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HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-19-2010 Adopted CC Min~OF DU~~~ MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL ,~~ OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN - -~ az /~~ l~ REGULAR MEETING -January 19, 2010 CLOSED SESSION A closed session was held at 6:31:17 PM 6:30 p.m., regarding: I. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: 5777 Scarlett Court, Dublin Agency negotiator: City Manager Negotiating parties: Saadeh Corp. DBA Alameda County Auction Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, January 19, 2010, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:00:37 PM, by Mayor Sbranti. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Biddle, Hart, Hildenbrand, Scholz, and Mayor Sbranti ABSENT: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the City Council, Staff and those present. REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION Mayor Sbranti stated there was no reportable action during Closed Session. City Manager Pattillo stated an emergency item had come to the attention of City Staff after the posting of the agenda. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ~ VOLUME 29 ~~o~ REGULAR MEETING 1~C~~~ January 19, 2010 \~ ' ~~~~ On motion of Mayor Sbranti, seconded by Cm. Hart and by unanimous vote, the City Council added Item 8.6, Emergency Resolution in Support of the People of Haiti, to the Agenda. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS National Blood Donor Month Proclamation 7:02:12 PM . 3.1 (610-50) The City Council presented a proclamation to the American Red Cross and proclaimed January as "National Blood Donor Month". Rachel Greathouse, American Red Cross representative, thanked the City Council for the proclamation. Mayor Sbranti asked the City Manager if a Blood Drive had been scheduled at the City. City Manager Pattillo stated she would follow up on the question. It was being considered as part of Dublin Pride Week. Acceptance of Donation from the Valley Spokesmen Touring Club 7:07:37 PM p.m. 3.2 (150-70) The City Council presented a proclamation to Dan Carhart, President of the Valley Spokesmen Touring Club, for its donation to the Dublin Police Services Bicycle Safety Program. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Hart and by unanimous vote, the City Council approved the Budget Change and accepted the $1,500 donation. Recognition of Participation in the "Walk `n' Roll to School" Program 7:09:52 PM p.m. 3.3 (610-50) Administrative Analyst Erin Steffen presented the Staff Report and stated Dublin Elementary School had represented the City of Dublin in the October 2009 "Walk 'n' Roll to School" program, which encouraged parents and students to walk or bicycle to school instead of using DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2 VOLUME 29 ~°~ REGULAR MEETING i~C~,~ January 19, 2010 \` ' ~~~~ motor vehicles. This item recognized the achievements of the school and its students for involvement in the program as well as the donation of goods by Dublin Cyclery to the program. The City Council recognized Dublin Elementary School for its participation in the Walk `n' Roll to School program. Presentation by Maior Eric Boettcher 7:17:12 PM 3.4 (610-50) The City Council presented Mayor Eric Boettcher with a certificate of appreciation for his work with City schools in gathering supplies for young Iraqi citizens. Major Boettcher presented a slide show on his work in Iraq. Public Comments 7:40:23 PM 3.5 No comments were made by any member of the public at this time. CONSENT CALENDAR 7:40:35 PM Items 4.1 through 4.13 City Manager Pattillo noted the City Council had been provided a corrected Resolution for Item No. 4.12. On motion of Cm.Hart, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Special Meetings of November 16 and November 17, 2009 and Regular Meetings of November 17, 2009 and December 1, 2009. Adopted (4.2 950-40) RESOLUTION NO. 01 - 10 AUTHORIZING TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURES FOR THE 2010 ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE AND SHAMROCK 5K FUN RUN AND WALK DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES s VOLUME 29 `~oF REGULAR MEETING i;~(~j~,~ January 19, 2010 ~~ ~ ~/ ~~~~~s Accepted (4.3 600-30) accepted ownership of Dublin Sports Grounds bullpens. Adopted (4.4 590-20) ORDINANCE NO. NO. 01 - 10 AMENDING THE DUBLIN TRAFFIC CODE TO ESTABLISH A NEW SPEED LIMIT ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF DOUGHERTY ROAD (SCARLETT DRIVE/PARK SIERRA TO DUBLIN BOULEVARD) Authorized (4.5 600-30) the Contract Administrator to