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HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-20-2007 Adopted CC Min (2) Mmudes 011' the Cnty CouHllcnll 011' tll1e Cnty 011' Dubllm REGULAR MEE'fiNG -November 20. 2007 ClLOSED SESSKON Ro II call Present Absent CouncIlmembers HIldenbrand, Oravetz, SbrantI and Mayor Lockhart CouncIlmember Scholz arrIved at 6 45 P m The CIty CouncIl convened m closed seSSIOn at 6 30 pm, regardmg I CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL -ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (Government Code sectIOn 54956 9, SubdivIsIOn c) InitiatIOn of litigatIOn (two potential cases) <> The CIty CouncIl reconvened m open seSSIOn at 7 00 P m for a regular meetmg of the DublIn CIty CouncIl on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, In the CouncIl Chambers of the DublIn CIVIC Center <> ROlLlL CAlLlL PRESENT Councdmembers HIldenbrand, Oravetz, Sbrantl and Scholz, and Mayor Lockhart ABSENT None <> PlLJEJIJlGE OF AJLlLJEGlIANCJE The pledge of allegIance to the flag was reCIted by the CounCIl, Staff and those present DllffilLKN CiTY COlUNCilL MiNllJ'fES VOlLUME 26 REGllJJLAR MJEE'fiNG November 20, 2007 lP AGE <S72 REPOR'f ON CJLOSED SESSliON AC'fliON Mayor Lockhart advIsed that no reportable actIOn was taken <:> -- ORAIL COMMlUNJ[CA 'fKONS Punlbllnc CommeIl1lts 7 02 P m 3 1 No comments were made by any member of the publIc at thIS tIme -~<> CONSEN'f CAILlENIDAR 7 03 P m Items 4 1 through 4 9 Mayor Lockhart requested Item 4 8 be removed from the Consent Calendar On motIOn of Cm Oravetz, seconded by Vm HIldenbrand and by unanImous vote, the CouncIl removed Item 48 and took the followmg actIOns Mmutes (4 1) - None ReceIved report (42 100-80), FIscal Year 2007-2008 Goals & ObJectives Status and CIP Schedule DUBlLlIN CR'fY COllJNClilL MJ[NllJ'fJES VOLlUME 26 REG lUILAR MIKE 1LlING November 20,2007 1? AGE 4173 Adopted (43 610-20) ORJIJlliNANCE NO 23-07 REPEAlLliNG ClHIAlP'fERS 5 m~ "lF1IRlE CODE," ANJ!Jl7 32, "BUliILDliNG CODE," ADDiNG ClHIAP'fERS 5 08, "lFliRE CODE," ANID 7 32, "BUliILDiNG CODE," AND AMENIDliNG ClHIAP'fERS 7 28, "BUlilLDING REGllJJLA'fliON ADMiNliS'fRA'fliON," 7 36, "EILEC'fRliCAlL CODE," 7 <SO, "PILlUMBiNG CODE," ANID 7 <S<S, "MEClHIANliCAIL CODE," OF 'flHIJE DUBILiN MlUNliCliP AJL CODE liN ORJIJlER 'fO ADOP'f BY REFERENCE ANID AMENIDPROVliSliONS OF 'flHIE 2007 EDli'fliON OF 'flHIE CAJLliFORNliA BUlilLDliNG S'f ANIDARIDS CODE, 'fli'flLE 2<S, CAlLliFORNliA CODE OF REGULA'fIONS RESOlLU'fliON NO 203 - 07 AMENIDiNG RESOlLU'fliON #<S9-06 AS li'f PER'f AiNS 'f0 BUlilLDliNG PERMli'f V AlLUA'fiONS USED 'fO CAlLCllJJLA'fE BilllLDliNG PERMli'f FEES Adopted (4 4 600-30) RESOLU'fliON NO 20<S - 07 APPROVliNG AGREEMEN'f Wli'flHI ASSOCliA 'fED RliGlHI'f OlF WAY SERVliCES, liNC , lFOR CONSUL 'fiNG SERVliCES FOR 'flHIE EX'fENSliON OlF SAiN'f lP A 'fRliClK WAY Accepted (45 600-35) Improvements under Contract No 07-11, CIVIC Center Roof RepaIr, and authonze final payment to the contractor, less retentIOn m 35 days Ifno subcontractor or supplIer claims are receIved Accepted (4 6 600-35) Improvements under Contract No 07-08A, San Ramon Road, Concrete Soundwall Sealmg (CIP No 94601), and authonze the release of retentIOn after 35 days If there are no subcontractor claIms DllffilLliN Cli'fY COlUNCKL MliNllJ'fES VOlLlUME 26 REGULAR MEE'fiNG November 20, 2007 PAGE <S7<S Adopted (4 7 350-20) RESOILU'flION NO 205 - 07 AU'flHIORJIZlING S'fAFF 'I 0 PROCURE JIJllIGI'fAlL COlPlIlERS FROM SJH[AMROClK OFFiCE SOlLlU1flIONS JPlURSUAN'f TO 'fJH[E lUS COMMUNi'fiES PllJRClHIASKNG AGREEMJEN'f Removed (48 