HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachmt 1 Reso CC Adopt GP/EDublin SP Amdmt RESOLUTION NO. 07 - XX A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE GENERAL PLAN AND EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR THE MEDIUM DENSITY PORTION OF THE CROAK AND JORDAN PROPERTIES TO NEW MEDIUM-LOW DENSITY AND MEDIUM- MID DENSITY DESIGNATIONS (APN 985-0027-007, 905-0002-001, AND 905-0002-002) PA 07-056 WHEREAS, on April 3, 2007, the City Council initiated a General Plan Amendment (GPA) and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to create Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density land use designations for the existing Medium-Density portion of the Croak and Jordan properties which are generally located north of the future Central Parkway extension and east of Croak Road and within the 1, 134-acre Fallon Village project area (APN 985-0027-007,905-0002-001, AND 905-0002-002); and WHEREAS, the Dublin General Plan was originally adopted on February 11, 1985, and has been amended a number of times since that date; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Impact Report for the original General Plan was prepared and adopted in 1984 and subsequent environmental reviews have been undertaken in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the various General Plan Amendments which have been approved over the years; and WHEREAS, the City adopted the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan on January 7, 1994, both plans have been amended a number of times since that date, to provide a comprehensive planning framework for future development of the I~astern Dublin area. In connection with this approval, the City certified a Program Environmental ImpaGt Report ("Program EIR") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15168 (SCH No. 91103064) that is available for review in the Planning Division and is incorporated herein by reference. The Program EIR was integral to the planning process and examined the direct and indirect effects, cumulative impacts, broad policy alternatives and area-wide mitigation measures for development within eastern Dublin; and WHEREAS, the East Dublin Property Owners (EDPO), reqlested annexation and prezoning of the EDPQ Annexation Area, which includes the Croak and Jordan pr,)perties, into the City of Dublin. In connection with the annexation and prezoning request the City Council certified a Supplemental EIR (SCH No. 2001052114) by Resolution 40-02 that is available for review in the Planning Division and is incorporated herein by reference. In connection with the 2002 projecl approval, the City Council adopted supplemental mitigation measures, mitigation findings, a statement of overriding consideration and a mitigation monitoring program. All adopted supplemental mitigation measures continue to apply to the project area; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a General Plan Amerdment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment for the Fallon Village project area, which includes the Croak and Jordan properties on December 6, 2005 by Resolution 223-05 that is available for rev iew in the Planning Division and incorporated herein by reference; and ATTACHMENT 1 WHEREAS, on December 6, 2005, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 222-05 certifying a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) (SCH #2005062010) to the Eastern Dublin EIR and the Supplemental EIR for the Eastern Dublin Property Owners (ED PO) which is available for review in the Community Development Department and is herein incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS, the General Plan currently identifies land use designations, densities, policies related to density calculations, and the General Plan Land Use Map (Figure 1-la) that shows the location of land uses within the City of Dublin and the Sphere ofInfluence; and WHEREAS, the Land Use section of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan currently includes text related to Specific Plan Land Use Designations, and the "Land Use Map" map (Figure 4.1) that shows the location of land uses within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, the City Council discussed