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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPCReso 97-15 Revised ZOA RESOLUTION NO. 97 - 15 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING REPEAL OF EXISTING ZONING PROVISIONS AND CERTAIN MUNICIPAL CODE PROVISIONS, ADOPTION OF A REVISED ZONING ORDINANCE, AND ADOPTION OF RELATED CEQA FINDINGS WHEREAS, the current Dublin Zoning Ordinance was prepared in 1967 by Alameda County and was adopted by the City of Dublin when it incorporated in 1982. The Ordinance has been amended frequently over time, but has undergone no comprehensive update; and WHEREAS, additional zoning regulations are set forth in Title 8 of the Dublin Municipal Code and include Chapter 8.04, [Blank]; Chapter 8.08, Signs; Chapter 8.12, Density Bonus; Chapter 8.20, Water Efficient Landscaping; and Chapter 8.24, Inclusionary Zoning; and WHEREAS, in 1985, the City adopted its first general plan. The General Plan has also been amended frequently over time, including a maj or amendment in the form of the 1993 Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and a related Specific Plan, both of which require implementation through the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, in 1996, the City began the process of revising the Zoning Ordinance to be consistent with the amended General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, as well as to streamline and update zoning provisions and processes. The revised Zoning Ordinance is attached hereto as Attachment 1. The revised Ordinance is intended to replace the existing Zoning Ordinance, past amending ordinances, Chapter 7.56 of the Dublin Municipal Code, and the existing chapters in Title 8 of the Dublin Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, numerous public hearings and study sessions have been conducted on the draft Zoning Ordinance, including August 6, 1996; September 24, 1996; November 12, 1996; November 26, 1996; January 14, 1997; March 11, 1997; and June 24, 1997. A joint City Council/Planning Commission study session on the Zoning Ordinance was held on May 6, 1997; and WHEREAS, pursuant to CEQA, staff prepared an Initial Study on the draft Zoning Ordinance (see Attachment 2). Based on the Initial Study, staff recommended that the draft Ordinance be found exempt from review under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), the general exemption for activities where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility of significant environmental effect; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the final draft Zoning Ordinance and the draft CEQA exemption finding at a noticed public hearing on July 22, 1997, and has considered all comments and testimony received at the hearing. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: The Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the City Council find the revised Zoning Ordinance exempt from CEQA review based on the Initial Study attached as Attachment 2 and incorporated herein by reference. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the City Council repeal the following: 1. The existing Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance 13, insofar as it continued in effect Chapters 1 and 2 of Title 8 of the Alameda County Code. 2. Ordinance 23 establishing the jurisdiction of the Planning Director and the Planning Commission with regard to various zoning and planning matters. 3. Ordinance 5-84, Second Units in R-1 Districts. 4. Ordinance 17-84, Newspaper Recycling Bins. 5. Ordinance 18-84, Arts and Crafts Fairs. 6. Ordinance 3-86, Recreational Vehicles. 7. Ordinance 15-86, Fortunetelling. 8. Ordinance 3-87, establishing Chapter 7.56 of the Dublin Municipal Code, Swimming Pool Enclosures. 9. Ordinance 6-87, Signs 10. Ordinance 28-87, Sleeping in Vehicles. 11. Ordinance 18-88, Signs. 12. Ordinance 9-89, Amortization Period for Non-Conforming Signs. 13. Ordinance 8-91, establishing Chapter 8.12 of the Dublin Municipal Code, Development Agreements. 14. Ordinance 17-91, establishing Chapter 8.16 of the Dublin Municipal Code, Density Bonus. 15. Ordinance 3-92, Massage Establishments. 16. Ordinance 6-92, amendments to the Municipal Code relating to Conditional Use Permit, Administrative Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review process. 17. Ordinance 18-92, establishing Chapter 8.20 of the Dublin Municipal Code, Water Efficient Landscaping. 18. Ordinance 4-94, Planned Developments. 19. Ordinance 6-94, establishing Chapter 8.08 of the Dublin Municipal Code, Signs. 20. Ordinance 8-95, Outdoor Sales. 21. Ordinance 17-96, Hazardous Waste Facilities 22. Ordinance 14-97, Planned Developments. 23. Ordinance 15-97, establishing Chapter 8.24 of the Dublin Municipal Code, Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. 24. Ordinance 18-97, amending Section 8.12.140 of the Dublin Municipal Code relating to Development Agreements. For the reasons stated in the recitals above, the Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the City Council adopt the revised Zoning Ordinance adding new Chapters 8.04 through 8.144 to Title 8 of the Dublin Municipal Code, Attachment 1, and incorporated herein by reference, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: VACANCY: PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of July, 1997. Commissioners Jennings, Johnson, and Orovitz None Commissioner Hughes A vacancy existed on the Planning Commission at the time of this action. ยท ~ . / - . ./ . Planning Comnnssiffn Chmrpers~'n ATTEST/,Q ~ ~