410-30/600-40) Mayor Lockhart removed Item 4 8 to request a prOVISlOn be added to the Agreement to prohIbIt addItzonal extenslOns WIthout CIty CouncIl reVIew of the SIte Development RevIew and project Condltwns of Approval, CItzng prevzous extenswn and length of tIme sznce the ongznal approval Cm Sbrantl requested clarificatwn of the extent of the addltwnal reVIew and the current status of the project He spoke on negotlatwns to get the current plan and stated he does not want to retreat on any of the deSIgn standards CIty Manager RIch Ambrose responded Alameda County General ServIces IS negotzatzng WIth Judges on cost(s) to determme the feaslblllty of reducmg the SIze of the facIZzty Mayor Lockhart spoke on Camp Parks' changes and zn support of gomg back to the SIte ReVIew Process for a decIswn by the new CIty Counczl, Cltlng potentzal benefits to the commumty SupervIszng ArchItect Gerald Leaper, Alameda County, spoke m support of the current plan and zn OpposItzon of gozng through another SIte Development ReVIew process and all other reVIews orzgmally reqUlred for approval of the project ASSIstant Planner JamIe Raja responded on the revzew process and stated that if the project IS resubmItted, zt would go back to the Plannmg Commlsszon and then the CIty Counczl Cm Sbrantl encouraged construetwn to avozd addItIOnal revIew for conSIderatIOn of addUlOnal extenszons DlUBlLliN CiTY <COlUN<CILIL MINUTES VOLlUMlE 26 JRJB:GmLAR MEE'1I'KN G November 20, 2007 JP AGlE 4)75 On motIOn by Cm Oravetz, seconded by Cm Sbrantl, and by unammous vote, the CIty CouncIl adopted RESOLUTION NO 206 - 07 APPROVING A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE CITY/COUNTY AGREEMENT REGARDING THE ENFORCEMENT OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR THE EAST COUNTY HALL OF JUSTICE (ALAMEDA COUNTY COURTHOUSE) PA 02-030 as amended, to mclude a prOVISIOn m the Agreement to prohIbIt addItIOnal extensIOns wIthout CIty Counczl revIew of the SIte Development RevIew, should the County fazl to commence constructIOn by the expIratIOn date of May 16, 2009 Approved (49300-40) the Warrant RegIster m the amount of$I,717,527,01 <> WRli'f'fEN COMMUNliCA 'fliONS COll"ll"eslPonndleIl1lce 11'rom ABAG regardlmf! Pnorntv Connsell"Vatnonn Areas 7 12 (5 1 930-30) Parks and CommunIty ServIces DIrector DIane Lowart presented the Staff Report and adVIsed that correspondence has been receIved from ABAG mformmg the CIty that an area wIthm the CIty of Dublm has been nommated as a Pnonty ConservatIOn Area (PCA) for the FOCUS RegIOnal Plannmg Program The nommatIOn was made by the East Bay RegIOnal Park DIstnct for Its RegIOnal TraIls System Gaps proJect and mcludes traIl connectIOns along the TassaJara Creek TraIl, the Alamo Canal Trail and the Calaveras RIdge TraIl Cm Sbranh requested mformatIOn on the process followmg the nommatIOn Mayor Lockhart requested addItIOnal mformatIOn on the locatIOn of the traIls DUBLiN Cli'fY COlUNCiL MJ[NllJ'fES VOLlUME 26 REGllJJLAR MEE'fiNG Novembell" 20, 2007 lP AGE <S76 f Parks and CommunIty ServIces DIrector Lowart responded that all three of the trails are IdentIfied as future traIlslbIkeways m the CIty'S BIkeways Master Plan and the TraIls Plan mcluded m the Parks and RecreatIOn Master Plan She stated that once local JunsdIctIOns and the ReVIew Team have provIded comments on the nommatIOns, that If the project IS chosen, It wIll be submItted for fundmg On motIon of Vm HIldenbrand, seconded by Cm Scholz, and by unanImous vote, the CouncIl dIrected Staff to notify ABAG of the CIty'S support for the nommatIOn <> Dou211nertv lBInlllls Do!! Park Petdnonn 7 15 