HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachmt 2 Reso Appv SDR & Vesting TMAP 7617 for Fallon Crossing
PA 04-016, APN 985-0002-001
WHEREAS, the Applicant, Standard Pacific Corporation, submitted applications for an area of
approximately 67.8 acres known as "Fallon Crossing" located at the northeast intersection of Tassajara
Road and Fallon Road in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area; and
WHEREAS, The applications include: a) Stage 2 Develcpment Plan for approximately 67.8
acres at the northeast intersection of Tassajara Road and Fallon Road in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Area; b) Site Development Review; and c) Vesting Tentative Map 7617 for 106 low density residential
units including 98 detached single-family units and 8 duet units as lots. Other uses include Open Space
and private recreation facilities with some public access, storm water management elements, and
associated public and private rights-of-way. The applications collectively define this "Project"; and
WHEREAS, the Project site generally is located at the northeast intersection of Tassajara Road
and Fallon Road; and
WHEREAS, on May 10, 1993, the City Council certified a program Environmental Impact
Report ("EIR") for the Eastern Dublin GP A/SP Project and an addendum to update plans to provide sewer
service. The May 10, 1993 program EIR, the May 4, 1993 addendum and the August 22, 1994 addendum
are collectively referred to as the Eastern Dublin EIR; and
WHEREAS, on May 16, 2006, the City Council approved 1 Mitigated Negative Declaration by
Resolution 71-06, for prezonings, Stage 1 Planned Development zoning, an annexation application, and a
preanexation agreement for Fallon Crossing PA 04-016 and the Fredlich property; and
WHEREAS, on May 16, 2006, the City Council approved the prezonmgs and Stage 1
Development Plan by Ordinance 07-06 for Fallon Crossing PA 04-016; and
WHEREAS, as of July 1, 2007, the project site was annexed to the City of Dublin; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated November 13, 2007 ar.d incorporated herein by reference,
described and analyzed the current application; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the staff rtport at a duly noticed public hearing
held on November 13, 2007 at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard.
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and m,e their independent judgment and
considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinahove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Planning Commission of the City of
Dublin does hereby make the following findings and determimtions regarding said proposed Site
Development Review:
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Site Development Review:
A. Approval of the proposed project is consistent with the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.104,
Site Development Review of the Dublin Zoning Ordinarce because the project is consistent
with the approved PD-zoning development standards.
B. Any approval complies with the policies of the Genera/ Plan, with any applicable Specific
Plans, with the development regulations or performance standards established for the zoning
district in which it is located, and with all other reqllirements of the Zoning Ordinance
because the project complies with the policies of the General Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan and the Stage 2 Development Plan for P A 04-016 a:ld with all other requirements of the
Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
C. The proposed project, as conditioned, will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons
residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to 'he public health, safety and general
welfare because the development is consistent with all laws and ordinances and implements
the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin General Plan, including the requirement of the
Building Division, Fire Department, Public Works Deplrtment and the Dublin San Ramon
Services District.
D. The subject site is physically suitable for the type, density and intensity of the use being
proposed because the proposed site development (including site layout, structures, vehicular
access, circulation and parking, setbacks, height, walls, public safety and similar elements) has
been designed to provide a desirable environment for the development and 106 residential
homes and associated improvements.
E. The subject site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the proposed project because
the exiting land is designated for low-density residential and open space has been incorporated,
and the site can accommodate the proposed structures and uses.
F. The proposed project will not negatively impact views because the proposed project conforms
to the Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Standards.
G. Impacts to existing slopes and topographic features are addressed because attention has been
paid to the natural slope and contours of site in designing the architecture and siting the
structures so as to minimize over grading and extensive w;e of retaining walls.
H. Architectural considerations, including the character, ~'cale and quality of the design, the
architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials and colors,
screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting, and similar elements have been
incorporated into the project, and as conditions of appruval, in order to ensure compatibility
of t~is development with the development's design concept or theme and the character of
adjacent properties, neighborhoods and uses since all sllch features have been included as a
part ofthe projects, the project will be compatible with th~ surrounding area.
I. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of
plant materials, provisions and similar elements have bEen considered to ensure visual relief
and an attractive environment for the public, since a varidy of landscaping materials and open
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space areas including open space, trails and vineyards have been included as a part of the
project, the project will be compatible with the surrounding area.
J. The approval of the Site Development Review for the proposed project is consistent with the
Dublin General Plan and with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan since the project is consistent
with the PD-zoning which is consistent with the General Plan and Specific Plan.
K. Approval of this application complies with Chapter 8.58 relating to Public Art Program
Contributions, since the project includes a public art easement area for the placement of public
art as a part of the project and the value of the art piece.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin does hereby
make the following findings and determinations regarding Vesting Tentative Map 7617:
Vestin2 Tentative Map
A. The proposed Vesting Tentative Map is consistent with the intent of applicable subdivision
regulations and related ordinances.
