HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-056 Croak & Jordan Medium Density AGENDA STATEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: November 27, 2007 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: i~ RECOMMENDATION: PUBLIC HEARING: (Legislative Action) - PA 07-056 Croak and Jordan Medium Density: General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specitic Plan Amendment, and FaIlor Village PD - Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment to create Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density land use designations for the existing Medium Density portion of the Croak and Jordan properties. Report prepared by Jeff Baker, Senior Planner 1) Resolution recommending the City Council adopt a Resolution approving a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to: 1) change the existing Medium Density Land Use Designation on the Croak and Jordan properties to new Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density Designations and 2) define Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density as two new land use designations with the draft City Council Resolution in::luded as Exhibit A. 2) Resolution recommending the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a PD-Planned Development Rezone with amended Stage 1 Development Plan for the exi ,ting Medium Density portion of the Croak and Jordan properties \\ith the draft Ordinance included as Exhibit A. 3) City Council Staff Report dated April 3, 2007 with Attachments 4) City Council Meeting Minutes f'om April 3, 2007 5) City Council Staff Report date October 16, 2007 without Attachments 6). City Council Meeting Minutes f'om October 16, 2007 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the Public Hearing; 3) Receive public testimony; 4) Close the Public Hearing and deliberate; and 5) Adopt the following Resolutiom,: a. Resolution (Attachment 1) recommending the City Council approve a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use designation for the Medium Density portion of the Croak and Jordan propertie, to new Medium-Low Density (6.1- 10 du/acre) and Medium-Mid Density (10.1-14 du/acre) designations; and -----------------------------------------------------------------------..------------------------------------- COpy TO: Property Owners File ti.2. ITEM NO. Page 1 of 12 G:\PA#\2007\07-056 Croak and Jordan Medium Density\Planning Commission\pcsr 11.27.07 East Dublin Density.DOC b. Resolution (Attachment 2) recommending the City Council approve a PD-Planned Development Rezone with Amended Stage 1 Development Plan for the existing Medium Density portion of the Croak and Jordan properties. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Background The City Council held a Strategic Planning Session on January 12, :~007. During this Strategic Planning Session the City Council discussed the existing General Plan and Specific Plan Residential Land Use Designations within the City of Dublin. Concerns were raised during this discussion regarding densities and the need for a variety of housing types (i.e. detached units, row h)mes, stacked flats, etc.) with private yards on undeveloped land within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (EDSP) area that has a Medium Density land use designation. Staff studied the densities, residential land use policies, and the status of entitlements for the land designated for residential development within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (EDSP) and prepared a Staff Report for the April 3,2007, City Council meeting (Attachmen: 3 - City Council Staff Report dated April 3, 2007). The Staff Report included the following four policy alternatives to address densities and the variety of housing stock available within the City of Dublin: A) Adopt new Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density designations for property with an existing Medium Density designation; or B) Adopt new development standards to the EDSP that require minimum yard sizes; or C) Adopt new land use designations and adopt new development standards to the EDSP that require minimum yard sizes; or D) Continue to implement the existing General Plan/Specific Plan policies. City Council Direction On April 3, 2007, the City Council reviewed the Staff Report and the residential land use policies for the EDSP area in order to provide Staff with direction regarding the current residential land use policies and future development within the EDSP. The City Council expressed a desire to encourage a variety of housing types that include smaller detached single-family homes wi:h usable yards on undeveloped land with a Medium Density land use designation (please see City Council Minutes of the April 3, 2007 meeting included as Attachment 4) to provide a housing product type that is between a stacked product and a larger single-family detached unit. The City Council identified three properties (Croak, Jordan and Chen) within