HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-03-2009 Adopted CC Minor~ DU~~~ MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL ,`, OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN l REGULAR MEETING -March 3, 2009 'r,\ ~ A regular. meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, March 3, 2009, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Sbranti. ., ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Biddle, Hart, Hildenbrand, Scholz, and Mayor Sbranti. ABSENT: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Staff and those present. _._n~ ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Sbranti asked for a moment of silence in honor of Staff Sgt. Sean Diamond who was killed in Iraq in the line of duty. He also asked that the City Council adjourn all future meetings in honor of Sgt. Diamond and our fallen troops. Introduction of New Employee: Linda Maurer, Assistant to the City Manager 7:00 p.m. 3.1 (700-10) City Manager Joni Pattillo introduced Linda Maurer, the new Assistant to the City Manager. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 VOLUME 28 of REGULAR MEETING 19;~~~,~ March 3, 2009 ~~ '~ /~ ~irot~~ The City Council welcomed Linda Maurer to the City of Dublin. Proclamation for Lt. Glenn Moon, Dublin Police Services 7:03 p.m. 3.2 (610-50) Mayor Sbranti presented a proclamation to Lt. Glenn Moon regarding his years of dedicated service to the City of Dublin. City Manager Pattillo spoke of Lt. Moon's service to the City of Dublin. Lt. Moon thanked the City Council for the Certificate of Recognition. The City Council thanked Lt. Moon for his service to the City. Recognition of SuperGen, Inc., for Outstanding Participation in the "Great Race for Clean Air" Competition 7:10 p.m. 3.3 (610-50) Administrative Analyst Erin Lamberger presented the Staff Report and advised that SuperGen, Inc., participated in the October 2008 "Great Race for Clean Air" competition, in which Tri-Valley employers encouraged employees to use commute alternatives over driving solo to work. The City Council recognized the achievements of the company and its employees for involvement in the competition. District 1 County Supervisor Scott Haggerty presented Beverly Howard of SuperGen, Inc. with an award from Alameda County for its participation. The City Council presented a certificate of recognition to SuperGen, Inc.; for its outstanding participation in the "Great Race for Clean Air". DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES a VOLUME 28 ~°F REGULAR MEETING l~t~~~~ March 3, 2009 \ ~I~ /~ Tri-Valley Community Television Access via AT&T U-Verse Service 7:19 p.m. 3.4 (1050-50) Administrative Analyst Roger Bradley presented the Staff Report on how AT&T subscribers could access the programming produced on Tri-Valley Community Television. Vm. Hildenbrand stated she was pleased this programming was available on AT&T which allowed local citizens to access local channels. Cm. Hart asked how accessible was AT&T throughout the City. Mr. Bradley stated it was accessible throughout the City. Mayor Sbranti asked if AT&T was in compliance with State and federal laws and regulations. City Attorney John Bakker stated that, in his opinion, the AT&T product did not comply with the State statute. The State statute spoke of having a dedicated channel available to the local access channel. Mayor Sbranti asked what would happen if AT&T were deemed out of compliance. Mr. Bradley stated it might take time to get their frequency channels aligned with current models. The City Council received the report. .. Presentation by Bay East Board of REALTORS® 7:25 p.m. 3.5 (470-30) Mr. David Stark, Public Affairs Director of the East Bay Association of REALTORS®, made a presentation on the state of the residential housing market in the City of Dublin. His presentation included Financing Issues and Trends, Sales Activity Trends, Housing DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES s VOLUME 28 or REGULAR MEETING 19;~~~~~ March 3, 2009 `\~~~j Supply Trends, Sales Price Trends, and 2009 Real Estate Issues: More federal lending regulations, more federal housing programs, local home ownership assistance programs, Dublin Unified School District performance, location, amenities and jobs. Vm. Hildenbrand thanked Mr. Stark for his presentation regarding housing statistics in Dublin. It provided solid background that the City of Dublin was doing well in this market. Cm. Biddle stated there would be a Real Estate Town Hall meeting on April 30th at the Shannon Center at 7:00 p.m. Cm. Hart stated it made a difference for the community to see and understand the presentation. It was a common sense approach to understanding the concept. The City Council received the report. Public Comments 8:06 p.m. 3.6 No comments were made by any member of the public at this time. _ _. ` - _ . CONSENT CALENDAR 8:06 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.4 On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Cm. Hart and by unanimous vote, the City Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Adjourned Regular Meeting of February 7, 2009; Adopted (4.2 600-60) RESOLUTION N0.24 - 09 APPROVING PARCEL MAP 9826 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES a VOLUME 28 G~~OF REGULAR MEETING 19,~~~~~ March 3, 2009 `~ ~ // ~~i~ `~ Adopted (4.3 600-30) RESOLUTION N0.25 - 09 APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH PETER G. SHUTTS, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION, TO PROVIDE CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE DUBLIN SPORTS GROUNDS RENOVATION PROJECT Approved (4.4 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $ 4,889,510.88. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS -None PUBLIC HEARINGS -None UNFINISHED BUSINESS Award of Bid -Contract No. 08-16, In-Pavement Lighted Crosswalk -Amador Valley Boulevard at Wildwood Road 8:07 p.m. 7.1 (600-35) Director of Public Works Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report and advised that the Bike Lane -Amador Valley Boulevard Corridor Project would connect the Iron Horse Trail, the Alamo Creek Bike path, and the Dougherty Road Bike Path. This phase of the project would construct an in-pavement flashing lighted crosswalk across Amador Valley Boulevard at Wildwood Road. The City Council would consider awarding the Phase I contract to the low bidder, Pleasanton Engineering, Inc. Cm. Hart asked why this crosswalk was selected to be the first. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 28 0~ REGULAR MEETING i~~~,~ March 3, 2009 `~'~ ~/~ Ms. Morton stated the cost of a traffic signal, like the one that was at the Iron Horse Trail, cost approximately $300,000. The Iron Horse Trail had a significant volume in terms of use. The Alamo Canal Trail has a lower volume of pedestrians and bicyclists. This was a good opportunity to enhance the safety of the crossing without the huge cost. The City would have the opportunity to have a very visible opportunity to try the application at this site before contemplating another signal. Cm. Hart asked if $300,000 was for a vehicle signal light. Ms. Morton stated that this was a vehicle signal and it would not be any less for a pedestrian crossing signal. Cm. Hart asked if the City was conducting aCity-wide study in reference to specific crosswalks that might need something similar. Ms. Morton stated that Staff would work with a traffic consultant to work on a City-wide traffic calming plan. It would examine lighted crosswalks as one of the traffic calming measures. City Manager Pattillo stated that was correct. Staff wanted to study this type of crosswalk to see if it was successful. It was part of an overall strategy that would be brought back to the City Council. Vm. Hildenbrand stated this was a good chance to try this type of safety measure. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Biddle and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION N0.26 - 09 AWARDING CONTRACT N0.08-16, IN-PAVEMENT LIGHTED CROSSWALK - AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD AT WILDWOOD ROAD TO PLEASANTON ENGINEERING, INC. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 6 VOLUME 28 ~~ REGULAR MEETING i~~~~si March 3, 2009 ~~ '~ ~~c„~~ Follow-Up to City Council Strategic Plan Worl~shop 8:13 p.m. 7.2 (100-80) City Manager Pattillo presented the Staff Report and advised that on Saturday, January 31, 2009, the Dublin City Council held a Strategic Plan Workshop to review the City's Mission, Vision, and Values as well as the City's 10-Year Strategic Plan. The City Council reviewed the City's Mission, Vision and Values and suggested revisions/additions. This report would outline the proposed revisions/additions. The City Council and Staff discussed the proposed revisions to the Mission Statement. By consensus, the City Council agreed to revise the Statement to read, "The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life which ensures a safe and secure environment that fosters new opportunities." The City Council and Staff discussed the proposed revisions to the Vision Statement. They directed Staff to return with Option 3 as detailed in the Staff Report, incorporating more natural breaks, and eliminating the word citizenry. The City Council and Staff discussed the proposed revisions to the City's Values Statements. In regard to `Values in Relating to Other Communities and Entities", by consensus it was agreed to read "Encourage collaboration and communication with other communities on issues of mutual concern." The City Council and Staff discussed the proposed revisions to the City's 10-Year Strategic Plan. By consensus, the City Council agreed with the revisions as proposed in #4 in the Staff Report, with the addition of the word "balance". Staff would return at a future City Council meeting with the revisions for City Council review and adoption. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ~ VOLUME 28 ~~oF REGULAR MEETING i~~~~si March 3, 2009. ~ ~'~ ~// NEW BUSINESS American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 8:42 p.m. 8.1 (470-30) City Manager Pattillo presented the Staff Report and advised that City Staff would make a presentation regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 and the projected stimulus dollars expected in the area of Street Revitalization. Mayor Sbranti stated that one of Staff's recommendations was to continue to monitor the ARRA and see about any additional funding opportunities. He asked the City Council to consider elevating it to a Higher Priority goal starting now. The City Manager could designate a point person in her office to monitor the ARRA. The City Council received the presentation and directed the City Manager to consider designation of a point person in her office to monitor the ARRA. ., _ __. Annual Progress Report on the Status of the Dublin General Plan and Housing Element Compliance for Calendar Year 2008 8:46 p.m. 8.2 (430-10/420-20) Assistant Planner Martha Aja presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would review and consider accepting the Annual Progress Report on the Status of the Dublin General Plan and Housing Element Compliance for the Calendar Year 2008 in accordance with Government Code Section 65400(b). Mayor Sbranti asked that the report be placed on the City's website. He asked Staff if the Updated Housing Element was due on July 1, 2009. Ms. Aja stated it was and there would be a Study session where it would be brought before the Planning Commission and City Council as the final adoption point. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 8 VOLUME 28 or REGULAR MEETING i9,~~~ ~~ March 3, 2009 ~~~'~~~ ~1GI On motion of Cm. Hart, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council accepted the Annual Progress Report on the Status of the Dublin General Plan and Housing Element Compliance for the Calendar Year 2008; and directed Staff to forward the Annual Progress Report to the California State Office of Planning and Research and the California Department of Housing and Community Development. ~,.,: OTHER BUSINESS Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AB 1234) 8:59 p.m. City Manager Pattillo stated that the City's flags would be flown at half staff in honor of Sgt. Sean Diamond. The City's Public Safety Memorial would have an engraving completed also in honor of Sgt. Diamond and other honorees. She had also been working with a representative from Camp Parks on memorial events for Sgt. Diamond. There had been a trust set up for his children. She also recognized City Staff in regard to their efforts with the Shannon Center re-opening. She announced that the St. Patrick's Day events would start on Saturday, March 14~' with the parade and events at the Civic Center. Cm. Biddle stated he attended the Alameda County Waste Management meeting, took part in the housing tour, attended the disaster training, and the Volunteer Recognition event. Vm. Hildenbrand stated she attended disaster training, the East Bay Division League of CA Cities meeting, the Volunteer Recognition event, the Tri-Valley City Council meeting, the Boys Scouts Blue and Gold banquet, and the Shannon Community Center Grand Re- opening. She asked that Staff arrange for City recognition of the Fallon Middle School nationally ranked competitive cheer squad, as well as the entire spirit squad. Cm. Scholz stated on March 17, 2009, she would be representing the City at the National League of Cities conference. She had attended the Volunteer Recognition event, and the Shannon Center Grand Re-Opening. She would be working at Wells Middle School to help with the student art contest. Cm. Hart stated he had attended the Volunteer Recognition Event, the East Bay Division League Dinner hosted in Dublin at McNamara's, the disaster training, a Change of Command ceremony at Camp Parks, the grand Re-Opening of the Shannon Community Center, and the Fire Advisory Commission meeting at the Livermore Lab. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9 VOLUME 28 ~~o~ REGULAR MEETING 1~~~~~ March 3, 2009 ~~ '~ //~ Mayor Sbranti stated he had attended disaster training, and the Chamber Business Expo; he stated that Koi Garden Restaurant had been recognized in Las Vegas as one of the top 100 Chinese Restaurants in the nation; he had attended the East Bay Division League Dinner meeting, the Tri-Valley City Council meetings, the Volunteer Recognition Event, and the Wells Crab Feed; he had spoken to the Affordable housing tour attendees; he attended the Congestion Management Agency meeting which spoke of high speed rail; he also attended Lt. Glenn Moon's retirement party, and the Shannon Center Grand Re- opening. He attended the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) meeting. There would be atwenty-percent reduction in LAVTA's budget with cuts in routes in Dublin. He encouraged residents that used the system to check LAVTA's website for updates on routes. He had received a call from Congressman McNerney that the region was currently funded for bus rapid transit and the East Bay Regional Communications System Authority. ADJOURNMENT 10.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:18 p.m. in memory of Staff Sgt. Sean Diamond and our fallen troops. Minutes prepared by Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk. ~~ Mayor ~` ATTEST: ~w~Y City Clerk DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES io VOLUME 28 REGULAR MEETING 9; -~ ~~~ March 3, 2009