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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 SDR, Sign Reg & Permit Procedures~~' ~1
File # ^0~ O^-03 D^
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SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: ZOA 09-001: Zoning Ordinance Amendment
and Site Development Review Permit Fee (Legislative) -Amendment to
the Sign Regulations and the Permit Procedures Chapters (Chapter 8.84
and Chapter 8.96) of the Zoning Ordinance to be effective for cone-year
period, and amendment to the Site Development Review Chapter (Chapter
8.104) of the Zoning Ordinance and a Site Development Review fee for
residential additions and residential tear downs.
Report prepared by Erica Fraser, Senior Planner
ATTACHMENTS: 1) May 5, 2009 City Council Agenda Statement (without attachments).
2) Ordinance amending Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.84 relating
to Sign Regulations and Chapter 8.96 relating to Permit Procedures
for aone-year period - ZOA 09-001.
3) •June 17, 2008 City Council Agenda Statement (without
4) Minutes from the June 17,2008 City Council meeting.
5) Ordinance amending Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.104 relating
to Site Development Review - ZOA 09-001.
6) Resolution Amending Resolution 49-06 to revise the adopted fee
schedule for residential additions over 500 square feet in size and
residential demolition and construction projects which require site
development review.
7) May 26, 2009 Planning Commission Agenda Statement (without
8) Minutes from the May 26, 2009 Planning Commission meeting.
RECOMMENDATION: 1) Receive the Staff presentation;
2) Open the Public Hearing;
~~ 3) Take testimony from the Public;
4) Close the Public Hearing and deliberate;
5) Take the following actions:
a) Waive reading and introduce an Ordinance amending the
Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.84 relating to Sign
Regulations and Chapter 8.96 relating to Permit Procedures
for aone-year period - ZOA 09-001;
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/ I J
b) Waive reading and introduce an Ordinance amending the
Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.104 relating to Site
Development Review - ZOA 09-001; and
c) Adopt a Resolution amending Resolution 49-06 to revise the
adopted fee schedule for residential additions over 500
square feet in size and residential demolition and
construction projects which require site development review.
At the request of the City Council, Staff has been reviewing the Zoning Ordinance for ways to provide a
stimulus to the business. community and property owners in the City during the current economic climate.
The Planning Division identified several alternatives to streamline the entitlement process for
development applications and to promote businesses in Dublin. These alternatives included temporary
modifications, for atwo-year period, related to the display of Promotional Banners and Balloons, and the
extension of the effective period of permits, and "permanent" modifications related to the hearing body
and type of review for minor projects.
On May 5, 2009, Staff presented the proposed Zoning Ordinance modifications to the City Council for
discussion (Attachment 1). The City Council unanimously agreed with Staff's recommendations regarding
the proposed "permanent" modifications to Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review and the temporary
modification to Chapter 8.96, Permit Procedures. The City Council had considerable discussion regarding
the proposed temporary modifications to the Sign Ordinance related to Temporary Promotional Banners
and Balloons. The City .Council ultimately decided to move forward with Staff's recommendations
regarding Promotional Banners, however, the City Council decided the proposed modifications should
only be in effect for one year (and requested that Staff bring this item back for discussion in one year).
The City Council decided not to make any changes regarding Temporary Promotional Balloons. The City
Council directed Staff to bring a draft Ordinance to the Planning Commission, modifying Chapters 8.84,
8.96 and 8.104, for the Commission's recommendation to City Council. Staff then prepared a draft
Ordinance to address direction by the City Council.
The proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments include modifications to the Site. Development Review
Chapter (Chapter 8.104) regarding the level of review required for projects, modifications to the Sign
Regulations Chapter (Chapter 8.84) to facilitate the use of Banner Signs and modifications to the Permit
Procedures Chapter (Chapter 8.96) to increase the effective period of Permits. The proposed Amendments
are discussed in the Analysis Section of this Staff Report.
The proposed modifications to the Zoning Ordinance are discussed below.
Temporary Modifications to the Zoning Ordinance
Sign Regulations (Chapter 8.84)
Temporary Promotional Banners are regulated by the Sign Regulations Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance
(Chapter 8.84). Section 8.84.OSO.S of the Zoning Ordinance includes regulations related to the display of
Promotional Banners which advertise special events, sales and promotional needs of businesses. Several
temporary modifications are proposed to provide some relief from the current regulations in order to
expand the advertising opportunities available to businesses in the City.
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The Zoning Ordinance currently regulates the time frame in which a Banner maybe displayed, the waiting
period between Banner displays and the size of Promotional Banners. Staff proposes to modify these
Regulations in order to promote businesses in Dublin. The proposed modifications would increase the
number of days Banners are allowed to be displayed, reduce the waiting period between Banner displays
and modify the size requirements.
The following table illustrates the existing and proposed regulations for Temporary Promotional Banners.
Table 1: Temnnrarv Prmm~tinnal R9n.,Pl'C _ Fvic+..,.~ onrl u,-,.,,,,~„a D,.,...~,.~:.._.,.
Existing Regulation Proposed Regulation
Display Period Maximum of 15 consecutive Maximum of 21 consecutive
calendar days calendar days
Waiting Period 30 days 21 days
Size Maximum of 30" tall x 24' long 60 square feet
None Signs may not be located above
Re uirement the eave
By increasing the time a Banner may be installed on a property and decreasing the waiting period in
between Banners, businesses will be allowed additional days throughout the year in which they can
advertise special events and sales occurring at their location. The maximum size for Promotional Banners
is proposed to be changed to 60 square feet, which is the maximum overall size currently allowed;
however, by utilizing a maximum overall size rather than a maximum height and length, businesses will
have more flexibility to design a Banner to suit their needs. In order to prohibit businesses from placing
their signs so that they project above the roof of the building, the regulations are proposed to be amended
to prohibit signs from being located so that the sign is above the eave of the building in which the business
is located.
The proposed Regulations would be effective for a period of one year. Prior to the expiration of the
Amendments, Staff will bring the Ordinance back to the City Council for discussion. The City Council
will then determine if they want to allow the Amendments to remain in effect for an additional period of
time or if they would like the Ordinance to expire. Once the Ordinance has expired, the Zoning Ordinance
will revert back to the current Regulations.
The proposed Amendments are included on Pages 7 and 8 of Attachment 2.
Permit Procedures (Chapter 8.96)
The proposed Amendment to the Permit Procedures Chapter (Chapter 8.96) of the Zoning Ordinance is
also a temporary Amendment. Section 8.96.O10.D of the Zoning Ordinance establishes the length of time
a permit (typically Conditional Use Permits and Site Development Review permits) is valid and currently
states that "construction or use shall commence within one (1) year of permit approval, or the permit shall
lapse and become null and void." The Zoning Ordinance allows Applicants to apply for one 6-month
extension prior to expiration of a permit.
Today's economic climate has made it difficult for Developers to obtain financing prior to expiration of
their permits. Additionally, some Developers would like to begin the Planning process but have expressed
concerns that the economic climate may not be right for them to begin construction prior to expiration of
their permits.
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In order to assist Developers and to encourage Developers to stay in the Planning process, a temporary
modification to Section 8.96.O10.D is proposed to extend the effective period for Planning Permits. Please
refer to the table below for the existing and proposed regulations. This modification would be retroactive
to extend the approvals of existing, valid permits.
Tahla ~• Permtt F.rniratinn _ F,xictinu and Prnnnsed Regulations
Existing Regulation Proposed Regulation
1 year from permit 2 years from permit
Permit Expiration approval approval
Permit Extension 6 Months 6 Months
The proposed regulations would be effective for a period of one year. Prior to the expiration of this
Amendment, Staff will bring the Ordinance back to the City Council for discussion. The City Council will
then determine if they want to adopt an Ordinance allowing the modification to continue or if they would
like the Ordinance to expire. Once the Ordinance has expired, the Zoning Ordinance will revert back to
the current regulations
The proposed Amendment is included on Pages 8 and 9 of Attachment 2.
Permanent Modifications to the Zoning Ordinance
Site Development Review (Chapter 8.104)
On June 17, 2008, the City Council adopted an Ordinance amending the Site Development Review
Chapter (Chapter 8.104) of the Zoning Ordinance to improve the clarity of the Chapter, to ensure its
effectiveness and to ensure that the Site Development Review Chapter was consistent with current
practices (Staff Report and Minutes included as Attachments 3 and 4) .The amended Site Development
Review Chapter has been in effect for approximately 11 months.
As part of the City's effort to assist business owners through the current economic climate and streamline
our processes, several additional changes are proposed to the Site Development Review Chapter (Chapter
8.104) of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed Amendments would reduce the time and costs associated
with obtaining Planning approval for minor projects. Modifications are proposed to the regulations for
accessory structures, additions to principal structures and the reviewing body for facade modifications and
the regulations are discussed in more detail below. The discussion includes a comparison of the current
regulations, the regulations that were in effect prior to the 2008 Amendment, and the proposed
Accessory Structures -Multi-Family, Commercial and Industrial
The Site Development Review Chapter establishes the level of review (Site Development Review Waiver
or Site Development Review) that is required for accessory structures in the Single-Family, and the Multi-
Family, Commercial, and Industrial Zoning Districts. The level of review is based on the size of the
accessory structure. A Site Development Review requires notification of property owners and tenants
within 300 feet of the project site, can take up to one month to process and the cost is based on Staff time
and materials associated with the review of the project. A Site Development Review Waiver does not
require notification of property owners, has a flat fee of $250 and is typically processed in one to three
business days.
The following table illustrates the regulations that were in effect prior to the 2008 Zoning Ordinance
Amendment, the existing regulations, and Staff's proposed modifications to the regulations for accessory
structures in the Multi-Family, Commercial, and Industrial Zoning Districts.
Table 3: Accessory Structure Regulations -Multi-Family,
r'nmmart~ial and inrlnctrial 7,nninu nictricts
Required Permit
Type Previous Regulations
(Prior to July 2008) Existing Regulations Proposed Regulations
Accessory Structures
<120 square feet
Site Development As determined by the
Accessory Structures
Review Waiver
Development Director < 120 s uare feet
- q Accesso Structures that
are not visible from any
Accessory Structures
that are visible from any
Site Development
Review As determined by the Accessory Structures street, located on a
(by Community Community
Development Director > 120 square feet property adjacent to a
residentially zoned
Development Director) property and > 120 square
For example, if these modifications are enacted, a retail business that wanted to construct a 1,000 square
foot accessory structure at the rear of the store (which is not visible from the street), would be reviewed
pursuant to a Site Development Review Waiver. If the business wanted to construct a 1,000 square foot
accessory structure at the front of the store (which would be visible from the street) the accessory structure
would be reviewed pursuant to a Site Development Review.
Accessory Structures which are not visible from the street are not typically controversial projects and do
not typically have significant impacts. By decreasing the level of review required for minor accessory
structures and accessory structures which are not visible from the street, this Amendment would reduce
the permitting burden on property owners.
The proposed modifications are shown on pages 4 and 5 of Attachment 5.
Accessory Structures -Residential
The following table illustrates the regulations for accessory structures in the Single-Family Residential
Zoning District that were in effect prior to the 2008 Amendment, the existing regulations, and Staff's
proposed modifications to the regulations.
Table 4: Accessory Structures Regulations -Single Family Residential Zoning Districts
Required Permit Previous Regulations Existing Regulations Proposed Regulations
Type (Prior to July 2008)
Site Development No permit required for No permit required for
Review Accessory Structures that Accessory Structures Accessory Structures that
(by Community comply with the > 120 square feet comply with the
Develo ment Director) Development Regulations Develo ment Regulations
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Single-family residential accessory structures are required to comply with the existing development
regulations in the Zoning Ordinance. The development regulations establish the maximum size, height,
and setback for accessory structures. Single-family residential accessory structures that do not comply
with the development regulations require approval of a Site Development Review. Site Development
Review would no longer be required for single-family residential accessory structures that are greater than
120 square feet provided that they comply with the development regulations for accessory structures. The
proposed modifications are consistent with the regulations in place prior to the 2008 Zoning Ordinance
The proposed modifications are shown on pages 4 and 5 of Attachment 5.
Multi-Family, Commercial and Industrial Additions
The Site Development Review Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance establishes the reviewing body for
additions to the principal structure in the Multi-Family, Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts and
Planned Development Zoning Districts with similar uses. Staff is proposing a modification to the types of
additions that can be reviewed by the Community Development Director. The following table illustrates
the regulations that were in effect prior to the 2008 Zoning Ordinance Amendment, the existing
regulations, and proposed regulations with respect to additions.
Table 5: Regulation of Additions to Principal Structures -
Multi-Family, Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts
Required Permit Previous Regulations Existing Regulation Proposed Regulation
Type (Prior to July 2008)
As determined by the
Site Development
Community Development
-- --
Review Waiver Director
Additions < 1,000 square
Site Development Additions < 1 000 square feet in size or <15% of the
Review As determined by the °
feet in size or <15 /° of the building floor area
(by Community Community Development
building floor area (v~,hichever is greater)
Development Director
(whichever is greater). or
Director) Any addition which is not
visible from any street
Site Development As determined by the Additions > 1,000 square Additions that are visible
feet in size or >15 /o of the from any street and > 1,000
Review (by Planning Community Development building floor area square feet in size or >15 /o
Commission Review) Director (whichever is greater). of the building floor area
Typically, additions which are less than 1,000 square feet in size or are not visible from the street do not
have significant impacts. By allowing Staff to review these types of additions, Applicants will save time
and money while trying to improve their property.
For example, if a property owner with a large building wanted to construct a 2,000 square foot addition to
their building which was visible from the street, the addition would be less than 15% of the overall floor
area of the building (total building size is 139,410 square feet), this addition would be reviewed by the
Community Development Director. If the property owner wanted to construct a 21,000 square foot
addition, this addition would be larger than 15% of the floor area of the building and would be visible
from the street and therefore would be reviewed by the Planning Commission.