B. The design and improvements of the proposed Vesting Tentative Map is consistent with the
General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, as a,nended, as they relate to the subject
property in that it is a subdivision for implementation of the Fallon Crossing project, a low
density and open space community in an area designated for this type of development.
C. The proposed Vesting Tentative Map is consistent with the Planned Development approved for
Fallon Crossing (PA 04-016) at the northeast intersection ofTassajara Road and Fallon Road
and is therefore consistent with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
D. The properties created by the proposed Vesting Tentativ? Map will have adequate access to
major constructed or planned improvements as part of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
including the intersection ofTassajara Road and Fallon Road.
E. Project design, architecture, and concept as single-familv neighborhood has been integrated
with topography of the project site created by the proposed Vesting Tentative Map to minimize
overgrading and extensive use of retaining walls. Therefore, the proposed subdivisions are
physically suitable for the type and intensity of developme.'lt proposed.
F. The Mitigation Monitoring program adopted with the project EIR for the Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan and subsequent environmental documents, including the adopted Mitigated
Negative Declaration for this project, would be applicable as appropriate for addressing or
mitigating any potential environmental impacts identified.
G. The proposed Vesting Tentative Map will not result in environmental damage or substantially
injure fish or wildlife or their habitat or cause public heal:h concerns.
H. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large,
or access through or use of property within the proposec.' subdivision. The City Engineer has
reviewed the map and title report and has not found any conflicting easements of this nature.
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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin hereby
approves with conditions the Site Development Review PA 04-016 for "Fallon Crossing" at the northeast
intersection of Tassajara Road and Fallon Road, based on the findirgs set forth above and subject to the
conditions of approval set forth below. All development within the area covered by this approval shall
conform generally to the plans prepared by Ruggeri, Jensen, Azar & Associates; the Dahlin Group; and
Ralph J. Alexander & Associates labeled "Fallon Crossing - Stage 2 Planned Development; Site
Development Review, and Master Vesting Tentative Tract Submittal" dated November 5, 2007, and
attached to the Staff Report of November 13,2007 Planning Commi~sion meeting as Attachment 3.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to the approval and adoption of the
Stage 2 Development Plan (ordinance) by the City Council of the City of Dublin.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin hereby
approves, with conditions, Vesting Tentative Map 7617 for Fallon Crossing (67.8 acres) for 106 single-
family units (98 detached and 8 duets). This recommendation is based on findings that the proposed
Vesting Tentative Map is consistent with the Site Development, Review, Stage 2 Development Plan,
General Plan, and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. This approval shall conform generally to the plans
prepared by Ruggeri, Jensen, Azar & Associates; the Dahlin Group; ;llld Ralph J. Alexander & Associates
labeled "Fallon Crossing - Stage 2 Planned Development; Site Development Review, and Master Vesting
Tentative Tract Submittal" dated November 5, 2007, and attached 10 the Staff Report of November 13,
2007 Planning Commission meeting as Attachment 3 and on file with the Community Development
Department and the Applicant's written statement, subject to the following conditions:
Unless otherwise stated, all Tentative Map Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to
approval of the Final Map. The Site Development Review Conditions of Approval shall be complied with
prior to final occupancy of any building (or depending on the context shall remain in effect throughout the
life of the Project) and shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval.
This approval for both the Site Development Review and Vesting T'~ntative Map shall be subject to City
Council adoption of the Stage 2 Planned Development Plan and zoning.
I. Fees. The Developer shall pay all applicable fees in
effect at the time of building permit issuance including,
but not limited to, Planning fees, Building fees, Dublin
San Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees,
Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees,
Public Works Traffic Impact fees, City of Dublin Fire
Services fees; Noise Mitigation fees, Inclusionary
Housing In-Lieu fees; Alameda County Flood and
Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and
Water Connection fees; and any other fees either in
effect at the time and/or as noted in the Development
Zone 7 and Parkland In-Lieu
Fees Due Prior to Filing
Each Final Map; Other Fees
Required with Issuance of
Building Permits
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2. Satellite Dishes: Prior to the issuance of Building
Permits, the Developer's Architect shall prepare a plan
for review and approval by the Director of Community
Development and the Chief Building Official that
provides a consistent and unobtrusive location for the
placement of individual satellite dishes. Individual
conduit will be run on the interior of the unit to the
satellite location on the exterior of the home to limit
the amount of exposed cable required to activate any
satellite dish. It is preferred that where chimneys exist,
that the mounting of the dish be incorporated into the
chimney. In instances where chimneys do not exist,
then the plan shall show a common and consistent
location for satellite dish placement to eliminate the
over proliferation, haphazard and irregular placement.
