HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-12-2000 PC MinutesA regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday,
December 12, 2000, in the Dublin Civic Center City Council Chambers. Cm. Johnson
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Johnson, Jennings, and Musser; Eddie Peabody Jr.,
Community Development Director; Dennis Carrington, Senior Planner; Andy Byde,
Associate Planner; and Maria Carrasco, Recording Secretary.
Absent: Cm. Hughes
Cm. Oravetz was appointed to the City Council
Cm. Johnson led the Commission, Staff, and those present in the pledge of allegiance
to the flag.
There were no additions or revisions to the agenda.
The minutes from the October 24, 2000 meeting were approved as submitted.
Cm. Johnson explained that at this time, members of the audience are permitted to
address the Planning Commission on any item(s) of interest to the public; however, no
action or discussion shall take place on any item which is not on the Planning
Commission Agenda. The Commission may respond briefly to statements made or
questions posed, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning
the matter. Furthermore, a member of the Planning Commission may direct Staff to
place a matter of business on a future agenda. Any person may arrange with the
Planning Commission
Regular Meeting December 12, 2000
Community Development Director no later than 11:00 a.m., on the Tuesday preceding
a regular meeting to have an item of concern placed on the agenda for the next regular
PA 00-027 Tri-Valley Buick/Pontiac/GMC Revised Master Sign Program. A
request for a Revised Master Sign Program to add a 75 foot tall freestanding sign
at the southerly terminus of John Monego Court for Tri-Valley
Buick/Pontiac/GMC and a future automobile dealership.
Cm. Johnson asked for the staff report.
Dennis Carrington presented the staff report. General Motors/Argonaut Holdings is
proposing to construct a 75-foot tall freestanding sign at the southerly terminus of
John Monego Court for Tri-Valley Buick/Pontiac/GMC and for a future auto
dealership. The sign would be 52 feet 7 inches from the CALTRANS right of way as
shown on the project plans. The proposed 75 foot tall freestanding sign for the Tri-
Valley Auto Dealership is unique to an Auto Mall. It will contribute to an effective and
attractive identification of the car dealership and its users by providing clear, legible
and succinct signage. Staff has concerns as to the timing and location of the proposed
sign. It is unclear at this time whether there will be more automobile dealerships that
will be located on the lots between the Tri-Valley Buick/Pontiac/GMC dealership and
1-580. Additionally, it is also unclear when those lots will be developed. Staff is
concerned that any future auto dealerships on those parcels may want a different
overall design for the freestanding sign but will be constrained by an already existing
design. Staff is also concerned that a second sign on the pylon would remain blank for
a number of years until the remaining lots are developed. The sign should be
constructed at an appropriate time when the uses of all of the parcels are known. The
existing signage for the dealership is sufficient until that time. A revised Master Sign
Program (MSP) for Tri-Valley Buick/Pontiac/GMC will be required. Staff recommends
that the Planning Commission take testimony from the Applicant and the public;
question Staff, Applicant and the public; close the public hearing and deliberate; and
Adopt the resolution denying the proposed Revised Master Sign Program.
Cm. Johnson asked the Commissioners if they had any questions from Staff; hearing
none he opened the public hearing.
Pla~111itldj c..o;S~l~iSsioll 14.1 Decera~er 12, 2000
Kevlar Meetin~q
Moya Kelly, General Motors Worldwide Real Estate, spoke to defend negative
comments in the report. She addressed some of the questions that were raised in the
report. General Motors is anticipating putting another franchise on the parcel possibly
the Chevrolet Dealership, but had no agreement yet. The second issue that she
addressed was regarding the constraint due to the pre-existing sign. It is a generic sign
and designed according to city requirements and Staff has approved the design of the
sign. It is consistent with the other auto malls around bay area. She also addressed
the issue of location for the sign. The proposed sign would be placed in the corner of
the parcel, which would represent the two-dealership entities. Lastly, she emphasized
the importance of advertising and visibility for automotive dealership. She asked the
Planning Commission to approve the sign.
Cm. Johnson asked the Commissioners if they had any questions for Ms. Kelly.
Cm. Jennings asked the timing of the second dealership.
Ms. Kelly answered she could not predict that at this time.
Cm. Jennings asked if her company would have access and design review for another
Ms. Kelly responded that it would be based on City guidelines.
Cm. Jennings asked if the purpose and urgency tonight on General Motors' part is
that they were not being represented on the 1-580.
Ms. Kelly stated yes and emphasized that the dealership needed that exposure.
Cm. Jennings asked if they had informed Staff about the visibility issue at the time the
staff report was written.
Ms. Kelly stated they did.
Cm. Musser asked Staff how the proposed sign relates in size and height to the others.
