HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.2 Traffic Sig Maint Devona 0QO-~ CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT Meeting Date: August 23, 1982 SUBJECT: Traffic Signal Maintenance Service Agreement - Contra Costa County EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Letter from Contra Costa County Public Works Director dated July.26, 1982; Traffic Signal Maintenance Service Agreement RECOMMENDATION: Approve agreement ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Estimated annual cost $1500. Adequate funds have been budgeted. DESCRIPTION: Prior to July 1, 1982 Contra Costa County had been maintaining a traffic signal at the intersection of Alcosta Boulevard and Davona Drive under a Joint Powers Agreement. Contra Costa County has maintained this signal becaus~ it has responsibility for 3 legs of the intersection. As you know, effective July 1, 1982, the City of Dublin became responsible for its share of the maintenance of this traffic signal. The estimated energy and maintenance costs for Dublin's share. of the intersection is $1500. In situations where intersections are jointly owned, it's necessary for one jurisdiction to act as the lead agency and maintain the entire traffic signal system, because the system acts as a unit. Since Contra Costa County owns 75% of the traffic signal system, and has been maintaining the system in recent years, it is Staff's recommendation that the City Council approve the attached agreement. ITEM NO. 1~ Copies To: J. Michael Walford Public Works Director Contra Costa County Public Works Department 6th Floor, Administration Building Martinez, California 94553-1291 (415) 372-2102 1. Michael Walford Public Works Director Williilm R. GrilY Chief Deputy July 26, 1982 Mr. Richard Ambrose City Manager City of Dubl in P. O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 RECEIVED AUG 0 51982 ~ITY OF DUBLIN Dear Mr. Ambrose: For the past several years, Contra Costa County Public Works Department has been maintaining the traffic signal at Alcosta Boulevard and Davona Drive under a Joint Powers Agreement with Alameda County. We have been advised that effective July 1, 1982 bills for maintenance services are to be sent to the City of Dublin; therefore, an agreement between the City and Contra Costa County i~ necessary. Attached is the agreement with exhibits covering the maintenance of the traffic signal system at the above noted intersection. Please execute the agreement, to include designating an authorized representative on page ~. The City's authorized representative shall sign and date Exhibits A, B, and C. Please return the executed agreement along with the City Council.s Resolution approving the agreement to the undersigned. Upon approval action by the County Board of Supervisors, a fully executed copy of the agreement will be returned to the City. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the undersigned at 372-2214. Very truly yours, J. Michael Walford Public Works Director By &4(o,.6/A/ J'. G. Bechtold Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Manager JMW/JGB:aa trafs igl et. t7 Enclosures TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE AGREEMENT 1. Date & Parties: Effective on July 1, 1982, the County of Contra Costa, a political subdivision of the State of California (hereinafter called "Contra Costa"), and the City of Dublin, a political subdivision of the State of California (hereinafter called "City"), hereby mutually agree and promise as set forth below, pursuant to Government code Secs. 6500 ff. 2. Purpose: The parties desire to maintain, and to apportion the expense of maintenance of, certain traffic signals and highway lighting facilities partially within both "Contra Costa", and "City", and to arrange herein for the particular maintenance functions to be performed by Contra Costa, and to specify the distribution of the costs of such ~aintenance between the parties. 3. Maintenance Work: A. Contra Costa will provide service for such maintenance work as is shown in Exhibits "A" and "C", however additions or deletions may be made as are mutually agreed to by City and Contra Costa in accordance with Paragraph 9 of this agreement. B. It shall be Contra Costa.s responsibility to provide all design, engineering and timing adjustments. C. Engineering services, equipment upgrading and detector loop replacement and/or installation shall be covered by this agreement and shared on a pro rata basis as shown in Exhibit "AII. 4. Electricity Bills: Contra Costa will accept the billing direct from the serving utility company and charge City a proportional amount as shown in Exhibit "A". 