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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.04 Accept Work 90-10A CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: May 13, 1991 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Work - Contract No. 90-10A Pedestrian Signal Handicap Modification Report by Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: None. RECOMMENDATION: 1) Accept improvements under Contract 90-10A 2) Authorize budget transfer in the amount of $347.50 to this project from the Contingent Reserve. 3) Authorize payment in the amount of $18,592 to Richard Heaps, Electrical Contractor. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Budget Actual Design/Inspection $ 3,500.00 $ 4,777.50 Construction 19,522.00 18,592.00 $ 23,022.00 $ 23,369.50 A budget transfer in the amount of $347.50 is necessary to complete this project. DESCRIPTION: In February of 1991, the City Council awarded Contract 90-10A, Pedestrian Signal Handicap Modification, to Richard Heaps, Electrical Contractor. This project installed or relocated stand-alone pushbuttons or provided for the removal of curbs to provide handicap access to all the City's traffic signal system pushbuttons. The locations of these modifications are: Amador Valley Blvd. at Stagecoach - northwest corner Amador Valley Blvd. at Village Parkway - northwest, northeast, and southeast corners Amador Valley Blvd. at Amador Plaza - median nose Amador Valley Blvd. at San Ramon Road - northwest, southwest, and southeast corners, and median nose San Ramon Road at Dublin Blvd. - northwest corner, median noses Dublin Blvd. at Amador Plaza - median noses Dublin Blvd. at Sierra Court - median noses Village Parkway at Lewis - median noses When the project was originally bid last October, the bids received were considerably over budget, and the low bidder withdrew his bid. The City Council rejected all bids and authorized Staff to rebid the project. An item providing for construction of two concrete pads at Stagecoach Road and Amador Valley Boulevard was deleted and subsequently installed through the Annual Sidewalk Repair project. The increased cost in the actual amount for Design and Inspection is a result of Staff time expended in rebidding. A budget transfer in the amount of $347.50 is necessary to complete this project. Staff recommends transferring this amount from the Contingent Reserve. The City Engineer has reviewed the work on the project and determined that it is complete and in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. Staff recommends that the City Council accept the improvements, authorize the budget transfer, and authorize payment to Richard Heaps, Electrical Contractor in the amount of $18,592.00.