HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.12 Positano Neighborhd C-3G~~~ OF DU~~~2 ~ ~9~~~~~8z STAFF REPORT C I T Y C L E R K ``c~~L,~ ~~~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^~~~-~~ DATE: August 17, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: . Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJE . Approval of Final Map and Tract Improvement Agreement, Approval of Agreement for Long-Term Encroachment for Landscape Features, and Acceptance of Park Land Dedication In-Lieu Fees and Credits for Tract 7855, Neighborhood "C-3," Positano/Fallon Village (Braddock and Logan), Prepared By: Mark Lander, City Engineer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Braddock and Logan Services, Inc., dba Dublin RE Investors, LLC, is filing a Final Map for Tract 7855 (Neighborhood "C-3") to create 23 individual lots for the construction of homes. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Park Land dedication requirements are proposed to be satisfied with a combination of Park Land Credits and Fees paid. Community Park Land fees of $246,016 were paid by the Developer and credits are being used to satisfy $133,913 in Neighborhood Park Land Fees due. The Developer will construct certain public streets and improvements and will pay the cost of construction inspection. The City requires that PerFormance and Labor & Materials bonds be posted to guarantee construction of the street, grading, utility improvements and landscaping. Pur ose of Bond Bond Number Amount of Bond Tract Im rovements 723855S $2,418,570 La Strada Drive 723856S $444,040 Once these improvements are accepted, the City will incur maintenance costs for City- maintained improvements within Tract 7855. Maintenance costs will be provided at the time of improvement acceptance. The Homeowners' Association will be responsible for maintaining the project-related landscape features within the public right-of-way. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council 1) Adopt the Resolution Approving Final Map and Tract Improvement Agreement for Tract 7855, Neighborhood "C-3," Positano/Fallon Village; 2) Adopt the Resolution Approving the Agreement for Long Term Encroachment for Landscape Features Page 1 of 3 ITEM NO. !•/~ ~ for Tract 7855, Neighborhood "C-3," Positano/Fallon Village; and 3) Adopt the Resolution Accepting Parkland Dedication In-Lieu Fees and Credits for Park Land Dedication Requirements for Trac~,7855, Neighbonc~~od "C-3," Positano/Fallon Village. ~ / <' ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~~~L...~-r Submi d y Reviewed By Reviewed By lic Works Director Administrative Services Director Assistant City Manager DESCRIPTION: Tract 7854 was the subdivision map for Neighborhood "B," part of the Positano Development within Fallon Village by Braddock and Logan Group II, L.P. The Final Map for Tract 7854 created six large parcels with the intent that there would be future subdivision of the parcels to create individual residential lots. Braddock and Logan Services, Inc., dba Dublin RE Investors, LLC, currently owns two of these parcels and is filing a Final Map for Tract 7855, Neighborhood "C-3," to create 23 individual lots within these finro parcels. Ultimately the lots will accommodate 28 residential units comprised of 18 lots containing one Single Family Unit each; plus 5 lots which contain one Single Family Unit with an attached Secondary Unit. (Attachment 1). The Final Map for Tract 7855 dedicates the rights-of-way for Amantea Way, Avellina Drive, Brandini Drive, Castello Court, Cipriani Way, Encanto Way, La Strada Drive, Lattari Street, Moorjani Street, Ravello Way, and Valentano Drive, as well as a public access easement, storm drain easement, water tine easement, and public service easement. An open space parcel is reserved for future dedication to the Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement District. The Final Map for Tract 7855 has been reviewed and found to be in conformance with the Tentative Map and Conditions of Approval adopted by Planning Commission Resolution No. 05- 61 on November 22, 2005. The Developer has submitted an executed Tract Improvement Agreement, together with the required PerFormance and Labor & Material Bonds. The Agreement for Long Term Encroachment for Landscape Features for Tract 7855 provides for the Homeowners' Association to maintain project-related landscape features within the public rights-of-way, including planter strips, sidewalks, and street trees. Staff has prepared a resolution approving Final Map and Tract Improvement Agreement for Tract 785~, Neighborhood "C-3," Positano/Fallon Village (Attachment 2) and a resolution approving the Agreement for Long Term Encroachment for Landscape Features for Tract 7855, Neighborhood C-3, Positano/ Fallon Village (Attachment 3). Parkland Dedication ReQUirements Pursuant to Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 9.28, a subdivider is required to dedicate park land or pay a fee in lieu of dedicating such land as a condition of final map approval. Page 2 of 3 Braddock and Logan is proposing to pay cash to satisfy its Community Park Land dedication requirement. Braddock and Logan is proposing to use existing Neighborhood Park Land credits to satisfy its Neighborhood Park Land dedication obligation. The following table shows how Braddock and Logan will satisfy the Parkland requirements for Tract 7855: Dedication Requirement Community Park Land 0.2926 acres Neighborhood Park Land 0.1254acres Fees In-Lieu of Braddock and Logan Dedication Compliance $246,016 Payment of $246,016 $133,913 Use of Credits The calculation of the acreage required and/or in-lieu fees is determined in accordance with City of Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 9.28. Staff has prepared a Resolution which outlines the requirements and how Braddock and Logan will achieve compliance (Attachment 4). NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Public noticing occurred as part of the Tentative Map process. Approval of the Final Map is affirmation of the Final Map's concurrence with the approved Tentative Map. Copies of this report have been provided to Braddock and Logan. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Reduced Copy of Final Tract Map 7855 2. Resolution Approving Final Map and Tract Improvement Agreement for Tract 7855, Neighborhood "C-3," Positano/Fallon Village, together with Exhibit "A", Agreement 3. Resolution Approving the Agreement for Long Term Encroachment for Landscape Features for Tract 7855, Neighborhood "C-3," Positano/Fallon Village, together with Exhibit "A," Agreement 4. Resolution Accepting the Parkland Dedication In-Lieu Fees and Credits for Park Land Dedication Requirements for Tract 7855, Neighborhood "C-3," Positano/Fallon Village G:IDEVELOPMENT, PRIVATE\Fallon Village (EDPO)\Tract 7855 - Neighborhood C\Staff Report FM 7855 XX-xx-10.DOC Page 3 of 3 OWNER'S STATEMENT iHE UN~ERSIWED DOES HEREBV STAiE THAT IT IS T1E OWNER OF ALL TNE LANDS DEIINEAiED AND EMBFAGED WRNM TIE BWNDARV LINES UPqJ iHE HERER! EM1BWIED FMFI MAP ENTRIF~~. 'iRACT 1855. Cf1V OF DUBLIN, AlFMEOA Cq1N1V, CALIFORNIA'. CONSISTING OF EIEYEN (11) SHEETS, TMS STr1iEMENt BONG UPqJ SHEEi ONE (1) THEREOG'. THAT IT HAS CAUSED SND MM TO BE GREPPRED Fqi RECIXtD ANO OOES C WSENI i0 iHE IAPXING PNO REGOMATICN OF SNp MAP; AND TH4T SNO MPP ~OES PMi1CUlARLV SETS Fq3iH ANp ~ESCRIBES ALL LOTS BY THEIR NUMBER, eEAWNGS ANO ~ISTANCES, PND OESCRIBES ALL PMCElS BY iHEIR AIR1PHEiIC ~ESIGW1TIqJ, BEANNGS, PND oisTauces. AN~ THE UN~ERSIQJED DOES HEREBY DEqCATE TOIHE P1161IC THOSE PARCELS OFLANO pES'GNAiED AS 'AMPNiEA WAY, AVELLIWI ~WVE, BRluVqM ~WVE, GIPWPN WAY. ENCAMO WAY. CASIELLO CWRT, lA SIAADA DWVE, UTTAN 51REET. MOOR,Wd SIREEf, RAVELLO WAV, AND VALENTANO ~WVE'. AS SHOWN AIJ~ EMBRACE~ WITMN 1HE BWNDARY LINES UPON 541~ MM. FOR 1HE USES AND PURPOSES OF PIIBIIG SiREETS. PN~ TME UTAFRSIGVEO OOES HEAEBY RESERVE TO ITSEtF PARCEL l, FOR USE AS OPEN SPACE SND PPRCEI IS DEqCATED TO THE GEOLOtlC HAZARO ABATEMEM DISIAIGT (q1AD~ . SND DEDICATION SH4LL BE ACCEPiED BY SEPPRATE INSiRUMEM SUBSE W ENiTOTHE FlLING OF TMS FlNAL MPP. PND RIE UNDEPSIGNED DOES HEREBY DEqCATE TO THE PUBl1C TipSE SiRIPS OF LWD DES1tlUlED 'PU&IC ACCE55 EASEMENI' (PAE) AS SHOWN UPON SND MAP, Fqi THE GURVC6E OF VEMCIAM AND PEOESiRIPN EGRE55 MA INGRE55 BY iHE G1V Fqi STaRM DRAIN MNNTENMICE. PND iHE UN~ERSICNE~ DOES HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE PIRIIG TMOSE SiRIPS OF UN~ DESI(x14TED IS'STIXiM ~WVN EASEMENI' (SDE). AS SHOWN ON SPA IMP, FOR iHE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION, MNMENANCE, AND REPIACEMEM OF STORM DRNN FACIl1PE5 ANO APPURTENANCES, l1NDER, ON AND WERSND STNPS OF IAND. AN~ THE UIJ~Eft51GVED DCES HEREBY DEqCAIE BV SEPARAiE INSTRUMEM, TO TNE ~U911N SAN RNAON SERVICES DISTltICt AN EASEMENi FIXt ME PURPC6E OF EXCAVATING, INSiAWNG, CIXISTRUCTION, RECONSiRUCMNI. REPNRING, MNNTNNING PN~ OPERAIING IMPROVEMENTS, INCLU~MG Bt1T NOT LIMftED TO WR1ER LINES, NJ~ ALL APWRIENANCES THEREiO, TOGEfHER WIRI iHE RIGHfS OF IN(RES$ AN~ EqiESS, N UNDEft, OVER. ALONG. ANO ACRO55 T1E STPoP OF LANO DE9GNATED AS WAiER LME FASEMENP(VM1E) AND ME UN~ERSIGNE~ ~OES HEREBY DEqCAiE TO THE PUBLIC TNOSE SiRIPS DF Wl~ ~ESIGWTE~ '%18LIC SERVICE EASEMENP ~PSE) AS SMONM UPON SNO MAP, FIXt ThE PIIRPOSE OF CONST0.UCTON NN MNNiENPNCE OF IIN~ERCR W N~ Util1TY STRUCiURES, STREET IJGHTS. PND PLL REIATE~PPPIIRiENPNCES. NJD h1E UNDERSIGNEU OOES HEREBY RESERVE UNTO ITSELF PPRCFIS A, B, C. ~, E, F, G, H, I, J AND K Fqi FIINRE DEVELOPMENt. 1HE MEA MARKED FS 'DESICNFlIFD REMAIN~Eft' IS N REMNNDER OF TPRCEL B-2 AS DESCRIBED N THE DEE~ PS RECORDED ON MARCH 30,10101N SERIES N0. AIOOB02]B. iH15 M4P SHGWS OR NOtES ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORU. WITHIN THE B WNpARV IlNES ~F THE HEREIN EMBOqED MM. IN WfiNE55 WHEREOF, R1E UNDERSIGNED W1~E EXEWIED THIS SiAIEMENT ON THE _ DAY Of ~2p10 AS OWNERS: OUBIIN RE INVESTORS, LLC. A CPLFIXiM4lIM1E0 LLA&lPV COM1WPNY BY BRADDOCI( 8 LOGAN SERNCES, INC, A C4tIFORNt4 GIXtPORAiION. RS M4NAGER BV. GWN~E~ NAME'. JOSEPH E RAPHEL TITIE~.PRESI~EM OWNER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEOFCRI1FOftNIA C W NTY OF ON ,2010.BEFOREFE ,R NOTPRV PUBl1G. PERSON4LLYPPPEARED WHO PROVED TO AE ON THE BA515 Oi SATISFNCTQ2Y EN~ENCE TO BE iHE PERSON WHOSE Nk.E IS 511&SCRIBFD t0 THE WRWN INSiRUMENT AN~ AGKNOWLE~CED i0 ME TW1T HE E%ELUtE~ THE SAM1E W HIS AU1NdiIZE~ CPPACf1V, PN~ BY HIS SIGNANRE ON ME INSTRUMEM T1E PERSCN, qE EMIiY UPON BEMPtF OF WHICH ME PERSON ACTE~, EXECUiEO iHE WSiRUMENT I CERiIFY UNOER PENALtt OF PERJURY UN~ER T1E lAWS OF iME STA1E OF CAl1fORNV~ THAT 1HE FOREGqNG PARAGMPN IS tItUE RN~ CIXiRECT. WRNE55 MY NAND AN~ OFFICNL SEAL SIGNPNRE'. FNNTE~ NPME N~TPRV NBIIC IN PNO FOR SAIO C W NiVANO STAIE PRINCiPP1 C W NTY OF 9USWE55'. COMMi5510N EX%RES~. COMMISSION p Oi NOTPRY~. 09-0>-i0t0 60]om P\19}f9\iY\tPltl TRACT 7855 A SUBDMSIDN OF PARCEL B-2 OF LU-10-01, SERIES N0. 2010-~80278, ALWEQ4 CAUMY RECORDS Cftt OF DUBLIN MPMEDA COUNtt, CALIFORNIA ~~~ ~ ~0~ si~~s ~xxn~x ut xuiw~iox, a wsae (suP~s-a~wa ~u~r, zoio ~C~ aN Cv'A ~ .S~TS .. ~`~ cw"" "` g ~- ~~e ~ DUBLW ~ o :, Y$ `~ ~ GLU N ~ ;~ z ` UBUN 9DI1L i-5B0 ~ ~ g ~ LL ~g ~,~~ g ~ ~ o ~ ~ & TRUSTEE'S STATEMENT iHE IINDER5IGNED, AMERICNI SECURITIES COAIPANY. A CAIIFIXtNN CIXtGORATIIXJ, AS TRUSIEE UNDER iHE DEED OF iRUST RECIXtDED dJ JUNE B. 10U] AS INSTRUMENi N0. 1001-ITfi520, AND MODIFlED WI1N INSTRUMENT N0. ]009-091368 PND 3009361131, AS TRUSTEE UNDER THE ~EED OF TRIIST RECCR~E~ ON JUNE 19, 200] RS INSTRUMENT N0. 200]~23i099. AND MODIFlEO WI1H INSTRUMENT N0. 2009-16~13J, hS TRUSTEE IIN~EP THE ~EED OF TRUST RECIXt~ED ON SEPTEMBER 14, 100i AS INSTRUMENT N0. i001~371614, AN~ MODIflEO WItH INSTRVMENT N0. 2009-091966 PND 2009-26)229. AN~ AS iRUSiEE UNDER 1NE ~EED OF TRUST RECq2DED ON APRt 14, 2008 AS INSTRUMENT N0. POOB-120I36, PN~ MO~IFlE~ WfM INStRUMENt N0. 200~2fi11]t. OFFICIAL RECqiDS OF AWMEDA CWNiY, CALfORNIA. CONSENTS 10iHE PREPARATION AN~ FRINGOFiHISM4POFiRACTlB55. BY'. BY' PRINt NAME 611RE~. PRINi NAME 6TI1lE: DATE~. ~ATE TRUSTEE'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT: STATE OF G1lIFORNN C W NTY OF ON .2010,BEFIXtEME . A NOTARY PUBl1C.. GERSWFLLYAPPEARFD WHO PROVEp TO ME ON iHE B/SIS OF SATISFACTORY ENDENCE 0 BE THE PERSON~S) WHOSE NME~S) I&PRE SUBSCWBED TO R1E WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE~ TO ME THAT HESHFJRIEY EXECUIED iHE SPME N HISMERRHEIR AUTHOPoZEO CAPRCITY~1E5~, PNO BY HISMERRHpR SIGN4NRE ON iHE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(5~. OR ENiltt UPON BEHPLF OG WFXCH THE PERSON(5) ACTEO, E%ECUIE~ iMEMSiRIIMENT. I CERTIFY UNDER PEWILIY OF PERJURY IINDER T1E lAWS OF iHE STAIE OF CPLFORMA TW1T iHE FOREGQNG PARAGPNPN IS TRUE AN~ GdiRECT. WRNE55 MY W1ND: SIGNANRE'. FPoNtE~ NPME, NOiPRY PUBLIC IN PND FOR SA'A Cq1MYAND SiAiE PRINCIPH C W NTY OF BUSINESS: COMMISSION EXFlRES: COMMISSION p OFNOTPRV'. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT: iMS MAPWPS PREPMED 8Y ME IXt UN~ER MY DIRECiION ANO IS BASED UPON R FIEID SURVEY IN CONiIX2MNJCE WITH h1E REpUIREMENTS OFT1E SUB~INSION MAP ACT AND LOLAL ORqNANCES FT T1E REW EST OF ~UBI1N RE INVESTORS, LlL IN JUNE, 2~10. I MERFBY STAIE TH4T THIS FINAL MAP SUBSiANTIPIIY GONFORMS TOTHE GONDI110NALLY APPROJED TENTAl1VE MAP, PND THRT TiE SURVEY IS iRUE PNO CaMPIEiE NS SHOWN, AND THhT ALL MCNUMENTS WILL BE Of RIE CMARACiER PND OCCUPY 1HE POSRIONS IN~ICATEO PNqY TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF iHE IMPROVEMENTS, iHAT SAI~ MIXJUMENIS WILL BE SUFFlCIENT TO EN4BlE iHE SURVEY TO BE REIRACE~, AN~ iHAT iHE GROSS ARFA WRMIN iHE iRAGT IS Zdd ]]8 ACftES, Mq2E OR lESS. OAiED: .i010 s~.~,N.W('h,s~~ AIPAK WEl9ER ~2.~' Bt^P $ LS Na. ]9Ea, No. ]960 REGISTRATION E%GIRES'. 1MRCH )1,201] E%P. 3/31/12 * CITY ENGINEER'S STATEMENT: µ,~d~~ I MEREBY STAiE iH4T i H4VE E%M11NE~ iHS FNPL MPP ENTRLED `1RACT iB55, CIiY OF DUBLIN. AIPMEOA GWNtt. GALIFORNV', AN~ THE SUBdN510N SHOriN HEREON IS SUBSTPNTPllY iHE SPME AS IT APPFARED ON THE APPROVED VESPNG TENTATIVE ALN AND ANY APPRQVED ALTERATIONS THEREOF; PND TH4T ALL PRONSIIXJS OF THE STA1E LAW AN~ LOCPL ORDINANCES PPVLICPBIE AT iHE TIME OF APPROVPL OF iHE VESTMG iENTATNE M4P HAVE BEEN COA411ED WRH. onTeo MPAK J. UJIC£R Citt ENCJNEEft ft C.E. N0. N953. EXPIRES SFPrEMBER J~.IDit ACTING ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER'S STATEMENT: I HEREBY STATE THAT I HqVE E%AAINE~ THS FINAL MAP ENTRlEO 'TRRCT ]855, CRV OF ~UBLIN. AUMFDA CIXINIV, CALIFORNIA', NND 1 AM SATISFIED THAT THIS FlN4l AN-IS tECHNICPLLYCIXtftECT. OATE~'. .101~ JAMES W.NMNPLi,AS51STANTCIiYENtlNEER R.C.E. N0. J2JI1, EXPIRESDECEM1BER 91, 2p10 CIiV OG DUBII N, RIAAEDA C W NiY. CALIf ORNN CITY PLANNING MANAGER'S STATEMENT: iH5 M4P LONFORMS TO iHE YESTING TENTATNE M4P AND CONRESPoNOING CONDRIONS AS APPROVEO BYtHE PLANNWG COhMISSION. iHIS MPP MPS BEEN REVIEWE~ BY ME AN~ iHE CONqilONS OF APPROVAL W1VE BEEN SATISFlE~. DAiE~' ,2010 JEFFREY BPl(ER, PIANNING MAWIGER CITY CLERK'S STATEMENT: I, CPAOLME SOTO, Cltt CIERK AN~ CIERK OF iHE Cq1NGL OF THE CIiV OF DUBLIN, CWNTY OF AIAME~q STA1E OF CP11FIXtNA, DO HEREBV STRiE TIUT THE HEPFIN EMBODIE~ fINAL MPP ENtItLE~~. 