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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.2 ApptLibraryPlngTskFrce - ... . . '" CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 27, 1992 SUBJECT : Appointments to the Library Planning Task Force (Report by Diane Lowart, Recreation Director) RECOMMENDATION : Qt". ~# FINANCIAL STATEMENT : ~ask Force Applications Add one additional position to the Task Force and appoint all four applicants to the Task Force EXHIBITS ATTACHED : None DESCRIPTION : At the November 25, 1991 meeting of the City council, the Council approved formation of a Library Planning Task Force. The Task Force would be a joint planning effort between the city of Dublin and the Alameda County Library and would be responsible for tak~ng a comprehensive look at the long term library building needs In light of the city's projected population growth. The proposed Task Force, as approved, would include representatives from the following groups and organizations: 1. city council (1) 2. Friends of the Dublin Library (1) 3. Dublin Library Corporation (1) 4. Dublin Unified School District (1) 5. citizens at-large (2) 6. Business Community (1) The City council representative to the Task Force is Dave Burton. The Library staff have recommended that Mary Gibbert represent the Friends of the Dublin Library and that Dan Downey represent the Dublin Library Corporation. The Dublin Unified School District has recommended the appointment of Linda Ferris. Four applications have been received for the three remaining positions on the Task Force which are attached for review by the city Council. It is the recommendation of Staff that the city Council add one additional position to the Task Force and appoint all four of the applicants to the Library Planning Task Force. ::::-::~~----------------::::::-::~--:::::::-:::::~-::::::~ Task Force Applicants X REF / 10- 30 CITY CLERK FILE C; '-I '0 i- Z 0 Libllry Planning Task'orce Application :'f/ATR ~Ci'A /'1.; -~ SS~ \ t4'lS llYI \ d (-A- T CA-, U LCb \ ; 1'\ CA q 1..} !:J b B t-' 0 J ,In'. 0 ,0 Occupation: N~-- Vu..OIJ Name of Employer: ~~C_ ~\ Telephone: (Daytime) 3 ;L 9 - lJ bb , (Evening) ~ -;Lq - ~ bb I B~CK9ROUND, EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE: 1 '-I ~\2) Uv ~.R-"'- ."'+...---A-t -j~L~ tuxLa4~:f';'-" TM),~~ bJ ~c . ~\__x_~1U' ~~~J~\_D \....\J\U,\-''^--~ ,,--5. 1.000 +- ~~'\.- '-tf7Art::^" ~~ ; ~~ 5 ('11"/. i ~ G'-- ,-,0~e--l/VV-~e1-J V\.v .N-~t-/~~ %~~ ~~~ 1 SPECIAL~ALIFICATIO.NSFORTIlETASKFORCE: .Jj L~_ CL ~~ CMu::€. .? ()-ULC e-tc( ~ 'jO -to tIc.'-.. JL./..~ Cl:.t.c CL , 4~llA.- --1LM-;~. J. ~ 4k~ !L-e-<-~~ ~ _ .LCJ-lA./iti. C- _ t-U.-ALJ...-C:-L-Z B-1<--S ---t..i1!s O----tv:f!. ---k:---/L.-1--~~ --A..{'~k-t.-1~ ~ fr Jf../rYL---' (' o-z.J-t'~ ) / 1/ PRIOR PUBLIC S,tili.VICE OR C C ACTIVITY: Name: Address: ABLE TO A TTEND WEEKLY MEETINGS IF NECESSARY: Signature Date Please relurn by Tuesday, January 21,1992 to: Dublin Civic Cenler 100 Ci vie Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Altn: Library Planning Task Force RF'r.F:IVED .IAN 1 0 1992 AOS' d............ . &.' [A-"-tUJ /U~1'~ fit tL~aL f 1'-/><-. R~ [+-e~ fd:-1€. ~~. -.fiL(j ~llA+, /j<'{V J/J<...A.r#.--lu..", ~ c.Luuh-'f), . ~tL-tl L..):(7Ylft'-(~ T"J1.-d- t/lLtl./7L~. .!))~ F~~~ 4dfiJ J.a/J<-d-~ifC dtl~; L/{L..d ~~/~J~'-5?'{ ~~~J$. J o....t'IW ~^<- ,-'LiF1A-f.A~JU. ..A/lL- O-<.L+.s.ut..c./I~ .r!ff1~l~ -r.~ ~t1t~ I ~:'-7~&~/1 cv1 LAl. ~ t.l~..1ch<...J , [/ . Libltry Task'orce ~~r.F:IVED Planning JAN 1 7 Application 1992 itls'd......... Name: Betty Ann Harris Address: 6839 lone Way. Dublin. CA 94 ')fiR Occupation: legal transcriptionist Name of Employer:Probation Dept. . Al.<1mp.c1a ) Telephone: (Daytime) 551-6878 (Evening) 'j,)1-04R? BACKGROUND, EDUCA nON, EXPERIENCE: 32-year resident of Alamed.<l Connty .<Inn ::It"'tiv user of Alameda County libraries the whole time; B.M. frnm tnp TTniu of Mighigan, grad wnrk .<It C,ql St.<ltp TTni" H,qyu1.<!rn fnr Standard SecnndRry Tp::lt"'ning C'redinti3.1; r:;ll1ght voc, music in Michigan: suhRtitutp tauE';ht in T<'rpmnnr, TTn;OIl C'ity, 113.y~"arEl , PlClioant5h, Dublin and Livermore: taught for six yearR at HpRlc1 Cnl1pgp in J,:!"'YWard; sou uith Proba SPECIAL QU ALIFICA TIONS FOR THE TASK FORCE: Dept. Very interested in making the Dublin Library the best resource for .