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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Assessment Ballot Proceed [D)~5)rlR~cr ClEIRK F~le # D[3]~[~}{~[Q FAllON V~llAGIE GIEOlOG~C HAZARD A!BAlrIEMlE~lr D~SlrRIClr AGIE~DA SlrAlrlEMlE~lr D~SlrR~Clr !BOARD MlElElr~~G DAlrlE December 18, 2007 SUBJECT ResolutIOn ImtIatmg Assessment Ballot Proceedmg and Expressmg Intent to Order Assessment to Pay for the Cost and Expenses of the Mamtenance and OperatIOns of the Improvements wIthm the Fallon VIllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement DIStrICt (GHAD) Report Prepared by Melzssa Morton Intenm D1Strlct Manager V?1nC- ATTACHMENTS Resolution ImtIatmg Assessment Ballot Proceedmg and Expressmg Intent to Order an Assessment to Pay for the Cost and Expenses of the Mamtenance and OperatIOns of the Improvements wIthm the Fallon VIllage GHAD, mcludmg ExhIbIt "A", Boundary Map ExhIbIt "B", EngIneer's Report ExhIbIt "C", Notice of PublIc Heanng ExhIbIt "D", Assessment Ballot and Ballot InstructIOns RECOMMENDATION \U'-~ Adopt the ResolutIOn ImtIatmg an Assessment Ballot ProceedIng and ExpreSSIng Intent to Order an Assessment to Pay for the Cost and Expenses of the MaIntenance and Operations of the Improvements wIthm the Fallon VIllage GeologIC Hazard Abatement DIstnct FiNANCIAL STATEMENT The GHAD does not currently have a source of revenues to finance Its operatIOns The funds generated wIll pay for the mamtenance and operation of GHAD Improvements In the DIstnct DESCRIPTION DIVISIon 17 of the Cahforma PublIc Resources Code estabhshes legal standards for GeologIC Hazard Abatement Dlstnct ("GRAD") formatIOn, GHAD financmg and the scope of GRAD authonty (Section 26500 et seq ) On December 4, 2007, the City CounCIl of the City of Dubhn approved the formation of the Fallon VIllage GHAD The CIty CouncIl SItS as the Board of DIrectors of the Fallon VIllage Ranch GHAD There IS currently no financmg mechanism m place to pay for the Fallon VIllage GHAD actiVIties COPY'IO EDPO Property Owners Page 1 of3 lI'IEM NO '1=:/ c G \GHAD\tallon Vlllagc\Fallon Village Asscssemnt Levy\agst Inltlatmg assessment ballot DOC The adoptIOn of the attached ResolutIOn would ImtIate an assessment ballot proceedmg for the Fallon VIllage GRAD If approved, a new assessment zone wIll be created to pay for GHAD activIties In Fallon VIllage The annual assessments, If confirmed by the Board of DIrectors, WIll generate $488 per detached smgle famIly resIdence and $0 05 per square foot for commercIal propertIes WIthIn the DIstnct, adjusted annually based upon the percentage change m the San FrancIsco-Oakland-San Jose Consumer Pnce Index for All Urban Consumers ANALYSIS Cahforma PublIc Resources Code 9 265505 prOVIdes that proceedmgs for the formation of a new GHAD may be mItIated by a petition SIgned by the owners of at least ten percent (10%) of the real property to be mcluded wIthm the proposed dIstnct On October 2,2007, the CIty CounCIl was presented WIth a petitIOn for the formatIOn of the Fallon VIllage GHAD ("Petition") On November 6, 2007, the CIty CounCIl adopted Resolution No 196-07, acceptmg the PetItIOn and settmg a heanng on the formation of the Fallon VIllage GRAD ("Heanng") NotIce of the Heanng was gIVen pursuant to the prOVISIons of PublIc Resources Code Sections 26564 through 26566 On December 4, 2007, the Heanng was held on the formation of the Fallon VIllage GHAD At the Heanng, the owners of more than 50 percent of the assessed valuatIOn of property wIthm the tern tory dId not object to the formatIon of the GHAD, and the Board of DIrectors thereafter approved a resolutIon approvmg the formation of the Fallon Village GHAD In order to defray the costs and expenses of mamtamIng and operatIng the Fallon Village GHAD Improvements wIthm Fallon VIllage, as deSIgnated m the Fallon VIllage Plan of Control ("Plan of Control") on file WIth the DIstnct Clerk, It IS necessary to prOVIde a relIable fundmg mechamsm for those Improvements Pubhc Resources Code SectIOns 26650 et seq authonze, after a notIced publIc heanng, the levy and collectIOn of assessments upon benefited property to pay for the mamtenance and operatIon of Dlstnct Improvements PropOSItIon 218 Imposes additIonal reqUIrements for the levy and collectIOn of assessments, mcludmg the maIhng of notIce, ballotmg matenals and mstructIons as speCIfied m Government Code SectIon 53753 to each record owner of a parcel subject to the proposed assessment at least 45 days pnor to a pubhc hearmg on the levy of the assessment In addItIon, PropOSItIOn 218 reqUIres the creatIon of an engmeer's report that separates the speCial benefits prOVided to the propertIes to be assessed from the general benefits to the publIc at large An engmeer's report for Fallon Village ("Engmeer's Report") has been prepared by Enc Harrell, Engeo, Inc , the DIstnct Engmeer, who IS a registered profeSSIonal engmeer certified by the State of Cahfornla The EngIneer's Report separates the speCIal benefits prOVided by the Fallon VIllage GRAD to property WIthIn Fallon Village from general benefits conferred on the publIc at large, IdentIfies the speCIally benefited parcels, and sets forth the estImated budget, the total assessment to be leVIed agamst each parcel of property wIthm Fallon VIllage, and proVIdes a descnptIon of the method used m formulatmg the assessments Notice and ballotmg matenals which Include the amount of the assessment proposed to be Imposed on each parcel, the basIS upon whIch the amount of the proposed assessment was calculated, the reason for the assessment, and the date, tIme and locatIon of a pubhc heanng on the proposed assessment ("Assessment Heanng") WIll be maIled out at least 45 days before the date set for the Assessment Page 2 of3 HearIng At the Assessment Heanng, the Board of DIrectors wIll consIder all statements and all wntten protests made or filed by any Interested person at or before the conclusIOn of the Assessment Heanng Upon the conclUSIOn of the Assessment Heanng, the Board of Dlfectors WIll determme whether a maJonty protest eXIsts In accordance WIth Government Code Section 53753 Once tabulated, the assessment ballots WIll be weIghted accordmg to the proportIOnal financIal obhgatlOn of each affected property If the Board of DIrectors determInes that a maJonty protest does not eXIst at the conclUSIOn of the Assessment Heanng, the Board of DIrectors may then adopt a resolutIon to levy the assessment for Fallon VIllage RECOMMENDATION It IS recommended that the Board of DIrectors adopt the ResolutIon InItIatIng an Assessment Ballot Proceedmg and ExpreSSIng Intent to Order an Assessment to Pay for the Cost and Expenses of the MaIntenance and OperatIOns of the Improvements WIthIn the Fallon VIllage GeologIC Hazard Abatement DIstnct Page 3 of3 lOb ?:{P RESOLUTION NO -07 RESOLUTION OF THE BOAIRID OF THE FALLON VILlLAGE GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT ********************************************* INITIATING AN ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEEDING AND EXPRESSING INTENT TO ORDER AN ASSESSMENT TO PAY FOR THE COST AND EXPENSES OF IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE FALLON VILlLAGE GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, thiS ResolutIOn IS adopted pursuant to the provlSlons of DIvIsIon 17 (SectIOn 26500 et seq ) ofthe PublIc Resources Code, entitled "GeologIC Hazard Abatement DIstrICts", and WHEREAS, on December 4,2007, the City CouncIl of the City of Dubhn (the "City") approved ResolutIOn No 216-07 whIch created the Fallon VIllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement Dlstnct ("DistrIct") WIth the Board of DIrectors to conSIst of the City CouncIl of the City ofDubhn, and WHEREAS, property wIthm Fallon VIllage IS IdentIfied m the map attached as ExhIbIt A, and each parcel to be assessed IS IdentIfied by an assessor's parcel number, If avaIlable, and WHEREAS, In order to defray the costs and expenses of mamtammg