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COPY TO: Property Owners
G:\Eastcrn Dublin Dcnsity\ccsr 4.3.07 East Dublin Density.DOC
Review of General Plan and ~:pecific Plan Residential Land Use
Designations for properties generally east of Dougherty Road and
including the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area.
Report prepared by Jeff Baker, ~'enior Planner
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Map.
Village Policy Statement.
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Categories.
Stage 1 and Stage 2 Devt:lopment Plan Criteria.
Table of Built or Approwd Projects with Vested
Development Rights.
Map of Built or Approved Projects with Vested
Development Rights.
Map of Land with Stage 1 Development Plans, but without
Vested Development Rights.
Map of Land without Development Entitlements and without
Vested Development Rig~ts.
Table of Land without Vested Development Rights.
Map of Land without Ve~ted Development Rights.
Receive Staff presentation;
Receive public testimony,
Deliberate; and
Direct Staff to either:
a. Prepare General Plan/Specific Plan Amendments to
include two new land use designations including
Medium-Low (6.1-10 du/acre) and Medium (10.1-14
b. Prepare a Specific Plan Amendment to adopt
development standards that require a minimum usable
yard area;
c. Prepare General Plan/8pecific Plan Amendments to
include two new land use designations including
Medium-Low (6.1-10 du/acre) and Medium (10.1-14
du/acre) and prepare a Specific Plan Amendment to
adopt development standards that require a minimum
usable yard area; or
Page 1 of 12
d. Continue to implement the existing General Plan and
Specific Plan policie:;.
None at this time.
The City Council held a Strategic Planning Session on January 12, 2007. During this Strategic Planning
Session the City Council discussed the existing General Plan and :~pecific Plan Residential Land Use
Designations within the City of Dublin. Concerns were raised during this discussion regarding densities
and the need for a variety of housing types (i.e. detached units, row homes, stacked flats, etc.) on
undeveloped land within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (EDSP) area that has a Medium Density land
use designation. Therefore, Staff has prepared this Staff Report to review the densities and the variety of
housing types within the EDSP area in order for the City Council to p~ovide Staff with direction regarding
current residential land use policies and future residential development in the eastern portion of Dublin.
1993 General Plan Amendment & Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
The planning effort for the eastern portion of Dublin was initiated by the City Council in 1987 in response
to proposals for development of the Dublin Ranch property within the City's extended planning area. The
City Council decided that, prior to acting on the applications of varous property owners in this area, a
comprehensive General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan should be undertaken to evaluate land use
options for the area and the implications for the City's growth.
A comprehensive General Plan Amendment, for the area known as the Eastern Extended Planning Area,
was undertaken in anticipation of eventual development. The Easte'll Extended Planning area includes
approximately 3,300-acres of land both within the City Limits and beyond its boundary within the City's
sphere of influence. Since much of the area involved large land holdings in agricultural use, a specific
plan was needed to ensure long term comprehensive planning for future development of eastern Dublin.
Much of the land in the planning area has been annexed to the City sin::e 1993.
The EDSP was prepared and simultaneously adopted with the General Plan amendment providing for a
range of residential and commercial uses and establishing consistency between the General Plan and
Specific Plan. The EDSP envisioned a balanced community conprised of both housing and job
opportunities. The General Plan and the EDSP have been amended several times since the 1993 approval
to include new properties and allow development consistent with the General Plan. These amendments
included the addition of the Transit Center in 2002 and Fallon Village (aka East Dublin Property Owner's
Annexation Area) in 2002. With the addition of these 2 areas, the plan area is now approximately 4,400-
acres in size. Please refer to Attachment 1 for a land use map for the EDSP area.
Residential Land Use Designations
The EDSP contains a variety of residential land uses which are dispersed throughout the EDSP area.
Table 1 below illustrates the residential land use designations and densities permitted in the EDSP area.
These residential densities allow for a variety of housing types including traditional single-family homes,
cluster homes, townhouses, and stacked apartments and condominiums.
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Table 1: Residential Land Uses and Density in Eastern Dublin
Residential Land Use Designation Density
Rural Residential/Agriculture 1 dwelling unit (du)/IOO acres
Single Family 0.9-6.0 du/acre
Medium Density 6.1-14.0 du/acre
Medium-High Density 14.1-25.0 du/acre
High Density 25.1 + du/acre
The EDSP contains Guiding Policies regarding these residential land llse designations including Policy
4-2 which states "encourage higher density residential development within convenient walking distance of
shopping areas, employment centers, transit stations/stops, and other community facilities n.
The existing EDSP Land Use Map (Attachment 1) depicts the lane use designations within the EDSP
area. As depicted on the land use map, the EDSP generally concentrates commercial development
(including retail, office, and industrial uses) near the DublinlPleasanton BART Station, Interstate 580 and
Dublin Boulevard. The higher density residential land uses (i.e. Med:um Density, Medium-High Density,
and High Density) are also concentrated near these commercial lses. The close proximity of the
residential uses to the commercial uses allows the residents of these areas to take advantage of services
and public transportation in the immediate vicinity.
Residential densities generally decrease as you move away from Interstate 580 and proceed north through
the planning area, with the exception of the Fallon Village Center lmd the Tassajara Village Center as
discussed below. The predominant residential land use designations in the northern areas of the Specific
Plan are Single Family Residential, and Rural Residential/Agriculture and some medium density
development along Tassajara Road. The Rural Residential/Agriculture land use designation has generally
been applied to areas with steep slopes in order to protect these areas from development.
The Fallon Village Center and the Tassajara Village Center contain a limited amount of land designated
for commercial use. These two areas have designated commercial uses that are surrounded by land that is
designated for Medium Density and Medium-High Density residential uses.