direct Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to provide additional consulting services for the Strategic Expenditure Plan Update for an additional amount not to exceed $20,230 (provided the scope was approved by TVTC as reimbursable), and approved a budget change for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. Adopted (4.6 660-60) ORDINANCE NO. 02 -10 REPEALING CURRENT CHAPTER 5.104 OF THE DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO NEWSRACKS AND ADDING NEW CHAPTER 5.104 RELATING TO NEWSRACKS Accepted (4.7 600-35) the improvements under Contract No. 09-11, Fiscal Year 2009-2010 ADA Curb Ramp Installation Program and authorized the release of retention after 35 days if there were no subcontractor claims. Approved (4.8 100-80) priority for nine new objectives; approved Recommended Program Goal for "Environmental Programs"; and received the report. Adopted (4.9 920-90) RESOLUTION NO. 02 - 10 FOR FUNDING FROM THE URBAN FORESTRY GRANT PROGRAM ENTITLED "GREEN TREES FOR THE GOLDEN STATE" AS PROVIDED THROUGH PROPOSITIONS 40 AND 84 and directed Staff to incorporate the project into the Capital Improvement Program. Approved (4.10 600-35) Change Order #2, for consultant services for the Dublin Historic Park, Phase I. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4 VOLUME 29 ~,~oF~, REGULAR MEETING n; ~, ~`;~ January 19, 2010 '~~~~~j/~ '1GIt9pR~ Adopted (4.11 600-60) RESOLUTION NO. 03 -10 APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE ARROYO VISTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WITH THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN, THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, EDEN HOUSING INC., AND CITATION HOMES CENTRAL Adopted (4.12 250-20) RESOLUTION NO. 04 -10 TO EXEMPT THE POOL HEATER REPAIR PROJECT FROM COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT FOR SUCH WORK IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $31,500 and approved the Budget Change for Fiscal year 2009-2010; and directed Staff to incorporate the project into the Capital Improvement Program. Authorized (4.13 300-40) the issuance of payments. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS -None PUBLIC HEARINGS Stager Community Gymnasium Use Policy and Rental Fee Schedule 7:41:54 PM 6.1 (280-10) Mayor Sbranti opened the public hearing. Recreation Supervisor Rich Jochner presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider revisions to the Stager Community Gymnasium Use Policy and Rental Fee Schedule which was last updated in 2002. Cm. Biddle asked if non-profit groups that were not based in Dublin needed to submit a letter to the City Manager for approval to move into the fee category of non-profits. Mr. Jochner stated that they would need to submit a letter to the City Manager for approval. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES s VOLUME 29 0~ REGULAR MEETING m~ ~~~~~ January 19, 2010 ~ ~ Mayor Sbranti asked, in terms of the rental rates, how did the City's rates compare to Dublin Unified School District (DUSD) facility rental rates. Assistant Director of Parks and Community Services Paul McCreary stated that the City's rates were comparable to DUSD rates. Mayor Sbranti asked for scenarios for the one month priority rental versus an eight month priority. Mr. Jochner stated Dublin sports group had a greater length of time to reserve facilities. The priority for other groups was less than that time. The one month priority went to members of Group 1 and Group 2. Mayor Sbranti asked how competitive the City was in regard to the rates charged to non-profits. Mr. Jochner stated it was hard to make those comparisons because cities treat different youth groups differently. You might get a different definition of a sports organization from what Dublin considered a sports organization. No testimony was received by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Sbranti closed the public hearing. Cm. Hart stated he was not in favor of the additional $20 fee for volleyball net rentals. The attendant was already there, so he or she could put up the net at no additional cost. Mr. McCreary stated the additional fee was to have an attendant at the facility even earlier than usual to set up that net and this would cover Staff time. Mayor Sbranti stated he had a concern about changing from three to two months, the advance rental time for commercial groups. For Group 4 - (Non-Resident), and all of Group 5 - Commercial, advance rental time would remain at two months. Group 4 Individuals (Residents) would remain at four months. If a group objected, they could petition the City Council. Mayor Sbranti suggested $10 for the