HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachmt 7 Village Policy Statement~~' ~ ~~ ~~1 ~~ sz CITY OF DUBLIN VILLAGE POLICY STATEMENT 4~'~1 ~1 L~ W '~ ~ ~ r1 ~ ~ ~~: I Ill 7~~ ~~ 003 I 0 ~ 71 ;1 ~ ;11 to ~ W ~ .- ro ~ ~ a ' s L I III 11 7I ~ I 1f7 i Q_III 7 ~_. 7 ~ r p r~ :~ !n ;- d 1i _ _II -_ { - a I~ h- P f0 ' ~ 'JI ~_ ~ 11 0- -c q I I I JI I '' I NORTH ELEVATION SEPTEMBER 7, 2004 Attachment 7 VILLAGE POLICY Introcluctioiz The Policy described below is not a Planning legal requirement for new development. This Policy Statement is a definition of a Village used to refine and enhance special areas in the coininunity that already contain some of the characteristics of villages. In addition, this Policy provides direction on what characteristics comprises the Dublin Village Concept. This concept can be used as a template for the development of new villages in the future. The development of this Policy is based on a Background Document dated September 7, 2004. Applicability This Policy will be used by the City to identify possible Village sites in both new development areas and redeveloping sites. An Action Plan will be developed by Staff with specific recommendations on: 1. Possible Village Sites 2. Later modifications to the General Plan and Specific Plans to mandate the location and characteristics of Villages. Only when changes are made to the Planning documents noted above will this Policy become a legal requirement. The Village Policy A Village is defined as a physical development of land that has been designed to encourage compact development of an area which integrates a variety of housing types and densities with community facilities, civic and educational uses. Coininercial and industrial uses may also be located in Villages. An emphasis on pedestrian-friendly design should be required. Villages should have these characteristics: 1 A Village location should be compatible with the local envirorunent including surrounding land uses and topography. It should respect constraints, roadways and environmental considerations; 2 A Village should have a mixture of housing types, densities and affordability and should support a range of age and income groups; 3 Activity nodes (commercial areas, conununity facilities and public/private facilities) should be easily accessible; 4 Trails, pedestrian walkways and street lii~lcages should be established to bring the parts and elements of the Village together; 5 Street and Pedestrian linkages should lii~l~ to transportation spines including buses and transit services; 2 6 The Village should have a strong "edge" defining the boilndaries. This could include major streets, architectural or landscaped areas; 7 Village size should reflect development that promotes pedestrian walkability, permits a sufficient mixture of residential and public/private uses a id convenient commercial areas. 8 Specific identity should be fostered for the Village areas ;special signage, unique design elements, public plazas etc.) Implementation An Action Plan to determine potential Village sites and appropri,~te modifications to the City's General Plan and Specific Plan to include development of Villages in appropriate locations in Dublin shall be prepared by Staff for review and adoption by the Planning Commission and City Council. G:\PA#\2004\04-025\Villages Policy Statement Revisions from CC mtg.doc 3