HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 AdvertiseForBids 94-06 CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: July 25, 1994 SUBJECT: Authorization to Solicit Bids for the Annual Slurry Seal Program, Contract No. 94-06 (Report by Public Works Director Lee Thompson) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) 2) List of streets proposed to be slurry sealed. Specifications will be available at the City Council meeting. R~COMMENDATION: ~ Authorize Staff to advertise for bids. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Construction (in the Street Maintenance Operating Budget) $ 40,000 Funding for this project is from Gas Tax monies. The design and inspection of the slurry seal program is budgeted in the Engineering Operating Budget. Fifty thousand dollars, budgeted in the operating budget and from Gas Tax monies, has been set aside for repair of slurry streets and is included in the pavement overlay contract. DESCRIPTION: Slurry seal is a preventive maintenance technique used to prolong the life of a street. It consists of a sand/oil mixture which seals cracks and provides a new uniform wearing surface. The City streets are slurried approximately every five to seven years, depending upon the level of wear. The repair which is required prior to the slurry seal installation is being done as part of the Annual Street Overlay contract. It is recommended that the City Council authorize Staff to advertise Contract 93-10 for bids. a:~slurry~agstauth ............ i~---2a ........................................ 1 .... DTTY---UUEWK I I~:~ ~o. ~ CO~IES ~'0: [FILE [--~']~~]I 1994-95 SLURRY SEAL LIST OF STREETS The following is a list of streets included in the slurry seal surfacing in the City of Dublin, california. The area shown is approximate only; exact limits to be determined in the field by the Engineer. AREA 1 STREET NAME APPROXIMATE SQUAP~ FEET Bonniewood Court Bonniewood Lane Ardmore Street Sharon Court Sharon Street Kilrush Avenue Limerick Avenue Chatham Street Cardiff Drive Cardiff Court Sheffield Court Sheffield Lane Wexford Court Firethorn Way Elgin Lane Knollwood Place Bonfield Court Cranford Lane Diana Lane Lisa Court Mayan Court Jasmine Court Cardigan Court Canterbury Court Larkdale Avenue 8,422 38,137 7,529 3,981 7,857 41,084 28,808 7,857 37,974 3,981 3,981 36,173 5,665 9,377 53,032 10,259 4,134 41,738 33,063 5,512 7,044 6,278 4,287 4,124 15,717 Sub-total: 426,014 AREA 2 Wineberry Way Mulberry Place Mulberry Court Locust Place Cypress Court Sub-total: 29,300 42,166 7,000 44,780 23r550 146,796 AREA 3 shady Creek Circle Crossridge Road squirrel Creek Circle Quail Creek Circle Willow Creek Drive 66,836 63,271 19,188 15,127 30,327 Sub-total: 194,749 Areas 1, 2 and 3 Total: 767,559