volleyball rental fee. On motion of Mayor Sbranti, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 05 -10 ESTABLISHING FACILITY USE POLICY AND RENTAL FEES FOR USE OF THE STAGER COMMUNITY GYMNASIUM DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES s VOLUME 29 G~~OFDpe~ REGULAR MEETING 19,~~~~~ January 19, 2010 ~~ ~ /~ O'iGIFOR~~ with the modifications of Group 4 - (Non-Resident), and all of Group 5 -Commercial, advance rental time would remain at two months. Group 4 Individuals (Residents) would remain at four months; volleyball rental fee would be $10. Sports Field Use Policy and Rental Fee Schedule 8:15:32 PM 6.2 (260-10) Mayor Sbranti opened the public hearing. Recreation Supervisor Rich Jochner presented the Staff Report and advised that, with the opening of Fallon Sports Park in summer 2010 and as the Sports Field Use Policy and Rental Fee Schedule had not been updated since 2005, the City Council would consider revisions to the Policy and Fee Schedule. Vm. Hildenbrand asked what group Tri-Valley Cricket fell under. Mr. Jochner stated they qualified as a sports organization. They would qualify as a Group 3 member. Vm. Hildenbrand stated she would like to know what the Parks and Community Services Commission (Commission) discussed regarding this item. Director of Parks and Community Services Lowart stated the Commission had quite a discussion regarding this item. When the discussion first started the Commission favored the $25 an hour fee for the synthetic turf fields. After public comments, they felt $20 was reasonable for the first year and then re-evaluate the use and fees after Year 1, and also re- evaluate the turf field. Cm. Biddle asked, with regard to the synthetic turf, how much room was there from the playing surface to where visitors could sit and watch. Mr. McCreary stated there was aten-foot area of turf from where the lines were to the edge of the concrete. There was aten-foot band of concrete. Vm. Hildenbrand asked if there would be rules regarding care of the synthetic turf. Mr. McCreary stated there would be athree-pronged approach: signage, self-policing, and field monitoring. Cm. Biddle stated there needed to be additional information and policing around the synthetic turf. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES z VOLUME 29 ~~ REGULAR MEETING 19,~~~ ~~~ January 19, 2010 `~ ' ~~~~ Cm. Hart asked what the reasoning was for raising the percentage of membership to qualify for Group 2 status from 51 % to 75% of Dublin residents. Mr. Jochner stated the reason was that there was a high demand for the fields. Staff was trying to accommodate the sports organizations and groups that were serving a greater number of Dublin residents. The City Council and Staff discussed the possible demand for use of the synthetic turf fields and priority of reservations for the different groups. If there were any problems with group reservations, there was a statement in all the City's facility use policies that anyone could petition any decision. The proposed policy would be in place for one year and then reviewed and changes could then be made. Vm. Hildenbrand voiced her concerns regarding the comments from the Tri-Valley Cricket Association in regard to increasing the percentage of membership of Dublin residents to qualify for Group 2 status from 51 % to 75%. There were not many cricket fields in the East Bay. They would be a victim of this proposed change. Mayor Sbranti asked what could be done about Vm. Hildenbrand's concern. Ms. Lowart stated the City Council could decide that youth sports organizations needed to meet the 75% of Dublin residents to qualify and adult sports organizations needed to meet 51% of Dublin residents to qualify for Group 2 status. Mayor Sbranti stated he would like to make a change to the verbiage in regard to groups, to match the verbiage approved by the City Council in Item 6.1: Group 4 - (Non-Resident), and all of Group 5 -Commercial, advance rental time would remain at two months. Group 4 Individuals (Residents) would remain at four months. David Digirolamo, representing Dublin Soccer, asked that costs be kept low and the proposed fees of the Commission be approved. Steven Jones, Chairperson of the P&CS Commission, stated there had been much discussion on this item at the Commission meeting. They also voiced to the sports organizations that they needed to assist in maintaining the fields. The City was building good facilities and they would be in demand. Mayor Sbranti closed the public hearing. Cm. Hart stated he would agree to adopt the Commission's recommendation, but was not in agreement with raising the percentage of Dublin