The Tassajara Village Center is located near the
northerly City Limits boundary. Originally, the
EDSP identified the Tassajara Village Center to
be a larger, more robust commercial area to serve _---------
the needs of local residents surrounded by ____-----
Medium Density and Medium High Density
housing. However, the plans for the commercial
component of the Tassajara Village Center have
been scaled back as a result of the
environmentally sensitive habitat in the project
area. While it is no longer possible to achieve
much commercial development due to site
constraints, the Medium Density and Medium
High Density land use designations remain in this
area. The surrounding properties that are
designated for Medium Density and Medium-High Density development include the Fredrich, Vargas,
Mission Peak and Silvera properties which are discussed later in this Staff Report.
~~~~~;~;~. Contra Costa County
Tassajara Village
Center - (F)
Alameda County
Page 3 of 12
The commercial core of the Fallon Village Center is located
south of the future Central Parkway extension and is designated
for mixed use development (i.e. commercial and residential).
The Fallon Village Center was designed to be consistent with the
City of Dublin Village Policy Statement (Attachment 2) which
encourages a variety of housing typ(:s. This commercial core is
surrounded by Medium-High Density residential that transitions
to Medium Density residential and then Single Family
Residential as you move away from the village core commercial
area. The Fallon Village Center includes the Jordan, Chen, and
Croak properties.
Housing Types in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area
Residential land use categories are defined in the EDSP and included ;lS Attachment 3 of this Staff Report.
The residential land use designations/densities in the EDSP allow for a variety of housing types including
single-family detached homes, detached cluster homes, townhouses, and stacked apartments and
condominiums. The following is a list of the residential land USl: designations in the EDSP, and a
description of the housing types that are typical for each of the residential land uses, followed by a
photograph of the various housing types.
Rural Residential/Agriculture (1 du/l00 acres)
· Detached single-family: The home typically includes ac::essory structures associated with
agricultural uses.
Single Family (0.9-6.0 du/acn)
Tra~itional detached single-fa~lily' home: ~~:.~ ":.".:;:~~
TypIcally located on !ots that range III SIze 5,000- .. .' - .. ~L.;,~~~~...:/~(.:~..~..:.:1~~
10,000 square feet WIth a backyard. ,,>:c_~'''' F ..... ., '. /~
.. .
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ii:~ ~'.'~J~." -.~j-,. . ~.:-?-;
Medium-Density (6.1-14.0 du/acre)
Small lot detached single-fami~v home:
Typically with a small usable rear yard area (i.e.
rear yard depth of 10').
Page 4 of 12
· Detached cluster homes: Typically built around
a motor court area with a small usable yard area
with a depth of approximately 10'.
· Townhouses: Typically 2-3 stories in height
with garage parking on the first floor and a
small yard, patio or deck (decks typically
provide 60-100 square feet of private usable
· Apartments/Condominiums*: Typically a 2-3
story stacked product (i.e. units on top of one
another) with a small patio or balcony.
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Medium-High Density (14.1-25.0 du/acre)
· Apartments/Condominiums*: Typically a 3-5
story stacked product (i.e. units on top of one
another) with a small patio or balcony.
Page 5 of 12
~: ..~:w':'~~~i~~>!,,;' '.
Townhouses: Typically 3-4 stories in height
with garage parking on the first floor and a small
yard, patio or deck (decks typically provide 60-
100 square feet of private usable space.
High Density (25.1 + du/acre)
Apartments/Condominiums*: Typically a 4-6
story podium building (i.e. underground parking
structure) with stacked flats (i.e. units on top of
one another) that have small patios or balconies.
Apartments and condominiums are similar to each other except that apartments are offered for rent
and condominiums are offered for sale.
Status of Entitlements for Land Designated for Residential Use
A series of entitlements are needed in order to develop a residential project in the EDSP area. The typical
entitlements for residential projects include Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans, Site Development
Review, Tentative Sub-Division Map (neighborhood of detached homes) and a Development Agreement
(DA). The EDSP requires the adoption of Planned Development Zoning Districts (PD) for all property
within the EDSP area. The City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.32) requires adoption of a PD in
a two stage process which includes a Stage 1 and a Stage 2 Development Plan as described in Attachment
4. While there are a variety of permits/agreements required for development, there are only two specific
types that vest an Applicant's right to develop, which are a DA and a Vesting Tentative Map (VTM).
It should be noted that these development rights do expire based)n the terms of the DA or VTM.
Property owners with vested development rights have two choices if the development regulations change
prior to expiration of the vested development rights. The property owner can complete the project in
accordance with the vested development rights prior to the expiration of those rights, or construct the
project in accordance with current development regulations.
Much of the residential land in the EDSP area has been constructed. However, there are a number of
properties that have received all of the required entitlements and have a vested right to develop through a
DA or VTM or both, but have not commenced construction or have not yet completed construction.
There are also a number of properties in the EDSP area that have some ofthe necessary entitlements (such
as a Stage 1 Development Plan) but do not have vested development lights (i.e. DA or VTM). There are
also a limited number of properties that do not have any entitlement, and therefore do not have vested
development rights.
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Land that has been Constructed and Land with Development Entitlements and Vested Development Rights
Since the EDSP was adopted in 1993, a number of property owners with residential land have vested their
rights to develop their properties. In some cases these projects have already been constructed while others
have not yet started construction. A list and map of the properties that have been constructed or have
vested development rights are included as Attachments 5 and 6, respectively. These developments
include a variety of housing types as noted above. Apartments/condominiums are focused near transit and
commercial centers as well as detached cluster homes and townhome:; with small yard areas along Dublin
Boulevard and Tassajara Road. Traditional single-family homes with larger backyards are located in the
northern portions of the EDSP area, away from the commercial shopp.ng areas and transit centers.