the Medium Density land use designation and on April 3,2007, and October 16, 2007, authorized a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to change the existing Medium Density land use designation on the Croak and Jordan properties to new Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density lald use designations; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State CEQA Guidelines require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, the proposed project is within the scope of the Fallon Village SEIR because the project does not result in an increased number of units or density beyond what was previously studied for the Croak and Jordan properties. Therefore, no additional environmeltal review is necessary; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin Planning Commission ("Planning Commission") held a public hearing on said project on November 27,2007; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted, and incorporated herein by reference, recommending that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City COllncil of a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consid'~r all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth, including prior EIRs, and used its independent judgment to evaluate the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregcing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commi~;sion, based on the findings in the attached draft City Council Resolution, recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution attached as Exhibit A, which Resolution approves a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment for the existing Medium Density portion of the Crc)ak and Jordan properties which includes the following as described in the attached Resolution: 1) Definition of the propose Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density land use designations; 2) Definition of net acreage and the associated density calculation based on net acreage for Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density land use desigrations; 2 3) Amends to the General Plan Land Use Map (Figure l-la) and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Maps (Figure 4.1); and 4) Amends to the text and various tables in the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2ih day of November 2007 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commi!ision Chair ATTEST: Community Development Director 3 RESOLUTION NO. XX - 07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE GENERAL PLAN AND EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR THE MEDIUM DENSITY PORTION OF THE CROAK AND JORDAN PROPERTIES TO NEW MEDIUM-LOW DENSITY AND MEDIUM-MID DENSITY DESIGNATIONS (APN 985-0027-007, 905-0002-001, AND 905-0002-002) PA 07-056 WHEREAS, on April 3, 2007, the City Council initiated a General Plan Amendment (GPA) and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to create Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density land use designations for the existing Medium-Density portion of the CDak and Jordan properties which are generally located north of the future Central Parkway extension and east of Croak Road and within the 1, I 34-acre Fallon Village project area (APN 985-0027-007, 905-000:~-00 1, AND 905-0002-002); and WHEREAS, the Dublin General Plan was originally adoptee on February 11, 1985, and has been amended a number of times since that date; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Impact Report for the original General Plan was prepared and adopted in 1984 and subsequent environmental reviews have been undertaken in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the various General Plan Amendments which have been approved over the years; and WHEREAS, the City adopted the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan on January 7, 1994. Both plans have been amended a number of times since that date, to provide a comprehensive planning framework for future development of the eastern Dublin area. In connection with this approval, the City certified a Program Environmental Impact Report ("Program ErR") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15168 (SCH No. 91103064) that is available for review