residents necessary for Group 2 status from 51 % to 75%. Vm. Hildenbrand reiterated her concern regarding the letter from the Tri-Valley Cricket Association in reference to the change in percentages for Group 2 status. The City had made a DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES s VOLUME 29 ~~pFDp~ REGULAR MEETING i~~~~~ January 19, 2010 ~~ ~ /~ ~'1GIFpR~~ commitment to bring a sport to the City that was not Dublin-based and it would be a shame to work hard to provide a unique opportunity at Emerald Glen Park, involving cricket and to turn their back on the sport. She could go with either proposal -Staff's or the Commission's. She wanted to ensure that everyone was provided information regarding the care of the artificial turf fields. City Manager Pattillo stated there was a proposal to make the youth sports league organization qualify at 75% of Dublin residents, and the adult sports leagues qualify at 51 %. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Hart and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 06 -10 ESTABLISHING FACILITY USE POLICY AND RENTAL FEES FOR USE OF THE SPORTS FIELDS AT DUBLIN SPORTS GROUNDS, EMERALD GLEN PARK, FALCON SPORTS PARK AND TED FAIRFIELD PARK with the modification to Group 2, Dublin Sports League Organizations, Organized sports league groups with current IRS non-profit status, whose membership was open to the public: the organization's membership, for Youth Sports League Organizations must be at least 75% Dublin residents and at least 51 % for Adult Sports League Organizations; advance rental time for Group 4 - (Non-Resident), and all of Group 5 -Commercial, would remain at two months, Group 4 Individuals (Residents) would remain at four months; and advancing the Commission's recommendation for the Rental Fee Schedule for Synthetic Turf Fields. Zoning Ordinance Amendments -Amendments to the Dublin Municipal Code related to Large Family Day Care Homes including Modifications to Chapter 8.12 (Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses), Chapter 8.76 (Off- Street Parking and Loading), and Chapter 8.116 (Zoning Clearance) and the Creation of Chapter 8.66 (Large Family Day Care Homes), and Amendments to the Fee Schedule as it Relates to Large Family Day Care Homes. At the request of the Planning Commission, a Modification to Chapter 8 70 (Indoor Recreational Facilities) is Also Beinq Proposed 8:59:43 PM 6.3 (450-20) Mayor Sbranti opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Marnie Nuccio presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would review City-initiated amendments to Title 8 of the Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) related to Large Family Day Care Homes. The proposed amendments would modify the permit and parking requirements for Large Family Day Care Homes in order to streamline the application process. The amendments included modifications to Chapter 8.12 (Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses), Chapter 8.76 (Off Street Parking and Loading) and Chapter 8.116 (Zoning Clearance) and the creation of Chapter 8.66 (Large Family Day Care Homes). DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES s VOLUME 29 ~~orDr,~ REGULAR MEETING ~~,_* ,~ January 19, 2010 \~ ' // ~~~~ Amendments to the fee schedule were also proposed relating to Large Family Day Care Homes. At the request of the Planning Commission, a minor modification to the recently approved Chapter 8.70 (Recreational Facilities (Indoor)) was proposed as it relates to Indoor Recreational Facilities within Planned Development Zoning Districts. Cm. Scholz asked what the provider would be paying in initial costs. Ms. Waffle stated the application fee for the zoning clearance would be $100 and if they did not meet the development standards and applied for a Conditional Use Permit the flat fee would be $650. Staff estimated that the cost to the City would be over $2,500 for Staff to process the application. No testimony was received by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Sbranti closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council waived the reading and introduced Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance Chapter 8.12 (Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses), Chapter 8.76 (Off-Street Parking and Loading) and Chapter 8.116 (Zoning Clearance) and the Creation of Chapter 8.66 (Large Family Day Care Homes), ZOA 09-003; waived the reading and introduced Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance Chapter 8.70 (Recreational Facilities (Indoor) Relating to Planned Development Zoning Districts, ZOA 09-002; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 07 -10 AMENDING RESOLUTION 49-06 TO REVISE THE ADOPTED FEE SCHEDULE AND ADD A FEE FOR LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE HOMES ZONING CLEARANCE AND AMEND THE CURRENT FEE FOR A LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE HOME CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, (ZOA 09-003) RECESS 9:16:02 PM Mayor Sbranti called for a brief recess. The meeting reconvened with all Councilmembers present at 9:23 p.m. