HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.1 2007-2008 YAC Prsentation ~ o~ 19 82 AGENDA STATEMENT PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSIUN MEETING DATE: September 15, 2008 SUBJECT: 2007-2008 Youth Advisory Committee Presentation Report Prepared by Paul McCreary, Assistant Director of Parlrs and Community Services ATTACFIMENTS: None RECOMMENDATION: Receive the Advisory Committee presentation FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: The term of the current Youth Advisory Committee ended in August. During the past year the Advisory Committee has assisted with the coordination of numerous teen events. Some of the more populaz events included the Dodge Ball Tournament, DubTown Jam, Youth Music Showcase, and Capture the Cauldron. Community service was a high priority for the Committee this year. The Committee Members volunteered to assist with Breakfast with Santa and the Shaxnrock Fun Run. At the St. Patrick's Day Festival the Committee operated a fundraising booth, garnering over $600 that was donated to Children's Hospital. The outgoing Youth Advisory Committee Members have prepared a presentation highlighting activities and accomplishments over the past year. The 2007-2008 Committee Members included: Morgan King, Junior Emily Edlund Bre'Auna Pontiflet (Chairperson) Isabella Europa .Alex Rogers , Justin Minor Kevin Jung Jessica Rose (Alternate) (Yice Chairperson) Taylor King (Alternate) Camnhung Tran Adam Brissey Matt Pecota Aslan Brown . Mike Pecota RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Parks & Community Services Commission receive the Advisory Committee presentation. ~ COPIES TO: ITEM N(?.: 3.1 GAPARKS COMMISSIOMAGNDSTMM008\9-15 YAC Report.doc