and operatmg the DIstnct Improvements wIthm Fallon VIllage, as deSignated In the Plan of Control for the Fallon VIllage GeologiC Hazard Abatement DIstnct ("Plan of Control") on file WIth the DIStrICt Clerk, It wIll be necessary to proVide a relIable source of fundIng to the DIstrICt, and WHEREAS, Pubhc Resources Code SectIOns 26650 et seq authonze, after a notIced publIc hearmg, the levy and collectIOn of an assessment upon benefited property wIthm the Dlstnct to pay for the mamtenance and operatIOn of DIStrICt Improvements, and WHEREAS, CalIfornia Government Code Sections 53750 et seq (WhICh Implement CalIfornia ConstitutIOn ArtIcle XIlD, known as ProposItIon 218), and Government Code SectIOn 53739 Impose additIonal reqUIrements for the levy and collectIon of assessments, Includmg the maIlmg of notice mcludmg ballotmg matenals and mstructIons as speCIfied m SectIOn 53753 to each record owner ofa parcel subJect to the proposed assessment at least 45 days pnor to a publIc heanng on the levy of the assessment, and WHEREAS, an engmeer's report for Fallon VIllage, attached as ExhIbit B ("EngIneer's Report"), has been prepared by the mtenm DIstnct EngIneer, who IS a regIstered profeSSIOnal engIneer certIfied by the State of CalIfornIa, and WHEREAS, the EngIneer's Report separates the speCIal benefits prOVided by the DIstnct to property WithIn Fallon VIllage from general benefits conferred on the publIc at large, IdentIfies the speCIally benefited parcels, and sets forth the estImated budget, the total assessment to be leVied agamst each parcel of property wlthm Fallon VIllage, and proVIdes a descnptIon of the method used m formulatmg the assessments, and WHEREAS, the levy of an assessment for DIStrICt actiVItIes wIthm Fallon VIllage IS m the best mterests of the CItIzens of DublIn, (),1b 3LR NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of DIrectors of the Fallon VIllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement DIstnct that Section 1 IFmdml!s and Determmatlons The Board of DIrectors hereby finds and determmes that the above recItals are true and correct and have served as the basIs, m part, for the findIngs and actIons of the DIstnct set forth below Section 2 DirectIOn 1 The Board of DIrectors hereby declares ItS mtentIon, consIstent WIth the reqUIrements of PublIc Resources Code Sections 26650 et seq , ArtIcle XIIill of the CalIfornIa ConstItutIOn, Government Code Sections 53739 and 53750 et seq , and ElectIons Code SectIOn 4000, to order that the costs and expenses ofDIstnct Improvements, descnbed In detaIl m the Engmeer's Report, shall be assessed agamst the property WIthIn Fallon VIllage WhICh IS benefited by the DIstnct 2 The Board ofDlfectors further declares ItS mtentIon to assess agamst the property wIthm Fallon VIllage, for the 2008-2009 fiscal year and for subsequent years, the assessment amounts apportIOned m accordance WIth the Engmeer's Report, adJusted for mflatIOn annually to reflect the percentage change utIlIzmg the San FranCIsco-Oakland-San Jose Consumer Pnce Index for All Urban Consumers for the month of December prevIOUS to the budgeted fiscal year 3 Each of the parcels m the property IdentIfied m ExhIbIt A WIll receIve a particular and dIstmct specIal benefit m the form ofDIstnct facIlItIes and services whIch are over and above the general benefits receIved by the general pubhc at large The DIstnct's actIVItIes Include (a) momtonng, repaIr and mamtenance of natural and excavated slopes and surface draInage facIlItIes to prevent certam geologiC hazards, and (b) may mclude temporary and permanent mItIgatIOn, repaIrs and Improvement measures to abate or control geologIC hazards These speCIal benefits are descnbed In detaIl m the Plan of Control on file WIth the DIstnct Clerk 4 The Board of Directors has reViewed and conSIdered the EngIneer's Report attached hereto as ExhIbIt B The Engmeer's Report IdentIfies the speCIal benefit conferred on the entIre DIstnct and each parcel that wIll be subJect to the assessment and separates that speCIal benefit from the general benefit conferred on the publIc at large Such speCIal benefit denved from the DIstnct IS proportIOnal to and no greater than the reasonable cost of the speCIal benefits conferred The assessment does not exceed the reasonable cost of the proportIOnal speCial benefit conferred 5 NotIce IS hereby gIven of a publIc heanng ("Heanng") on February 5,2008, at the hour of 700 pm, at 100 CIVIC Plaza, Dublm, CA 94568 The Heanng WIll be on the questIOn of the levy and collectIon of the DIstnct assessment for Fallon VIllage ("Assessment") for the 2008-2009 fiscal year, and for each future year based upon the percentage change m the San FranCIsco-Oakland-San Jose Consumer Pnce Index for All Urban Consumers At the Heanng, the Board of DIrectors WIll conSider all statements and all wntten protests made or filed by any mterested person at or before the conclUSIOn of the Heanng concernmg the Improvements, assessment zones wItlun the Dlstnct, the proposed dIagram, the proposed Assessment and the engIneer's estImate of the cost of the Improvements Dunng the course or upon the conclUSIOn of the Heanng, the Board of DIrectors may order changes m any of the matters prOVided m the Engmeer's Report Upon conclUSIon of the pubhc Heanng, the Board of DIrectors shall determme whether a maJonty protest eXIsts In accordance WIth CalIfornIa Government Code SectIon 53753 Tn tabulatmg the Assessment ballots, the Assessment ballots shall be weIghed accordmg to the proportIOnal 2 31J 3'-" financial oblIgatIon of the affected property If the Board of DIrectors determmes that a maJonty protest does not eXist, the Board of Directors may take action to levy the Assessment 6 Dlstnct Staff IS hereby dIrected to mall a notice of the Hearmg and proposed assessment, attached as ExhlbIt C ("NotIce"), to each record owner of a parcel wlthm Fallon Village announcmg that ballots Will be canvassed and a heanng conducted on February 5,2008 on the levy and collectIOn of the Assessment for the 2008 - 2009 fiscal year, and, for each future year followmg the levy of the Assessment The Assessment Ballot and Ballot InstructlOns, attached as ExhlbIt 0, shall be attached to the Notice 7 The Public Works DIrector of the CIty ofDubhn, or her deSIgnee, IS hereby deSIgnated as the person to answer mqmnes regardmg any proceedmgs and other matters related to the levy of the D1Stnct Assessment wIthm Fallon Village, and may be contacted dunng regular busmess hours at (925)-833-6635 Section 3 CertIficatIOn The DIstnct Clerk shall certify the adoptIOn of thIS ResolutIOn SectIOn 4 Effective Date ThiS Resolution shall take effect Immediately upon adoptIOn lP' ASSlED AND ADOPTED on the 18th day of December, 2007, by the followmg vote AYES NAYS ABSTAINED ABSENT Presldent ATTEST Dlstnct Clerk G Il)FVELOPMENT PRIV A TI:\Fallon VIllage (~DPOlle, HAD\FJllo~ VIllage Assessemnl tevylRcso of Intent Imllaung A..essmetll Rallot Proceedmg DOC 3 4- ~fR ( T2S:R1E M DIS M I 22 : 23 ---1--- 27 : 26 ACACIA PARTNERS : SERIES No 2005-037868 __J I APN 985-0028-001 :- POB - -- - - --j- :::c:: ~ - - - - - -- - - - -;; N89~~~~~~1/; 76': -- - - - - ~~; :-:~:~-: -~; - -- - f - --- PM 8327 ~')~ II SECTIONS 26 & 27 I BK 298 PM P 14-17 t<-)' PARCEL D l[") : w ~ I b.~' ~ I MUEHLHAUSER : ~$' PM 9208 ~I SERIES No 2002-097480 : BK292 M PG 16-17 Wi APN 905-0003-012 , 313 91:f: AC :; : 00 I *NOIT BEARINGS AND DISTANCES WITH : o AN ASTERISK( *) FOR THE NW 1/4 OF : II SECTION 35 WERE TAKEN FROM : Z RECORD OF SURVEY NO 1675* : I I D : 27 ~__~Oit2lUL2.&1.9 61 * : 34 !\:- POB GRAD PARC~2--"1"----- I DUBLIN INVESTORS LLC B * SERIES No 2003-108250 * I ~ N ROS NO 1675 ~ ~ "'<:t ;2 BK25 R 0 S PG31-32 ~D ~ 8 8 N APN 905-0002-003 ~ B ~ I ~ 15954:f: AC Wi b;: ~ 8 <(00 GHAD PARCEL 2 ~ t\.. N J, l[")1=::!;z:oO l[")DU en 01'5(/)2: C> <(lut\.. Z ii: <( MDBe:M * lu > I (/) ~ D ~~D p::C~L 5 _... cllli2O~ L52"W 2.&2,1..lliL _ _ ~ _ __ ~o.i~11!L2.