Mr. Carrington stated that they are all equal in height, i.e., they are all 75-feet high.
Cm. Jennings asked Mr. Carrington about Staff's concerns on not receiving freeway
Mr. Carrington stated that the structure was visible from the freeway. They have a 40-
foot sign oriented towards Dublin Blvd, in addition to two freestanding signs and wall
Pla~tni~l~l co,lmis$ia 142 December 12, 2000
Re, u/ar Meeti~
Cm. Musser asked Ms. Kelly if she would be opposed to referencing Dublin on the
Ms. Kelly stated that they would not be opposed to it and would do whatever the City
wants them to do.
Cm. Johnson asked if the Chevrolet dealership did not move to the adjacent lot, would
they move another Chevrolet dealership.
Ms. Kelly responded no since they would be too close in proximity.
Cm. Johnson asked if there was a possibility for the parcel to be sold to other retail
type, would they be opposed to that idea.
Ms. Kelly responded that they would prefer automotive use in that parcel and would
petition if any other uses were permitted. They would rather have competitors on that
Walter McIntyre, from the Sign company, stated that he has worked on signs for
Hacienda Crossings and since then has retired. He has come out of retirement to work
on this sign. He presented the various details about the design and architecture for
the proposed sign.
Michael Davis, General Motors Executive, spoke about the marketing aspects of the
Cm. Johnson asked if there were any other questions or comments, hearing none he
closed the public hearing
Cm. Musser stated he likes the sign and doesn't have problem with timing. He is
concerned about the potential for dividing the other site
Cm. Johnson stated if the site went to another business, it will no longer be an
Automall. He said that the best option would be to wait till the use of the other site
was determined.
Cm. Jennings stated that since the applicant has been unsuccessful at bringing
another dealership out to the location and since the urgency for the sign is only for
visibility purposes, she would recommend denying the request.
Plannin~j commission
Regular Meetiu,~
December 12, 20O0
Cm. Musser stated before the item is denied he would like to ask the applicant if they
are willing to make a stronger commitment to guarantee that the site would go to an
auto dealership and if they could give an idea for timeframe.
Ms. Kelly stated that although it is in their plans to have another auto dealership at
that location they couldn't guarantee it. But, whoever they are able to place there
would be with the approval of the city.
Cm. Johnson asked if anybody had any other comments or questions.
On motion by Cm. Jennings, seconded by Cm. Musser with a vote of 3-0-2, with Cm.
Oravetz no longer sitting on the Commission, the Planning Commission unanimously
8.2 PA 00-020 Shamrock Village Market Place Site Development Review. The
proposed project consists of remodeling and adding 25,846 square feet of
building area to the existing Shamrock Village shopping center.
Cm. Johnson asked for the staff report.
Andy Byde presented the staff report. The proposed project consists of remodeling and
adding 25,846 square feet of building area to the existing Shamrock Village shopping
center located at the corner of Amador Valley Boulevard and San Ramon Road. The
addition would result in the shopping center being anchored by a new 45,000 square
foot grocery store. The existing building square footage of the center is 49,534 and the
new square footage would be 75,380 square feet. The anticipated tenant for the 45,000
square foot grocery store is Ralph's which plans to relocate from their current location
at 7193 Regional Street. The existing Ralph's store is 25,000 square feet in size and is
located adjacent to Longs Drugs store. A Mitigated Negative Declaration has been
prepared for the project, which focuses on land use compatibility, noise hazards,
aesthetics, and traffic in addition to all potential environmental factors normally
considered in an Initial Study. A number of mitigation measures have been included
within the document to ensure that identified environmental impacts can be reduced
to levels of insignificance. The Mitigated Negative Declaration has been circulated for
Phnnind~ commission 14q- Dectraber 12, 2ooo
RedJular Meettn~q
public review. Mr. Byde presented pictures of the shopping center. He also stated that
the loading area and the noise from the trucks are sensitive components of this project
due its proximity to the residential units. Due to this reason Staff has added as a
condition for approval to limit the loading hours operation between 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Additionally, the applicant is required to do one of two things: to enclose the loading
area completely 'with a rolling door and a roof, or conduct a noise study. Additionally,
he also explained the architecture for the proposed project. Staff recommends that the
Planning Commission open the public hearing, take public testimony, close the public
hearing, adopt Resolution recommending the Planning Commission adopt the
Mitigated Negative Declaration; and adopt Resolution recommending the Planning
Commission approve the Site Development Review to allow the remodel and the
addition of 25,846 square feet of building area.
Cm. Musser asked about the number of driveways.
Mr. Byde stated that some of the driveways would be closed out and landscaping
would be done in its place.
Cm. Musser asked if the driveway by Fosters Freeze would be eliminated.
Mr. Byde stated that it would remain.