3. Final building and site development plans shall be
reviewed and approved by the Community
Development Department staff prior to the issuance of
a building permit. All such plans shall insure:
a. That standard residential security requirements
as established by the Dublin Police Department
are provided.
b. That ramps, sIgnmg, and other appropriate
physical features for the handicapped, are
provided throughout the site for all publicly
used facilities.
c. That exterior lighting of the building and site is
not directed onto adjacent properties and the
light source IS shielded from direct off site
d. That all mechanical equipment, including aIr
conditioning condensers, IS architecturally
screened from VIew, and that electrical
transformers are either underground or
architecturally screened.
e. That all vents, gutters, downspouts, flashings,
etc., are painted to match the color of adjacent
f. That all materials and colors are to be as
approved by the Dublin Community
Development Department. Once constructed or
installed, all improvements are to be maintained
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Prior to issuance of building
Prior to issuance of building
in accordance with the approved plans. Any
changes, which affect the exterior character,
shall be resubmitted to the Dublin Community
Development Department for approval.
g. That all exterior architectural elements visible
from view and not detailed on the plans be
finished in a style and in materials in harmony
with the exterior of the building. All materials
shall wrap to the inside corners and terminate at
a perpendicular wall plane.
h. That all other public agencies that require
review of the project are supplied with copies of
the final building and site plans and that
compliance shall be obtained with at least their
minimum Code requirements.
Final landscape plans, irrigation system plans, tree
preservation techniques, and guarantees, including the
vineyard shall be reviewed and approved by the Dublin
Planning Department prior to the issuance of the
building permit. All such submittals shall insure:
Prior to issuance of building
a. That plant material is utilized which will be
capable of healthy growth within the given range
of soil and climate.
b. That proposed landscape screening is of a height
and density so that it provides a positive visual
impact within three years from the time of
c. That unless unusual eircumstances prevail, at
least 75% of the proposed trees on the site are a
minimum of 15 gallons in size, and at least 50%
of the proposed shrubs on the site are minimum
of 5 gallons in size.
d. That a plan for an automatic irrigation system be
provided which assures that all plants get
adequate water. In unusual circumstances, and if
approved by Staff, a manual or quick coupler
system may be used.
e. That concrete curbing is to be used at the edges
of all planters and paving surfaces where
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AGE'\lCY /
f. That all cut and fill slopes conform to the master
vesting tentative map and conditions detailed in
the Site Development Review packet.
g. That all cut and fill slopes graded and not
constructed by October 1, of any given year, are
hydroseeded with perennial or native grasses and
flowers, and that stock piles of loose soil existing
on that date are hydroseeded in a similar manner.
h. That the area under the drip line of all existing
oaks, walnuts, etc., which are to be saved are
fenced during construction and grading
operations and no activity is permitted under
them that will cause soil compaction or damage
to the tree, if applicable.
1. That a guarantee from the owners or contractors
shall be required guaranteeing all shrubs and
ground cover, all trees, and the irrigation system
for one year.
J. That the landscape and planting plans for the
vineyard shall be detailed to include a
maintenance program and direction to the HOA
to assure long term viability. Said plan shall be
reviewed and approved by the Director of
Community Development prior to planting.
Final inspection or occupancy permits will not be
granted until all construction and landscaping IS
complete in accordance with approved plans and the
conditions required by the City.
Public Art Project. The ApplicantlDeveloper has
elected to and shall acquire and install a public art
project in accordance with Chapter 8.58 of the Dublin
Municipal Code and shall comply with the Public Art
Compliance Report submitted by ApplicantlDeveloper,
dated June 19, 2007 and on file with the Planning
Department. The value of the public art project is
required to equal or exceed 0.5% of the building
valuation (exclusive of land) for the project. The
Building Official has determined that the total building
valuation of the project (exclusive of land) IS
$33,235,270.00. Therefore, ApplicantlDeveloper IS
required to acqUIre and install a public art project
valued at a minimum amount of $166,176.35. The
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Construction and landscaping is
Occupancy of first structure
location of the public art project site is shown on the
Project Plans. Prior to first occupancy
Applicant/Developer shall (a) secure completion of the
public art project, in a manner deemed satisfactory to
the City Manager; and (b) execute an agreement
between the City and Applicant/Developer that sets
forth the ownership, maintenance responsibilities, and
insurance coverage for the public art project. The public
art project is subject to the approval of the City Council
upon recommendation by the Heritage and Cultural Arts
7. Public Art Easement and Access Easement.
The Applicant/Developer shall reserve a site and
provide a public art easement and an access easement to
the City within the development project for a future
public art project in accordance with Dublin Municipal
Code Section 8.58.050.
8. Inclusionary Zoning: Prior to approval of Site
Development Review or recordation of the first phased
Final Map, whichever occurs first, the owner or owners
of all the property subject to this vesting tentative map
shall enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement with
the City for the entire Vesting Tentative Map area,
which agreement shall be recorded against such area
and against any other property where Developer
proposes to construct off-site affordable units if
approved by the City Council pursuant to Dublin
Municipal Code section 8.68.040.B. Such agreement
shall include but is not limited to providing detail
regarding the number of affordable units required,
specify the schedule of construction of affordable units,
set forth the developer's manner of compliance with
City of Dublin Inclusionary Zoning Regulations and
impose appropriate resale controls and/or rental
restrictions on the affordable units. Ifthe agreement
provides for construction of the units off-site, as
provided in DMC section 8.68.040.B, it shall require
City Council approval and Council findings as required
by said section and shall include provision for security
adequate to assure completion ofthe off-site affordable
units concurrently with the completion of the
construction ofthe market rate units to be constructed
on the lots created by the vesting tentative map.