Land with a Stage 1 Development Plan, but without Vested Development Rights
There are seven properties that have ,m approved Stage 1 Developmert Plan that establishes the maximum
number of dwelling units that may be developed. Table 2 includes a list of the properties within the EDSP
that have obtained approval of a Stage 1 Development Plan. A Stage 1 Development Plan is required as a
condition of annexation. The Stage 1 Development Plan for the Fallon Village area, which includes the
Jordan, Chen, Croak, Anderson, Branaugh, and Righetti properties, was revised subsequent to annexation
to further refine the Development Plan for the project area. However, the owners of these properties have
not yet vested their development rights. A map identifying the locatbn of these properties is included as
Attachment 7.
Table 2: Land with a Stage 1 Development Plan, but without Vested Development Rights
Project Residential Land Use Ac.reage Maximum Dwelling
Designation Units
Mission Peak (currently Single Family 19.5 103
under review for a Stage 2 PD Rural Residential/Agriculture ,~4.1 0
and SDR)
Jordan Single Family 48 -acres 192
Medium Density 23 A-acres 234
Medium-High Density 19.B-acres 542
Mixed Use 6.4-acres 96
Chen Medium-High Density 4.0-acres 130
Croak Single-Family 115.4-acres 469
Medium Density lOA-acres 104
Rural ResidentiaV Agriculture 19 A-acres 0
Anderson Medium Density 7.0-acres 70
Righetti Medium Density 9.6-acres 96
Branaugh Medium Density 9.7-acres 97
Dwellin2 Units: 2,133
These adopted Stage 1 Development Plans allow for development of a combined maximum of 2,133
units. The City is currently processing applications for additional entitlements for the Mission Peak
property as noted in Table 2. There are no applications under review for the remaining six properties at
this time.
Land without Development Entitlements and/or without Vested Development Rights
There are four properties within the eastern portion of Dublin that tave General Plan designations for
residential development but that do not have entitlements or vested development rights. (See Table 3).
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The Vargas, Moller, and Tipper properties are currently located outside of the City Limits but located
within the City's sphere of influence. The City is currently processing an application to annex these three
properties into the City of Dublin. The Tipper property is only :Jroposed for annexation and is not
proposed for development at this time. It should be noted that the Fredrich, Tipper and Vargas properties
are within the EDSP area. The Applicant for the Moller property has requested annexation into the EDSP.
The City is also processing applications for Stage 1 Development Plans for the Vargas, Moller, and
Fredrick properties (Please refer to Attachment 8 for a map depicting:hese sites).
Table 3: Land without Entitlements and without Vested Development Rights
Residential General Plan/ Land Potential Units
Property Owner Acreage Use Designation Based on Land
Use Designation
Fredrich 3.4 Medium-High 48-85
Density Residential
Moller*- 226.0 Low Densit:1 & 0-413
Tipper* 8.2 Medium Dersity 50-115
Vargas* 4.4 Medium Density & 59-110
Camp Parks 0 Public Land:;** --
* Located outside of the City Limits, but within the City's Sphere of Influence
+ Located outside of the EDSP area
** Property is zoned Agriculture
Fredrich Property
The Fredrich property currently has General Plan/Specific Plan Land Use Designation of Medium-High
Density Residential. The City is currently processing a request by the property owner for a General
Plan/Specific Plan Amendment and Stage 1 Development Plan to reduce the density on the site from
Medium-High Density Residential and Neighborhood Commercial to Single Family to allow a maximum
of 47 dwelling units. The request would reduce the maximum development potential of the property from
85 total dwelling units to a maximum of 47. The Applicant currently proposes to construct 37 detached
single-family homes which range from 1,400 square feet to 1,600 square feet in size with small backyards
and tandem parking. The request to initiate the General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment will be reviewed
by the City Council as a separate item on this evening's agenda.
Vargas Property
The Vargas property currently has a General Plan/Specific Plan Land Use Designations of both Medium
Density Residential and Medium-High Density Residential. On June 6, 2006, the City Council authorized
Staff to study a request for a General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment and Stage 1 Development Plan to
reduce the density of the entire site to Medium Density Residential w:1ich reduces the maximum number
of dwelling units from 110 dwelling units to a maximum of 33 dwelling units. The proposed housing
product would be the same as that noted above for the Fredrich prop,~rty (i.e. small lot detached single-
family dwelling units) with tandem parking. The Planning Commission held a Study Session on January
23, 2007 to review the development proposal for the Vargas property and raised concerns about the
proposed tandem parking for the project.
Page 8 of12
Moller Property
The current General Plan Land Use Designation for the Moller property is Low Density Residential and
Rural ResidentiaVAgriculture. On March 21, 2006, the City Council authorized Staff to study a request
for a General Plan Amendment to increase the density of the site lmd a Stage I Development Plan to
reduce the development envelope on the site as a result of environmental constraints. While this request
would increase the overall density of the project, the developable area of the site would be reduced,
resulting in an overall decrease in the number of proposed units. Th e current proposal would result in a
maximum development potential of 298 dwelling units, reduced Jrom the current maximum of 413
dwelling units. The Applicant's development proposal consists of small lot single-family detached units
with rear yards, and attached townhouses with usable private yards.
Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training Area Reserve Forces Training Area
The City is currently working with representatives of the United States Army regarding future private
development of approximately 187 acres at Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks). The 187-
acre Camp Parks site is located to the north of Transit Center. The City has not yet received a formal
application for development of this property and the exact nun: ber of units and future land use
designations for the site have not been determined (the site has a current General Plan Land Use
designation of Public Lands). However, the City has completed a community visioning process for
development of this property. The preferred development alternati'le identified through this visioning
process includes a combination of single-family residential, medium-high density residential and high
density residential land use designations.
There are a variety of residential land use designation/densities for the land located east of Dougherty
Road and within the EDSP area. These land use residential designations /densities have resulted in a
variety of housing types as discussed above. These land use desiglations/densities and housing types
provide context for evaluating the variety of housing types available in Dublin and policy alternatives to
address future housing needs.