in the Planning Division and is incorporated herein by reference. The Program EIR was integral to the plaI1ning process and examined the direct and indirect effects, cumulative impacts, broad policy alternatives and area-wide mitigation measures for development within eastern Dublin; and WHEREAS, the East Dublin Property Owners (EDPO), requested annexation and prezoning of the ED PO Annexation Area, which includes the Croak and Jordan properties, into the City of Dublin. In connection with the annexation and prezoning request the City Council certified a Supplemental ErR (SCH No. 2001052114) by Resolution 40-02 that is available for review in the Planning Division and is incorporated herein by reference. In connection with the 2002 project approval, the City Council adopted supplemental mitigation measures, mitigation findings, a statemert of overriding consideration and a mitigation monitoring program. All adopted supplemental mitigation measures continue to apply to the project area; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment for the Fallon Village project area, which include~ the Croak and Jordan properties, on December 6, 2005 by Resolution 223-05 which is available for revie"" in the Planning Division; and WHEREAS, on December 6, 2005, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 222-05 certifying a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) (SCH #200506:WIO) to the Eastern Dublin EIR and Exhibit A the Supplemental EIR for the Eastern Dublin Property Owners '^' hich is available for review in the Community Development Department and is herein incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS, the General Plan currently identifies land use designations, densities, policies related to density calculations, and the General Plan Land Use Map (Figure 1-1 a) that shows the location ofland uses within the City of Dublin and the Sphere of Influence; and WHEREAS, the Land Use section of the Eastern Dublin ~;pecific Plan currently includes text related to Specific Plan Land Use Designations, and the "Land Use !\lap" map (Figure 4.1) that shows the location of land uses within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area; anJ WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State CEQA Guidelines requim.that certain projects be reviewed for environmen'al impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, the proposed project is within the scope of the Fallon Village SEIR because the project does not result in an increased number of units or density beyond what was previously studied for the Croak and Jordan properties. Therefore, no additional environmental review is necessary; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin Planning Commission ("Planning Commission") held a public hearing on said project on November 27,2007; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report dated November 27, 2007, was ~:ubmitted and incorporated herein by reference, recommending that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendrrent; and WHEREAS, on November 27, 2007, the Planning Comnission adopted Resolution 07-XX incorporated herein by reference, recommending that the City Council approve the General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report dated , and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments for the Croak and Jordan properties; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the project at a noticed public hearing on , at which time all interested parties had the oppor1unity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth, including prior EIRs, and used its independent judgment to evaluate the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED that the Dublin City Council does hereby approve the following amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan based on findings that the amendments are in the public interest and will not have an adverse affect on health or safety or be detrimental to the public welfare or be injurious to property or public improvement and that the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as so amended will remain internally consistent. 