the EDSP that have no entitlements beyond Stage 1 de'1elopment plans as shown in Table 1 below. Acres 115.4 ac 10.4 ac 48 ac 23.4 ac 19.8 ac 6.5 The City Council directed Staff to study a General Plan and Eastem Dublin Specific Plan Amendment (GPAlSPA) to create new Medium-Low Density (6.1-10 du/acre) and Medium-Mid Density (10.1-14 du/acre) residential land use designations for land with an existing Medium Density land use designation (6.1-14 du/acre) on the Croak, Jordan and Chen properties. Page 2 of 12 Existing Land Use Designations The Croak, Jordan, and Chen properties are ~. located within the Fallon Village project area which includes a variety of residential land uses. The existing General Plan/Specific Plan land use designations for these properties were adopted by the City Council with the GP A/SPA for Fallon Village on December 6, 2005 (Resolution 223-05). A Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) was prepared for the Fallon Village GP AlSP A and certified by the City Council on December 6, 2005 (Resolution 222- 05). The SEIR studied development at the approximate midpoint of the residential density range for the Croak, Jordan, and Chen properties (with the exception of the site designated Medium-High Density on the Jordan property which anticipated development at the maximum density of 25 du/acre). Please refer to Table 2 below for details regarding the residential densities of these three properties. A Fiscal Analysis was also completed to ensure a jobs/housing balance in the EDSP and to ensure that new development paid for itself without relying on the General Fund. ... Map 1- Existing Land Use Designations Table 2 - Existing Land Use Designations Land Use Density Midpoint Dwelling PropertY Designation Ranae Density Acres Units Croak Sinale-Family 0.9-6 du/ac 4 du/ac 115.4 ac 462 units Medium Density 6.1-14 du/ac 10 du/ac 10.4 ac 104 units Jordan Sinale-Family 0.9-6 du/ac 4 du/ac 48 ac 192 units Medium Densitv 6.1-14 du/ac 10 du/ac 23.4 ac 234 units Medium-HiQh Density 14.1-25 du/ac 25 dulac" 19.8 ac 495 units^ Chen Medium-High Density 14.1-25 du/acre 20 du/ac 6.5* 130 units* ^ The Fallon Village SEIR studied development at the maximum density (2S du/acre) on the Medium-High Density portion of the Jordan property. * The residential portion of the Chen property consists entirely of 6.S-acres with an existing General Plan/Specific Plan land use designation of Medium-High Density. The Chen property has an )bligation to provide a 2.S-acre site with a Semi-Public (SP) land use designation within a portion of the 6.S-acres de>ignated as Medium-High Density. The SP site effectively reduces the residential development to approximately 4-acr~s. The SEIR studied development at the midpoint of the density range for the full 6.S-acre parcel allowing up to 130 units as shown in Table 2 above. However, the density range on the net 4-acre site permits a maximum of )( 0 units (4 acres X 2S units/acre = 100 units). Staff reviewed the existing land use patterns for the Croak, Jordan, and Chen properties, surrounding properties, the concept for the Fallon Village Center, and the City of Dublin Village Policy Statement and prepared a second report for the City Council's consideration. At the October 16, 2007 City Council Meeting (Attachment 5 - City Council Staff Report dated October 16, 2007) Staff presented a description of the proposed land use designations and descriptions of potential h:msing types that could be developed within these designations; an analysis of the proposed densities; and maps showing the proposed location for these proposed designations. Page 3 of 12 The entire residential portion of the Chen property consists of 6.5-acres with a Medium-High Density land use designation (please see Table 1). Therefore, the Chen property was not included in the analysis contained in the Staff Report for the City Council Meeting on Octcber 16, 2007. Similarly, the Jordan property includes 21.S-acres of land with a Medium-High Density de~;ignation that was not included in the analysis. On October 16, 2007, the City Council reviewed the Staff Report and the GP AlSP A Study in order to provide Staff with further direction regarding the proposed land use policies for the Croak and Jordan properties. The City Council expressed a concern over the policy 10 calculate densities based on gross rather than net acreage. The City Council also expressed a desire to include minimum yard requirements for the proposed Medium-Low Density designation. On a motion, the City Council directed Staff to prepare a GP AlSP A and Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment to: 1) Create Medium-Low Density (6.1-10 du/acre) and Medium-Mid Density (10.1-14 du/acre) land use designations for the existing Medium Density portion of the Croak and Jordan properties; 2) Calculate densities for the proposed land use designations based on net developable acres; and 3) Require usable yards for development