The modifications are shown on pages 5 and 6 of Attachment 5.
Facade Modifications
The current Site Development Review Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance divides facade modifications into
two categories: Major and Minor (Sections 8.104.040.A.13 and 8.104.040.C.3). The Site Development
Review for Minor Facade Modifications are reviewed by the Community Development Director and the
Site Development Review for Major Facade Modifications are reviewed by the Planning Commission.
The Community Development Director determines which types of facade improvements are Major and
which are Minor.
In order to reduce the burden on the Applicant and encourage property owners to improve their properties,
Staff is recommending that the Site Development Review for all facade remodels be reviewed by the
Community Development Director. This would be consistent with the procedures that were in place prior
to the Zoning Ordinance update approved in 2008. Prior to issuing a decision on facade modifications, the
Community Development Director would send out a notice to all tenants and property owners within 300
feet of the project site and would also notify the Planning Commission and City Council of the proposed
project. The Community Development Director can transfer hearing jurisdiction on a project at any time
to the Planning Commission, should a proposal be controversial.
The following table illustrates the pre 2008 Amendment, existing, and proposed reviewing body for
facade modifications.
TahlP Fi• Farade Mnditieatinnc Fxictinu and Prnn~sed Regulations
Required Permit
Type Previous Regulations
(Prior to July 2008) Existing Regulation Proposed Regulation
Site Development
Review (by
All Facade Remodels Minor Facade
All Facade Remodels
Development Remodel
Site Development Major Facade
Review (by Planning None Remodel None
The modifications are shown on pages 5 and 6 of Attachment 5.
Residential Permit Fee (500 square foot addition and demolition and reconstruction)
At the June 17, 2008 City Council meeting, the City Council directed Staff to include a flat fee of $500 for
residential additions and residential demolition and construction projects which require a Site
Development Review with the next fee update (Attachments 3 and 4). A fee update has not yet occurred,
therefore, Staff is proposing that the City Council amend the Fee Schedule to include this flat fee at this
Typically, Staff charges on a time and materials basis for Site Development Review applications. Time
and materials include all Staff time associated with processing a project application which can amount to a
large sum of money. However, the City would not want to discourage homeowners from improving their
property due to a high permit cost. The City does not typically fully subsidize permit fees for
improvements. The City does currently subsidize the fee for certain permits, such as large family daycares
(the application fee is $100) in order to encourage these types of facilities.
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Staff estimates that it would take approximately four hours to process a Site Development Review for these
types of improvements. The City currently charges $129.27 per hour for Planning staff time. This would
result in a cost of approximately $517 or more, if more time were needed, if the City charged for actual
time spent. Staff acknowledges that some permits may take longer to process, however in order to
encourage homeowners to continue to improve their property, Staff is recommending a flat fee of $500 for
the Site Development Review for residential additions which are 500 square foot (or more) and the
demolition and reconstruction of a residential home.
A Resolution amending the City's Fee Schedule to include a flat fee for these types of improvements is
included as Attachment 6.
On May 26, 2009, Staff presented the draft Ordinances to the Planning Commission for their review
(Attachment 7). The Planning Commission discussed the proposed modifications to the Zoning Ordinance
(Attachment 8) and requested that the following modifications be incorporated into the City Council
• Include a requirement in Section 8.84.OSO.S of the Zoning Ordinance to prohibit businesses from
displaying banners above the eave of the building;
• Change the statement "visible from the street" to "visible from any street" for accessory structures
and additions for clarity; and
• Require Site Development Review for accessory structures, in the R-M, Commercial and Industrial
Zoning Districts, which are larger than 120 square feet and adjacent to properties in the R-1 and R-2
Zoning Districts and Planned Development Zoning Districts with similar uses.
At the meeting, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 09-24 recommending that the City Council
approve temporary amendments to Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations, and Chapter 8.96, Permit Procedures,
and adopted Resolution 09-25 recommending that the City Council approve amendments to Chapter 8.104,
Site Development Review with the modifications noted above.
The project has been found to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA),
according to Section 15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the
amendments to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) may have a
significant effect on the environment.
In accordance with State law, a public notice was published twice in the Valley Times and posted at several
locations throughout the City. A notice of this hearing was mailed to those requesting such notice 14 days
before the hearing and the Staff Report and attachments were made available for public review 10 days
prior to the public hearing in accordance with Government Code Sections 66016 and 66017.
Several modifications are proposed to be made to the Zoning Ordinance in order to improve its
effectiveness and to provide temporary relief from some of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance during
the current economic climate. The proposed temporary modifications to the Sign Ordinance will expand
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will increase the effective period of Planning permits. By reducing the level of review required for some
projects that require Site Development Review, the City will encourage continual improvement of
properties by making the process easier for minor projects and will also reduce the amount of money spent
by Applicants due to a reduction in Staff time spent on a project. The flat fee for residential additions and
demolition and construction projects which require Site Development Review will reduce homeowner
costs in order to encourage property owners to improve their property. All of the proposed modifications
are aimed at assisting property owners and businesses in the City and to help ease them through these
difficult times.
Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Receive the Staff presentation; 2) Open the Public Hearing; 3)
Take testimony from the Public; 4) Close the Public Hearing and deliberate; 5) Take the following
actions: a) Waive reading and introduce an Ordinance amending the Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.84
relating to Sign Regulations and Chapter 8.96 relating to Permit Procedures for aone-year period; b)
Waive reading and introduce an Ordinance amending the Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.104 relating
to Site Development Review - ZOA 09-001; and c) Adopt a Resolution amending Resolution 49-06 to
revise the adopted fee schedule for residential additions over 500 square feet in size and residential
demolition and construction projects which require site development review - ZOA 09-001.
~_~ 11 File # ~~~®-©~
C~I~V ~ ~J~Q~~
~~ ~ ~oo• ~
SUBJECT: NEW BUSINESS: Proposed Modifications to the Zoning
Ordinance designed to provide a stimulus to Businesses and
Property Owners in the City during the current economic climate.
Report Prepared by Erica Fraser, Senior Planner
ATTACHMENTS: 1) June 17, 2008 City Council Agenda Statement (without
2) Matrix showing proposed changes.
RECOMMENDATION: 1) Receive Staff presentation;
2) Receive public comment; and
3) Provide Staff with direction.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: If the proposed changes are enacted, the City would lose
approximately $11,b50.00 related to permit fees for Temporary
Promotional Signs and Balloon Signs (approximately $5,825.00 a
year for two years). However, the increased use of temporary signs
could increase sales and generate additional sales tax revenue to
offset the loss of permit fees for Temporary Promotional Signs and
Balloon Signs.
At the request of the City Council, Staff has been reviewing the Zoning Ordinance for ways to provide a
stimulus to business community during the current economic climate. The Planning Division has
identified several alternatives to streamline the entitlement process for development applications and to
promote businesses in Dublin. These alternatives include modifications to Chapter 8.104, Site
Development Review, regarding the level of review required for projects and modifications to Chapter
8.84, Sign Regulations, to facilitate the use of banner signs and balloon signs. The proposed modifications
to the sign regulations include: a temporary elimination of fees for promotional banners and balloons and
other minor modifications to the Sign Ordinance.
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to ~ ~ / s1 / ~f
Attachment 1
The following modifications are proposed in order to provide a stimulus to businesses and property
owners in the City:
Site Development Review Chapter
On June 17, 2008, the City Council adopted an Ordinance amending the Site Development Review
Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.104) to improve the clarity of the Chapter, ensure its
effectiveness and ensure that the Site Development Review Chapter. is consistent with current practices
(June 17, 2008 Agenda Statement included as Attachment 1). The new Site Development Review Chapter
has been in effect for 8 months.
The revised Chapter reduced the level of review required for several projects, but also increased the level
of review for major projects. For example, under the previous Site Development Review Chapter, the
Community Development Director was charged with reviewing most improvements in the City. The 2008
update requires new principal structures and major facade remodels to be reviewed by the Planning
Commission, rather than by the Community Development Director.
As part of the City's effort to assist business owners through the current economic climate, Staff has
identified several changes that could be made in order to reduce the time and costs associated with
obtaining Planning approval for minor projects. Staff is recommending that these changes be permanently
made to the Site Development Review Chapter.
Accessory Structures
All Accessory Structures which are over 120 square feet currently require a Site Development Review
which requires notification of property owners and tenants within 300 feet of the project site, and can take
up to one month to process. Staff recommends that all multi-family, commercial and industrial accessory
structures, which are less than 120 square feet in size or are not visible from the right-of--way, be reviewed
pursuant to a Site Development Review Waiver which is typically processed in three days. Accessory
Structures in asingle-family residential zoning district would no longer require a Site Development
Multi-Family, Commercial and Industrial Additions
Staff is recommending that all additions to a principal structure which are not visible from the right-of-
way and all additions which are less than 1,000 square feet or 15% of the floor area of the building be
reviewed at Staff level. Typically these types of additions do not have significant impacts. By allowing
Staff to review these types of additions, Applicants will save time and money while trying to improve
their property.
Facade Modifications
The current Site Development Review Chapter divides facade modifications into two categories: major
and minor. Minor facade modifications are reviewed by the Community Development Director and major
facade modifications are reviewed by the Planning Commission. The Community Development Director
determines which types of facade improvements are major and which are minor. In the previous Site
Development Review Chapter, the Community Development Director was given the authority to approve
all facade improvements. Prior to issuing a decision on facade modifications, the Community
Development Director would send out a notice to all tenants and property owners within 300 feet of the
project site and would also notify the Planning Commission and City Council of the proposed project. In
order to reduce the burden on the Applicant and encourage property owners to improve their properties
during the current economic climate, Staff is recommending that all facade remodels once again be
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~ ~9
reviewed by the Community Development Director. The Community Development Director can trans er
hearing jurisdiction on a project at any time to the Planning Commission, should a proposal be
Residential Additions
The revised Site Development Review Chapter, adopted in 2008, requires property owners to obtain a Site
Development Review for all residential additions over 500 square feet in size (Section 8.104.040.A.7).
Since the enactment of this Chapter, Staff has only received 3 requests for Site Development Review for
residential additions. Staff typically provided minimal comments and was able to notice the additions
within 10 days of receipt of a project. A Site Development Review for a room addition allows Staff to
review the proposal and notify neighbors within 300 feet of the project site of the proposed addition, and
also allows them to make comments or review plans prior to the Community Development Director
making a decision on the project. However, Site Development Review adds an additional step that
homeowners must go through in order to improve their property and can discourage people from
improving their property. Because additions did not require review under the previous Site Development
Review Chapter, Staff is asking for direction from the City Council on whether or not to continue to
require review of room additions over 500 square feet in size.
Permit Expiration
Section 8.96.O10.D of the Zoning Ordinance states that "construction or use shall commence within one
(1) year of Permit approval, or the Permit shall lapse and become null and void." The Zoning Ordinance
allows Applicants to apply for one 6-month extension prior to expiration of a Permit (typically this is for
Conditional Use Permits and Site Development Review).
Today's economic climate has made it difficult for developers to obtain financing prior to expiration of
their permits. Additionally, some developers would like to begin the Planning process but have expressed
concerns that the economic climate may not be right for them to begin construction prior to expiration of
their permits.
h1 order to assist developers and to encourage developers to stay in the Planning process, Staff is
recommending that the City Council enact a temporary modification to Section 8.96.O10.D to allow Site
Development Review and Conditional Use Permits to remain in effect for 2 years rather than the current 1
year. The permit holder would also have an option of applying for one 6-month extension at the end of the
permit term. Staff recommends that this modification be retroactive to extend the approvals of existing,
valid permits. The proposed modifications would be repealed automatically 2 years following the
effective date of the ordinance or the City Council could choose to extend the effective period should
conditions warrant it.
Section 8.96.O10.D is recommended to be revised as shown below and to be enacted for a period of two
Permit Expiration. Construction or use shall commence within two (2) years ene-(~-}ear of
Permit approval, or the Permit shall lapse and become null and void. Commencement of
construction or use means the actual construction or use pursuant to the Permit approval, or,
demonstrating substantial progress toward commencing such construction or use. If there is a
dispute as to whether the Permit has expired, the City may hold a noticed public hearing to
determine the matter. Such a determination may be processed concurrently with revocation
proceedings in appropriate circumstances. If a Permit expires, a new application must be made
and processed according to the requirements of this Ordinance. Where a Conditional of Approval
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states that a ermit will ex ire within one ear this Section shall override the Condition of
Temporary Promotional Signs
Staff has recommended several changes to the Sign Regulations Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance
(Chapter 8.84), to provide some relief from the current regulations in order to expand the advertising
opportunities available to businesses. Staff is recommending that these regulations be enacted for a period
of two years. The City Council can also choose to extend this period prior to the expiration if conditions
warrant it. Following the two year period, the amendments would expire and the existing regulations
would then apply.
Staff is recommending that the City Council consider enacting the following temporary modifications to
the sign regulations (each change is discussed in further detail below):
• Allow temporary Promotional Banners to remain up for a maximum of 21 consecutive days with a
21 consecutive day waiting period between permits;
• Allow Promotional Banners to be a maximum of 60 square feet in size;
• Allow businesses to cluster a maximum of 7 balloons which are less than 15 inches in diameter;
• Allow balloons which are larger than 15 inches in diameter to be located on-site for a maximum of
30 days per calendar year.
Promotional Banners
Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations, of the Zoning Ordinance
currently allows Promotional Banners (a banner which
advertises special events, sales or promotional needs) to be
displayed for a maximum_ period of 15 consecutive days. A
business owner is then prevented from displaying another
promotional banner for 30 days after a promotional banner is
removed. Promotional banners are limited in size to a
maximum of 30 inches tall x 24 feet long (60 square feet).