2 Section I. General Plan Amendments. Subsection i. Replace the first paragraph aftel the section heading "Density Measurement:;" in Section 1.8.1 (Land Use Cl2ssifications) with the following: "Residential densities are based on gross residential acreage for all properties, except the Medium-Low and Medium-Mid di:nsity sites on the Jordan and Croak properties, and the density is calculated as follows:" Subsection H. Add the following paragraphs to Sect on 1.8.1 (Land Use Classifications) after the Ponderosa Village Example: "Residential densities for the portion of the Jordan and Croak properties with Medium-Low Density Residential and Medium-Mid Density Residential land use designation are based upon net acreage that is calculated as follows: Residential densities shall be calculated based on the total developable area of the site excluding public and private streets, parks, open space, common areas, environmentally constrained areas, and areas with slopes that exceed 30%. Development shall not be clustered on one portion of the project where the development would exceed the maximum den:.ity for that portion of the site even if the overall project remains within the density range when the density is calculated for the entire project area." Subsection iii.Add the following residential land use designations to Section 1.8.1 (Land Use Classifications) under the subsection "Eastern Extended Panning Area (East of Camp Parks -- see Figure I-I a)*" after "Residmtial" Single-Family": Residential: Medium-Low Density (6.1-10 u1its per net residential acre). Units in this density range will be detached, zero-lot line, duplex, and/or townhouse developments suitable for family living with private flat usable outdoor yard areas that accommodate leisurely activities typicall:1 associated with a residence. Unit types and densities may be similar or varied. Assumed household size is two persons per unit. Residential: Medium-Mid Density (10.1-14 units net residential acre). This density range allows detached, zero-lot line, duplex townhouse, and/or garden apartment developments suitable for family Ii ving with private flat usable outdoor yard areas that accommodate leisurely activities typically associated with a residence or usable common areas that accommodate recreational and leisurely activities. Unit types and densities may be similar or varied. Assumed household size is two persons per unit." 3 Subsection iv. Replace Figure 1-1 a, General Plan Land Use Map with the revised General Plan Land Use Map updated through December 31, 2007 below. I.IN GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP (~D U R .~~ Figure I-la As amended through December 3 I, 2007 .~'~ ~.""'.".; r,;l.~ __~- If .-t., . ~ : I /________ ,...,.....L.',i;<.;.:,..i;.:......~ '-,,' ~ 1_ .// -----:.)\" -' '-:1\-'.;";I'~ ,;r~ .._<,~.- ;11 '-t{' .", ,., \: _. <J{' ...-..:.:.'" ~' ",( __'". .f :~.. , .-/ ,\~' . ii' ,.( ~ ~ [ ) ...Ii,'. ,::....-..--: ~:",.; \4. \~, " ...'7r~' . . -..!II - ~- '- ~ i "- ,.. 'llIatern Extr.:ndcc ptanr.,~ AnI. "'~ '\.. '.. 'lfi:' . ".. - 1i ,.::=- : fit r ~ ,i i-.. "-', '-.'.... II" 'l! I . .... - . 1 ' , I " r-,./ (,,-" ... l;j ~ .:- -- r, '[: ' ~ ' ~....~- /-j t:~!.l.;tt\~::\~.~....>" -"M~'~fJj", Lijf~I~JL1~~tJ : -r-- - II!j ~;:- .'If!.!::.. ~-;;I..4J .\ I.'.'.... -. ~ ----< ~!:....1L9 Il"'''.-....,,_._.- . . .. ... J. ,.. ,I .1 I ; _ "..bllt ~~t.J'I\.O.t . s.-'_,"C GJ OJ '.;-"""""1<<""" [3 ..,.._.....~ EI ...... '.. l!k.n~tZ~''''~1 ~ fbringNffilrnr" ~... "'J;!In:.lt' .....rl;.i,il:~~ i t U"Il>!" to)) ~I F!~Ij~~IJA 0,,",1 ... p.U~f"" t.c:t r'O;~:: ~ ~"""j ,.L.ft ~~l..l"':;.t"Y ~.C3lC-Cl'!ut.Q01.Ol!dUo'.1CI - ""~rnryP\llnI"I'tfA.iW.I ~1 ~'./\l'>tt'.'"..,fll5. Jld","'1 ~ ~ e,c....eod-"'"9...........dry l.ow[:\or..,~..G..:ilI(QG.O .",'K' 80"10' "'t.~ . ~r.........,~........,..I09.60"".>d ,r>:....~ _ M!'C:1..~~tcyl6.I.I004.....l(l O~""(.e'OlI~..f..~ . "'"".,..,.M", C>n'ItyI'O \.1' 00....' TI>VallcyJunsdictiom ---- _ U~*y:lP_"'II&'.r;e~.Cl - O,:..'L'~"""" . \~te....-J"'!.;!'"-C~n:;:-fF~:'::r--:.a ,'..; . :sc ~~ ::i c:J o<:.':t ~!'ol2'~:::1'" _ Hi/"'[;~-"ty 1'l'"~~lC~I'"'::at' ..:, 1- =- ...t;.l c:::JC'I:;;i}d:' JtIPvt ;~~ -.. ~~~UtmI _ I!rJ:::r~:: "'loot. 11"":_=:;-'" ,"'C C..;;;;.r ~:;"'4tf . ~;;,:E:& ~t:t::l:!'= ;.Ii~~ jc;,~ t :::: ~~!; r~~:~. '\.