During the Strategic Planning Session the City Council raised concern regarding densities and the need for
a variety of housing types (i.e. detached units, row homes, stacked flats, etc.) within the community. The
City Council expressed an interest in alternatives that would achieve ,ingle-family housing types that are
detached and provide a usable yard area.
The City Council has the authority to modify existing General PIanllld Specific Plan Residential Land
Use Designations (which includes a density increase or decrease) and/or create new development
standards at any time. It is important to note, however, that state law (Government Code ~ 65863(b))
prohibits a city from reducing the residential density for any parcel or ,lllowing development of any parcel
at a lower residential density than called out in the General Plan Housing Element without making
additional findings. However, the properties without vested development rights (Attachment 9) were not
identified in the Housing Element to meet the City's share of the regional housing needs allocation.
Therefore, such findings would not be necessary if the densities for these properties were modified.
Issues such as the net and gross acreage calculations as defined in:he General Plan and development
regulations such as parking standards will also have to be fully analyzed if the City Council chooses to
direct Staff to review land use designations and/or create new development standards. In addition, the
City Council should consider the impact that a change in development regulations could have for property
owners. The following is a discussion of the impact to property owne:s if the City Council were to adopt
new development regulations.
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Impact of New Policies
Existing Residential Development: A change to the development~egulations would only apply in the
event that the development is replaced with new construction which required new entitlements. A change
to the development regulations for an existing development would effectively render the development a
legal non-conforming use. The legal non-conforming status could affect a property owner's ability to
reconstruct a demolished unit.
Land with Vested Development Rights: DAs and VTMs vest a property owner's development rights based
on the rules in place at the time of vesting. Although certain properties do have vested development
rights, those rights can terminate with the expiration of the DA or VTM. Therefore, a change to the
development regulations would not affect land with vested developnent rights unless the vested rights
were to expire. The City Council may authorize changes to the development regulations for property with
vested development rights. If the City Council authorizes changes to the development regulations for
properties with vested development rights, the property owner may develop the property in accordance
with the vested rights (before the development rights expire), or develop the property in accordance with
the new development regulations.
Land without Vested Development Rights: There are a total of 12 regidential properties that do not have
vested development rights and could therefore be subject to new regulations established by the City
Council (Attachments 9 & 10). Developers typically spend large sums of money to obtain entitl~ments to
develop their property. For example, a Stage 1 Development Plan outlines the basic development
parameters including maximum densities and permitted uses. However, a Stage 2 Development Plan and
a Site Development Review Permit require design work, plans, and drawings that illustrate the proposed
development (Attachment 4). Therefore, a developer invests a consid'~rable amount oftime and money to
obtain a Stage 2 Development Plan and Site Development Review permit. All development applications
are required to be consistent with the EDSP. If the City Council modfies the EDSP, then all applications
would be required to be consistent with the new regulations.
Application of New Policies: Therefore, the City Council should consider at what point new development
regulations should apply to land with existing entitlements. The City Council should decide if new
development regulations should apply to: 1) existing residential development; 2) properties that have
achieved full entitlements, but have not vested their development rigt.ts; 3) properties that have achieved
partial entitlements, but have not vested their development rights; Hnd 4) properties that are currently
processing an application for entitlements with the City.
Policy Alternatives
Staff has identified four policy alternatives for the City Council to consider when reviewing the densities
and the variety of housing stock available in the City of Dublin. These alternatives include: A) adopt new
land use designations; B) adopt new development standards to the EDSP that require minimum yard sizes;
C) adopt new land use designations and adopt new development s":andards to the EDSP that require
minimum yard sizes; or D) continue to implement the existing General Plan/Specific Plan policies.
A. Adopt New Land Use Categories
The Medium Density Land Use Designation permits 6.1-14 du/acre. The lower end of this density
range (i.e. 6.1-10 du/acre) results in a lot size that ranges from approximately 4,356 to 7,140 square
feet. Lots within this density range can readily accommodate a detached single-family housing type
that includes a usable rear yard area. Densities between 10.1-14 du/acre result in lot sizes that range
from approximately 3,110 to 4,310 square feet in size. These ar'~ relatively small lot sizes and are
more difficult to develop a detached housing type with a usable yard area while maintaining a
Page 10 of 12
minimum distance between buildings. Detached units with usable yards in this density range are
typically small lot cluster developments such as the "Courtyards" development.
The City Council could divide the existing Medium Density Land Use Designation into two new
categories (i.e. Medium-Low 6.1-10 du/acre, and Medium 10.1-14 du/acre). The new Medium-Low
designation would encourage development of housing types including detached single-family homes
with private yard areas. The new Medium designation would encourage development of more
compact medium density housing types such as detached cluster homes and townhomes.
Implementation: In order to adopt new land use categories, the City Council would need to: 1) direct
Staff to prepare General Plan/Specific Plan Amendments to create two new designations that include
Medium-Low (6.1-10 du/acre) and Medium (10.1-14 du/acre); and 2) identify which properties with
the Medium Density Residential designation should be re-designated as Medium-Low and which
properties should be re-designatecl as Medium.
B. Adopt New Development Standards
The EDSP requires the adoption of PD zoning districts for all property with the EDSP area. PD
zoning is more flexible and allows for greater creativity to develop property than allowed under
traditional zoning which has mandatory development regulations mch as required setbacks and height
restrictions. Further, the EDSP land use designations provide for a variety of housing types (i.e. the
Single Family Land Use Desigrlation permits single-family de1ached housing while the Medium
Density designation allows development that includes small lot detached housing, and townhouses,
Development standards can be used in a similar fashion to traditional zoning to require a developer to
incorporate certain design aspects into developments that the Cit~' Council deems as desirable to the
community, such as a minimum sized usable private yard area. Therefore, the City Council could
adopt development standards in the EDSP that require minimum private yard sizes for property with a
Medium Density Land Use Designation. All Medium Density development that is subject to the new
development standards would be required to provide this minimum private yard area. There currently
are no required minimum private yard standards in the EDSP.