In order to allow businesses to keep Promotional Banners up for
a longer period of time to maximize their advertising efforts,
Staff is recommending that Banners be allowed to remain up for
a maximum period of 21 days (an increase of one week). Staff is also recommending that the waiting
period between Banners be reduced from 30 days to 21 days. By increasing the time a Banner may be
installed on a property and decreasing the waiting period in between Banners, businesses will be allowed
additional days throughout the year in which they can advertise special events happening at their location.
Banners are currently limited in size to a maximum of 30 inches in height x 24 feet in length. All Banners
must fit within these size limitations. Staff is recommending that the maximum size be changed to 60
square feet, which is the maximum overall size currently allowed; however, by utilizing a maximum
overall size rather than a maximum height and length, businesses will have more flexibility to design their
banner to suit their needs.
5 ~q
Staff is also recommending that the City Council waive the normal a lica '
the Planning Division processed 153 permits for 202 Banners whch resultedeinoappl5cat0ionafeeseof
$5,050.00 ($25 fee per sign x 202 signs=$5,050.00). By eliminating this fee for the next two years, it will
allow the City to encourage businesses to continue to promote their businesses, while still requiring a
permit to ensure that businesses are following the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and to track
requests for Banners. -
The Zoning Ordinance currently allows businesses to display Promotional
Balloons (greater than 15 inches in diameter) for a maximum period of 21
days per year. Staff is recommending that the City Council increase the
number of days Balloons may be displayed on a site for a maximum of 30
days per year (an increase of nine days). Additionally, Staff is
recommending that the City Council waive the $25.00 permit fee for
Promotional Balloons. Last year, the Planning Division issued 31 permits
for Promotional Balloons which resulted in revenues of $775.00 ($25
permit fee x 31 permits=$775).
Section 8.84.150.B of the Zoning Ordinance allows businesses to display small
balloons (no more than 15" inches in diameter) at their business. Staff's
interpretation of this section of the Zoning Ordinance only allows businesses to
display a maximum of 1 balloon rather than a cluster of balloons because these
clusters would be Iarger than 15" in diameter when measured together. An
example of a balloon cluster is shown on the right.
In order to allow businesses to cluster several balloons, rather than one, for more
effective advertising, Staff is recommending that the City Council modify this
section of the Zoning Ordinance to allow up to seven balloons to be clustered.
No permit would be required. There would be no limitations on the number of
clustered balloons that may be displayed on a site.
Staff is recommending several modifications to the Zoning Ordinance in order to improve its effectiveness
and to provide temporary relief from some of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance during the current
economic climate. By reducing the level of review required for some projects in Chapter 8.104, Site
Development Review, the City will encourage continual improvement of properties by making the process
easier for minor projects and will also reduce the amount of money spent by Applicants due to a reduction
in Staff time spent on a project. The proposed temporary modifications to the Sign Ordinance will expand
advertising options available to businesses. All of the proposed modifications are aimed at assisting
property owners and businesses in the City and to help ease them through these difficult times.
Based on direction received ftom the City Council at tonight's hearing, Staff will prepare a Draft
Ordinance which incorporates all of the modifications discussed tonight. Staff will then bring the Draft
Ordinance to the Planning Commission during a Public Hearing for their recommendation to the City
Council. Staff will then bring the Ordinance to the City Council during a Public Hearing for action. Staff
anticipates that the Draft Ordinance will be reviewed by the Planning Commission in June 2009 and the
City Council will be able to act on the Ordinance in July 2009.
5 of 6
~ ~~~
Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Receive public comment; and
3) Provide Staff with direction.
~ ~q
ZOA 09-001
WHEREAS, at the request of the City Council, Staff has reviewed the Zoning Ordinance for ways
to provide a stimulus to businesses and property owners in the City during the current economic climate;
WHEREAS, the City Council has identified temporary modifications to Chapter 8.84, Sign
Regulations, and Chapter 8.96, Permit Procedures, of the Zoning Ordinance which will provide assistance
to business and property owners during the current economic climate; and
WHEREAS, the proposed modifications would be in effect for a period of one year from the
effective date of the Ordinance adopted by the City Council; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed public hearing on this Project
on May 26, 2009 and adopted Resolution 09-24 recommending that the City Council approve temporary
modifications to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on July 7, 2009; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve the
Zoning Ordinance Amendments; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to section 8.120.OSO.B of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council
finds that the amendments are consistent with the Dublin General Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and consider all said
reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Dublin does ordain as follows:
Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"): The City Council declares this
ordinance is exempt from CEQA per CEQA Guidelines Section 15601(b) (3). Section 15601(b) (3) states
that CEQA applies only to those projects that have the potential to cause a significant effect on the
environment. This adoption of this Ordinance is exempt from CEQA because the Ordinance does not, in
itself, allow the construction of any building or structure, but it sets forth the regulations that shall be
followed if and when a building or structure is proposed to be constructed or a site is proposed to be
developed. This Ordinance of itself, therefore, has no potential for resulting in significant physical change
in the environment, directly or ultimately.
Section 8.84.030 of Chapter 8.84 of the Dublin Municipal Code, entitled "Sign Regulations," is hereby
amended as follows, with deletions indicated in strikethrough (~*ri'~°*'~r~~•~-'~' and additions indicated in
underline (underline
"Section 8.84.030 Sign Approvals and Decisionmaker Authority by Zoning District. Matrix A,
Sign Approvals and Decisionmaker Authority prescribes the necessary permits and the decisionmaker
authority applicable to the specified signs for each zoning district:
Matrix A
Sign Approvals and Decisionmaker Authority by Zoning District*
Si n T e A R-1, R-2, R-M C-N C-O C-1 C-2 M-P, M-I, M-2
Bulletin Board BP BP BP BP BP BP BP
Comin Soon X X ZC ZC ZC ZC ZC
Electronic Readerboard X X CUP PC) CUP(PC) CUP PC) CUP(PC) CUP PC
Freestandin 20' or less in ht. E X ZC X BP BP BP
Freestanding greater than 20'
in hei ht X X X X SDR SDR SDR
Grand-O enin X X ZC ZC ZC ZC ZC
Master Sign Program SDR(ZA X SDR(ZA) SDR(ZA) SDR(ZA) SDR(ZA) SDR(ZA)
Office Buildin Master ID X X ZC ZC ZC ZC ZC
Off-Site Residential
Develo ment Directional BP BP BP BP BP BP BP
Off-Site Temporary For Sale
or Lease E X ZC ZC ZC ZC ZC
O en-House X Permitted X X X X X
Permanent Banner Sign X X X X MSP/SDR MSP/SD
Pro'ectin E X BP BP BP BP BP
Service Station Display
Structure X X ZC X ZC ZC ZC
Service Station Price Si X X ZC X ZC ZC ZC
S ecial Easement E X ZC ZC ZC ZC ZC
Temporary Promotional (21
-1-5-Da s) X ZC*** ZC ZC ZC ZC ZC
Tenant Director X X BP BP BP BP BP
Notes for Matrix A:
E Business Signs not exceeding an area often (10) square feet per side are permitted per Section 8.84.090. and subject to Building Permit
BP Permitted and subject to Building Permit
CUP Conditional Use Permit Approval Required and subject to Building Permit
SDR Si[e Development Review Approval by Staff Required and subject to Building Permit
PC Planning Commission is decision maker authority
ZA Zoning Administrator is decision maker authority
ZC Zoning Clearance by Staff Required and subject to Building Permit
X Not Permitted
Page 2 of 9
* Matrix A does not reflect Exempt Signs in Section 8.84.140
** A sign of up to 24 square feet on a side is allowed with a Zoning Clearance and a sign of up to 36 square feet on a side is allowed with a Site
Development Review.
*** Only Temporary Banners, not exceeding 12-square feet, are allowed for apartment communities (see Section 8.84.020.B for definition). All other
temporary promotional signs are not allowed in this zoning district.
Planned Development signage is permitted by Section 8.84.100.
A Sign Exception to a regulation in this Chapter may be applied for per Section 8.84.200.
Section 8.84.040 of Chapter 8.84 of the Dublin Municipal Code, entitled "Sign Regulations," is hereby
amended as follows, with deletions indicated in strikethrough (s~il~l~ and additions indicated in
underline (underline
"Section 8.84.040 Matrix B, Sign Development Regulations. The following Matrix B, Sign
Development Regulations, prescribes required development regulations for permitted signs. The
information in Matrix B is subordinate to and supplementary to the information in Section 8.84.050, Signs
Subject To Permits."
Matrix B
Sign Development Regulations **
Sign Type Maximum Maximum Maximum Area per Location Copy Restrictions * Additional
Section No. Number of Height side Requirements * Regulations
si ns ins . ft.
Awning 1 per business 2 ft. 6 in. 1 sq. ft. per lineal ft. 1 per business N/A May project 36
Sec. or tenant of Tenant Frontage to or tenant inches. More
8.84.OSO.A frontage as maximum of 150 sq. frontage with than 36 inches
permitted by ft. (with SDR, maximum of with SDR.
Sec. 8.84.110 1.5/lineal ft. to max of three frontages. Max. sign length
B.4. 250 sq. ft.); 25% of 24 ft.
bonus if tenant space
is 100 ft. from Street.
Bulletin 1 6 ft. 24 sq. ft. 10 ft. from Announcements
Board front property pertaining to an on-
Sec. line; Must meet site church, school,
8.84.OSO.B all other yard community center,
requirements. park, hospital or
buildin .
Coming Soon 2 8 ft. 32 sq. ft. On construction Opening date, May only be
Sec. site. architect, engineer, placed during
8.84.OSO.C contractor, future time period
business, or lender. between building
permit and final
occu anc .
Community 1 20 ft. 120 sq. ft. Service club names Illumination shall
ID and emblems and not be
Sec. community slogans intermittent;
8.84.050.D Means of support
shall be
* Location Requirements, Copy Restrictions and Additional Regulations are in addition to those identified in Sections
8.84.1 l0 and 8.84.120.
** Matrix B does not reflect Exempt Signs in Sec. 8.84.140
Page 3 of 9
Sign Type , Maximum Maximum Maximum Location Copy Restrictions Additional
Section No. Number of Height Area per side Requirements * * Regulations
si ns ins . ft.
Electronic Per Sec. Per Sec. Per Sec. Per Sec. Per Sec. 8.84.110 if Per Sec. 8.84.110
Readerboard 8.84.110 if 8.84.110 if 8.84.110 if wall 8.84.110 if wall wall sign; 8.84.120 if wall sign;
Sec. 8.84.050.E wall sign; wall sign; sign; 8.84.120 sign; 8.84.120 if if freestanding 8.84.120 if
8.84.120 if 8.84.120 if if freestanding freestanding sign. freestanding sign.
free- freestanding sign. sign.
standing sign.
si n.
Freestanding 1 per parcel; 10 ft. at 15 sq. ft. per In a planter of Must indicate Must have
20' or less in 2 or more property side at appropriate building address or minimum
height; with Master line; May be property line; dimension; Not address range. clearance of 14
Freestanding Sign increased .5 May increase closer than 50 feet if
greater than Program. ft. for every 2.5 sq. feet per feet from R-O- overhanging
20' in height. 1 ft. the sign side for each l W of Interstate vehicular way;
Sec. 8.84.120. is set back ft. sign is set Highway; Must not project
from the back from Permitted into a public
nearest street nearest street within required right-of--way.
frontage frontage yards; At one
property line property line. or more main
up to a Maximum of entrances with
maximum of 150 sq. ft. Master Sign
20 ft.; Up to Program.
35 ft. with
Grand- l No limit. No limit. Must be Only effective
Opening displayed on within 60 days of
Sec. 8.84.OSO.G the site on initial occupancy;
which grand- 30-day maximum.
opening will
Identification 1 6 ft. 24 sq. ft. with None. Name and/or use of Means of support
Sec. 8.84.OSO.H Zoning building. shall be
Clearance; concealed.
36 sq. ft. with
Office Building 1 8 ft. 25 sq. ft. None. Name of office 100 ft. minimum
Master ID building, parcel frontage
Sec. 8.84.OSO.I institutional use required; Means
and address of support shall
be concealed.
* Location Requirements, Copy Restrictions and Additional Regulations are in addition to those identified in Sections
8.84.110 and 8.84.120.
** Matrix B does not reflect Exempt Signs in Sec. 8.84.140
Page 4 of 9
it ~u9
Sign Type Maximum Maximum Maximum Location Copy Restrictions Additional
Section No. Number of Height Area per side Requirements * * Regulations
si s ins . ft.
Off-Site Determined Determined Determined Determined by Determined by Determined by
Residential by Director by Director by Director Director of Director of Director of
Development of of of Community Community Community
Directional Community Community Community Development Development Development
Sec. Development Development Development
Off-Site 1 per 100 ft. 8 ft. 16 sq. ft. Off-site sign is For sale or lease; Must be
Temporary of street located in Name and phone constructed of
For sale or frontage; immed. vicinity number of agent wood, plywood,
lease Up to 2 per of advertised and/or agency. metal or other
Sec. parcel. premises w/o rigid material.
8.84.OSO.K direct access to
ublic road.
Open-House Maximum of 3 ft. 4 sq. ft. On sidewalk and Not attached to
Sec. 4 per landscaping strip any public sign,
8.84.050.E property; but cannot post, traffic
Up to 8 per disrupt normal signal or utility
inter-section. vehicular flow, pole; No
One per block views, additional tags,
property block ingress or riders,
being .egress to any streamers,
advertised at residence or balloons or other
a given business, or attachments;
intersection restrict a Permitted on
sidewalk to less Holidays,
than 32 inches. Saturdays and
Prohibited in Sundays and one
center divider or agent tour day
traffic islands of each week from
public streets; 10:00 a.m. to
Cannot be sunset.
within 5 ft.
radius of a call
box, fire hydrant
or mail box.