within the Medium-Low Density designation. ANALYSIS: The following is a discussion of the proposed General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, and Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment to address the direction by the City Council. General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment The proposed General Plan Amendments include the following as described in Exhibit A to Attachment 1: . Definitions for the proposed Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Dwsity land use designations · Definition for density calculations based on net acreage . Amendments to the General Plan Land Use Map for the Croak and Jordan properties · Amendments to the text and tables within the General Plan The proposed Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments include the following as described in Exhibit A of Attachment I: . Definitions for the proposed Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Dwsity land use designations . Amendments to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Map for the Croak and Jordan properties . Amendments to the text and various tables within the Eastern nlblin Specific Plan 1) Proposed Land Use Designations Staff has prepared the following definitions for the proposed Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density land use designations which address the direction by the City Council to include private usable yard areas for development within the proposed Medium-Low Density designation: Residential: Medium-Low Density (6.1-10 units per net residential acre). Units in this density range will be detached, zero-lot line, duplex, and/or townhouse developments suitable for family living with private flat usable outdoor yad areas that accommodate leisurely activities typically associated with a residence. Unit types and densities may be similar or varied. Assumed household size is two persons per unit. Residential: Medium-Mid Density (10.1-14 units net residential acre). This density range allows detached, zero-lot line, duplex townhouse, and/or garden apartment developments suitable for family living with private flat usable cutdoor yard areas that accommodate Page 4 of 12 leisurely activities typically associated with a residence or usable common areas that accommodate recreational and leisurely activities. Unit types and densities nay be similar or varied. Assumed household size is two persons per unit. In addition to the definitions for the two new land use designations, the term "net density" that is used in these land use designations needs to be defined in the General Plan and the EDSP. 2) Definition of Net Density The General Plan land use designations for residential properti,~s identify minimum and maximum densities. These densities are based on gross acreage calculations (i.e. gross acreage includes streets, open space, and environmentally constrained areas where development is not appropriate, etc). As a result, development may be clustered on a smaller area of the o'/erall project site. The clustering of development can result in exceeding the density for the developable area but remaining within the density range for the overall project site. The following tar Ie (Table 3) illustrates the density calculation for a 10 acre project site using the gross and the m:t acreage of the site. The resulting project would appear much more dense than the same number ohlnits on a non-constrained parcel. Parcel Constraints Developable Land Use Mid-point Jnits Gross Density Net Density Size Site Desianation Density Creek: 3 acres Medium Density 1 (10 units 10 du/ac 20 du/ac 10 acres 5 acres 10 du/ac (1 C acres x Streets: 2 acres (6.1-14 du/ac) 1 () units) (100 units/10 ac) (100 units/5 ac) Table 3 - Gross vs. Net Density Calculation Example At the City Council meeting on October 16, 2007, the City Council directed the use of a net acreage calculation to determine the density of development on land witt the proposed Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density designations. The net acreage calcuLltion excludes public/private streets, parks, open space, and common areas, as well as geologically and environmentally constrained areas. Therefore, the proposed GP AlSP A includes a requirement to calculate density based on net acreage for the proposed Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density land use designations only. These two new land use designations will apply to a portion of the Croak and Jordan properties (Exhibit A to Attachment 1 ). Staff has prepared the following definition for the net acreage calculation to address the City Council's direction: Residential densities for the Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density land use designations shall be calculated based on the total developable area oj the site excluding public and private streets, parks, open space, common areas, environmentally constrained areas, and areas with slopes that