&~I~.",... -1_ ____ ~ I FIRST AMERICAN TITLE CROAK ___ GUARANTEE CO SERIES No 79-229985 " .... ~', SERIES No 1998-388140 APN 905-0002-002 I' \ APN 985-0027-006 APN 905-0002-002-01 : ~ f : APN 985-0027 -007 \ I I " \, I /""-- GHAD PARCELS 3 & 4 LEGEND ',____-/ SEE PAGE 3 ~ ____...=-== O' 500' 1000' 2000' ~~ ----------- 1'I<>ll">''-':\',o;;;ll.'"'"-'I''' """"'l'J":"-..."'1:rff''''i'W'" ;~ ; , J POB NOTE BEARINGS AND DISTANCES WITHOUT AN ASTERISK(*) WERE TAKEN FROM RECORD OF SURVEY NO 1005 ACACIA PARTNERS SERIES No 2005-037868 APN 905-0003-014-03 ( DSRSD , ....,; ....- PARCEL B No LLA 07-01 . SERIES No J I PARCEL A 2007-200946 \v- No LLA 07-01 \/------" ~ \ SERIES No 2007-200946 i (^'-~- 14 66~ AC DUB L I N i \ ( \PARCE0' I I N / ""- RANCH \ \ \ W I ~ \ ~ /' GRAD PARCEL 1 I-I , W I \ I"") I ' W I _......, I 0) / ,~ ;-., en; /- f L-. LlJ / I / 1;:;S < /'- - --.II ~ \ N \ / \ L-____ ~ ~ \ \ N 0 \ ~ '<t- l PARCEL C " '<t- _~ \ 8 8 , z z , * , NW 1 /4 SECTION 35 T2SR1E BOUNDARY LINE EXISTING LOT LINE POINT OF BEGINNING ( EXHIBIT "A" mms OF FALLON VILLAGE GRAD SEE EXHIBIT B FOR DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 4 rnillb\@LmV ~ @@lliID~~ CIVIL ENGINEERIN".' "'" 00 "'.11"".' ...,,, COOC\/C"V'.'I" Pleosonton CA oomIIDr A To the Resolution CITY OF DUBLIN 7-13-2007 DRAWN 0 COUNTY OF ALAMEDA CAliFORNIA MW 07-1 130830 mwehber P \19149\legals\GHAD-legals-averall\PLATEXHIBJ ( ( , , 5 3ft; .... ,-----------, - ~ " --/"" N39021'56 W(R) ~' PARCEl B ~j -----------, N520J9 14'W 3969 No LlA07 -01 R=291 02 0=49058 40' "'-''....J SERIES No L=253 85 , I N 71 020 52 E 82 06 2007-200945 N00"39 24 E 140 60~ I -"-..-.., Nl0057 46 W 96 03'~ ''-,\ N14025 13"W 134 28~ \r N50042 23 Vi 4807 '----\ N2103!_1~:~_8-8_~O'~JrtN71006 39' Vi 9904 \ ....---- , .....1 \ PM 920B \/"N21023'28E 20071~ l., BK 292 M PG 16-17 N37018'42 E 65 35~.( / '-''- 313 91:1: AC N16041'10'E 5140A.... ....., N02018'30"E 81 36 I I '" Nl7"50 10'E 6419 T ""- NOOO1922 W 10546 -r-----J. \ PARCEL '8' ~^.... Nlr4112 W 14719 L ---\ ~ ....,'-..... N00"4430'W 12097~ r~\ ,,'-'......... Nl2"41 '35 W 30861-------i r \ \ / '........ N20"43'33 W 90 89 ~ \ PARCEL A .... NOJ019'39 Vi 25002 +------J No LLA 07-01 NHf47 11 W 26863 \ , , SERIES No 2007-200946 N70"51 23 Vi 4905 &J' \ / 14 66:1: AC R=4200 0=59026'40' -- / L=4358' ~ / / N49041 57 E 122 85/~" 1 ~ 1---... 1/ // 'N58052 28 E 11988 N2800747 E 284 00 ~, I J L...I , / -.......... N69008 47 E 31 73 N5300251 E 195 67 ~ / / \ N90"00 00 E 5847 '\ \/ N75022 09 Vi 4589 ')I' / ~~ZO!~~~_EJ~L// \ (R=120 00 \ 0= 19007'43 R=88600 D=320 31 05 ---' \ L=40 06' R= 15000 0=54"01 09" L=502 85' ~, L=14142' NS9057 24 E(R)l N28" 39 03 W 58 57 N90"OO OQ'W1898S-.:.:::r ~ /" R=1100 00 0=5"1952 N70'5211w 655 y~ ~ L=10235 R=80 00 D= 11" 4 7'55 N30" 35' 3 7' W 33 48 L=1647 / N03"49 18 E 15900' N66040 50 E(R) 92 39 N22"55 58' W 83 13 N03"58 13' W 101 75 N3J"4520 W 12891 N1Q"41 42"W 5176' N89051 52'W 265100 rLEGEN-O--------- -=-=-...... .............. BOUNDARY LINE - ------ - - -- EXISTING LOT LINES DUBLIN RAN C H _J~ -- (' I I 1 \., < PARCEL 'C' PARCEL 'A' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ( \ \ , \ , \ , , O' 250' 500' 1000' llrA~;_~~~~~~~....~ SCALE 1"=500' EXHIBIT "A" PAGE 2 OF 4 LIMITS OF FALLON VILLAGE GHAD CITY OF DUBLIN 7-13-2007 CrvrL ENGINEERINGoLAND PLANNINGoLAND SURVEYING Pleosonlon CA (925) - 225-0690 DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO MW 07-13-07 1 =500 ,9149-10 mwehber P \ /9749\1egols \GHAD-fega!s-overafl\PLA TEXH/BI T dwg COUNTY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA 130830 CITY OF DUBLIN \ PARKSITE \ PARCEL B TRACT 7281 (277 M 82-88) 60' EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT FOR FALLON ROAD \ ( \ \ \ \ \ \ \ AREAS PARCEL 3=4,645:f: SF PARCEL 4=10,082:1: SF LEGEND POB POINT OF BEGINNING u ~ 0' 60' 120' r'l:!.~""'''">H ~~J;r...::r"l, ~I.:..~"';""'"'fr &",~"".E~ ~'?~A SCALE 1- =60' \ I I I I I I I iJl I I I , I I (J(J ~ I 1010 ,,?ro, -___ 1 o ~'t,., 0 '\'; '? (J (J ~,N8Cf09'451i"1J""/M r " ~:\ 't,., <' / I "\Rj tf\..9 / / ,- I ,//,1 ! =80055' ;- ./:" /1 ~ J / I .6.=;3'030'34" <:;)C)4:l~r.-; // PARCEL 3 / ~ f L=49 04' 0)0;) I, I" /1/ ;::? f QJ'<t- I I J" J / I I C'\I 0 - I ". /1, Lu f II I,{).q- I I, 1'~ .- " I' "r ~ 'io I 0::. cO II I '<4,? :> 1 ,. / __ 1 \\. ..-l- I' ( sr 0 v 6' f /, ~ I 4 I' ~OO/ _ J 1J ,I "':9.>6'~ 0 r' / &, I \\ I fl I sr-?srPi! / SZ POB PARCEL 3 ? I . & ~. ""'- ~ I I I I I ,! <$$"/ & PARCEL 4 vI-! r J ~/ I I I' II e'l I ,"3/ I f o I 1 (' Iff o " '::) >( I I I . I ! _,\1<."1 r ,I I j ""II I r ~ I /1/ I I I <..D II ~ f o If , , 0; I )? I' 'I I 1 ~II ,;:;t I # J -.r I ~ I ,~ - J ~"I/I ) Lu J f II I ! 'i.c I r- 'i "I -- J \\ I,. I OJ I ..... I ~ I'- I co I' I &, I ..... I ! D I r I I j:Z: I ~ 1 I I to !. I I ~ , , f I I 1 I I I f I I ! I 1 I I I / 1 I I f ~ N60015'10"E 31 43' N600 15'1 0" E 838' .4J ~~ ~~. Vl: 'r ~~ St~ PARCEL 4 REMAINDER OF PARCEL 18 TRACT 7281 (277 M 82-88) ~ ....:i . C:-;;l'-o g::~g'<:t' _CJ...lo; ""-::Sl'-CO C]OC\.lC":! _UOf fJ>-yg; ::;oE-<IO~ ~ZC:O_ "'<l:;~ E-.Q:;'_~ r" """C ""-., U v~ ~ CJ... 0 fEQ-o::t:Q \ R=237 00 6=9"20'51- L=3867 EXHIBIT "A" PAGE 3 OF 4 LIMITS OF FAlLON VILlAGE GRAD SEE EXHIBIT B FOR DESCTlPTlON CITY OF DUBLIN, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA ( 7-73-2007 f J 57 53 I@.~$ CIVIL ENGINEERING..LAND PLANNINGoLAND SURVEYING Pleosonton CA (925) - 225-0690 DATE SCAlE JOB NO 03-21-07 ! =60 19149-10 mwehber P \ 19149 \legols I CHAD-Iegols-overalf\ GHADPARCnS7&2 dwg 3'-/J EXHIBIT "A" ( ~ LEGEND POB POINT OF BEGINNING 0' 25' 50' 100' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ PARCEL MAP 9208 (292 M 16) SCALE 1" = 50' I ,!~~.~~:!H.~~~l'~~;aA~I'U~~~ SCAlf 1" =50' NW PROPERTY CORNER OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE GUARANTY CO .-0 .... .-0 rn ';0 1II;It_~.....~__~ GHAD PARCEL 5 4,582:t SQ Fl' (0 11::1: AC ) CJ r' rr:I Z ::; '1 ...-3 tr:I ~ ';0 ;l> n t"'j 21 , I [ I , I FIRST AMERICAN TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY APN 985-0027-007 DOC' 1998-388140 (lORDAN RANCH) 22 ---J I i ( EXHIBIT "A" LIMITS OF FALLON VILLAGE GRAD SEE EXHIBIT B FOR DESCRIPTION CITY OF DUBLIN COUNTY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 OF 4 lac l~~ '5 CIVIL ENGINEERING-LAND PLANNING-LAND SURVEYING Pleosonton CA (925) - 225-0690 DR.\WN DATE SCALE JOB NO ~HW 7-1,3-07 1 =50 1 9 149-10 7-13-2007 14 16 02 mwehber P \19149 \exhlbl/s \ 19149-IO-EXHI8ITS \Jordan-ACI.I I-exhibits \EXH181r -E -F'rslAmerlcon -Io-CI TY OF DUIILlN dwg ?JOb 3(P ENGINEER'S REPORT for FALLON VILLAGE GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA May 29,2007 Latest RevIsIOn December 12, 2007 lIDmIIl JB To the ResolutIon qUfJ 34' fEfMGEO INCORPORATED 'fABLE OF CONTENTS Page CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 I INTRODUCTION 3 II BACKGROUND 3 III GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARIES 3 IV SERVICE LEVELS 3 V DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE GHAD 4 VI ASSESSMENT METHOD 5 VII ASSESSMENT LIMIT - BUDGET 5 EXHIBIT A - LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT B - GHAD BOUNDARY EXHIBIT C - FALLON VILLAGE GHAD BUDGET 4663 1 01 0 01 May 29, 2007 Latest ReVISIon December 12, 2007 IOlfJ 3&; fElNlGEO INCORPORA TED ENGINEER'S REPORT GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT-FALLON VILLAGE (Pursuant to the PublIc Resources Code of the State of CalIfornIa, SectIOn 26500 et seq ) CERTIFICATION OF FILING ThiS report IS presented at the dlrectIOn of the GHAD Board of DIrectors The GHAD IS mtended to prOVIde momtonng and mamtenance of Improvements related to geologIC hazard management WlthIn the Fallon VIllage GHAD and to levy and collect assessments m order to perform Its actIVIties The lmprovements whlch are the subJect of thIS report are defined as any actIvity necessary or InCIdental to the preventIOn, mitigatIOn, abatement, or control of a geologIC hazard, constructIOn, mamtenance, repaIr, or operatIon of Improvement, or the Issuance