Pedestrian/ 1 N/A 5 sq. ft. Suspended from None. 8 ft. vertical
Shingle canopy over a clearance;
Sec. sidewalk directly Perpendicular to
8.84.OSO.M in front of the business building
door of the wall.
* Location Requirements, Copy Restrictions and Additional Regulations are in addition to those identified in Sections
8.84.110 and 8.84.120.
** Matrix B does not reflect Exempt Signs in Sec. 8.84.140
Page 5 of 9
is ~yy
Sign Type Maximum Maximum Maximum Area Location Copy Restrictions Additional
Section No. Number of Height per side in sq. ft. Requirements * * Regulations
si ns
Permanent N/A Per Per MSP/SDR Per MSP/SDR Name of shopping Maintain in good
Banner MSP/SDR center, business or condition;
Sec. logo. Subject to semi-
8.84.OSO.N annual review;
Replace if in
Projecting 1 per 2 ft. 6 in.; 16 sq. ft.; May In middle 1/3 of N/A Sec. 8.84.]10 (C)
Sec. business. May be be increased front wall of
8.84.OSO.P increased through SDR. building.
Service 1 8 ft. 16 sq. ft. None. Name of service May be
Station station. combined with
Display Service Station
Structure Price Signs;
Sec. Placed in
8.84.OSO.Q landscape
Service 2 6 ft. 16 sq. ft for 3 1 per street Gasoline prices. May be
Station Price fuel products; 24 frontage. combined with
Signs sq. ft for 4 fuel Service Station
Sec. products. Display
8.84.OSO.R Structure.
Special 1 4 ft. 24 sq. ft. Within Name of business In-lieu of
Easement immediate and/or center. Freestanding
Sec. vicinity of the Sign; Business
8.84.OSO.S business the sign located on parcel
advertises. w/o direct access
or frontage on
improved ROW;
must be
connected by
* Location Requirements, Copy Restrictions and Additional Regulations are in addition to those identified in Sections
8.84.110 and 8.84.120.
** Matrix B does not reflect Exempt Signs in Sec. 8.84.140
Page 6 of 9
13 ~~+9
Sign Type Maximum Maximum Maximum Area Location Copy Restrictions Additional
Section No. Number of Height per side in sq. ft. Requirements * * Regulations
si ns
Temporary Per Zoning Per Zoning Per Zoning Only on site on Per Zoning Maximum of ~
Promotional Clearance. Clearance. Clearance. which business is Clearance. 21 consecutive
Sec. located and shall calendar days
8.84.OSO.TS not be located so per permit; 38
Banner signs that the siEn is 21 consecutive
shall not be hisher than the calendar day
larger than 3A eave of the waiting period
it-ehes-b3`~4-fleet structure in between permits.
60 square feet which the
business is
located. Temporary
Temporary One (1) Temporary Banners for
Promotional Banner for Apartment
Banner for Apartment Communities
Apartment Communities shall be allowed
Sec. which shall not 10 consecutive
8.84.OSO.TS exceed 12 square days per permit;
feet 20 consecutive
calendar days
waiting period
between permits.
The duration in
which banners
may be
displayed is
limited to a
duration of 90-
days per
calendar ear.
Tenant 1 N/A l2 sq. ft. At entrance of Listing of tenant None
Directory building on an names and suite
Sec. exterior wall. numbers/letters.
8.84.050. U
Wall 1 per 2 ft. 6 in. 1 sq. ft. per 1 per business or N/A May project 12
Sec. business or lineal ft. of tenant frontage inches, 30 inches
8.84.110V tenant Tenant Frontage with maximum w/ SDR. Max.
frontage to maximum of of three sign length 24 ft.
Rev. Ord. 20- with 150 sq. ft. (with frontages.
06 (November maximum of SDR, 1.5/lineal
2006) three ft. to max of 250
frontages sq. ft.); 25%
bonus if tenant
space is 100 ft.
from Street.
Window N/A N/A N/A Inside a N/A Not more than
Sec. building. 25% of
8.84.OSO.W contiguous
window area.
* Location Requirements, Copy Restrictions and Additional Regulations are in addition to those identified in Sections
8.84.1 l0 and 8.84.120.
** Matrix B does not reflect Exempt Signs in Sec. 8.84.140
Page 7 of 9
w ~~~
Subsection S of Section 8.84.050 of Chapter 8.84 of the Dublin Municipal Code, entitled "Temporary
Promotional Signs," is hereby amended as follows, with deletions indicated in strikethrough
(s~l~euglr} and additions indicated in underline (underline
Section 8.84.OSO.S is hereby amended as follows:
S. Temporary Promotional Signs. Temporary Promotional Signs permitted pursuant to a Zoning
Clearance may be placed on-site for a maximum of ~~ twenty-one (21) consecutive
calendar days per permit when used for special promotional events or needs. A minimum waiting
period of tl~i~t3~3A3 twent.~21) consecutive calendar days between permits is required, with
the exception of balloons as defined herein and temporary banners for apartment communities. A
Banner Sign shall not be larger than 60 square feet 2~ ~r°''°~'~~~''^ ~ °* in size and the si ng shall
not be located so that the sign is taller than the eave of the structure in which the business is
One (1) temporary banner for apartment communities is permitted pursuant to a Zoning Clearance
and may be placed on-site for a maximum of ten (10) consecutive calendar days per permit when
used for special promotional events or needs. A minimum waiting period of twenty (20)
consecutive calendar days between permits is required. In addition, the duration in which banners
may be displayed is limited to a maximum duration of 90 days per calendar year. A temporary
banner sign for apartment communities shall not be larger than 12 square feet (see Section
8.84.020.B for definition of apartment communities).
Any tethered or un-tethered balloon of greater than 15 inches in diameter shall be permitted only
as a temporary promotional sign and subject to a permit. All balloons shall be tethered to the
ground only with the bottom of the balloon on the ground and shall not be permitted to be attached
to any structure or vehicle. No permit(s) singularly or cumulative shall be issued that allows any
temporary promotional signs that include balloons for more than 21 days per calendar year.
Zoning clearance(s) maybe issued for periods less than 15 days.
Up to 4 searchlights, attached to function as a single unit, are permitted as a Temporary
Promotional Sign pursuant to a Zoning Clearance. No permit(s) singularly or cumulative shall be
issued that allows any temporary promotional sign(s) that include searchlights for more than 21
days per calendar year. Zoning clearance(s) maybe issued for periods less than 15 days.
CF.(''TiON S
Section 8.96.020.D of Chapter 8.96, of the Dublin Municipal Code, entitled "Permit Procedures," is
hereby amended as follows, with deletions indicated in strikethrough (°*ri'~°*'~r°••~-'~' and additions
indicated in underline (underline
"D. Permit Expiration. Notwithstanding any conditions of approval of permits approved prior to the
effective date of Ordinance No. ,construction or use shall commence within two (2) years
of Permit approval, or the Permit shall lapse and become null and void.
Commencement of construction or use means the actual construction or use pursuant to the Permit
approval, or, demonstrating substantial progress toward commencing such construction or use. If
there is a dispute as to whether the Permit has expired, the City may hold a noticed public hearing
Page 8 of 9
15 ~ 49
to determine the matter. Such a determination may be processed concurrently with revocation
proceedings in appropriate circumstances. If a Permit expires, a new application must be made
and processed according to the requirements of this Ordinance.
Severability. The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word
or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances,
such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the
remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the Ordinance or their
applicability to other persons or circumstances.
Effective Date, Term and Posting of Ordinance. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty
(30) days from and after the date of its adoption. This Ordinance shall expire one year from the effective
date and following its expiration, the provisions of Dublin Municipal Code sections 8.84.040, 8.84.OSO.S
and 8.96.020.D as they existed on the day preceding the effective date of this ordinance shall become
effective. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3)
public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State
of California.
DUBLIN on this 7th day of July 2009, by the following votes:
City Clerk
G: IZoning OrdIZOA 09-00/ ICC 6-161CC Ord Temp Mod.DOC
Page 9 of 9
F,~e # ^~oo-oo
ZOA 07-002 (Legislative) - Amendment to Chapter 8.104, Site
Development Review, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
Report prepared by Erica Fraser, Senior Planner
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Ordinance approving amendments to Chapter 8.04, Title, Purpose
and Authority, Chapter 8.36, Development Regulations, Chapter
8.40, Accessory Structures and Uses Regulations and Chapter 8.104,
Site Development Review.
2) October 9, 2007 Planning Commission Agenda Statement (without
3) Minutes from the October 9, 2008 Planning Commission Study
4) May 27, 2008 Planning Commission Agenda Statement (without
5) Minutes from the May 27, 2008 Planning Commission Study
6) June 10, 2008 Planning Commission Agenda Statement (without
7) Draft Minutes from the June 10, 2008 Planning Commission
8) Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review (as proposed); and
9) Chapter 8.104 showing modifications to text in strikethrough (text to
be removed) and underline (text to be added).
RECOMMENDATION: 1) Receive the Staff presentation;
2) Open Public Hearing;
" Take testimony from the Public;
~~~1//~ 4) Close Public Hearing and deliberate;
~ 5) Waive reading and introduce an Ordinance approving amendments
to Chapter 8.04, Title, Purpose and Authority, Chapter 8.36,
Development Regulations, Chapter 8.40, Accessory Structures and
~~ Uses Regulations and Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review; and
' " 6) Direct Staff regarding the application fee for residential
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: For most modifications, there will be an insignificant financial
impact to the City. Costs associated with processing these
COPIES TO: In House Distribution
Page 1 of 9
G:1Zoning Ord\SDR Update 2007\CC Agenda Statement 6-I7-08.doc
Attachment 3
improvements will be bourn by the Applicant as currently required
for Site Development Review (time and materials). However, Staff
is recommending that the processing costs associated with the
review of residential additions over 500 square feet and the
demolition and reconstruction of residential homes be a flat fee of
$500.00. Because this fee is based on an average of Staff's time to
process the improvement, there could be a slight subsidy necessary
from the General Fund for any additional time above and beyond the
anticipated four hours of Staff review time.
The City Council, as a high priority goal for Fiscal Year 2007/2008, requested that Staff and the Planning
Commission review Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review (SDR), of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance and
determine if any changes should be made to increase the effectiveness of the Chapter. The review of the SDR
Chapter is separate from the comprehensive update of the Zoning Ordinance.
Prior to 1997, the Dublin Zoning Ordinance was similar to what was in effect when the City was a part of
Alameda County.
In 1997, the City adopted an updated and amended Zoning Ordinance. The current version of the Site
Development Review Chapter was adopted as a part of the 1997 comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
update. Minor changes have been made to the Site Development Review Chapter since 1997; these
changes were made to require review of projects in the Historic Overlay Zoning District and the Scarlett
Court Overlay Zoning District.
Since the adoption of the current Zoning Ordinance in 1997, the City has undergone some dramatic
changes. In the last ten years, much of the eastern portion of Dublin has been developed and a significant
number of remodels and new construction have also occurred in the western portion of Dublin due to the
age of the structures.
Planning Commission Review
October 9, 2007 Planning Commission Study Session
The Planning Commission discussed the Site Development Review Chapter during a Study Session on
October 9, 2007. For background information on the SDR Chapter and recommended changes to the
Chapter, please refer to the Study Session Agenda Statement included as Attachment 2. During this
meeting, the Planning Commission discussed recommended changes to the SDR Chapter and additional
changes were requested by the Planning Commission as shown in Attachment 3 (minutes of the October
9, 2008 meeting). A draft Ordinance was not presented at this meeting.
May 27, 2008 Planning Commission Study Session
The Planning Commission reviewed a draft Chapter during a Study Session on May 27, 2008. For
background information on the changes made to the Chapter, please refer to the Study Session Agenda
Statement included as Attachment 4. The Planning Commission did not request any modifications to the
draft Chapter during this Study Session.
Page 2 of 9
June 10, 2008 Planning Commission Public Hearing
On June 10, 2008, the Planning Commission adopted a Resolution recommending that the City Council
adopt an Ordinance approving amendments to Chapter 8.04, Title, Purpose and Authority, Chapter 8.36,
Development Regulations, Chapter 8.40, Accessory Structures and Uses Regulations and Chapter 8.104,
Site Development Review.
The proposed changes to the SDR Chapter are described in detail below. General changes include
correcting the text for clarity and relocating information within the Chapter which are not discussed in this
Agenda Statement.
Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review
A significant number of modifications are proposed to the existing Site Development Review Chapter that
will improve the clarity of the Chapter, ensure its effectiveness, ensure that the SDR Chapter is consistent
with current practices and to create a more user friendly Ordinance which will benefit the community.
Requirements for Site Development Review, which are currently located in other Chapters of the Zoning
Ordinance, have been moved to the Site Development Review Chapter, as well as direction provided from
the Planning Commission on regulations have also been included in the Site Development Review
Currently, projects that require Site Development Review are identified in several Chapters in the Zoning
Ordinance, but are not listed in the Site Development Review Chapter. Staff is proposing to relocate these
sections from the various Chapters to the Site Development Review Chapter to ensure that all
improvements which require a Site Development Review are easily identifiable in one location in the
Zoning Ordinance.
Purpose Statements (Section 8.104.010)
The purpose statements in the existing (adopted) Ordinance have been revised. The revisions were made
to ensure that projects meet a high level of design, ensure compliance with other structures in the vicinity,
and ensure a pedestrian friendly environment.
Projects Exempt from Site Development Review (Section 8.104.020)
This section has been moved from its previous location in Chapter 8.04, Title, Purpose and Authority.
Staff recommends that this section be relocated to the SDR Chapter to ensure that all projects that require
or are exempt from Site Development Review are located in one location for clarity.