9. General Public Works Conditions of Approval:
Developer shall comply with the City of Dublin General
Public Works Conditions of Approval for Tract 7617
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In conjunction w/final map
encompassing area art to be
located or by separate
instrument prior to issuance
of building permit
Prior to approval of Site
Development Review or
recordation of the first
phased Final Map
N0. RESP0N. IA:E'l' ..,... ...,',
..'. DEP ART.
contained below unless specifically modified by these
Conditions of Approval.
10. Development Agreement: In accordance with the PW Final Map
requirements of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan a
Development Agreement between the City of Dublin
and the Developer shall be required and recorded.
11. Ownership and Maintenance of Improvements: PW Final Map and ongoing
Ownership, dedications on final map, and maintenance
of street right-of-ways, common area parcels, and open
space areas shall be by the City of Dublin, the
Homeowner's Association, and a Geologic Hazard
Abatement District, as shown on the Open Space
Maintenance Responsibilities Exhibit, Tract 7617, .
Fallon Crossings, prepared by Ruggeri-Jensen-Azar
Associates, dated October 2007.
12. Landscape Features within Public Right of Way. PW Final Map
The Developer shall enter into an "Agreement for Long
Term Encroachments" with the City to allow the HOA
to maintain the landscape and decorative features within
public Right of Way including frontage & median
landscaping, decorative pavements and special features
(i.e., walls, portals, benches, etc.) as generally shown on
Site Development Review exhibits. The Agreement
shall identify the ownership ofthe special features and
maintenance responsibilities. The Homeowner's
Association will be responsible for maintaining the
surface of all decorative pavements including
restoration required as the result of utility repairs.
13. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs). PW Final Map
A Homeowners Association shall be formed by
recordation of a declaration of Covenants, Conditions,
and Restrictions to govern use and maintenance of the
landscape features within the public right of way
contained in the Agreement for Long Term
Encroachments and the frontage landscaping along
Tassajara Road and interior streets. Said declaration
shall set forth the Association name, bylaws, rules and
regulations. The CC&Rs shall ensure that there is
adequate provision for the maintenance, in good repair
and on a regular basis, of the landscaping & irrigation,
decorative pavements, median islands, fences, walls,
drainage, lighting, signs and other related
improvements. The CC&Rs shall also contain all other
items required by these conditions. The Developer shall
submit a copy of the CC&R document to the City for
review and approval.
14. Public Streets: Developer shall construct street PW Final Map
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.'..'.'. ... DEPART.
improvements and offer for dedication to the City of
Dublin the rights of way for Tassajara Road and interior
streets as shown on the Tentative Map, to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer.
15. Acoustic Study: The acoustical recommendations PW Final Map
referenced in the Charles M. Salter, Inc. Acoustic
Report dated September 18, 2007 shall be incorporated
into this project.
16. Tassajara Road/ Fallon Road/ Street "A" Final Map
Intersection: The existing traffic signal shall be
modified to accommodate a four-legged intersection.
The intersection shall be restriped as shown on the
tentative map, except that the southbound leg of
Tassajara Road shall be widened to eliminate the offset
travel lane with the outbound Street "A" traffic unless
otherwise approved by the City Traffic Engineer during
final design and improvement plan review.
17. Tassajara Road Frontage Improvements: Tassajara PW Final Map
Road shall be improved to provide frontage
improvements (curb and gutter, sidewalk, 20' of
pavement, lighting, and landscaping) on the east side of
the road along the Fallon Crossings frontage. Existing
pavement shall be ground and resurfaced south to the
Fallon Road intersection to match the ultimate profile
and cross slope. The improvements shall be bonded
with the final map and completed prior for to occupancy
of the first unit. Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee
(EDTIF) Section 1 credits will be given for these
improvements as outlined in the 2004 EDT IF Update or
subsequent updates.
18. Tassajara Road Offsite Improvements: Tassajara PW Final Map
Road shall be widened from two lanes to four lanes
from North Dublin Ranch Drive to the bridge at
Shadowhill Drive. This may be accomplished by
widening the existing frontage improvements on the
east side ofthe road from 20' to 34' through the paving
of the existing median and restriping the pavement to
provide two northbound lanes, and restriping the
existing travel lanes to provide two southbound lanes.
This work shall commence prior issuance of a building
permit for the 54th residence, :md prior to issuance of
the building permit for the 106th residence.