exceed 30%. Development shall not be clw,tered on one portion of the project where the development would exceed the maximum density for that portion of the site even if the overall project remains within the density range when the density is calculated for the entire project area. The policy to exclude common areas from the density calculation functions as a disincentive for developers to provide common areas within developments. Therefore, the definition of the proposed Medium-Mid Density designation includes a requirement to pro'1ide either a usable common area or private yard area. Staff has also proposed an amendment to the existing Stage 1 Development Plan (discussed below) to establish development standards that implement the General Plan policy regarding private yards and common areas which would apply to the new land use designations. Page 5 of 12 Potential Housing Types The proposed Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density Lind use designations would permit a variety of different housing types within each designation. An illustrated list of potential residential product types to help illustrate the type of units that could be ccnstructed on land within each of the newly created land use designation is included on page 4 of Attachment 3. Within the new Medium- Low density land use category there are greater opportunities for detached housing types with usable yards, including small lot detached single-family, detached clus1er and duplexes. The Medium-Mid density also allows detached alley loaded homes and cluster homes with yards. However, the Medium-Mid Density also allows townhomes and apartments/condominiums which typically do not have usable yard space. The actual product type that is proposed within each land use category will be at the discretion of the developer provided that the product is consistent with the density range. 3. General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Map Changes Application of two new Proposed Land Use Designations to the Croak and Jordan Properties The land plan for Fallon Village was formed around the creation of the Fallon Village Center which serves as the social and economic center for the project area (Thl: Fallon Village Center is outlined in blue on the maps included in this Staff Report). The Medium De1sity portion of the Croak and Jordan properties are located within the Fallon Village Center. The overall Fallon Village project area includes a variety of residential land use designations with higher residential densities focused primarily around the Fallon Village Center in order to activate the Village Center and promote a pedestrian oriented development. At the hub of the Fallon Village Center is a Neighborhood Square that is surrounded by Mixed Use, which includes ground floor r,~tail and residential units above, and Medium-High Density residential units. The densities reduce to Medium Density as you move away from the Village Center and transition to Low Density residential uses to the north and east. Proposed Density The existing Medium Density site on the Croak property is proposed to be divided into two 5.2- acre sites with Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density designations. Table 4 (below) shows the density range for the proposed Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density sites on the Croak property. Development at the midpoint of the proposed density range would result in the same number of units (104 units) that were studied in the Fallon Village SEIR for the existing Medium Density designation (see Table 4) and continue to ensure the existing jobs/housing fiscal balan,;e. These units would simply be redistributed across the proposed Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density designations and no additional environmental review would be required. a. Croak Property The existing lOA-acre Medium Density site on the Croak property forms the eastern boundary of the Fallon Village Center. This site provides a transition from the more intense Mixed Use and Medium-High Density Residential uses in the Village core and the less intense Low Density Residential use located to the north and east of the Village Center. Page 6 of 12 1..1)~.~~'" Wjl Xm ':J J~ ~')-;;; W'I; lDR ~{{ 41 AC '{;'YI \ \( r ...J l!:Jec~,;,,,\Y I ~lf.:______ , I ! ., , , , I I I I I I I , I I _J . Map 2- Existing Land Use Designations ~ Table 4: Croak Property - Proposed Medium-Low Density & Medium-Mid Density Units at Impact on Land Use Designation Density Midpoint Acres Mid-Point Total Units at Range Density Midpoint Density Density Medium-Low Density 6.1-10du/ac 8 du/ac 5.2 ac 42 units -- Medium-Mid Density 10.1-14 du/ac 12 du/ac 5.2 ac 62 units -- I Total I 10.4ac I 104 units None fi'':. ! . J~!1f ~ffj!:i ?Jfj'f, ; '<Y> ';,;: \\i ) \ ! J \ ',- if: ~ \\ .-~ ..