'iRACi ]855, CRV Oi DUBIIN, NlM1E~A CWNTY, CFIIFORNIA', GONSISTING OF ELEVFN (it) SHEETS, THIS STATEMENT BEJNG UPON SHEET ONE (1) THEREOG, WAS PRESENIED TO SAID CWNCIL AS PRQJI~ED BY RESOLU110N N0. AT A MEETNG HEID ON RIE ~AY OF , 201U, PNO TWIi SNO CWNCIL qD THEREUPqJ APPROVE SND FINPL MAP. AND DID AGCEPT, SUBJECT TO ~MPROVEMEMS, ON BEHPIF OF THE PVBLIC,'AMANTEA WAV, AVELLINA DPoVE, BRPNpNI DNVE, CNWAN WAY, ENCAMO WhY, CASiELLO CWRT, LASIRADA ~RIYE, UTTAW SIREET, MOORNIII STREET, RAVELlO WAV, AN~ VPLENTPYO OWYf', iHE ARFJS OESIGNATED /S PUBIIC SERVICE EASEMENT (PS~. THE PAEA ~ESIGWTED PS PUBIIC ACCESS EASEMEM (PAE~, AN~ TE PREA DESIGNATE~ RS STORM DRP1N EASEMENf (SOE~. iHE GWNpL ~ID A&1NDON M ITS ENTIRETY WRHM THE BWNDPRY OF iMIS MAP, THE IRREVOCABLE OFfER Of OEDICAilIXJS AS DESCftIBED IN INSTRUMENT N0. 2010-166091 AND MSTRUMENi NO 2010~164095 AND iHE E%ISiING PUBIIC SERVICE EASEMENT (PSE) lOG4TE0 AT hiE Nq21HEliLV END OF tA STRADA DPNE lS SHWM ON TW1CT IB54 RECqi~EO M BOq( 303 OF MAPS PAGES fi iHROUGH 15,AIAMEDACWNTYRECq2~5. IFURhIER StATE THAT ALL AfitEEA£NTS PND SUREfY AS REWIRED BY LAW TO ACCOAIPANV T1E WItMN FlNPL MPP HAVE BEEN NPPROVED BY THE CRV COUNGL OF THE CRY OF OUBLIN ANO ME FILE~ IN MY OFFICE. INWITNESSWHEREOF,IMAVEHEREl1NTO5ETMYHANOIiWS_DAYOF ID10 CMCIME SOTO CITV CLERK AND CtERK OFiHE CIiY COUNCII OF THE CIiVOF DUBIJN. COUNTV OF AUMEOA, STAIE OF CNIFORNN CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' STATEMENT: S1n1E oF CnuFOar~vq CWNTVOFAIAMEDF) I, CRVSTpL K. HISHI~0. CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FIXt 1HE C WNiY OF AIAME~A, STAIE OF CAIIFqiNIA, DO HEREBY STAIE, AS CHECKED BELOW.IHAT~. ^ PN APPRWED BqJD H0.S BEEN FILEO WfR1 RIE SUPERNSORS OF 5A9 CWNTV AND STAiE IN TIE AMOVNT OF S GIXJqTIONE~ FOR tHE PAVMENT OF ALL TA%ES PNO SPECUL ASSESSMENTS GOIIEGTEO AS TPXES. WHICM PRE NQN A LIEN ACAINST SPI~ LANO qi PNY PPRT TMEREOF BUT NOT YET PPYi19lE, AND WAS OULY APPROVED BY SAID LOCAL BOARO IN SND AMWNT. ^ ALL TAXES PNO SPECl4L ASSESSA1ENt5 COLLECIED AS T0.CE5 HAVE BEEN PPA AS GERTFlED 6Y iHE TREASURER-TF%COLLECipi OFTHECWNTVOFALUIEDA. INWITNESSWNEREOF,IHAVEHEREVNTOSETMYHANOtFNS. __~AYOF .]010. CRYSTRI K. NISNIOP CLERIt Of iHE BOPRD OF SUPERHSqiS COl1NTV OF ALAMEDA, STAiE OF CPllFORMA er: . DE%liY CW Ntt CLERK COUNTY RECORDER'S STATEMENT FILE~ FpY RECq2D THIS ~AY OF . 2010 At M., IN BOp( Oi IAPPS AT PAGES THROUGM ,UNpERSERIESNO]tq AT THE REq1EST OF FIRST AA£RIGAN TITtE COMWPNY W 1HE OFFICE Of ME CWNTY RECq2DER OF THE GWN1V OF AIAME~A. STATE OF CPLIFORNIA. FEE 3 SNEEf 1 OF 11 PATRIGK 0'CONNEII C W NTY RECOR~ER IN PND fOR iHECWNrv OF AIAMEDA.STATEOFGllIFIXtNN BY ~ ~ TITLE N~TES: THE UNDS INCWDED IN THIS iRACT IIAP ARE SuBJECT TO iHE FOLLOWING TQ7~15, PROHSIONS AND EASEMENIS. 1. iHE EFFECi Of A DOCUAIEM ENTIiLED IMERIN PGREENENT BEfNEEN 1HE C11Y OF DUBLIN AND iOIL CA II, LP. FOR ARUS A-6 RNO A-] OF WBLIN RANCH MEA A, RECOR~E~ JULY 8, Y001 AS DOCUMENT N0. 2D02-194559 OF ~fFICN1 RECOROS. 7. iHE TERNS AN~ PROVISIONS CONiAINED N iHE DOCUMENi ENT17LE0 ~EVELOPNENt AGFEEMCNT FECOR~ED FEBRUPRY ~1, 2006 0.5 INSTRIINENi ND. 20~6-035723 Of OFFlCIAL RECOROS. THE TEFNS AND PROVISIONS CONiAINEO N iHE DOCUMEM ENTRLED ASSICNAIENi OF DEVELOPNENT AGREEA1ENi RECORDED JANUARY 11, 2008 AS INSIRUMENT ND. 1D08-008027 OF OFFlCIAI RECORDS. 3. NOTICE OF ESTABLISHIAEM 0~ WBUN RPNCH EAST SIDE STORAI DRAIN BENEFR DISiRICT fiECOR~ED APPoL 30, 20~7 IS INSiRUMENI N0. 7007-i68fi93. 4. iHE TERNS, PROVI51DN5 PN~ EASEMEM(5) CONiHNE~ IN THE OOCUMQJi EqIIiLE~ iEMPORARY GRPDING PN~ CIXJSiRI1CT10N FASEMEM RECOR~ED SEPIENBER 15, 2006 AS INSiRUA1ENi N0. 70~6-35D496 OF OFFlCIAL RECORDS. 5. ANY SiAlUiORY LIEN FOR IABOR OR NATERiPLS ARISING BY REASON OF A WORK OF INPROJENENiS. AS DISCLOSED BY A DOCIIIAEM RECORDED MAY 17, 10~7 AS INS7RUMEM N0. 1007-726520 OF OFFlCIAL RECORDS. 6. ANY SiAlUiORY tIEN FOR IABOR OR NATERIALS ARSING 8Y REASON OF A WORK OF IUPROJENENIS, AS DISCLOSED BY p DOCUMEM RECORDED JUNE IB, 1007 AS INSiRUNEM N0. 2007-727099 OF OFFlGIAI RECORDS. 7. iHE TERNS, PRONSIqNS AN~ ERSENENI(5~ CONiNNE~ IN THE ~OCUMENi ENTITLE~ TEMPORPAV GRADING AND CONSiRUCT10N USEMEM RECORDED JULY 12, 2007 AS INSiRUMENI N0, 2007-257~10 DF OFFlCIAL RECORDS 8. 7HE TERNS, PRONSIDNS AN~ EASEIAENT(5) CONiNNE~ IN iHE DOCUMENT ENTIILE~ TEMPORAPY GRPDINC AND CONSIRUCTION EASEMENi RECOR~E~ J~LY 12, 70D7 AS INSiRUNENi Np. 70~]-257a11 Of OfFICIAL REC~k~S. 9. iNE TERNS ANO PROVISIONS CONTAINE~ N THE ~OCUMENT ENTRLEO MEMDRANOUAI OG AFFORQ4BLE FKKISING AGREEMEM GOR iHE CONSiRUC110N OF INCLUSIONAR! tINRS AND PAYMENT IN UEU OF CONSiRl1GTING INCWSIONARY HOIISING UNffS RECOftDE~ Jl1LY 13, 2D07 AS WSIRUMENT N0. 7007-759365 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. I0, AN FASEIAENT FOR PRNAiE INGRESS AND EGRESS AND Ptl PRIVAiE U1ILRIES AND MqDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED SEPiEIl~fl 14, 1007 A$ INSIRUMEM N0. 2007-331617 OF OFFICkL RECOR~S. Ii. iHE FOLLOVANG M4TiERS SHOwN OR DISCLOSED BY THE FlLED OR RECORDED MAP REfERRED i0 N iHE LEGAI DESCRIPiION: THE UNDERSIGNED DDES HEREBY DEDICATE 70 iHE PL6lIC 1HE AREAS WER PARCEL I-I DESIGNAiED pS iEA1PORARV GRADING PND CONS7RUCilON EASEMENi (TGCE) AS SHOWN UPON SND MM. SAID USEAIENT IS FOR iHE GRADING, NAINiEWWCE PN~ CONSTRUCTION DF A PIIBIIC PMI( PND IS TO AUfONAiICALLY TERMINAiE UPON THE NiURE DEVELOPNENT OF PARCEL I-I. t2. THE iERNS AND PROVISIONS CONiAINED N iHE DOCUMEM ENTIfLED NEMDRAIJDUM OG AFFORDABIE HOUSING AGREEMEM FOR iHE CONSTRUC71qV OF INCWSIONAM UNR$ AN~ PAYMENi W LIEU OF CONSTRUCTINC INCWSIONARY UNRS RECORDED DECEA9ER 19, P008 AS INSTRUMENT N0. 2008-756685 OF OFFlCWL RECORDS. 13. iHE TERNS AND PROVISION$ CONiAMED IN iHE ~OCUTAENi ENiIiLED NEMDRANDUII OF SUBSEOUENT nFFORDABLE HWSING AGREEMENi FOR THE CONSiRUCT10N OF INCLUSIONAFY UNRS ANO PAVMENT M LIEV OF CONSTRIICiING INC~USIOPNAY UNITS AECOROE~ JANUPFY 15, Y009 0.S INSTRUMENT N0. 2009-009590 OF OFFICWL RECOR~S. 14. 7ERMS nND PROVISIONS CONTNNED IN THE ~OCIIMEM ENTRIE~ MEMORANDLIM OF AFFOR64BLE HOUSINC ACFEEMENi FOR iHE CONSiFUCiION OF INCWSIONMY UMTS AN~ PAYUENi M LIEII OF CONSiRLCi1NG INCLIISIONARV t1NIT5 RECOR~EO JULY Oi, 2009 AS INSiflUMENi N0. 2009-710277 DF DFFlCIAL RECOR~S. I5. 7ERMS AND PRDVISIONS CONTHNED IN THE DOCUNEM ENTRLED MEAIORANWM OF AFFORQ9BLE HOUSING AGREEMENT FOR iHE CONSiRUCT10N OF INCI.USIONARY UNTS M!D PAYNENi W LIEU OF CONSiRUCPNG INClI1510N4RY HDUSING UNRS RECORDED NOVEIABER 17, 2D09 AS INSiRl11AENi N0. 2009-358178 OF OFFICWL RECOROS. iHE UNOS INCLUDE~ IN THIS iRACi M<P HAVE APPURiENNJi FASEMENTS AS FOLLOWS~ 1. A NIXJ-EXC~USIVE USEMENi, LYINC WITHIN PARCEL I-1, A$ SHOWN ON iHE MAP OF TRACT 7854, FlE~ APRIL 18, 2008 IN ~ON 303 0~ MPPS, A1 PAGES 6 iHROUGH 15, A1AlAEDA CWNtt RECORDS, FOR PRIVAiE INCRE55 PND EGRESS. AND ALL PRNAiE UTILIilES, INCLUJWG PLL REtATED APPURTENPNCES, OVER iHDSE PORTIONS OF PARCEL A OF PqRCEL NAP 9208 ~ESIGN4iE~ "SB' PRNAiE ACCE55 AND UiIL17Y EASEAIENT (PAUE ~OR PARCELS B, C, k 0)" AN~ 'PAUE FOR PPRCELS B, C, k D ON SAI~ PARCEL M4P, AS SPECIFlED IN iHE OWNER'S CCRiFICATE OF PARCEL MAP 9208, SND FASEMEM SMPLL AU70MAiICALLY TERMINAiE UPON ACCEPTANCE OF 1HC ~IRREVOGBLE OFFER OF DCOMAPDN fOR PUBLIC STREEfS BV 1HE CfiV OF DUBLIN, Oft ANY NiUFE PUBUC STREEf DEqCATION TO lHE CI7Y OF DUBLIN OVER iHOSE AREAS COINCIDENT WI7H iHC PRNAiE ACCE55 AND UTILItt FASEMENT. 2. NON-E%CLUSNE TEMPORPRY E,ISENENiS FOR THE CONJEYANCE OF NAiURPL SiORM WATER RUNOiF AND IRRIG4ilON WAiER OVER THOSE PORTIONS OF THE PFOPEFTV AS DESCPoBEO IN 7HE EASENENT GRl~NT ~EED flECOR~EO JANUPRY J0, 2002 ~S INSTRUAIEN7 N0. P0~2-47952, OFFlCIAL RECOR~S OF ALAhfDA COIINiY. 3. A NQY-E%CLIISNE FASEMENi, LYING WITHIN PARCEL H-1, A$ SIi~WN ON 1HE MM OF 7FAC1 ]854, FA.CO APRII 28, 70D8 IN BOOM 3~7 CF MAPS Ai PAGES 6 THROUGH 15, AtPME~A CWNtt ftECOR~S, OVER AN~ ACROSS PPRCELS C AN~ ~ OF PARCEL MPP 9208, GILED SEPiEM9EF 6, Y006. MPP BOON P92, PAGES 16 AND 17, AIPMEOA COIINtt FECOROS, fOR iHE PVRPoSES OF IMNING CUTS PN/DR PLACING Fl~L AND CONSTRUCIING CONSTRUCTION AN~ 7HE NECESSARY INCRESS AND EGRESS NECESSPRY FOR SUCH ACTfVRIES. AS GRANTED IN TH4i CCRTNN IENPORARY GAPDhG AND CONSTRUCiKKJ EASENENT RECORDED SEPTENBCR I5, 2006 AS MS7RIIMEM ND. 2006-350796 0~ OF(ICIAL RECORDS. 4. AN EASENENi FOR INGRE55 AND CGRESS, GRANTED 10 FALLON ENiERPRI5E5, INC., A CPLIFORNIA CORPoRAl10N, RECORDC~ JULY 11, 197D, SERIES N0. 77340, REEL 2658 OR, IMAGE 3J5. OVER A PORTION OF iHE SOUTHWESiERN QUARiER OF SECiION 7<, TOWNSHIP 2 SOIITH, PPNGE 1 EASi, MOUNT DIABLO &SE AND MERI~WN ~ESCRIBE~ f5 FOlLDwS~. BEGINNING AT THE NDRiHERLY IERMINIIS OF iHE CEMER Df FALL~N ROA~ IN iHE SOUiHERN BOI1NOAflY OF FALLON ftANLH', IHENCE WEST 31.6] ~E~ PLONC PN E%ISTINC FENCE uNE; iHENCC LEANNG SvD fENCE uNE nND FUNNING NORiH 1540' wEST 63.33 FEEf; iHENCE PARAILEL WITN SND ~ENCE LINE; EASi }~.6] FEEf; THENCE SOUTH 18°40' E0.5T 6~.33 FEEf TO iHE POINi 0~ 9ECINNING. STATEMENT OF SOILS REPORT: iHE fOLLOWING GEOiECHNICPL INVCSLIG4ilON REPORiS WERE PREPARED FOR 9RADDOCN & LDGPN GROUP BY ENGEO INCORP~RpTE~ AN~ RRE ON FILE WITH THE CIiY OF OIIBLIN, C~LIFORNIA. 1. PROJCCi NO 4663.I.OQ9.01 DATE~ FEBRWRV 74, 2003 ANO REVSE~ DCCEMBER 17, T004 - PRELMINARY GEOIECHNIGL E%PLORA7IIXJ, EAST ~UBUN PROPERi1E5, WBLIN, CA. P. PROJCCi N0. 4663.1009.01 ~AiEO A4ARCH 14, 2006 - CORRECifvE CRADNG PWJS, PHASE I, BULK GFADING FALLON NIUGE, D'JBLIN, CA 3. PROJCCi N0. 4663.1.009.01 DATED AUCUST 17, 2006-PHASE 1 BULK GRAqNG CORRECiNE GRADIXG PWI, FALLON VILLALE, D1181JN, CA. 4. PROJCCi 4663.1.009.01 DATED PUGUST, 2006 - CORRECTM GRPDING PWJS, PHlSE i GRPDING, FPLLON NLIAGE, DUBLIN, CA. 5. IAMCH P7, 200fi (LERER) FOUNDATION AND PAVEAIEM RECOMMENDATIONS. 6. JPNUPR7 4, 2007, (LETiER) REVIEW OF GRPDNG PND IMPRWEAIENi PUNS. TRACT 7855 A SUBDI~ISION OF PPRCEL 8-2 OF LLA-10-01, SERIES N0. 2010-080278, ALAAIEDA CDUNtt RECORDS CIIY OF DUBLIN AIANEM COUN7Y, CAIJFORNIA IIIACKAY & SOIIIPS ,,.,a ~~. „n;~,~ ce JULY,R2010 SHEET ] Of 11 19319-OIC ~ ~ ~~ ~ PAftCEL J-I '~., PARCEL 2 T~1CT 135L ~.. P"R`E` ""'P e'2' ' 'R-s, SEE SHEET 4 FOR LINE IR-31 ~79 L)0 I c, ~DL21 ~~ .._ i AND CURVE TABLES ,~ ~ ' N45°97 00_E(R a m ~ ~ u~ ~z ~Z ~ ~ "i°•po.°-m'• ei~~vig , __. _ ._.. ~g~oi ~` ~~~ NBT2B 25 E R i R.25' e-N7~5Y ~' ARANDONM M NOT ~ o~. ~\~ SEE OEWL 'A' 2~'-- -~~ ~ L.1QY' 9Ui ~ PUIiSUN1T TO NiIICIE 2, SECPON 66434(9) d 66498.2D 1/2 OF ~ 7H6 SHEEf ' . I ~4~Y / ~`~ N1P44'24'HSR~ `. 1 TFE SUBqVI510N A4P ~LT. THS N1P SH41 LONSTiUIE 7HE ~oy h m~ ~~B R b~'OD' J ' 4 NIP79'15'N S31' &U! ~ -N- /ifl~,N00NNEM N 17S ENTINEIY WffNIN 1HE BOUNMItIES OF iHS ' ~ a A=1058'QY ~ Ia10 A-7(78'SA' NM THE iOLLqYRIG: L=59.7T BNDY ~~ NS L-10.6~ BNUY .,0~ ,. 1FE IRREOOCIBIE OfFERS OF DEDICATpN Q00) RECORDED AS ~ '~ °- ` ~ INSTRUMEM N0. YD1D-161D91 IND INSfRUNENi N0. 2010-16/095, NDA1227E fl~BNDY 1'B ~$ N~??7qSEfR '~.. NOT~fi SGLE ~I TIE NORfXfRLY QlD Oi~IAESIWDA ORNEEAS`SSHOWN ONhTNCi 8 0 1~ W~~'1(' ~~w1 ~~J PARCEL I i, 7854 REC~ROEU IN BDON 303 OF AMPS PIG6 6 THRIXICH 15, _ 9....__~~ 12 tl .. ~_ " _'4,~9_1 ~\~ LI~ i ~WlE-R COUNtt REC~ROS L ~i~- ua~ ..~z c~L_ - 1'Q~•36'. BNDY.~ ~ C26 lf~PARCEL G ~e N08°31'14"E[R ~ N7b°0o'2 ~ ~ ~ P 21 ° 4~W~R1' ~ ; ! 49 .10 / 4. ~~•i %'~ N ~ 20 ~ :N7A,g'00' W l71 ~ ,p C32 . . ~R.~; . \/' `y N49°74 72 E~A~1i h ~ ~ Q O _ _~g~ TRACT 8037 ~ ' ~ L (Bf~ -.., ia im ; ~ ~ •iix T~ ~ ~~ ~• c O ~ N6 NiC1600"E ~'W i ~ ~ (} da,y , B9. _"L`6~ ! ftESULTANf ~ ~ ~ d~~ f . ~ (67 i 4 ~ PAR~C SL' B N02°19'0 W RZ_ __l \ ~ > N,~ i~ ~IS '~ ~ ~ . • Jg C1j4~*' ~ . g ~ ~+ ,tN055400 E~R~ ,i / ,VJ iJ ~s9 ; ; °J6z~ ::F(~ ~ ,O m ~ ~ ~~` ~ a TftACT 6D3 ,~ , '~ '~ ' . ' ° ~ b~ ` ~ ~W I W .! ~ i e-e i ~_ ~ ~~eM~Jr,~T,:' q ,y' C~D,/~tiJ _~. . . , ~~. p N11°1948'E(R~~~ ~N71°18'48'CjR1 r+iva n'r zsa u~ exm . 0' 300' 600' ' ~ ~ SCILE: 1'-300• b ~~ ~ ~ L50 S~ JONES SERIES NO. ~~ ~~~ J' pIPMEiER $OlD STEEL 2D~B-0~9.'.9D 29'40"W~R~ FENCE CORNCR POST (R-1) ~~5 ~R.1E ---- (SECTION CDRNER) Z~ ' 26 ~jiJ -------"-"" "_~___~~___ N88°43_28"WP64~_61_(R-11) 2 $ECTION LINE ~j~~ 34 35 ~. ~ ~ RESVL7AM PARCEL D-I PMCEL J SERlES N0. '~ 2003-120732 ;s; sj' d° ~ .~IJ~~~~joc'~ ' i' t4 ~~ ~. ~ , ~ ~~ N1T47'Jtw~R~ FORINO DRIVS / -.I _ ~' ..~ N1A47'31"W~R~ ,: r C13 I ~ I -.. -ORIN09~ t ' ~'~ f2AC7 785A . ~ I `, .a~..,~~~~ _~ T .... I• IR-6) f - TRACT 8034 ~ ..~. O Qq I .- : ~R-ai i ~~~'~ ise Nt 6 SS SSWfRZ ~ ~ k~ p58.~~ _. I 1 1 . .:.N ~ ~ `.' Q , R-Z •~5 !L ~,,,. ~'` \' 7RAC7 795] Ay . ., p.1 ~ ~pY % " ~` M . IR ]) ~~( . 2 ~~~' ' ~' Q~ ~ I ,,.~TRACT ]856, ~ o i \ ~ ~ xu ~ -" ~ " ~R-s~ ~ F l `. ~A ` < > ..~ ~ n .~~ \ ~~~~~ ~~~ e ~ ~ TRACT /853 I ~ . ~ ~ , ~.1~.%~ y .\ Y ~/ ~ ~ ~ . IR I] ~ C MOI1Ni DWBLO iOWER N.546,186]1 2 g -'~~ Ei,s9z,~eo<e usc & cs isr oaoER-'~ s, ~ Nara9ss°E~a~_ ry TRinrvcuunoN sTanqv ccs n, zonc 3. (R-i) ~ip ;~^ - r-- ~~~ y ~, h lc°. /~~ =IW - ------ h Po I sro. usc e cs MoH. w/a BR4S5 DiSC \9 's ~ ____ BURIED 0.8' SIAMPED'FFLLON-19~6" ~~'r'~ ~ N.441,789.03, E.1,610,~47.54, 2ND ORDER I iRIANCUlATION STATION CCS ]7, ZONE 3. '~ • 0 = -00'49'~l" (R-I) enis~~.ar ~M e teZ._220 BXDY ~-~89.59'~ Hpy '~ W 76'E~R~ N15'O7PYE(R),% $_ DESIGNATED REWJNDER~ ~ RECORD INFDRANTX7N PER ROS I675 (R-11) >5; accrno inc~nar i/~ coar~[n ~ ~ s[ctnn a~/u (nao) d ; PMCEI K `; N~W`OB'21'W ~ R-918' EN R 1179.50' _ ` 1.42' " I V 6 ~ ~FWND 1/4 COflNER SEC110X I "° ~ 11/SS (1' RON %PE WRX ... .,,. NOT7~OSNE ~'L5.4Y3S(R'1)) ~ ~ SEE DEfA1L 'B' $ N tlHS s1iEE7 Fx _ NB9st•sYw too225_~or___ BJP-ROF JOR~AN RANCH LLG SERIES NO. 2003-142d49 __'~'{__' I 1 I e ~ ~ o zN ~N ~;so n~~Z ~law ~; N BASIS OF BEPRINGS: 1HE 8~95 OF BFININC$ SIIONM HEREON, 6 THE IJNE BEfNfEN VSC&GS TRWlGUUiION SU1N7N5 'fO1LON' NID 'AqUXT qABLO TOWE12'. TME GRID BFANNG CALCUUTED FICIM PUBL15Hm CCS 27 ZONE }(~ryp COOROItN76 FOR THS LINF 6 TAKEN AS NDRTH tY1{'21' WESf. REFERENCES: (R-1) RECORD OF SURVf! No. 1005, BK. 16 R.0.5., PG. 37-51 (R-2) PY 92(IB BK. 292 PC. IA-17 NNAEDA COIl1fIY RECORDS (R-3) PM 8327 BK. 29B PG. 14-17 NNAEDA fAUHfY pECORDS (R-1) 7RM.f 765] BK 30} pp. 1-5 AUNEW COUN7V RECOROS (R-5) LOT LINE ID.IUSTNFNf No. 1U-07-01, SEItIFS Na 1(107-1W916 (R-6) TRM.f 7851 9C 30] PG. 6-15 NAMEM COUNIY RECORDS (R-~ TW.Cf 795I BK 305 PG. Io-13 IlAYEDA COUNi'! RECDRDS (R-6) TWiCf 8011 BK }DS PG. 34-57 NAMEDA CUUNIY RECOROS (R-9) TR~Cf 8036 BK. _ PG = _ NNAEDA fAUNIY PECORDS (R-10) ilUCi BDS7 BN. _ PG. _-_ HAMEM CWHIY RECOR~S (R-11) RECORD OF SURvM No. 1675, BK. PS R.OS., PG. 31-J2 (R-12) LO7 L1NE M~AlSIIIEM No. l1A-ID-01, SEftl6 No. 2oio-oeo2~a NOT~ BFNdNGS SFIONN ME &lSm UPON GWFORNN COORpINiE SYSTEM ZONE IA. 2. O11 DSTNICES SHOWN ARE GROUND LEVEL oism~s. wuna~r asraica ar 0.9999054 TD OBfAIN GRD DISTANCES 3. 3/f IRON PIPE i0 BE SEf I1L RUJt LOT CORNERS WRH COP SfM17E0 'l5 796D'. LEGEND ----- BWNDN2Y LINE LOT IJNE/PMCEL L1NE - - - - - FASEMENf LINE ---- DOSIINC PoGHf OF W~Y LME -- -- DOS7ING PROPERtt l1NE _'__' ____ IXISIING EASENENT UIE '- -'- MONUAENf l1NE O FDUND CIIY OF WBl1N SIREEf A10NUAIENf 5fAMPED 'LS 7960' MONUAEM PEX TRACT BD36 (R-9) ~ W L5. 7960 UNL65 OTIERMSE NUIE~ ~ uoxur.art een m~ct ao3~ (a-io) ~ W L5. 7960 UNLE55 01HERWISE NOIED SECiqN COflNER Q NONUIEN~ PEN IiECOfiD !5 NOTED ~ SEf CIIY OF WBL1N STANDII~ STREEf NONUAEN~ STNAPED 'LS 7980' ~ ANCIE PqM BND7 BOUND/RY CL CEMERLl1E E% IXISIING M-M NONUAENi TO MONVYEM M-R MDNUAENi TD PROPEHIY l1NE VL PROPENtt LINE PAE PRNATE ILC6S EASENENT PSE PUBl1C SEIMCE FASE1ENf (R) MpAL BFMING H.0.5. RECIXtD OF SURvEY SDE STORM DR1N ElSCNEM SSE SNIRIR'f SEM42 GSENEM TGCE IENPOR~Rf GRMING NID CAXSfPUCTpN EISEEEM WLE W~IER UIF FASEMEM t, 3; mwG,~ si+err xuue~e TRACT 7855 A SUBDMSION OF PARCEL B-2 OF UA-10-07, SERIES N0. 