~cL...1r'c; (itr...,rl;1""""""" _"'=~'O"',-":" _.,,.onet ,~c: AutCl"OM .....V-.._""""'..<'Itl C1"~t~"CW:tc.l"'l't'Vl ()!t"Q ~pusoma "'....... ~ ftjllT" ,..... ""'""" /\It Ie Ilr 001:0" . ~~" s.....f~- =:>-.~. _ 'J~.: L:. ~k-::f:fl'" Hy~~:;';i;1: ~: C~r' :~j ~l" ': ~ ':1' I c..-~ Subsection v. Replace Table 2.1 (Land Use Summary: Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment Area) with the following revised Table 2.1 : TABLE 2.1 * LAND USE SUMMARY: EASTERN DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AREA (Amended: Resolution 223-05, 58-07, xx-07) Classi tication Acres Intensity** Units Factor Yield RESIDENTIAL Du's/acre Du's Persons/du Population High Density 69.9 35 2,447 .2.0 4,894 Medium-High Density 125.4 20 2,508 2.0 5,016 Medium-Density 531.4 10 5,314 2.0 10,628 Medium-Mid Density*** 16.9 \I 12 203 2.0 406 Medium-Low Density*** 16.9 8 135 2.0 270 Single Family 864.8 4 3,459 3.2 11,069 Mixed Use**** 96 2.0 192 Rural Residential 710.5 10 7 3.2 22 TOTAL 2,335.8 14,169 32,497 Floor Area Square Feet Square Feet I COMMERCIAL Acres Ratio (millions) Employee Jobs (Gross) General Commercial 347.9 .351.25 4.228 510 8,290 4 General Commercial/Campus Office**** 72.7 .28 .887 385 2,303 Mixed Use 6.4 .3/1.0 .083 490 171 Neighborhood Commercial 57.5 .35/.30 .819 490 1,671 Campus Office 189.36 .75/.35 3.052 260 11,739 Industrial Park***** 114.7 .25/.28 1.329 590 2,253 TOTAL: 788.6 9.816 26,427 PARKS AND PUBLIC RECREATION City Park 56.3 I park Community Park 97.0 2 parks Neighborhood Park 47.1 8 parks Neighborhood Square 16.6 6 parks Regional Park 11.7 1 park TOT AL: 228.7 18 parks I OPEN SPACE =:J 649.6 I c= PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC Public/Semi-Public 101 .25 1.120 590 1,899 Semi Public 13.1 .25 Schools Elementary School 63.2 5 schools Junior High School 25.2 I school High School 0 o school School Subtotal 88.4 6 schools TOT AL: 202.5 TRANSIT CENTER (Total) 90.7 I I I - Campus Office (including ancillary retail) 38.3 - High-Density Residential 31.5 - Park 12.2 - Public/Semi-Public (Transit-Related) 8.7 I GRAND TOTAL ~ 4,295.9 I C I I I *Table 2.1 appears as Table "2A" in the Eastern Dublin GP A. It was relabeled herein for formatting purposes. **Numbers represent a mid-range considered reasonable given the permitted densit) range. *"Numbers represent a mid-range but may vary because density based on net devel )pable acreage calculation. **"The Sq Ft/Employees figure utilized for General CommerciaUCampus Office is the average of the figure used for General Commercial and Campus Office uses. ****For the purpose of this table, Mixed Use acreage only will be considered Comnercial, not residential, to avoid duplication in tabulation of overall total acres. *****The .28 FAR figure utilized for Industrial Park refers to Industrial Park areas within Fallon Village. ******The locations of Semi-Public sites on the Jordan, Croak and Chen propertie~; of Fallon Village will be determined at the time of PD-2 approval. The site on Jordan will be 2.0 net acres within the Village Center; the site on Croak, 2.0 net acres; and the site on Chen, 2.5 net acres. For the purposes of this table, 2.0 acres of Medium High Density Residential land on Jordan was changed to Semi-Public, 2.0 acres of Single Family Residential land on Croak Nas changed to Semi-Public and 2.5 acres of Medium High Density residential land on Chen was changed to Semi-Public. Tlese assumptions may change at the time of PD-2 approval. Subsection vi.Revist:~ ""Implementing Policy C~~ under Section 2.1.3 (Residential Compatibility) as follows: Require a planned development zoning proces~ for all development proposals over 6.0 units per gross residential acre. Section II. Eastern Dublin Spec~fic Plan Amendment. 