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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.02 Rec Report Spring Qtr. ' ~ ~ / CITY OF DUBLIN ~GEIdDA STATEP+TENT CITY COUI~CIL 1~IEETIATG DATE: AUGUST 26, 1991 SUBJECT . Spring Quarter 1991 Recreation Report Report by Diane Lowart, Recreation Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED . o Registration Analysis o Quarterly Activity Report o Senior Center Attendance Report RECD~A+IEIdDATIOAT ~ . . Information ~ FIATANCIAL STATE@iEAtT : None DESCRIPTIORT . The following report summarizes the activities conducted by the Recreation Department during the spring quarter encompassing the months of April and May, 1991. Adult Sports The 1991 Spring Adult Softball Pragram consisted of 13 leagues in which 74 teams were registered. Games were scheduled for each night of the week ,with the exception of Saturday. Leagues included Coed, C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, D-1, D-3, D-4 and D-5. In addition, Business Leagues were offered designed for local businesses with game held immediately following work at 5:30 p.m. An all-star game highlighted the mid-season and each league was concluded with a championship game. Approximately 1100 players participated in the Spring League. Afterschool Recreation Attendance at both sites continued to remain steady through the remainder of the school year. The average daily attendance at Nielsen was 43 and at Murray was 25. In May, program participants presented skits and artwork for their parents attending "Skits, Tricks and Art Pics" night. After the chiTdren and Staff had presented their skits, all were entertained by a magician while enjoying homemade refreshments. Approximately 60 people attended this activity. To celebrate the end of the year, the Nielsen site had,a barbecue and the Murray site had a talent show/movie day. Aquatics The Dublin Swim center opened for the 1991 season on April 1, 1991. Recreational swimming was offered from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday during spring break. Attendance totalled 414 during this week with an average daily attendance of 83. Following spring break, the Swim Center remained open on weekends from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. for recreational swimming. The total swim attendance for the rnonths of April and May was 1447 with an average daily attendance of 96. Leisure Enrichment Classes Classes for preschool children and youth continue their success. Among the preschool age classes, Sing-Along-Time, Just You and Me, and Time For Two are some of the most popular classes offered by the Department. Dance classes continue in popularity for school age children, as do Tennis and Karate. New programming included Modeling classes for children and teens, and Beginning Piano. Adult classes experienced success in some new proqram areas. The new Ballroom Dancing and Beginning Piano classes were both well attended. Returning with continued success, and expansion, was Dog Obedience. This class is now offered on two evenings and, iri addition, an advanced class has been programmed. ----------- --- ---------------------------------------------------- ITF~+I r10. ~~~ CITY CLERK FILE D 9 D 3 0 ~~~ v ! Preschool Classes Al1 three preschool classes reached their students per class. In addition to daily on excursions to Carl's Jr. and Heather Also, an ice cream social was held for The preschool classes concluded with ceremony and party on June 6 and 7. Senior Center In April the Center hosted Channel 30's The forum focused on areas of interest attracted 80 would-be television stars. Railroad and a"Hard Times After Taxes April's calendar of events. Average da telephone calls were logged. i maximum