Site Development Review Waiver (Section 8.104.030)
This section has been slightly modified to allow Staff to issue a Site Development Review Waiver for any
of the following improvements, regardless of whether or not a Site Development Review was approved by
the City for the site previously.
The following activities are proposed to be subject to Site Development Review Waiver:
• Minor Landscape Modifications;
• Minor modifications to an approved Site Development Review;
Page 3 of 9
~9 ~~~
• Accessory Structures in the R-M, Commercial, Industrial and similar Planned Development
Zoning Districts;
• Color Modifications (changes to the color of a structure) in the R-M, Commercial, Industrial and
similar Planned Development Zoning Districts;
• Modifications, replacements or construction of fences and walls in the R-M, Commercial,
Industrial and similar Planned Development Zoning Districts;
• Parking lot restriping;
• Modifications to the roof materials, pazapet or roof screen in the R-M, Commercial, Industrial and
similar Planned Development Zoning Districts;
• Modifications to the site layout including new paving areas, sidewalks or similar improvements in
the R-M, Commercial, Industrial and similar Planned Development Zoning Districts; and
• Window modifications in the R-M, Commercial, Industrial and similar Planned Development
Zoning Districts including tinting, frosting, window and door replacements, new windows or
While most of the above listed improvements currently require review, many of these types of
improvements are not clearly identified in the SDR Chapter. Site Development Review Waivers typically
only take one to three days (depending on the scope) to process. These projects tend to be non-
controversial and no conditions of approval aze added to the project. If at any point during the review of a
proposed project Staff determines that additional review or conditions of approval are warranted for a
project, this Ordinance allows Staff to change the level of review required for a project. Chapter 8.04,
Title, Purpose and Authority also allows Staff to change the decision making body for a project (i.e. to
refer to the Planning Commission) at any time. This process was recently followed when Staff brought the
Oil Changers color modifications to the Planning Commission.
Three new types of activities are proposed to require review under the Site Development Review process.
These types of projects include:
• Minor landscape modifications in the R-M, Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts;
• Color modifications in the R-M, Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts; and
• Window modifications.
As proposed, minor landscape modifications in the R-M, Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts will
require review by Staff through a Site Development Review Waiver. Currently, the Chapter does not
require review of landscape modifications at a property. In Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading
Regulations, there is a reference requiring a Site Development Review when a majority of the trees on site
aze removed, however "majority" is not defined. By requiring review of all landscape modifications on all
R-M, Commercial and Industrial and similar Planned Development zoned properties, Staff will be able to
ensure that adequate landscaping is provided throughout the City as well as ensuring that the proposed
changes are compatible with the site as well as the vicinity of the project site.
Color modifications of structures without an approved Site Development Review do not can ently require
review. Based on feedback from the Planning Commission during the Study Session, all color changes to
buildings in the R-M, Commercial, Industrial and similar Planned Development Zoning Districts will be
reviewed by Staff to ensure compatibility with the colors in the neighborhood and with the specific plan
(if applicable).
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Currently, only new windows and doors in the R-M, Commercial, Industrial and similar Planned
Development Zoning Districts require review. Tinting and replacement of window glass is currently
exempt from review. Based on feedback from the Planning Commission during the Study Session, Staff is
recommending that all window and door replacements, new windows and doors, tinting, frosting and all
other materials which obscure the glass require a Site Development Review Waiver. As stated earlier, if
the proposed modification does not appear to be consistent with the surroundings, Staff has the ability to
refer the decision making authority (application) to the Planning Commission at any time.
Community Development Director Review (Section 8.104.040.A)
The following projects will require review by the Community Development Director or his/her designee
(the improvements noted in italics are projects that do not currently require a Site Development Review):
• Additions which are 1,000 square feet in size or 15 percent of the building (whichever is greater);
• Agricultural accessory structures;
• Custom house (new house);
• Flag poles over 3S feet in height;
• Major landscape modifications;
• Residential Additions over 500 square feet;
• Residential demolition and reconstruction;
• Security gates;
• Wireless Communication Facilities; and
• Minor facade modifications.
Residential Improvements
Currently, individual residential improvements do not require a Site Development Review. Additionally,
residential additions, the demolition and reconstruction of all or part of a house, and the construction of
custom homes do not require Site Development Review. During the Study Session, the Planning
Commission discussed whether or not these types of activities should be reviewed as a part of the Site
Development Review Chapter. At the Study Session, after considerable discussion, the Planning
Commission discussed if review should be required for all second story additions or additions of a
particular size. At the meeting, the Planning Commission determined that additions which are over S00
square feet could have significant impacts on a neighborhood and, therefore, determined that review of
these additions, by Staff, should be required.
Residential Demolition and Reconstruction
Additionally, the Planning Commission discussed whether or not to require review of the demolition and
reconstruction of residential houses. Staff researched several cities in the vicinity to determine their
definition of a demolition. Staff found that most cities define a demolition as the removal of SO percent or
more of the exterior walls of a structure. As proposed, a demolition of SO percent of the exterior walls and
remodel or construction of a residential dwelling would require a Site Development Review.
Custom Single Family Home
A new custom single-family home is also proposed to require a Site Development Review. Currently, the
Zoning Ordinance does not require a Site Development Review for the construction of an individual
custom home. Review of these projects will allow the City to ensure that the proposal will be compatible
with the neighborhood in which it is located. As proposed, the Zoning Ordinance allows the Community
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Development Director to transfer hearing jurisdiction of these projects to the Planning Commission if the
Community Development Director determines that the circumstances of the project warrants it.
Proposed additions over 500 square feet in size, a residential tear down (of more than 50% of the house
and reconstruction) and new custom single family homes will now require that all property
owners/neighbors within 300 feet of the property will be notified of the proposed project prior to a
decision by the Community Development Director.
The Notice of Decision process is currently a part of the SDR regulations. This process requires the
notification of property owners within 300-feet of the subject site. If a property owner(s) has concern with
a proposal, they have a period of time in which they can communication their concerns with the City. If
comment is received from a concerned party, the application can be appealed to the Planning Commission
and ultimately the City Council.
While the City currently processes SDR through the Notice of Decision process, these proposed
modifications (to review additions greater than 500 square-feet, reconstruction of demolition greater than
50% of a principal structure, and new custom single-family homes) are a shift from existing policy which
currently exempts these types of activities from SDR review.
Residential projects of this type are not currently "noticed" to neighbors. Based on historical building
permits issued over the past several years, Staff has determined that there are roughly a dozen (total for all
three categories) of these types of permits per year. As the housing stock grows in age, it could be
anticipated that there will be more modifications to homes (specifically in the western portion of the
community) that may be subject to these regulations as people invest in improvements to older homes.
The additional review that will be required for these permits will take more Staff time. By increasing the
review time for smaller residential projects, staffing resources will be directed in other areas and will
thereby reduce staffing resources for other projects. Additionally, the review of these types of permits
could potentially result in the submittal of a greater number of appeals due to greater community
involvement, which requires additional review by Staff, the Planning Commission and City Council
(please refer to page 8 for more discussion on fees).
Major landscape modifications in the R-M, Commercial, Industrial and Planned Development Zoning
Districts with similar uses are also proposed to require a Site Development Review. By requiring a permit
for these types of activities, the Planning Commission will be able to ensure that landscape modifications
are compatible with the neighborhood and the project site.
Facade Remodel
Minor facade remodels which do not significantly alter the character of a structure in the R-M,
Commercial, Industrial or similar Planned Development will require a Site Development Review which
will be reviewed by the Community Development Director. Currently, the Zoning Ordinance allows the
Community Development Director to review all facade remodels. Staff is recommending that facade
remodels be categorized as either major or minor. Major facade remodels will continue to be reviewed by
the Planning Commission.
Zoning Administrator Review (Section 8.104.040.B)
The following projects require review by the Zoning Administrator:
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• Exception to accessory structure requirements;
• Front Yard setback encroachment for living area; and
• Height increase for principal structures in the Agriculture, R-1 and R-2 Zoning Districts.
The typical maximum height of residential dwellings west of Dougherty Road is two stories and 25 feet.
The Zoning Ordinance allows an increase in height for residential dwellings in the Agriculture, R-1 and
R-2 Zoning Districts to a maximum of 35 feet with a Site Development Review which requires review by
the Planning Commission. In order to be more consistent with the proposed review of custom single
family homes, additions and the demolition and reconstruction of single family homes and allow for a
public hearing, Staff is recommending that the reviewing body for a residential dwelling height increase
be transferred to the Zoning Administrator.
Planning Commission Review (Section 8.104.040.C)
The following projects will require review by the Planning Commission:
• Additions which are larger than 1,000 square feet or 15 percent of the building;
• Height increase for public and quasi-public structures;
• Height increase for towers and water tanks; and
• New principal structures.
Only two modifications are proposed to what currently requires review by the Planning Commission. Staff
has added requests for height increases for public and semi-public structures; towers and water tanks to
the list of projects that require review by the Planning Commission. Currently the Zoning Ordinance
allows a height increase through a Conditional Use Permit. Staff has determined that a Site Development
Review is a more appropriate method of review because these types of activities are related to design.
Findings (Section 8.104.090)
The findings section of this Chapter has been modified. The existing findings have been completely
revised to be consistent with the purpose section of the Chapter. The proposed findings clearly address
design and aesthetics for projects.
Overlay Zoning_Districts
The reviewing body and level of review required for projects in the Scarlett Court (Chapter 8.34) and
Historic District Overlay Zoning Districts (Chapter 8.62) will remain unchanged.
Other Modifications to the Zoning Ordinance
In order to ensure consistency throughout the Zoning Ordinance, various Chapters are required to be
amended in order to implement some of the changes proposed in Chapter 8.104, Site Development
Review. The proposed modifications to the Zoning Ordinance are discussed in detail below.
Chapter 8.04, Title, Purpose and Authority
This Chapter is proposed to be modified to remove several types of activities that are exempted from
permit requirements that are related to SDR. The newly proposed SDR Chapter includes a section that
describes exempted permits that relate to SDR. There are several activities that are appropriate to retain in
Section 8.04.070 - F_xemptions from Permit Requirements including (Film and Theater Productions;
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Governmental Activities; School Facilities; Solar Collectors; and Utilities). The other activities (Decks,
Paths and Walkways; Irrigation; Repairs and Maintenance; and Retaining Walls} are proposed to be
removed from this Chapter and included as a part of the SDR Chapter as exempted activities.
Interior residential alterations and additions which are less than 500 square feet will continue to be exempt
from Site Development Review. Residential additions over 500 square feet, custom homes and the
demolition of and reconstruction of single family homes are proposed to require Site Development
Review as discussed above.
The proposed amendments are shown on Page 2-3 of Attachment 1.
Chapter 8.36, Development Regulations
This Chapter has been modified to change the level of review for residential house height exceptions
(Section 8.36.020.A) from requiring Planning Commission Review to requiring review by the Zoning
Administrator. The permit requirement for a reduced font yard setback, in the residential zoning districts
(Section 8.36.OSO.A.2.c.3) and for a height exception for freestanding structures (8.36.110.C.3.b) has been
changed from a Conditional Use Permit to a Site Development Review, which is the more appropriate
type of review for this type of improvement.
Per the Planning Commission direction, the review of a residential house height exception is consistent
with similaz actions currently allowed by the Zoning Ordinance which are reviewed by the Zoning
Administrator (i.e. reduced front yard setback and exceptions to accessory structure requirements).
Therefore, Section 8.36.020.A -Agricultural and Residential Development Regulations is proposed to be
amended from requiring Planning Commission Review to requiring review by the Zoning Administrator.
Additionally, the permit requirements for a reduced font yazd setback, in the residential zoning districts
(Section 8.36.OSO.A.2.c.3 -Front Setback Exceptions) and for a height exception for freestanding
structures (8.36.110.C.3.b -Height Limits and Exceptions) is proposed to be modified from a Conditional
Use Permit, which is currently required in the Zoning Ordinance to a Site Development Review. A SDR
is the appropriate type of review for these activities since it relates to site layout and the design of
structures rather than the approval of a particular type of use.
The proposed amendments are shown on Page 3-6 of Attachment 1.
Chapter 8.40, Accessory Structures and Uses
This Chapter is proposed to be modified to change the permit requirement from a Conditional Use Permit
to a Site Development Review for flagpoles (Section 8.40.020.D.2 -Accessory Structures) and for an
exception to accessory structure requirements (Section 8.40.F.2.a -Accessory Structures).
The proposed amendments are shown on Page 6-7 of Attachment 1.
Residential Permit Fee (500 squaze foot addition and demolition and reconstruction)
As proposed, this Chapter will now require homeowners to obtain Site Development Review approval
prior to constructing a residential addition over 500 squaze feet in size and for the demolition and
reconstruction of a home. Typically, Staff charges time spent on these applications on a time and materials
basis which can amount to a large sum of money. Time and materials include all Staff time associated
with a project application. For these two types of activities, the City would not want to discourage
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homeowners from improving their property due to a high permit cost. However, the City does not want to
fully subsidize the permit fee for these improvements because the City currently requires full cost
recovery for most permits. The City does currently subsidize the fee for large family daycares (the
application fee is $100) in order to encourage these types of facilities and the City charges a flat fee for
residential Conditional Use Permits.
Staff estimates that it would take approximately four hours to process a Site Development Review for
these types of improvements. Based on the City's fee schedule, the City currently charges approximately
$125.00 per hour for Planning staff time. This would result in a fee of $500.00. Staff acknowledges that
some permits may take longer to process, however in order to encourage homeowners to continue to
improve their property, Staff is recommending a flat fee of $500.00 for the Site Development Review for
a 500 square foot (or more) residential addition and the demolition and reconstruction of a residential
If the City Council concurs with the recommended method for a flat fee for these two improvements, Staff
will include the flat fee in the upcoming Development Fee Schedule Update.