and servIcmg of bonds lssued to finance any of the foregomg (SectIOn 26505) ThlS report conSIsts of seven parts, as follows I INTRODUCTION II BACKGROUND III GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT DIAGRAM IV SERVICE LEVELS V DESCRIPTION OF GHAD MAINTAINED IMPROVEMENTS VI ASSESSMENT METHOD VII ASSESSMENT LIMIT - BUDGET PROJECTION 4663 1 01001 May 29,2007 Latest ReVISIOn December 12, 2007 1 The undersIgned respectfully submIts the enclosed Engmeer's Report By ENGEO Incorporated Date liD{) 3lt fENGEO INCORPORATED ,GE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the enclosed Engmeer's Report was filed on the _ day of Clerk of the Board Fallon VIllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement DIStrIct Dublm, CaltfornIa I HEREBY CERTIFY that the enclosed Engmeer's Report was approved and confinned by the GRAD Board on the day of APPROVED 4663 1 01001 May 29,2007 Latest ReVISIOn December 12, 2007 PreSident of the Board Fallon VIllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement Dlstnct DublIn, CalIfornIa 2 IZUb3& fEUV/GEO INCORPORATED ENGINEER'S REPORT for FALLON VILLAGE GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT for the ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ASSESSMENT LIMIT I INTRODUCTION The Fallon Village GeologIC Hazard Abatement DIstnct (GRAD) was formed under the authonty of the CalIfornIa PublIc Resources Code, DIVISIon 17, SectiOn 26500 et seq II BACKGROUND For the Fallon VIllage ProJect, CIty of Dublm ConditIon of Approval No 76 reqUIres the formatIon of a GeolOgIC Hazard Abatement DIstnct ("GRAD") The developer of Fallon VIllage has submItted a Plan of Control to allow the Dlstnct to permanently momtor and mamtaIn GRAD Improvements The establIshment of an assessment level to fund the GHAD responslblhtles IS descnbed In thiS Engmeer's Report III GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARIES The boundarIes for the GHAD are shown m the dIagram attached hereto as ExhIbIts A and B IV SERVICE LEVELS The GHAD's actIVItIes are those that are necessary or mCIdental to the preventiOn, mItigation, abatement, or control of geologiC hazards mcludmg constructron, mamtenance, repair, or operatlOn of any Improvement, and the Issuance and servIcmg of bonds Issued to finance any of the foregomg The GRAD proVIdes for the admInistratIon and reVIew of facIlttles wlthm the budgeted lImIts, Includmg the follOWIng servIces 1 OverSIght of GRAD operatiOns 2 In conJunctIOn With the County Assessor's Office, settmg the annual levymg of assessments on the property tax rolls 4663 1 01001 May 29, 2007 Latest ReVISIon December 12,2007 3 I~Vb 3l/J !EfNlGEO INCORPORATED 3 Engagement of techmcal professIOnals to perform the momtonng duties as descnbed m the GHAD Plan of Control 4 Performance of GHAD mamtenance actlvlttes m accordance with the GHAD Plan of Control These mamtenance actIvItIes Include o Four blOretentIon cells o Mamtenance and repair ofEV A and access roads o ErosIOn repans o RevegetatIOn and vegetation control, mcludmg fire break mowmg, weedlllg and addItIonal hydroseedmg as deemed necessary o SedIment removal from concrete structures (applIes only to open-space catch basms, field mlets, V-ditches and storm draIn pIpes) o Slope stabIlIzatIOn (mcludes mlllor landshdIng and debns bench cleanng) o Subdram outfall mamtenance o Open-space storm dram pIpe and V-dItch replacement 5 The GHAD wIll also have mamtenance, momtonng and repaIr responsIbIlItIes for slopes, whIch wIll Include natural, reconstructed or partIally reconstructed landslIdes 6 PreparatIOn of annual GHAD budgets V DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE GRAD The GHAD-mamtamed Improvements are descnbed III the Fallon Vtllage Plan of Control dated May 8, 2007 In general, these Improvements mclude water qualIty facIlities, debns benches, dramage systems, mcludmg concrete V-dItches m open space and on the hIllSIdes, open-space storm dram mlets and outlets, sub drams m open space and creek COrrIdors, reconstructed slopes wIthm the open space area, and access roadways 4663 1 01001 May 29,2007 Latest ReVISIon December 12,2007 4 1400 3C(; EfNlGEO INCORPORATED VI ASSESSMENT METHOD The GHAD-mamtamed Improvements descnbed m SectIon V are dIstrIbuted wIthm the Fallon VIllage boundanes Mamtenance and protectIon of these Improvements provIde a speCIal benefit to all reSIdentIal or commercial property owners wIthm the Fallon VIllage GHAD There IS no benefit for propertIes outSIde of the dIstnct The Engmeer hereby finds that these propertIes wIthm the GRAD receIve approxImately equal specIal benefit from the work and Improvements WIthIn the GRAD As a result, the GRAD assessment IS dIstnbuted among all owners of parcels WhICh are bUIldable WIth habItable space Smgle-famIly resIdentIal lots WIll be assessed as one umt Non-resIdentIal bUlldmgs are assessed per square foot of habItable area HabItable square footage IS space used or mtended for supportmg or sheltenng any use or occupancy, whIch IS expected to have a human occupancy rate of more than 2,000 person-hours per year The total number of reSIdentIal umts and non-resIdentIal area wIthm the DIstnct IS then dIVIded mto the annual DIstnct budget to develop the annual assessment amount A finanCIal analYSIS was performed to proVIde a framework for an operatmg budget for the on-gOIng abatement, mItIgatIOn, preventIOn and control of geolOgiC hazards wIthm the GRAD boundanes In preparatIOn of the budget, several factors were conSIdered mcludmg o SIte Geology o Proposed RemedIal GradIng o PrOXImIty of GeologIc Hazards to Proposed ReSIdences, Improvements or Structures o SIte Access ConSIderatIOns o Elements Requmng Routme Mamtenance, mcludmg 1 Surface DraInage FaCIlItIes 2 Graded Slopes 3 DetentIon Basms 4 BlOretentIon and other Water QualIty FaCIlItIes 5 TraIls, FIre Breaks and Fences VII ASSESSMENT LIMIT - BUDGET Based on the estImated expenses for on-gomg operatIOns, and allowmg for larger (approXImately $1,000,000) geologIc event at 10-year mtervals, a budget was prepared for the 4663 1 01001 May 29, 2007 Latest ReVISIon December 12,2007 5 /5'1J 2;/.p fEfiVlGEO INCORPORATED purpose of estImatmg InItIal assessment levels (Exhibit C) In order to establIsh a reasonable reserve m the early years of the Fallon VIllage GHAD, there WIll be an Imtlal deferral of GHAD expenses as descnbed In Plan of Control for the Fallon Village development The EngIneer recommends an annual assessment lImIt for the Fallon Village development of $488 per detached smgle reSIdentIal umt, (FIscal Year 2007/2008 dollars) The proposed InItIal assessment level of $488 for detached sIngle~famIly umts will be adjusted annually to reflect the percentage change In the San FrancIsco-Oakland-San Jose Consumers Pnce Index (CPI) for All Urban Consumers The assessment lImIt wlll be adJusted annually usmg an InItIal date of December 2007 for the CPl for both the reSidentIal and nonresldenttal assessment hmlt Each subsequent annual adJustment Will be calculated usmg the 12 month penod from December to December The Engmeer also recommends an annual assessment lImit of $005 per square foot ofhabltable nonreSIdential space The resIdentlal and nonreSidentIal assessments are to be leVIed In conjunctIon With the Issuance of FInal Map for the area contammg the habItable bUlldmg 4663 1 01001 May 29, 2007 Latest ReVISIOn December 12,2007 6 I(PDb3~ fEfMGEO INCORPORATED 4663 1 01001 May 29,2007 7 Latest RevIsIOn December 12,200 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION [[illJ~rn~IT A To the , DA_rt [;;lJ1'naf3 ~' IltJb 3f.t; T2S:RIE M DIS M I 22 : 23 ---1--- 27 : 26 ACACIA PARTNERS : t SERIES No 2005-037858 ~....J I ~ I APN 985-0028-001 ~_~~B -------J-:A~:::~-----------~NB::~~~:;576 ~~~~~~~~-~;----f---- PM 8327 ,,\~'J, 0 SECTIONS 26 & 27 I aK 298 PM P 14-\7 ').~' PARCEL 'D' ~i ) ~ ....fa, ~ D MUEHLHA USER I OS R S D ....