Improvements shall be designed and guaranteed under
an improvement agreement prior to filing ofthe final
19. Dublin Boulevard/ Dougherty Road Intersection PW Final Map
Contribution: The developer shall pay a fair share
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portion ofthe funding deficiency between the cost of
the Dublin! Dougherty Intersection Improvements and
available funding. The payment shall be due with the
filing of the final map. The amount of the deficiency, if
any, shall be the amount of the deficiency as determined
or estimated by the Director of Public Works at the time
the map is filed. The fair share portion has been
determined to be 0.305% Section 2 EDT IF credits will
be provided for this payment.
20. Fallon Road/ 1-580 Interchange Improvement PW Final Map
Contribution: The developer shall pay a fair share
portion of costs advanced by the Lin Family for
improvements to the Fallon Road! 1-580 Interchange.
The payment will be payable at the time of filing each
final map, and shall be prorated based on the percentage
of total residential units included in each map. The
developer's fair share has been determined to be
0.4325% of the total funds advanced by the Lin Family.
Section 2 EDTIF credits will be provided for this
21. Sauta Rita Road/ 1-580 Interchange 5th Eastbound PW Final Map
Off Ramp Laue: The developer shall be responsible
for payment of a fair share portion of the costs
associated with adding a 5th eastbound off ramp lane at
the Santa Rita Road! 1-580 Interchange, as required in
the Fallon Village Traffic Study/ DEIR. The payment
will be payable at the time of filing each final map, and
shall be prorated based on the percentage of total units
included in each map. The fair share has been
determined to be 0.305%. In the event that the EDTIF
has been updated to include this improvement at time of
filing a final map, the payment will not be required if
the developer agrees in writing prior to the filing of the
final map to pay the updated EDTIF.
22. Central Parkway at Hacienda Drive, Second
Westbound Left Turn Lane: The developer shall be
responsible for payment of a fair share portion of the
costs associated with adding a 2nd westbound left turn
lane on Central Parkway at Hacienda Drive. This
improvement is included in the current EDTIF, and this
obligation may be satisfied through the payment of
EDTIF fees, provided the EDTIF has not been amended
to eliminate this improvement at the time of payment.
23. Traffic Impact Fees: The developer shall be PW Issuance of Building Permits
responsible for payment of the Eastern Dublin Traffic
Impact Fee (Sections 1 and 2), the Eastern Dublin 1-580
Interchange Fee, and the Tri- Valley Transportation
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Development Fee. Fees will be payable at issuance of
building permits.
24. Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Minimum FW Issuance of Building Permits
Payment: The developer shall be responsible for
payment of a minimum portion of the Eastern Dublin
Traffic Impact Fee in cash. The cash payment shall be
11 % for Section 1 and 25% for Section 2, or as may
have been modified by City Council action at the time
of building permit issuance. These minimum cash
payment shall be in addition to any other payment noted
in these conditions and may not be offset by fee credits.
25. Moller Creek Realignment Easement: An easement Final Map
shall be provided over Parcel "H" as needed to
accommodate the realignment of the creek as shown on
the tentative map, either on the final map or by separate
26. Geologic Hazard Abatement District: Prior to filing PW Final Map
the final map, the formation of a Geologic Hazard
Abatement District (GHAD) covering the entire project
shall be completed. The board of directors for the
GHAD shall be the City Council of the City of Dublin.
The GHAD shall be responsible for the ongoing
maintenance of the open space areas (including benches
and brow ditches, maintenance roads or trails, and
fencing) and the water quality control ponds, and shall
include a reserve for unforeseen repair of future slope
instability. Developer shall be responsible for
submitting all documents necessary to form the GHAD,
including a plan of control, which shall include an
annual operating budget for build out of the project, and
the petition. Initial assessments against property owners
shall not be lower than ultimate assessments at build
out. The CC&Rs for the project shall contain financial
mechanisms, such as deed assessments, enforceable by
the City that to ensure that the property owners are
obligated to pay the costs of maintenance in the event
that the GHAD is dissolved or does not have sufficient
resources to perform its obligations. The CC&Rs shall
also include provisions that require the property
owners' association to pay the GHAD or City's
attorneys' fees in the event that either enforces the
Homeowner's Association's obligation to fund
maintenance of the open space areas and the water
quality control pond. The CC&Rs shall be reviewed
and approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney to
ensure compliance with this condition of approval.
Ownership of GHAD-maintained parcels shall be by the
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NO. I'J!,lI.:.l -m~'
I>EP, m1'. "..
GHAD in fee as shown in the Vesting Tentative Map.
27. Remedial Grading Plan: The grading plan shall PW Final Map
include a remedial grading plan prepared by the project
geotechnical consultant, outlining area of slide repair,
benches, keyways, over excavation at cut-fill
transitions, sub drains, and other recommendations of
the consultant. The remedial grading plan will be
subject to review and approval by the City's own
geotechnical consultant.
