote I (Cm. Petty absentj, a Resolution was adopted approving the PA $7-014 Howard Johnson Hotel Sign Variance request. I RESOLUTION N0. 87 - O11 . ~ APPROVING PA 87-014 HOWARD JOHNSON HOTEL SIGN VARIANCE REQUEST ~I • (1) TO ALLOW THE FREESTANDING SIGN WHICH IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN THE MIDDLE ONE- THIRD OF THE LOT; (2) TO ALLOW THE SI~N TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED SIGN AREA BASED ON SETBACK; AND (3) TO ALLOW THE SIGN TO EXCEED MAXIMUM PERMITTED HEIGHT II BASED UPON SETBAGK AT 6b80 REGIONAL STREET ! ~ ~ ~ ~ I~~ SUBJECT: , PA 87-009.1 and .2 Cizcuit City Stores - Site II Development Review and Conditional Use Permit 'i requests. I Regular Meeting PCM-7-41 March 2, 1987 I~ ~ ~ ~ Cm. Raley opened the public hearing and called for the Staff Report. Mr. Gailey advised that a Site Development Review request had been received for the refur- bishing of the 51,600+ square foot Handyman Store located at 7450 Amador Valley Boulevard to accommodate the proposed occupancy by a Circuit City Store (consumer electronics). He also advised that a Conditional Use Permit request for a Free- standing Sign with a height in excess of 20 feet was concurrently filed with the Site Development Review request. Mr. Gailey reviewed the existing zoning and land use of the subject property. He indicated that the subject property consists of two structures, a 51,60Q+ square foot horne improvement retail sales store (the vacant Handyman Store - south portion of the site) and a 12,000+ square foot sporting goods retail sales store (Oshrnan's - north portion of the site). Mr. Gailey summarized the proposed modifications to the exterior of the existing southerly structure as outlined in the Analysis section of the Agenda Statement dated March 2, 1987. Mr. Gailey advised that Staff is generally supportive of the Site Development Review, and is desirous of having a new tenant occupy the vacant Handyman Store. He indicated that no tenant had been named for the square footage which will not be utilized by Circuit City Stores, but said it is anticipated that the additional space will be occupied by one or two retail outlets. Regarding the Conditional Use Permit for a new Freestanding Sign, Mr. Gailey advised in response to direction by Staff, the Applicant had submitted revised plans for the sign which brought it into conformance with the City's dimensional Sign Ordinance requirements. He said Staff would suggest that, for identification purposes for future tenants, the design of the sign be modified to allow for an increase in the area devoted to copy for identification of the future retail tenant(s), and that this suggestion was incorporated into the Conditions of Approval in the Draft Resolution of Approval for the Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Gailey indicated that Staff recomrnended conditional approval of the Site Development Review and Conditional Use Permit requests and adopt the Draft Resolutions as presented in Exhibits A, B and C. Neither the Applicant or Representative were present, but Mr. Gailey confirmed that they had been made aware of the meeting. Cm. Raley closed the public hearing. On motion by Cm. Mack, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by a unanimous vote (Cm. Petty absent), a Resolution was approved adopting a Negative Declaration of Environ- mental Significance concerning PA 87-009.1 and .2 Circuit City Stores. RESOLUTION N0. 87 - 012 ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE CONCERNING PA 87-009.1 AND .2 - SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTS On motion by Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Burnham, and by a unanimous vote (Cm. Petty absent), a Resolution was adopted approving PA 87-009.1 Circuit City Stores Site Development Review request. Regular Meeting PCM-7-42 March 2, 1987 . ~ • ~ I RESOLUTION N0. 87 - 013 ~II APPROVING PA 87-009.1 CIRCUIT CITY STORES SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR THE PROPOSED REFURBISHING OF THE VACANT HANDYMAN STORE ' AT 7450 AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD ~ • , On motion by Cm. Burnham, seconded by Cm. Mack, and by a unanimous vote (Cm. Petty I~I absent), a Resolution was adopted approving PA 87-009.2 Circuit City Stores Conditional Use Permit request. ' RESOLUTION N0. $7 - 014 I' APPROVING PA 87-009.2 CIRCUIT CITY STORES CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST FOR A FREESTANDING SIGN WITH A HEIGHT IN EXCESS OF 20 FEET LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 40 FEET FROM THE FRONT PROPERTY LINE ~ AT 7450 AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD ~ ~ ~ ~ Prior to the commencement of the final public hearing item, PA 86-046 Fire Safe ' Roofing Ordinance Amendment, Gm. Raley called for discussion of NEW BUSINESS OR , UNFINISHED BUSINESS, or OTHER BUSINESS. ~ NEW BUSINESS OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. ~ ~ ~ ~ OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Tong advised that at the last City Council meeting, comments regarding the BART Park and Ride Project were reviewed and Council members decided not to provide additional comments, but to maintain those presented. He indicated that TJKM had been requested to provide BART Staff with a supplemental traffic study. Mr. Tong indicated a request for a General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan Study for Dublin Ranch had been submitted by Ted Fairfield, and that it was anticipated the request would be placed on the March 9, 1987, City Council meeting. Mr. Tong noted that the proposed Dublin Downtown Specific Plan will