-0" PM 9208 <0 I SERIES No 2002-097480 I ----.... / ~ Bl<292 M PG16-17 :1 APN 905-0003-012 : PARCEL 8 313 91::t; AC ~ t No LLA 07 -01 6, ;; I ltNOTE BEARINGS AND DISTANCES WITH : SERIES No II P A ReEL A b i AN ASTERISK (.) fOR THE NW 1/4 OF : '.... _ 2007 -200946 \ v No LLA 07-01 ~! SECTION 35 WERE TAKEN FROM : \~~----_...! f' l...... SERIES l~o66~0~7C-200946 : RECORD or SURVEY NO 1675* i DUB L IN! \\(\PA;E~', : ~I :--~::~:Wp~~:'2---+---- RANCH \ I..LJ I............ ~ a \ ~ r GRAD PARCEL 1 I DUBLIN INVESTORS, LLC 0 _I a 1..., I ;:. SERIES No 2003-108250 "I to / \ I 0'> N ROS NO 1675 ~ to '<:t ~ L., l.l") <0 """0 ,/ , I ...,11"') BK25 ROS PG31-32 ~og;;8o ,/ 'r - l ~ II ~ APN 905-0002-003 ~B ~ I ~ \ II \ UJ ~ 159 54::t; AC w Iii: 8 g ~ "----- re ~ GRAD PARCEL 2 h ~ N I \ \ "<t' I "<l'" NO In l PAR EL C ..... I ..... Il1 S ~ ~ =~ \ C ~ I g NW 1/4 SECTION 35 bll j II) Z \ zz T2SR1E Cl<~1).. \" z 0::< , MD8&:M" w ) I 0 r.n ) 1 D _ _ ~~L5.L!_)J~1.QL __ -!- co _ ~!3...1.2..l'L2jll~ _ _ ~ __ ___ I FIRST AMERICAN rrrLE I CROAK GUARANTEE CO : SERIES No 79-229985 , SERIES No 1998-388\40: APN 905-0002-002 I ~ \ APN 985-0027-006 : APN 905-0002-002-01 r ~ ) APN 985-0027-007 : \ I I \ /"- GHAD PARCElS 3 & 4 I "....,/ SEE PAGE J ~ 500' 1 000' 2000' ~E9J I I I NOTE BEARINGS AND DISTANCES WITHOUT AN ASTERISK (.) WERE r AK EN FROM RECORD or SURVEY NO 1005 ACAcIA PARTNERS SERIES No 2005-037868 APN 905-0003-014-03 GHAD PARCEL 5 SEE PAGE 4 LEGEND O' I POB BOUNDARY UNE EXISTING LOT UNE POINT OF BEGINNING EXHIBIT W A ~ PAGE 1 OF 4 Oillw@~u ~ ~@OUiIP@ IDm'S OF 11 AlJl,QW VD.JLAGE GBAl> CML ENCINEERINCoLAND PLANNlNColAND SVIM;YINC SEE EXHIBIT B FOR DESCRIPTION ,,.,A::05onlon CA (925) - 225-0690 _.. DATE SCAlL JOB t<<l COUNN or Al.A)dEDA CALIfORNIA LfI!I 07-1J-07 1 = 1000 19149-10 /J 08 JO mwehber P \ /9/49 \legals \GHAD-Iegals-overol/\PLA TEXHfBIT dwg CllY OF DUBLIN 7-f3-2007 1'0 D"b3 l.R "-- - - - -- - ---"..- " ", ../ NJ902156 W(R) ?C pARCEL B ~-' ___n______..... N52<'J9 t4RW 3969 No L1AD7 -0 I R :291 02 0==49058 40~.-............., SERIE5 NQ L=25385 , \ N71"20 52 E 8206 ___2007 -20094& N00'39 24 E 14060 --f I ...~__ N10'57 46~W 9603-----.3 --"", N14"25 13 W 134 2801 ~\ NScr42 23 W 4807 '...--\ N21"32 lOW _8_8~ 40 "rl-N71"0639 W 9904 \ ..--------- ", 4.1 ' PM 9208 \...... - N21"23 28" E 200 71 J------:j L, BK 292 M PG 16 -17 N37"1842RE 65 35~.J. / ''''__ 31391:J: AC N16041 lO"E 5140 I ~ --, N02"1830 E 81 36 I ( " Nl7"5010E6419'1 1 \ " NOD" 19 2tW 105 46'-;--'--J PARCEL'S' /""........, __ Nl7"41 12 W 147 19 L ---\ \ ') , .... N00"4430W 12097~ J,~ " '... NI2"4135RW 30B6~ r I \ / ........." I ... N2{J'433SW 9089 -+-------\ \ PARCEL A ... NO?" 1939 W 25002'-\-...- \ No LLA 07-01 N1(),,47'11~W 258 63 ~ \ ~ '-., SERIES No 2007-200946 N7D"51 23 W 49 05 ~ \ " 14 66:!: AC R=4200 0=59"26 40R -~ ~ I L=4358 I~..... , / / --........-.., N49"4151E \22 85/~" -...... .1 '" ~__ / /.... ( PARCEL 'e' , N58"52 28 E 119 88 \ N28"0741'E 284 00 ~R r ..../ L.I" \ v N69"08 47 E 31 73 \.., N5.3"025(E 195 67 ~ I N90"OO 00' E 58 47 ~\ '\ '\ J N75"22 09 W 45 B9 \ \ /' I \ ~' \ ~~!]~_lQ_EJ~L..../ \ I R=12000 PARCEL 'A' \ ID=19"0743R \ R"'886 00 0=32"31 05" ---' \ L=40 06 R= 150 00 D= 54"0 1 09 ( L::502 85' ~, L=14142 \ NB905724"E(R1 N28"J90rW 5857 \ N90"OO oifw-1898S-.:.::r ~.../ R=1100 00 0=5"1952 \ N70"521rW 5 55 yr ~ l=10235 " R=80 00 0=11"4755" N30"353rW 3348 L=1647 NOJ"491BR[ 15900 N6S"40 50 E(R) 92 39 N22"56 58 W 83 1.3 NOJo58 13 W 101 75 N10"41 42RW 6176 DUBLIN RANCH ~ Nag"51 52 W 2651 00 ---------------~-~-- 0' I 250' 500' I SCAlE ,. =500' 1000' I LEGEND - - ~ = BOUNDAAY UNE n - n - -- - -- EXISilNG LOT UNES EXHIBIT ~A~ LrnDITS OW 'ALLON vn.LAGE GRAD PAGE 2 OF 4 DODwfficmV [f1 ~@illO[P@ CITY OF DUBLIN 7-IJ-2007 CMl ENG1NEER1NG<>\..ANO PLANNING"lAND SURVEYI~ Pleosonlon CA {925l - 225-0690 DRAA'H DATE SCALE JOB NO CDUNN OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNlA I.lW 07- 13-07 I ~;,oo 19149-10 m wehbcr P \ 19'49 \lcgolS \ GHAO-Iegols- o Yerall \PLA TE XHI81 T dwg \ ( tJ 08 JO 1Cf. t1:fJ 3 LR @ O' F----l 601 I l SCAlE. 1 D = 60' 120' I N60"15' 1(f E 3143' N600 15'1 0" E 638' , I I I I j I - I 0> I ~ I ~ I I I ~ l.&.I r -J;:... '1.0 J e-zl'-.o .... , f::<o~ 0, / ~o.... .... I Z I co !'o I ~l'-.CO 0 I LjOC\1M Z , _~or . O:i:T'~ r . to:.:! \co) I ~zco.... R=2J7 00 I "'1;''''1;'0) . e-~:z:~ lF9"2D 51 I l "'38.67 I ~:::.c..O I ?;:~<Cl I I I I , I "i I f , \ \ \ .,/) ? ~~ ~~ %~ ~~ \ \ \ \ CITY OF DUBUN \ P ARKSlTE \ PARCEL 8 \ TRACT 7281 (277 M 82-88) 60' EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT FOR FALLON ROAD AREAS \ PARCEL 3;;;4,645:1: SF PARCEL 4=10,082:t SF LEGEND POB POINT OF BEGINNING EXmBIT W AW PAGE.3 OF 4 IJMlTS OF FALLON VDLUG! GEAD SEE EXHIBIT B FOR DESCTIrnON CITY OF DUBLIN COUNTY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA PARCEL 4 REMAINDER OF PARCEL 18 TRACT 7281 (277 M 82-88) [}[]~(B~u ~ ~0WO[P~ CIVIL ENCfNE(RINCoLANO PLANNINCoLANO SURVEYING Plecsontcn CA (925) - 225-0690 0RAl.'JN DAlE SCALf JOB NO J11.l Al.lB 03-21-07 I =60 \9149-10 7-1J-2007 IJ 57 3J mwehber P \ 19149\lega/s\GHAD-lega/s-aYeral/\GHADPARCfLS/&2 dll'g '- \ " " \ " " \ '\ POB '\ " .-Q 19 GRAD PARcm. 5 .... 4,582% SQ " "'t) ,...:] (0 lU: AC) ~ _';d ..,0 [':l';P" (j) n , C'l - ~ \ , r"" 20 ~'-1 t'1 ~-f :: 'Z --"'"1 ~ \ tl1 I ';tl I ';tI \ FIRST AMERICAN TITLB > 21 I GUARANTY COMPANY C""l , ~ I APN 985-0027-007 Daco 1998-388140 , (JORDAN RANCH) 22 EXHIBIT HAH @ 0' I SCALE r = 50' 25' 50' 1 I SCALE. 1"=50' 100' , \ \ \ 18 23 7.D Vb3~ LEGEND POB POINT OF BEGINNING PARCEL MAP 9208 (292 M 16) NW PROPERTY CORNER OF FlRST AMERICAN TITlE GUARANTT' CO PAC[ 4- Of 4 [j[]QB@~V ff!l0@WJ[P@ CMl ENGINEERINGoLAND PLANNINGol.l\NO SURVEYING Pleo,onlon CA (925) - 225-0690 DAA'Im DATE SCAlf JOB NO UHW 7-lJ-07 1 =-50' 19149-10 EXmBJIT 111 A l'lI lLlOOTS OF FA1LON VD..L!GE GRAD SEE EXHIBIT B FOR DESCRIPTION CITY OF DUBliN COUNTY OF ALAMEDA CAUFORNIA ~ 7-1J-2007 14 16 02 m_... ~ \ IPI4Plemil>oI, \I9'49-la-fIOl/8lJS\N<l0tI-AQJT-~.hib'I' leitH/BiT {-r",rA11t"","",-I,,-orr or DUHUN <I~9 -Z I Vb3{p fErrJGEO INCORPORA TED 4663 1 01001 May 29,2007 Latest RevIsIOn December 12, 2007 EXHIBIT B GHAD BOUNDARY [[illIDUIT,~ Totheb'lf'/JeUJ ~ 19149-]0 7/13/2007 MW Page 1 of6 EXHIBIT B BOUNDARY OF THE DISTRICT AREA (PROPERIT DESCRIPTION) ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN CITY OF DUBLrN, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING ALL OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 35 AS DESCRIBED IN SERIES No 2003 IOS250 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS AS WELL AS A PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECI'ION 27 AND A PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE I EAST MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS PARCEL I BEGINNING AT THE COMMON QUARTER CORNER OF SECTIONS 26 AND 27 AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP 9208, RECORDED IN BOOK 292 OF MAPS PAGES 16 17 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS, THENCE ALONG THE SECTION LINE OF SECTIONS 26 AND 27, SAID SECflON LINE BEING ALSO THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE MUEHLHAUSER TRUST SERIES No 2002 097480 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS SOUTH 00048'41' WEST 264265 FEET TO THE COMMON SECTION CORNER OF SECTIONS 26 27 34, AND 35 THENCE ALONG THE COMM:ON SECTION LINE OF SECTIONS 34 AND 35 SAID SECTION LINE BEING ALSO THE WESTERLY LINE OF DUBLIN rNVESTORS, LLC, SERIES No 2003 108250 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS, SOUTH 00"4428' WEST 2 635 93 FEET TO TIlE COMMON QUARTER CORNER OF SECI'IONS 34 AND 35 THENCE ALONG THE EAST-WEST QUARTER SECTION LINE ENTERING SEcrION 34 SAID EAST WEST QUARTER SECTION LINE BEING ALSO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE GUARANTEE CO SERIES No 1998388140 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS NORTH 8905152 WEST 265100 FEET THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST WEST QUARTER SECTION LINE ALONG THE WESTERLY tiNES OF PARCEL 'A OF SAID PARCEL MAP 9108 THE FOLLOWING SIX (6) COURSES I) NORTH 33045 20' WEST 128 91 FEET 2) NORTH 22056'58~ WEST 8313 FEET 3) NORTH 10041 42 WEST 6176 FEET 4) NORTH 03"58'13" WEST 101 75 FEET 5) NORTH 0304918 EAST 159 00 FEET 6) NORTH 30035'37" WEST 33 48 FEET THENCE LEAVING SAID WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL A ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL A" PER No LLA 07 01 SERIES No 2007-200946 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS THE FOLLOWING THIRTY NINE (39) COURSES 1) SOUTH 66040 50 WEST 92 39 FEET TO A NON TANGENT CURVE, 2) THENCE ALONG SAID NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT' FROM WHICH THE RADIUS FOINT BEARS SOUTH 66040 50' WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 1 100 00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0501952 FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 102 35 FEET P.