28. Lot Line Adjustment: Prior to filing of the first final PW Final Map
map, the developer shall complete a lot line adjustment
with the Silvera Ranch property along the southerly
edge of the project, in general conformance with the lot
line adjustment shown on the vesting tentative map. The
lot line adjustment shall include Lot A4 of Tract 7441
and Lot A5 of Tract 7540. The lot line adjustment shall
also include Lot I of Tract 7441 and Parcel M of Tract
7540, which are reserved for street right-of-way on
these maps.
29. Offsite GHAD Easement: An easement shall be PW Final Map
obtained in favor of the GHAD along the westerly edge
of Parcel K of Tract 7540 for ongoing maintenance of
the bench and drainage ditch behind Lots 79-90.
30. Conservation Easement: An open space conservation PW Final Map
easement or similar instrument shall be offered for
dedication to the City, or another public or nonprofit
entity approved by the City over Parcels A and H in
conjunction with the final map or prior to grading these
parcels, whichever occurs first. The easement shall
allow for the construction and operation of trails,
maintenance roads, and drainage facilities that may be
constructed within the benches along the edges of the
parcels, as well as other activities required under the
plan of control for the GHAD, and activities which may
be required for wildfire management in accordance with
requirements of the Alameda County Fire Department.
31. Resource Agency Permits: Prior to the filing ofthe PW Final Map
final map, and prior to the start of any grading of the
site as necessary, permits shall be obtained from the US
Army Corps of Engineers, the San Francisco Bay
Regional Water Quality Control Board, the State of
California Department of Fish and Game, and the US
Fish and Wildlife Service for the grading or alteration
of wetland areas within the site as needed.
32. The Developer shall comply with the Subdivision PW Ongoing
Map Act, the City of Dublin Subdivision, and Grading
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NO. 1'l'Elld RESPON. ,.....". ~
,..". DEP <\.RT.
Ordinances, the City of Dublin Public Works Standards
and Policies, and all building and fire codes and
ordinances in effect at the time of building permit. All
public improvements constructed by Developer and to
be dedicated to the City are hereby identified as "public
works" under Labor Code section 1771. Accordingly,
Developer, in constructing such improvements, shall
comply with the Prevailing Wage Law (Labor Code.
Sects. 1720 and following).
33. The Developer shall defend, indemnify, and hold PW Ongoing
harmless the City of Dublin and its agents, officers, and
employees from any claim, action, or proceeding
against the City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or
employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an
approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency,
appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council,
Community Development Director, Zoning
Administrator, or any other department, committee, or
agency ofthe City related to this project (Tract 7586) to
the extent such actions are brought within the time
period required by Government Code Section 66499.37
or other applicable law; provided, however, that The
Developer's duty to so defend, indemnify, and hold
harmless shall be subject to the City's promptly
notifying The Developer of any said claim, action, or
proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the defense
of such actions or proceedings.
34. In the event that there needs to be clarification to PW Ongoing
these Conditions of Approval, the Director of
Community Development and the City Engineer have
the authority to clarify the intent of these Conditions of
Approval to the Developer without going to a public
hearing. The Director of Community Development and
the City Engineer also have the authority to make minor
modifications to these conditions without going to a
public hearing in order for the Developer to fulfill
needed improvements or mitigations resulting from
impacts ofthis project.
35. The Developer shall enter into a Tract Improvement PW Final Map
Agreement with the City for all public improvements
including any required offsite storm drainage or
roadway improvements that are needed to serve the
Tract that have not been bonded with another Tract
Improvement Agreement.
36. The Developer shall provide performance (100%), and PW Final Map
labor & material (100%) securities to guarantee the tract
Page 14 of 29
improvements, approved by the City Engineer, prior to
execution of the Tract Improvement Agreement and
approval of the Final Map. (Note: Upon acceptance of
the improvements, the perfommnce security may be
replaced with a maintenance bond that is 25% of the
value of the performance security.)
37. The Developer shall dedicate parkland or pay in-lieu PW Final Map
fees in the amounts and at the times set forth in City of
Dublin Resolution No. 60-99, or in any resolution
revising these amounts and as implemented by the
Administrative Guidelines adopted by Resolution 195-
38. Developer shall obtain an Encroachment Permit PW Prior to Start of Work
from the Public Works Department for all construction
activity within the public right -of-way of any street
where the City has accepted the improvements. The
encroachment permit may require surety for slurry seal
and restriping. At the discretion of the City Engineer an
encroachment for work specifically included in an
Improvement Agreement may not be required.
39. Developer shall obtain a Grading / Sitework Permit PW Prior to Start of Work
from the Public Works Department for all grading and
private site improvements that serves more that one lot
or residential condominium unit.
40. Developer shall obtain all permits required by other PW Prior to Start of Work
agencies including, but not limited to Alameda County
Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7,
California Department ofFish and Game, Army Corps
of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board,
CalTrans and provide copies of the permits to the Public
Works Department.
41. All submittals of plans and Final Maps shall comply PW Prior to Approval of
with the requirements of the "City of Dublin Public Improvement Plans or Final
Works Department Improvement Plan Submittal Map
Requirements", and the "City of Dublin Improvement
Plan Review Check List".