~c I. ~____'J_______ . RRA i 19.41>[; j . i , I I I I I I I I I LOR 48 AC LDR 97.5 AC Proposed Medium-Low Density Map 3 - Proposed Land Use Designations (Croak Property) b. Jordan Ranch The existing 23.4-acre site of the Medium Density land use on the Jordan Ranch forms the northern boundary of the Fallon Village Center. This site provides a transition from the more intense Medium-High Density Residential use located to the south and the less intense Low Density Residential use located to the north of the Village Center. Proposed Land Use Map In order to maintain the transition in intensity of land uses from the core of the Fallon Village Center to the less intl~nse single-family uses to the north and east, Staff proposes to locate the new Medium- Mid Density (10.1-14 du/acre) site immediately to the east of the existing Medium-High Density site and adjacent t:) the future Central Parkway. The proposed MeCium-Low Density (6.1-10 du/acre) site would be located to the east of the proposed Medium-Mid Density site to provide a transition from the higher density of the Village Center to the Low Density n~ighborhoods to the north and east. RRA 19.41>[; LOR 97,5 AC ,""" \S \~ \ .J --I I l 'j r<, /~' l'~ap 4 - Existing Land Use Designations Proposed Density The Medium Density site on the Jordan property would be divided into two 11.7-acre sites designated Medium-Low Density and Medium- Mid Density. Table 5 (below) shows the density range for the proposed Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density sites on the Jordan property. Like the Croak property, development at the midpoint of the proposed density range would result in the same number of units (234 units) that were studied in the Fallon Village SEIR for the existing Medium Density designation (see Table 5) and continue to ensure the existing jobs/housing fiscal balance. These units would Page 7 of 12 simply be redistributed across the proposed Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density designations and no additional environmental review would bl~ required. Table 5: Jordan Ranch - Proposed Medium-Low Density & Medium-Mid Density Units at Impact on Land Use Designation Density MidPoint Acres Mid-Point Total Units Range Density at Midpoint Density Density Medium-Low Density 6.1-10 du/ac 8 du/ac 11.7 aG 94 units -- Medium-Mid Density 10.1-14 du/ac 12 du/ac 11.7 aG 140 units -- I Total I 23.4 aG 234 units None "'~nt.."',':~ ~. Proposed Medium-Mid Density RRA 19.4 N:. lOR 97.5 AC Map 5 - Proposed Land Use Designations (Jordan Property) Proposed Land use Map In order to maintain the gradual transition in land uses from the higher densities in the core of the Village Center to the le5s intense Single-Family uses to the north, Staff recommends locating the proposed Medium-Mid De:lsity site (10.1-14 du/acre) adjacent to the existing Medium-High Density land use. The Medium-Low De1sity (6.1-10 du/acre) land use would be located further to the north to provide for a - transition from the higher density of the Village Center to the Low Den~:ity neighborhoods to the north and east. By creating the JVedium-Low land use designation and applying the land use to the Croak and Jordan properties, there is an opportunity for the development of detached housing and other unit types with usable private yard areas. General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments The proposed amendments to the General Plan and EDSP 1) define the propose Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density designations, 2) define net acreage, and 3) amend the General Plan and EDSP Land Use Maps to incorporate the Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density land use designations on the Croak and Jordan properties; and 4) amend the text and various tables in the General Plan and the EDSP as described in Exhibit A to Attachment 1. Furthermore, the Croak and Jordan properties are part of an approved Stage 1 Development Plan which also requires amendment5 as discussed below. Fallon Village Stage 1 Development Plan The Croak and Jordan properties are located within the Fallon Village Planned Development (PD) zoning district (P A 04-040). The PD zoning with Stage I Development Plan were adopted by the City Council on December 20, 2005 (Ordinance 32-05). The Development Plan has a number of different elements including a site plan, statement of proposed uses, and development standards. The Development Plan implements, and is therefore required to be consistent with, both the General Plan and EDSP policies. It is necessary to amend the Stage 1 Development Plan in order to ensu'e consistency with the General Plan and the EDSP. The proposed amendments to the Stage 1 Development Plan include a revised Stage I Site Plan for the new land use categories, a modified list of permitted uses, and revised development standards for the proposed Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density land lses as described in Exhibit A of Attachment 2. Page 8 of 12 Usable Private Yard Requirement The proposed General Plan Amendment includes a requirement :0 provide