pm 52 (290-20) Parks and CommunIty ServIces DIrector DIane Lowart presented the staff report and adVIsed that on November 5, 2007, the CIty was presented WIth a petItIOn seekmg "safety and Improvement reVISIOns" to the Dougherty HIlls Dog Park She stated Staff has prepared an analysIs of each requested reVISIOn for conSIderatIOn by the CIty CouncIl, as follows, and dIsplayed a Power Pomt of the Artwork and potentIal locatIOn If the deCISIOn IS made to move the art o Artwork currently mSIde the Dog Park o AgIlIty Items currently InSIde the Dog Park o LIghtmg - currently noneXIstent o Parkmg - congested "boxed m" vehIcles Parks and Commumty ServIces DIrector Lowart spoke on Staff s mtent to close the Park for mamtenance from January through March 2008 and clarIfied the CIty CouncIl wIll be prOVIded WIth a report at a future meetmg related to draInage and turf condItions at the Dog Park as they are not a part of the petItIOn She requested CouncIl dIrectIOn regardmg the relocatIOn of the artwork (at the CIty'S expense at an estimated $13,870), statmg the artIst had been contacted and was m agreement She spoke on the agIlIty course fixtures and concluded her presentatIOn WIth Staff recommendatIOns to approve the request for modIficatIons to the parkmg lot m order to ease parkmg congestIOn, but not InstallatIOn of lIghts due to the prOXImIty of the Dog Park to adJacent housmg DllffilLKN cliTY COUNC1IJL MliNllJ'fES VOLlUMJE 26 REGllJJLAR MEE'fliNG November 20, 2007 PAGE <S77 ~ Of !Jli/f>' ~~~ 111~1~~\~ 19~~1J2 ,~, QU'fOv.,~~ Vm HIldenbrand asked If thought had been gIven to dIfferent types of surface, other than turf, due to the number of dogs usmg the Park and assocIated mamtenance costs Parks and CommunIty ServIces DIrector DIane Lowart responded that optIOns wIll be brought back to CouncIl for consIderation at a future meetmg CIty Manager RIchard Ambrose asked If CouncIl would be mterested m Staffbnngmg back other optIOns that does not mvolve turV Vm HIldenbrand stated she lIkes the turf at the Dog Park but It has created overuse, as It IS the only one m the area wIth grass, an optIOn other than turf may be a way of adJustmg use of the Park, cItmg the Park was not mtended to be a regIOnal park Mayor Lockhart stated opposItion to reseedmg twIce a year and suggested changmg the surface If necessary Cm Scholz requested mformatIOn on mamtenance fundmg, on the type of preparatIOn and research done for development of the Dog Park, and on the safety of the art work She also spoke on a reSIdent's suggestIOn to use ~ of the Park at a time Parks and CommunIty ServIces DIrector Lowart responded that Staff researched Dog Parks throughout the Bay Area, mcludmg SIte VISItS, and Staffs mItIal recommendatIOn was grass for the small dog park and bark for the large dog park, however, CommunIty mput supported turf, WIth the knowledge that closmg the Park each year for mamtenance would be reqUIred She stated fundmg was from the General Fund The next report to CouncIl wIll mclude Improvement costs for CouncIl conSIderatIOn, and that the Art Work was not antiCIpated to be a problem at the time the Park was approved CIty Manager RIchard Ambrose clanfied that Park mamtenance IS budgeted on an annual baSIS, but that the regIOnal use of the Dog Park was not antiCIpated Vm HIldenbrand asked If there IS a way to mOnItor the Park to aVOId overuse Parks and CommunIty ServIces DIrector Lowart responded that an occupancy SIgn could be posted but enforcement would be dIfficult, as Staff to mOnItor the Park would be prohIbItive DllffilLliN Cli'fY COlUNCliIL MiNUTES VOILUME 26 REGUlLAR MEE'fiNG