\ 191 49\le811Io\OH AD Ie\LEO AL..QVE.R.ALL. doc \. 221J3(P .p 1914910 7/1312007 MW Page 20[6 3) NORTH 2803903 WEST 58 57 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE, 4) THENCE ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADrus OF 8000 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 11"47'55" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 1647 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE 5) THENCE ALONG SAID REVERSE CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVThIG A RADrus OF 15000 FEET, TIfROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 54001'09' FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 14142 FEET 6) NORTI-I 70" 52 17" WEST 6 55 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE, 7) THENCE ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 12000 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 19007'43' FOR AN ARC DIST ANeE OF 4006 FEET 8) NORTH 90000'00" WEST 189 85 FEET TO A NON TANGENT CURVE, 9) THENCE AWNG SAID NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT FROM WHICH THE RAmUS POINT BEARS soum 89"5724" WEST HA vrNG A RADIUS OF 886 00 FEET TIffi.QUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 32031 '05" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 502 g 5 FEET 10) NORTII 53002'51" EAST 195 67 FEET II} NORTH 28007'47' EAST 28400 FEET 12) NORTH 49041'57" EAST 12285 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE, 13) THENCE ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADillS OF 4200 PEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5902640' FOR AN ARC DIST ANeE OF 43 58 FEET 14) SOUTH 7005123' EAST 4905 FEET 15) SOlITH 7 5~2 09 EAST 45 89 FEET 16) NORTH 90~0000" EAST 5847 FEET 11) NORTH 69008 47 EAST 31 73 FEET 18) NORTH 58~5228 EAST 11988 FEET ! 9) NORTII 10047 11 WEST 268 63 FEET 20) NORTH 07019'39" WEST 25002 FEET 21) NORTH 20043 33' WEST 9089 FEET 22) NORTH 1204135" WEST 3086 FEET 23} NORTH 00044 30 ' WEST 120 97 FEET 24) NORTIl1704112 WEST 147 19 FEET 25) NORTII 00019 22' WEST 10646 FEET 26) NORTH 1705010" EAST 64 19 FEET P \J 9149\l.gah\GHAD AL.oVERAlLdoc Z 3 va 3~ ( ( ( ( ( 1914910 711312007 MW Page 3 of6 27) NORTH 02~J8'30 EAST 8136 FEET 28) NORTH 16~4110 EAST 5140 FEET ( ( ( 29) NORTH 37~18'42" EAST 6535 FEET 30) NORTII 21 ~2 3 28' EAST 200 71 FEET 31) NORTIl71~06'39n WEST 9904 FEET 32) NORTH 50~42'23" WEST 48 07 FEET 33) NORTH 21"32'10" WEST 88 40 FEET 34) NORTH 14"25'13" WEST 13428 FEET 35) NORTIJ ){)"57'46" WEST 96 03 FEET 36) NORTII OO~39'24" EAST 14060 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE 37) THENCE ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 29102 FEET TIIROUGH A CENI'RAL ANGLE OF 49"5840", FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 253 85 FEET 38) NORTIf 71"20'52" EAST 82 06 FEET 39) SOUTH 52~39'14' EAST 3969 FEET TO TIfE WESlERLY LINE OF PARCEL D OF SAID P AReEL MAP 9208 t TIffiNCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE OF P AReEL D TIlE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES h 1) NORl1f 48"4628 EAST 1 739 56 FEET 2) NORTII 00"09'11" WEST 23596 FEET TO A POINT ON TIIE QUARTER SECTION LINE OF SECTION 27 SAID SECTION LINE BEING ALSO THE SOlITHERL Y LINE OF ACACIA PARTNERS SERlES No 2005 037868 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS AND THE NORTI-IERL Y LINE OF SAID PARCEL' D , THENCE ALONG SAID QUARTER SECTION LINE SOUTH 89"40'26" EAST I 48576 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 32857 ACRES, MORE OR LESS PARCEL 2 \ \ BEGlNNJ]\l'G AT THE COl\1MON CORNER OF SECTIONS 26 27 ]4 AND 35 THENCE ALONG THE SECTION LINE OF SECTIONS 26 AND 35 SAlD SEmON LINE ALSO BEJNG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OP THE MUEHLHAUSER TRUST RECORDED IN SERIES No 2002...Q97480 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS SOUTH 88~43'28 EAST 264061 FEET TO TIlE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 35 THENCE ALONG THE NORTH-SOUTH QUARTER SECTION LINE OF SECfION ]5, SAID QUARTER SECTION LINE BEING ALSO THE WESTERLY LINE OF ACACIA PARTNERS RECORDED IN SERIES No 2005 037867 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS SOUTH 0005527 WEST 2636 26 FEET TO THE CENTER QUARTER CORNER OF SECITON 35, l P \19149\1cgalsIGHAD \.pllKl"oraIl\LEGAL-OVERALL.d,,~ , "- L ( ,,-. ~ t}t1{; 3(p 1914910 7/1312007 MW Page 4 of6 THENCE ALONG THE EAST WEST QUARTER SECTION LINE OF SECTION 35 SAlD QUARTER SECTION LINE BEING ALSO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF CROAK, RECORDED IN SERIES No 79 229985 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS NORTH 88043'19' WEST 2631 95 FEET TO TIIE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION AND 35, THENCE ALONG THE COMMON SECTlON LINE OF SECTlONS 34 AND 35 BEING ALSO THE EASTERLY LINE OF PARCELS C AND D OF PARCEL MAP 9208 BOOK 292 OF MAPS PAGES 16 17 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS NORTH 00044 09~ EAST 263621 FEET TO TIiE pomT OF BEGINNING BEARINGS DISTANCES AND AREA CALCULATION ARE BASED ON RECORD OF SURVEY No 1675 BOOK 25 RECORD OF SURVEYS PAGES 31 32 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS CONTAINING 15954 ACRES MORE OR LESS PARCEL 3 ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN, COUNTY OF ALll...MEDA, 5T ATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING A PORTION OP PALLON ROAD AS SHOWN ON TRACT MAP 7281 PILED SEPTEMBER 3 2004 IN BOOK 277 OF MAPS PAGES 8288, AND TRACT MAP 7[42 FILED AUGUST 21 200t IN BOOK 261 OF MAPS PAGES 5-10 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRlBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 18 AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT MAP 7281 THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 18 COINCIDENT WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF FALLON ROAD ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 136000 PEET, FROM WInCH THE RADfUS POINT BEARS SOlITH 43011 36 \VEST TIIROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04"06 24" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 97 48 FEET THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY UNE AND ENTERING SAlD FALLON ROAD THE FOLLOWING 4 COURSES ]) NORTII 60"15 10 EAST 31 43 FEET 1 2) ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 466 DO FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09"0556 FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 7400 FEET TO THE CENTERLlNE OF OLD FALLON ROAD A 60 FOOT RIGID OF WAY 3) THENCE ALONG SAlD CENTERLINE ALONG A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 80055 FEET FROM WHICH THE RADIUS POINT BEARS SOUTH 80"0945' EAST n-mOUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03"30 34 FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 49 04 FEET 4) THENCE SmITH 06"19 16 'NEST 73 27 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 4645 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS PARCEL 4 ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN CITY OF DUBLIN COUNTY OF ALAMEDA. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING PARCEL 18 AS SHOWN ON TRACT MAP 7281 RECORDED IN BOOK 277 OF MAPS PAGES 82 88, ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS EXCEPTING FROM SAlD PARCEL 18 THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF DUBLIN AS DESCR.!"aED IN SERIES No ~ ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS P \l9149\legah\GHAD ""crall\L.EOAL OVERALL doe Z6UO~&: 19149 10 7/1312007 !\{W Page 5 of6 PARCEL 4 BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 18 AS SHOWN ON SAlD TRACT MAP 7281, THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 18 COINCIDENT WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF FALLON ROAD ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 135000 FEET PROM WHICH THE RADIUS POINT BEARS SOUTH 43011 36 WEST TIlROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0400624 FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 97 48 FEET TO TIIE EASTERLY LINE OF THE PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF DUBLIN IN SERIES No _ ~ ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE THE POLLO~GFOUR(4)OOURSES I} SOUTH 600]5'10" WEST g 38 FEET TOA TANGENT CURVE, 2) ,ALONG SAID TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 2800 FEET TIIROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 85"4959" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 4195 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE 3) ALONG SAID REVERSE CURVE TO THE RIGlIT HA vrNG A RADIUS OF 1 073 00 FEET, TI-IROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09"4114 FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 18142 FEET TO A POINT OF COillOUND CURVATURE 4) ALONG SAID COMPOUND CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 23700 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09"2051" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 38 67 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 18, TIlENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE NORDi 06"1916 EAST 184 91 FEET TO TIIE POINT OF BEGINNING CONT AINING 10 082 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS PARCEL 5 ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY DUBLIN COUNTY OF ALA1\.1EDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE GUARANTY COlvU'ANY A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION UNDER HOLDING AGREEMENT No 592930, AS DESCRIBED AND RECORDED IN SERlES NO 1998-388140 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS AND BEING MORE PARTIOJLARl.Y DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID FIRST AMERICAN PROPERTY THENCE ALONG THE NORTIlERL Y LINE OF SAID PROPER TV SOlITH 89"51 52 EAST 86 66 FEET THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE AND ENTERlNG SAID PROPERTY S01.ITH 22"21 '46" WEST 13608 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAlD FIRST AMERICAN PROPERTY THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES I} ALONG A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 19976 FEET FROM WHICH THE RADIUS POINT BEARS NORTH 87"0208 WEST TIffi.OUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31011'45" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 10876 FEET 2) NORTII 28" 13 53 ' WEST 24 09 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING P \19 I 49\l egal.\GHAD legals-ovenl.II\UK>AL.QVERAlL d"" ( ( 2.lo va 3(P 19149 10 711312007 MW Page 60f6 CONTAINING 4,582 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS SEE EXHIBIT A FOR DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAP END OF DESCRIPTION [illw@Lmu ~ @@[[][P@ CMl ENGINEERINGolAND P\...ANNl~olAND SURVFtlNG 5142 Franldln Dl1ve Sulfa a Pleasonfon CA 94588 3355 (925) 225.0690 P \l9149Ilegah\GHAD I.gah OVCTIll1ILEGAL.QVERALL doc: 2ilfb ~ '2 ~ ttJ 30 fENGEO INCORPORATED EXJIl [BIT C Fallon VIllage GHAD Budget 4663 1 01001 May 29, 2007 2007 Latest RevIsIOn December 12, [EL][]~rn~u, c To the En'JI/)~1J ~btl 2t1OQ3CR fEfNlGEO EXHIBIT C Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement Dlstnct Budget - October 22, 2007 ASSUMPTIONS Total No of Single Family Residential Units Annual Assessment per Unit (current $) Approximate Total Habitable Non Residential BUilding Area (square feet) Annual Assessment per nonresidential (square feet) Annual Adjustment In Assessment (estimated) Inflation (estimated) Investment Earnings (estimated) Frequency of Large Scale Repair (years) Cost of Large Scale Repair (current $) ESTIMATED ANNUAL EXPENSES IN 2007/2008 DOLLARS Administration and Accounting Professional Services Maintenance and Operation Slope Stabilization and Erosion Protection Bloretentlon Cell Maintenance and Repair Capital Improvements Major Repair (Annualized) Miscellaneous & Contingency (10%) TOTAL 4663 1 01001 May 29, 2007 Latest RevIsion December 22, 2007 INCORPORATED 1 043 $488 30 500 $005 30% 30% 60% 10 $1 000000 $66 650 $14 000 $37000 $55 000 $71 000 $45 700 $100 000 $38 935 $428.285 ti " "' 0:;; ~o "", ~ ~ ~I g ~~ q; c .., -" ~ 0 ~I g OJ'' <l;:I:~ I- ll,:> ~ ~& ~I ~ IClQ; X",Cl UJ g>~ "'m :>" ~~ ~.5 'l:O w ~ <> ~ g ~ ~ ~ t ~ " ~ ~ 111 ~ 111 ij ~ ij ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ij ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ij ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " . ::l .. z ~ ~ <3 ~ ii:~n~~ ~~~~!J~ t-;l;n; ::l:ll~~~~ ~~nBt; Hg;i~~ S"-~&1~~ ~$~~~~ !"~~~~lil ~~~ni =~~(O~;: ~~2~t!~ " '" '" " UFfIl~ ~~laH i~~~~~ ;;)~~~~e ... 8 ~ ~~a*!~ ~~~!~m ~-~t;g~ SS~~~~ ~ r;; ~S~I~~ r;g8~~~ ~~~:sI.:l~ m::\!~i<l~ " '" ;:! 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If H~g ~ uh"5 - - - --- <,!OOO.Q!;lili(lilii ..~~l1~llilIHi EEE : i;;5~i'ijjl~~ h~[[ 1foi!i!3SEEEEEE Ltl i;ih ~&ii-l~ii~ ~<~~~2i~u!JUOO~2 u~u uuuu llllil~lli~~e~ ~~~~~ ~ i J iI i z i~l. i~ i ~ ~!~l!i ~IH ~reJ llfi~~ ijfiC j1 HqsHti:!i lU!illHHI~:~g w~~t~:!~!j!'i!~M~ 3fDb3Cf; ~..... 00 00 ~~ ON ~~ ~~ CD .,. ~ 3 "2t{)3CfJ FAllON V~llAGIE GIEOlOG~c HAZARD AlBA lrlEM IENlr D~SlrR~clr MA~llED PllJlBUc HIEAR~~G ~Olr~clE Pursuant to California Constitution Article XIIID and California Government Code Section 53753 levy of Assessmenlt for the Fa~~onl VI~~age Geo~oglc Hazard Albatemenlt Dlstnct c~ty of DlUllblm, County of Alameda, ca~~fornla Pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 26650 et seq lro the recordl owner of the IProlPert~es located m the c~ty of Dulblm, cOUlnlty of A~amedla, Assessor's !P>arcel Nos 905-0002-003 985-0028-004 985-0028-005 985-0028-006 985-0028-007 985-0029-022 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION ARTICLE XIIID, CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 53753, CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 26652, AND OTHER APPLICABLE LAW, THAT On December 4 2007 the Board of Directors of the Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement District (' District) adopted Resolution No , Initiating an assessment ballot proceeding and expressing the Intent to order an assessment for the Fallon Village District Accordingly, on February 5, 2008, at the hour of 7 00 P m at the Council chambers located at 100 CIVIC Plaza, Dublin, California 94568, the Board of Directors of the District will hold a public hearing ("Hearing") on the proposed levy of an assessment on properties within Fallon Village At the Hearing, any Interested party may present written or oral testimony, the Board of Directors WIll consider all objections or protests, If any, to the proposed Improvement plans and specifications, the construction, maintenance, operation and/or servicing of the proposed and eXisting Improvements, the estimated costs as set forth In the Fallon Village GHAD Mailed Notice of Assessment ImIDII 1L To the Resolution 3~JtJ3le engineer's report prepared for Fallon Village ("Engmeer's Report ), the proposed District assessment (' Assessment ), and consider and determine whether the public mterest and convenience require the levy of the annual Assessment for the construction, maintenance, operation and/or servicing of the proposed and eXisting District Improvements