private usable yards for development within the Medium-Low Density designation. Similarly, the Medium-Mid Density designation includes a requirement to provide either private usable yards or common areas as described above and in Exhibit A to Attachment 1. The proposed Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment implements The General Plan policies for private yards and common areas for the Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density designations. The Medium-Mid Density designation allows for a variety of different product types which include attached and detached units that could provide either common areas or usable private yards depending on the product design. Therefore, the Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment establishes minimum standards for the private usable yards for the Medium-Low Density, and private yards and ::ommon areas for the Medium-Mid Density as required by the General Plan. The proposed Stage 1 De\elopment Plan Amendment includes the following as described below and in Exhibit A to Attachment 2. . Usable yard requirements for detached units in the Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density using the existing requirements for units with Low Density and Medium Density designations. . Usable yard requirements for attached units in the Medium-Lcw and Medium-Mid Density . Common area requirements and usable yard requireinents for Medium-Mid Density Detached Units with Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density Designations The existing Stage 1 Development Plan includes a matrix with devdopment standards, including usable yard requirements, for detached housing within the Low Density and Medium Density land use designations. These development standards establish criteria for detached housing based on lot size and include criteria for lots that would be typical within the proposed Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density designations. Therefore, the development standards have been modified to include the Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density designations. The standards included in Tabk 6 (below) are existing standards for the Medium Density land use designation. The two newly created land uses will also be require to be consistent with these existing standards because all three categories (Medium-Low, Medium-Mid, and Medium) allow for detached housing types. Table 6 - Private Yard Requirements - Medium-Low & Medium-Mid Density Detached Units Lot Size 1,800+ sJ. 2,500+ sJ. 250 sJ. 300 sJ. Yard area may be provided ill Yard area may be provided in more than one location w/in a lot: more than one location w/in a lot: Private Yard Minimum Area Per Min. rear yard area: 170 sJ. Min. rear yard area: 170 sJ. Unit* Min. courtyard area 80 sJ. Min. courtvard area 80 sJ. Private Yard Minimum Dimension* 8' 8' *These are existing standards for the Low and Medium Density Land Use Designations Attached Units with Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density Designations The development standards provide minimum usable yard requirements for attached housing (i.e. row- home, etc.) within the Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Dem:ity designations. The following is a summary of the proposed private yard requirements within the two new land use designations. Units within the Medium-Mid Density designation have the option of pr.widing private usable yard areas as described in Table 7 or common areas as described in Table 8 Jelow. The proposed development standards, as described in Exhibit A to Attachment 2, will ensure thcl all residential development on land designated Medium-Low Density and Medium-Mid Density is consistent with the General Plan policies regarding usable yards. Page 9 of 12 Table 7 - Private Yard Requirements - Medium-Low & Medium-Mid Density Attached Units Private Yard Minimum Area Per Unit ~508oSJ'11 Private Yard Minimum Dimension Common Area Requirements for Medium-Mid Densitv The Medium-Mid Density will allow a variety of product types whicl include attached and detached units that could include either private yards or common areas based on the product design. Therefore, the proposed Stage I Development Plan Amendment includes minimum requirements for both private yards as described in Table 7 above and common areas as described in Tahle 8 below. This requirement would ensure consistency with the General Plan and implement the proposed General Plan policy requiring usable common areas for all development on land with a Medium-Mid Density designation where the design does not allow private usable yards. Table 8 - Common Area Requirements - Medium-Mid Density Attached Units [ Common Area J [Minimum Area Per Unit I 150 sJ. The proposed amendments to the Stage 1 Development Plan includ,~ 1) a revised Stage 1 Site Plan with the Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density designations for the Croak and Jordan properties, 