Cm. Musser asked the existing entry of the trucks to the site.
Mr. Byde stated the trucks enter through Starward Drive.
Cm. Musser asked if there was a landscape plan for the project.
Mr. Byde stated that the landscape plan is a preliminary plan that would require
additional review, which are included in the conditions of approval for the project.
Cm. Jennings asked if the 295 parking places excluded MacFrugals and Casa Orozco
parking spaces.
Mr. Byde stated that it was correct.
Cm. Jennings asked for the existing number of parking spaces.
Mr. Byde stated that it was approximately 200, excluding MacFrugals.
Cm. Jennings asked the current size of Ralph's supermarket.
Mr. Byde stated that it was approximately 25,000 sq.ft.
Plannindl commission I q.5 December 12, 2000
Re, ffular Meetin,.q
Cm. Johnson asked if there were any other questions.
Cm. Johnson asked what portion of the current building would be demolished.
Mr. Byde replied that everything on the eastside of the existing 17,000 sq.ft, retail
would be demolished.
Cm. Johnson opened the public hearing.
Alan Lynch, Executive Vice President Doerken Properties, applicant for the project,
stated their company purchased the property in 1997 and have owned and managed it
since then. They have been in business for 30 years. They develop and redevelop
supermarket anchored shopping centers throughout California. Their goal is to create
a pedestrian oriented neighborhood serving grocery anchored shopping center. Mr.
Lynch described using the site plan overhead the portions that would be demolished.
He also discussed the existing tenants and the plans for relocating some of them. He
stated that demolition of buildings would be phased.
Cm. Jennings asked which properties, within the Tri Valley area, did his company
acquire and refurbish.
Mr. Lynch stated their company owns two centers in the Bay Area, Novato and Walnut
Creek. But, primarily their redevelopment work has been in Southern California,
particularly in Los Angeles, where their company is based. They have undertaken
similar projects in Simi Valley, Mission Viejo & Porter Ranch.
Cm. dennings asked why haven't representatives from his company spoken to the
other tenants in the center.
Mr. Lynch stated that there were a few reasons. Firstly, until they knew who their
anchor tenant was going to be, they could not do anything. Secondly, they wanted to
finalize the site plan and landscape plans with the city before they could talk to the
other tenants. Thirdly, they had to address the issues of the long-term leases.
Fourthly, they wanted some key tenants in the center that they wanted to retain.
Cm. dennings asked how many long-term tenants would remain.
Mr. Lynch stated he could not make that determination. But, the factors that would
influence that decision would be based on the willingness of the tenants to relocate.
Due to the redevelopment the rental rates would be brought to market price and it
would be up to the tenant if they are willing to pay the market price. The third factor
P[annin~ Commission 146 December 12, 2000
Re,~ular ~teettn~
would depend upon the supermarket anchor, since they have certain terms and
conditions of their own.
Cm. Johnson asked if there were any other questions.
Joanna Gallaghar, representing her husband Jim Gallagher - owner and proprietor of
Gallagher's Pub, spoke before the Commission. She stated that she was one of the
long-term tenants paying month-to-month rent and had to close her Pub after ten
years. They have worked hard for years to build a trade and have always taken part in
the St. Patrick's day celebrations spanning two days. After 35 years of good shopping
center relationship, she stated, they should have been notified about the intent rather
than being told.
Cm. Johnson asked if there were any other questions; hearing none, he closed the
public hearing.
Cm. Musser stated that he is excited to see the shopping center refurbished. But, at
the same time he has strong concerns regarding landscaping. He stated that the
landscaping plans are inadequate. He would like to see beefed up landscaping plans
to include a lot of trees along store frontages and in the parking lot.
Cm. dennings had concerns with the MacFrugals and Casa Orozco / Foster Freeze
parcels not being a part of the project. Is there anything that could be done with the
parking lot so it does not look old with redevelopment next to it. She wanted to see
some trees on that end and she concurred with Cm Musser regarding landscaping.
Cm. dennings asked at what point would the property owners on Starward be notified
of the project.
Mr. Byde stated that a public hearing notice was sent out to the adjacent property
owners informing them of tonight's meeting. The way the mitigation is structured two
things could happen: Option (1) the applicant could forego any additional noise study
by enclosing the loading area, and submit manufacturing specifications for the
mechanical equipment, assuring that the city noise levels would not be exceeded;
Option (2) a noise consultant would take measurements over a certain period in the
rear of the area and determine what the existing ambient noise level is. Subsequently,
the noise consultant would determine if the proposed loading and dock design would
exceed the existing ambient noise level. The requirement to enclose the loading dock
would be based on whether the proposed loading dock would exceed existing noise
level, or exceed city standards regarding noise levels. Then calculations are done on
what the current design is. The current design includes the wall, which would
eliminate any additional noise.
