HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 Sprts Ground Soundwall~~ ~ CITY OF DUBLIN AGENI)A STATFMF:NT City Council Meeting Date: August 12, 1991 SUBJECT: EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Status Report on Proposed I-580 Soundwalls at Dublin Sports Grounds (Report by Public Works Director Lee Thompson) 1) Letter from Caltrans 2) Slides of the proposed wall location will be shown at the City Council meeting. RECOMMEI~DATION• Consider installation of the soundwall along the .~~~ Dublin Sports Grounds and direct Staff to transmit the City Council.'s decision to Caltrans. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None associated with this report. DESCRIPTION: Background The BARTD environmental document states that freeway noise at the Dublin Sports Grounds is above the level that is normally used as a criterion for requiring soundwalls. Even though the BARTD trains will not create enough additional noise to require soundwalls, BARTD will be required to construct a soundwall along I-580 at DSG because of the existing excessive noise condition. The wall is proposed to be approximately 14 feet high and located at the edge of the freeway shoulder. The top of the wall would be about the same height as or slightly higher than the 18-foot chain link fence that Dublin placed at the toe of the Caltrans slope to keep softballs in the park. The new wall would be below the tops of the trees along the edge of the freeway and would not reduce the view of the southern hills from Dublin Boulevard except for the filtered view through the trees. The wall would be about 2,200 feet long and extend about 150 feet past each end of the Dublin Sports Grounds. The cost would be about $500,000 to $600,000. Construction is expected to take place in late 1992. Mr. Satow of Caltrans has assured Staff that the City would be involved in the decision- making process for the wall aesthetics. Caltrans will oversee the project, as BARTD will be using the State right-of- way, and has asked for Dublin's position regarding the soundwall installation. If Dublin does not want the wall, BARTD will not be required to construct it. Benefits of Wall Installation 1. The freeway noise will be substantially reduced for those people using the Dublin Sports Grounds. 2. Should the park be moved in the future and a different use (such as high- density residential) occupy the site, the new use would not need to install a soundwall. 3. Visuall.y, most of the Dublin Sports Grounds is already cut off from the freeway by an existing line of trees along the freeway edge of the Dublin Sports Grounds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM N0. COPIES T0: Ernie Satow, Caltrans v~~ ~~"-~ Robert Garrison, Jr., BARTD Crossroads Toyota; Office Club; Dublin Little League; Dublin United Soccer; Dublin Adult Soccer; Dublin Adult Softball League ~ J ~ ~ Disadvantages of Wall Installation ~ 1. The Dublin Civic Center and northern hills will be hidden from traffic on the freeway, as it is viewed through the park trees. 2. The wall will cost BARTD approximately $500,000 to $600,000, which adds to the cost of an already underfunded East Dublin Station project. 3. Some of the auto display area at the west end of the Crossroads auto dealership would be cut off from view from I-580; however, the Crossroads sign would still be above the level of the wall. 4. If and when I-580 is widened to the north for the ultimate I-580/I-680 interchange, this wall would have to be removed and a new one erected. This possibility is somewhat problematic, as it is difficult to displace park areas with Federally-funded freeways, and the cost of the ultimate interchange is so high as to be economically infeasible. -2- ` ~CE11fE~ ~~$TATE OF CALIFORNIA-BUSINE55, TRANSPORTATI N AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BOX 7310 P,UBLIC WORKS ~r'~~ :~ SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94120 (415) 923-4444 June 10, 1991 4-A1a-580 18.3/R21.4 4186-132210 BARTD Reconstruction Mr. Lee Thompson . Public Works Director City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza P.O..Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Mr. Thompson: This letter is in regards to the possible construction of a sound wall adjacent to the Dublin Sports Ground along I-580. The Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BARTD) is proposing to extend its rail system through the medians of I-238 and 580 east beyond the Hopyard Road/Dougherty Road Interchange. Noise Impact Reports are required for this project and must identify all locations requiring possible noise abatement under State and Federal criteria. The Dublin Sports Ground is one such location. A Noise Impact Report prepared by BARTD recommends a 14-foot sound wall based on projected noise levels. If a sound wall is constructed, the effectiveness is limited only during the period when the users are present. We assume for the most part this period would be only during weekday afternoons and weekends. Also we would speculate that the users of this facility would be generating a high degree of noise themselves, and the noise level between the freeway and the Sports Ground would not be significantly different. The City's position regarding this matter is requested. If you have any questions, please call me at 923-4094. Sincerely, PRESTON W. KELLEY District Director By ~ , ~~~ .,~c-cre ERNIE A. SATOW Chief Project Development Alameda II cc: Mr. Robert D. Garrison, Jr. DPX Project Manager Bay Area Rapid Transit District 212 9th Street, 3rd Floor P.O. Box 12688 Oakland, CA 94604-2688