A number of modifications are proposed to the existing Site Development Review Chapter that will
improve the clarity of the Chapter, ensure its effectiveness and ensure that the SDR Chapter is consistent
with current practices.
Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) receive the Staff presentation; 2) open Public Hearing; 3) take
testimony from the Public; 4). close Public Hearing and deliberate; 5) waive reading and introduce an
Ordinance approving amendments to Chapter 8.04, Title, Purpose and Authority, Chapter 8.36,
Development Regulations, Chapter 8.40, Accessory Structures and Uses Regulations and Chapter 8.104,
Site Development Review; and 6) direct Staff regarding the application fee for residential improvements.
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Adopted (4.23 360-20)
UTION N0.116-08
Amendment to Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review of the Dublin Zoning
Ordinance - ZOA 07-002 (Legislative)
7:15 p.m. 6.1 (410-30)
Vm. Mayor Sbranti opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Erica Fraser presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council,
as a high priority goal for Fiscal Year 2007-2008, requested that Staff and the Planning
Commission review Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review (SDR), of the Dublin
Zoning Ordinance, and determine if any changes should be made to increase the
effectiveness of the Chapter. The review of the SDR chapter was separate from the
Comprehensive update of the Zoning Ordinance. She spoke on the type of modifications
that will require site development review, the type of projects subject to Community
Development Director review, projects requiring Zoning Administrator review and
projects requiring Planning Commission review. In conclusion, she recommended a
$500.00 flat fee be applied for the Site Development Review fora 500 square foot (or
more) residential addition and the demolition and reconstruction of a residential home.
June 17, 2008
a~ ~~~
Ms. Fraser responded to Council questions on clarification of minor and major projects
the type of modifications requiring site review.
No testimony was received by any member of the public relative to this issue.
Vm. Sbranti closed the public hearing.
On motion of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Scholz, and by unanimous vote, with
Mayor Lockhart absent, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an
Ordinance Approving Amendments to Chapter 8.04, Title, Purpose and Authority,
Chapter 8.36, Development Regulations, Chapter 8.40, Accessory Structures and Uses
Regulations and Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review; and approved a $500 flat fee
for the Site Development Review fora 500 square foot (or more) residential addition and
the demolition and reconstruction of a residential home.
Ordinance Adding Section 1.04.061 (Recovery of Nuisance Abatement Costs
Incurred by the City) to Dublin Municipal Code
7:30 p.m. 6.2 (530-20)
Vm. Mayor Sbranti opened the public hearing.
City Attorney John Bakker presented the Staff Report and advised that this is the first
reading of a proposed ordinance that contains the procedures governing steps for the
levying of nuisance abatement special assessments.
No testimony was received by any member of the public relative to this issue.
Vm. Sbranti closed the public hearing.
On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand, and by unanimous vote, with
Mayor Lockhart absent, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an
Ordinance Adding Section 1.04.061 to the Dublin Municipal Code, Relating to Nuisance
Abatement Cost Recovery.
June 17, 2008
a ~ ~~
ZOA 09-001
WHEREAS, the City Council has identified modifications to Chapter 8.104, Site Development
Review, of Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code to provide a stimulus to business
and property owners in the City; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed public hearing on this Project
on May 26, 2009 and adopted Resolution 09-25 recommending that the City Council approve
modifications to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on July 7, 2009; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to section 8.120.OSO.B of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council
finds that the Zoning Ordinance Amendments are consistent with the Dublin General Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hold a public hearing on the proposed modifications on July 7,
2009 for which proper notice was given in accordance with California State Law; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council recommend City
Council approval of the proposed amendments to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal
Code; and
WHEREAS, the City Council at its June 16, 2009 meeting did hear and use its independent
judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth; and
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows:
Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"): The City Council declares this
Ordinance is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15601(b) (3). Section 15601(b)
(3) states that CEQA applies only to those projects that have the potential to cause a significant effect on
the environment. The adoption of this Ordinance is exempt from CEQA because the Ordinance does not,
in itself, allow the construction of any building or structure, but it sets forth the regulations that shall be
followed if and when a building or structure is proposed to be constructed or a site is proposed to be
developed. This Ordinance of itself, therefore, has no potential for resulting in significant physical change
in the environment, directly or ultimately.
Chapter 8.104 of the Dublin Municipal Code is revised as follows, with deletions indicated in
strikethrough and additions indicated in underline:
. ~~ ~t~
R 2 Zoning District or ~ Planned Development Zoning District with similar
a. Color Modifications. Repainting of an existing building with a color(s)
which is different from the existing or approved color(s).
b. Fences and Walls. The replacement, reconstruction or construction of
fences and walls.
c. Parking Lot Restriping. The restriping of a parking lot.
d. Roof. A modification to the roof of a structure, including new roofing
materials (when the roof is visible from the street), modifications to the
parapet or the roof screen or a new parapet or roof screen. Changes to the
style or roof type (i.e. gable to a mansard), are considered to be a facade
modification and require a Site Development Review.
e. Minor Landscape Modifications. Minor landscape modifications.
f. Minor Site Layout Modification. A minor modification of the layout of
the site including new paving areas, sidewalks or other similar
improvements as determined by the Community Development Director.
g. Window Modifications. Window modifications which include new and
replacement windows, frosting, tinting or the addition of other materials
which may obscure a window as determined by the Community
Development Director.
3. Minor Modifications to Approved Site Development Review. Minor
modifications to an approved Site Development Review (other than what is listed in
this section), where the modification is in substantial conformance with the
approved Site Development Review, is consistent with the conditions of approval
for the Site Development Review, and is exempt from the California Environmental
Quality Act.
4. Other Improvements. All other improvements determined by the Community
Development Director to be minor in nature and requiring review.
8.104.040 Projects Subject to Site Development Review. The following projects are subject to Site
Development Review. When a project which typically requires a Site Development Review
Waiver is combined with a project subject to a Site Development Review, the review and
project type shall be the highest level. In accordance with Chapter 8.96, Permit Procedures,
the Community Development Director and the Zoning Administrator may refer decision
making to the Planning Commission at any time.
A. Community Development Director. The following projects are subject to a Site
Development Review, and shall be reviewed by the Community Development Director or
his/her designee:
~~ ~~
1. #1Eaje~ Accessory Structures. Accessory structures which are greater than 120
square feet in size in the R-M Commercial or Industrial Zoning Districts, or
Planned Development Zoning_ Districts with multi-family or non-residential uses
and are visible from any street or located adiacent to a property in the R-1 or R-2
Zonin District or a Planned Development Zoning District with similar residential
2. Addition. ~ All additions which are not visible from any street or any addition
which is less than 1,000 square feet in size or less than 15 percent of the total floor
area of the structure (whichever is greater), to an existing structure in the R-M,
Commercial, or Industrial Zoning Districts, or Planned Development Zoning
Districts with multi-family or non-residential uses.
3. Agricultural Accessory Structures. All agriculture accessory structures.
4. Custom House. A new house in any Residential Zoning District or Planned
Development Zoning District with single family residential uses.
5. Flag Poles. All flag poles in any zoning district, which are over 35 feet in height.
6. Major Landscape Modifications. Major landscape modifications in the R-M,
Industrial and Commercial Zoning Districts and Planned Development Zoning
Districts with multi-family, industrial or commercial uses.
7. Residential Additions. Residential additions which are over 500 square feet in size
in the R-1 or R-2 Zoning Districts or any Planned Development Zoning Districts
with residential uses.
8. Residential Demolition and Construction. A residential demolition and
construction which includes the demolition of 50 percent or more of the existing
exterior walls of the principal structure and the reconstruction, remodel or
construction of a new house in the R-1 or R-2 Zoning Districts or any Planned
Development Zoning Districts with residential uses.
9. Security Gates. Security gates at the entrance(s) to a residential or office
10. Signage. Signs which require a Site Development Review pursuant to Chapter
8.84, Sign Regulations.
11. Major Site Layout Modification. A major modification of the layout of the site
including but not limited to a significant increase in paving areas, circulation, light
fixtures, parking or other similar improvements as determined by the Community
Development Director.
12. Wireless Communications Facilities. Subject to the provisions of Chapter 8.92,
Wireless Communications Facilities.
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13. 1~--4irner Facade Modifications. 1~4iner Facade modifications in the R-M,
Commercial or Industrial Zoning Districts, or Planned Development Zoning
Districts with multi-family or non-residential uses. #I~er Facade modifications
include, but are not limited to, trellises, arbors, arcades, building materials,
architectural details, a combination of improvements which would typically require
a Site Development Review Waiver if constructed separately, other modifications
which change the character or design of a building or any other improvements as
determined *~-rby the Community Development Director.
B. Zoning Administrator. The following projects are subject to a Site Development Review,
and shall be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator during a Public Hearing:
1. Exception to Accessory Structure Requirements. An exception to the
requirements of Chapter 8.40, Accessory Structures.
2. Front Yard Setback Encroachment for Living Area. As permitted by Chapter
8.36, Development Regulations, an encroachment for living area above the garage
or for any structure within the Front Yard Setback area.
3. Height Increase. An increase in the height of the principal structure, as permitted
by the regulations for the Agricultural, R-1 and R-2 Zoning Districts.
C. Planning Commission. The following projects are subject to a Site Development Review
and shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission during a Public Hearing:
1. Height Increase for Public and Semi Public Structures. A height increase for
public and semi public principal structures, as permitted by Chapter 8.36,
Development Regulations.
2. Height Increase for Towers and Water Tanks. A height increase for towers,
poles, water tanks and similar structures, as permitted by Chapter 8.36,
Development Regulations.
~, Additions. Additions which are 1,000 square feet or more, or greater
than 15 percent of the floor area of the structure and visible from any street in the
R-M, Commercial or Industrial Zoning Districts, or Planned Development Zoning
Districts with multi-family or non-residential uses.
4. New Principal Structures. All new principal structures, including principal
structures in a Planned Development Zoning District, and any structure which is to
be demolished and reconstructed.
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D. Historic Overlay Zoning District. All improvements within the Historic Overlay oning
District shall be reviewed in accordance with and subject to Chapter 8.62, Historic Overlay
Zoning District.
E. Scarlett Court Overlay Zoning District. All improvements within the Scarlett Court
Overlay Zoning District shall be reviewed in accordance with and subject to Chapter 8.34,
Scarlett Court Overlay Zoning District.
F. All Other Improvements. All other improvements to structures or a site, which are not
otherwise mentioned in this Chapter, shall be subject to a Site Development Review
Waiver or Site Development Review, as determined by the Community Development
8.104.050 Application. The Applicant shall submit a complete application pursuant to Chapter
8.124, Applications, Fees and Deposits, accompanied by a fee and such materials as are
required by the Community Development Director.
8.104.060 Action. The decision maker for Site Development Reviews shall be the Community
Development Director (or his/her designee), the Zoning Administrator (or his/her designee)
or the Planning Commission as set forth in this Chapter. The decision maker may approve,
conditionally approve, or deny a Site Development Review based on the required findings
in Section 8.104.090.
8.104.070 Concurrent Consideration. When a Site Development Review is required for a project
which is also subject to a Conditional Use Permit and/or Variance, it shall be approved,
conditionally approved, or denied by the same decision-maker or body for those actions
during the same public hearing.
8.104.080 Notice Of Decision, Public Hearing. The following notice requirements shall apply to
decision makers for Site Development Review:
A. Notice of Decision. The Community Development Director shall provide notice that a Site
Development Review decision is being considered, consistent with the Notice of Decision
provisions of Chapter 8.132, Notice and Hearings.
B. Public Hearing. A public hearing is required for decisions by the Zoning Administrator or
Planning Commission, with notice provided consistent with the provisions of Chapter
8.132, Notice and Hearings.
C. Notice for Concurrent Processing. Where a Site Development Review is being
considered concurrently with another permit requiring a public hearing, the notice and
public hearing requirements of the other permit shall apply.
8.104.090 Required Findings. All of the following findings shall all be made in order to approve a
Site Development Review and shall be supported by substantial evidence in the public
A. The proposal is consistent with the purposes of this Chapter, with the General Plan and
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with any applicable Specific Plans and design guidelines.
B. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of Title 8, Zoning Ordinance.
C. The design of the project is appropriate to the City, the vicinity, surrounding properties and
the lot in which the project is proposed.
D. The subject site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the approved
E. Impacts to existing slopes and topographic features are addressed.
F. Architectural considerations including the character, scale and quality of the design, site
layout, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, screening of
unsightly uses, lighting, building materials and colors and similar elements result in a
project that is harmonious with its surroundings and compatible with other development in
the vicinity.
G. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of
plant materials, and similar elements have been incorporated into the project to ensure
visual relief, adequate screening and an attractive environment for the public.
H. The site has been adequately designed to ensure proper circulation for bicyclists,
pedestrians and automobiles.
8.104.100 Construction Permits. Building and Grading Permits shall not be issued except in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Site Development Review approval.
8.104.110 Procedures. The procedures set forth in Chapter 8.96, Permit Procedures, shall apply
except as otherwise provided in this Chapter.
8.104.120 Design Guidelines. Any design guidelines which are approved for a particular site or area
shall apply to all Site Development Review Waivers and Site Development Review
applications for that site or area.
Severability. The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word
or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances,
such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the
remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the Prdinance or their
applicability to other persons or circumstances.
Effect of Ordinance on projects in progress. The provisions of Dublin Municipal Code section
8.04.040.D shall apply to land uses, development and/or structures.
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~~ ~~
Effective Date and Posting of Ordinance. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and after the date of its adoption. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this
Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section
36933 of the Government Code of the State of California.