201~-080276, ALAAIEDA COUMY RECORDS I ~ cm oF uueuN ~s ~ AWIE0.4 COUNIY, CPLFORNIA N8B'43'i9"W p631.95' (R-11) ~ -------- - , ,• ~R~ P~PE Wi~~ ~.5. -- - ------------------ IMCKAY&SOIIIPS 4273 (R-1) (1/d CORNER CROAK ~ I SECTION 34/35) SERIES N0. ~ si~ia rwmx nrnva*~o ~u e.sm ~snjns-mm ]9-229935 I ~ ~U~Y~~z~~0 SHEEf 3 Df 11 19319-O~C ~ iA) BASIS OF BEARINGS: TiE fl~S6 OF BFARIN65 SHONN MEREON, 5 7ME L1NE BE7WEEN USCBGS iRIWCULRIDN SfAlI0N5 'FALLDN' AND'NOUHI DVHLO TOWEIt. iHE GRID BEPNNG CALCUTATED fAOM PUBL6HED CCS 27 ZONE 3 CRID COORpIN7ES fOR iH5 LNE IS TN(EN AS NqifH 1944'21' NESi. UNE TABLE LINE TABLE UNE TABLE lME No. BEARING LENGiH UNE No. BEARIryG LENGiH UNE No, BEARING LENGiM L1 NZry43'7YW 9089' L74 N2711'7YE 11/.77' L67 N56•33'S5'W 6249' ~~ N~241'35"W 3086' L75 N64°I2'OOW 1a9.53' Lfi6 NJ3°26'~5C 56,00' t3 N0~'44'JOW ~20.9]' U6 N1P03'OOW 10J9' L69 N56'33'S5'W 122.t5' L4 NIT41'12"W 14I.19' l7] N3B'S0'W [ 4549' VO N7}°26'D6~E 129.16' ~5 NOD'19'12"W 1o6a6' L78 N81•46'OSE ~15AT L]I N71•35'S1'W 2JeI' ~6 N~P50'10"E 64.19' L39 N6740'7YE ~.~~' V2 N56•35'00'W 148.9fi' L] NOPIB'30"E 8136' La0 N58'22'24"W 11.168' VJ N53'35'OO~W ]],]0' ~8 N16°11'10"E 51<0' L41 NIS12'35E ~9.00' L]4 N46'46'Sd'W 14fi46' ~9 N3PI0'42"E 65.35 L4] N59'SY2dE 11746' VS N5742'OO~W 65.B1' LIO N21°23'18"E 2~0.71' L4} N7-59'SSW 48.D0' L7fi N65'36'17W 66.98' l11 N71'06'39"W 99A4' L4~ N06'20'41"E 62.13' L77 N8Cf47'3B'W 56,00' tl1 NSD°4]'2SW 48.OT L45 N03'25'05E 9.7.84' L78 N8712'1YW 79,41' ~~3 N27'32'10"W 88.40' L46 NIT02'4PE 91.34' l79 N06°20'3YE 56,~4' ~~4 N14°25'ISW 134,28' L47 N2T76'OTE 66.7P lB0 N35°54'~9'E 92.41' l15 NIO°57'46"W 96.03' L48 N25°23'IYE 67,49' L81 N29'16'1SE 56,00' LI6 NOPS9'21"E 140.60' L49 Ni4°01'12E 61.14' Le7 N6P25'38~W 11.30' ~~7 N]I°20'SYE 02.Ofi L50 N4718'~aE 62.96' L83 N1a°26'00'C 10144' LIB N52°79'14"W 39.69' L51 NBB°23'34"W f04.73' L84 N6P30'SYE 54,64' L19 N41°I}•~2"W 43.75' L52 N01'36'26'E 60.I9' LBS N1.P58'~0'E 63.11' l20 N]b°~6'32"E 71.76' l53 N28°70'20'E 121.4B' L86 N19°7]'~O~E 77.12' ~2~ N65°57'S4"W 60,72' L54 N61•29'40"W 9.50' ~B7 ry0T19'00'W 56,D0' L2Y Nat°5<'a2"W ID1.66' l55 N7E23'ISW 90.00' lBe No5°sa'oo'E ~D3.28' ~Z3 N4S43'OdE 27.36' L56 Na2'25'2a W 94.53' LB9 NeG29'00'W 17.55' ~2< N3S58'la'W 13.67' L57 NBT34'36E ~0.00' L90 ry0P31'77'E g99~' L25 N81•42'I4"W 121.36' L58 N1Y18'3~W 88.91' L91 ryp,7^07'P9'E 79.14' L7fi NI3°15'02'E 105.18' L59 N63'27'S4'W 33.28' L94 N00'29'16"E 56.~0' ~2~ N53°53'S4"E 13443' Lb0 N71•75'S7W `.~G.~7' L93 N843D'41~W 3~.82' L2e N61°I7'00"E 150.]]' Lbt NI4•38'3VE 60.27' L94 Npp°30'S7C 56.00' ~29 N7~P54'.74"E fi]3T Lfi2 N7253'I9"E 70.56' ~95 ~B°06'S?C ~~043' L34 N771D'OB"W 7725' Lfi3 N13'31'3fE `~.~~' ~96 Ng525'OB'W 52.t9' L31 N28'02'30'W 52.]]' tfi4 N3723'~4"E 68.66' L97 N89'S9'36~W 92.85' L32 N09'30'59"E 4424' l65 N3C00'15E 5fi25' L98 N43°12'10'W 33.93' Ll] NJ~J4'30"C 11~.1]' L66 N3P23'04'E 16116' Cl1RVE iABLE GURJE 1PHLE CIIRVE No, RADIl15 DELiA LENGiH CURVE No. RADIUS DELiA LENG~H Cl 177.00' 41'22'S9' I77.B4' C19 25.D0' 873T11' 38.23' C2 47,00' 71'47'1P 58.89' C20 25.00' 85°17'OS" 3721' C3 47,00' 6Y53'00' S9.04' C2I 831,00' 6°21'YO" 92.19' C4 47,00' 73•}4'S9" 6036' CII 25,D0' 91°46'41' 4005' C5 318.50' 26°SSSd" 1a9.5T C13 25.00' g~1}~~g" 38a9' C6 25,00' BS23'15" 37.26' C24 25A~' g(ppq'~y" 39.45' C7 25A~' 88°24'S7' 38.58' C75 8028,D0' I°77'13" 203,fi8' CB 2~44.00' 1°70'IE" 5626' CP6 418.00' p2g'3g' 25.97' C9 918.00' Ip06'S7 163.8T Ct7 37L00' 74]'14" 18.10' C70 1179.50' S29'IB' 71.81' C18 453.00' 1745'10' ~0083' C11 25A~' 91°27'30" 39.91' C29 25.OD' 81°01'4Y 75.36' C12 14.00' 90°59'45 ~2~Z3' C30 25.00' 81°33'76' 3559' C13 45AD' 91°41'3Y 40.01' C31 218.00' 18'S6'21" 91.89' C14 254D' 9547'S~' 4093' C72 2500' 95°~g'aT <7D7' C15 ]68.00' 14'30'45 ~9<.53' C77 316.~0' iS06'21" Bfi.6]' C16 25,00' 8Y43'37 36.10' CJ4 21200' B°13'Otl' 31.%' C17 25,00' 106°45'41' 46.58' C35 fi22.00' I°36'01" 17.37' C18 831.00' 1Y17'29" ~77.03' ABANDONA~ENT NOTE: PURSlYM TD MRICIE 2, SEC710N 88414(g) k 88199.T(1 1~2 Oi THE SI1BqV190N MAP ACi, 11i15 AV- 9MLL CONSfIfUiE 1HE I&NDONYEM N ITS ENTIREfY WfMIN THE BOUNDNEES Of TMIS ANP 1HC FIXLONNG THE ptREVOC18LE OFFERS OF DEDICATqN (pD) RECMmED AS INSfRUMEM N0. 2010-164D91 IND INSiRUA1EM N0. 1010-164D95, NVD 1HE EXISIING PUBl1C SERVICE FASEMEM (PSE) LOCAIED AT TNE Nqff1ERLY EID OF IA STRIM ORIVE AS SHOWN ON iRILT 785~ RECq2DED N BOq( SOJ OF MWS PAGES 8 iHROUCH 15, NAMEDA CWN1Y RECOR[6 REFERENCES: (R-1) I~COItD Oi SIIRYF! !b. 1005, BK. 18 R.O.S, PG. J7-51 (R-2) RI 9208 BK 292 PC. 18-17 ALWEDA CWNIY RECORDS (R-3) PN 0.SP7 BK. 2B8 PC. 1~-17 AIAMEW CdMIY RECOROS (R-1) 7RIL'f 7853 BK. J07 PG. 1-5 NNIEDA COUNfY RECORDS (R-5) LAT L1NE MJUSIMEM No. LLA-07-01, SEPoES No. 2007-20091fi (R-6) TRAC1 7851 BK. 303 PG. 8-15 AINAEDA COLNtt FECORDS (R-7) TRACT 7951 BK. 305 PC. /0-~3 F1P1AE01 CWNtt RECORDS (R-B) TRACT 8031 BK. JOS PG. 55-57 NAHEM COUHIY RECORDS (R-9) TWiCI 8q76 BK. _ PQ _-_ /~IAMEA4 COUNtt RECOADS (R-io) mrr.r aoa~ ~c. _ Pc. _-_ ruueon courm rsECOrsos (R-11) RECORD DF SURv£Y No. 1675, BK. 45 R.O.S, PC. 71-37 (R-12~ lDT LNE IDNSfNENT No. LU-10-O7, SERI6 Ne. zoio-oeova NOTES: 1. OLL BFARINGS SHONN ARE BASED UPON f!lFORNA COORDNATE 5157EG 2p1E Itl. T. ALL DbTANCES SHDWII ME GPOUND LEVEL DISINJCES, NULTPLY DISTMlCES B'f 0.9999054 TO ~HfNN GRI~ pSTANC6. J. 3/4' piON NPE TO BE SEf ALl REAR LO7 CpMEpS WIM CAP SfMPED'LS 796(f. LEGEND ----- BOVNDAflY IINE LO'i UNE/PMCEL LNE - - - - - - EASENEH~ LINE E%ISTNC RICHf 0! NAY LNE E7(RTINC PROPEfl7Y UNE E%571NC FASENENf UNE -----' - AqNUMEM LNE FWIU CIIY OF DUBIJN SIREET YONUAENT ~ STNAPED'LS 796ff ~ MDNUNEM PER TR~f 8036 (R'9) W L.S. 7960 UNLEQ OIHFRN75E NO1E~ ~ MONIIMEM PER TRPLT 9037 (R-10) h ~f W L.S 7960 UNlE55 OTMEflWISE NOiED SEC1qN CORNFR ~ MDNIIMEM PER RECORD AS NttIEO O SET CIIY OF DUBLIN STNlDARD S7REEf MONUNEH~ STMIPED 'IS 7960' ~ NKIE POIM BWY BOUNDARY CL CENiERI#!E IX E%ISPNG N-Y MONUMEM TD AqNUMENf N-PL MONUNEM TO PROPERtt LINE PL PROPERTY IINE PIE PRNATE ILCE55 FASENENf PSE WBl1C SERVCE F/SFIAEM (R) RADNL BEARINC R.0.5. RECORD OF SURVEY SDE 5fORM ptNN FASEYEM SSE SANTRRf SEWER EASF/IENT TCCE 7EYPDRNH' CF4DINC ANO CO~SIRUCfpN FASEMEM 1rtE WAiER LJNE EASEMENf ~ 3 + IIDICATES SHEEf NUNBER TRACT 7855 A SUBDMSION OF PARCEL B-2 OF LU-10-01, SERIES N0. 2010-OB0278, ALAAIEDA CWNtt RECORDS ~ CITY OF DUBt1N . ALMIEDh WUNIY, CAllFORNIA Q IIWYIN~1 ~ ~VIIIP~7 a `G n ~ ~"r s~.n ~w~~, o~ ncw.~ ,- , ~.~ nn; JULY, 2010 W SHEEf 1 DF 11 19319-DIC C"~ \ y ` ~( 6 ~~o `\ SEE SH N\'~f ~'v ~° `,? N6P22'SfW 0.=21 ° '~; . ~ 33.I8' BNDY \ oP \~ ~ N1A16'40'W~R~ \ ~t" ~\ ~ : ~ 0=P50'4D" L=31.fi0' \/ y ~ Nt6'Y6'Offw (R) BB.00' 1 ~.'N a ~r EX PSE (R-6) ~~=V29'SS L=1].8]'~_ \ ~. ~- ~. p~17 p SR Aj p~ ~ ~ .,_/Z056 P ~~t~g ppRKW ~ N1E55'S3"WSR~ ~\_~ `_______ ~\ ` N7Y~1'P6"W 6}.fi1 M-%. 0 ~ ~\ N~ Afl4NDONAIENT NOTE• PUR4UNI TO IR77ClF 1, SCLTON 68434(9) & 88199.Ta t/2 OF 7HE SUBpV610N MIP IGf, M5 WP $INLL CONSIfME T1E ABAWOHMENT R! Ii5 ENIIREtt WRHN 7ME BOUIDNtlES DF RNS A4P ilff FIXLOWING: N~ THE IRREVOC/ffiF DFFEI'6 OF DEpCATION (pDJ RECORDED AS IISiRWEN1 N0. 2D1a16/094 M!D INSfRIA/EM N0. ID10-161095, IND THE IXISMIC PUBLIC SER'VICE E/SENEM (PSEJ IOCATED AT ¢+ R-25.00' d-8~21'S7 RESVLTAM PARCEL ~-I mE NORTXERIY END OF IA SIRMA DRNE /5 SMOYM ON TRACi °~ L~38.58' BNDY SERIES No. 2ooa-12o732 ~D51 RECORDED N 8001( JOJ OF ANPS PAGES B 1HRDUGM 15, PARCEL J R=41M.OD' 4=1•](YIY rUMCDA CWNh' RECORDS L=56.16' 9NDY 4ao0' ~=1fi°26'24" __N89'10'Ol'W 282.i1_BNDY" "__~, R L~}g~ d•~~•27'1G _ _`` ~.61518' N00°5~'t 6"W(Rli _ _ - ~ _ _ ' - ~9 BNDy ` ND3°15'DB'W~R~ R=205fi00' N15°D7'2YE(R~,-'~ 4=4°OS'04 _ T _ N89°40'04"W 282_27' ~"' L=14657' - N16°00'45E R~ ~i5 `~~~ g~IDY ~$ R'~456.00' d=15°20'49" L=390.00\~ ~~ R=14.00' da9(759'45 i'~'-'[~', EN. 80' PRIVAIE ACCESS k UTILfIY EASEMENT (PAUE) AND L=2]23' BNUY i~f E%. 8B' IRREVOCABLE OFfER OF OCDICAiION (I.O.~) PER (R-2J N8T31'36E(R) 10.00' BWY I~ I ~ ~ ` PARCEI L U raecr ~asa I ~~~ \ IR-6) i ~ / ` , ~ ~l \ ~ / \ y% ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ w m Qi ' ~ ` ^; / PARCEL K S m~' \ ~ R ~~ ' 25.35 AC t \ PARCEL B-i Ex. TGCE PER (R-6) ~ -raacr ~ass ~ IR-~l f - N4749'S6"C{R~ R=1179.5D' ~SP9'IY ~ / s / ~~ ~~ ~I PARCEL A ~1 -lRACT ~353 $~ ~R_a~ ~ SEE DEfAIL 'B' ' SHEEf 3 ~ - - _ - - "_-'__-'_'-_"-"'-__'_"'_"'_'__-"' N67s~'sYw 1001.ts' BNOr BJP-ROF JOR~AN RANCH LLC SERIES NO. 2000-f48449 v\~zs~s~ru~irc+cr DESIGNATED RENAINDER -N- D' sa 100' 1ar SGL~ BASIS DF BEARINGS: TME BASIS OF BGRINGS SNOMN HEREON, IS 1HE LNE BlIWEfN USCtGS TflUNWUTqN SfATI0N5 'FNLOM IND'WUM DVBLO iOWEIt'. 7HE CXlID 9FNdNG GVLUlA7ED fAOM PUBLISHEU CCS 27 ZONE 3 GRIO CDOHq1Ui6 FDIi 7H6 LINE 6 TN(EN AS NqifH 19M'41' WEST. REFERENCES: (R-1) RECARU OF SURVEY No. lODS, BN. 16 F.D.S., iG. 37-51 (R-2) %A 92D6 BK. 29I PG. 16-17 NMIEDA COUIM REC(MiDS (R-3) %A 8327 BN. Y98 PG. 14-17 NIMEDA COUIM RELOflDS (R-1) iRACT 7851 BK. 7QS PC. 1-5 AUNEW CWNIY RECOADS (R-S) LOT LME IDJUSf1ENf No. LLA-W-O7, SEPo6 No. 2W7-R00946 (R-6) TRACi 7854 BI(. J03 P6. 6-75 N.MIEW COUMY RECARDS (R-7) TWLT 7951 BN. 705 P6. 40-43 NAME61 COUMY NECOk~S (R-B) 7RACT 8034 BI(. 705 P6. 5h57 NANEDA COUNh' RECORDS (R-9) TRACf B036 BK. _ PG. _-_ NAMEDI~ COIINIY RECOROS (R-10) TRICT 8037 BN. _ PG. _-_ Al/JfDA COUMY RECORDS (ft-It) RECORD OF SINiYEY W. 1675, BN. 2'l R.0.5., PG. 31-12 (R-12) l0T l1NE ADJUS7MEM No. 11A-10-01, SEPo6 tb. 2010-OB0278 t~.91AL1 BFIRINGS SIqWN IAE &lSED UPoN CALIFORNN CDOPDIINTE SYSTEN ZONE Y. 1. ALL DISTMlCES SMOWN ME CRDUND LE~EL D6TRNCES, MUL7IPLY pSiANCFS BT 0.9999051 TO OBTNN GPoD pSfPNCES. 3. J~4' IRON PPE TO BE SEf ILLL REM l0T CORNERS WffM CAP SfNAPED 'LS 7960'. LEGEND ----- eouHOUrr urc ~or ur~/rnnca uxe ------ ews~xt uNt ---- oosnrvc R~cnr oF wa iwe - - - - -' EI(SIINC PROPERIY LINE -'--------- EJOS7ING EASEIAEM IINE ------ MDNUNENi LINE Fq1ND Cltt Oi OIAUN SfREEf MJNUMEM ~ SfANPED 'LS 7B6V ~ A10NUIHM PER iW~Cf 6036 (R-9) W LS 7960 UNlFSS OTFIERWISE N07FD ~ MONUMEM PER iRACT 8037 (R-10) ~ W LS 7B6D UNL65 OiXFRWISE NOIEO SELTON CqUlER p MONUNENf PER RE[%IRRU AS NDTED O SEf q77 OF WBUN STANWtD SiREEf A10NUIkM SfANPm'l5 796(T d- NJGIF POIM BNOY 9q1NWRY Ct CO7IERUNE E% DOSfINC M-M MONUMENi TO uONUAEM u-v~ r~oHUUVxr m moe~mv urc PL PI70PERT! l1NE PAE %EVA1E ACCE55 EASEMEM PSE PUBl1C SEMACE E/S~/ENi (R) RIDIAL BFARMlG R.O.S RECOflD OF SIIRVEY S~E SfDRM DRNN FASFAIFNf SSE SWRA2f SENER EISEMCNT TGLE IENPoR/~RY CRIqNG NA CONSiRUCTIDN EASENEM MLE WA1FR LINE FASEYENT 3 : ' , INDIG7ES SNEEf NUMBER TRACT 7855 A SUBDINSION OF PPRCEL B-2 OF LU-10-O1, SERIES N0. 2~1D-080278, AWAEDA CWMY RECORDS "----- CIIY OF DUBl1N i' iaoN aip[ w/cnP ALANEM COUMY, CNJFORNIA 1.5. d233 (R-1) (1/4 COkNER SECTION ~A~~ ~ ~e~ ~ r J4/JS) j si~ze ~uw~x ~rn ns-ouo ~ JULYoR2010 SHEEf 5 Of 11 19J19-O1C ~ ~ ~ ~ SEE SMEET 11 ~ ~ ~.`~'~`g~ TR.4~CT O 3] NST2B'12~W 157.37' N-M ~'~~da ~ N a=n.ar e--svz~•ir a.~. ~ ~~e.4s eNm ~9`ti"o '*' &R.,q ~`,~ M ~`~Sa,wn 4,g,~l ~.,~ a../, C'~ ~0~~~/ *B -npy I,p ~,~, i9g'~ h~" ~~ S6~! 5 , G,~~Lf h S,e3ss~f ~erye~~.?~ r (7 ~ '4V h Ns ,1 ,?o- f" ~ti + ~ R=zs.oa~ N~ M 97J, J62~ 1 :~+~ti h~ 0=88°48'Stl' ~'%s\SS~ws~Fr1 ,/ ~~=,ti,~ ~_38,5 f 4 , ~'75.q} ~~?s" ti~pJ9 6 ~t\ NST365fiW(R) 31.07' (: a , °z'~Y ~ ~'0 - ~-Z Ra ~~5' m9j~~~i6'i~) • ~,fCR ~_`/a~ R=25.00' 4=91°46'41" "IRACT 203fi ~Z~' _'Wy / 1 °~~°~~ L=40.05' ~IR-91 ~~g21gd'~~,S~YZ / [}~~ `>~„°^' ~~N3(M36'73"E~R~ z8~ ~ S N3t'S5'3YE 56.01' d~qs, N6p= ~~ . N30'~6'2]"CiF~ ~~OS 41~~9. ~ R=2500' 4=88'13'19' ~Z.~~V,` Cc3jZW/R~ JP9 : jj? L=3849' ~ yV'~YN66e NZ'~8~4~ 5 ti~q N32°27'04'E611I845'1MOA1 NL}.~ A(.~9~irw~ ~IR.~Y z.e/.. N3723'09"E 722~' "' ( ~,a,~ Nzj~~B4~0Y "'' Z3 '~JT ~, (R ,~ N~~, ~ ?~, ~Q~ ~. '~P ~ ~ qr ~ _ J~69' / ~~,v „ ' ' " /3. N13 17 13 E 54' M-IA 250 rv~ ~ . 19].38' M-PL , ~ti~~ LOT 39 $' ~ N7253'76E ' TRACT ao34 (R-31 V BNDY 7D.56 N81'07'33'W~R~ I '" R=25.00' A=108'15'41' L=16.58' BIUY N07'S3'14"W~R~ ~'~ NI3'12'13'E Ni1'3B'J(TE ~ 52.96' M-PL ^1 LANE 3 NTIANO ' 6U.27' BMY ~EM, PSE (R-6) ~ ° ' ' MO b,~ I "_ No645 I9 wiR] ~ PARCEL G k=25.00' d=BP'133Y L^36.10' BNN' ru cr rasn ~}z'~i ~ n (ft-61 Pi ~ ~~ LDT 16~ I I ~I ' ~g Trzacr ~asa £ I IR-61 ~ I o~~ u~ ~ ~i. ~~~ ior zs ~ 1 °~ 1` ~ ~~eoo•~e' Tw.cr aoaa~ ~ =ss.oo' n iR-a~ NtT47'3Y ;~ ' N21'35 N1B'35'<4.W ~~ ~ 56.11' 24.85' M-M ~ ~ NIT/ F~ft~~1p DR~~ •~,Yl R=zS.~ ~ s\~ 2 A\ ~ ~ ,~'Z '~`~ 9 \,$ ~ TRACi 7951 3 ~~ P \~&\~f IR-7) \~\~ ~f ,`~ 4- ~~s\ \\o ~' 5 \P\ ~i \ \' 6 ~ ~ \\ N7YO1'26w /~ easr u-a~ P~~o QoP¢1`~pl o3-aoio e v~is>>Y~M~run ~ass~~ss_ae.v«~ e R=23.00' A=BB' L=3B.58' i0' _ BASIS OF BEARINGS: 7FE 6456 OF BEPRINCS SHOWN HEflEON, b TfE uNC e~w uscecs mwrcuuna~ surnru ~FN1DM AND 'YOLM ~NBLD TOMER'. 7HE CRD BEARING GLCUUTED FROM PUBL&iED CCS 27 ZONE 3 CRID COOflDINR6 FOR iN15 UIE 6 UNEN AS NORTM 1YMK1' NtST. \ RESUL'fAM PAftCEL D-7 SERIES TIO. 1 ~ ~ I 2DOB-120732 i I IH ~ J ~~ I~ I ~ ~ I h~ 16'4f1'WSR) ~ ~_"~'~'~ _--_--+--' ~ ,-' "~SEE SHE~ 5 PARCEL K ~ i -N- RFFFRFNf.FC; (R-1) flEC01i0 OF SURvfY Ib. 1005. BK. 16 R.0.5.. PG 37-51 (R-2) PA1 8208 BN. 292 PC. 16-I7 ALIYEDA Cq1Ntt RECOR~S (fl-7) RA 8327 BK 29B PG. 1~-17 AUMFDI COUN7Y RECOR~S (R-4) TRACT 7853 BK. 303 PC. f-5 HPAIEDI CWMY RECORDS (fl-S~ LOT l1NE ADJUSMENf No. LLA-07-Dl, SERI6 Ne. 2007-200916 (fl-6) TRACT 785~ BN. b3 PG. B-15 AWIEDA CDLNtt RECORDS (fl-7) TRI~Cf 7951 BN. 705 PG. 10-43 NNAEDA COUMY RECOR~S (fl-B) TRACf BD3/ BN. J05 PC. 54-57 NWIEDA COUMY RECORDS (fl-9) TR~C7 60.56 BN. _ PC. _= ALWFDA Cq1Ntt RECDROS (n-io) Tw~cr ew~ eu. _ x. _-_ u.wca+ courm accaaos (H-11) RECORU OF SURJEY No. 1875. BN. 25 R.D.S.. FG. }1-32 (F-12) LDT IIXE MJUSiNFNi No. LlA-10-01, SERI6 Na. 1010-080278 NOT~ BFNiINCS SFIOWN IAE &~SED UPoN COllFORNN COORpNATE SYSTEN ZONE p. P. I11 pSfANCES SHOWN ARE GROUND IFiEL ~ISTANCES, MULIIPLY qSTANC6 BY 0.9999051 TO OBUN GflID DISTPNCES 1. 7/f IRDN PIPE TD BE SEf iLL1 RFIR LDT CORNERS MTH GP SfNAPED'l5 796U'. LEGEND ----- BOUTANif l1NE LOT L1NE/PMCEL L1NE ------ FASEMEM UNE ---- IXIS7ING PoGHt OF WAY l1NE - - - - - - IXIS7ING PROPEfltt L1NE ___________ IXISIING EJSEMFNf t1NE ------- MOMl1ENT L1NE FOUND qtt OF WBl1N SIREEf NONUMENi ~ SUHPCD'LS 7%(f ~ MONUMENT PEP 7R/GT 90J6 (H-9J W LS. 7960 UNL65 OIHEflW6E NOTCD ~ MONUTAEN7 PER 1RMf 9077 (P-10) ~ W L5. 7960 UNLESS O7HEP'N6E NOTED SECIIDN CORNER p MONUTAENT PER RECOF~ /S NO7ED SEf CIIY DF DUBLIN STMlNRD S1REEf O NONUMENT STNAPm 'l5 7960" D- ANGLE PqM BNDY BWIDNif a ceMeeurc ¢x onrnNc N-Y MONUMENT TO NONUNEM M-R MONIIMENT TD fltOPERI'f l1NE PL PROPER7Y L1NE PIE PRNATE ACC65 EISEAEM PSE PUBIC SERNCE FlSEIENT (R) PADIIL BFORING RD.S RECORD OF SURVEY ~E S70R4 DWJN EISENFIlT SSE SWRAR'f SENEIt FJSENENf TCCE TEIPORNi! CRADMG IND CONSfRUCIpN FASEAENT WLE WATER ll1E E/SEMENf % 3 ~ NpCA1F5 SIfEf NUMBER T l\L ~~ 1 / V/ J p ~ ~~ ~~ A SUBDMSION OF PPRCEL B-2 OF LlA-10-01, SERIES ~ ND. 2010-080276, AlAA1EDA CWNfY RECORDS ~~ ~ L~~ Cf1Y OF DUBLIN AWIEDA COUNIY, CPLIFORNIA IMCKAY & SOIIIPS v.~a rw~a. """`a i,nin,-~ ~ JULY,R201D SXEEf 6 DF 11 19J19-OIC PARCEL J [(a) 2a ~a~ 19.17 AC 3 wiR~n•5d' ~ass eNVr Ez. Tccc (R-s) 57W gNpy CE%. PSE (R-6~ M-91Y7'3Y L=40.OP BNDY N)V70'S1'E(R) 16.00' /~~ '~ 3 ~ ~~ LSV ~ REFERENCES: (R-1) RECORD OF SURvEY No. f0~. BK i6 R.0.5., PG 37-51 (R-2) PA1 9208 BK. 291 PC. I6-17 AIANFD~ Cq1Ntt RECDROS (R-3) PN &327 BK. 29B FG. 11-17 AW/EDA CWNtt RECDROS (R-4J 1RACi 7853 BN. 103 PC. 1-5 NAAIEM CWMY RECORDS (R-5J LOi UNE A0.1USiNEM No. IlA-07-01, SEMES No. 2007-200946 (R-fiJ TRACI 7&51 B(. 