HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 Attch 4 Exh A CEQA AddendumCEQA ADDENDUM FOR THE JORDAN RANCH PROJECT PA 09-011 May 11, 2010 The Jordan Ranch has been the subject of several prior approvals and related Environmental Impact Reports ("EIRs"). This Addendum evaluates whether further environmental review is required for minor changes to the project, primarily the elimination of 284 dwelling units. No change is proposed to the General Plan or Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and the proposed project is consistent with the PD-Planned Development zoning and related Stage 1 Development Plan approved in 2005. Through this Addendum and the attached Initial Study, the City has determined that the prior EIRs adequately identify the impacts and mitigation measures for the proposed project and that no further environmental review is required under CEQA section 21166 and CEQA Guidelines section 15162 and 15163. Prior Environmental Review On May 10, 1993, the Dublin City Council adopted Resolution No. 51-93, certifying an Environmental Impact Report for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan ("Eastern Dublin EIR", SCH #91103064). The certified EIR consisted of a Draft EIR and Responses to Comments bound volumes, as well as an Addendum dated May 4, 1993, assessing a reduced development project alternative. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 53-93 approving a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan for the reduced area alternative on May 10, 1993. On August 22, 1994, the City Council adopted a second Addendum updating wastewater disposal plans for Eastern Dublin. The Eastern Dublin EIR evaluated the potential environmental effects of urbanizing Eastern Dublin over a 20 to 30 year period. Since certification of the EIR, many implementing projects have been proposed, relying to various degrees on the certified EIR. A Supplemental EIR was prepared in 2002 for the 1,120-acre East Dublin Property Owners (EDPO) portion of the Eastern Dublin planning area, including the Jordan Ranch property ("2002 SEIR", SCH # 2001052114). The 2002 SEIR assessed the impacts of annexing these properties to the City of Dublin and the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD), detaching the properties from the Livermore Area Parks and Recreation District, prezoning the properties to the PD-Planned Development district and adopting a related Stage 1 Development Plan for future development of residential, retail, office, open space and other uses. The SEIR was certified on April 2, 2002 by City Council Resolution No. 40-02. A second Supplemental EIR was prepared in 2005 to analyze the Fallon Village project, consisting of a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendment, and a PD-rezoning and revised Stage 1 Development Plan for the same properties as the EDPO project, including the Jordan Ranch site. The Fallon Village project proposed to modify land use patterns primarily with respect to biological resource areas. The Fallon Village project also included a PD-Stage 2 Development Plan for proposed subdivisions on approximately 486 acres in the EXHIBIT A TO ATTACHMENT 4 northerly portion of the Fallon Village area known as Positano. The second SEIR ("2005 SEIR", SCH #2005062010) was certified on December 5, 2005 by City Council Resolution No. 222-05. The 2005 SEIR analyzed the revised Stage 1 Development Plan properties, including the Jordan Ranch site, at a programmatic level anticipating that the analysis would be used for approval of future development projects unless project or other changes were to require additional environmental review under CEQA section 21166 and related CEQA Guidelines sections 15162 and 15163. The 2005 SEIR analyzed the Stage 2 Development Plan for Positano at a project level consistent with the proposed subdivision level of detail This Addendum has been prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164 for the Jordan Ranch portion of the EDPO and Fallon Village areas, as described below. Project Description In 2005, the City approved amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as well as PD-Planned Development zoning and a related Stage 1 Development Plan. The approvals anticipated a primarily residential development with mixed residential densities across the site and an approximately 6 acre residential-retail mixed use site. The maximum number of dwelling units was established at 1,064. The current application includes requests for approval of a PD-Planned Development rezoning and associated Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review (SDR), Vesting Tentative Tract Map and a Development Agreement. The Project site is the 189.7-acre portion of Fallon Village known as the Jordan Ranch. The site is bounded on the west by Fallon Road and Positano Parkway, on the north by the Positano residential community being developed by Braddock & Logan, on the on the east by property owned by the Croak family and on the south by property owned by the Chen family. The proposed development implements the 2005 approvals and remains primarily residential; however, the number of dwelling units is reduced by 284, for a total of 780 single and multi- family dwelling units. A portion of these units would be located on a 6.6 acre mixed-use site with 12,000 sq. ft. of retail uses. The project also includes a range of public parks, public and semi-public uses, open spaces and roadways. The development would be oriented around a major drainage swale that runs northeast to southwest across the site. The proposed project is described in more detail in the attached Initial Study. Prior CEQA Analyses and Determinations As summarized above and discussed in more detail in the attached Initial Study, the Jordan Ranch property has been planned for urbanization since the