be scheduled for the March 16, 1987, Planning Commission meeting. He stated that if review of the proposed Plan is not completed at that meeting, it will be continued to a special meeting on Thursday, March 19, 1987, contingent upon the availability of the Planning Commissioners. The Commissioners were reminded by Mr. Tong of the Planning Commissioners Institute which will be held in Sacramento from Wedneday, March 11, 1987, to Friday, March 13, 1987. He advised that those attending will be leaving the City Office at approximately 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, and that the City will provide the transportation. Cm. Raley surrendered th~ chair to Vice Chairperson Barnes, to conclude the public hearing item. Due to a conflict of interest related to the proposed Fire Safe Roofing Ordinance Amendment, he left the meeting. Regular Meeting PCM-7-43 March 2, 1987 _V ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) SUBJECT: PA 86-046 Fire Safe Roofing Ordinance Amendment Cm. Barnes called for the Staff Report. Mr. Gailey indicated that the following industry and public agency representatives had been in attendance at the public hearing held on January 19, 1987: Robert Burns - Executive Director of the Committee for Firesafe Roofing, Harry Abney - Executive Director of the Red Cedar Shingle & Handsplit Shake Bureau, Vic Taugher - City of Dublin Building Official, and Tom Hathcox - Dublin San Ramon Services Fire Department. Mr. Gailey reviewed the modifications which the Planning Commission had directed Staff to make to the Draft Fire Safe Roofing Materials Ordinance as a result of the January 19, 1987, Planning Commission hearing and which were contained on page 2 of the March 2, 1987, Agenda Statement. He indicated that since that meeting he had met with DSRSD Fire Marshall ~om Hathcox, who had recommended the two addi- tional modifications to the Draft Ordinance and accompanying Fire Safe Roof Area Map: 1) require that roofing materials of Class B or better (rather than Class C or better) be utilized for new developments in the identified "High Fire Hazard Areas"; and 2) expand the Fire Safe Roof Area Map to include the upper reaches of the Estate Homes subdivision (at the northwest corner of the City) and establish a requirement that re-roofing projects in that area utilize roofing materials of a Class C or better rating. Mr. Gailey indicated that Staff sought additional direction to the following two items: 1) determination of inerit in expanding the boundary of the "High Fire Hazard Area" to create a Roofing Area 2 in the northwest corner of the Gity, as suggested by Mr. Hathcox, and 2) determination of what special roofing require- ments, if any, should be applied for new construction in the "flatland" areas (identified as Roofing Area 3 on the Draft Fire Safe Roof Area Map) on . Mr. Gailey advised that with additional direction from the Commission regarding these two items, Staff would recommend the Commission adopt a Resolution approving the Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance for PA 86-046 and a Resolution recommending the City Gouncil approve a Fire Safe Roofing Materials Ordinance (modified as necessary to reflect the Commission's direction at the March 2, 1987, meeting). Mr. Tong noted that an error had been made on the Draft Fire Safe Roof Area Map: the northeastern City limit designation as Roofing Area 2 should have been shown as Roofing Area l. In addition, Mr. Gailey noted that the southwestern portion of the City (including the Pulte Homes property) should be designated Roofing Area l, instead of Roofing Area 3. Cm. Barnes re-opened the public hearing. Cm. Burnham inquired what requirements would be applied to a situation wherein a second story was added to a house; in particular, he asked for Staff's comments on whether or not the roof on the second story addition would be classified as "new construction" or as "re-roofing". This was situation discussed later during the hearing. Regular Meeting PCM-7-44 March 2, 1987 . I~ ~ ~ Robert Burns, Executive Director of the Committee for Firesafe Roofing, urged the Commissioners to recommend that a Class C or Better rating for new construction in Roofing Area 3 be required, and a rating of "In-Kind" or Better be required for replacement roofing in Roofing Area 3. He said that by adopting this requirement, the City Council would be maintaining the risk factor at its current level, rather than raising it. Mr. Hathcox, Fire Marshall for the DSRSD Fire Department, also urged the Commis- sion to recommend adoption of a Class C or Better rating in Roofing Area 3. Harry Abney, Red Cedar Shingle & Handsplit Shake Bureau, stated that he objected strenuously to the recommendation by Mr. Burns and Mr. Hathcox. He read a letter to the Commissioners dated January 8, 1987, from the B.I.A. which opposed the proposed Ordinance Amendment. Mr. Gailey advised that copies of the letter to which Mr. Abney referred had been given to the Commissioners at the January 17, 1987, meeting. Mr. Abney indicated that he did not think the proposed Ordinance Amendment would be cost effective and referred to a report which he had submitted previously containing a recap of all the fires within Contra Costa County for the past several years. He said that since there have not been any serious fire incidents during the past 20 or 30 years within the City of Dublin, he did nat think it was necessary to impose a highly expensive reroofing requirement on the existing homeowners. In response to an inquiry from Mr. Healy, Dublin resident, Mr. Gailey advised that under the provisions of the proposed