November 20, 2007 PAGE <S7B Vm HIldenbrand spoke on the regIOnal use that prevents Dubhn resIdents from usmg the Park Cm Sbrantl spoke m support of lookmg at all optIOns of surfacmg and requested mformatIOn on the agIlIty course and requested modIficatIOns Mayor Lockhart asked If the agIlIty features are necessary and suggested lImItmg the cost to $250 00 If replaced Vm HIldenbrand asked If there were age reqUIrements for chIldren to be m the Dog Park Parks and Commumty ServIces DIrector responded on the features and use of the agIlIty course and on sIgnage relatmg to chIldren m the Park Mayor Lockhart suggested makIng the sIgnage bIgger prohIbItmg chIldren under 5 from bemg m the Park and statmg chIldren under the age of 12 must be accompamed by an adult Cm Oravetz commented on the cost of movmg the Art Work and suggested reducmg the cost by only relocatmg the ArtWork m the large Dog Park, as that seems to be the problem He asked how many actual cases of dogs gettmg hurt have been reported to the CIty MIke Hathaway, reSIdent adJacent to the Dog Park area, spoke m support of green turf and m oppOSItIon to lIghts, cItmg Impact on surroundmg homes, and on regIOnal use of the Park He stated perhaps parkmg meters could be used to lImIt time WIth addItIOnal fees for non-Dubhn users OZZIe Dashevsky, DublIn reSIdent, presented a power pOInt and spoke on agIhty eqUIpment, parkmg congestIOn, and hghtmg He spoke m support of the Park and recommended mstallatIOn of enough lIghtmg for safety, not stadIUm lIghtmg John Sherwm, reSIdent adJacent to the Dog Park area, spoke m oppOSItIon to lIghtmg, recommended CouncIlmembers VISIt the park to observe nOIse, cItmg the neIghborhood dIsturbance He requested the Park be relocated or a Dog Park be developed m another area DllffiLlIN Cli'fY COlUNCliL MliNllJ'fES VOILlUME 26 REGUILAR MEE'fiNG November 20, 2007 PAGE <S79 Rich Sotelo, spoke m support of the Dog Park and requested the desIgn be reconfigured for entrance of the dogs He suggested pamtmg the curb red to prevent parkmg and traffic congestion Estella & Emmanuel Lopez stated theIr dog was mJured on the Art Work at the Dog Park, submItted the dog's medIcal hIstOry, and requested the Art Work be removed Irene Alstrum spoke m support of the turf, suggested momtonng or controllIng entry mto the park, cIted prevIOus use of a Dog Park m another area reqUIred an annual fee and proof of vaccmatIOn She spoke on the mIsuse and overuse of the Park Robert Hawkms stated he does not lIve m Dublm but uses the park at least once a day because of the grass and the desIgn of the Park He spoke m OppOSItIOn to use of the crawl tunnel by chIldren, cItmg CIty lIabIlIty Ron Boggs stated he apprecIates the Park, lIkes the turf, and spoke m OppOSItIOn to lIghts CouncIlmembers dIscussed the CIty of Dublm commItment to art m the Parks, potential area to relocate the large Dog Park Art Work, parkmg Issues and parkmg lot congestIOn, feaSIbIlIty of membershIp to use the Park, agIlIty features, regIOnal use and overuse of the Park, costs assocIated wIth mamtenance, use of the Park and agIlIty features by chIldren, commItment that the Park would be an amemty for the neIghborhood reSIdents, not an mtrusIOn, feaSIbIlIty ofusmg a faCIlIty attendant at busy times, and OppOSItIOn to lIghtmg On motIOn of Mayor Lockhart, seconded by em SbrantI, and by unanImous vote, the CouncIl dIrected Staff as follows o Remove ngId poles o No lIghtmg o Postmg better, larger sIgnage regardmg rules for chIldren o Pamt curb red o PolIce Department to enforce legal parkmg o Relocate Art Work m the large Dog Park to Area 