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HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Attch 2 Written Statement Tri-Valley YMCA CUP ~ ~ ~c iv~ . DEC 4 7 2010 Tri-Valley YMCA ~tJ~Lil~ PLANNIfVG Description of Use p~- ap D ~~-1 ~ The Tri-Valley YMCA, a branch of YMCA of the East Bay, is seeking a conditional use permit to ~ provide a variety of recreation and wellness programs for children, teens and adults at 6693 Sierra Lane in Dublin. The Tri-Valley YMCA is one of over 2500 YMCAs across the country. The Tri-Valley YMCA has L been in existence since 1965 and the YMCA of the East Bay since 1879. Together they have a rich tradition of proving quality programming for children and their families. The YMCA mission ~ is to build strong kids, strong families, strong communities. It is clear that these things can only be accomplished in dialogue and in partnership with the community so the YMCA is committed to work with others to surface community needs and address them. The Tri-Valley YMCA, like YMCAs across the country, helps children and youth to deepen positive values, their commitment to service and their motivation to learn. We help families build stronger bonds with each other and engage more positively in their communities. And we work to strengthen the communityby aligning services and making sure people know how to access them. Currently the Tri-Valley YMCA offers health and wellness programming for children and adults, summer camps, school-age childcare, middle school after school programs, a variety of preschool and pre-kindergarten programs, a large parent-child program, a Youth & Government program, an extensive service learning program for middle school and high school students, college planning activities and other teen leadership programs. We currently serve over 1,500 children and their families each year through our various programs. Over the past several years we have worked to expand programs and services in direct response to community need. We are working with partner organizations and entities to address service gaps. The Tri-Valley YMCA is committed to working with children and families that wouldn't otherwise have access to services. We engage in extensive fundraising to make sure that no one is turned away from essential services and programs because of an inability to pay. In a very intentional way, the Tri-Valley YMCA seeks to identify and serve those who are the most in need in our community, those for whom alternative services might not be available. Standard hours of operation for our office staff are from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. There will be approximately ten YMCA staff working on site. Recreation and community programs are offered at various times throughout the day and evening both during the business week and on weekends. The attached grid provides a list of programs and information on when they might be offered. The Tri-Valley YMCA will not disrupt the peace of the surrounding residents or businesses. The Tri-Valley YMCA will not have negative effects on the health or safety of people residing or working in the vicinity. Nor will the YMCA have negative impacts on property, transportation systems or existing improvements in the neighborhood. This praject is not located on a hazardous waste and substance site. ATTACHMENT 2 . ~ . . V! N N N {A ~ 1/~ y y) . ~~~~~L°~~EE~o~~ aSa~ y~,b ~m~ ~~~cnc c c ~o Ooaaaa`~~aaaaa 3~ . ~ ~ c c'a'a ~C C C fC C ~G C ~C ~C ~C ~C C ~ C C vl tn ul ' 3~~~~ 7~~~ 3~=~ 10 N G. G. G. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,a a"'~,~w ~ ~~~~~~s~~~~~s~~~~~~~~~ ~ C ~ C~~~ G~ C t~0 C G C Q~ G! di ~b OD N.~ 0~ OD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 f~J •S ul ~ ,'-'y t,S ~~1 7 > > 'p ~ ; ~ 'tOry L7 fp ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c~a ~.o t c~ aa~ c~, ~ 0 0~,~-,-,o~~zooa ~~~o;~~oo ~ ~ - aa~~ua~~~~-¢aaa3'~'a~.¢¢a - ~ ~ - - - ~ u ~ ~ sG,c~3'~ °'~e~~ie°+~,}a ~,M~~r°v~do''''oor''o~^`^'0"''S~'~~ ,p 'r+ ~ ri ~j N rl ei N ri U L.~ ~ o" } c ~ E E E E E~ E E E~ E E~ E E E E~ E E ~~E a c.aaaaa~Q a.aaaaa~ aac.aa~ a c ~ I 1 ~ tl1 00 N f11 trf PO W 00 ~L Q1 Q1 C1 01 ~ M 01 OD 1~ 00 01 00 G 7 j ' ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ i t r ~ i ~ e ~ i 1 ~ y L~ E~ E~~~ j~~ E E~ E E~ F~ E E E E ~a a~coa`°oo`~o'0ou~ c~a~n~n~~wwu~~,iwc~0a~o ~ ~ ~ u_ ou.u u.~.~~~..~~--~"'p °'t'~-~ F- o a~`^Fx- ,U 0 ~ X~2~3~ N~M~~~~~~ X~~ N ei ~ C Q ~ ~ ~ a_ ~ ~ w a`"i a a ° o 0 ;n u 'u ~ u °0, ~ ~ o ~ ~ 4 a~ CO y tl Q~ Q Q~}~ '~C ~ ~ ~a ~ coo,~~v~~~~~ ~ E~E ~ E~:~ E~ ~ ro~ oc`°.c`°~° c ooa~~~Ylo~-a~_°;-'~aiar~s~ yd c,~ E ~o +a c~ w m y L^ L" ~ °J 3 o. a~ t~ p t~ m a ~u ~ ~ a~ ~o ~ L ~ a L.,~cw~~ vJi `v'~ ~~e2io?Ju, ~•~'ro~ ~ ~ c a a~ o~l ar a~ - an d ~ .c v,EE~.c u}KtN ~ E~~ ~+~v a~ E E~ c G ~ d~' u tt n ~0 ~a o~ ao p,p aC4aF` ~ o 0'3 a~iu~~ a~°i ~1Jl•+Qvf Z ¢>>c~nv,uv?r 2>-~-~-4~.°~~caa LL~i ~ *