2) a list of permitted, conditionally permitted and temporary uses for these two r ew designations, and 3) development standards for private usable yards and common areas within the Medium-Low and Medium-Mid Density designations as described in Exhibit A to Attachment 2. Communication with Property Owners A Public Meeting notice was sent to all property owners within thf: EDSP area that do not have vested development rights, notifying them of the City Council Meeting 01 April 3, 2007 and the meeting on October 16, 2007. Staff also contacted representatives of the Croak, .r ordan and Chen properties to discuss the direction from the City Council at the April 3rd and October 16tl meetings. In accordance with State law, a public notice regarding the hearing on November 27,2007, \\as mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the proposed project area. A public notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. To date, the City has not received comments or objections from surrounding property owners or tenants regarding the current proposal. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project has been reviewed under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA Guidelines and the Dublin Enviromnental Guidelines. On December 6, 2005, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 222-05 certifying a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) (SCH #2005062010) to the Eastern Dublin EIR, a program EIR, initially certified by the City of Dublin in 1993 (SCH#91103064) and the Eastern Dublin Property Owners SEIR (SCH # 2001052114) certified in 2002 by Resolution 40-02 for the Fallon Village project. The prior EIRs are available for review in the Community Development Department. The proposed project is \\ithin the scope of the SEIR for the Fallon Village project area because the project does not result in inc:reased units or density beyond what was previously studied for the subject properties, and therefore nc additional environmental review is required. CONCLUSION: The City Council has the authority to modify General Plan and Spfcific Plan Land Use Designations at any time. On April 3, 2007, and with further direction on October 16, 2007, the City Council directed Page 10 of12 use designations including Medium-Low Density (6.1-10 du/acre) and Medium-Mid Density (10.1-14 du/acre) for the existing Medium Density portion of the Croak and Jordan properties and to amend the existing Stage 1 Development Plan in order to encourage an additional variety of housing stock with usable yards. The proposed amendments to the General Plan, EDSP, and Stage 1 Development Plan implement the direction by the City Council and would encourage the construction of single-family detached homes and other product types with private usable yards on land with a Medium-Low Density Designation. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the Public Hearing; 3) Receive public testimony; 4) Close the Public Hearir g and deliberate; and 5) Adopt the following resolutions: a) Resolution (Attachment 1) recommending the City Council approve a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use designation for the Medium Density portion of the Croak and Jordan properties to new Medium-Low Density (6.1-10 du/acre) and Medium-Mid Density (10.1..14 du/acre) designations; and b) Resolution (Attachment 2) recommending the City Council approve a PD-Planned Development Rezone with Amended Stage 1 Development Plan for the existing Medium Density portion of the Croak and Jordan properties. Page 11 of12 GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNERS: LOCATION: EXISTING ZONING: EXISTING GENERAL PLAN/SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATIONS: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: City of Dublin Francis Croak 1262 Gabriel Court San Leandro, CA 94:;77 Tony Varni Varni, Fraiser, Hartwell & Rodgers 650 A Street Hayward, CA 94543 APN 985-0027-007, 905-0002-001, AND 905-0002-002 PD - Medium Density Residential Medium Density Re~idential (6.1-14 du/acre) The project has been reviewed under the California Environmental Qudity Act (CEQA), State CEQA Guidelines and the Dublin Environmental Guidelines. On December 6, 2005, the City Council adopted Resolution No. n2-05 certifying a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) (SCH #2005062010) to the Eastern Dublin EIR, a program EIR, initially certified by the City of Dublin in 1993 (SCH#911 03064) and the Eastern Dublin Property Owners SEIR (SCH # 2001052114) certified in 2002 by Resolution 40-02 f(lr the Fallon Village project. The prior EIRs are avaiable for review in the Community Development DepaJtment. The proposed project is within the scope 0 f the SEIR for the Fallon Village project area because the project does not result in increased units or density beyond what was previously studied for the subject properties, and therefore no additional environmwtal review is required. Page 12 of 12