Ordinance Amendment, homes on Betlen Drive would have to re-roof with materials of a rating of "In-Kind" or Better. In response to a question raised by Cm. Burnham, Mr. Gailey indicated that new developments in the Western Extended Planning Area would have to be reviewed individually to determine roofing requirements. He stated, however, that it would be reasonable to assume that the bulk of that area would be considered as Roofing Area 1, requiring roofing materials of a rating of Class B or Better. Mr. Hathcox expressed concern regarding wind turbulence in the small canyons where future development is being considered. He indicated that Fire Department man- power would be severely taxed should fires occur in those areas. Mr. Burns indicated that he is not opposed to using any of the roofing materials specified in the proposed Ordinance, including wood (if treated to become fire retardant). He expressed concern about potential fire hazards and the potential for fires to spread rapidly from roof to roof in the area known as the "flat- lands". He cited several cities which had experienced roof fires which spread to numerous homes. Cm. Barnes closed the public hearing. Cm. Mack stated her preference that new construction in Area 3 be required to use roofing materials with a rating of Class C or Better and re-roofing projects to use materials of "In-Kind" or Better. Cm. Barnes indicated that she wants to make the installation of spark arrestors a requirement on all new construction and, if possible, on existing homes. She also concurred with Cm. Mack that new construction in Area 3 be required to use roofing materials with a rating of Class C or Better and re-roofing projects ta use materials of "In-Kind" or Better. Regular Meeting PCM-7-45 March 2, 1987 ~ ~ ~ Cm. Burnham also concurred with Crn. Mack and Cm. Barnes concerning Area 3 roofing requirements. He referred to a roof fire which occurred on Wicklow Lane last Saturday. Mr. Gailey reviewed the consensus direction of the Commissioners: 1) require, if possible, the installation of a spark arrestor at the time of the sale of new construction; 2) affix a dollar value to building modifications for existing homes, possibly of $1,000.00, and require installation of spark arrestors at the time the modifications occur; 3) recommend the City Council adopt the proposed Ordinance specifiying that new construction in Area 3 be required to use roofing materials with a rating of Class C or Better and re-roofing projects to use materials of "In-Kind" or Better; 4) create Roofing Area 2 in the area now known as Estate Homes and require that re-roofing in that area be of roofing materials of Class C or better. Cm. Mack requested that the word "may" on page 3, paragraph C. 1) of the Draft Ordinance (Exhibit A) be deleted. After discussion regarding the construction of a second story on an existing building, it was the consensus of the Commission that regardless of whether or nat the "re-roofing" involved up to 100~ of the existing roof, roofing materials utilized could be "In-Kind". It was also the consensus that if a house were demolished and completely re-built, it would be considered as new construction and roofing materials stipulated for new construction would have to be complied with. On motion by Cm. Burnham, seconded by Cm. Mack, and by a unanimous vote (Cm. Petty absent; Cm. Raley abstained), a Resolution was approved adopting a Negative Declaration for PA 86-046 Fire Safe Roofing Materials Ordinance. RESOLUTION N0. 87 - 015 ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PA 86-046 FIRE SAFE ROOFING MATERIALS ORDINANCE On motion by Cm. Mack, seconded by Gm. Burnham, and by a unanimous vote (Cm. Petty absent, Cm. Raley abstained), a Resolution was approved, modified to reflect the consensus direction of the Commission, recommending City Council adoption of PA 86-046 Fire Safe Roofing Materials Ordinance. RESOLUTION N0. 87 - 016 RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF PA 86-04fi FIRE SAFE ROOFING MATERIALS ORDINANCE ~ ~ ~ ~ PLANNING COMMISSIONERS' CQNCERNS Cm. Mack stated that several trucks have been using the Handyman parking lot as a truck stop. Mr. Tong advised that Staff would notify the Applicant (Circuit City Stores) and the Zoning Investigator of this situation, and an attempt would be made to communicate with the truck owners. In response to an inquiry by Cm. Burnham regarding the signs being used at the Cronin School site on York Drive, Mr. Gailey indicated that he had not had an opportunity to contact either Hobby Horse Preschool or Family Bible Church Regular Meeting PCM-7-46 March 2, 1987 vy ~ ~ ~ personnel. He advised that Conditions of Approval had been established related to the use of signs on the site, and that the Applicants were aware of those Conditions. Cm. Barnes inquired about the use of A-frame signs at the Shamrock Shopping Center, and Mr. Tong indicated that those were classified as "illegal signs". He said those signs were included in the sign survey and will be covered by City Council direction when the sign survey has been completed, He advised that all o~ the letters pertaining to illegal signs will be mailed at the same time. He stated that it is hoped the survey wil.l be completed within the next two months and that additional Staff and funds had been allocated to expedite the completion of the survey. ~e~c~~ ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. ~ ~ ~ ~ Respectfully submitted, ~ _c~ ~ Planning Commission Chair rson i Laurence L. Tong Planning Director ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Regular Meeting PCM-7-47 March 2, 1987