enrollment of 20 activities, the classes went Farms Park in Walnut Creek. children and their parents. the traditional graduation Young at Heart Senior Forum. to seniors in the Valley and A trip on the Niles Canyon Luncheon" were features of ily attendance was 77 and 286 Mother was honored in May with a Mother's Day Tea attended by 65 folks. The Center published its firs,t Center brochure in May (copies attached). The purpose of this brochure is to inform the public of the services and activities offered by the Center. The first annual Fun Walk was held on May 31st. Walkers met at the Center, walked a mile-long course and ended at Kolb Park for a barbecue luncheon. The Center's aerobics class presented an exercise demonstration and the mobile van from Fairmont Hospital was present to perform blood pressure screening. Average daily attendance was 72 and 283 telephone calls were logged. ~ecial Events The annual Kolb Park. as well as booths. addition, event. Easter "Eggstravaganza" This festive activity a special magic show, e~ The event was sold out, 15-20 volunteers were was held on Saturday, March 30 at featured the traditional egg hunts ~g games, face painting and spin art with 207 paid participants. In in attendance to assist with the The Spring City-Wide Flea Market was held in the Shannon Center parking lot on April 27 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A maximum of 45 vendors participated and over 400 shoppers were in attendance. This event continues to be a great success and is well received by the public. Teens The lunchtime activities continued to School. Each activity averaged approx average of 25 spectators per event. offered included a week-long scavenger the daily bull.etin and during lunch, clock" contest. draw strongly at Wells Middle imately 42 participants with an The "extra special" activities hunt, with clues announced in a tug-of-war and a"beat the The new drop-in sports night at the gym was met with limited success; average attendance was five participants nightly. In evaluating the program, Staff is considering chanqing the day the program is offered, from Thursday to Friday, and offering the program during the winter months only. Three pool bashes were also held during the spring quarter with an average of 136 teens in attendance. A Registration Analysis, Quarterly Activity Report and Senior Center Attendance Report are attached for reviaw by the City Council. ~ CITY OF DUBLIN • RECREATION DEPARTMENT • REGISTRATION ANALYSIS QUARTER SpRING 1991 A - ADULT Y - Y~UTH W/L - WAITING LIST CA - CANCELLED C - COMBINED O; CLASS TITLE MIN MAX RES NON- RES TOTAL REGIS NO. W/L CA C 140' Pee Wee Ballet Y ' 9 15 15 fl 15; 0 141 I Tiny Tumbers Y 9 15 15~ 2 I 15 ' 0 I I 142 Super Tumblers Y 9 I 15 7( S.~I 12'. 0 ( I 190 Just You and Me Y 6 I 12 9 3 I 12 I 1 I I i 190 Just You and Me ( Y 6 12 8 I 4 I 12 I 0 I i 191 Sing Alang Time ~ I Y 8 14 9 5 14 I 2 ,I ~ 192 Time For Two's ' ~ Y 6 12 7 5 I 12 • I 1 I. ~ 192I Time For Two's I Y 6 I 12 9 I 3 I 12 ( 0~ I 192I Time For ~ao's I Y 6 I 12 I 11 I 1 I 12 0 I I 197I Preschool I Y 12. ~ 20 15 I 5 I 20 I 0 f ~ 198I Preschool I Y 12 20 I 16 4 I 20 I 0 I 199I Preschool Y 12 20 I 16' 4 I 20• I ~ I 240 Tap & Ballet - ~ Y 9 15 ( 14 1 I 15 I 0 I I 241 ( Tap & Ballet Y 9 15 0 I 0 I .0 0 I X I 242 I Tap & Ballet (Adv) Y 9 15 0 ( 0 ~ 0 I 0 I X I 243 Jazz Dance I Y 9 15 13 2 I 15 ( 0 I I 243 I Jazz Dance Y 9 15 -1 ~ I 1,. I 0 I X 244 I Karate (Beginning) Y 9 14 10 4 I 1.4• 0 I 245 Rarate (Advanced) Y 9 14 I 9 3~ I 3. I~ I 246 I Bumper Bowl Y LO 18 15 3 I 18 1 ( 247 Strikes & Spares I Y 6 I 12• 5 ~5 10 0 I I 249 Judo Y 6 I 12 3 0 3; .. 