DUBLIN on this 7`h day of July 2009, by the following votes:
City Clerk
G:IZoning OrdIZOA 09-OOIICC 6-161CC Ordinance (SDR).DOC
Page 9 of 9
WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review, of Title 8,
Zoning Ordinance of the Municipal Code establishing projects which require review pursuant to a Site
Development Review within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Dublin; and
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the current fee schedule on April 18, 2006 by Resolution
49-06 and the fees took effect on July 1, 2006; and
WHEREAS, the fee for a Site Development Review is typically $140.00 plus Staff time and
materials are charged to the Applicant; and
WHEREAS, on July 7, 2009, the City Council authorized Staff to include a flat fee of $500.00 for
Site Development Review of residential additions over 500 square feet in size and residential demolition
and constriction in the next fee update (the "Fee"); and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted outlining the staff time required for Site Development
Review processing of residential additions over 500 square feet in size and residential demolition and
construction projects, the hourly rate (inchiding overhead) of the staff who perforni such work and the
average cost of processing such applications of $517 (four hours of staff time at 129.27); and
WHEREAS the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on said flat fee on July 7,
2009; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts a flat fee of $500 for
Site Development Review pursuant to Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review, of Title 8 (Zoning
Ordinance) of the Municipal Code for all residential additions over 500 square feet and for all residential
demolition and construction projects.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of July 2009, by the following vote:
City Clerk
Attachment 6
c.~~ `l I
G~~~ OF Dp~~
~~ C~ l r
SUBJECT: ZOA 09-001: Zoning Ordinance Amendment (Legislative) -
Amendment to the Sign Regulations and the Permit Procedures Chapters
(Chapter 8.84 and Chapter 8.96) of the Zoning Ordinance to be effective for
a one-year period, and amendment to t}ie Site Development Review Chapter
(Chapter 8.104) of the Zoning Ordinance.
Report prepared by Erica Fraser, Senior Planner
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution recommending City Council approval of amendments to
Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations, and Chapter 8.96, Permit
Procedures of Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal
Code for aone-year period, with draft City Council Ordinance
attached as Exhibit A.
2) Resolution recommending City Council approval of amendments to
Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review of Title 8 (Zoning
Ordinance) of the Dublin Muuucipal Code, with the draft City
Council Ordinance attached as l;xhibit A.
3) May 5, 2009 City Council Agenda Statement (without attachments).
4) Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations (existing).
5) Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review (existing).
6) Previous Chapter 8.104, Site ]development Review (prior to July
RECOMMENDATION: 1) Receive the Staff presentation;
2) Open Public Hearing;
3) Take testimony from the Public:
4) Close Public Hearing and deliberate;
5) Adopt a Resolution recommending City Council approval of
amendments to Chapter 8.84, :iign Regulations, and Chapter 8.96,
Permit Procedures of Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin
Municipal Code for aone-year period, with draft City Council
Ordinance attached as Exhibit E,; and
6) a) Adopt a Resolution recommending City Council approval of
amendments to Chapter f>.104, Site Development Review of
Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code,
with the draft City Council Ordinance attached as Exhibit A
b) Adopt a modified Resolution as directed by the Planning
Page 1 of 8
G:~Zoning Ord~SDR Update 2009~PC 5-26~PC Staff Report for ZAA Amend.doc
38 ~p y~
At the request of the City Council, Staff has been reviewing the Zoning Ordinance for ways to provide a
stimulus to the business community and property owners during the current economic climate. The
Planning Division has identified several alternatives to streamline the entitlement process for development
applications and to promote businesses in Dublin. These alternatives included temporary modifications,
for atwo-year period, related to the display of Promotional Banners and Balloons, and the extension of the
effective period of permits and permanent modifications related to th~~ hearing body and type of review for
minor projects.
On May 5, 2009, Staff presented these alternatives to the City Council for discussion (Attachment 3). The
City Council unanimously agreed with Staff s recommendations regazding the proposed permanent
modifications to Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review (these modifications are discussed on pages 2-
3 of Attachment 3) and the temporary modification to Chapter 8.96 (page 3-4 of Attachment 3). The City
Council had considerable discussion regarding the proposed temporary modifications to the Sign
Ordinance related to Temporary Promotional Banners and Balloons Gages 4-5 of Attachment 3). The City
Council ultimately decided to move forward with Staff's recommendations regarding Promotional
Banners, however, the City Council decided the proposed modifications should only be in effect for one
year (and requested that Staff bring this item back for discussion in one year). The City Council decided
not to make any changes regazding Temporary Promotional Balloons. The City Council directed Staff to
bring a draft Ordinance to the Planning Commission, modifying Ch;~pters 8.84, 8.96 and 8.104, for their
recommendation to City Council.
These proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments include modifications to the Site Development Review
Chapter (Chapter 8.104) regarding the level of review required foi~ projects, modifications to the Sign
Regulations Chapter (Chapter 8.84) to facilitate the use of Banner Signs and modifications to the Permit
Procedures Chapter (Chapter 8.96) to increase the effective period of Permits.
The proposed modifications to the Zoning Ordinance aze discussed below.
Temporary Modifications to the Zoning Ordinance
Sign Regulations (Chapter 8.84)
Temporary Promotional Banners are regulated by the Sign Regulations Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance
(Chapter 8.84). The Sign Regulations allow for the display of Promotional Banners which advertise
special events, sales and promotional needs, excluding apartments. Promotional Banners are currently
required to adhere to the regulations in Section 8.84.OSO.S of the Zoning Ordinance (Attachment 4).
Several temporary modifications aze proposed to provide some relief from the current regulations in order
to expand the advertising opportunities available to businesses.
The Zoning Ordinance currently regulates the time frame in which a I3anner maybe displayed, the waiting
period between Banner displays and the size of Promotional Banners. Staff proposes to modify these
Regulations in order to promote businesses in Dublin. The propos~:d modifications would increase the
number of days Banners are allowed to be displayed, reduce the waiting period between Banner displays
Page 2 of 8
~~ ~~
and modify the size requirements.
The following table illustrates the existing and proposed Regulations for Temporary Promotional Banners.
Table 1: Temporary Promotional Banners -Existing and Proposed Regulations
Existing Regulation Proposed Regulation
Display Period
Maximum of 15 consecutive calendar days Maximum of 21 consecutive
calendar days
Waiting Period 30 days 21 days
Size Maximiun of 30" tall x 24' long 60 square feet
By increasing the time , a Banner may be installed on a property and decreasing the waiting period in
between Banners, businesses will be allowed additional days throughout the year in which they can
advertise special events and sales happening at their location. The maximum size for Promotional Banners
is proposed be changed to 60 square feet, which is the maximum overall size currently allowed; however,
by utilizing a maximum overall size rather than a maximum height and length, businesses will have more
flexibility to design their Banner to suit their needs.
The proposed Regulations would be effective for a period of one year. Prior to the expiration of the
amendments, Staff will bring the Ordinance back to the City Council for discussion. The City Council will
then determine if they want to allow the amendments to remain in effect for an additional period of time
or if they would. like the Ordinance to expire. Once the Ordinance has expired, the Zoning Ordinance will
revert back to the current Regulations (Attachment 4).
The proposed amendment is included on Page 6 of Exhibit A to Attachment 1.
Permit Procedures (Chapter 8.96
The proposed amendment to the Permit Procedures Chapter (Chapter 8.96) of the Zoning Ordinance is
also a temporary amendment. Section 8.96.O10.D of the Zoning Ordinance establishes the length of time
a permit is valid and currently states that "construction or use shall commence within one (1) year of
permit approval, or the permit shall lapse and become null and v~~id." The Zoning Ordinance allows
Applicants to apply for one 6-month extension prior to expiration of a permit (typically this is for
Conditional Use Permits and Site Development Review).
Today's economic climate has made it difficult for Developers to oi~tain financing prior to expiration of
their permits. Additionally, some Developers would like to begin the Planning process but have expressed
concerns that the economic climate may not be right for them to begin construction prior to expiration of
their permits.
In order to assist Developers and to encourage Developers to stay in the Planning process, a temporary
modification to Section 8.96.O10.D is proposed to extend the effective period for Planning Permits, please
refer to the table below for the existing Regulation and proposed m~~dification. This modification would
be retroactive to extend the approvals of existing, valid permits. .
Page 3 of 8
Table 2: Permit Expiration -Existing and Proposed Regulations
Existing Regulation Proposed Regulation
Permit Expiration (typically Site 1 year from permit 2 years from permit
Development Review and approval approval
Conditional Use Permit)
Permit Extension 6 Months 6 Months
Prior to the expiration of the amendments to the Sign Regulations at~d Permit Procedures Chapters of the
Zoning Ordinance, Staff will bring the Ordinance back to the Ci~.y Council for discussion. The City
Council will then determine if they want to adopt an Ordinance allowing the modifications to continue or
if they would like the Ordinance to expire. Once the Ordinance ha;• expired, the Zoning Ordinance will
revert back to the current regulations
The proposed amendment is included on Page 3 of Exhibit A to Attachment 1.
Permanent Modifications to the Zoning Ordinance
Site Development Review (Chapter 8.1041
On June 17, 2008, the City Council adopted an Ordinance amending the Site Development Review
Chapter (Chapter 8.104) of the Zoning Ordinance to improve the clarity of the Chapter, to ensure its
effectiveness and to ensure that the Site Development Review Chapter was consistent with current
practices. The amended Site Development Review Chapter has been in effect for approximately 11
As part of the City's effort to assist business owners through thy: current economic climate, several
additional changes are proposed to the Site Development Review Cl-apter (Chapter 8.104) of the Zoning
Ordinance. The proposed amendments would reduce the time and costs associated with obtaining
Planning approval for minor projects. Modifications are proposed to the regulations for accessory
structures, additions to principal structures and the reviewing body for facade modifications and are
discussed in more detail below. The discussion includes a comparison of the current regulations, the
regulations that were in effect prior to the 2008 Amendment, and the ~~roposed Amendments.
Accessory Structures -Multi-Family, Commercial and Industrial
The Site Development Review Chapter establishes the level of review (Site Development Review Waiver
or Site Development Review) that is required for accessory structures in the Single-Family, and the Multi-
Family, Commercial, and Industrial Zoning Districts. The level of review is based on the size of the
accessory structure. A Site Development Review requires notification of property owners and tenants
within 300 feet of the project site, can take up to one month to process, and the cost is based on Staff time
and materials associated with the review of the project. A Site Development Review Waiver does not
require notification of property owners, has a flat fee of $250 and is typically processed in one to three
business days.
Page 4 of 8
~i ~~r~
The following table illustrates the regulations that were in effect prior to the 2008 Amendment, the
existing regulations, and Staff s proposed modifications to the regulations for accessory structures in the
Multi-Family, Commercial, and Industrial Zoning Districts.
Table 3: Accessory Structure Regulations -Multi-Family,
rn..,.,, anri indnCtrial 7.onine 1}1strlCtS
Required Permit
Type Previous Regulations
(Prior to July 2008) Existing Regulations Proposed Regulations
Accessory Structures
<120 square feet
Site Development As determined by the
Community Accesso Structures
rY or
Review Waiver
Development Director < 120 s uare feet
- q Accesso Structures that
are not visible from the
Site Development
As detenmined by the
Accessory Stru~~tures Accessory Structures
that are visible from the
(by Community Community
Development Director > 120 square feet street and > 120 square
Develo ment Director
For example, if these modifications are enacted, if Orchard Supply wanted to construct a 1,000 square feet
accessory structure at the rear of there store (which is not visible from the street), the accessory structure
would be reviewed pursuant to a Site Development Review Waiver. If Orchard Supply wanted to
construct a 1,000 square foot accessory structure at the front of the store (which would be visible from the
street) the accessory structure would be reviewed pursuant to a Site Development Review.
Accessory Structures which are not visible from the street are not typically controversial projects and do
not typically have significant impacts. By decreasing the level of review required for minor accessory
structures and accessory structures which are not visible from the street, this amendment would reduce the
permitting burden on property owners.
As an alternative, the Planning Commission may recommend that the Site Development Review Chapter
allow the Community Development Director to determine the level of review, similar to what was done
prior to July 2008 (when the current Site Development Review Chapter took effect). This would allow
flexibility by allowing the Community Development Director to reduce the level of review required for
accessory structures which the Director determines to be minor in nat:ue.
Accessory Structures -Residential
The following table illustrates the regulations for accessory structures in the Single-Family Residential
Zoning District that were in effect prior to the 2048 Amendment, the existing regulations, and Staff s
proposed modifications to the regulations.
Page 5 of 8
Table 4. Accessorv Structures Regulations - Single Family Residential Zoning Districts
Required Permit Previous Regulations Existing Regulations Proposed Regulations
Type (Prior to July 2008)
Site Development No permit required for No permit required for
Review Accessory Structures that Accessory Structures Accessory Structures that
(by Community comply with the > 120 square feet comply with the
Develo ment Director Develo ment Re lations Develo ment Re lations
Single-family residential accessory structures are required to comply with the existing development
regulations in the Zoning Ordinance. T'he development regulations establish the maximum size, height,
and setback for accessory structures. Single-family residential accessory structures that do not comply
with the development regulations require approval of a Site Development Review. Site Development
Review would no longer be required for single-family residential accessory structures that are greater than
120 square feet provided that they comply with the development reg.lations for accessory structures. The
proposed modifications are consistent with the regulations in place prior to the 2008 Amendment.
The proposed modifications are shown on pages 3 and 4 of Exhibit A. to Attachment 2.
Multi-Family, Commercial and Industrial Additions
The Site Development Review Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance establishes the reviewing body for
additions to the principal structure in the Multi-Family, Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts and
Planned Development Zoning Districts with similar uses. Staff is prcposing a modification to the types of
additions that can be reviewed by the Community Development Director. The following table illustrates
the regulations that were in effect prior to the 2008 Amendment, the existing regulations, and proposed
regulations with respect to additions.