4 - parkmg lot adJacent to the entry DllffiLITN Cli'fY COUNCliL MJ[NllJ'fES VOILlUME 26 REGUILAR MEE'fITNG November 20, 2007 PAGE <SSO Parks and CommunIty ServIces DIrector Lowart clanfied costs are aVaIlable III the current mamtenance budget to do the mamtenance suggested m the Staff Report dunng the closure penod, and dependmg on what optIOn CouncIl chooses to deal WIth the turf Issue, there could be very sIgmficant costs to be consIdered as part of the budget CIty Manager RIchard Ambrose clanfied the Park FaCIlIty OrdInance will be scheduled for an upcommg CouncIl Meetmg and suggested mcorporatmg rules at that tIme He also c1anfied that only the ngId poles WIll be removed from the agIlIty course <> PUBILliC lHIJEARKNGS Punbllnc lHIearmg (COIl1ltllIl1llLlled!1from :B.Jl/06/(7) Mntngated! Negahve DedaIr'atnoIl1l, West DUlllhUm BART Sjpecnfnc Pllann Amennd!mennt, Stage 1 DeveHopmennt PHsnn Amenndmellllt Slllld! Stage 2 PllSIl1lBlled! Devellojpmennt Re710nne for a 309-Unnnt Resnd!ennhall Communmw. lP'A 06-009 Wmd!stsr 8 20 P m 6 1 (400-20/410-55/450-30) Mayor Lockhart opened the publIc hearmg Semor Planner Enca Fraser presented the Staff Report and adVIsed that Wmdstar has proposed a 309-umt reSIdential proJect located wIthm the West DublIn BART SpecIfic Plan area and the development of the Site plays an mtegral part m finanCIng the constructIOn of the West Dubhn BART TransIt StatIOn She presented an overvIew of transIt onented developments and stated the ApplIcant has requested an amendment of the Stage 1 Development Plan for the SIte to Increase the total number of permItted umts and has proposed a Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment and Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone to allow the constructIOn of the proposed reSIdential proJect The presentatIOn concluded WIth a reVIew of parkmg standards, proposed parkmg UnIts, the feasIbIhty of offenng a flex car on SIte, and the proposed heIght of the development Cm Oravetz requested clanficatIOn of flex car use and aVaIlabIlIty DOOLKN CITY COlUNCKL MlINllJTES VOJLUME 26 REGULAR MJEE'f[NG November 20,2007 PAGE ~81l SenIor Planner Fraser responded a flex car IS a car that can be used by the resIdents when transIt IS not a vIable option and CondItion of Approval 29 reqUlres the ApplIcant to look mto the feaSIbIlIty ofhavmg a flex car on sIte Cm SbrantI spoke on the proposed overall parkmg ratIo of 1 55 parkmg stalls per UnIt and clarIfied that the CondItions of Approval recommended by the PlannIng CommIssIOn were not bmdmg Cm Scholz requested clarification of the parkmg ratIO, cItmg mcreased densIty, and questIOned resIdents use of publIc transportatIOn Mayor Lockhart clarified there are no establIshed parkmg ratIOS for tranSIt onented development SenIor Planner Fraser clanfied the parkmg ratIOS m the Code are based on suburban development and the Code has not been changed to mclude parkmg ratios for tranSIt onented development Cheek Tang, MVE ArchItects, representmg the ApplIcant, mtroduced development staff and clanfied the purpose of transIt onented development IS for resIdents who use mass tranSIt He dIsplayed a power pomt of the proposed proJect, SIte, deSIgn m conjUnctIOn WIth surroundmg busmesses, proposed publIc art feature, street and mterchange Improvements, enforcement of parkmg, flex-car avaIlabIlIty, and clanfied that profeSSIOnal property management WIll be on SIte 24 hours Cm SbrantI asked If a SImIlar proJect IS planned m Pleasanton and would the same parkmg ratIO be proposed He also requested clanficatIOn of the gated/ungated parkmg areas Mr Tang responded