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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachmt 5 City Council Stf Rept 10-16-2007 w/out attachmts
File # DQl[L][Q]-[2J[QJ
General Plan and Eastern Dublir. Specific Plan Amendment Study to
create Medium-Low Density ald Medium-Mid Density land use
designations for the portion of the Croak, Jordan and Chen
properties with an existing Medbm Density land use designation.
Report prepared by Jeff Baker, Senior Planner
1) City Council Staff Repor: date April 3, 2007 w/ attachments
2) City Council Meeting Minutes from April 3, 2007
3) Table of Built or Approv;ld Projects
4) Map of Built or Approved Projects
1) Receive Staff presentation;
2) Receive public testimon};
3) Deliberate; and
4) Direct Staff to:
A) Prepare a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment to create the proposed Medium-Low Density
and Medium-Mid Density land use designations as
defined in this Staff Report;
. B) Prepare a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment and Stage 1 PD Amendment for the Croak
and Jordan properties to:
1) Amend the existing Medium Density site to create
two equal sized sites that include Medium-Low
Density and Medium-Mid Density at the locations
shown in this StajfReport; ill:
2) Provide Staff with Alternative direction.
None at this time.
The City Council held a Strategic Planning Session on January 12; 2007. During this Strategic Planning
Session the City Council discussed the existing General Plan and Specific Plan Residential Land Use
Designations within the City of Dublin. Concerns were raised during this discussion regarding densities
and the need for a variety of housing types (i.e. detached units, row hcmes, stacked flats, etc.) with private
COpy TO: Property Owners
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Attachment 5 I
G:\Eastem Dublin Density\ccsr 10.16.07 East Dublin Density.DOC
yards on undeveloped land within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (EDSP) area that has a Medium
Density land use designation.
Staff studied the densities, residential land use policies, and the ,tatus of entitlements for the land
designated for residential development within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (EDSP) and prepared a
Staff Report for the April 3,2007, City Council meeting (Attachment I). The Staff Report included the
following four policy alternatives to address densities and the variety of housing stock available within the
City of Dublin:
A) Adopt new Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density designltions for property with an existing
Medium Density designation; or
B) Adopt new development standards to the EDSP that require minimum yard sizes; or
C) Adopt new land use designations and adopt new developmert standards to the EDSP that require
minimum yard sizes; or
D) Continue to implement the existing General Plan/Specific Plim policies.
On April 3,2007, the City Council reviewed the Staff Report and the residential land use policies for the
EDSP area in order to provide Staff with direction regarding the current residential land use policies and
future development within the EDSP. The City Council expressed a desire to encourage a variety of
housing types that include smaller detached single-family homes with usable yards on undeveloped land
with a Medium Density land use designation (please see City COl,ncil Minutes of the April 3, 2007
meeting included as Attachment 2) to provide a housing type that is in between an stacked product and a
larger single-family detached unit. The City Council identified three properties (Croak, Jordan and Chen)
within the EDSP that have no entitlements beyond Stage I development plans as shown in Table 1 below.
10.4 ac
23.4 ac
19.8 ac
The City Council directed Staff to study a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment
(OPA/SPA) to create new Medium-Low Density (6.1-10 du/acre) and Medium-Mid Density (10.1-14
dulacre) residential land use designations for land with an existing Medium Density land use designation
(6.1-14 du/acre) on the Croak, Jordan and Chen properties.
The entire residential portion of the Chen property consists of 6.S-acres with a Medium-High Density land
use designation (please see Table 1). Therefore, the Chen propeJ1y is not included in the analysis
contained in this Staff Report. Similarly, the Jordan property include~; 21.8-acres of land with a Medium-
High Density designation that has not been included in this analysi~;. However, the City Council may
direct Staff to study Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density designations on the existing
Medium-High Density land on the Chen and Jordml properties if tie Council feels it is appropriate at
these locations.
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Existing Land Use Designations
The Croak, Jordan, and Chen properties are located
within the Fallon Village project area which
includes a variety of residential land uses. The
existing General Plan/Specific Plan land use
designations for these properties were adopted by
the City Council with the GPA/SPA for Fallon
Village on December 6, 2005 (Resolution 223-05).
A Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
(SEIR) was prepared for the Fallon Village
GP A/SP A and certified by the City Council on
December 6, 2005 (Resolution 222-05). The SEIR
studied development at the approximate midpoint
of the residential density range for the Croak,
Jordan, and Chen properties (with the exception of
the site designated Medium-High Density on the
Jordan property which anticipated development at
the maximum density of 25 du/acre). Please refer
to Table 2 below for details regarding the
residential densities of property' included in this
GP A/SP A study. A Fiscal Analysis was also
completed to ensure a jobs/housing balance in the
EDSP and to ensure that new development paid tor
itself without relying on the General Fund.
Land Use Density Midpoint Dwelling
ProDertv Desianation Ranae Densitv Acres Units
Croak Sinole-Familv 0.9-6 du/ac 4 du/ac 115.4 ac 462 units
Medium Density 6.1-14 du/ac 10 du/ac 10.4 ac 104 units
Jordan Sinale-Family 0.9-6 du/ac 4 du/ac 48 ac 192 units
Medium Density 6.1-14 du/ac 10 du/ac 23.4 ac 234 units
Medium-HiQh Density 14.1-25 du/ac 25 du/ac^ 19.8 ac 495 units^
Chen Medium-High Density 14.1-25 du/acre 20 du/ac 6.5* 130 units*
Table 2 - Existing Land Use Designations
^ The Fallon Village SEIR studied development at the maximum density (25 dulacre) on the Medium-High Density
portion of the Jordan property.
* The residential portion of the Chen property consists entirely of 6.5-acres with an existing General Plan/Specific Plan
land use designation of Medium-High Density. The Chen property has an obligation to provide a 2.5-acre site ""ith a
Semi-Public (SP) land use designation within a portion of the 6.5-acres de:dgnated as Medium-High Density. The SP
site effectively reduces the residential development to approximately 4-aces. The SEIR studied development at the
midpoint of the density range for the full 6.5-acre parcel allowing up :0 130 units as shown in Table 2 above.
However, the density range on the net 4-acre site permits a maximum of 100 units (4 acres X 25 units/acre = 100
Staff has reviewed the existing land use patterns for the Croak and Jordan properties and surrounding
properties, the concept for the Fallon Village Center, and the City of Dublin Village Policy Statement
(included as a part of Attachment 1) in order to prepare this Study. Staff has prepared a description of the
proposed land use designations and descriptions of potential housing types that could be developed within
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these designations; an analysis of the proposed densities; and maps showing the proposed location for
these proposed designations.
Proposed General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Designations
Staff has prepared the following definitions for the newly proposed Medium-Low Density and Medium-
Mid Density land use designations:
Residential: Medium-Low Density (6.1-10 units per gross reskential acre).
Units in this density range will be detached, zero-lot line, dupll:x, and/or townhouse developments
suitable for family living with private usable outdoor yard areas. Unit types and densities may be
similar or varied. Assumed household size is two persons per unit.
Residential: Medium-Mid Density (10.1-14 units per gross residential acre).
This density range allows detached, zero-lot line, duplex to'Nnhouse, and/or garden apartment
developments suitable for family living. Unit types and dmsities may be similar or varied.
Assumed household size is two persons per unit.
Potential Housing Types
Several developments with the existlng Medium Density (6.1-14 du'acre) designation within the EDSP
were approved at the lower end of the density range and are consistent with the proposed Medium-Low
(6.1-10 du/acre) designation. A table and a map of these approved projects are included as Attachments 3
and 4 to this Staff Report. Projects that are consistent with the pro[osed Medium-Low Density (6.1-10
du/acre) designation are highlighted in Attachment 3.
The proposed Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density land use designations would permit a
variety of different housing types within each designation as descibed above. The following is an
illustrated list of potential residential unit types to help illustrate the type of units that could be constructed
on land within each land use designation.
Medium-Low Density (6.1-10 du/acre)
· Small lot detached single-family home:
Typically with a small usable rear yard area (i.e.
rear yard depth of 10 feet).
· Detached cluster homes: Typically built around
a motor court area with a small usable yard area
with a depth of approximately 10 feet.
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. Duplex: Typically two units built side by side
with a shared common wall and a small usable
yard area (i.e. rear depth of approximately 10
feet). Density (10.1-14 dula;:re)
· Alley loaded single-family detached homes:
Typically built with a detached garage that is
separated from the house by a private yard area
with depth of approximately 10 feet.