Implementation: In order to adopt new development standards the City Council would need to: 1)
direct Staff to prepare a Specific Plan Amendment to create development standards; 2) determine the
appropriate usable private yard area to include in the development standards; and 3) determine which
land use designations would be subject to the development standards.
C. Continue to Implement Existing General Plan/Specific Plan Policies
After reviewing the status of existing and proposed development as noted in this Staff Report and the
development policies contained in the EDSP, the City Council may be satisfied with the variety of
housing that is being constructed within the EDSP area; in which case, the City Council could elect
not to modify the existing land use designations or adopt new development standards at this time.
Implementation: Accept this Staff Report and direct staff to continue implementing the existing
General Plan and Specific Plan policies.
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The City Council has the authority to modify General Plan and Specific Plan Land Use Designations (i.e.
increase/decrease densities) and adopt development standards. Staff has identified four policy alternatives
for the City Council to consider when reviewing the densities and the variety of housing stock available in
the City of Dublin. These alternatives include adopting new land use categories (i.e. Medium-Low
Density and Medium Density) to encourage medium density detached housing with usable yards, adopting
new development standards to the EDSP that require minimum private yard sizes, adopting new land use
categories and new development standards, or continuing to implement the existing General Plan/Specific
Plan policies. If the City Council decides to pursue changes to the I md use designation or development
standards, Staff will conduct the appropriate review and analysis prior to returning to the City Council for
further discussion.
Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Receive Staff presentati,)n; 2) Receive public testimony; 3)
Deliberate; and 4) Direct Staff to either: a) Prepare General Plan/Specific Plan Amendments to include
two new land use designations including Medium-Low (6.1-10 du/acre) and Medium (10.1-14 du/acre); b)
Prepare a Specific Plan Amendment to adopt development standards that require a minimum usable yard
area; c) Prepare General Plan/Specific Plan Amendments to include two new land use designations
including Medium-Low (6.1-10 du/acre) and Medium (10.1-14 du'acre) and prepare a Specific Plan
Amendment to adopt development standards that require a minimum usable yard area; or d) Continue to
implement the existing General Plan lmd Specific Plan policies.
Page 12 of 12
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I:J Qy ii [lJb1n .
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C Regonal Park
f ::::::.:::~ Parks/ Pubic Recreation
L ~Space _
.. PubI~c; PL
.. Serri-Public
RLraI Residertiai/Agriculture (0.01 du'ac)
~gIe Family (0.9 - 6.0 dufae)
~ Mecium Density (6.1 - 14.0 dulac)
r::: IAed-Hi Density (14.1 . 25.0 du'ac)
.. ligh Density (25.0 + dl1'ac)
.. General Conmercial
.. General Comnercia1fCal1l>us Cffice
NeighborhoOd Conmertial
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SEPTEMBER 7, 200.i
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Attachment 2
The Policy described below is not a Planning legal requirement fi)r new development. This Policy
Statement is a definition of a Village used to refine and enhance ~pecial areas in the community that
already contain some of the characteristics of villages. In additio:1, this Policy provides direction on
what characteristics comprises the Dublin Village Concept. This concept can be used as a template
for the development of new villages in the future. The development of this Policy is based on a
Background Document dated September 7, 2004.
This Policy will be used by the City to identify possible Village sites in both new development areas
and redeveloping sites. An Action Plan will be developed by StajI with specific recommendations
1. Possible Village Sites
2. Later modifications to the General Plan and Specific Plans to mandate the location
and characteristics of Villages.
Only when changes are made to the Planning documents noted above will this Policy become a legal
The f/l11afle Policv
A Village is defined as a physical development of land that has been
designed to encourage compact development of an area which integrates a
variety of housing types and densities with community facilities, civic and
educational uses. Commercial and industrial uses may also be located in
Villages. An emphasis on pedestrian- tiiendly design should be required.
Villages should have these characteristics:
1 A Village location should be compatible with the local environment including surrounding
land uses and topography. It should respect constraints, roadways and environmental
2 A Village should have a mixture of housing types, densities and affordability and should
support a range of age and income groups;
3 Activity nodes (commercial areas, community facilities and public/private facilities) should
be easily accessible;
4 Trails, pedestrian walkways and street linkages should be f:stablished to bring the parts and
elements of the Village together;
5 Street and Pedestrian linkages should link to transportation spines including buses and transit
.. .'
The Village should have a strong "edge" defining the boundaries. This could include major
streets, architectural or landscaped areas;
Village size should reflect development that promotes pedestrian walkability, permits a
sufficient mixture of residential and public/private uses and convenient commercial areas.
Specific identity should be fostered for the Village areas (special signage, unique design
elements, public plazas etc.)
1m olem en tation
An Action Plan to determine potential Village sites and appropriate modifications to the City's
General Plan and Specific Plan to include development ofVillag{:s in appropriate locations in Dublin
shall be prepared by Staff for review and adoption by the Planning Commission and City Council.
G:\PA#\2004\04-025\Villages Policy Statement Revisions from CC mtg.doc
f: .
5 Db ' luND USE
Program 4P: The City shall work with East Bay Regional Parks District regarding the
provision of staging areas in the Specific Plan area.
~ I I
This section describes each of the land use classificatioru; used in the Land Use Map in
Figure 4.1. Chapter 6 on Resource Management and the Open Space Framework Map
(Figure 6.1) provide supplementary information on open space uses. Appendix 2
includes more detailed description of the specific land u 5es that are considered
appropriate for each Specific Plan land use designation. Table 4.1 summarizes land use
acreages in the planning area by the designations described below.