Plannin,~ Commission I,/-7 December 12, 2000
Re~lar Meetin,~
Cm. Jennings stated there should be a condition that the preliminary landscape plans
should be brought before the commission for review and approval.
Cm. Musser concurred with Cm Jennings.
On motion by Cm. Jennings, seconded by Cm. Musser with a vote of 3-0-2, with Cm.
Oravetz no longer sitting on the Commission, and with the amendments to the
conditions, the Planning Commission unanimously adopted
PA 00-015 Commerce One Headquarters Planned Development Rezone
Stage l&2/Development Plan, Site Development Review. Commerce One is
proposing to build a multi-phased office campus located on approximately 30
acres at the northwest corner of Hacienda Drive and Interstate 580. The project
is comprised of four office buildings totaling 780,000 square feet.
Cm. Johnson asked for the staff report.
Mr. Peabody presented the staff report. Commerce One is proposing an office building
complex to be located on a 27.4 acre site located on the block bounded by 1-580 to the
south, Hacienda Drive to the east, the East-West Connector to the north and Arnold
Road to the west. The application involves land within Alameda County's Surplus
Property Authority's Santa Rita area.
Commission 148 December 12, 2000
An application has been filed for a Planned Development (PD Rezone/Stage 1 & 2
Development Plan and a Site Development Review). A Parcel Map, Development
Agreement and Master Sign Program are in progress but are not complete as of this
date. If approved this application would allow the development of a four building
complex on the site, which would include four six story office buildings and a dining
and fitness center totaling 780,000 square feet of floor area, surface parking, a five
level parking garage, landscaping and related improvements. Commerce One is a
business to business electronic commerce software firm that would utilize this project
as their headquarters facility. Up to 3,000 employees could be located at this facility.
The project will be built in two or three phases and it is currently anticipated that the
initial phase (380,000-sq. ft.) will begin construction in 2001. The project, as
conditioned, including the Planned Development Rezone/Development Plan is
consistent with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan (as amended) and the
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. The proposed office complex has adequate access,
parking, loading, and setbacks and is compatible with other land uses in the
immediate vicinity as well as transportation and services in the vicinity. Development
agreement will be presented at the danuary 9th Planning Commission meeting.
Staff recommends the Planning Commission hear Staff's presentation, open the public
hearing, deliberate and adopt Resolution recommending City Council approval of a
Planned Development/Stage 1 & 2 Development Plan and Resolution approving a Site
Development Review.
Cm. Jennings asked what does M-parking spaces mean.
Mr. Peabody stated that they were motorcycle-parking spaces. Additionally, bicycle
racks will also be provided.
Cm. Musser asked about the adequacy of the number of parking spaces being
provided for employees, since the number of employees exceeds the number of parking
spaces being provided.
Mr. Peabody stated that it was a question for the applicant, but the parking spaces
provided meets City standards.
Cm. Musser asked what was happening with the Caltrans right-of-way. Would it be
Mr. Peabody stated that it is a location for a major storm drain and it will be
landscaped as part of this project.
Planntn~ Commission 14-9 December 12, 2000
Kevlar Meetindt
Cm. Johnson opened the public hearing and asked the applicant to make the
Brian Griggs, Applicant, informed the Commission that he heads the real estate
operations for Commerce One. He stated that the Landscape Architect, Building
Designer and the Site Architect would make a separate presentation. He then gave a
brief history on Commerce One. The company's intent is to move their headquarters
to Dublin and hope to start construction in late March 2001.
Cm. Musser asked about the adequacy of parking for the employees.
Mr. Griggs stated that they anticipated having 3,000 employees in the proposed
complex. Since the proposed project would be a corporate headquarters, with most of
the executives being on the road most of the time, they felt that the parking spaces
being provided would be adequate for the employees. Additionally, they anticipate that
some of the employees would be using BART, which would create some additional
parking spaces.
Cm. Johnson asked if they were thinking of providing a shuttle service to the BART
Mr. Griggs stated that it was still being worked out and they have had preliminary
discussions with the WHEELS officials. It would primarily depend upon how the
adjacent property on the west would be developed.
Mr. Griggs commended Michael Porto, Eddie Peabody and Maria Carrasco for their
hard work on the project.
John Marks, with Form 4 Architects explained that their architecture is based on a
pinwheel concept. He described in detail about the concept and many architectural
features of the office buildings and the parking garage.
Todd Lancing, with Smith & Smith Architects, spoke about landscape plans along the
East-West Connector frontage and around the office buildings. He stated that the trees
on the East-West Connector were according to Mike Porto's suggestions. He described
in detail the different trees that were going to be planted as part of the landscaping
plans for the site.