5. Rates for Traffic Signals: It is agreed that Contra Costa shall perform the services and maintenance work in accordance with this agreement and maintain cost records for such service or maintenance, based upon actual costs for labor, equipment, and materials, for those fixtures and assemblies identified in Exhibit "A" and "B". These costs, plus the applicable overhead charges authorized by Contra Costa's Auditor-Controller, will be the basis for Contra Costa to bill City for services rendered. The percentages of costs to be charged City will be those as shown in Exhibit "A". 6. Billing for Routine Maintenance: Contra Costa shall bill City for maintenance, as defined above in Paragraphs 3 and 5, as soon as possible after the end of each calendar month for the work performed or service furnished that month. City shall pay its cost within thirty (30) days after billing by Contra Costa. 7. Hold Harmless: Nothing in this Agreement is intended to affect the legal liability of either party by imposing and standard of care respecting work performed hereunder differJnt from the standard of care imposed by law. City shall fully defend, hold harmless, and indemnify Contra Costa, its officers, agents, and employees against any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses or liability costs arising out of or in connection with any work performed under this Agreement, except for liability arising out of the sole negligence of Contra Costa, its officers, agents, or employees. Contra Costa shall fully defend, hold harmless, and indemnify City, its officers, agents, and employees against any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses or liability costs arising ouof or in connection with any work performed under this Agreement, except for liability arising out of the sole negligence of City, its officers, agents, or employees. 8. Changes: The p~rties. authorized representatives may add or delete signal installations and lighting facilities for maintenance purposes, by mutually agreed upon rvision of Exhibits "A" and "B" which shall become a part of this Agreement and shall supersede and cancel all previous Exhibits II A" and "B". For purposes of this paragraph, City hereby designates its as its duly authorized representative and 2 Contra Costa hereby designates its Public Works Director as its duly authorized representative. 9. Terms: The term of this Agreement shall be five years unless terminated upon 12 months prior written notice by either party to the other. Unless terminated this Agreement shall be automatically renewed at the end of its 5-year term and on a continuing basis thereafter. 10. Prior Agreement: Any and all prior agreements between the parties concerning maintenance of traffic signals and intersection lights are hereby terminated as of the date set forth in paragraph 1, of this Agreement. 11. Accountability: Each party is strictly accountable for all funds and must report all receipts and disbursements. COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA CITY OF DUBLIN By Sunne Wright McPeak Chair, Board of Supervisors By ATTEST: J. R. Olsson, County Clerk By By Approved as to form: Recommended for Approval By J. Michael Walford Public Works Director Form approved by County Counsel ad.trafsigmtceagre 3 COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA ApPROVED DATE 'TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE AGREEMENT EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF EQUIPr1ENT PAGE OF_l _ CITY OF DUBL Hl ApPROVED DATE No. OF SIGNAL HpADS No. OF No. OF INSTALLATION LOCATION CONTROLLER-MAKEJMoDELJePHASES) VEH "3 ~1 ED ,'lAST A Rr" POLES STD. POLES \lcosta 80ulevard and Davona Drive Safetran, 2000, ( 5) 14 2 8 2 5 (equ i v) (4-18 stnds.) (2-PPB Posts) ...~......... . . . '. . . . '. ., COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA ApPROVED DATE TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES AGREEMENT EXHIBIT A SCHEDULE OF MAINTENANCE COSTS PAGE / OF 1 CITY OF DUBLI ~; ApPROVED DATE I CHARGE ~CE & INTERSECTION LEGS PERCENTAGE OF MAINT. COST INSTALLATION TYPE lEvEL OF ERVICE INSTALLATION LOCATION CITY OF DUBl n: COUNTY CITY OF DUBLIN COUNTY fraffic Signal lA Alcosta Boulevard anc navona Drive . 1 . :1 ;15 75 . , ',.--,' :.... . 1\t.Vi~l:U lrj-/6 COUNTY OF CONTRA C~STA APPROVED QATE LEVEL OF SERVIC "~ ~ :J t:; ~ ..... ~ ~ ~~ I B B I -~10NTHL Y IC QUARTERLY ID SEMIANNUALLY IE YEARLY I~S D I RECTEO As ;~EEDED . TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES AGREEMENT EXHIBIT C ~ PAGE ..L... _OF-1 " . SCHEDULE OF SERVICES CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVED DATE v NnTE: LEVELS OF SEQVICE IAJ IBJ ICJ ID ALSO INCLUDE TEMS FJ GJ . . & H IN THE SCHEDULE OF ~ERVICES ANNUALLY v v v v V v v v v L~VEL OF SERVICE "11" LEVI: L OF SERV ICE 11 I I" SHALL cml S I ST OF Ef1ERGE: ICY c'~LL OUT SERV I CES ONLY. SERV I CE WILL ONLY BE P..ROV I OED TO THE CITY \'iHE ~I THE COUNTY IS rWTIFIEO THAT t1AINTENANCE SERVICES ARE ~IEEOED.