5 Subsection i. Revise the first sentence of the first paagraph of Section 3.3.3 (Land Use Categories) to read as follows: "The Residential land uses category has seven classifications: High Density (HDR), Medium-High Density (MHDR), Medium De1sity (MDR), Medium-Mid Density (MMDR), Medium-Low Density (MLDR)~ Single-Family (SF), and Rural Residential! Agriculture (RRA)." Subsection ii. Replace Table 4.1 (Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Summary) with the following revised Table 4.1 : TABLE 4.1 EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE SUMMARY (Amended Per Resolution No. 66-03, 47-04, 223-05, 58'()7, xx-07) Land Use Description LAND AREA DENSITY YIELD COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIA L General Commercial 356.8 acres .25-.3~, FAR 4.122 MSF General Commercial/Campus 72.7 acres .28 ('AR .887 MSF Office Industrial Park* 61.3 acres .25-.2E: FAR .747 MSF Neighborhood Commercial 61.4 acres .30-.3~, FAR .871 MSF Mixed Use 6.4 acres .30-1.0 FAR .083 MSF Campus Office 192.66 acres .35-.7:i FAR 3.730 MSF Subtotal 751.3 acres 10.44 MSF RESIDENTIAL High Density 68.2 acres 35 d ..l./ac 2,387 du Medium High Density 137.5 acres 20 d ..l./ac 2,750 du Medium Density 484.5 acres 10 d..l./ac 4,845 du Medium-Mid Density 16.9 acres 12 d ..l./ac 203 du Medium-Low Density 16.9 acres 8 dll/ac 135 d u Single Family 872.6 acres 4 dll/ac 3,490 du Rural Residential/ Agric. 697.4 acres .01 du/ac 7du Mixed Use 6.4 acres** 15dll/ac 96 du Subtotal 2,300 acres 13,913 du PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC Public/Semi-Public 98.2 acres .24 FAR 1.027 MSF Semi-Public 9.3 acres .25 FAR Subtotal 107.5 acres 1.027 MSF SCHOOLS Elementary School 66.5 acres 5 schools Junior High School 21.3 acres 1 school Subtotal 87.8 acres 6 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE City Park 56.3 acres 1 park Community Park 97.0 acres 3 parks Neighborhood Park 49.0 acres 7 parks Neighborhood Square 16.7 acres 6 parks Subtotal 219 acres 17 parks Open Space 607.5 acres TOTAL LAND AREA 4,073.5 acres *The .28 FAR for Industrial Park refers to the Industrial Park areas in Fallon Village. **The 6.4 acres is the same acreage as listed in the Mixed Use cells. The 6.4 acres under Residential is not included in the sum of Residential uses in this table. 83,635 square :eet of commercial and 96 units are anticipated on the mixed use sites (total). The FAR for Mixed Use governs both commercial and residential uses. Subsection iii.Replace Table 4.2 (Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Population and Employment Summary) with the following revised Table 4.2: Land Use Designation Development Sq Ft/Employees Persons/du Population Commercial Industrial Park .747 MSF 590 1,266 General .887 MSF 385 2,303 Commercial/Campus Office* General Commercial 4 122 MSF 510 8,082 Neighborhood Commercial .885 MSF 490 1,806 Mixed Use** .083 MSF 490 171 Campus Office 3.730 MSF 260 14,346 Public/Semi Public 1.027 MSF 590 1,740 Semi-Public 590 TOT AL: 11.481 MSF 29,714 Residential High Density 2,387 2.0 4,774 Medium High Density 2,750 2.0 5,500 Medium Density 4,845 2.0 9,690 Medium-Mid Density 203 2.0 406 Medium-Low Density 135 2.0 270 Single Family 3,490 3.2 11,169 Mixed Use** 96 2.0 192 Rural Residential/ Agric. 4 3.2 22 TOTAL: 13,913 32,023 TABLE 4.2 EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT SUMMARY (Amended Per Resolution No. 47-04, 223-05, xx-07) Updated 12/2007 7 *The Sq Ft/Employees figure utilized for General Commercial/Campus Office is the average of the figures used for General Commercial and Campus Office uses. **lncludes Mixed Use units (6.4 acres and 96 du) within Fallon Village Center.83,635 square feet of commercial and 96 units are anticipated on the mixed use sites (total). The FAR for Mixed Use is the maximum area for all development (Le. total of residential and commercial) on designated sties. Subsection iv. Add the following residential land use designltions to Section 4.8.1 (Residential) after ""Single-Family~~ "'Medium-Low Densitv (6.1-10 units per net residential acre). Units in this density range will be detached~ zero-lot line~ duplex~ and/or townhouse developments suitable for family living with private flat usable outdoor yard areas thlt accommodate leisurely activities typically associated with a residence. Unit types and densities may be similar or varied. Assumed household size is two persons per unit. Medium-Mid Density (10.1-14 units net residential acre). This density range allows detached, zero-lot line, duplex townhouse, and/or garden apartment developments suitable for family living with private flat usable outdoor yard areas that accommodate leisurely activities typically associated