a proJect IS m the development process m Pleasanton WIth a proposed 1 3 parkIng ratIO He clanfied the reSIdent parkmg IS m a gated area and the guest parkIng IS ungated DllffilLKN cli'fY COlUNCliL MliNllJ'fES VOILUME 26 REGULAR MEE'fiNG November 20, 2007 PAGE ~82 CouncIlmembers and the Mayor dIscussed varIOUS Issues related to the proJect, mcludmg bIkeway, development of a plaza area, and support for a restaurant wIthm the hotel DavId Bewley, spoke on concerns related to tranSIt onented development, mcludmg oppOSItIon to proposed parkmg ratIOs and mtersectIOn level of servIce and spoke m support of bIkeways Mayor Lockhart closed the publIc heanng Mayor Lockhart spoke m support of the project and transIt onented development, mcludIng dIfferent parkmg ratIOs, m support of St Patnck Way Improvement, cIted the opportumty to lIve and walk to many busmesses m the area, and encouraged the development of bIkeways Cm Oravetz concurred wIth Mayor Lockhart's comments, cItmg tranSIt onented development as an amemty for the CIty of DublIn and spoke m support of mcludmg a restaurant Vm HIldenbrand spoke m support of tranSIt onented development and expressed concerns wIth the proposed 1 55 parkmg ratIO, speCIfically guest parkmg and BART patrons usmg the ungated guest parkIng spaces Cm SbrantI expressed concerns wIth the proposed 1 55 parkmg ratIO, BART patrons usmg parkmg spaces desIgnated for resIdents, lack of guest parkmg, accumulatIve Impact relatmg to parkmg and traffic He spoke m support of a flex car on SIte CIty Manager RIchard Ambrose stated the bUlldout for downtown has been analyzed and necessary Improvements to mItigate the traffic have been IdentIfied He also spoke on the adoptIOn of the traffic fee to Improve downtown streets Enc Heffuer, ApplIcant, spoke m support of the proJect deSIgn and on the goal of parkmg spaces utilIzed by the resIdents and theIr guests, statmg rents WIll be tIed to the number of vehIcles a resIdent has and that a profeSSIOnal property management wIll be avaIlable 24-7 to enforce rules on the property CouncIlmembers and the Mayor dIscussed Issues relatmg to parkIng enforcement DllffiLlIN Cli'fY COlUNclilL MlINIU'fES VOLlUME 26 REGUlLAR MEE'fliNG November 20, 2007 PAGE <SS3 Cm SbrantI spoke m support of CondItions of Approval, to mclude rents tied to the number of vehICles a resIdent has, BART parkmg, and avaIlabIlIty of a flex car IS not optIonal On motIon ofCm Oravetz, seconded by Cm Scholz, and by a maJonty vote, wIth Vm HIldenbrand and Cm SbrantI votmg no, the CouncIl adopted RESOLU'fliON NO 207-07 AIDOlP'fliNG A Mli'fliGA 'fED N]EGA 'fliVJE ANID A Mli'fliGA 'fliON MONlI'fOmNG ANJ!Jl RElPOR'fliNG lPROGRAM FOR 'flHIE WliNIDS'fAR lPROJnEC'f PA 06-009 RESOILU'fliON NO 208-07 AlPlPlROVliNG AMENIDMEN'fS 'fO 'flHIE WES'f DllffiLKN BAR'f SlPECliFliC lPlLAN FOR 'flHIE WliNIDS'f AR lPROJnEC'f lP A 06-009 and waived readmg and mtroduced an Ordmance approvmg a PD Planned Development Rezomng to Amend the Adopted Stage 1 Development Plan and Adopt a Stage 2 Development Plan for the Wmdstar ProJect (APN 941-1500-046-01), PA 06-009 <> lUNFliNlISlHIED BUSiNESS So11'tw~lIre System Assessmennt Report ~mdl Autllnornzatnonn to Cnrcullate a Request 11'011" lPlI"olPosall (RlFlP) 11'011" lProculI"emeIl1lt 011' Accounntml! &. Bunlldlml! Permnt Systems 9 54 P m 7 1 (350-20/600-30) AdmmIstratIve ServIces DIrector Paul Rankm presented the Staff Report and adVIsed that an Assessment Report evaluatmg current Accountmg PermIt Systems concludes that the CIty should proceed wIth a procurement process by releasmg a Request for Proposals from vendors He