30.] PC. 6-IS AUNEM COUNtt RECpiDS (R-7) iRAC7 7951 BK. 30.5 PC. 10-~3 MPAIEDA fAUMY RECORDS (R-6) TRACf BD3~ B(. 30.5 PC. 5/-57 NNIEDA CDIINfY RFCORDS (R-9) 7RACT 80.16 9(. _ PG =_ AIANEM Cq1Ntt RECDROS (R-lo) 7RACf 8017 BI(. _ PG. _-_ NMIEM CDUNtt RECORGS ~ ~~• N7C~6'3YE 71J6~ BNDY N70`54'34E 67.37' BNI (R-11) RECOR~ OF SUftYE7 No. 1675, BN. P5 R0.5., PG 31-32 (ft-12) LOT LIN MJ M NBY57'S4'N 60.3Y 9NDY ' ~~" E US~ Dli No. lU-1o-01, SEPoES Na 2U10-OdJ27B R Z / . { ~ ~~ ~~ PARCEL MAP 8327 ~ / N48°58'37E ' ~ . Mb $ ' ~' . IR-3) . ~/~ ~ 49.31 N4~74'70"C 5919' ~ - ~ PARCEL J-1 „ % / ~~^t TRACT 7d54 _t r ~~ $EE DEf/JL'A' IR-6l ~ ~ N4S~3'OItE 2736' BNUY ~ 5~ y5^ ~SNfEf 3 ~ . - ~ f ~~ o. ~~~ N$ ti}~ ,. N45'43'00'E(RLi' ~~~~ ~ ~ .fl:gp.pp' ~1PI8'4C L=10.80' BNDV \.f~.' ~.,1uT58'14~W 13.87' BNM \\\ Ab/ ~ ~ ~ ~ / ,.,,.. = N49°40'45"E R . I~ o~~ N87°2B']5E(R~ ...: ~ N51•OS'ITE 67.93' /~' ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' q~ ` ~~ N20°44'24"WR ~~ NBt•~2yO h~O~ __ _ SZ ~ d~ W ~ ~ N39°71 56'W~R c ~' ,p S ,v i ~ + '.`~~ ~ _ l (a II1.J6' o • ~Z?~~7 ~~~" ~ - N02°a0't7'W~R~ • - '~- ~ / N4fl59'34'E 7375' ~ ~ ~ ~$ - `~~ '~ ~ ~~// .' R=307.00' ~,~/ ~y NOB°17'46"E R ~Z'~ i~ $~ J~ s A~tv%•oY rv s ~ ~ / ~ N7747'41"E ]7.78. ~~~. 3 ~ L~58.77' BNpy ^ i ~' ~ i ~ / ~' 'u n / ~ CL 15' W~E v P ~ ~ ~ ^ g F ~ g ~ $~' / N43°24'}5'E 73.71' ~ ~d~ n ~ ~ J ~ i.~~ N 93 I' Nia•o7'S7"E 7a.57' . PARCEL F o e ~ ~ ^ 12.1 5 AC 3 °~ SEE SHEEf 11 ~ ~ ~ ' ~ NBP47'18_'W~R ^~~~ ~ N8Y13'3~"W 56.02' ~ . FOR fASEMFMS JN mis r~u ~ ~ N04°55'20 E 73.85' e ~ R=25.00' d=9V00'00' L=39.17' 8 ~ ] rc NB~°q7' g^W ioo ~ 5 i ~~~~ -~ ~ = $ .oo rs E%. 15' WlE ~ I ~ ~Y32'D6'W 71.8B' ^ ~ 19 ~ N o;; RESUITAM gg PER (R-1~ t0 ~ -' ~ ~ - PARCEL B IR-5) BE QIIIiCUMED I 01" SEPMAiE o W ' y I w R=25.00' ~=90°00'Off l=}9.~]' ~{ ~ ~ INSiFUMEM ~ I NIfP13'47W 6fi.91' ~ ~ - W ~8 I fn NBO°47' " ° ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ Ue,~i ° ~ ~ ° ~ = g~ 8 a 38 W P70.50' ~ ~ 77 ~ ' ^ ~~£ ~~ p ~ Nis•oa~as'w~o.se~ I eoo' ~I ~ 9 10 u i ,~~ MoT7s 0 8.95' BNDY ; 1 +~ t~ 9'~ n f ~N~ \ r ~I a=22 N7b56'45"E 56.09' ~~ ~ p=1T3Y19 ~_6979' ,- , ,, ~ ~ 12 rv O 13 ~ 16 )~x'I \ i ~ 1YiR E g 14 0 'SJ ~{' ~~m'~ N1Y51'OYW 66.86' , ~~ N6~ ag0 ~ ~ U ~ ,~a ~ I ~ ~~ ENCqryTO o hAY is , i ~ I ~ .~ SEE SHEEf 9~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ C ~E '~ w ~ ~ y ~. NSP4R'2YW g ~~~~W ~~, 1BD7' BNUY ~R4\ LEGEND ----- BOIINDARY IINE LAf LINE/PARCEL lNE ------ FASEYEM lkE EXSTINC RIGHf Of NAY LINE E%ISTING PROPIXIY LNE EX6TkJG FASEUENf LNE MONUAEM LINE ~ FWND CIIY OF DUBLN STRCET NONUAEN~ N7T10'06W 23.P5' BN~Y S~ALPED ~LS 7960' N28'DY31f'W MONUAEM PER TRIL'T B0.M (R-9) 52.71' BN~Y ~ W L.S 7960 UNlE55 OMEIlMSE ND7EU YDNUAEM PER iRACf 80.77 (R-1DJ NOY30'S7E ~ w ~.s ~sso ur~ss on~ca~ms~ rnrzo M.24' BNDY SEqqry CORNER ~ NDNWEHf PER RECORD /S NOfEO SET q1Y OF WBl1N STMIDARD STREEf .,~~a OO ~~EM ST,WVED'LS 796ff ~3^ l~- NlCIE PqM ~ BNUf BOUNDARY CL CEMERLNE IX E%ISI7NC M-M HONLMENi TO AIONUMEM R-47.00' C-71•47'11' Y-M NONUAEHf TO PRDPERIY LINE L=57.B9' BNDY PL PflOPER1Y LINE PAE PPoVAIE ALC6S EASENENf PSE PUBUC SEMICE FASEMEM (F) RAOIAL BFARING R.0.5. RECORD OF SUPVEY S~E SfORY ORNN FASEAIENf SSE S1NiARY $FMER FASEMENf TC# IEMPDWVtf CRIDING AND CONSIRUCTqN FASFA1ENi MlE WA7ER l1NE F/SENENT y 3: INDICA7E5 SHEEf NUNBER -N- 0' So' 100' 1ao' ~ Scu£: f_1oo' ~~ ,~ ~ n ~ AB4NDONA~ENT NOTE: PUR5IWI TO ARfCLE 2, SECIIDN 88431(g) R 08499.YD 1/Y OF ~$: Bp$IS OF BEARINGS: ~ /~ Tl\ACT / V S S ~$~ h THE SUBDNbIDN WP ACf, THS WP SHLLL CONSIIIUIE THE ~. ~~~~ SIqMI ME BISED UPUN TME d61S D~ BFMIN(S SHOMN HERERi, 6 7HE ~81NDON.IENf N IIS ENTIREIY WffHM 1HE BOUNDARIFS DF THS COLFOfML1 CDOkMNOiE S1SfElA ZDNE 11. ~E BE7NECN USCdGS TRVNCIM710N STA710N5 A SUBDMSION OF PMCEL B-2 OF LLA-10-O1, SERIES y NM llf FIX10N1NC: 2. ALL qSGNCES SHOMN ARE GROIINU IE~EL 'FALLDM N!D 'MOUNf pABLO TOWEK. THE CPoD N0. 201D-080276, ALAAIEDA CWMY RECORDS TFE IRAEVOG1BlE OFFERS OF OEDIC~110N OOU) RECORDE~ /5 OISTANCES, MIILTIPLY D6TNJCES BY ~~ ~CLU7FD FRON PUBlJSlfD CCS Y7 Cltt OF DUBIJN ~ MS7RUNENf N0. RUtU-164pN NIU INSIRUMEM ND. 201~16~035, 0.99990.5~ 70 OHfAN GtID D6fNICES. C ZONE 3 GRD COORpN4iE5 Fqi iM5 l1NE 6 7NCEN AUNE0.4 COUNIY CALFORNIA ~ ,~ AND iHE E%S11NG PLBl1C SEIMCE FASEMENf (PS~ lDG7ID AT TIE NORfXERIY END OF U S7RADA DRNE AS SHONN ON TR/CT IRON PIPE TO BE SEf ALL RFNt L0T 7. 3/ CORNERS M7TH fIP STNAPED ~IS 79BV. AS NORfH 15~4'Pl' WESI. , ` ~ 7E54 RECOROED IN BOOK 3U3 OF MIPS PACES 6 MAp1GM 15. ~CMY M~~ ' a AWIEDA COIMIY RECORDS s~.xe rww~. ~mjas-FAV01Bowo ~ ~ JUlY~ 201D ess~nss_o~.w.c SNEET 7 DF 71 1 ~~ ~ ~~ 3`.~.1 AIhTCHLJNE SEE RIGHT ~~ui BEUnNCS S~qwN NtE 6~SED UPON SEE SHEEf 9 ABANDONMEM NOTE ~1 ~ ~ CMIFORNN COORDINQE SYSTEN ZONE 11. p / ~ q)pS~µT TO IHIICIF Y. SEC71(N! 66434(9) 8 66199.20 1/2 OF 1. ALL DISf/NCES SIIOhN ME GROUND IEKL N20°97'3SE 7ryE SUBDIVISION MAP AC7, TMIS ANP 9NLL CONSiIIUiE 1HE ~Zi \ I 1 ~. ~~ I A9 06TANCES. YUl71PLY D6TANCES BY ~ r'~I27.72' N-N ~ ~ 5~ p5E ~X~q1v ~q ~ 5~ I 0.8999D51 TO DBTIN CftlD qSTMlCES. `"y / ~AI~ONMENi M 115 EMIREIY NRHN TNE BOUIDAPoES OF iH6 ° f ~ ~a ~~- Q' 3~ ~ I ]. ]~f IRON PIPE TO BE SEf ALL REN! lOT .'4 / WP 1HE FOLLOWIXG: ~ 7 I g I .h /~ ~, ~ 7XE IfdtE~OC18lE OFFEIS OF DEpG7pN (qU) RECORDED AS = IP G COICERS WffH f1P STNAPED ~l5 7960'. ~ ~~ ~ J' ' ~ INSfRLMENi N0. YUID-161094 IJI~ INSfRLMEM N0. TD~0-161095, ~~°° i N~ p f~~-+ ~~ 9~-~E -~~~ I- !yy'+ ~ ~~ ^ :/ ~,~ 37 IND TNE IXISIING %1BUC SERVICE EASEIAENf (PSEJ IOfATFD Ai ~ IP t. p A I ~/ -> ~. ^'~ ~, iME NdtiHERLY QO OF lA S7RIDA DRIVE IS SFIOWN ON 1RACT ~'~ ~° N Z 'u ! ~ ~ d~ /e ° ~^/ .3` ` 7851 RECOROED N BOq( J03 OF WPS PAGES 6 THRWGH I5, £ ~ 4 ~ w 9 a~io m PARCEL C , y~ I r',~?`%' ti s~ ~~ ~, oy ~v;: ~\ ue~oa courm rt~coaos ~ i ~~ ^'1~° 0.63 AC } ~~~ ~/ eti~ PARCEL E j' ~.;~2y'~3 ' "~iw e' PsE ~I Is C ~ N '4~ i iRARf 9035 b,.~ z 1.56 AC t o~ 1J./~ / i f~ ~. ~~ I f ~s 'Ri ryh ~/ ° N=7s.oo~ e=9atevY ~ ~ I~ 33 6 ^/e ~, a; RFFFRFN!`FC: 18' 3}' I a ~ 34 i,~ .~'C 0 L~11.D7' BIDY ~ °/91 `'>° ry " r+29'3a•4a"E~R~ 36 (R-1) RECORD OF SUM~EY No. 1006, BK. 16 R.D.S.. PG. 37-51 PARCEL L~ ~ ~ - I e -,°:" ~~ sa7 , (R-2) PM B20B BN. M2 PC. 16-17 NAMEM CWNf! RECORDS 7. 1 4 A C t i ~~ ~°'~ ~9 8o Q i "'`~~' ~Z?z\Bw $ (R-3) PM 9327 BK. 299 PC. th17 NANEM COUNh' RECORDS I,~n°I ° e I~ ~o- I ~ffi; ~ /~ y~'^,o/ M'°~ i~~M2g.~6 ~ (R-5) l0T tN E 5AON5T Y EM Nn lu-D A 7- M O~SERI6 No. E C O R D S ~ ~N( p \ '~R ~ ° g =^' ,~~ ~~'~ F ~ ` 20D7-20D916 I~~I^ ~,~ ~ F.~~ ~ 73•~ ~, ~l' (R-6) 1PiLT 7854 BK J03 PG. 6-15 /1HAEM CWMY RECORDS n`~ O°s --~-- I_ §° ~ ~~ ~ JJ' - M~7 . BR (R-7) IpACT 7951 BK 7D5 PC. 10-13 MANE6~ COUNtt RECORUS I ~ o ole. °. ~W N89°3a'aa W 76.t7' -- - ~, ~,~ ~. 'z~•°~"'wDR`~'DI~, (R-8) 1RRCT 6034 BK JIM VG. 51-57 AUNEM COIMIY RECORDS NDP29'1GE I /e~ ~~ ~'0 I ~. 1 ( ) ~ ~ g~ /~ N Y V R-9 IWCT 6038 BK _ PC. __ NNAEM COIIMY RECORDS ~~ ~~ SB.oD' B.N~D,YT1 m v W°~ s Ro / ~ o n: ~~19~W~ (R-10) iW~Ci 803~ B(. _ PG _= AIANEDA Cq1Ntt AECDRDS ~~ ~ IB' N8530'44"W 19938' M-M ~1PRI~1 Ilt~l b/ as~ i° ~B7• ~r ~ (R-11) RECOFm Oi SOT4Y Na. 1673. BIC RS R.0.5.. PG SI-31 136.86' IA-PL T--- ~ 355a•W /g° ~/ / m~,"'., BApy ~ (R-12 LOT INE rDJU57MEM No. 1U-70-Ot. SEPoES No. ~ ~ ~ 4,N87J0'H'M u~.~ 99gZ. /i .r ~ a ~1010-080478 ~I ~ ~ N89~30'44 W eo oa' ~^, J0.81' BNDY _ '~ ~0 . (y i a y~~ ~ TRACT 8037 ~~ - --- -~ - r. ,~ . / ~1 i I~ /~ -- N24°55'S4'W5.00' ti/ ti y S ~~ IR-101 LEGEND 7 / \1 R=5.~0' e=45°00'DO' L=3.93' ~ ~ ~°.f ~ n ~e. ~n~ ~ I ~ ~ b~ A "/ ~'o/ ~ "- BOLNDARf LINE I~ ~7 LDT lllF/PARCEL LINE ~I i g ~ ~ I~ ~ a n ' az I ~ ~ i °~' S, ~~ 9 " _ ~~ - - - - cns[wExt urf I D A ~ ~ I 31 ~~,5 ~ e~/ 6% PARCEI D ___= cwsnNC mcHr or w~r uNc f I~ I ~ ~ a iY Z~~E,~{ - E705iING PROPERtt LNE K~l ~ - w~l Ip A g. ~~ ~ 0.~9 AC f ~'y$~B"'~I' -_ __ ___' EbSfINC FASEMEM LME ~ u~~'-,'N ~ ~ I Ix PARCEL L \~~ a~ ~ i y,~'`' - ~awuuerrt uNe ~~ J~~ o a" t~ _~ ~'~.' 7.14 AC f ~ ~B, /~ ~ q, p I Q Fp1ND CIIY OF DUBLN SfREFf MOM1MENi ~I 'I>, °~~ - ~~ / Q 3 ~ . S~ STANPED'L579E(f II II o ~ ~ I I 3 ~ ~; ~~~ I -~. AbNUA1ENf PER TW~LT BO78 (R-9) RESUL7AM ~ r I PARCEL B ~I ~, ;a ~ hN~ W LS 796~ UNLESS OiHERWISE NOIm PARCEL B ~ ~ N ~~~0.75 AC t ~~ ~ I ~n / ~ ~ v I ~ ~~~ PER TRACf 8017 (R-10) IR-51 ~ ~ I ^ o i ~ W LS 7960 UNLE55 Oil7ERWISE NOIED 1 b TRACf 8035 ~ ~_ r I SECIION CORNER 1 1e. }}• b~ 1R-91 ~? r_~ o I ~z z, il 6' AIDNUMINf PER RECORO AS NOTED ' a P-~ 01 ~ ~I ~ 1\N ~ g n ~ ~~~' a ~~ 51 I 52 O 5[7 tltt OF WB4N STANWR~ SfREEi Q I ,,, ~ < m ~~ I AqNUIENf SfNIPm'L5 7981f ,1 11 `i~ q ~1 ~ 1 ' 1 s - WI " I "a~r 4~n rv A'~i BNDY ~ DARfOIM ~° ~ ~1 p? I ~~L m b ~ I a' _ I~ _~. z i 1~ ~' II r r ,y;l l \~ 1~ _ I TRACT 2036 a E~ ~NE ~4 ~ ~ m 1""8~ .~ ~ ' \~ a ° ~'~ -_ ~ _ ~ (R-91 M-N MONUMEM 70 MONIIMEM ,.L1 ~.. ~- Itl K' ~ I ~~ ~ ~~sy!2 v NoTl9'Od'W(R) N-PL MONUAIEM 70 PROPERTY LINE ~ V ~ 56.00' Vl PROPER77l1tE ~~ ~~~ 1 I \/~ -;_I R=678.Op' ~ zlo ~//~ NB6°53'S5"E ~'Y PAE PfdW7E ACpSS FAEYEM ~f "' - '~~ry ~ ~ I d=C34'12" ' ~ ~_ 6].21' M-M R=35.00' o=1P43'03",1=10.e2' y 'rP -~- L=7].74' RESULT.4KT 96B6 ~~ca---+---~.''j PSE %1BLIC SFIMCE FASEMENf 54°E, ~ - ]BA6' o ss ~S °^ ' ' ~ ' PARCEL B ~1 ~B~ o Ng~~~ y_p~ '~ AMANTEA WAY (P) WD41L BEARING 1 1 NpJips~~%~ NamO}~IS'W(R) n NpS~ _ Ik-51 I p z NBppp~S4'E ' _ R.0.5. RECORD OF SUPVEY R=45.00' ~=4P56'S6' L=3a.52' S/~~ B~ }3.pp ~/_ ~,~ SrC(R) I `n ~, }589_ ~ SDE SIDRM qWN FASEMENI ~ ~ ~.zrg. ~NBa•30'56W ~~451. M-M &IUV I °~ e B~ SSE S4MAFY SEY~FR FASEAIENT R=S.Q~' ~=49'II'04" ;=9.30' J9`' ]J.81' M-Pl o~ -y~i- 1 ~ ~0.2 I 51 ~l m 7CCE 1E11PORNIY IFIDING ANO Nll°}9'45E 3.79' R=612.W' l~V~iLL ~ \B 4 ~ 8 ~'9^~ tr'~ I ~ CONS7HUCTqN El$ENENf l~ ~ ~, _ -g=s•sea9 ~ i4 y I ;~_\ -( e~ yJ~ 5o I a~ w~c WAIEN lNE FASEMENT N45°14'IXl'ER: L=]$. 7 8' ry ~~~ i~+ `~ ~ rv= o~~W ~ S -~ &SIS OF BEARINGS: 1 '~ "l~ .-~'NOa17'52'WiR~ A ~~ ~ ~~; ~ I ~,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~„ ~ 'gm I :,.3 F INDIG7ES SHEEf NUNBER 1NE BASIS OF BFARINGS SHOWN HEREON, `E ~~~~° ~ m- m 1 ••~ IS lHE LNE BE1NEEN USCdGS ~ 8 m°° PARCEL A',"^ S~~ ' 1 ~ ~ ~~ s~ a~~Y 4`3 I mwicuunou srarors 'ruiat uio 0 8 0.31 AC t a~'g I `` ~ ~' 9^ ~ ~ g ~= TRA C T 7 8 5 5 'uourrr ova~o mw[rt'. n~E cmo 1 " ° z o Iq G.A --L BENdNG CNLUWED FfttMl PUBLISHm - ~ ~ 81: ~ 21 `6 H ~~ p, ~ 4 C~+-'7+~ ~ g`~PSE 11 CCS 27 20NE 3 CRID CODRDINAl6 FOR .~- N o - ~S ~ I ZO ~' ~n`p ~, r ~ ry A SUBOMSION OF PMCEL B-2 OF LLA-10-O1, SERIE$ 1MI5 LINE IS TN(EN 0.5 NORiH 1YM'27' /'~' m 'O• P '~B ~ o I°"" ' ~ ° A ~.~ ~, ~ ~E o o~a - Z N0. 2010-080278, AUMEDA COUN17 RECORDS wEn. ~ J•~~. P700' 6585' ~ ~ ~, ~ y °~~'"' PARCEL C ~~ CfIY OF DUBLIN / .~ ~0~.'y N89`59'JEW 92.~5' BNDT N8S15'Og'~ ~~ ~~ $ I I; ~~`d° ~.63 Q~ f -"~-¢'I 33 0~ ts 50' too' AlAME0.4 COUNIY, CNJFORNL1 // P j~ / 131 I 13? I 133 52.I~ ~'134 I I ~`~= 6 PSF i~ I~ C ~ ' Y 8' SCKE'.~1~~~ .. Y f Y M~ ~ Y~~ 135 ~, 130 i I TRACT 785b I ~ . ~ ~ ~ I s~.:e rw~u. ~.,sia.-~ iR-61 ~ JULY,R2010 v~,viv~~u~nun iess~mss_oe.owc MATCHLINE SEE LEFT SHEET B DF 11 19319-DIC 41 f ~ REFERENCES: LEGEND (R-1) REWFD OF SURrEY No. 1005, BK. 16 P.OS.. PG. }7-51 ----- gq~Np/~( ~~ (F-4) PM 9208 BK 292 PC. 16-77 /iUMFDA CWN1Y RECDROS (R-3) PN 8727 BN. 298 PG. 14-17 AIANEDA CWNTY RECORDS '~~°47'3B'WIR~ N87i3'JO'W ------ FASEAIEN~LRIE L LINE (F-4) iRACT 7857 BII. 30J PG. 1-5 NNAEM COUMY RECORDS ~ R=15.00' 4=90°DO'OQ IX617NC RICHf OF WAY IINE (R-5) LOT l1NC ADJUSTMINf No. L1A-07-Dt. SERI6 No. L-791T 23.a1• J3.01~ .,W ------ E%Bi1NG PRDPERIY LINE 2D07-2009~6 ~ ~ IX611NG EISE]IEM LINE (N-6) 7RIC! 7fl54 BK. 307 PC. 6-IS AUMEOA CWlPY RECORDS ~ g IN ° . ~ -----~- ypNUNEM UNE (R-7) 7RACT 7951 BN. J0.5 PC. ~0-43 i1M1EDA COUNIY flECORDS " "' FWND CI1Y OF DIAJX SIREEf NONUMENf (F-B) iRACi 90}4 BK. JOS PC. 54-57 NNAEW COIlNf1 IiECORDS ~ NBn47' °~ '~ ~ 9 .' ~O (R-9) iRACf 8036 BK. _ PG _= ALWEDA COUN7V RECORDS ^' 48.00' '~W o~ `°I 6,30 9 SfANPED ~LS 7961f (P-1U) TRACf BO}7 BK. _ PC. _= AWAEDA COUNiY RECOfl05 SEE SHEEf 7 o g '~ "' I ~ SF t e~ NONU1ffM PER TRAC7 BOJ6 (R-9) (R-11) qECORD OF SURJEY No. 1675, BI(. 15 R.D.S., FC. 31-3Y ~ W LS 798D UNLE55 O7HFXNlg NOTED (fl-12) LOT IINE IDJUSTMENf Ib. LU-fo-01, SEPo6 No. N) , 3q PARCEL F ~ ~ g ~ GONUNEM PER iW~Ci 8037 (R-1~) 2D1D-OB027B I ,~ W L5. 7960 UNLE55 OTHERWSE NOIED ~ . R=25' PSE ~ ~.. ,y ~ S ~ 8 '~ SEC7IDN CORNER 7l ~~~ " R=25.oa' 0=9o°oa'od pJ. ~ ~ 6~3 }:~ O MONUMEM PER REWRD AS lqTED $Ef SHEET ~ ~ 9B.~. ~' ~ L=79.27' ~ I 33' ~ ~~ SF' t ~ ~ qry pF WBl1N STANDMD SiREEf '/'1 ~S.B7~o . ; ~ ' e aT ^ }` ~ NICtE PaINiTAMPm'LS 796(f PARCEL F ~(n -~~ ^' 6J.01 63p874I'38"W270.50' I^ I ~o°II ~ aDY BOUXMQtLINE ~ co t~ ~ +l ~ so.oo i ~I ' 17 I ° eM cxmwc - rn ~ ,~ ~ ~ = w~°i 6,30 s m u-u MONUMENf TO NONUAENf ~~'` ol~ ~ ~ro^ o ~ .- ~ ~ -H ~~s3asr i ° ~ ° i O SF t "' ~ aR PHOPERfYtI EPROPERtt UNE Q'~',~o~ o$ ~ Lp m ^~ "^ N~ ~y ~ ~I ~/J g. PS ~ ~ PAE PNNAIE ACfESS EASEMEM 49 ~.R~ Fry}~ 5 4J ~O ~ c0 b ' M(n ~ ~ r ryl r~ PSE PUBUC SERVICE FASEIIEM p c e~ I ~' ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~n) wnut euiaNc "-6T}ESe~9' ~ p.i-r5~9s"1 ~`` a=~4e~*T__ ~ ~ N a^ n v~ ^N ~ g o~ 0.~ i~ 6~36976 „ ~9~~~z(b. R.0.5. RECORD OF SURYEY 4S ; 6 S F ~Y' 4 SDE $fORM DRNN FASEMENI y 50'77Eta~_ N1p5~3• 7~,i 6 R=128.00' 4=P6'1~'3S ~ 63.20' _- '„,I N o M R ~ b" ~ ~I O 1 t' ~"DY 5SE SANRARf SEWER ElSEMEN~ ~4 N6T _'\OD~p S~ ~ 1=104.16' ' ~S'' ~ ~ ~ O 1 ' ~ , K ~°n ~ 00~ ,~~. ~ I ~ ' 7CCE 7EMPDWJn' CAAqNC AND 6Y`'p71E °\pN~ \~~ ~40~~~ M~ _ '~_~ NB 3.pp' ' R=75.00' p I I CONS7RUCTqN F/SENINf ~'4 ~ ~°RC'n 'o~ Nll°56'2~ _ R=17P.00' '~ ~_ P01 a5W 397.57. fi3.pp~-- _ 4=9~P45'S7' ~ rvl 8.8g ~ Jr ~ o MLE WATER IINE E/SEMENT y~ ' ~ E,` 4=19°57'19° n _ ~Bp01' ~ ~ L=J9.60' ~ ~I 4 SF - - ~ N26'44'77"W m- ~'. ~ 7~ ° ~+ L=~.91• ~6 W~9~.99' y_ 0.00' ' -___ 23. ~ ~ f ~J ~ x~ 3~ INDIG7ES SNEEf NLNBER ^~ Y -~ 36.99' '~ ~' 3J' R=25' PSE Lj y~ `" 15.11' M-M 2} ~~,~ i R=15.00' - _ _ 6 EN(,' ' ~ ' R=25.00' . ~ _ N2E44'2}"W 15.13' N `° h _~' A '~ N06' ^. ~n ~' e~ 4=10P27'36 ~ __ Neo~o~, NTO jy -~_~~'oe~E z~.oq,~; 4=775Y~4" ~~~ii. \~ Z `~ (~ r~44.27' ~ fl - _ -.0 ._ _ 46"W 398.99' AY _ ~ _ i»`'S'11,W ~ L=34.05'. 'wP ° P ~ W ~ w 1 \ o p R=25^ ~ ~ 63.00~ ~~~Z9' M_y \\ /a R,`O~, "~ ~ b"~-'~ ~~ J PSE !L 'F/ ~"_ _ 6J_DO' R,15-0~~4=B9'19' "' Z~ct ~ rR_6j ~~G WaJ o ? .-% 9 n ~ ~ ~ -- __so_oo_ ~ ~=as.vr ~ ~~~°~'l "~agQ°~a, ~~ ~~ °~. ' PSE R%\~'4 G ~' S Psc ro N _ ~ ~ ~ ~Ig ~ ~ _ _ s0 oa' ` ~~ ~ ~^ /i~ z~~ ~rs ~,~zp7s-~~°zs,,~; 2 ~ ..'~Gf 5 oi O " ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ' J//I` ft1,,~3g~ f(RJ (o~) '° x ` ;\~ ~ ~ N7C33'S9"EjR~ (O g O ' ~ o M ~ ~ ~ ~ "'~ $, p4l'~$~W~ , 21z5B94~ ~JS. M & : ."' (~ \ N8 ?i. ?/• 4, N~~.o i~ 9 ~92'1Y7TW 6.~~~ c0' M = O~ m N~ ._ N N ~s1^ / 31p0 6,5. Ss f~~lM til.o 23' p~~' BNDr ~_.ff ~op ~O ° ~ o O m m~ ;~ `~ a-~ __ ~R~?5 ° BlSIS DF BEARINGS: ~ P~a ~ ~ ~/-- ~~~, p tq ~o~ THE BASIS OF BFAIiINGS SHON?! HEREON, IS iHE ,I ~ ~' t0 ° VO' S PSE z~ o^~P'~0p~- ~;,~ ~Sg. a'Ja~ '~~ LNE BEfWEQI USC1~G5 Tfl1ANGUU7pN SiATIONS ,q 1 S$ ~ 67 I ~0°07'pp~W ~3'~ ~_I ~^~~ ~ ~:Tr 4~i 'fI11.ON N1D'NDUNf D4HLD TOWEFf. THE CRID ~ PARCEL L E ~i ol e,I ~ sa / / i ~~.ss• B~. eo.oa ^' z~.oa '? ~n o° PARCEL H ~ ~~ ~~UTFD FliON PI1BL5HE0 CCS R7 w 7.14 AC t ~ y~ ~ q ~ ~ 66 I Rz ~T _?5.56' ' W '~ ~!