[~ i
Rural Residential/Agriculture (.01 units per gross residential acre). Accommodates
agricultural activities and other open space uses, such as range and watershed
management, consistent with the site conditions and pla:1 policies. This classification
includes privately held lands, as well as public ownerships not otherwise designated in
the plan for Parks and Open Space, or Public/Semi-Public uses. Assumed household size
i? 3.2 persons per unit.
Single Family (0.9 to 6.0 units per gross residential acre). Accommodates the majority
plan for Parks and Open Space, or Public/Semi-Public uses. Assumed household size is
3:2 persons per unit.
Medium Density (6.1 to 14.0 units per gross residential acre). Provides for a mix of single
family detached and attached units and multi-family units. The density range allows for
detached, zero-lot line, duplex, townhouse, and garden apartment development. It is
intended that within areas with this designation, that dwelling unit types and densities
would be varied to accommodate a range of housing needs. Assumed household size is
2.0 persons per unit. -,
Medium High Density (14.1 to 25.0 units per gross residential acre). Provides for
apartment, condominium, and townhouse development. Projects at the upper end of
this range may require some under-structure parking and may need three or more
stories in order to meet zoning ordinance open space requirements. Assumed household
size is 2.0 persons per unit.
High Density (25.1 or more units per gross residential acre). Provides for apartment and
condominium development in the Town Center. Development at these densities must
meet the majority of their parking requirements with under-structure parking. With
careful design, densities of up to 100 units per acre can be achieved without exceeding
four stories. Assumed household size is 2.0 persons per u::tit.
Attachment 3
t.o (J'b HoP
Chapter 8.32
Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to:
A. Establish a Planned Development Zoning District through u{hich one or more properties
are planned as a unit with development standards tailored to the site.
B. Provide maximum flexibility and diversification in the development of property.
C. Maintain consistency with, and implement the provisions of, the Dublin General Plan and
applicable Specific Plans. .
D. Protect the integrity and character of both residential and non-residential areas of the
E. Encourage efficient use of land for preservation of sensitivt: environmental areas such as
open space areas and topographic features.
F. Provide for effective development of public facilities and services for the site.
G. Encourage use of design features to achieve development that is compatible with the
H. Allow for creative and imaginative design that will promote amenities beyond those
expected in conventional developments.
Intent. The intent of this Chapter is to create a mOE~ desirable use of the land, a
more coherent and coordinated development, and a better physical environment
than would otherwise be possible under a single zoning district or combination of
zoning districts.
Applicability. The provisions of this Chapter shall be applicable to property only
upon designation of the site as a Planned Development Zoning District pursuant
to procedures set forth in Chapter 8.120, Zoning Ordinance Amendment. A
Planned Development Zoning District shall be established by the adoption of an
Ordinance reclassifying the property to such district and adopting a Development
Plan. A Development Plan shall constitute a Distric: Planned Development Plan
as required by Chapter 11.2.7 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The
Development Plan shall establish regulations for the use, development,
improvement, and maintenance of the property within the requested Planned
Development Zoning District, and may be adopted in stages, as follows:
A. Stage 1 Development Plan. A Stage 1 Development Plan ~,hall be adopted for the entire
Planned Development District site with the reclassification of the property to the Planned
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
September, 1997
Attachment 4
Chapter 8.32
Development Zoning District. The plan shall establish the permitted, conditionally
permitted, and accessory uses, Stage 1 site plan, site area a ad proposed densities,
maximum number of residential units and non residential square footages, a phasing plan
and a Master Landscaping Plan; statements regarding cons lstency with General Plan and
Specific Plans, and consistency with Inclusionary Zoning regulations, an aerial photo,
other information necessary for the review of the proposed project; and any provisions as
further described in the Application section below.
B. Stage 2 Development Plan. A Stage 2 Development Plan for all or a portion of the
entire Planned Development District site may be adopted with the Stage 1 Development
Plan at the time of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment, or may be adopted at a subsequent
time as a separate Zoning Ordinance Amendment(s) pursmmt to Chapter 8.120, Zoning
Ordinance Amendment. A Stage 2 Development Plan shall establish permitted,
conditionally permitted, and accessory uses, Stage 2 site plm, site area and maximum
proposed densities, maximum numbers of residential units by type and non residential
square footages for each use, development regulations, architectural standards,
preliminary landscape plan, other information necessary fo~ the review of the proposed
project; and any provisions as further described in the Application section below. All
Subdivision Maps, Conditional Use Permits, and Site Development Reviews within a
Stage 2 development area shall be consistent with that Stage 2 Development Plan. Where
phased development of the Planned Development Zoning District is proposed, Stage 2
Development Plans may be requested by the developer for :Jortions of the property within
the Planned Development Zoning District. Ministerial and discretionary permits may be
issued only for those portions of a Planned Development District for which a Stage 2
Development Plan has been adopted.
Application. The Planned Development Zoning District may be requested
pursuant to Chapter 8.120, Zoning Ordinance Amendment, and Chapter 8.124,
Applications, Fees, and Deposits, in the form specifled by the City of Dublin.
The application shall be sufficient to demonstrate c(,mpliance with the Dublin
General Plan and applicable Specific Plans, and shall (subject to modification by
the Director of Community Development and or the Planning Commission)
include the following:
A. Stage 1 Development Plan. The Stage 1 Development Plan shall include all of the
following information and materials for the entire Planned Development Zoning District
1. Statement of proposed uses. A written Statement of Proposed Uses, including
permitted, conditional, and accessory uses.
