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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.09 Accept Work 91-03A CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: April 27, 1992 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Work - Contract 91-03A Shannon Park Well (Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: None RECOMMENDATION: Accept work performed under Contract 91-03A. The final, agreed payment to the contractor has already been made. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Design/Inspection Well Construction (A.S.E.) Cost to cap well Misc. (Permit/Legal) BUDGET ACTU~-L COST $ 2,500.00 $ 1,955.65 60,000.00 25,015.00 2,000.00 0.00 1,178.92 $ 62,500.00 $ 30,149.56 DESCRIPTION: On September 9, 1991, the City Council awarded Contract 91-03A, construction of an irrigation well at Shannon Park, to A.S.E. Drilling, Inc. The overall project was developed in two phases, the first phase being the drilling of the well and the second phase, the installation of the pump. Contract 91-03A was for drilling the well. Contract 91-03A specified that the contractor would first drill a test hole in the previously-determined location to see if there was enough water to support a minimum 200 gallons per minute well. If the test results indicated the minimum rate, the contractor would drill a larger water production well. After A.S.E. drilled the test hole, information was provided to Staff from sieve analysis tests and an electrical "E" log test (soil profile) indicating the potential of 50 to 300 gallons per minute from a production well. Based on A.S.E.'s information, Staff approved the drilling of the well in the existing test hole. When the resulting well was developed, flow tests were made and it was found that a very small amount of water was actually being produced. The production well is not acceptable for irrigation uses and will be capped. Phase 2 of the project, the pump installation, has been eliminated due to the lack of sufficient water in the producing area. Staff recommends that the City Council accept the work under Contract 91-03A as complete. a: ( projects ) \well\proJ fnl ! CITY CLERK ! ITEM NO.~ COPIES TO: A.S.E. Drilling, Inc.