HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 Attch 4 10YrStrategic Prelim Strategies Of Dp~~2 19' /d~-~a, ~82 CITY OF DUBLIN vTEN YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN ~~LIFOR~~ Preliminary 2008-2009 UPDATE STRATEGIES HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS STRATEGY #1: Establish villages within the City of Dublin. STRATEGIC GOAL #IA: Develo a villa e conce t COMPLETE) STRATEGIC GOAL #1B: Identify op ortunities to create new villages. STRATEGIC GOAL #1 C: Work with property owners to strengthen the identity of existing villages. ~ STRATEGY #2: Facilitate and encourage continued investment in Downtown Dublin. STRATEGIC GOAL #2A: Continue to strengthen the identi and aesthetic a eal of the Downtown. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. III.B.1 Facilitate the selection of public art as a condition of approval for two (2) Private Development (New) rojects. 2. III.13.6 Implement Phase II of the Downtown Public Art/Bus Shelter Project including; design, fabrication and Installation of student art murals. 3. III.B.11 Work with BART to incorporate high quality artwork as part of the West Dublin BART Station Pro'ect rovided fundin is available. STRATEGIC GOAL #213: Continue to work with rivate ro erty owners to renovate or u date retail areas. STRATEGY #3: Develop a transportation system that facilitates ease of movement throughout the City STRATEGIC GOAL #3A: Partner with neighboring communities to develop strategies to mitigate impacts of re ional traffic on local streets. STRATEGIC GOAL #313: Ensure a wide range of transportation options for the community. STRATEGIC GOAL #3C: Plan and implement a street netwark that connects the City's major trans ortation corridors. 1 ATTACHMENT 4 STRATEGY #4: Create an open space network that ensures environmental protection and provides public access where appropriate. STRATEGIC GOAL #4A: Establish O en S ace Area in Western hills. STRATEGIC GOAL #413: Create open space connections and trails where appropriate. STRATEGIC GOAL #4C: Im lement o en s ace olicies of the Eastern Dublin GPA/S ecific Plan. STRATEGY #5: Continue to develop a cQmmunity that provides a balance of jobs, housing, and services in a fiscally sound manner. STRATEGIC GOAL #SA: Develo a Master Plan for Cam Parks. STRATEGIC GOAL #SB: Continue Im lementation of Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. STRATEGIC GOAL #SC: Im lement Housin Element. STRATEGIC GOAL #SD: Work with property owners to optimize underutilized properties outside of the downtown. STRATEGIG GOAL #SE: Develop plans to assure that the provision of City services keepspace with service demands and available revenues. STRATEGY #6: Develop dynamic community facilities that provide unique recreational and cultural experiences in the region. STRATEGIC GOAL #6A: Ex "and and enhance Dublin Historic Park. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL l. III.133 Upon acquisition of the Dublin Square Shopping Center, undertake development of design and construction documents for Phase I of the Dublin Historic Park. 2. III.13.4 Implement a self study and peer review for the Phase II Museum Assessment Program - Public Dimension Assessment for the Dublin Herita e Center. STRATEGIC GOAL #613: Develop a state-of-the-art recreation/aquatic complex. STRATEGIC GOAL #6C: Identify opportunities for development of a unique passive park/recreation facility. 2