2. Stage 1 Site Plan. A Stage 1 Site Plan showing the location and arrangement of
existing and proposed land uses, and proposed development stages for the entire
Planned Development Zoning District, and uses and structures within 300 feet
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
September, 1997
~ Db \ \D
Chapter 8.32
beyond the district boundary; location of public uses including but not limited to
parks, schools, and trails; proposed entry monuments; existing and proposed
locations of freeways, arterials and collector streets,
3. Site area, proposed densities. Gross and net area ,)f site; maximum densities for
residential and non-residential development, minimum densities where applicable
for compliance with the Dublin General Plan or applicable specific plans; and
maximum number of residential units and or maximum non-residential square
4. Phasing Plan. A phasing plan shall show the boun jaries, timing and sequencing,
gross and net areas and densities, and non-residential square footages, for
development within the entire Planned Developmell t Zoning District. It shall also
include existing and proposed land uses; major features of the circulation system
including any existing and proposed freeways, arterials, and collector streets;
other infrastructure requirements including water supply, wastewater collection,
treatment and disposal, and drainage systems.
5. Master Neighborhood Landscaping Plan. Provide a Master Neighborhood
Landscaping Plan showing parks, pedestrian circulation, landscaping, and
hardscape proposed at the neighborhood level.
6. General Plan and Specific Plan Consistency. A written statement addressing
consistency with all elements of the General Plan aLd any applicable specific
7. Inclusionary Zoning Regulations. A written statement addressing compliance
with the Inclusionary Zoning Regulations for the provision of affordable housing.
This statement should supplement any statement regarding compliance with the
Housing Element of the General Plan.
8. Aerial Photo. An aerial photo of the proposed district and 300 feet beyond its
boundary showing sufficient topographic data to indicate clearly the character of
the terrain; the type, location, and condition of matu re trees, and other natural
vegetation; and the location of existing developmen1.
9. Other information. Other information as required "JY the Department of
Community Development as necessary for the substantive and environmental
review of the proposed project.
B. Stage 2 Development Plan. The Stage 2 Development Plan shall include the following
detailed information and materials for all or a portion of the site, as applicable under any
proposed or adopted phasing plan:
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
September, 1997
Chapter 8.32
Statement of compatibility with Stage 1 Development Plan. A written
statement demonstrating compatibility of the Stage 2 Development Plan with the
Stage 1 Development Plan.
Statement of proposed uses. A written Statement of Proposed Uses, including
permitted, conditional, and accessory uses.
Stage 2 Site Plan. A detailed site plan for all or a portion of the Planned
Development Zoning District showing the location md arrangement of existing
and proposed land uses on the site and within 1 00 fi~et beyond its boundary;
existing and proposed circulation system; existing structures and proposed
general building areas; contours; parking areas, dri\ eways and loading areas in
general; limits of grading; and phasing boundaries per the Stage 1 Development
Site area, proposed densities. Gross and net area of the Stage 2 site; maximum
densities for residential and non-residential development by type, minimum
densities where applicable for compliance with the :)ublin General Plan or
applicable Specific Plans; and maximum numbers of residential units by type and
or maximum non-residential square footage for each use.
Development Regulations. Development regulations for lot areas, lot square
footage per dwelling unit, lot width and frontage, lot depth, setbacks, distances
between residences, maximum lot coverage, common useable outdoor space, floor
area ratios, height limits, parking, driveways, loading areas, signage, grading
standards, and trash enclosures, accompanied by an:r necessary diagrams.
Architectural Standards. Area-wide and project-\\' ide architectural standards,
concepts, and themes.
Preliminary Landscaping Plan. A Preliminary Landscaping Plan implementing
the Master Neighborhood Landscaping Plan, and complying with Chapter 8.72,
Landscaping and Fencing Regulations.
Other information. Other information as required by the Department of
Community Devt:lopment as necessary for the substmtive and environmental
review of the proposed project.
Permitted Uses. No use other than an existing use is permitted in a Planned
Development Zoning District except in accordance with a Development Plan
adopted pursuant to this Chapter.
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
September, 1997
\00'0 \ \p
Built or Approved Projects with Vested Development Rights
Eastern Dublin Specific Status
Project Name # ofDUs * Housing Type Approved (A)
Plan Land Use Under Construction (UC)
Completed (C)
Camelia Place High Density 121 Stacked Apartments UC
(Transit Center)
Elan at Dublin Station High Density 260 Condominiums UC
(Transit Center) (podium design)
Avalon Bay High Density 305 Apartments UC
(Transit Center)
Transit Center Site A High Density 418 To be determined wi A
~;DR (DA & Stage I)
Transit Center Site C High Density 405 ~:tacked Apartments A
(currently under review for a (DA & Stage 1)
Stage 2 Rezone and SDR)
Metropolitan at Dublin Campus Office (permits 300 Condominiums A
Station 300 du) (podium design)
(Transit Center)
Archstone Apartments Medium-High Density 324 5.tacked apartments C
Emerald Park Apartments Medium-High Density 368 5,tacked apartments C
Summerglen Single Family & Medium 347 Single family C
Density detached homes (wi
private yard)
CreeksideIBrookside Single Family 277 Single family C
detached homes
Dublin Green Medium Density 295 Single family C
detached homes (wi
private yard)
Waterford Mixed Use 390 Apartments C
Tassajara Meadows Medium Density 204 Single family C
detached home (wi
private yards)
Roxbury Medium Density 108 Single family UC
detached homes (wi
private yard)
Riva/Rainsong 172 Single family & C
d~tached cluster (wi
p:1vate yards)
The Villages High Density & Medium- 1,396 Stacked DC
High Density condominiums &
The Groves High Density 930 S:acked apartments & DC
Area F Medium Density 1,112 Detached cluster UC
homes (wi small
yard), townhouses, &
Verona Single Family 121 Smgle family UC
Attachment 5
1\ ~,\lo
Eastern Dublin Specific '-Status
Project Name # ofDUs * Housing Type Approved (A)
Plan Land Use Under Construction (UC)
Completed (0
Sonata Medium Density 119 :;ingle family DC
(w/ small yard)
Dublin Ranch A Single Family 573 Single family C
Dublin Ranch Phase 1 Single Family 847 ~)ingle family C
detached homes
Positano Single Family & Rural 1,043 Single family A
Resi denti al/ Agriculture detached homes
Wallis Ranch Single Family, 935 Single family
Medium Density, & detached homes (w/
Medium..High Density ~mall private yards),
& attached homes
Silvera Ranch Single Family & Rural 259 Single family DC
Residential/Agriculture detached homes, &
townhouses (w/ small
balconies or patios).