Cm. Johnson asked if there were any other questions or comments, hearing none he
closed the public hearing.
Cm. Musser commended the developer for their great work and cooperation in working
with Staff.
Plannin~ Commission 150 December 12, 2000
Rezjular Mee~ncq
On motion by Cm. Musser, seconded by Cm. Jennings with a vote of 3-0-2, with Cm.
Oravetz no longer sitting on the Commission, the Planning Commission unanimously
PA 00-009 Black Mountain Development Site Development Review. A Site
Development Review for seven single-family residences on existing lots on
Brittany Lane.
Cm. Johnson asked for the staff report.
Mr. Carrington presented the staff report. The Applicant is proposing the construction
of seven single-family homes on seven existing subdivided lots whereby six homes are
on Brittany Lane and one on Rolling Hills Dr. The lots are located at 11299 Rolling
Hills Drive and 11151, 11159, 11167, 11175, 11183 and 11191 Brittany Lane. City
Council Resolution 82-85 sets forth conditions of approval that apply to all tract maps.
Conditions 4 and 12 of aforementioned Resolution requires that a Site Development
Review be prepared for the custom lots and is therefore being presented to the
Planning Commission for its approval. The project is consistent with a single-family
residential designation of the General Plan and is consistent with the Ri single family
zoning district. Major issues are conformity of project with City Council resolution 82-
85, views, with height, grading, heritage trees and the tree protection plan and project
design. Mr. Carrington addressed the conformity issue. Condition # 3 of City Council
Resolution 82-85 sets forth the zoning regulations. The front yard setback is 20-ft; the
side-yard setback is 5-ft minimum. The lots are subject to the R- 1 zoning regulations
Planntn~j Commission 151 December 12, 2000
Re.[ar Meettn~j
as far as uses are concerned. The lots must be 7000-sq. ft. in size and 70-ft. in width.
All the lots in the proposed projects comply with requirements of Condition 3.
Condition 4 states briefly that a Site Development Review must be done if grading
involves more than 50 cubic yards. Condition 6 is the most controversial condition of
the said Resolution. It reads "The height of custom or modified homes shall not exceed
25-ft as measured perpendicularly from natural grade. Skirt heights screening
undeveloped, non-living space for custom or modified homes (measured from natural
grade to finished floor elevations] shall not exceed a maximum of nine (9] feet. Deviation
and/or refinement of these standards may be considered as part of the Site Development
Review process covering these lots". Mr. Carrington explained that there is a 25-foot
height limit with a maximum skirt height of 9-feet as measured from the natural
grade. Natural grade is defined by the current zoning ordinance as the contour of
ground surface before grading. Grading on the site occurred between 1981 and 1985.
A review of the lots by a geotechnical firm states that grading for the subject lots was
done properly and meets the current standard of engineering practice in the Bay area.
A field evaluation of the lots on Brittany Lane indicated that moderate amounts of fill
has occurred on the lots in 1985 ranging between 1-10 feet depending on the parcel
involved. Staff has noted undocumented placement of fill on the proposed site. A
condition of approval requires that any undocumented placement of fill should be
removed before during the grading of this project to create pads. A condition of
approval also requires that the houses being built should be built at the elevation
shown on the project plans. Staff feels that the flexibility of the last part of condition 6
is appropriate.
Staff feels that the project minimizes impact to views. Staff worked with the developer
to site the houses and design the houses so that they minimize impacts to views. A
tree protection plan was prepared pursuant to Heritage Tree ordinance. Staff has
worked closely with the project applicant and his arborist called Hort Science and Staff
has had the tree protection pre-reviewed by Jeffrey Gamboni who is a registered
landscape architect as well as a certified arborist.
Mr. Carrington explained the grading issue for the project. The concern addressed to
Staff is the soil placed in these parcels from 1981 to 1985 was placed improperly.
NGO Incorporated is doing the geo-technical work for the proposed project. Kleinfelder
has reviewed these reports stating that grading was done properly and meets the
standard of engineering practice in the bay area. Kleinfelder has recommended
supplemental grading be undertaken to remove an area of boulders.
Residents of Brittany Lane have expressed concerns to Staff that pruning of trees on
the project site will harm trees. Staff has worked closely with the applicant, developer,
the applicant's arborist and the City's arborist, and Fire Marshall and determined that
any pruning of the heritage trees will not harm the trees. Mr. Carrington stated that
the Fire Marshall is available to address this issue.
PIanntndj co.~misston 152 Dece.tber 12, '~000
Re~lar Meetin~
Nineteen oak trees are identified by the Tree Protection Plan within this project.