Eastern Dublin approvals in 1993 and has been the subject of three previously certified EIRs. The Eastern Dublin EIR identified numerous environmental impacts, and numerous mitigations were adopted upon approval of the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan. For identified impacts that could not be mitigated to insignificance, the City Council adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations. Similarly, the 2002 SEIR and 2005 SEIR identified supplemental impacts and mitigation measures, as well as additional significant unavoidable impacts for which statements of overriding considerations were adopted. All previously adopted Page 2 mitigation measures for development of Eastern Dublin identified in the Eastern Dublin EIR, the 2002 SEIR and the 2005 SEIR that are applicable to the Project and Project site continue to apply to the currently proposed Project as further discussed in the attached Initial Study. Current CEQA Analysis and Determination that an Addendum is Appropriate for this Project. Updated Initial Study. The City of Dublin has determined that an Addendum is the appropriate CEQA review for the proposed Project. Prior to making this determination, the City reviewed the Eastern Dublin EIR and previous Supplemental EIRs to determine if any further environmental review was required for the actions proposed for this Project site. The City prepared an updated Initial Study for the Jordan Ranch proposed Project dated May 11, 2010, attached and incorporated herein by reference. Through this Initial Study, the City has determined that no subsequent EIR, or Negative Declaration is required for this Project. No Subsequent Review is Required per CEQA Guidelines Section 15162. CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 identifies the conditions requiring subsequent environmental review. After a review of these conditions, the City has determined that no subsequent EIR or negative declaration is required for this Project. This is based on the following analysis: a) Are there substantial changes to the Project involving new or more severe significant impacts? There are no substantial changes to the Project analyzed in the Eastern Dublin EIR, as supplemented by the 2002 SEIR and the 2005 SEIR. The Project maintains the general land use patterns for the site as established in the'2005 PD Stage 1 Development Plan and proposes a decrease of approximately 284 dwellings assumed on the site in the prior EIRs. As demonstrated in the Initial Study, the decreased number of dwellings is not a substantial change, will not result in additional or substantially more severe significant impacts, and no additional or different mitigation measures are required. b) Are there substantial changes in the conditions in which the Project is undertaken involving new or more severe significant impacts? There are no substantial changes in the conditions assumed in the Eastern Dublin EIR, the 2002 SEIR or the 2005 SEIR. This is documented in the attached Initial Study prepared for this Project dated May 11, 2010. c) Is there new information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known at the time of the previous EIR that shows the Project will have a significant effect not addressed in the previous EIR; or previous effects are more severe; or, previously infeasible mitigation measures are now feasible but the applicant declined to adopt them; or mitigation measures considerably different from those in the previous EIR would substantially reduce significant effects but the applicant declines to adopt them? As documented in the attached Initial Study, there is no new information showing a new or more severe significant effect beyond those identified in the prior EIRs. Similarly, the Initial Study documents that no new or different mitigation measures are required for the Project. All previously adopted mitigations continue to apply to the Project. The Page 3 previously certified EIRs adequately describe the impacts and mitigations associated with the proposed development of Jordan Ranch. d) If no subsequent EIR-level review is required, should a subsequent negative declaration be prepared? No subsequent negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration is required because there are no impacts, significant or otherwise, of the Project beyond those identified in the Eastern Dublin EIR and previous SEIRs, as documented in the attached Initial Study. Conclusion. This Addendum is adopted pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164 based on the attached Initial Study dated May 11, 2010. The Addendum and Initial Study review the proposed Planned Development rezoning and related Stage 2 Development Plan, SDR, Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map and Development Agreement as discussed above. Through the adoption of this Addendum and related Initial Study, the City determines that the above minor changes in land uses do not require a subsequent EIR or negative declaration under CEQA section 21166 or CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15163. The City f n-tber determines that the Eastern Dublin EIR, the 2002 SEIR and the 2005 SEIR adequately address the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Jordan Ranch Project as documented in the attached Initial Study. As provided in Section 15164 of the Guidelines, the Addendum need not be circulated for public review, but shall be considered with the prior environmental documents before making a decision on this project. The Initial Study, Eastern Dublin EIR, the 2002 SEIR, the 2005 SEIR and all resolutions cited above are incorporated herein by reference and are available for public review during normal business hours in the Community Development Department, Dublin City Hall, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin CA. Page 4