* DU = Dwelling Unit
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Silvera Ranch
259 Dwelllno Units
........ ......
1043 Dwelling Units
! ~
~ ,.:;'\
~~:JC)'\ \.
~- \ \
.....- \
.., \
I -
305 Owellln Units
300 Owellln Units 277 Owetlln Units .
--15:~. ~~~~'_'_:~;;~, ' . _. .~ ,'_ : -_':~--~'-'~~_~.
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The Villages C DR
1396 Dwellln Units
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--=---DuIlIin Lots
. Streets
ClQy~~ -
i ~: Oly c. [lj6i, Sphere~ lr6JenCe'
C RetJonal Park
f::~:::~~ Pazksffubk Recreaion
.. ~C;Pl
fVoI ResidertialJAgicUiure (0.01 du'ac)
SI1~ Famiy (0.9. 6Jl du'ac)
MeclumDenSty (6.1 - 1~.0 dulac)
c: Ued-Hi ~ (14.' - 25.0 dufac)
_ Kg,b Densit}. (25.0" d..1'ac)
_ General Comnercial
.. Generci Corrmercia!!Carrpus O'lice
_ am
"i::I ...-..- 0-:"'.. -....
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Mission Peak
103 Dwelling Units
. ..
.' ~
. .
; .
: ~.
..-.......-.a_~.._.~..... I . _ I I _ .. _ I... :::.
573 Dwelllnq Units
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L.....J M'DjeaS
'II." ~~dfic Plan Areas
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.Iii: Streets
c:J CamP Parks RFTA
:---.' _.'c. .
L.;...f~'OfpUblin, Sphere of Influence
..ft: ~Sl~~1 Park .
F::~::::'1 ~rks.t P&mIIc Recreation
... ~n'splce
_ ~bicfSemi-Publlc; PL
... Se~i-Public
Rural ResidentiaUAgrlculture (0.01 dulac)
Single Family (O.S . e.o dulac)
'Medium Density (e.1 - 1-4.0 dulac)
c:::: :Med-Hl Density (1-4.1 .25.0 dulac)
II: High DeIl$Ity (25.0 + dullc)
~ .. General Com'mercial
.. General Commercial/Campus Office
I . NeighborhOod Commercial
l....:'._ Campus OffICe'
.. Industrial Park
.f ;; ~4"
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V, e's t etl!
:9 "'1i ~ ~.-..JI~ ~ -4 .~-"
De vel op m~~.: 11 trR, i 9 .h t~~
~ ~
, I. ~f~< 2007'
r-....~. _ ;:;:..A.
~.:-a ~
w lth Q.ut
\~ ~ ~ 82
~ ~ //1;
'. r ~-\~/
59-110 Dwelling Units
Oty Council Initiated
Study to Reduce Density
on June 6 2006
Moller Ranch
0-413 Dwellln Units
48-85 Dwelling Units
City Council Will COnsider Request to
Initiate Study to Reduce Density
on April 3, 2007
......................-......-..--. . - .. _.. - ..1
Camp Parks
-. -::.=-:-~:--~:.-:::- -. ------ .
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- 11
A.UAnl.---...Q ..!'J
;ft ..,
Land without Vested Development Rights
16eD lto
Proj ect Land Use Designation Maximum Development
Potential (in units)
Mission Peak Single Family & Rural 103^
Jordan Single Family, Medium 1,064^
Density, Medium-High
Density & Mixed Use
Chen Medium-High Density 130^
Croak Single Family & Rural 573^
ResidentiaV Agriculture
Anderson Medium Density 70^
Righetti Medium Density 96^
Branaugh Medium Density 97^
Moller Ranch/Casamira Valley Single Family & Rural 0-413 *
Vargas Medium & Medium-High 59-110 *
Densi ty
Fredrich Medium-High Density 48-85 *
Tipper Medium Density 50-115 *
Camp Parks Public Land N/A
^ Based on adopted Stage 1 Development Plan
*Based on density range for General Plan Land Use Designation
Attachment 9
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--~-:-- Dublin lots
o c1mp .ParksRFTA
~c:J_~OfP.. ublln
':-:--'I .. .
L:...J ',CItY of Dublin, Sphere of InfJuen~
:.1\Il ;Reglonal Park
+~~\~::~ -ParkS! Public Recreation
"(;)pen Space
... PubitlSeml-"Public; PL
Ru~1 ResldentiaVAgricultur. (0.01 c1u1.c)
Single Family (o.e .6.0 dulac)
Med~ Oensity(6:1. ~ 1-1.0 dullc)
r:=' Med-HI Density (1~,1 .25.0 aulae)
~.: High Density (25.0 + dulac)
.. General Commercial
.. General CommercieVCampus 9filce
r ~ Neighborhood 9ommer:cial
W.~ Call1Pus Office
.. l!\dustnal Ferk
~?/ ~ "'~
i{l ~J ~ );)
59-110 Dwelling Units
Oty Coundl Initiated
Study to Reduce Density
on June 6, 2006
Moller Ranch
0-413 Dwellln Units
48-85 Dwelling Units
Oty Coundl Will Consider Request to
Initiate Study to Reduce Dens/ty
on ril 3, 2007
573 Dwel/lnCl Units
Carn Parks
.. .......
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-;!. ~-
., -.......:lAW!..-
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..~ II