~, ZONE 3 GPoO CDOflqH~iFS fIXt 1H6 LINE IS iN(EN N ~ f ~ ~~~ 05 / J72.W' d? s~~ ~ 3' AS NORfH 1SM'71' WESf. ~ 3y ~ L°~B.Ib~ 17y{ ~ °~ ¢ R=1P8.00' A=729'Se' ,,, ~ PARCEL E I =I ~; q iRt~CT a037 ~ 64 ry~m o~/~~ ~ ~'~~9~~ BNDY m 1.56 AC t i -- R-ss.ar n-airorlY ~ -~"° 0'za~W(R~;' ~~~$~b; IR-10) z~ ABpNDONMEN~ NOTE: ~; f o - ~.~5.36~ 97DY '~+~ ; P f ~ 2a.00' N~°17'2TE 63 / /~"~'C! / ~~~~~ ~S~UB~DMSION WP ILT,~1M6 NAP S~HVl CONSIRUiE Tf£2 OF I ~ ~J.SO• ~~~ ' IR.~ ~y ABWDDXMENf IN fI5 EN~HlIY WIfNIN 7HE BDUNp1Rl6 OF TH6 y I 13'~M_p~ ~ Jr ~ ~~ 62 M1P TNE FOIIDMNG: ~' I NB'y~B 49~~'a BNDY 7NE IRf~W('.ABLE OFFERS OF OFOIGPDN (IOD) RECORDEO /S g~y ' 4D,7d~ yyo u N7`11'75" V INS7RUAENf ND. 2010-18~091 AND INS7RUAENf ND. 2010-161095, d ~ o~j. a~o ~ No8~3~~ta'cfp ~ RI~ TA~'0 7MhlE NORTHERLYNEND OF IA~ST~RADA DRNE AS DWN ONTTRAC7 n~ ' 1 78.M flCCp2DFD IN BOOK ]03 OF 1UP5 PAC6 6 iMFOUGH 15, yb~ 2~','~/^~ h~` R=25.00'~ ~ -N- NJ/AEOA CDIIMY NECOR~S "~ ~~ ~ ~B7•73'26 ~ ~ ~ r.~' ~ ~/ p . L~5.59' BNOY / i °' ~ , ~ 38 ~~ ~~=i o°~~; 7~AL~L BEIRINGS SIIDWN NtF B~SED UPoN TRAC T 7 8 5 5 e o`9 / lj ~ "' ~ O• CALIf01R141 CODROINAiE SYSf~I ZONE III. ~6,~h~ e c~ ~ 8~ Y. ALL OISfMlC6 SMOWN IAE CRq1N0 LEVEL A SUBDMSION OF PARCEL B-2 OF LU-10-Oi, SERIES ? =.~h ~ ~4.~ J~, .~,~~ ~ OISWlCES, MULTIPL7 MSfNlfES BY N0. 2010-08027B, ALAAIEDA COUMY RECORDS e~/a ~ o.5n5o54 io oawrr cino asru~c6. CIIY OF DUBl1N lancr aoar 3. ~/4• irsox ~a~ io e[ s~r u~ Rux iot 37 CORN[as wm{ r~a st,wPED'~5 AsV. ~WIEM COUHIY, CNJFORNW 2~ti~ ~ IR-101 0' YS' 50' 100' Ay`A w+ ~ ~, ~ ~YM~ ~ Y~~ SEE SHEEf B s~.ze rc«n. m n~w„w,.,,ow G mm °"'~ „ain~-a,o JULY, 201D -- e~ixm c~~ivis~r~iw,ci ~ass~~e~s_o9m~c SHEEi 9 D~ 11 19319-OIC ~ ~6 ti ~. ,~F ? a ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ 15 N ~~ /ti~ a ~'[ o r~ R=YS' PS[ - ~ aM \ h ~~2`~ ~~ j - / / ~,/SO ' ~~ & N1T ~ x';~ ~Jj JJ ~'\,~,~~R,.s ~` 09'i ~~a, ~7~j'~ J~ ?a, Bcb. ?S ~.90. ig, -(b. ~n~Z \~ 'Y7.~~~ ~fy~I ~/\~ Ng1V6'OS'E~15.4T, OJ9. . p ~Dy~_,~ ~ ~a R.~7.pp~ ~ ~p d=6S57'Op' ". L~54A4' BNDY PARCEL ~_~ 7RACT ]d54 fR-6) ~,~( ~6 B)"~'/~~y ~Ej~~~`„ ~RJ 1"I.Op ~~J p~ISY'Sgp1 ~• ~ tfr~5b ~ CIQI ~9 H1g~1~ . p.r ~ 80?~~ O 8' p~J~' ~ o P j, ~ r ~ W ~. o~ y o~ •~ °• ~ i,'C'%' I~"';, £ R=25.00' p=82°56'45•\\ ~° R=17].OD' ~`J6.19' I~ o=rso~ic ~=e n~ ` 4~•}B W~F~ ~~ys F~H/ d~~d'z ~~ a„ye 4'BA e NBCP , i'ti,~,? \. 6,I !° J~. ( ~~' J' 9 ' 3ry/_ P - ~ 9 o J S. 3 7g. 0 )a J. /33. \ 7~67i5, y. <„~ ~s, 9~. R=25' PSE 5 9'f,/ N51• )JS~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' 2~ ~ ~ 9q. R rv R,2S q~ ~N\~ ~~ °.-~ °a Ssz ` 19 38 WjR~ ; p __ ~ PARCEL 3j L¢`-~' ~ a N~ l~4q ~Og 00. ~ • R` ~. Jr a,. ?2 ~ z G v D. 0.~, : y~e, 3.48 AC t ~ NsV o e ~ • ~ ~ s• S, S ~., ~~ ~ 3'f . zo p JJ S4 3s NR ~~. * ~,cs_ ; ~^ IJ ~-~°V3~ ~ ~' , R~2dOD' e.7Y8•78' !o? ' -!/J,e~9 L~25.97' BNOY ~, ~ ~JS Q ~ ~~ ~2~'a° R=~5.00' 4=8G03'aY 9 ~L'37.55' d~ 1 R=25'PSE m 8 ~ l ~ ry w ~~'jy:.:'~IR1 ~ . ~g ~. o ~so.`~P ~ 5 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~'q~ \~ y ~S , q ~ ;$ ~ea; ~ ~ ~ ~r 9s ~ ~ § r /~~b\ ~ r ~\ ° ~A. c ~~ r_R=7 1~'~S~ . ~_ ~ d_125'25' ~ 6P ~ C% \ C q. 1.B8 ~. ~ '9 ~?s~e ~. ~„ ~ ~ / ~r,~ ~ \ ~~ ~O ~~y`°S9 ~ m az \~ p~. ~' y -~. ~~ ~ 61 ~ yi~. 5~ ~ / 's\ s ~ ~~ ~' ~ k ~~ `° ~ _\ e1~. -N- ~ r, ~ ~\ \ q / 7q~. 2s ~ fi~ ~~ PARCEL H ~ "S~* "S~ ~ °~~ ~'~o~ 9, / ~ ~ 1.97 AC t \\ ~~SSkJSS%~ ~ °?~~'~O~,~s'~ > > kr / / / 59 )''SP~I 4 0 h ~ \ tis~\J g, ~ O~ ~ ~ ~ \~p6v ~\ ,` / ,e~~"~ . ss ~.~ 1 / / `~\°.ir, ~,Q~,`',~ 0' 25' SO' IOR ~ TR,4cT 8037 ~ Sa N~ IR-101 / ~{y\ / / ~~ +t9 ` ~ ~ .q~~ i ~ ,~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ / N7P75'S1'W ]3.84c \ / . ~ ~ ~ \~ ~ ' ~ \ 2"'S E ~ Q BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE 8L45 OF BFIfdNGS 91DNN MEREON, 6 1HE I1NE BEIWECN USCdGS iRYWGUU110N SU710N5 'FALIAM N!D "AqUM DV&0 TOWEK. TME GRID BEIRINC GLCUAiED FRON PUBl15lED CCS P7 ZOPE 3 GRD COORpNUES fOR 7H5 l1NE IS TN~N AS NORIX IS~1'21' WESi. B-PSE ~ i i ~ / ,~ / ~ i ~ i / e~ r / R,° / ry S v ~~ ~°. I a / o g~ ~h~l ~ ~ ~?/ry E ~ ~ B~" z%^ ~' ~e h~l ~~~ T j4n Q~ ~ ~M,~ h 586~~ Nry/ R=3J6.00' d=10°02'28" L=66.24 \ \ \ ~ ' _ ° F I ~ R=zS.Op'd=7Y04'S9" \ °~ /., L=J4.51' ,A R=25' PSE 1 ' \ ~ ~ J N6j7 . ~ ~'q \ ~ Jy~~ ~ ~ Ox9 99~ y( L~ N ~`V"A.aA,~,by`JJS J~"y,\`J\ASAl9/Sf r ' Y . •S \/~ ~-an' / \ \ O~2\ ~S•~~~\ -g~ ~ ~I a: ~ ~~: 9~ \ ~ ~ ~4 ~ SEE SHEET 11 ~~ ~$/ ~ %~~ / /~ 6 ^~O /i B pSf / ~ ° v / x ~ > '~~~~~ f i~ :' Gj`~4 j ~ RJ ~/.~.5~` '1 /'~ i i =g'~Q' ~ ~~~ ~' /~;,~ CJ / / zB I ; i P,B. / ~! / ~ ~ ' /~ / ~~m~ ~ / ~ ~ 0 .o / i° G~~/~~, i / ,_ . h °"~' ~ N ° ~ /2~'~/ , ~g ~ zg 2 ~i ~ pSF ~~7,~ Naa6~62 6'~4g.~?I ~ p / ~5•W (: 1°°`' I PARCEL I o m~ ~.57 AC t I~ Si~ ' ~~ rv ~ ~ ¢" %• ~~ 6 ~~ % o ~ ~ 6~~ N . ~a / a\ o'~ '^~ ">zj, rR~, ~ZJO, ~D`~' (,5 9 23 '" : 6,6p7 gF f °36,t ~1a~'~a ,rw o00 ~^~- 0 22 ~ 6 SFf,. %m7,5552SF t N83']>'15• ~R) Ioo./p~ d=S06'I9' L=19.1q' 20 I 6.775 SF t ~! RESULTAPff PqRCEL p_ ~ s£R~es No. zooa-IZo7Jz ABAN~ONMEM NOTE: %1RSUOM TO IFIIQE 1, SECTIDN 66131(~ B 66499.]U I/2 OF 711E SUBDMSIDN WP IGT, 1M6 MM SMNl CONSIRUiE THE RflN100NMENf IN If5 EHIIPLT! WIR11N TME BDUNDPRI6 Of 7H15 IMP 1HE FOLLOMNG: iXE IRREVDGBLE DiFERS DF DEDICATqN (qD) RECOflDED /5 IISiRUMEM N0. Pb10-1 610 9 4 AND INSfRU1ENf N0. P(MO-161095, N!D TME IX6PN6 PUBLIC SEIMCE EASEMFNf (P5~ LOCA7E0 A7 T1E NOR7HERLY END Of IA STAADA q2M1f ~S 5lqWN ON TRACf 7851 flECORDm IN BOOK 303 DF INPS PIG6 6 TXflq1GN 15, HMIEM WUIM flECONDS RFFFRFUf.fc; (R-1) RECOFA 0~ SURvfV No. 1005, BN. 16 R.D.S., PG 37-51 (R-2) GM 9IDB BK 294 PG 16-17 AIAMEDA COUNTY RECDRDS (R-3) PA1 flS47 BK. 29E PG. 11-17 AWIEDA CWNtt RECDROS (R-4J 7RACi 785} BN. 303 PC. 1-5 NNAF-1 CWNfY RECORDS (R-5J LOi l1NE ADJUSitlEM No. LLA-07-DI, SEPo6 No. 2007-200916 (R-6J 7RAC7 7&54 9(. 303 PC. 6-15 NANFAI COUNtt RECORDS (n-~7 m~cr ~asi ac. }os ec. ~a-~3 ~EUa couNn rsconos (R-6) TRACf D034 BK. 3I75 PG 51-57 N/JAEDA COUMY P£CORDS (R-9) TR~CI 8QS6 BI(. _ PC. __ AUNFDA COI1Ntt PFCOR~S (R-ID) iRILf BOS7 BK. _ PG. _-_ NNAEDA COUNIY RECORDS (R-I1) RECORD Of SURJEY No. 1675, BK. 8 R.D.S., PG 31-32 (R-12) LOT LINE ADJUSTNENT No. 1U-10-01, SERIES No. 2010-080278 1.~EAL~L BF~RMGS SIqWN AflE fllSED UPON CAl1FOFNN COORDINITE SYS7EN ZDNE tl. 2. AlL qSiNIC6 SIpWN ME GROUNO lE4FL DISUNCES, WLTIPLY DRTANC6 BY 0.9999054 TO OBfNN GRID pSWlCES. 3. 3/! qtON PPE TO BE SEf ALL f~AF LOT COfRERS NRN GP SWAPE-'l5 796tl'. LEGEN~ ----- aouNOrm uNe LOi l1NE/PNtCEL L1NE ----- - FASEMENT tINE --- - IXISIINC Popff OF WAY l1NE - - - - - - DII511NG PROPER7Y L1NE - - - oarnNC e.~seueNr u~ -'-'-' - MDNUNFNf l1NC ~ FOIIND CI1V OF WBLk! SfftEEf M~N~MEM sou.PCO •~s ~ssv ~ MONVYFNf PEfl iRACi 8016 (R-e) W LS. 796D UNLESS 01HERW6E N01ED ~ MONUYENT PEfl TNACT 8037 (R-10) ~ W L5. 796D LINLESS OTHERNSE NtlIED SECfqN COflNEfl p A10NUMENf PER RECORD AS NDIED O SEf CfIY Of IX1Bl1N SfAWNlO SIREEf MDNUMENf S~NAPC~ 'LS 796(f ~ awc~ rarn aNm eaNawr c~ cw~rturc ex earnNc M-M MDNUNFM TO NONUYEM AI-R MDNUMFM ?0 PROPEfth' L1NE r~ eaarcxn uNE PIE PRNATE ILCF55 FlSENEHT PSE PUBUC SEflVICE EASEAENT ~R> ~w ~~ H.0.5. RECORD OF SUROM SDE SfORII DRAN FASCYENi SSE SWRMY SEMIIt FASEMEM TGCE TDIPORARf GRIDING k!D CANTTPIICfqN EASE~ETIi WLE WA7ER UNE FASEMEM *, 3 ~ INDICAIES SHEEI NUMBEA TRACT 7855 A SUBDMSION OF PPRCEL 8-2 OF L1A-10-01, SERIES N0. 2010-OB0276, AlAA1EDA CDUNIY RECORDS CIIY OF DUBLIN AIAllEVQ4 COUMY, CwAL~IFORNW ~~M~ ~ Y~„~ si.xa rwux ox, nuxrmK u mm ~mjns-~oao JULY, 2010 SHEEf 10 OF il 19J19-01C V ^>J -~ PARCEL ? NI6°59'JYE PARCEL MAP 8327 N96°J410~f 59G IR-31 ~~.5l `~~~'~ `a~ ~, ~ -- Ni9°3o'0@'f 171.@1Li~i ~ N51'OS'lYF 699 \ ~ ~Jy, N51'05'IYE 6917' ~ ~ r~ ~~~ ~ ~96`g, \h9~51 / ~ Q4,. ?~ ~~'!.~ ~ 766i' 7J.15 $ ~"~~ ~ ti'0~'//~ ,~ ~CL 15' WLE °~/ S ~~' 1 ~ ti ~ PARCEL F ~. rhS ,~ ,7' NTJ°TR'35"F ]66J' 'V ~v y: I R=551.B9' ~=~4°07'SYf 61.33' ' l ~ N74°OT57'E 7257' d=/f°OS'SJ ~ N80°I5'i5"M J750' ~-~4??1, E~ ~3 ~ ~ ~' Nd0°30"15'IR1 OS PARCEL B N66 ~ E 'N~ ~ I I R=4678!' 1R-51 N~i^ ,~5 j ~~ ~ I 4=TJ4'lB~ L=6191' ~ ¢m~~o- Y~ I i I 1~,1 I_ I~ z ~6 PARCEL L °I~ ~ Ih h~ h ~~~ 4 b hl~ ~ ~ ~ ~=~hgi g a . I m `3~ ~~ 3 wbb ~ , , u ~z I ~ f°,-`"„ ~ I ~ PARCEL E Y1•~2'f0'W .=' ~ q ^' ~ I R=S00' 4=90°06'JB' [=7B6' 2 2~ 2 ~ I NBB°!1'17~W 99J' l .I R=500'Q=9P00'00"L=7B5 BB.~O' BN~'! ~~ YI `/~p)°{8'fB'E7567' NTI'4JTYF 150p' N6B°16:J3~W 17 57 ,4=)0.00'4=90°GY)'OD~ L=151!' ~`I!'11~W 10.00' • l ~ " . NZl°43'7TE777T ~ R=10.OD'4=90'O6'J8 (=151J' , NSMdJ'15"F FSTJ' PAE~SDE~WLE DETAII V SO' 100' 400' ~ SCNE: 1'=100' oe-oi->o~o ezm~ uon wmo., v~~z»~ru~innci ~ess~mss_ii.w,c LEGEND ----- eoururm unc LOT L1NE/PIACEL L1NC F/SEYEM L1NE „ ~ SEE SHEEf 10 Q WSfNG flIGM OF MAY UNE ~ DUTTNC PROPERf! LINE ~~~JS. u "___'_"__ P15INC FASENENi L1NE ~ ~Ne,~•1SSN~ ~ ~y ~ -^ -'-'-'- YONUAENT LINE 41.1~~,8~ 4~-'/T ' s O STN,IPED'LS~960'LIN SIREEf NONIAdEM "j6 / PARCEL H ~ e I~ r MONUI.ENT PER IR/CT BD}6 (R-9) Nf8'SB37"[ f961' ~~/ ~ b ~ W L5. 7960 UNLQS OTHFRNISE NQIEO NiB'SBJTE i9J2' ~6 ~ 0~ 1.97 AC t ~ v$, IW ~~ MONUI.EN7 PER 1RICT BDS] (R-1D) NI6°5470"E 5970' h~^~ ~ g^" ~~G~~ ~ W L5. )9B~ IINLESS OfHFRWISE NOfEO i+ts'Jt7dE 5979' t~ / / N ~ SECTION CORNER ,~y"~yf+W \B ps ~ h. V I~ ,~~ p MONUAEIR PER RECORO AS NO7fD r e~ \F / ~ ~~ ~~ ~ SEf CIIY Of WBLIN SiMJOIRD S7REE! ~ ~y~, / ~ JJ~ YONUAENT SfAMPEU'L5 796V / /~ 1! C ~ Q~ P- ANCLE PoNT ~y \ N 5l> / W?. S BNOY BWIDMY l' \~~\zSQ~, z9~4p'w/Rf /~, iC~~~~ ~ Cl CEMERNE y ~$'~ IX DuSfNG / ~'~J ~ a 995 . R. '/~ ,.~ ~ j i`~ N-M 40NUAENT TO MONUNENT ,\ ~ 't ~\ 5 5• 15• ~~ ~_~ Q~,~„ h M-PL MONUAEN7 TD PROPEH~Y IJNE ~JJ y. ,~~'s•` ~(A~*zF~/~ ~¢+~ / PAE PRNAEACCESSFISEMENi 49 g ~ z i . " Y\.~ _ •~''r~,~ y^~ PSE PUBLIC SFANCE E/SENENT ~ \ ~Z~'\ ~2i , J,7. }~' (R) RA~IAL BEAPoNG 5p \ ~,~ ~ / N61'29'/VM 9.50' BNUi P.O.S RECARD OF SLPVEY ~~ 0, ~ '~~' ~~~5 $OE StORN DIUN E/SENINf ~ ~~80062~ / SSE S4lRARY SEWER FASEMEM / h~ Js~ R-15.00' A-BY7J'15' TGCE TEIAPORARY (~7ADING PND y, , 1=J7.26' BNDY 51 h~ ( ~ ~4 CONSfRULR1~N FlSEAEM .~,~SS } , rSJJ ____ N~JO. WlE WAIEfl LIIF FASEMEM ~ ~DA'~(~,. \~ ~ c~N3 ,~S'E' p.3 i NqCA7E5 $HCET NIINBER NOT~i BFNiINCS SlqWN PAE fl~SED UPoN 5? ~%A. \?zr7J~:Tg,~ (PJ •• SED CAl1FqUM COORDIKITE S3TEN 20NE 11. +~18 ~~~r,g \, NS\ ,,g~ 2. A1L DISTNlCES SMOMN ARE GRDUND IEVEL TRAC7 Bo37 ~ [g, ~0 z~ z DIST~NCQ MUL7IGLY D6fM1CE5 BY IR-101 \ Q^SJJ~ \ z9Sa^\`c 0.9999D5110 OBfAN GPoD pSTNJCES. 53 ~1~~~~ r ~" 7. J/4' RON PPF t0 BE SET ALL REW LOT ~J- JL~ M~ ?qp`:~%. CORIERS WRH GP SfUIPED 'lS 798P. ~ ~\. NJ~'J .' NJi°J9 \t1J . ~se. ,r8.\'i~. ~.11. SA ~{by~ 3~s(Rj ~~/q/ .Bry~ REFERENCES: ~ ~'~'s , ~` ~ ~% y~saA~ (R-7) AECORO OF SURYFY Nw 1D05, BK. 18 RD.S., PC. 17-51 ~ Bs~fq % Y 9~ `~ ~?pz (R-P) PY 92tl8 BK. 192 PG 16-17 N/LEDA CWNfY RECORDS 5' r1'' rn, ~ ~ 56sJ/r (R-7) PM Bi27 8N. 199 PG 74-17 NIAIEM COUNIY RECOROS R-25.00' C-90'T4'1Y °~' f n.~ ' 3 ~ . a 15' 50' 1ar ° P 7/0~ ,~~ (R-4) 11VCT 7853 BK 303 PG. I-5 NANEDA CDUNf! RECORDS ~ L-39./5' ByDY ,~ , (R-S) LOT l1NE A~IIISTIEM No. L1A-07-01, SERI6 No. \I '~ ~~"`~°. ~ 2007-200946 SCAIE: f-50' ~/ y y^ ° (R-6) 7RPLT 7854 BK. 703 PC. 6-15 NAMEDA CWXtt RECORDS ,/ 0 3; ~`,,~i"'~ ~''^ n (R-7) TRILf 7951 BK. ]OS PG. ~D-~l AW/EW COUNtt RCCOR~S ~'?/ p~ `. 5p0 (R-8) TRPLT 80J4 BK. 3D5 PG 51-57 /~LWEDA COUltt RCCOflDS °~ ~ q 0.-2 n0'Sd (R-9) TW~f BO]6 BK. _ PG. _-_ ILWEOA CWMY RECORDS ~,~/~(~.~ ~~g;15' (R-10) TRACf 8037 8K _ PG. _= ALWEW COI.MY PECORDS `` (R-11J pECORD Oi SUMEY Na 1675, 81(. 25 R0.5., PG. J1-3T '~,1~ (R-14) LQ~ UIE MJUStMENT No. W-10-01, SEPoES No. ~. Q.~ Z010~080278 6A515 OF 9EARINGS: ~~ SEE SHEET 6 n~E eavs or eFaarres sHOwN ~oN, s n~c d LINE BflMEEN USCkGS TRNNGUTAMIN SfA7Nkl5 'FILLON' AND'AqUNT DIABID TOWCR'. ME GRID BEARING CALCUUTED FRON PUBLISHED CCS 27 ABANDONMEM NOTE: ZONE 3 CPoD COORpWUES FOR THS l1NE 6 iANEN %MiSWHT TO MfICLE 2, SECIION 88434(g) t B&1992~ 1/4 OF ~ NORfH 1Y44R7' WESf. ME SUBDIVISION A4P I.Cf. TMS WP 5lWl CDNSiIME 1ME ABANDONMEM N I1S ENfIREIY M7fHIN 1HE BOUNMJ21E5 Of iHS TRACT 7 8 5 5 NM 7HE FOLLOwNC: iHE IRREWG~BLE OFFERS Oi DEDICATION (IOD) RECORDED AS ~xSTRUMEM ND. 2o~~iN091 Iwo ~PSfRUUINf No. 2o~o-tW095, A SuBDM510N OF PARCEL B-2 OF LU-tO-Ot, SERIES AND 7HE F]OSTNC PUBLIC SEItv1CE FASEHEM (PSE) LOG7ED Ai ND. 2010-080278, ALPAIEDA COUMY RECORDS tnc r~o2r~tir nm a u srnrnn acrrt ns snowp a+ mnct CITY OF DUBLIN 7851 RECOROED IN BOOK 707 OF AVPS P/iCES 6 iMROUCH 15, AIANEQ4 COUNIY, CIWFORNIA IUMEDA CWNIY RECDRDS mneKnY & som~s ,,.,e ,~.~, ~~,~~, ~ ~ JULY~~201 D SHEEf 11 OF 11 19319-D1C ~ l 2 ~3~i RESOLUTION NO. - 10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ~~x~~~~~~ APPROVING FINAL MAP AND TRACT IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT 7855, NEIGHBORHOOD C-3, POSITANO/ FALLON VILLAGE WHEREAS, the Final Map for Tract 7855, in the incorporated territory of the City of Dublin, State of California, has been presented to this City Council for approval, all in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and the City of Dublin Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Developer, Dublin RE Investors, LLC, A California Limited Liability Company, by Braddock and Logan Services, Inc, A California Corporation, Its Manager, has executed and filed with the City of Dublin a Tract Improvement Agreement for Tract 7855 to improve required subdivision improvements in accordance with the Conditions of Approval for the Tentative Map, and with the improvement plans attached thereto; and WHEREAS, said Tract Improvement Agreement is secured by bonds furnished by the Insco Insurance Services, Inc. in the amount of $2,418,570 for the in-tract improvements (Bond No. 7238555), and in the amount of $444,040 for the La Strada Drive improvements (Bond No. 7238565), conditioned upon faithful performance of said Agreement; and WHEREAS, said Tract Improvement Agreement is secured by bonds furnished by the Insco Insurance Services, Inc. in the amount of $2,418,570 for the in-tract improvements (Bond No. 7238555), and in the amount of $444,040 for the La Strada Drive improvements (Bond No. 7238565), conditioned upon payment far labor performed or material furnished under the terms of said Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said agreement and bonds are hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager of the City of Dublin is hereby authorized to execute said Tract Improvement Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit "A." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Final Map of Tract 7855 be and the same is hereby approved, and that rights to the areas marked as Amantea Way, Avellina Drive, Brandini Drive, Castello Court, Cipriani Way, Encanto Way, La Strada Drive, Lattari Street, Moorjani Street, Ravello Way, and Valentano Drive, and Public Access Easement (PAE), Storm Drain Easement (SDE), Water Line Easement (WLE), and Public Service Easement (PSE), offered for dedication to public use in conformity with the terms of dedication be, and they are hereby accepted, subject to improvement, and that the Clerk of this City Council is hereby directed to transmit said Map to the County Recorder for filing. ATTACHMENT z . ~ { `~ `~~j 3~ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of August, 2010 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor G:\DEVELOPMENT, PRNATE~Fallon Village (EDPO)\Tract 8036 - Braddock & logan~Reso FM 8036.doc ~~~~~ CITY OF DUBLIN IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT Tract 7855, Neighborhood C-3 Positano/ Fallon Village This agreement is made and entered into this 17th day of August, 2010, by and between the City of Dublin, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and Dublin RE Investors, LLC, A California Limited Liability Company, by Braddock and Logan Services, Inc., A California Corporation, Its Manager, hereinafter referred to as "DEVELOPER". RECITALS WHEREAS, it has been determined by the CITY Council of the CITY of Dublin, State of California, that DEVELOPER, the subdivider of Tract 7855, also known as Positano/ Fallon Village Neighborhood "C-3", desires to improve and dedicate those public improvements (hereafter "The Improvements") in accordance with the requirements and conditions set forth in the City of Dublin Planning Commission Resolution No. 05-61 (PA 05-038), adopted on November 22, 2005, and City Council Resolution No. 223-Q5, adopted on December 6, 2005 ;the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, the Subdivision Ordinance of the CITY, and those certain plan and specifications for said development approved by the City Engineer, as follows: • "Improvement Plans , Tract 7855, 8036 and 8037 - Fallon Vrllage, Neighborhood C'; (29 Sheets, Sheets 1-29), prepared by MacKay and Somps, Inc, approved April 14, 2010 • "Joint Trench Composite, Fallon Village C3, (X Sheets, Sheets JTX-JTX), prepared by Millenium Design and Construction, Inc, approved July 201 d •"Street Lighting, FaUon ViNage C3, (X Sheets, Sheets SLX-SLX), prepared by Milienium Design and Construction, Inc, approved July 201 Q • "Positano Neighborhood C Landscaping'; (31 Sheets, Sheets L0.1-L4.1), prepared by Gates and Associates, approved July 2010 WHEREAS, DEVELOPER intends to satisfactorily complete The Improvements within the time hereinafter specified, and CITY intends to accept DEVELOPER's offer(s) of dedication of The Improvements in consideration for DEVELOPER's satisfactory performance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, CITY has determined that The Improvements are a public works subject to California prevailing wage requirements: EXH I B IT ,4 - To the Resolution 1 ~ ~,~3~ NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, conditions and covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. Completion Time. DEVELOPER will commence construction of The Improvements within thirty (30) days following the date on which CITY executes this agreement. DEVELOPER shall complete said work not later than two years following said date of execution of this agreement, unless the completion date is extended by the City Council. Time is of the essence in this Agreement. Upon completion, DEVELOPER shall furnish CITY with a complete and reproducible set of final as-built plans of The Improvements, including any authorized modifications. 2. Estimated Cost of Improvements. The estimated cost of constructing The Improvements required by this agreement is agreed to be as presented in the Bond Estimate - Fallon Village - Neighborhood C3, dated April 2010 prepared by MacKay & Somps ($2,418,570), Bond Estimate - Fallon Village - La Strada Drive, dated April 2010 prepared by MacKay and Somps ($444,040), and within the limits shown on the Fallon Village Neighborhood C- Positano Final Map and Bonding Key, attached to this agreement as Exhibits "A" and "B". Said amount includes costs and reasonable expenses and fees which may be incurred in enforcing the obligation secured. 3. Bonds Furnished. Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, DEVELOPER shall furnish CITY with the Following security in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney: A. Faithful Performance. Either a cash deposit, a corporate surety bond issued by a company duly and legally licensed to conduct a general surety business in the State of California, or an instrument of credit equivalent to one hundred per cent (100°/o) of the estimate set forth in Paragraph 2 and sufficient to assure CITY that The Improvements will be satisfactorily completed. B. Labor and Materials. Either a cash deposit, a corporate surety bond issued by a company duly and legally licensed to conduct a general surety business in the State of California, or an instrument of credit equivalent to one-hundred per cent (100%) of the estimate set forth in Paragraph 2 and sufficient to assure CITY that DEVELOPER'S contractors, subcontractors, and other persons furnishing labor, materials, or equipment shall be paid therefor, C. If required by CITY, a cash deposit, corporate surety bond, or instrument of credit sufficient to assure CITY that the surface water drainage of the subdivision shall not interfere with the use of neighboring property, including public streets and highways. 2 ~ ~c~~~~~ CITY shall be the sole indemnitee named on any instrument required by this Agreement. Any instrument or deposit required herein shall conform to the provisions of Chapter 5 of the Subdivision Map Act. 3. Insurance Required. Prior to commencing construction of the improvements, DEVELOPER shall obtain or cause to be obtained and filed with the CITY, all insurance required under this paragraph. Prior to the commencement of work under this Agreement, DEVELOPER's general contractor shall obtain or cause to be obtained and filed with the Administrative Services Director, all insurance required under this paragraph. DEVELOPER shall not allow any contractor or subcontractor to commence work on this contract or subcontract until all insurance required for DEVELOPER and DEVELOPER's general contractor shall have been so obtained and approved. Said insurance shall be maintained in full force and effect until the completion of work under this Agreement and the final acceptance thereof by CITY. All requirements herein provided shall appear either in the body of the insurance policies or as endorsements and shall specifically bind the insurance carrier. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1) Insurance Services Office form number GL 0002 (Ed. 1/73) covering comprehensive General Liability and Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 covering Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability; or Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage ("occurrence" form CG 0001.) than: 2) Insurance Services Office form number CA 0001 (Ed. 1/78) covering Automobile Liability, code 1"any auto" and endorsement CA 0025. 3) Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers Liability Insurance. B. Minimum Limits of Insurance. DEVELOPER shall maintain limits no less 1) General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2) Automobile Liabilitv: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3) Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability: Workers' compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident. 3 i~ ~f~ C. Deductibles and Self-Insurance Retentions. Any deductibles or self- insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the CITY. At the option of the CITY, DEVELOPER shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. D. Other Insurance Provisions. The policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions 1) General Liability and Automobile Liability Coveraqes. a) The CITY, its officers, agents, officials, employees and volunteers shall be named as additional insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the DEVELOPER; products and completed operations of the DEVELOPER; premises owned, occupied or used by the DEVELOPER; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the DEVELOPER. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of the protection afforded to the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. b) The DEVELOPER's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the DEVELOPER's insurance and shall not contribute with it. c) Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. d) The DEVELOPER's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 2) Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability Coverage. The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the CITY, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by the DEVELOPER for the CITY. 3) All Coveraqes. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, returr~ receipt requested, has been given to the CITY. 4 ~ (::~ ~ 1'~f a) Acceqtability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Bests' rating of no less than A:VII. b) Verification of Coveraqe. DEVELOPER shall furnish CITY with certificates of insurance and with original endorsements efFecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the CfTY before work commences. The CITY reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. c) Subcontractors. DEVELOPER and/or DEVELOPER's general contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall obtain separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. 4. Work Performance and Guarantee. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, and excepting only items of routine maintenance, ordinary wear and tear and unusual abuse or neglect, DEVELOPER guarantees all work executed by DEVELOPER and/or DEVELOPER's agents, and all supplies, materials and devices of whatsoever nature incorporated in, or attached to the work, or otherwise delivered to CITY as a part of the work pursuant to the Agreement, to be free of all defects of workmanship and materials for a period of one (1) year after initial acceptance of the entire work by CfTY. DEVELOPER shall repair or replace any or all such work or material, together with all or any other work or materials which may be displaced or damaged in so doing, that may prove defective in workmanship or material within said one- year guarantee period without expense or charge of any nature whatsoever to CITY. DEVELOPER further covenants and agrees that when defects in design, workmanship and materials actually appear during the one-year guarantee period, and have been corrected, the guarantee period shall automatically be extended for an additional year [HOLD]to insure that such defects have actually been corrected. In the event the DEVELOPER shall fail to comply with the conditions of the foregoing guarantee within thirty (30) days time, after being notified of the defect in writing, CITY shall have the right, but shall not be obligated, to repair or obtain the repair of the defect, and DEVELOPER shall pay to CITY on demand all costs and expense of such repair. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, in the event that any defect in workmanship or material covered by the foregoing guarantee results in a condition which constitutes an immediate hazard to the public health, safety, or welfare, CITY shall have the right to immediately repair, or cause to be repaired, such defect, and DEVELOPER shall pay to CITY on demand all costs and expense of such repair. The foregoing statement relating to 5 ta~`~-~~ hazards to health and safety shall be deemed to include either temporary or permanent repairs which may be required as determined in the sole discretion and judgment of CITY. If CITY, at its sole option, makes or causes to be made the necessary repairs or replacements or performs the necessary work, DEVELOPER shall pay, in addition to actual costs and expenses of such repair or work, fifty percent (50%) of such costs and expenses for overhead and interest at the maximum rate of interest permitted by law accruing thirty (30) days from the date of billing for such work or repairs. 5. Insqection of the Work. DEVELOPER shall guarantee free access to CITY through its City Engineer and designated representative for the safe and convenient inspection of the work throughout its construction. Said CITY representative shall have the authority to reject all materials and workmanship which are not in accordance with the plans and specifications, and all such materials and or work shall be removed promptly by DEVELOPER and replaced to the satisfaction of CITY without any expense to CITY in strict accordance with the improvement plans and specifications. 6. Aqreement Assiqnment. This Agreement shall not be assigned by DEVELOPER without the written consent of CITY, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, denied, or delayed. 7. Abandonment of Work. Neither DEVELOPER nor any of DEVELOPER's agents or contractors are or shall be considered to be agents of CITY in connection with the performance of DEVELOPER's obligations under this Agreement. If DEVELOPER refuses or fails to obtain prosecution of the work, or any severable part thereof, with such diligence as will insure its completion within the time specified, or any extension thereof, or fails to obtain completion of said work within such time, or if DEVELOPER should be adjudged as bankrupt, or should make a general assignment for the benefit of DEVELOPER's creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed, or if DEVELOPER, or any of DEVELOPER's contractors, subcontractors, agents or employees should violate any of the provisions of this Agreement, the CITY through its City Engineer may serve written notice on DEVELOPER and DEVELOPER's surety or holder of other security of breach of this Agreement, or of any portion, thereof, and default of DEVELOPER. In the event of any such notice of breach of this Agreement, DEVELOPER's surety shall have the duty to take over and complete The Improvements herein specified; provided however, that if the surety, within thirty (30) days after the serving upon it of such notice of breach, does not give CITY written notice of its intention to take over the performance of the contract, and does not commence performance thereof within thirty (30) days after notice to CITY of such election, CITY may take over the work and prosecute the same to completion, by contract or by any other method CITY may deem advisable, for the account and at the 6 ~o ~;~ ~~i expense of DEVELOPER and DEVELOPER's surety shall be liable to CITY for any damages and/or reasonable and documented excess costs occasioned by CITY thereby; and, in such event, CITY, without liability for so doing, may take possession of, and utilize in completing the work, such materials, appliances, plant and other property belonging to DEVELOPER as may be on the site of the work and necessary therefor. All notices herein required shall be in writing, and delivered in person or sent by registered mail, postage prepaid. Notices required to be given to CITY shall be addressed as follows: Mark Lander, City Engineer City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 (925)-833-6630 Notices required to be given to DEVELOPER shall be addressed as follows: Jeff Lawrence Braddock and Logan Services, Inc. 4155 Blackhawk Drive, Ste. 201 (925)- 736-4000 Notices required to be given surety of DEVELOPER shall be addressed as follows: Susan Long Barney and Barney 1999 Harrison Street, Ste.1230 Oakland, CA 94612-3533 (510)-273-8888 Any party or the surety may change such address by notice in writing to the other party and thereafter notices shall be addressed and transmitted to the new address. 