with a residfnce or usable common areas that accommodate recreational and leisurely activities. Unit types and densities may be similar or varied. Assumed household size is two persons per unit." Subsection v. Replace Table 4.9 (Fallon Village Center Subarea Development Potential) with the following revised Table 4.9: Designation Acres Density Development Potential Mixed Use 6.4 .30 FAR 83,635 sf Commercial Subtotal 6.4 20 du/ac 83,635 sf Mixed Use - Residential Units1 15 du/ac 96 du Medium-Low Density 16.9 8 du/ac 135 d u Medium-Mid Density 16.9 12 du/ac 203 d u Medium High Residential 23.8 20 du/ac 542 d u Residential Subtotal 64 -- 976 du Neighborhood Park 2.7 -- -- Community Park 18.3 -- -- Open Space 3.6 -- -- Park/Open Space Subtotal 24.6 -- 1 community park 1 neighborhood square Semi-public 4.5 -- -- Total 93.1 -- 83,365 sf commercial 1,000 du 1 community park 1 neighborhood square TABLE 4.9 FALLON VILLAGE CENTER SUBAREA DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL (Amended Per Resolution No. xx-07) 8 Subsection vi. Replace Figure 4.1 (Land Use Map) with the revised Figure 4.1 (Land Use Map) updated through December 31, 2007 below. D. _.,.." ,.~ ~1J":. @~. "':..~... IJ'iI!I ;~ ~...JI ~..> Figure 4.1 Land Use Map ;'..~:.:"::'~;:;~ .., :~; :::~~~~~:e~~r~~..I;'=t' ...,....._~-:' '-.'f .-.".- ...... ........J.\I~::-~r t:r."'C a... ~,~.-..- L~:I":).o'" C".:::J ;.I ..;..' ..... ............ Propos" Spclllc I'lJon LV "'~"..... ..,....... c::::J ~.. '.""~" _:o:,,:;t:e _..,-:......""..20:.. - ~,~.. Pa rks Reserve Forces Trai ning Area (Camp Parks) '_~ ""'....,. "T1.~. : ~'iLl; I.... ..-t ~. _, :~.1= .,,'!'....:t..,.. "::'1.'-: -.- ........:-.,...: "'1 ""~ . '..-~--~"" ....I~:..: _...:_.;.....l'.:l:..: _-r:....:t:.!,.,: ::a-.........n. _M.....I~-..,':. _:.....,:'-HI:....3.I:--c. -'.~ ~t"'~.;::"""" :").A:"~ _...........", f!2l Q>no.....n.,.....' ~ /lle-c"':crl-~ s.~.r~ ~ Ne'Ql'lt:rcrl-ood ='..... ~ =-~r\IlI ~....... ~ 9__..........',jo<<l'1 ~ ~h1~~s('!":cI BI1IQt-!o..t'Ot:I · ~~;...~~~.;t~~:~:: I .....II::I'r..~~.....'C,.,'!"...:.. :::!:_~~:!~.'!.,",-Ir~...,e. " ~ ..,.,-.-~.._-~ .,..._....~~-..:-.. I ",r:r.toe- t:c~ I :: :J ~oI. :5 __.__~t.r...... Subsection vii. Revise Fallon Village Center portion of Appendix 3 (Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Summary by Planning Subareas) with the following: Planning Subareas Land Use Category Area Density Square Feet Units Fallon Village Center Mixed Use 6.4 15 dulac, .30 FAR 83,635 96 Medium-High Density Residential 32.8 20 542 Nledium-Mid Density Residential 16.9 12 203 Nledium-Low Density Residential 16.9 8 135 Semi-Public* 4.5 Neighborhood Square 2.7 Community Park 18.3 Open Space 3.6 Total 93.1 83,635 976 9 Subsection viii. Replace the information for #20 Jordan and #30 Croak in Appendix 4 (Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Summary by Land Owners) with the following: Owner/Land Use Category ] Acres I Density #20 JORDAN Mixed Use 6.4 15 / .30 Medium High Density Residential 19.8 20 Medium-Mid Density 11.7 12 Medium-Low Density 11.7 8 Single Family Residential 48.0 4 Elementary School 10.0 Neighborhood Park 5.8 Neighborhood Square 2.7 -- Community Park 11.1 Semi-Public* 2.0 Open Space 60.5 Total 189.7 I Owner/Land Use Category #30 CROAK Medium-Mid Density Medium-Low Density Sin Ie Family Residential Rural Residential! Agricultural Neighborhood Park Semi-Public* ~ Acres Density 5.2 5.2 115.4 19.4 11.5 2.0 6.8 165.5 12 8 4 Total Square Feet Units 83,635 96 542 140 94 192 83,635 1,064 ] Square Feet Units 62 42 469 573 Section III. All provisions of the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan not amended by this resolution shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proposed map and text amendments to the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan are consistent with all other goals, policies and implementing programs set forth in the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment shall be effective 30 days after the date of approval. 10 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this _ day of by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:\PA#\2007\07-056 Croak and Jordan Medium Density\City Council\CC Reso GPA SPA.DOC 11