· Detached cluster homes: Typically built around
a motor court area with a small usable yard area
with a depth of approximately 10 feet.
Townhouses: Typically 2-:1 stories in height
with garage parking on the first floor and a small
yard, patio or deck (decks typically provide 60-
100 square feet of private usable space).
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· ApartmentsICondominiums*: Typically a 2-3
story stacked product (i.e. units on top of one
another) with a small patio or balcony.
* Apartments and condominiums are similac to each other except that apartments rre offered for rent and condominiums are
offered for sale.
Within the Medium-Low density land use category there are greater opportunities for detached housing
types with usable yards, including srnalllot detached single-family, detached cluster and duplexes. The
Medium-Mid density also allows detached alley loaded homes and cluster homes with yards. However,
the Medium-Mid Density also allows townhomes and apartments/condominiums which typically do not
have usable yard space. The actual product type that is proposed within each land use category will be at
the discretion of the developer provided that the product is consistent with the density range.
Application of Proposed Land Use Designations to the Croak and Jordan Properties
The land plan for Fallon Village wa3 formed around the
creation of the Fallon Village Center which serves as the
social and economic center for the project area (The
Fallon Village Center is outlined in blue on the maps
included in this Staff Report). The Medium Density
portion of the Croak and Jordan properties are located
within the Fallon Village Center. The overall Fallon
Village project area includes a variety of residential land
use designations with higher residential densities focused
primarily around the Fallon Village Center in order to
activate the Village Center and promote a pedestrian
oriented development. At the hub of the Fallon Village
Center is a Neighborhood Square that is surrounded by
Mixed Use, which includes ground floor retail and
residential units above, and Medium-High Density
residential units. The densities reduce to Medium
Density as you move away from the Village Center and
transition to Low Density residential uses to the north
and east.
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~ 1.8~/
"'6> ?/ r
\~ \(
--- I
Croak Property
The existing lOA-acre Medium Density site on the
Croak property forms the eastern boundary of the
Fallon Village Center. This site provides a
transition from the more intense Mixed Use and
Medium-High Density Residential uses in the
Village core and the less intense Low Density
Residential use located to the north and east of the
Village Center.
19.4 N:.
Proposed Density
The existing Medium Density site on the Croak
property is proposed to be divided into two 5.2-
acre sites with Medium-Low Density and
Medium-Mid Density designations. Table 3
(below) shows the density range for the proposed
Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density sites on
the Croak property. Development at the midpoint
of the proposed density range would result in the
same number of units (104 units) that were studied
in the Fallon Village SEIR for the existing
Medium Density designation (see Table 3) and
continue to ensure the existing jobs/housing fiscal
balance. These units would simply be
redistributed across the proposed Medium-Low
Density and Medium-Mid Density designations
and no additional environmental revi,~w would be required.
Table 3: Croak Property - Proposed Medium-Low Density & Medium-Mid Density
Impact on
Total Units at
Land Use Designation
Medium-Low Density
m-Mid Density
6.1-10 du/ac
10..1-14 du/ac
Units at
42 units
62 units
104 units
8 du/ac
12 du/ac
5.2 ac
5.2 ac
10.4 ac
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Proposed Land Use Map
In order to maintain the transition in intensity of
land uses from the core of the Fallon Village Center
~ to the less intense single-family uses to the north
: and east, Staff proposes to locate the new Medium-
: Mid Density (10.1-14 du/acre) site immediately to
I the east of the ,~xisting Medium-High Density site
; and adjacent to the future Central Parkway. The
: proposed Medi'lm-Low Density (6.1-10 dulacre)
I site would be bcated to the east of the proposed
Medium-Mid Density site to provide a transition
from the higher density of the Village Center to the
Low Density nei ghborhoods to the north and east.
Jordan Ranch
The existing 23.4-acre site of the Medium Density land use on th{: Jordan Ranch forms the northern
boundary of the Fallon Village Center. This site provides a transition from the more intense Medium-
High Density Residential use located to the south and the
less intense Low Density Residential use located to the
north of the Village Center.