stated the purchasmg code allows thIS procurement method for DllffiILKN CliTY cOlUNCliIL MliNllJ'fES VOILlUME 26 REGllJJLAR MJEE'fKNG November 20, 2007 lP AGE <SS<S technIcal purchases, when authonzed by the CIty CouncIl The presentatIOn mcluded the estimated cost and concluded wIth a response to Mayor Lockhart's questIOn on mterfacmg systems On motion of Cm Scholz, seconded by Vm HIldenbrand, and by unammous vote, the CIty CouncIl adopted RESOILU'fliON NO 209-07 AU'flHIOmZliNG AN EXCEP'fliON 'fO 'flHIE COMPE'fli'fNJE BIDDliNG REQUlIRlEMEN'fS FOR 'flHIE SELEC'fliON OF ACCOlUN'fKNG ANIDPERMlI'f SYS'fEM SOlF'fW ARE ANJ!Jl AU'flHIOmZliNG 'flHIE REILEASE OlF A REQUJES'f lFOR PROPOSAIL <> NJEW BUSKNESS Poet ILaureate &, ILocalllHInstornann 10 00 p m 8 1 (910-75) Hentage and Cultural Arts SupervIsor John Hartnett presented the Staff Report outlImng two new volunteer posItions for the CIty, a Poet Laureate and Local HIstonan, and asked the CIty CouncIl to authonze the recruItment and selectIOn process He stated the proposed Poet Laureate wIll serve as a publIc advocate for the apprecIatIOn and advancement of the lIterary arts for the CIty of Dublm and the proposed CIty HIstonan WIll aSSIst researchers, students, lIbrarIans, members of the publIc, the press and dIrect them to resources for hIstoncal mformatIOn The presentatIOn concluded WIth a recommended selectIOn process Cm Oravetz spoke on the reqUIred qualIficatIOns Mayor Lockhart spoke m OppOSItIOn to the qualIficatIOn for the pOSItion of CIty HIstonan to possess the abIlIty to prOVIde first-rate customer servIce, cItmg It sounds more lIke a Staff person than a volunteer, and recommended alternate language DllffiLlIN Cli'fY COUNCliL MJ[NllJ1I'ES VOLlUME 26 REGllJJLAR MEE'fKNG November 20, 2007 PAGE <S35 Hentage and Cultural Arts SupervIsor Hartnett responded that qualIficatIOn could be omItted CouncIlmembers and Mayor Lockhart dIscussed the two posItIOns and the proposed length of appomtment wIth opportumty to be reappomted On motion of Cm Scholz, seconded by Cm SbrantI, and by unammous vote, the CIty CouncIl approved the Poet Laureate and Local HIstonan posItions for two year appomtments wIth optIOn for reappomtment, and authonzed Staff to advertIse the pOSItIOns <> O'fHER BUSKNESS BrIef INFORMATION ONLY reports from Councd and/or Staff, mcludmg Committee Reports and Reports by Councd related to meetmgs attended at City expense (AD 1234) 10 10 P m CIty Manager RIchard Ambrose asked If CouncIlmembers want one or two meetmgs m the month of January CouncIl consensus to meet once m January, the thIrd Tuesday of the month CouncIlmembers reported on attendmg the Mayor's Conference Cm SbrantI announced the Alumm Dublm HIgh School Soccer Game Vm HIldenbrand requested amendment of CouncIl rules and procedures to mclude a prOVISIOn based on state law to prohIbIt polItical actiVIty dunng CouncIl meetmgs, at CIty events, or when carrymg out elected duties CouncIl consensus to lIst on a future agenda Mayor Lockhart thanked Hentage and Cultural Center for Mayor's Conference and read a letter of thanks from PrmcIpal, Poway HIgh School to FIre ChIef, Alameda County, for theIr support dunng the Southern CalIfornIa fires DOOJLliN Cli'fY COlUNCliL MJ[NllJ'fES VOLlUME 26 REGllJJLAR MEE'fKNG NovembeJr 20, 2007 PAGE <SS6 AID>J01UR.NMJEN'f There bemg no further busmess to come before the CouncIl, the meetmg was adJourned at 10 25 p m III memory of our fallen troops Mmutes prepared by Intenm CIty Clerk Carolyn Parkmson ATTEST c&:L~~~ ~ DUBLKN Cll1I'Y COlUNclIJL MliNU'fJES VOLUME 26 RlEGUJLAR MJEETlIN G November 20, 2007 PAGE 487