42. The Developer will be responsible for submittals and PW Prior to Approval of
reviews to obtain the approvals of all participating non- Improvement Plans or Final
City agencies. The Alameda County Fire Department Map
and the Dublin San Ramon Services District shall
approve and sign the Improvement Plans.
43. Developer shall submit a Geotechnical Report, which PW Prior to Approval of
includes street pavement sections and grading Improvement Plans, Grading
Page 15 of 29
NO. c:ONl)}1':IONTEXT , ,.',. RESPON. ,,',
recommendations. Plans, or Final Map
44. Developer shall provide the Public Works PW Prior to Acceptance of
Department a digital vectorized file of the "master" Improvements and Release
files for the project when the Final Map has been of Bonds
approved. Digital raster copies are not acceptable. The
digital vectorized files shall be in AutoCAD 14 or
higher drawing format. Drawing units shall be decimal
with the precision of the Final Map. All objects and
entities in layers shall be colored by layer and named in
English. All submitted drawings shall use the Global
Coordinate System of USA, California, NAD 83
California State Plane, Zone Ill, and U.S. foot.
45. The Final Map shall be substantially in accordance PW Final Map
with the Tentative Map approved with this application,
unless otherwise modified by these conditions. Multiple
final maps may be filed in phases, provided that each
phase is consistent with the tentative map, that phasing
progresses in an orderly and logical manner and
adequate infrastructure is installed with each phase to
serve that phase as a stand-alone project that is not
dependent upon future phasing for infrastructure.
46. All rights-of-way and easement dedications required PW Final Map
by the Tentative Map including the Public Service
Easement shall be shown on the Final Map.
47. Street names shall be assigned to each public/private PW Final Map
street pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 7.08. The
approved street names shall be indicated on the Final
48. The Final Map shall include the street monuments to be PW Monuments to be Shown on
set in all public streets. Final Map and Installed Prior
to Acceptance of
49. The Developer shall obtain abandonment from all PW Prior to Approval of
applicable public agencies of existing easements and Improvement Plans or
right of ways within the development that will no longer Appropriate Final Map
be used.
50. The Developer shall acquire easements, and/or obtain PW Prior to Approval of
rights-of-entry from the adjacent property owners for Improvement Plans or
any improvements on their property. The easements Appropriate Final Map
and/or rights-of-entry shall be in writing and copies
furnished to the City Engineer.
51. The Grading Plan shall be in conformance with the PW Prior to Approval of Grading
recommendations of the Geotechnical Report, the Plans or Issuance of Grading
Page 16 of 29
NO. TEXT RESJ'ON. .,u..,.. ""
approved Tentative Map and/or Site Development Permits, and Ongoing
Review, and the City design standards & ordinances. In
case of conflict between the soil engineer's
recommendations and City ordinances, the City
Engineer shall determine which shall apply.
52. A detailed Erosion Control Plan shall be included with PW Prior to Approval of Grading
the Grading Plan approval. The plan shall include Plans or Issuance of Grading
detailed design, location, and maintenance criteria of all Permits, and Ongoing
erosion and sedimentation control measures.
53. Tiebacks or structural fabric for retaining walls shall not PW Prior to Approval of Grading
cross property lines, or shall be located a minimum of Plans or Issuance of Grading
2' below the finished grade of the upper lot. ~ermits, and Ongoing
54. Bank slopes along public streets shall be no steeper than PW Prior to Approval of Grading
3:1 unless shown otherwise on the Tentative Map Plans or Issuance of Grading
Grading Plan exhibits. The to~: of any slope along Permits, and Ongoing
public streets shall be one foot back of walkway. The
top of any slope along public streets shall be three feet
back of walkway. Minor exception may be made in the
above slope design criteria to meet unforeseen design
constraints subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
55. The public improvements shall be constructed generally PW Prior to Approval of
as shown on the Tentative Map and/or Site Improvement Plans or Start
Development Review. However, the approval of the of Construction, and
Tentative Map and/or Site Development Review is not Ongoing
an approval of the specific design of the drainage,
sanitary sewer, water, and street improvements.
56. All public improvements shall conform to the City of PW Prior to Approval of
Dublin Standard Plans and design requirements and as Improvement Plans or Start
approved by the City Engineer. of Construction, and
57. Public streets shall be at a mimmum 1 % slope with PW Prior to Approval of
minimum gutter flow of 0.7% around bumpouts. Private Improvement Plans or Start
streets and alleys shall be at minimum 0.5% slope. of Construction, and
58. Curb Returns on all internal public streets shall be a 30- PW Prior to Approval of
foot radius (36-foot with bump outs) and private Improvement Plans or Start
streets/alleys shall be a minimum 20-foot radius. of Construction, and
59. Any decorative pavers installed within City right-of- PW Prior to Approval of
way shall be done to the satisfaction of the City Improvement Plans or Start
Engineer. Where decorative paving is installed at of Construction, and
signalized intersections, pre-formed traffic signal loops Ongoing
shall put under the decorative pavement. All turn lane
stripes, stop bars and crosswalks shall be delineated
with concrete bands or color pavers to the satisfaction
Page 17 of 29
ofthe City Engineer Maintenance costs of the
decorative paving shall be the responsibility of the
Homeowners Association
60. The Developer shall install all traffic signs and
pavement marking as required by the City Engineer.