The Engineer's Report and the Plan of Control for Fallon Village GeologiC Hazard Abatement District are on file and available for Inspection at the District Clerk's office Based upon the number of Units proposed for development wlthm Fallon Village, the total amount of the annual Assessment will be $510,509 The total amount of the assessment IS calculated from Exhibit B based on 1,043 lots at $488 and 30,500 square feet of non-residential at $0 05 per foot The current, total amount of the proposed annual Assessment chargeable to the parcels listed above IS $510,509, which shall be adjusted annually pursuant to the percentage change m the December San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers If the parcels listed above are subdiVided, each mdlvldual parcel thereby created shall pay an Assessment not to exceed $488 per reSidential parcel and $0 05 per square foot for habitable non-reSidential space adjusted annually pursuant to the percentage change m the December San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers In the event that the Index IS no longer prepared by the Bureau, the GHAD Board shall establish a reasonable replacement Index Payments for the Assessment amounts specified above will continue so long as the District continues In effect The reason for the Assessment IS to fund the cost of the District Improvements Within Fallon Village, as designated m the Plan of Control for Fallon Village GeologiC Hazard Abatement District on file With the District Clerk The amount of the Assessment as specified above was calculated by diViding the estimated annual expenses for ongoing District operations In Fallon Village by the number of Units proposed for development Within Fallon Village, as detailed In the Engmeer's Report and Plan of Control on file With the District Clerk ThiS establishes the assessment limit for the Fallon Village GeologiC Hazard Abatement District Enclosed With thiS notice IS a ballot for use of the property owner specified above concerning the Assessment To be counted, the ballot must be signed by the property owner specified above whose name and address appears on the last equalized secured property tax assessment roll or, If the owner specified above IS not an IndiVidual, by an authOrized representative of such owner The property owner speCified above or an authOrized representative must complete the ballot by printing and signing their name, wrltmg the date, and marking their support or opposition to the Assessment as indicated on the ballot To be counted, the ballot must be received before the conclUSion of the public testimony at the Hearing on the Assessment on the date and time speCified above by the District Clerk, either m person at 100 CIVIC Plaza, Dublin, California, or by mall at the same address Ballots will be tabulated by the District Clerk or a deSignee following the conclUSion of the public testimony at the Hearing on the Fallon VIllage GHAD Mailed Notice of Assessment Assessment Ballots may be submitted, changed, or withdrawn by the person who completed the ballot before the conclusion of the public testimony at the Hearing on the Assessment Ballots will be weighted accordmg the proportIonal fmanclal obligation of the affected property If the number of ballots tabulated m opposition to the Assessment exceed those tabulated m favor of the Assessment, the Assessment will not be Imposed DATED By District Clerk Fallon VIllage GHAD MaIled NotIce of Assessment 34-D63~ 35tJb 3~ FALLON V~LLAGE GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT BAlLOlr INSTRUCTIONS AND BALLOT Pursuant to California Constitution Article XIIID and California Government Code Section 53753 levy of Assessment for the Fallon Village Geologic Hazard! Abatement Dlstnct City of Dublin, County of Alameda, Callforma Pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 26650 et seq THIS BALLOT IS FOR THE USE OF THE RECORD OWNER OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 905-0002-003, 985-0028-004, 985-0028-005, 985-0028-006, 985-0028-007, and 985-0029-022 On February 5, 2008 at the hour of 7 00 P m at the CounCil chambers located at 100 CIVIC Plaza, Dublm, California 94568, the Board of Directors of the Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement District ( District) will hold a public hearing ("Hearing') on the proposed levy of an assessment ("Assessment") on the Fallon Village District At the Hearing, any Interested party may present written or oral testimony, and the District Board of Directors Will consider all objections or protests If any, to the proposed Improvement plans and specifications, the construction, maintenance operation and/or servlcmg of the proposed and eXisting Improvements, the estimated costs as set forth In the engineer s report for Fallon Village ( Engmeer's Report"), and the proposed Assessment The District Will tabulate ballots concerning the levy of the Assessment, and the Board of Directors will conSider and determine whether the publiC Interest and convenience require the levy of the Assessment for the construction, maintenance operation and/or servicing of the proposed and eXisting District Improvements To be counted, this ballot must be Signed by the property owner speCified above whose name and address appears on the last equalized secured property tax assessment roll or, If the owner speCified above IS not an indiVidual, by an authOrized representative of such owner The property owner speCified above or an authOrized representative must complete this ballot by printing and slgnmg their name, writing the date, and marking their support or OppOSition to the Assessment as mdlcated on the ballot To be counted, this ballot must be received before the conclUSion of the public testimony at the Hearing on the Assessment on the date and time speCified above by the District Clerk, either In person at 100 CIVIC Plaza, Dublin, California 94568, or by mall at the same GRAD Fallon Village Assessment Ballot IEDIllYlr be To the Resolution ~Le i5fJ 3(P address Ballots will be tabulated by the Dlstnct Clerk or a designee following the conclusion of the public testimony at the Heanng on the Assessment Ballots may be submitted, changed, or withdrawn by the person who completed the ballot before the conclusion of the public testimony at the Heanng on the Assessment Ballots will be weighted according the proportional financial obligation of the affected property If the number of ballots tabulated In opposition to levy of the Assessment exceed those tabulated In favor of the Assessment, the Assessment will not be Imposed This ballot must be placed In the enclosed envelope and sealed pnor to submission Ballots will remain sealed until tabulation commences Dunng and after tabulation ballots will be treated as dlsclosable public records If you have any questions, please contact Mark Lander, City Engineer at (925)-833-6635 Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement Dlstnct Assessment Ballot Mark with an "x" or other mark [CONFORM TO ENGINEER'S REPORT] Shall the Board of Directors of the Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement Dlstnct Impose annual assessments on parcels within the Dlstnct that shall not exceed $488 per detached single family residential Unit and $0 05 per square foot for habitable non-residential space beginning with the 2008-2009 fiscal year and adjusted for Inflation annually thereafter based upon the percentage change In the December San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose Consumer Pnce Index for All Urban Consumers? Yes No The total amount of the proposed annual Assessment chargeable to the parcel listed above for fiscal year 2008-2009 shall not exceed $510,509 If subdivided, each Individual parcel thereby created shall pay an annual Assessment not to exceed the rates specified above and descnbed In detail In the Engineer's Report Pnnted name Signature Date GHAD Fallon VIllage Assessment Ballot