Twelve of those trees are Oaks are over 24 inches in diameter measured 4 feet 6 inches
above natural grade and therefore meet the definition "a' of a Heritage Tree. All
nineteen trees will be designated as Heritage Trees by a condition of approval of this
Site Development Review.
The Heritage Trees on site will not be removed as part of this project but, if the project
is approved, must be pruned in order to meet the requirements of the 1997 Fire Code.
A portion of Tree 340 will be removed pursuant to the Fire Code and to Section
5.60.50.b. 1 of the Heritage Tree Ordinance. It is technically a separate trunk from the
main trunk of Tree 340. The trunk to be removed and the remainder of Tree 340 are
treated as one tree in the Tree Protection Report because they are located immediately
adjacent to each other and form portions of the same canopy and dripline. The
removal of this trunk is permitted by the Director as part of this Site Development
Review pursuant to Section 5.60.50.b. 1 of the Heritage Tree Ordinance that allows
removal of a Heritage Tree if it presents an immediate hazard to life or property.
Heritage Trees required to be retained pursuant to this Site Development Review will
be protected during demolition, grading, and construction operations. The Tree
Preservation Guidelines of the Tree Protection Plan have been incorporated as
conditions of approval to ensure that the Heritage Trees are protected during
demolition, grading, and construction operations.
The proposed project is very well designed. Michael Porto, City of Dublin Planning
Consultant worked with the applicant and developer and his architect on several
occasions and refined the designs of the residences. The homes are attractive and will
complement the architectural quality of the surrounding neighborhood. The
residences are sited on the lots to minimize impacts to views from the other side of
Brittany Lane. Hip roofs have been incorporated into the design to minimize impacts to
views. Staff feels the project is in conformity with the General Plan, the Zoning
Ordinance, Resolution 82-85 adopted by the City Council and consistent with the
Heritage Tree Ordinance. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve
the project subject to the conditions of approval and concluded his presentation.
Cm. ,Johnson asked to hear from the Fire Marshal.
Jim Ferdidnand, Fire Marshall stated that the City adopted the Wildfire Management
Plan in 1996. The document states trees will be limbed up 15feet or 1/S their crown
height if within 100feet of a home. The Wildfire Management Plan was drafted before
the Heritage Tree Ordinance was created. The Alameda County/City of Dublin
adopted Uniform Fire Code lowers the tree height from 15 feet to 6 feet.
PIannin,~ Commission 153 December 12, 2000
Regular Meeti}~
Cm. Johnson opened the public hearing.
Jeff Woods Black Mountain development thanked Dennis and Staff for working on
project. Brought his architect.
Cm. Johnson explained the project review is a public hearing with a number of people
who wish to speak on the project. He stated that Mr. Bond, Mr. Bewley, and Mr. Wies
wished to speak as a group. He asked them to speak individually and the Commission
would be happy to hear from each of them.
Jerry Weis, i 1158 Brittany Lane spoke with Jeff Woods on the custom homes. He has
concerns with his property value being effected with the loss of his view. He called a
local real estate agent to inquire on the affects of the project. The agent indicated the
loss of his view will lower his property value. An appraiser assessed a $10,000
premium for the view from his home compared to a ridge home without a view. He
requested that the homes be appraised before they are approved by the City.
Cm. Jennings asked Mr. Weis if he is asking the City to employ an appraiser to
appraise his home.
Mr. Weis responded that it should be determined whether the value of the homes
would increase or decrease. The City Council Resolution 82 - 85 approved in 1985
condition 6 has been applied to the project with a deviation. The strict interpretation
of condition 6, the houses would have to come down to open up the view. It is
subjective to state the project will minimize the impacts to the view. He requested
translating the impacts to home value.
Cm. Jennings stated it would be difficult to get a licensed appraiser to make that
determination. A different appraiser would give a different opinion.
Mr. Weis stated he does not want an exact appraisal, only if it will make a difference.
Cm. Jennings asked Mr. Weis if he is requesting the City to pay for the cost of an
Mr. Weis responded yes.
Cm. Johnson asked if the view from the street for the proposed homes is better on the
natural grade than going 25 feet high from the curb.
Mr. Carrington stated the homes would have the same height view from the street.
Plannln~q Commission 154. December 1 Z, 2000
Kevlar Meetin~q
Cm. Johnson if the view from across the street for the proposed homes are at 16 feet
high instead of 25 feet.
Mr. Carrington stated yes.
Susan Bewley, Brittany Lane resident stated that Mr. Carrington is referring to grading
that occurred in 1985, which makes the site plan incorrect. There is landfill that
would be removed.
Mr. Carrington explained there is a band of fill that is parallel to Brittany Lane. The
land will stair step with some areas removed and some filled in.
Mrs. Bewley asked if the plans are an accurate representation of the project.
Mr. Carrington responded yes. There is a profile on each home in the staff report.
