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HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 03-99 West Dub Ext PlanORDINANCE NO. :3 - 99 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ESTABLISHING A MORATORIUM ON THE ACCEPTANCE, PROCESSING AND APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS FOR THE WESTERN EXTENDED PLANNING.AREA PENDING THE COMPLETION OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY ON ESTABLISHING AN URBAN LIMIT LINE ' i WHEREAS, residents in the Western Extended Planning Area proposed the Voters Vo ce initiative to limit development in Western Dublin; .and WHEREAS, the City Council appointed a committee of Councilmembers, City staff, and initiative proponents to further discuss the proposed initiative and on February 16, 1999, determined to put an Urban Limit Line measure before the voters based on the committee review and recommendations; and WHEREAS, at the FebrUary 16, 1999 City Council Meeting, the COuncil further instructed staffto initiate a General Plan Amendment Study to consider establishing an Urban Limit Line along the current City limits in the WesternExtended Planning Area pending the vote on the Urban Limit Line measure, and to consider an appropriate land use designation and. policies related to development in the study area; and WHEREAS, the Council will consider a General Plan.Amendment and/or a zone change to establish an Urban Limit Line and an appropriate land use designation; and WHEREAS, under the Current General Plan, any proposed develOpment requires a General Plan Amendment, therefore, the City Council finds that considering General Plan Amendments while the urban Limit Line study is in process poses a Current and immediate threat tOthe public health, safety and wel hre because such Amendments for development would conflict with the policies and uses to limit development that are being considered through the Urban Limit Line study. NOW THEREFORE, the City CoUncil of the City of Dublin ordains as follows: 1) The City shall not accept, process or approve any applications for General Plan Amendments in the area which is the subject of the Urban Limit Line General Plan Study, located in the Western Extended Planning Area west of the current City limits. 2) This ordinance is categorically exempt from CEQA under section 15308 of the State CEQA Guidelines because it is a regulatory: action taken by the City, in accordance with Government Code section 65858, to assure maintenance and protection of the environment pending Completion of the contemplated Urban Limit Line General Plan study. 3) This Ordinance shall become effective immediately Upon. adoption if adopted by at least four-fifths vote of the City Council and shall be in effect for fOrty five days from the date-of adoption unless, extended by the City Council as provided for in'Government Code SectiOn 65858 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED bythe City Council ofthe City of Dublin this 16th day of February, 1999, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Councilmembers Howard, Lockhart, Mccormick, Zika and Mayor Houston None None ATTEST: ABSENT: None Mayor K2/G/2-16-99/ord-urg-gpa-ull g:initiative\Urg ord 2-16