8. Use of Streets or Improvements. At all times prior to the final acceptance of the work by CITY, the use of any or all streets and improvements within the work to be performed under this Agreement shall be at the sole and exclusive risk of DEVELOPER. The issuance of any building or occupancy permit by CITY for dwellings located within the tract shall not be construed in any manner to constitute a partial or final acceptance or approval of any or all such improvements by CITY. DEVELOPER agrees that CITY's Building Official may withhold the issuance of building or occupancy permits when the work or its progress may substantially and/or detrimentally affect public health and safety. ~ l~-~3~ 9. Safety Devices. DEVELOPER shall provide and maintain such guards, watchmen, fences, barriers, regulatory signs, warning lights, and other safety devices adjacent to and on the tract site as may be necessary to prevent accidents to the public and damage to the property. DEVELOPER shall furnish, place, and maintain such lights as may be necessary for illuminating the said fences, barriers, signs, and other safety devices. At the end of all work to be performed under this Agreement, all fences, barriers, regulatory signs, warning lights, and other safety devices (except such safety items as may be shown on the plans and included in the items of work) shall be removed from site of the work by the DEVELOPER, and the entire site left clean and orderly. 10. Acceptance of Work. Upon notice of the completion of all tract work and the delivery of a set of final as-built plans to CITY by DEVELOPER, CITY, through its City Engineer or his designated representative, shall examine the tract work without delay, and, if found to be in accordance with said plans and specifications and this Agreement, shall recommend acceptance of the work to the City Council and, upon such acceptance, shall notify DEVELOPER or his designated agents of such acceptance. 11. Patent and Copyright Costs. In the event that said plans and specifications require the use of any material, process or publication which is subject to a duly registered patent or copyright, DEVELOPER shall be liable for, and shall indemnify CITY from any fees, costs or litigation expenses, including attorneys' fees and court costs, which may result from the use of said patented or copyrighted material, process or publication. 12. Alterations in Plans and Specifications. Any alteration or alterations made in the plans and specifications which are a part of this Agreement or any provision of this Agreement shall not operate to release any surety or sureties from liability on any bond or bonds attached hereto and made a part hereof, and consent to make such alterations is hereby given, and the sureties to said bonds hereby waive the provisions of Section 2819 of the Civil Code of the State of California. 13. Liability. A. DEVELOPER Primarifv Liable. DEVELOPER hereby warrants that the design and construction of The Improvements will not adversely affect any portion of adjacent properties and that all work will be performed in a proper manner. DEVELOPER agrees to indemnify, defend, release, and save harmless CITY, and each of its elective and appointive boards, commissions, officers agents and employees, from and against any and all loss, claims, suits, liabilities, actions, damages, or causes of action of every kind, nature and description, directly or indirectly arising from an act or omission of DEVELOPER, its employees, agents, or 8 z 2 ~ 3~i independent contractors in connection with DEVELOPER'S actions and obligations hereunder; provided as follows: 1) That CfTY does not, and shall not, waive any rights against DEVELOPER which it may have by reason of the aforesaid hold harmless agreement, because of the acceptance by CITY, or the deposit with CITY by DEVELOPER, of any of the insurance policies described in Paragraph 4 hereof. 2) That the aforesaid hold harmless agreement by DEVELOPER shall apply to all damages and claims for damages of every kind suffered, or alleged to have been suffered, by reason of any of the aforesaid operations referred to in this paragraph, regardless of whether or not CITY has prepared, supplied [STAYS], or approved of plans and/or specifications for the subdivision, or regardless of whether or not such insurance policies shall have been determined to be applicable to any of such damages or claims for damages. 3) Desiqn Defect. If, in the opinion of the CITY, a design defect in the work of improvement becomes apparent during the course of construction, or within one (1) year following acceptance by the CITY of the improvements, and said design defect, in the opinion of the CITY, may substantially impair the public health and safety, DEVELOPER shall, upon order by the CITY, correct said design defect at his sole cost and expense, and the sureties under the Faithful PerFormance and Labor and Materials Bonds shall be liable to the CITY for the corrective work required. [STAYS] 4) Litigation Expenses. In the event that legal action is instituted by either party to this Agreement, and said action seeks damages for breach of this Agreement or seeks to specifically enforce the terms of this Agreement, and, in the event judgment is entered in said action, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its attorneys' fees and court costs. If CITY is the prevailing party, CITY shall also be entitled to recover its attorney's fees and costs in any action against DEVELOPER's surety on the bonds provided under paragraph 3. 14. Recitals. The foregoing Recitals are true and correct and are made a part hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in duplicate at Dublin, California, the day and year first above written. CITY OF DUBLIN By Joni Pattillo, City Manager 9 ~~ ~~~~ ATTEST: City Clerk DEVELOPER Dublin RE Investors, LLC, A California Limited Liability Company By Braddock and Logan Services, Inc., A California Corporation, Its Manager By: _ ~ Joseph E. Raphel Print Name President Title G:IDEVELOPMENT, PRIVATEIFallon Village (EDPO)ITract 7855 - Neighborhood ClTract 7855 improvement agmt.doc 10 2 ~~ ~~~ CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of C c PJ , 2~~ C:c~ S~- v~ On _ U,~1/ ~ before me, ~~ A r~~1 ~_, ~V~ ~~'c~ ~/ ~, J~A' P~ f ~ FSc. ~C Date ~ Here Insert Name and Title t e Officer personally appeared ~~ S L-%t~ 1'~ ~- ~.IT P~~= Lt Name(s) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person~s~`whose name(~a'f is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that ~~-executed the same in ii e~/~eir authorized capacity,(~e~j, and that b is~ their signature(~ on the instrument the person(~, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(~ acted, executed the instrument. NANCY E. EMBREY Commission ~ 1859710 I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws Z ~ Notary Pubiic - California i of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is z Contra Costa County ' true and correct. My Comm. Ex ires Au 1, 2013 WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature ' 9~' ~ ~--/~ ~ - ~~"'1. Place Notary Seal Above Si ature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Qocument Title or Type of Docu Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: - _~,. ~-~=~- ~ ~ Ss l c_ Number of Pages: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ^ Individual ^ Corporate Officer - Title(s): ^ Partner - ^ Limited ^ General ^ Attorney in Fact ~ ^ Trustee Top or tn~mb ne~e ^ Guardian or Conservator ^ Other: Signer Is Representing: Signer's Name: ^ Individual ^ Corporate Officer - Title(s): ^ Partner - ^ Limited ^ General ^ Attorney in Fact • ^ Trustee Top of thumb here ^ Guardian or Conservator ^ Other: Signer Is Representing: OO 2007 National Notary Association • 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 • Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402 • www.NationalNotary.org Item #5907 Reorder. Call Toll-Free 1-800-876-6827 ~~~~ ~~ 19319.01 C 6/15/2010 J. R. F. BOND ESTIMATE FALLON VILLAGE - NEIGHBORHOOD C3 - 101 LOTS This Bond Estimate is based on Improvement Plans dated April 2010 TRACT 7855 - CITY OF DUBLIN ITEM QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT A. STREETWORK 1. 279,450 SF Finish grading street 0.30 $83,840 2. 181,630 SF 3" AC pavement on all other streets 1.20 217,960 3. 149,050 SF 12" AB on all other streets 1.80 268,290 4. 32,580 SF 10" AB on Ducale,Castello & Haggerty Court 1.50 48,870 5. 55,230 SF 4" AB under sidewaik and driveway (includes 0.60 33,140 handicap ramps) 6. 19,650 SF 4" AB under curb & gutter 0.60 11,790 7. 50,200 SF Gravel mulri-use trail/EVA/maint. (9"AB) 1.62 81,320 8. 50,200 SF Finish grading of bench for EVA/maint. 0.30 15,060 9. 31 EA Standard City of Dublin street monument 300.00 9,300 10. 9 EA Stop and street name sign 450.00 4,050 11. 9 EA Stop bar & legend 600.00 5,400 12. 5 EA Traffic signs 220.00 1,100 13. 17 EA Pavement reflectors at fire hydrants 25.00 430 14. 19 EA Storm drain markers at catch basins 25.00 480 15. LUMP SUM Erosion Control 7,500 16. LUMP SUM Traffic striping 2,000 ESTIMATED TOTAL STREET WORK: $790,530 B. CONCRETE WORK 1. 9,825 LF Standard curb & gutter measured thru driveways 14.00 $137,550 2. 205 LF Concrete berm (median curb detail) 20.00 4,100 3. 19 EA Curb inlet for S.D. junction box 2,500.00 47,500 4. 24 EA Field Inlet (SDO) 2,500.00 60,000 5. 40,750 SF 4" Sidewalk & handicap ramps 3.20 130,400 6. 14,480 SF 6" Driveway approach 3.50 50,680 7. 202 EA 3" PVC thru curb drains 50.00 10,100 8. 17 EA Armor-tile domes in handicap ramps 400.00 6,800 9. 9,825 LF 4" SDR drain under curb & gutter 8.00 78,600 ESTIMATED TOTAL CONCRETE WORK: $525,730 19379-01Cjrt_2010-01-11_N-C3-Tr7855-BOND-101LOts.xls Page 1 of 3 ~'~'~ ~ T~ the Aareement z ~ ~ ~~~~ ! 19319.01 C 6/15/2010 J.R.F. ITEM QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT C. STORM DRAIN WORK 1. 9 EA Manholes including reset to finish grade 2,900.00 $26,100 2. 970 LF 18" Storm drain (SDO) (HDPE) 35.00 33,950 3. 230 LF 15" Storm drain (SDO) (HDPE) 33.00 7,590 4. 1,970 LF 12" Storm drain (SDO) (HDPE) 30.00 59,100 5. 1,800 LF 18" Storm Drain (SDO) 40.00 72,000 6. 2,270 LF 18" Storm drain (SD1) 40.00 90,800 7. 345 LF 15" Storm drain 36.00 12,420 ESTIMATED TOTAL STORM DRAIN WORK: $301,960 D. ELECTRICAL/JOINT TRENCH 1. 38 EA Single arm "Decorative" electrolier including 3,500.00 $133,000 conduit & boxes 2. 4,900 LF Joint trench (length of improvements) 60.00 $294,000 ESTIMATED TOTAL ELECTRICAL WORK: $427,000 E. MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 1. 225 LF 6" Irrigation sleeves 18.00 $4,050 ESTIMATED TOTAL MISC. CONSTRUCTION: $4,050 F. LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION 1. 28,920 SF Parkway strip landscaping 4.00 $115,680 2. 135 EA Street trees in-tract 250.00 33,750 ESTIMATED TOTAL LANDSCAPE PLANTING & IRRIGATION: SUMMARY A STREETWORK $790,530 B CONCRETE WORK 525,730 C STORM DRAIN WORK 301,960 D ELECTRICAL/JOINT TRENCH 427,000 E MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 4,050 F LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION ~aa dan ESTIMATED IMPROVEMENT COST: $2,198,700 CONTINGENCY 10% $219,870 TOTAL BOND ESTIMATE: $2,418,570 $149,430 19319-OtCjrt_2010-01-11_N-C3-Tr7855-BOND-101Lots.xls Page 2 of 3 ~~~ ~~ 19319.01 C 6/15/2010 J. R. F. NOTES This estimate is prepared as a guide only and is subject to possible change. It has been prepared to a standard of accuracy which, to the best of our knowledge and judgment, is sufficient to satisfy our understanding of the purposes of this estimate. MacKay & Somps makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of this estimate. 2. This estimate does not consider the following: a. Land costs, acquisition of Right of Way, easements, and/or rights of entry. b. Fees for assessment, lighting & landscaping, GHAD, Mello Roos districts or the like. c. Fencing d. Costs associated with trench shoring. e. City fees. f. Phased construction or out of regular sequence construction. g. Tree preservation systems. h. Landscaping & associated design costs I. Financing and overhead charges. j. Costs associated with Endangered Species and Wildlife Conservation. k. Cost associated with Corps of Engineers, Fish and Game, Fish and Wildlife and Wetlands I. Costs associated with overexcavation of unsuitable material. 3. Costs presented herein represent an opinion based on historical information. No provision has been made for inflation. 4. As noted above this estimate does not include costs associated with right-of-way acquisition or temporary grading/construction easements. Prepared by the firm of MACKAY & SOMPS 19319-O1Cjrt_2010-01-11_N-C3-Tr7855-BOND-101LOlsxls Page 3 of 3 ~~~ ~-~ ~ ~ 19319. 1C 4/5/2010 J.R.F. BOND ESTIMATE FALLON VILLAGE - LA STRADA DRIVE This Bond Estimate is based on Sheet 5 of Improvement Plans dated April 2010 TRACT 7855 - CITY OF DUBLIN ITEM QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT A. STREETWORK 1. 49,960 SF Finish grading street 0.30 $14,990 2. 26,620 SF 4" AC pavement 1.60 42 590 3. 26,620 SF 14" AB on all other streets 2.10 55,900 4. 13,460 SF 4" AB under sidewalk and driveway (includes 0.60 8,080 handicap ramps) 5. 2,220 SF 4" AB under curb & gutter 0.60 1,330 6. 3 EA Standard City of Dublin street monument 300.00 900 7. 72 LF Standard barricade 32.00 2,300 8. 3 EA Stop and street name sign 450.00 1,350 9. 3 EA Stop bar & legend 600.00 1,800 10. 2 EA Pavement reflectors at fire hydrants 25.00 50 11. 8 EA Storm drain markers at catch basins 25.00 200 12. LUMP SUM Erosion Control 2,000 ESTIMATED TOTAL STREET WORK: $131,490 B. CONCRETE WORK 1. 1,480 LF Standard curb & gutter measured thru driveways 14.00 $20,720 2. 8 EA Curb inlet for S.D. junction box 2,500.00 20,000 3. 13,460 SF 4" Sidewalk & handicap ramps 3.20 43,070 4. 8 EA Armor-tile domes in handicap ramps 400.00 3,200 5. 1,480 LF 4" SDR drain under curb & gutter 8.00 11,840 ESTIMATED TOTAL CONCRETE WORK: $98,830 79319-01Cjrt_2010-03-25_C-LaStrada-BOND.xIs Page 1 of 3 ~~~~~~ 19319. 4/5/2010 J.R.F. ITEM QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT C. STORM DRAIN WORK 1. 3 EA Manholes including reset to finish grade 2,900.00 $8,700 2. 700 LF 24" Storm drain (SD1) 50.00 35,000 3. 270 LF 18" Storm drain (SD1) 40.00 10,800 4. 105 LF 15" Storm drain (SD1) 36.00 3,780 5. 431 LF Scour Protection 1.25 540 ESTIMATED TOTAL STORM DRAIN WORK: $58,820 D. ELECTRICAL/JOINT TRENCH 1. 6 EA Single arm "Decorative" electrolier including 3,500.00 $21,000 conduit & boxes 2. 735 LF Joint trench (length of improvements) 60.00 $44,100 ESTIMATED TOTAL ELECTRICAL WORK: $65,100 E. MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 1. 286 LF 6" Irrigation sleeves 18.00 $5,150 ESTIMATED TOTAL MISC. CONSTRUCTION: $5,150 F. LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION 1. 8,570 SF Parkway strip landscaping 4.00 $34,280 2. 40 EA Street trees in-tract 250.00 10,000 3. 