Proposed Density
The Medium Density site on the Jordan property would be
divided into two 11.7-acre sites designated Medium..;Low
Density and Medium-Mid Density. Table 4 (below)
shows the density range for the proposed Medium-Low
and Medium-Mid Density sites on the Jordan property.
Like the Croak property, development at the midpoint of
the proposed density range would result in the same
number of units (234 units) that were studied in the Fallon
Village SEIR for the existing Medium Density designation
(see Table 4) and continue to ensure the existing
jobs/housing fiscal balance. These units would simply be .
redistributed across the proposed Medium-Low Density
and Medium-Mid Density designations and no additional
environmental review would be required.
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\9.4 N:.
97.S AC
Table 4: Jordan Ranch - Proposed Medium-Low Density & Medium-Mid Density
Units at Impact on
Land Use Designation Density MidPoint Acres Mid-Point Total Units
Range Density at Midpoint
Density Densitv
Medium-Low Density 6.1-10 du/ac 8 du/ac 11 .7 ac 94 units --
Medium-Mid Density 10.1-14 du/ac 12 du/ac 11 .7 ac 140 units --
Total 23.4 ac 234 units None
Proposed Land Use Map
In order to maintain the gradual transition in land
uses from the higher densities in the core of the
Village Center to the less intense Single-Family uses
to the north, Staff recommends locating the proposed
Medium-Mid Density site (1.1-14 du/acre) adjacent
to the existing Medium-High Density land use. The
Medium-Low Density (6.1-10 du/acre) land use
would be located further to the north to provide for a
transition from the higher density of the Village
Center to the Low Density neighborhoods to the
north and east.
By creating the Medium-Low land use designation and applying the land use to the Croak and Jordan
properties, there is an opportunity for the development of detached housing and other unit types with
usable private yard areas.
Fallon Village Stage 1 Planned Development
The Croak and Jordan properties are all located within the Fallon Village Planned Development (PD)
zoning district. A Stage I Development Plan (Stage I PD) was adopt~d by the City Council on December
20, 2005 (Ordinance 32-05). The Stage 1 PD has a number of differelt elements including a site plan and
proposed densities for each property within the PD district. The 1 PD is required to be consistent
with the General Plan and the Eastem Dublin Specific Plan. Therefore, a Stage I PD Amendment will be
required to ensure consistency with the General Plan and Specific Plan. Staff will prepare a Stage I PD
Amendment along with the proposed GP A/SP A for review and consideration by the Planning
Commission and City Council at a later date.
Communication with Property Owners
A Public Meeting notice was sent to all property owners within the EDSP area that do not have vested
development rights, notifying them of the City Council Meeting on April 3, 2007 and the meeting on
October 16, 2007. Staff also contacted representatives of the Creak, Jordan and Chen properties to
discuss the direction from the City Council at the April 3, 2007 meetiLg.
The City Council has the authority to modify General Plan and Specific Plan Land Use Designations at
any time. On April 3, 2007, the City Council directed Staff to pre()are a General Plan/Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan Amendment Study to create two new land use designati)ns including Medium-Low Density
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(6.1-10 du/acre) and Medium-Mid Density (10.1-14 du/acre) for the existing Medium Density portion of
the Croak, Jordan and Cheri properties in order to encourage an additional variety of housing stock with
usable yards. Accordingly, Staff has prepared a GP A/SP A Study fo:~ consideration by the City Council.
Since the Chen property has no lands that are designated Medium Density, the Chen property was not
included in this GPA/SPA Study. Staff is requesting that the City Council provide Staff with further
. direction regarding the proposed land use designations for the Croak, Jordan and Chen properties. If the
City Council elects to proceed with this GP A/SP A and Stage 1 PD Amendment, Staff will prepare the
appropriate documents for review and consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council.
Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Receive Staff presentati )n; 2) Receive public testimony; 3)
Deliberate; and 4) Direct Staff to:
A) Prepare a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment 1:0 create the proposed Medium-Low
Density and Medium-Mid Density land use designations as defined in this Staff Report;
B) Prepare a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendmentmd Stage 1 PD Amendment for the
Croak and Jordan properties to:
. i) Amend the existing Medium Density site to create two equal sized sites that include Medium-Low
Density and Medium-Mid Density at the locations shown in th:s Staff Report; !!!
2) Provide Staff with Alternativt: direction.
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