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ~o VOLUME 29 or ~,, REGULAR MEETING 19,~,~ ~~ January 19, 2010 \~ ~~ UNFINISHED BUSINESS Public Art Selection Process 9:23:51 PM 7.1 (900-10) Heritage and Cultural Arts Manager John Hartnett presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would receive a report on the Artist Selection Process and Methods of Artist Selection for Public Art Projects within the City of Dublin. The City Council received the report. NEW BUSINESS Designation of No Parking Zone on Arnold Road 9:28:42 PM 8.1 (570-20) Public Works Technician II Nicole Gonzalez presented the Staff Report and advised that each year during the Annual Slurry Seal and Overlay Capital Improvement Program projects, Staff reviewed locations where striping and marking improvements identified in the Bikeways Master Plan could be implemented. During Fiscal Year 2009-2010, Arnold Road was identified as a location where bikeway improvements could be implemented. In order to accommodate a new southbound bike lane on Arnold Road south of Central Parkway, an existing "No Parking" zone would need to be extended by 270 feet. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Biddle and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 08-10 APPROVING PARKING REGULATION ON ARNOLD ROAD Business Visitation Program 9:34:07 PM . 8.2 (470-70) Assistant to the City Manager Linda Maurer presented the Staff Report and advised that the Dublin City Council established a Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Goal and Objective to "Formalize a Business Visitation Program". Staff had developed the framework for a formal program and presented it to the City Council's Economic Development Committee for direction. The DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 11 VOLUME 29 or REGULAR MEETING 19;`~~~~„ January 19, 2010 ~~ ~ // ~rcG,~~~ Committee requested the item be brought forward with a recommendation for formal adoption by the City Council. Mayor Sbranti asked what was meant by Human Resources in the objectives section of the Staff Report. Ms. Maurer stated, for example, the Workforce Development Board might have some programs or activities that could be made available to businesses either by industry or an employment training panel that could provide some training services. City Manager Pattillo stated another example was the Affordable Housing Programs the City offered. Assistant City Manager Chris Foss stated they could also inform the businesses of The City was a sponsor of that website which allowed the businesses to get their jobs out to the Tri-Valley to keep Tri-Valley residents at home. On motion of Cm. Biddle, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council established a formal Business Visitation Program. Appointment of a Delegate to Attend the National League of Cities Congressional City Conference and Designation of Voting Delegate for the 2010 National League of Cities Annual Conference 9:41:23 PM 8.3 (140-30) City Clerk Caroline Soto presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider appointing one of its members as a delegate, and one as an alternate, to attend the National League of Cities (NLC) Congressional City Conference in March 2010, and appoint a voting delegate, and an alternate, to attend and vote on the City's behalf at the NLC Annual Conference in November of 2010. On motion of Mayor Sbranti, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council agreed not to send a delegate to the NLC Congressional City Conference in March 2010, and appointed Councilmember Hart as a voting delegate, and Vice Mayor Hildenbrand as an alternate, to attend and vote on the City's behalf at the NLC Annual Conference in November of 2010. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ~2 VOLUME 29 or REGULAR MEETING '~'~~~~ January 19, 2010 ~~ / ~~~ City Council Salary Options 9:45:43 PM 8.4 (700-20) City Manager Pattillo presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would discuss options regarding Councilmember salaries in the future. Cm. Scholz suggested not considering any type of salary increase. Cm. Biddle suggested deferring the increase for a period. Cm. Hart stated he agreed but he was going to recommend the Mayor receive an increase in the stipend based on the amount of time spent attending to duties associated with being the Mayor. Mayor Sbranti stated it was interesting to note the City had one of the lower salaries as a City Council relative to the neighboring cities. Just as the City Council did in 1992 and 1994 when times were difficult and the City Council had asked City employees to agree to zero percent increase, they should set the same example, and go with a zero percent increase. City Manager Pattillo stated the neighboring cities were all over the board. The City was on the lower end. By consensus, the City Council agreed to no salary increase at this time. Local Taxpayer, Public Safety and Transportation Act of 2010 9:51:32 PM 8.5 (660-40) Senior Administrative Analyst Amy Cunningham presented the Staff Report and advised that a coalition of local government, transportation and transit advocates recently filed a constitutional amendment with the California Attorney General, called the Local Taxpayer, Public Safety, and Transportation Act of 2010, for potential placement on California's November statewide ballot. Approval of this ballot initiative would close loopholes and change the constitution to further prevent State politicians from seizing, diverting, shifting, borrowing, transferring, suspending or otherwise taking or interfering with tax revenues dedicated to funding local government services, including redevelopment, or dedicated to transportation improvements projects and mass transit. The City Council would consider supporting this measure. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Hart and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13 VOLUME 29 0~ REGULAR MEETING 19;1 _,~ n. January 19, 2010 ~~ ~,~, ~,~ RESOLUTION NO. 09 - 10 IN SUPPORT OF THE LOCAL TAXPAYER, PUBLIC SAFETY AND TRANSPORTATION PROTECTION ACT OF 2010 Emergency Resolution regarding Situation in Haiti 9:53:48 PM 8.6 City Manager Pattillo stated this item was brought to her attention by Mayor Sbranti after the agenda had been posted and delivered. As with other worldwide events, the City of Dublin had always been an advocate and a sponsor in supporting different citizens as they worked through difficult situations and disasters, such as the people in Haiti were doing due to the recent earthquake. Mayor Sbranti asked that the City provide on its website, a list of charitable organizations for residents to donate, if they so choose. On motion of Cm. Hart, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 10 -10 IN SUPPORT OF THE PEOPLE OF HAITI OTHER BUSINESS Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AB 1234) 9:58:57 PM City Manager Pattillo stated there would be a Special Joint Meeting of the City Council and City Commissions on Saturday, January 23, 2010. Cm. Hart stated he attended a Communications Committee meeting. He spoke about the recent bowling event held in Dublin. Cm. Scholz stated she attended the Communications Committee meeting. She would be attending the Special Joint Meeting of the City Council on Saturday. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 14 VOLUME 29 0~ REGULAR MEETING 14 ~~ January 19, 2010 ~~ ~~ Vm. Hildenbrand stated she attended the Community Development Block Grant presentations. She also attended the Dublin Pride Week planning meeting. She spoke of changes in bus routes for the Wheels bus service. There would be a new route, Route 201, which would run once in the morning and once in the afternoon from Fallon Road to Dublin High School on school days only. There would also be changes to Route 202. Cm. Biddle stated he attended the Livermore Lab Home Campaign event. He attended a Dublin Integrity Committee meeting and also attended a Stopwaste Planning Committee. He attended a Sisters City meeting, and a Dublin Pride Week Committee meeting. Mayor Sbranti stated on January 27 there would be an informational meeting on underage drinking at the Dublin Unified School District Board Room. He also stated he would be giving the State of the City address on January 27, at the Shannon Center. He had visited Sybase, attended the Alameda County Mayors' Conference and he was now an alternate on the East Bay Regional Communications System and attended the last meeting. ADJOURNMENT 10.1 There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:19:01 PM in memory of Staff Sgt. Sean Diamond and our fallen troops. Minutes prepared by Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk. ~~~! Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 15 VOLUME 29 `~~ REGULAR MEETING '~~" January 19, 2010 ~ / ~~~~