4,810 SF 10' Parcel landscaping each side La Strada 2.50 12,030 ESTIMATED TOTAL LANDSCAPE PLANTING 8~ IRRIGATION: $44,280 SUMMARY A STREETWORK $131,490 B CONCRETE WORK 98,830 C STORM DRAIN WORK 58,820 D ELECTRICAL/JOINT TRENCH 65,100 E MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 5,150 F LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION 44,280 ESTIMATED IMPROVEMENT COST: $403,670 CONTINGENCY 10% $40,370 TOTAL BOND ESTIMATE: $444,040 19319-01Cjrt_2010-03-25_C-LaStratla-BOND.xIS Page 2 of 3 ~ o ~:~~ 19319.01 4/5/2010 J.R.F. NOTES This estimate is prepared as a guide only and is subject to possible change. It has been prepared to a standard of accuracy which, to the best of our knowledge and judgment, is sufficient to satisfy our understanding of the purposes of this estimate. MacKay & Somps makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of this estimate. This estimate does not consider the following: a. Land costs, acquisition of Right of Way, easements, and/or rights of entry. b. Fees for assessment, lighting & landscaping, GHAD, Mello Roos districts or the like. c. Fencing d. Costs associated with trench shoring. e. City fees. f. Phased construction or out of regular sequence construction. g. Tree preservation systems. h. Landscaping & associated design costs I. Financing and overhead charges. j. Costs associated with Endangered Species and Wildlife Conservation. k. Cost associated with Corps of Engineers, Fish and Game, Fish and Wildlife and Wetlands I. Costs associated with overexcavation of unsuitable material. 3. Costs presented herein represent an opinion based on historical information. No provision has been made for inflation. 4. As noted above this estimate does not include costs associated with right-of-way acquisition or temporary grading/construction easements. Prepared by the firm of MACKAY 8~ SOMPS 19319-01CjA_2070-03-25_C-LaStrada-BOND.xIs Page 3 of 3 ~~~ F / .' Legend: 0 Tract 8036 Final Map (691ots) ~ Neigh. C 1 Improvements and Bonding Tract 8037 Final Map (681ots) ~ Neigh. C2 Improvements and Bonding ~ Tract 7855 Final Map st Map for Neigh. C3) ~~,3 ~ts, 6 bulk parcels) ~ Neigl~. C3 Improvements and Bonding ~ La Strada Dr. Improvements and Bonding CIIIBIT .~ the Agreement FALLON NEIGHBORHOOD FINAL MAP & VILLAGE C - POSITANO BONDING KEY CALIFORNIA DUBLIN macKaY&~omps O~ ZOO~ 400~ SOO' CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING•LAND PLANNING•LAN~ Sl1RVEYING 5142 FRANKLIN DRNE, SUITE B, PLEASANTON CA 94588 PH: 925 225-0690 SCALE: 1~~=400~ PLEASANTON 1' = 400' JUNE 21, 2010 19319.OtC OFFICE SCALE DATE JOB N0. RESOLUTION NO. -10 3 Z~~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ~*~~~~~~~ APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR LONG TERM ENCROACHMENT FOR LANDSCAPE FEATURES WITH TRACT 7855, NEIGHBORHOOD C-3 POSITANO/ FALLON VILLAGE WHEREAS, a Vesting Tentative Map for Tract 7586 for Fallon Village was approved by Planning Commission Resolution OS-61 on November 22, 2005, with Conditions of Approval; and WHEREAS, said Conditions of Approval required the developer to construct project-related landscape features within the public rights-of-ways; and WHEREAS, said Conditions of Approval required the developer to enter into an "Agreement for Long-Term Encroachment" for the maintenance of the landscape features; and WHEREAS, the developer has executed and filed with the City of Dublin a Tract Improvement Agreement to improve required Tract improvements, including said landscape features; and WHEREAS, thedeveloper has executed and filed with the City of Dublin an Agreement for Long Term Encroachment far Landscape Features with Tract 7855, Neighborhood C-3, Positano/ Fallon Village, attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Agreement is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is hereby authorized by the City Council to execute the Agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this City Council is hereby directed to transmit said Agreement to the County Recorder for filing. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of August, 2010, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk ATTACHMENT3 . 33 ~j 3°t AGREEMENT FOR LONG TERM ENCROACHMENT FOR LANDSCAPE FEATURES WITHIN TRACT 7855, NEIGHBORHOOD C-3, POSITANO/ FALLON VILLAGE THIS AGREEMENT FOR LONG TERM ENCROACHMENT FOR LANDSCAPE FEATURES WITHIN TRACT 7855 ("Agreement") is made between the City of Dublin ("City") and Dublin RE Investors, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company ("Owner"). 1. Pro er : The subject property is Tract 7855 as filed in Book of Maps at Pages , in the Official Records of the County of Alameda, State of California. 2. Developer: Owner is the owner of Tract 7855, Neighborhood C-3 , Positano/ Fallon Village, ("Project"). 3. Landscane Features: Owner, as part of the Project, anticipates the construction of Project related landscape features within the City's rights of ways on the following streets in Tract 7855: Amantea Way, Avellina Drive, Brandini Drive, Castello Court, Cipriani Way, Encanto Way, La Strada Drive, Lattari Street, Moorjani Street, Ravello Way, and Valentano Drive (collectively, the "Landscape Features"). The specific location and description of these Project related Landscape Features with regard to Tract 7855 are shown on the attached Exhibit A. Construction details for these Landscape Features are shown on the Landscape Plans for Fallon Village prepared by Gates and Associates, dated July 2010, approved by the City for Tract 7855. 4. Encroachment Permit: Owners shall apply to the City for an encroachment permit for work to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. The City must grant the encroachment permit for all work to install, operate and maintain the Landscape Features improvements and all the conditions imposed by the City must be consistent with the provisions of this Agreement. If there is a conflict between any provisions of this Agreement and the encroachment permit, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail over the conditions of the encroachment permit. 5. Ownershin: Owners shall own all special Landscape Features, including but not limited to fountains, arches, monuments, etc., as provided in Exhibit A. 6. Onerations and Maintenance• Owners shall maintain and repair all the Landscape Features improvements, including all frontage, median and island landscape plantings, and irrigation, sidewalks and decorative pavement within the designated areas, in a safe manner consistent with the approved plans to the reasonable satisfaction of the City at its sole cost and expense, including electric power and water cost. Owner will be responsible at its sole cost to replace or W~_l lso~3 1 EXH I B IT .~ - To the Resolution 3 ~°~ repair any Landscape Feature, including decorative pavement, damaged or removed during the maintenance or repair of sewer, water, drainage or utility improvements by the City, Dublin San Ramon Service District or utility company, unless such damage or removal is caused by the negligence, gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City, Dublin San Ramon Service District or utility company. The City will maintain at its sole cost all asphalt, concrete pavement, non-decorative concrete pavement, concrete curb and gutter, drainage improvements, traffic signs and striping, and streetlights and any other features in the public right of way outside of the areas designated as Landscape Features on Exhibit A. 7. Removal or Relocation: If future improvements proposed by the City conflict with any of the Landscape Features, the City may remove or reasonably relocate the Landscape Feature at its sole cost. If any of the Landscape Features are relocated, the City and Owners will execute a modification to this Agreement to reflect the maintenance and operations at its new location. Provided, however, the City is under no obligation to relocate any of the Landscape Features. 8. Insurance: Owners shall obtain and maintain in effect a combined single limit policy of liability insurance not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) covering the Landscape Features improvements and shall name the City as an additional insured. 9. Indemnification: Owners shall indemnify, defend and hold the City harmless from and against any and all loss, claims, liability damage or expense or cost the City may incur or become liable for or for which a claim is made by a third party, due to or arising out of Owner's construction, maintenance or operations of the Landscape Features unless caused by the negligence, gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City, its agents, contractors or employees. 10. Permanent: The Landscape Feature and the rights appurtenant thereto as set forth in this Agreement shall exist in perpetuity, and are appurtenant to the Property. 11. Right to Assign: Owners may assign any or all rights, interests and obligations of Owners arising under this Agreement to the Homeowners' Association for Fallon Village or to a successor in interest of Owners with respect to all or a portion of the Project; provided, however, that no such assignment of Owners' rights interests and obligations under this Agreement shall occur without prior written notice to the City and written approval by the City Manager, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. The City Manager shall consider and decide on any assignment within ten (10) days after Owner's notice thereof, provided all necessary documents and other information are provided to the City Manager to enable the City Manager to assess the assignment. 2 wo-115073 35~~ 12. Successors and Assi~ns: Each reference to the "City" in this Agreement shall be deemed to refer to and include the City and all successors and assigns of City. All references to the "Owner" in this Agreement shall be deemed to refer to and include Dublin RE Investors, LLC and all successors and assigns of Dublin RE Investors, LLC including but not limited to the Fallon Village Owner's Association. 13. Notices: Any notices, requests, demands or other communications required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given on the date of delivery if delivered personally to the party to whom notice is to be given (including messenger or recognized delivery or courier service) or on the second day after mailing, if mailed to the party to whom notice is to be given, by first-class mail, postage prepaid, and properly addressed as follows: City: City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, California 94568 F~ No. (925) 833-6651 Attn: City Manager Owner: Dublin RE Investors, LLC A California Limited Liability Company, by Braddock and Logan Services, Inc., Its Manager 4155 Blackhawk Drive, Ste. 201 Danville, CA, 94526 Attn. Jeff Lawrence Phone No. 925-736-4000 14. Exhibits: All e~ibits attached to this Agreement are incorporated herein as though they were set forth in full body of this Agreement. 15. Partial Invalidity. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and shall in no way be impaired or invalidated, and the parties agree to substitute for the invalid or unenforceable provision a valid and enforceable provision that most closely approximates the intent and economic effect of the invalid or unenforceable provision. 16. Entire A~reement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the subj ect matter hereof and cannot be amended or modified except by a written agreement, executed by each of the parties hereto. wc-115073 3~~3~i 17. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall, for all purposes, be deemed an original and all such counterparts, taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. Dated this day of , 2010. CITY: THE CITY OF DUBLIN, a municipal corporation Name: Title: OWNERS: Dublin RE Investors, LLC, A California Limited Liability Company By Braddock and Logan Services, Inc., Its Manager By: Joseph E. Rap el Tltle: President G: IDE! ELOPMENT, PRIVATEIFallon Village (EDPO) ILong Term Encroachment Agreen:entlLong Term Encroachmen! Agree Tracl 7855 draft. doc 4 wc-115073 33 34 32 ~ .--r ~ ~ - ~ ~ CD ~ ~ CD ~ ~ .-+ 30 37 36 35 ~ ~ J~~ 31 ~ G~ P~ 30 OJG 29 O~ 96 DUCALE WAY 39 P ~ 28 ,~,~.J 95 97 98 99 100 40 p 94 101 27 93 41 I 26 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 42 i 25 43 78 MOLINARO WAY ~ 24 44 23 77 79 80 81 82 83 84 gs W i ~ 45 76 ~' 22 a 46 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 6B o zi o ~ 47 ENCANTO WAY \ 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 LEGEND CITY ONMED AND MASTER HOA MAINTAINED SOFTSCAPE (AREA = 32,IOO.SFI CITY OWNED AND MASTER HOA MAINTAINED HARDSCAPE IAREA = 47,235+SF1 -~ 60 ~-. 50 48 ,~ J~ 51 59 o ~' 49 0 ~ 52 58 a, y c,P 53 57 1~ 9 ~ ~ E 6 5 61 / 62 ~ ~ ss J . ° ~\ ,~' 64 ~ [ ~ ' 65 66 67 ~--- ~ ~ ~ ~ FALLON VILLAGE Dublin, Califomia R C V 1 S 1 O N 5: LWOSIYl1 M'R niorecrHU~: mi.i ~ ~ n~~ ~,~m~~ TRACT 7855, 8050 ', NEIGHBORHOOD C3 LONG-TERM ENCROACHMENT EXHIB~ ~~ i ~~ N.T.S. mACKare~son~s 54 55 56 ~TO Wq y 4 3 2 ~ \ 1 OF 1 ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. -10 ~$~3 I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* ACCEPTING PARK LAND DEDICATION IN-LIEU FEES AND CREDITS FOR PARK LAND DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR TRACT 7855, NEIGHBORHOOD C-3, POSITANO / FALLON VILLAGE WHEREAS, pursuant to City of Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 9.28,, each subdivider of land for residential uses shall, as a Condition of Approval of a Final Subdivision Map, dedicate or reserve lands, pay fees in lieu thereof, or a combination of both, for park and/or recreational purposes; and WHEREAS, the Developer, Dublin RE Investors, LLC, is filing Tract 7855 Final Map for developing 28 residential dwelling units constructed on 23 lots (18 lots contain one Single Family Unit each; plus 5 lots contain one Single Family Unit each with an attached Secondary Unit); and WHEREAS, the Park Land requirements for the project based on the requirements of the Municipal Code and the designated land use for Tract 7855 are 1) Dedication of 0.2926 acres of Community Park Land or payment of $246,016 in Community Park Land In-Lieu Fees, and 2) Dedication of 0.1254 acres Neighborhood Park Land or payment of $133,913 in Neighborhood Parkland In-Lieu Fees; and WHEREAS, Developer will satisfy the Community Parkland Dedication requirement through the payment of in-lieu Park Dedication Fees in the amount of $246,016 to fully satisfy the Community Park Land obligation for Tract 7855; and WHEREAS, Dublin RE Investors, LLC has deposited with the City of Dublin $246,016 which is the full amount required to satisfy the obligation for Community Park Land In-Lieu Fees for Tract 7855. WHEREAS, Developer will satisfy the Neighborhood Parkland Dedication requirement through the use of Neighborhood Park Land credits for 0.1254 acres of, which the Developer desires to have applied to fully satisfy the Neighborhood Park Land obligation for Tract 7855. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the aforesaid the payment of $246,016 Community Parkland in lieu fees and the application of 0.1254 acres of Neighborhood Park Land credits are hereby accepted as performance of said subdivider's obligation under Subdivision Requirements in Chapter 9.28 of the Dublin Municipal Code. ATTACHMENT ~!. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of August, 2010, by the 3~ ~j3~ following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor G:~Agenda Items For City Counci1~2010\c_Other Depts\Public Works\8_17_10_Tract 7855 B&L\Reso_parkland dedicationTr7855(2).DOC 2