Mrs. Bewley said Mr. Woods assured her that she would still have a view from her
living room.
Cm. dohnson stated the houses will be 16 feet high at street level.
Mrs. Bewley said the arch roof is taking away from her view and the setbacks are 5
feet and 10 feet from the fence.
Cm. Johnson stated staff report indicates the site line is over the top of the house
across the street.
Mrs. Bewley said that is only true or some lots. The Fire Marshall referred to the
Ordinance requiring distance of 100 feet from a home; it is inapplicable because there
is no home and it does not apply to a empty lot.
David Bewley 11166 Brittany Lane stated with him is Rich Bond 11182 Brittany Lane.
They have prepared overheads and would like to address the staff report line by line as
fast as they can. Resolution 82-85, condition 6 and 16 are conditions, which preserve
their view. The preservation of their view was granted to them in 1985 by the City
Council. Condition 6 is not being followed by way of interpretation. Staff is using
1997 ordinance which rewrites original condition of 25 feet and allows building heights
of 40 feet. The concern is condition 2, which allows for reasonable modification. The
developer, future homeowners could come back and increase the height. Condition 6
states the height shall not exceed 25feet as measured from natural grade; deviation or
natural refinement may be considered as part of Site Development Review. The problem
is the definition of natural grade. Staff states as defined by the Zoning Ordinance the
contour of ground surface before grading; common engineering practice is define to
Plannin~ Commission 155 December 12, 2000
Kevlar Meeting
ground surface as ground that has never been graded or ground that has been graded
pursuant to improved grading permit so there is new ground surface, new ground surface
can be used to determine natural grade. He quoted from the ordinance, existing or
natural grade, the contour of natural grade before grading, b - rough grade the stage of
which the grade approximately conforms to an approved grading plan. The land was
graded in 1985 after City Council approval. If the City used common engineering
practice, which is not written anywhere and has not been provided in written
document in the City Ordinance they can make that grade anything. There is nothing
in Condition 6 that precludes anyone from re-grading subject to a 25-foot height
ordinance, which applies specifically to homes. He stated that the grade could be
made lower or higher, which is not the natural grade and that is logical nonsense. The
Ordinance states the existing or natural grade is the contour of the ground surface
before grading, not by common engineering practice.
Mr. Bond said he would like to address the staff report, point by point. He stated that
he would like to refer to the arial photo on the wall to make a point; he stepped away
from the microphone and could not be heard or recorded.
Mr. Bond presented the Commission with a photograph and returned to the
microphone. He explained that there is an area of boulders and part of the grading
plan was to put in keyways with drainage pipes to stabilize the ground. Either the
pipes were suppose to be put in the drains and were not put there or they were thrown
away in the stream. The grading plan for Brittany Lane of 1985 shows the ravine
exposed. A modern arial photo of the same ravine shows it is not exposed.
Cm. Musser stated the grading plan shows the ravine closed in and not exposed. He
explained to Mr. Bond how the plans show the ravine filled in.
Mr. Bond was not in full agreement with Cm. Musser.
Cm. Johnson asked Mr. Bond and Mr. Bewley to continue with their presentation. He
explained that there is usually a 3-minute time limit to address the Commission. He
suggested addressing other issues of concern.
Mr. Bewley stated that the lay of land today is a rough grade not the natural grade
which would make the houses lower.
Cm. Johnson asked if they would be lower than 16-foot rooflines
Mr. Bewley stated yes; from the natural grade, the houses would drop 20 feet.
Cm. Johnson stated they would not drop down from the street level or front elevation.
156 December 12, 2000
Mr. Bewley stated the grade from street in some cases would be 10 feet. He said he
would try and move quickly through the remainder of his presentation.
Cm. Johnson stated he'd appreciate that.
Mr. Bewley stated the 1997 Ordinance allows homes 40 feet in height, which is too
much. Interpretation of the Ordinance under Section D states conflicts between other
requirements between this Ordinance and other regulations of the City; the most
restrictive shall apply. He stated that 25 feet is more restrictive than 40. The 40-foot
rule should not be used for interpretation.
Cm. Johnson asked if he was concerned with a second story addition.
Mr. Bewley said yes.
Cm. Johnson stated that the point has been taken regarding the natural grade; the
Commission appreciates his comments and asked him if he could move on.
Mr. Bewley responded yes.
Cm. Johnson asked if Mr. Bewley was speaking for everyone or were there other
Mr. Bewley stated he was speaking for a majority and they may be other speakers.
Cm. Johnson stated they have had ample time to prove their point.
Mr. Bewley responded that he needs to talk about the Heritage Tree Ordinance.
Cm. Johnson asked Mr. Bewley if he could wrap it up in 2 minutes.