<Irp::l c:rnr1"nrfl', scholars and the lZeneral public for bookR. mAg.<l7.inpc:, r::lr""', iiltJ.d uh.:itevcr elGc the future develops to broaden minds. PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CIVIC ACTIVITY: Livermore-Amador Symphony pi.<lnic:t fnr 18 Sunol Glen School volunteer: Alameda County Lihr.<lry C;rnnm; c::: ~; nTi (1966-691) ABLE TO ATTEND WEEKLY MEETINGS IF NECESSARY: i3 YES DNO ABLE TO A TrEND MEETINGS DURING BUSINESS HOURS: with BYES DNO ARE YOU A RESIDENT OF DUBLIN? difficulty BYES DNO OTHER INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: Although I have heen R nnnlin rp",jrl"nt fgr only the past 2 1/2 years, I regularly used the Dublin Library as it was most convenient. I would like to see an expansion of the periodical section, especially the malZazine section. The reference librarians ,ha~:ways been extremely helpful in all Alameda County Libraries.~~~ c::f L c-~/)~4 January 16, 1992 ..,..JL ::.L..~ Signature / Date Please return by Tuesday, January 21, 1992 to: Dublin Civie Center 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Attn: Library Planning Task Force unt)' te on ars; Library Planning Task Force Application _ .F,:IVEO JAN 1 5 1992 Ans' d............ Name: 5t9uen ,J11m] Address'315 T ~s '?t:llmas Wt:ly Dublin Occupation: orthodontist Name of Employer: Self Telephone: (Daytime) 82F1 6550 l:Jt/l ,&~ -O~T1 (Evening) Fln~ nq1 S I BACKGROUND, EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE: Telliwson Hioh <Havward) grncllli'ltp 1Q7? Univ. of Calif, Washington Univ. Dental School D.D.S. and M.S. (Ortho) Ten years private. practice in Tracy and Dublin Asst. Prof of Orthodontics univ of the Pacific SPECIAL QU ALIFICA TIONS FOR THE TASK FORCE: Six years Employment Hayward Public Library (Page, Senior Page, Libra~lAsst) My mother was twenty year employee of Alameda Cormty Library PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CIVIC ACTIVITY: Vrll11l'1h=r 1'II..l1erican CanCQr :md Leukemia Scx::iety, TrRcy Chamber of Commerce activities, frmd raising Tracy Senior Class and St. Bernards Catholic School ABLE TO A TrEND WEEKLY MEETINGS IF NECESSARY {depends on da~ YES ABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS DURING BUSINESS HOURS: lID YES ARE YOU A RESIDENT OF DUBLIN? (depends on day) &l YES OTHER INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: f1y family are frequent library r,atrons so \Ie are quite interested in the library's future DNa DNa ONO ~tJ Signature! t/ 11/ 7'? , . Date Please return by Tuesday, January 21,1992 to: Dublin Civic Center 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Attn: Library Planning Task Force JV"'Il"" Library Planning Task Force Application Name: _ tlJ:It~d~ /l2, ~ #Yvl~ Address: 7 (; 9 S-: \i;.JJ lJ oc. 'l\ 'f>1 i v(..., b~ IN C. 9~ n ~ Occupation: M-vJ4' a, I? '" ~,..,.,.".l7l/.4 _.,.,.{ fr Namo of Employer: 2\!c.r "" C R .a Telephone: (Daytime) 7'6'7.. Pl)O 9 (Evening) g;; 9'" r:?;J <1. BACKGROUND, EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE: &ciJo'lJ' J&VlJeJ'f IJJN./AJ .dN/~/'; I!JJiJpeU7!1 IJ <l'I'k VI<' f>A I'^"-'- 17 y"R' .; fint,." ,,,1 "",J (I..,,,,,,,, " 1;, .fI." /If;.,'1,,^,,'klf" t. (."..,J ~I. crr::' ~ c,. ",:f?NJ: 1 :.- V4J> '.'~ /'. uiti<Y>l S 110""" "', la, #Iw.t fJ tJ"A, Ai.. "" fJrl)4rNJ.oJ -b." {1zgg fA- _IW {~tJ"; S C ~ p- . M IIf'i 1M t .' (i'JN\ ib.I~d- (nWA1tA 1/{,.C/tu,.i"frNj -<wJ ~ I,-^,I;';~ t~ fiJcW-J (]Rp, f~~N. SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE TASK FORCE: U (Ad Li~t/~J' ~~ L ~J I'~Y:~; ),~_UM'.M ~~~rtk. uWJ~~' fi.-;".:r ~~l..., r' w';'N . _:L_~ .~ _'1' ,~MEek IJI-'J ~./ 'j J' cC!Jtw, PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CIVIC ACTIVITY: ~~11I 'it. "" ,.,{. :' ~1t.f"""" 4'~;",- lJ r en ,;.<iM I f~ IiJ>J ..", cl "" M .( '" ~ ~ """~ 5'...., -- (. &c7M . ABLE TO A 'ITEND WEEKLY MEETINGS IF NECESSARY: ABLE TO ATt'END MEETINGS DURING BUSINESS HOURS: ARE YOU A RESIDENT OF DUBLIN? OTHER lNFORMA TION OR COMMENTS: /Jv)( iO IJ4 "k' ~ Lrk,~~ CoArotl b.QT(JAI (1\j ~ (\ I'KM /NVI,^? - ~s ~~ ~ ,JA,JJ iN; pJ{;a ~ ClND ONO ONO ;fJ ~ ;l/ }eD Signature (i;~/9tQ Date Please return by Tuesday, January 21,1992 to: Dublin Civic Center 100 Civic Pltu:a Dublin, CA 94568 Attn: Library Planning Task Fo~ce -..,1,.. ,1..__" 1-