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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.08 Fallon Rd Improv~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ \~/. ~' CITY CLERK File # 0~~~-~~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 6, 2009 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Fallon Road Offsite Street Improvements from Bent Tree to Central Parkway, and Positano Parkway Improvements from Fallon Road to La Strada Drive, Tract 7853, Positano (Braddock and Logan) Report Prepared by.• Mark Lander, City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution Accepting Fallon Road Offsite Street Improvements from Bent Tree to Central Parkway, and Positano Parkway Improvements from Fallon Road to La Strada Drive, and approving regulatory traffic control devices installed for Tract 7853, Positano (Braddock & Logan) 2) Location Map RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Accepting the Fallon Road Offsite Street Improvements from Bent Tree to Central Parkway, and the Positano Parkway Improvements from Fallon Road to La Strada Drive, and approving regulatory traffic control devices installed for Tract 7853, Positano (Braddock and Logan). FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Braddock and Logan has provided two warranty bonds (Bond Nos. 227 43 60M and 227 43 62M) issued by the Insurance Company of the West in the amounts of $644,750 and $361,280 to guarantee the improvements associated with this work for one year. The City will incur ongoing maintenance costs for these improvements as was anticipated in the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget. DESCRIPTION: Dublin RE Investors, LLC (Braddock and Logan), entered into an Improvement Agreement with the City of Dublin on April 15, 2008, for the construction of street and other tract improvements associated with Tract 7853, also known as Neighborhood "A" of the Positano ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: Jeff Lawrence, Braddock and Logan Page 1 of 3 ITEM NO. G:\DEVELOPMENT, PR]VATE\Fallon Village (EDPO)\Tract 7853 -Neighborhood A\Agst accept Fallon&Positano, 1-06-09.doc development within the area covered by the Fallon Village Specific Plan. These improvements included the internal streets for Neighborhood "A" as well as construction of Positano Parkway between Fallon Road and La Strada Drive, and improvements to Fallon Road between Bent Tree Drive and Central Parkway. Dublin RE Investors, LLC, provided performance bonds and labor and materials bonds to guarantee construction of the improvements as outlined below: PERFORMANCE LABOR & MATERIALS TMPR(~VF.MF.NT4 AM(~TTNT / (RCINTI f!1 AI~~T(1rTATT ~ ~rznxrn ++~ v~r ~ n c~ --- - Positano Parkway $ 644,750 $ 644,750 YES (between Fallon Road (227-43-60) (227-43-60) and La Strada Drive) Fallon Road $ 1,445,110 $ 1,445,110 YES (between Bent Tree Drive (227-43-62) (227-43-62) and Central Parkwa ) Internal Streets $ 408,660 $ 408,660 NO For Neighborhood "A" (227-43-61) (227-43-61) The improvements on Positano Parkway and Fallon Road are now complete and the developer is requesting that the bonds for this work be released. Dublin RE Investors, LLC, has provided warranty bonds in the amounts of $644,750 (Bond No. 227 43 60M) and $361,280 (Bond No. 227 43 62M) by the Insurance Company of the West. These bonds are in the amount of 25% of the full cost of completion of the improvements. In the case of Positano Parkway, the full cost of the work is $2,579,000; the performance bond was taken in the amount of $644,750 because the Positano Parkway work was approximately 80% complete at the time the Tract 7853 map was filed and there was no need for the developer to post bonds for 100% of the cost of the work. For this reason, the performance bond and labor and materials bond is equal to the value of the warranty bond. In the case of the Fallon Road improvements, the performance bond and labor and materials bond is equal to 100% of the cost of the work, so the warranty bond is in the amount of 25% of the existing bonds. The third bond for the internal streets will be retained, as this work is not yet complete. The following regulatory traffic control devices will be accepted and approved as part of this project and added to the City of Dublin Traffic Code: A. Traffic signals have been installed at the following intersections: • Fallon Road and Positano Parkway • Positano Parkway and West Cantara Drive B. No parking restrictions have been installed on both sides of: • Positano Parkway between Fallon Road and La Strada Drive • Fallon Road between Bent Tree Drive and Central Parkway Page 2 of 3 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution accepting the Fallon Road Offsite Street Improvements from Bent Tree to Central Parkway, and the Positano Parkway Improvements from Fallon Road to La Strada Drive, and approving regulatory traffic control devices installed for Tract 7853, Positano (Braddock and Logan). Page 3 of 3 ~~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. - 09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ACCEPTANCE OF FALCON ROAD OFFSITE STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM BENT TREE DRIVE TO CENTRAL PARKWAY, AND POSITANO PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS FROM FALCON ROAD TO LA STRADA DRIVE, AND APPROVING REGULATORY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES INSTALLED FOR TRACT 7853, POSITANO (BRADDOCK AND LOGAN) WHEREAS, Dublin RE Investors, LLC, the developer of Tract 7586, previously entered into an Improvement Agreement dated May 20, 2008, Resolution No. 56-08, with the City of Dublin, to complete street and tract improvements associated with Tract 7853, including Fallon Road Offsite Street Improvements from Bent Tree Drive to Central Parkway, and Positano Parkway Improvements from Fallon Road to La Strada Drive, in accordance with plans on file with the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, the developer provided a performance bond and a labor and materials bond, each in the amount of $1,445,110 for improvements to Fallon Road and $644,750 for improvements to Positano Parkway to guarantee the installation of these improvements; and WHEREAS, the improvements for Fallon Road and Positano Parkway are complete in accordance with said plans, and any approved modifications thereto, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and WHEREAS, the performance bond and labor and materials bond can be released, in accordance with the authority contained in Section 66499.7 of the Government Code of the State of California, "Manner of Release of the Security," and replaced with a warranty bond to guarantee the completed work for aone- year period; and WHEREAS, Dublin RE Investors, LLC, has provided warranty bonds to guarantee the improvements for aone-year period; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: 1. The Fallon Road Offsite Street Improvements from Bent Tree Drive to Central Parkway, and the Positano Parkway Improvements from Fallon Road to La Strada Drive, for Tract 7853, are hereby approved and accepted subject to a one-year guarantee period. 2. The original Performance Bond issued by Insurance Company of the West (Bond No. 227 43 62) in the amount of $1,445,110 for the Fallon Road Improvements be released. 3. The original Labor and Material Bond issued by Insurance Company of the West (Bond No. 227 43 62) in the amount of $1,445,110 for the Fallon Road Improvements be released. 4. The original Performance Bond issued by Insurance Company of the West (Bond No. 227 43 60) in the amount of $644,750 for the Positano Parkway Improvements be released. -09 4d ~~~ I. ~~ 5. The original Labor and Material Bond issued by Insurance Company of the West (Bond No. 227 43 60) in the amount of $644,750 for the Positano Parkway Improvements be released. 6. The traffic regulatory devices installed by the developer within the development are hereby included in the City of Dublin Traffic Code, said regulatory devices to include the following: A. Traffic signals have been installed at the following intersections: • Fallon Road and Positano Parkway • Positano Parkway and West Cantara Drive B. No parking restrictions have been installed on both sides of: • Positano Parkway between Fallon Road and La Strada Drive • Fallon Road between Bent Tree Drive and Central Parkway PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of Januarys 2009, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor G:~DEVELOPMENT, PRIVATE~F'allon Village (EDPO~,Tract 7853 -Neighborhood A~resoaccept Fallon and Posiano, 1-06-09.doc 2 3~i' ~,~ qk f 3 g i~ ''? ~ 3 enu~r z. 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