0 290 Artworks Y 8 I 15 11 I~ 2 13 I 0 CITY OF DUBLIN ~ • RECREATION DEPARTMENT REGISTRATION ANALYSIS A - ADULT Y - Y~UTH W/L - WAITING LIST CA - CANCELLED C - COMBINED QUARTER _~~n~ 1 991 O: CLASS TITLE MIN MAX RES NON- RES TOTAL I REGIS NO. W/L CA C 275' Beginning Piano Y 8 20 6 0 6 0 266 Children's Modeling Y 6 20 6 2 8 0 I 248 Tennis (Beg/Adv) Y 4 8 8 0 8 3 I I 248 Tennis (Beg/Adv) Y 4 8 8 0 8 I 2 I i 192 Time For Two's Y 6 12 11 1 12 2 ~ i 192 Time For Two's Y 6 12 10 2 12 0 I i 192 Time For ~ao's I Y 6 12 8 4 12 1 I ~ 250 Babysitter I Y 8 15 11 I 0 I 11 I 0 I 366 I Intr. To Modeling I Y 8 I 15 I 7 ( 0 I 7 0 I ~ I 367 Intermediate Modeling I Y 6 12 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 i X ~ 368 I Advanced Modeling Y 6 12 0 0 I 0 0 X , 481 I Dog Obedience A 10 16 10 6 16 2 I 481 Dog Obedience A 10 16 7 9 I 16 1 I 481I Adv. Dog Obedience I A 6 16 4 I 2 I 6 0 I I 473 I Easter Truffles A 6 12 0 I 0 I 0 0( I 442 Karate I A 9 50 10 2 I 12 0 I `~ I 482 I Photography Basics A 6 12 0 0 0 0 X I 483 I Advanced Photography A 6 12 0 0 0 0 X I 471 Beginning Piano A 6 12 6 0 I 6 I 0 I 464 I Ballroom Dancing A 10 60 27 2 I 29 0 I 462 Co-Dependency Intensive A 10 I 50 • 0 0 0 0 I X 461 Basic Finacial Plan~~ing A 10 20~ 0 0 0 0 X 460 Puppy Kindergarten A 10 I 15 3 5 8 8 ~ CITY OF DUBLIN ~ RECREATION DEPARTMENT REGISTRATION ANALYSIS A - ADULT Y - Y~UTH W/L - WAITING LIST CA - CANCELLED C - COMBINED QUARTER _ SPRING 1991 0: CLASS TITLE MIN MAX RES RES ROEGIS I W/L I CA J C 443 Tennis (Beg/Adv Beg) A 4 8 7 4 11 I 443I Tennis (Beg/Adv Beg) A 4 8 10 I 0 I 10 ~ I 444 Golf 6 I 8 6 L I I ~ 444 I Golf I A I 6 I 8 0 I 0 I 0 I I g ~ 444 I Golf I A 6 I 8 3 I 1 I 4 ( ~ ~ ~ , 444 I Golf I A 6 8 I 0 0 I 0 I I I% ; 444 I Golf A I 6 8 3 I 4 I 7 I ~ 445 I Golf (Advanced) I A 6 I 8 I ~ ~ ( ~ I 446 I Lets Play Golf I A I 4 I 4 I 0 0 I 0 I ~ 446 ~ Lets Pla Golf I A I I I I I I I 447 ` Lets Play Golf I A 4 I I I I I I 447 I Lets Play Golf I A I 4 I 4( I I i 450 I Preparation for Childbirth A I 6 I 12 I 0 I 0 I 0 I I g I 451 I Color Analysis I A 5 10 I 8 I 2 I I I 454 Back Pain AI I i ~ I I 455 I Basic Life Su ort CPR I I I I I . I 455 I Basic Life Su ort/CPR I I I I I 459 I Childbirth Basics ` I I I I I I I I I ( I I - - I . I I I I ( I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I ( _ I ~ QUARTERLY ACTIVITY REPORT SPRING 1991 PROGRAM PRESCHOOL AGE PARTICIPANTS ~ PROGRAM HOURS PARTI CI PAN'P HOURS Pee Wee Ballet Tiny Tumblers Just You And Me Time For ~ao's Sing-Along Time Bumper Bowl Shannon Preschool Shannon Preschool SUB TOTAL SCHOOL AGE 11 16 176 1~ 8 136 25 8 200 57 8 456 14 4.5 63 ig 8 144 40 90 3,600 20 60 1,200 202 194.5 5,975 Tap and Ballet 15 16 240 Jazz Dance 16 16 256 Karate (Beg) 14 6 84 Karate (Adv) 12 8 96 Strike and Spares 10 5 50 Tennis (Beg/Adv) 11 8 88 Judo 3 5 15 Babysitter 11 6 66 Intro. To Modeling 7 12 84 Beginning Piano 11 6 66 Artworks 13 12 156 SUB TOTAL 123 100 1,201 TEEN/ADULT Tennis 21 8 168 Golf(Beg) 18 4 72 Let's Play Golf 6 3 18 Color Analysis 10 3 30 Basic Life Support CPR 7 8 56 Puppy Kindergarten 10 4 40 Dog Obedience 18 8 144 Adv. Dog Obedience 6 8 48 Ballroom Dancing 29 12 348 Beginning Piano 6• 6 36 SUB TOTAL 281 64 960 ~gp~D ~p~, 606 358.5 8,136 DUBLI~SENIOR CENTER/ATTENDANCE ~ORT SPRING QUARTER 1991 ACTIVITY APRIL MAY BALLROOM DANCE 60 80 BLOOD PRESSURE 47 12 BRIDGE (SOCIAL) 40 84 BRIDGE (MONDAYS) 124 84 CERAMICS 28 1~ CHINA PAINTING 18 24 CRAFTS 11 24 EXERCI5E 272 260 HEALTH SCREENING 36 - LINE DANCE (BEG) 120 156 LINE DANCE (THURS) 52 55 LUNCH 225 194 POKER 45 34 QUILTING 30 18 ROUND DANCE 112 135 SPECIAL EVENTS 90 108 TATTLE TALES 48 67 TAX HELP 8 - TRIPS 40 - WOODWORKING 36 29 WORKSHOPS 29 1? ~TOTAL DROP-IPiS ~ ~ 234 ~ 189 ~ TOTAL ATTENDANCE 1705 1587 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE 77•5 72 VOLUNTEER HOURS 202.5 206.5