Table 5: Regulation of Additions to Principal Structures -
Multi-Family, Commercial and Industrial 7.oning Districts
Required Permit Previous Regulations Existing Regulation Proposed Regulation
Type (Prior to July 2008)
As determined by the
Site Development
Community Development -- --
Review Waiver Director
Additions < 1,000 square
Site Development 000 square
Additions < 1 feet in size or <15% of the
Review As determined by the ,
/o of the
feet in size or <1 building floor area
(by Community
Community Development _
building floor area whichever is eater
( ~ )
Director) Director (whichever is greater). or
Any addition which is not
visible from the street
Additions > 1,000 square Additions that aze visible
Site Develo ment
p As determined b the
y feet in size or >1 _`~% of the from the street and > 1,000
Review (by Planning Community Development building floor area square feet in size or >15%
Commission Review) Director (whichever is greater). of the building floor azea
Page 6 of 8
~~~ ~-~
Typically, additions which are less than 1,000 square feet in size or are not visible from the street do not
have significant impacts. By allowing Staff to review these types of additions, Applicants will save time
and money while trying to improve their property.
For example, if Lowe's wanted to construct a 2,000 square foot addition to their store which was visible
from the street, the addition would be less than 15% of the overall floor area of the building (total building
size is 139,410 square feet), this addition would be reviewed by the (:ommunity Development Director. If
Lowe's wanted to construct a 21,000 square foot addition, this addition would be larger than 15% of the
floor area of the building and would be visible from the street and therefore would be reviewed by the
Planning Commission.
As an alternative, the Planning Commission may recommend that the Site Development Review Chapter
allow the Community Development Director to determine the level of review, similar to what was done
prior to July 2008 (when the current Site Development Review Chapter took effect). This would allow
flexibility by allowing the Community Development Director to reduce the level of review required for
additions which the Director determines to be minor in nature.
The modifications are shown on pages 4 and 6 of Exhibit A to Attachment 2.
Facade Modifications
The current Site Development Review Chapter of the Zoning Ordina~ice divides facade modifications into
two categories: Major and Minor (Sections 8.104.040.A.13 and 8.104.040.C.3). The Site Development
Review for Minor Facade Modifications are reviewed by the Community Development Director and the
Site Development Review for Major Facade Modifications are reviewed by the Planning Commission.
The Community Development Director determines which types of facade improvements are Major and
which are Minor.
In order to reduce the burden on the Applicant and encourage property owners to improve their properties,
Staff is recommending that the Site Development Review for all facade remodels be reviewed by the
Community Development Director. This would be consistent with the procedures that were in place prior
to the Zoning Ordinance update approved in 2008. Prior to issuing a decision on facade modifications, the
Community Development Director would send out a notice to all tenants and property owners within 300
feet of the project site and would also notify the Planning Commission and City Council of the proposed
project. The Community Development Director can transfer hearing jurisdiction on a project at any time
to the Planning Commission, should a proposal be controversial.
The following table illustrates the pre 2008 Amendment, existing, and proposed reviewing body for
facade modifications.
Page 7 of 8
Table 6: Fagade Modifications Existing and Proposed Regulations
Required Permit
Type Previous Regulations
(Prior to July 2008) Existing Regulation Proposed Regulation
Site Development
Review (by
All Fagade Remodels Minor Fap:ide
All Facade Remodels
Development Remodel
Site Development Major Fa~;~de
Review (by Planning None Remodel None
The modifications are shown on page 6 of Exhibit A to Attachment 2.
Several modifications are proposed to be made to the Zoning Ordinance in order to improve its
effectiveness and to provide temporary relief from some of the provi;;ions of the Zoning Ordinance during
the current economic climate. The proposed temporary modifications to the Sign Ordinance will expand
advertising options available to businesses. By reducing the level of review required for some projects in
Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review, the City will encourage continual improvement of properties by
making the process easier for minor projects and will also reduce the amount of money spent by
Applicants due to a reduction in Staff time spent on a project. All of the proposed modifications aze aimed
at assisting property owners and businesses in the City and to help ea;~e them through these difficult times.
Should the Planning Commission determine that the type of review required for accessory structures and
additions by determined by the Community Development Director, Staff will revise the draft Ordinance
(Site Development Review Chapter) to reflect this modification.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive the Staff presentation; 2) Open Public
Hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Public; 4) Close Public >=[earing and deliberate; 5) Adopt a
Resolution recommending City Council approval of amendments to Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations, and
Chapter 8.96, Permit Procedures of Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of tt~e Dublin Municipal Code for aone-
yeazperiod, with draft City Council Ordinance attached as Exhibit A; and 6) a) Adopt a Resolution
recommending City Council approval of amendments to Chapter ,3.104, Site Development Review of
Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Dublin Municipal Code, with the draft City Council Ordinance attached
as Exhibit A of b) Adopt a modified Resolution as directed by the Pluming Commission.
Page 8 of 8
~~ ~
8.2 ZOA 09-0
01 Zoning Ordinance Amendments -Amendment to the Sign Regulations and
Permit Procedures Chapters (Chapter 8.84 and Chapter 8.96) of the Zoning Ordinance to
be effective for aone-year period, and amendments to the Site Development Review
Chapter (Chapter 8.104) of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
Erica Fraser, Senior Planner presented the project as outlined in the Staff Report.
Cm. Schaub asked Ms. Fraser to clarify the time frame for the amendment.
Ms. Fraser answered that the amendment is for one year and will be revisited after one year and
the City Council will decide if they want to allow the amendment to remain in effect for an
additional period.
Cm. Schaub asked if the City Council will make the decision to look at the amendment after one
Ms. Fraser stated that the Planning Commission is recommending that the change be for one
year and then the Council will decide if the amendment should continue at that point.
Mr. Baker responded that at Council's request Staff brought forward a series of options to
amend the Zoning Ordinance. One of those was a recommendation for a two year temporary
period, but the Council only wanted a one year period.
Ms. Fraser stated that if the amendment became permanent it would have to come to the
Commission for change.
Chair Wehrenberg asked about the waiting period between banners.
Ms. Fraser explained the current and proposed waiting period for banners.
Ms. Fraser continued that the current Zoning Ordinance specifies the height and length of the
Cm. Schaub stated that the Zoning Ordinance specifies the size of the banner but not how high
it is on the building.
Ms. Fraser answered yes.
Cm. Brown asked if all banners are considered promotional banners.
Ms. Fraser answered that banners are only allowed for certain reasons such as sales or special
events which are included in the temporary modification. She continued that there are other
banners allowed but those are not included in the temporary modifications.
~`~"~ 116 ATTACHMENT 8
Cm. Schaub asked if the current sign regulations are keeping businesses from thriving in
Ms. Fraser stated that some people feel the current regulations are hampering their business but
that has been an on-going complaint.
Ms. Ram stated that this change was done at the request of the Chamber of Commerce. She
continued that the Economic Development Committee asked her to meet with a gentleman who
owns a banner business and he indicated that his clients have requested some changes to the
Cm. Brown felt that information gave this change more clarity.
Cm. Schaub felt the City was attempting to have a business environment that is inviting to
people and not cluttered by many banners. He understands that something should be done to
help businesses in this economic environment but felt there should be a limit to how high the
banner should be allowed. He was not concerned about the square footage of the banner but
how high it is on the building relative to other buildings and businesses and that it would not
interfere with other signage.
Chair Wehrenberg agreed that height is a valid point.
Mr. Baker responded that the Ordinance could be modified to require the banner to be on the
building and not cover other signs, etc.
Chair Wehrenberg asked if there was a question regarding the banner would the Community
Development Director evaluate the situation and make a decision.
Mr. Baker answered that it would be reviewed at the counter by the Planner and if there was a
question regarding the standards it would be referred to the Community Development Director
for a decision.
Ms. Fraser stated that currently there are no location requirements, but there are height and
length requirements for banners.
Cm. Brown asked if Staff requires a business to show where the banner will be located at their
business when they apply for a permit.
Ms. Fraser answered no; the business owner only needs to complete the application form.
Mr. Baker stated the Commission could recommend some standards for placement of the
banner at the business.
Cm. Schaub felt that if the current Ordinance is enough then nothing has to be changed, but if
Staff feels there needs to be a change then this is the time to make it.
,:.'~~nnznq ~'i~mm: _
,~~ ~ ~r~~=~~~~ 117
Chair Wehrenberg asked if the City finds a banner to be obtrusive can the next banner at that
business be denied.
`~ ~ ~ /
Ms. Fraser answered that since there is no location regulation in the Zoning Ordinance, talking
with the Applicant usually takes care of any problem.
There was a discussion regarding the height of banners and where they should be placed on the
Ms. Fraser referred to Exhibit A to Attachment 1, Page 7, under Temporary Promotional Signs
which states "A banner sign shall not be larger than 60 square feet in size" suggested adding: "...and
shall not extend above the roofline."
Ms. Fraser continued with the Staff Report regarding Site Development Review for Commercial
accessory structures.
Cm. Schaub felt the wording should be changed to include "any street" instead of "from the
street." He felt it was too vague.
Mr. Baker stated that the code defines what a street is to mean any of the streets around the
Ms. Fraser stated that the Ordinance could be changed to include "any street."
Cm. Schaub asked if structures over 120 square feet would be noticed if they cannot be seen
from the street. He was concerned about large structures being constructed without noticing
the adjacent neighbors. He felt that if the structure is in the public realm it should be noticed.
Ms. Fraser stated that there are only a few cases where there would be a residential area close
enough to a commercial structure that the project would need to be noticed.
Cm. Schaub felt the Ordinance should state it should be "visible from any street or from a
residence." He wanted to ensure that homeowners were notified of a change in their area.
Ms. Fraser suggested keeping the requirement under 120 square feet, then rewording the
Ordinance to read: "...or of any size that are not visible from any street or any property zoned R-1, R-2,
or similar PD."
Cm. Schaub agreed and stated that the project would not have to be brought to the Planning
Commission as long as it is noticed.
Ms. Ram commented that if Staff feels a project would be controversial Staff has the option to
forward the project to the Planning Commission. She continued that the previous Ordinance
allowed the Community Development Director to approve items and move things along more
quickly. She felt this Ordinance has slowed down the process.
9 . , - ~a~~n~ ('C7~sttttg,Sy%sara
~l~t~ay a h; ~~ra~
~rlur. ~~!e~tireq 118
Ms. Fraser agreed with Ms. Ram regarding forwarding the level of review to the Planning
Commission if the project is controversial or the Staff did not feel comfortable approving it.
She mentioned two projects that could have been reviewed and approved at Staff level but were
brought to the Planning Commission for approval because they were more sensitive. L~~ ~~
Mr. Baker stated that the Planning Commission has the option of going back to allowing the
Community Development Director to approve an accessory structure under an SDR Waiver or
through SDR if the project is a large accessory structure on a commercial property adjacent to a
residence and did not seem appropriate for the Community Development Director to approve.
It would then require Site Development Review which would include noticing of all the
neighbors within 300 feet of the project.
Cm. Schaub felt that residents within 300 feet of a visible structure deserve to be noticed.
Mr. Baker asked if the Planning Commission agreed with Staff's recommendation or if they
want to modify the level of review for an accessory structure over 120 square feet is adjacent to
a residence.
The Planning Commission agreed with Staff's recommendation to include the words "...or of
any size that are not visible from any street or any property zoned R-1, R-2, or similar PD" to the
Ordinance regarding accessory structures.
Ms. Fraser continued with the Staff Report; discussing Single Family Residential Accessory
Ms. Fraser recommended not requiring permits for accessory structures under 120 square feet
for single family residences. She continued that if someone wanted an accessory structure that
did not meet the requirements the project would have to go before the Planning Commission for
review and approval.
The Commission supported the change.
Ms. Fraser continued with Additions to Princiyal Structure in the Commercial/Industrial
Zoning District.
The Commission asked for the words "any street" to be added to the Ordinance.
Cm. Schaub asked if this type of SDR would be noticed.
Ms. Fraser answered yes as part of the process.
Ms. Fraser continued with the Staff Report; discussing Facade Modifications
Cm. Schaub stated that with facade modifications approved at Staff level the Planning
Commission would receive a notice and can choose to attend a hearing or get involved in some
way or not.
Spray 2ti; 7Uf}9
,'-. -~fe~~etrtr~ 119
Ms. Fraser answered yes, but indicated there would be no actual hearing. She coned tha ~ "
the notice contains information regarding when Staff would accept comments on the project
and contact information. She stated that anyone interested may come to City Hall and view the
plans and ask questions regarding the project. If someone has a concern Staff will try to work
with them regarding their concern. If the project became controversial it would be referred to
the Planning Commission.
Cm. Schaub felt that most of the facade modifications are to existing SDR's that were approved
before, and in that case Staff would have to abide by the approved SDR. He asked if the
Community Development Director could modify the existing, approved SDR.
Ms. Fraser stated pursuant to the Ordinance, Staff can approve modifications and hopefully
changes occur to update and enhance the look of the building. She continued that even though
Staff has the authority to approve the color change if Staff did not feel comfortable with the
change, instead of denying the project, it would be referred to the Planning Commission which
makes the process easier. The purpose of this Ordinance is to make the process easier and to
encourage property owners to improve their property.
Cm. Schaub stated that he felt that Staff and the City Council appreciates the Planning
Commissions ability to help make good decisions and public policy. He stated that the
Planning Commission has rarely denied a project and felt the whole process that they worked
hard on is working well, and has helped the City Council not to have to get involved. He felt
the system is working well and the City looks very nice.
On a motion by Cm. Brown and seconded by Cm. Schaub, on a vote of 3-0, Cm. Swalwell and
Cm. King absent, the Planning Commission approved, with modifications:
"...or of any size that are not visible from any street or any property zoned R-1, R-2, or similar PD."
ZOA 09-001
~i'lrtnrtiny ("'r~mmi~.s-if>~
~t#I aal~ar <;tre~~rirt,9 120