Mr. Bewley said that is not enough time.
Cm. Johnson asked Mr. Bewley if he provided Staff with documentation on his
Mr. Bewley said he would provide Staff with documentation.
Cm. Johnson explained there would be another opportunity to speak on the project at
the City Council meeting.
Mr. Bond stated Mr. Woods gave them drawings of the project that are different than
the drawings submitted to the City, which impacts the views differently.
Planni~l~j Commission 157 Decentber 12, 2000
Regular Meettn,~
Mr. Bewley discussed the Heritage Tree protection plan. The Ordinance does not have
language for tree preservation. The Heritage Tree Ordinance does not include
definition of tree preservation. Cutting away a tree is not preserving it. He requested
that the Ordinance be revised. He thanked the Commission for allowing him the time
to speak and apologized for taking up so much time. He submitted a letter for the
Charles Breed, 11296 Rothschild stated he would not take too much of the
Commission's time. He stated the project should not be approved. The Developers are
here to make money at the community's expense. These lots were not developed in
1985 because they are not buildable and have a lot of problems. He had concerns that
the proposed homes are larger than the surrounding neighborhood, the loss of his
view, and they will take away the only fire access.
Cm. Johnson asked Mr. Breed if he is referring to the flag lot.
Mr. Breed responded yes.
Cm. dohnson asked Mr. Breed if his house was adjacent to the flag lot.
Mr. Breed responded yes.
Cm. Johnson asked Mr. Breed if he was aware it was a flag lot when he purchased his
Mr. Breed stated that the real estate agent was mis-informed and told them it was a
fire access road. He is not familiar with a flag lot. The natural grade calculations are
wrong; the grade calculations is from dirt that was pushed back from the houses being
built. After the driveway is put in on the adjacent lot, there will be a drainage problem
and the water going into his backyard. He stated there are a number of potential
problems with the project and it shouldn't be approved.
Pete Body, 11293 Rothschild stated there is a large concrete drainage inlet in his back
yard and drains to one of the proposed lots. He asked where his drainage will go after
the house is built.
Cm. Johnson stated he is confident that the drainage will be replaced.
Mr. Body stated there is a large tree hanging over his fence from the adjacent lot.
Cm. Johnson explained that Mr. Body could prune the part of the tree hanging over
the fence into his property.
Plannin,~ Comntission 158 D¢centber 12, 2000
Cm. Johnson asked if there were any other comments or questions; hearing none he
closed the public hearing.
Cm. Musser asked Staff to clarify the conflicting issues with the 1997 Ordinance and
the City Council Resolution 82-85.
Mr. Carrington stated Resolution 82-85 is in effect. He does not believe there is a
conflict with the 1997 Ordinance and Condition 6 of Resolution 82-85. The resolution
specifically states that for steep situations pursuant to Site Development Review can
make a deviation or modification. Staff applied this standard to the Bryce Davies lot
adjacent to this project.
Cm. Musser asked with respect to height requirements, are these houses below 25
Mr. Carrington responded many of the houses are right at 25 feet, but way below 35-
40 feet. He suggested that the Commission could modify the conditions to prohibit a
height increase.
Cm. Musser asked if there is an arborist report and if the project is encroaching into
any trees covered by the Heritage Tree Ordinance.
Mr. Carrington stated yes there is an arborist report. There is one tree on lot 8 that is
affected, but the fire code reduces the drip line of the tree.
Cm. Jennings asked if the conditions have been reviewed by the arborists.
Mr. Carrington stated yes.
Cm. Jennings asked if the Applicant has read the conditions.
Mr. Carrington responded yes and he is in agreement with the conditions
Cm. Musser asked if the project would conform to the Heritage Tree Ordinance.
Mr. Carrington stated yes. The arborist requested changes, which were made.
Cm. Musser asked there is a fencing plan for the project.
Mr. Carrington said yes.
Plannin,~ Commission 159 December 12, 2000
Regular ivieetindj
Cm. Jennings stated to her knowledge this is the first time a certified arborist needs to
be present during grading and construction for a project.
Cm. Johnson asked if there were any other questions; hearing none he asked for a
On motion by Cm. Jennings and seconded by Cm. Musser with a 3-0-1 vote, with Cm.
Oravetz no longer sitting on the Commission, and with the noted amendments to the
conditions, the Planning Commission unanimously adopted
Mr. Peabody went over the upcoming Planning Commission schedule.
Cm. Johnson adjourned the meeting at 11:15 p.m.
ATT~T: ;1
Community Development Director
Re sp.e~t fully submitted,
Planning G6mmission Chairperson
Minutes are the interpretation of the Recording Secretary and not transcribed verbatim.
Planninl~ Contmission 160 December 12, 2000