61. Street light standards and luminaries shall be designed
and installed per approval of the City Engineer. The
maximum voltage drop for streetlights is 5%.
62. All new traffic signals shall be interconnected with
other new signals within the development and to the
existing City traffic signal system by hard wire.
63. The Developer shall construct bus stops and shelters, in
accordance with the standard plans on file at the City, at
the locations designated and approved by the LA VT A
and the City Engineer. The Developer shall pay the cost
of procuring and installing these improvements.
64. Developer shall construct all potable and recycled water
and sanitary sewer facilities required to serve the
project in accordance with DSRSD master plans,
standards, specifications and requirements.
65. Fire hydrant locations shall be approved by the
Alameda County Fire Department. A raised reflector
blue traffic marker shall be installed in the street
opposite each hydrant.
66. The Developer shall furnish and install street name
signs for the project to the satisfaction of the City
67. Developer shall construct gas, electric, cable TV and
communication improvements within the fronting
streets and as necessary to serve the project and the
future adjacent parcels as approved by the City
Engineer and the various Public Utility agencies.
68. All electrical, gas, telephone, and Cable TV utilities,
shall be underground in accordance with the City
policies and ordinances. All utilities shall be located
and provided within public utility easements and sized
to meet utility company standards.
69. All utility vaults, boxes and structures, unless
specifically approved otherwise by the City Engineer,
shall be underground and placed in landscape areas and
screened from public view. Prior to Joint Trench Plan
approval, landscape drawings shall be submitted to the
City showing the location of all utility vaults, boxes and
structures and adjacent landscape features and
lantings. The Joint Trench Plans shall be signed by the
Page 18 of 29
Prior to Occupancy of Units
or Acceptance of
Prior to Occupancy of Units
or Acceptance of
Prior to Occupancy of Units
or Acceptance of
Prior to Occupancy of Units
or Acceptance of
Prior to Occupancy of Units
or Acceptance of
Prior to Occupancy of Units
or Acceptance of
Prior to Occupancy of Units
or Acceptance of
Prior to Occupancy of Units
or Acceptance of
Prior to Occupancy of Units
or Acceptance of
Prior to Occupancy of Units
or Acceptance of
NO. TnA1. j!~
City Engineer prior to construction of the joint trench
70. The Erosion Control Plan shall be implemented PW Ongoing as Needed
between October 15th and April 15th unless otherwise
allowed in writing by the City Engineer. The Developer
will be responsible for maintaining erosion and
sediment control measures for one year following the
City's acceptance of the subdivision improvements.
71. If archaeological materials are encountered during PW Ongoing as Needed
construction, construction within 100 feet ofthese
materials shall be halted until a professional
Archaeologist who is certified by the Society of
California Archaeology (SCA) or the Society of
Professional Archaeology (SOP A) has had an
opportunity to evaluate the significance of the find and
suggest appropriate mitigation measures.
72. Const~ction activities, including the maintenance and PW Ongoing as Needed
warming of equipment, shall be limited to Monday
through Friday, and non-City holidays, between the
hours of7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. except as otherwise
approved by the City Engineer. Extended hours or
Saturday work will be considered by the City Engineer
on a case-by-case basis.
73. Developer shall prepare a construction noise PW Prior to Start of
management plan that identifies measures to be taken to Construction;
minimize construction noise on surrounding developed Implementation Ongoing as
properties. The plan shall include hours of construction Needed
operation, use of mufflers on construction equipment,
speed limit for construction traffic, haul routes and
identify a noise monitor. Specific noise management
measures shall be included in the project plans and
74. Developer shall prepare a plan for construction traffic PW Prior to Start of
interface with public traffic on any existing public Construction;
street. Construction traffic and parking may be subject Implementation Ongoing as
to specific requirements by the City Engineer. Needed
75. The Developer shall be responsible for controlling any PW Ongoing
rodent, mosquito, or other pest problem due to
construction activities.
76. The Developer shall be responsible for watering or PW Prior to Start of
other dust-palliative measures to control dust as Construction;
conditions warrant or as directed by the City Engineer. Implementation Ongoing as
77. The Developer shall provide the Public Works PW Prior to Issuance of Building
Department with a letter from a registered civil engineer Permits or Acceptance of
Page 19 of 29
or surveyor stating that the building pads have been
graded to within 0.1 feet ofthe grades shown on the
approved Grading Plans, and that the top & toe of banks
and retaining walls are at the locations shown on the
approved Grading Plans.
78. Prior to any clearing or grading, the Developer shall
provide the City evidence that a Notice of Intent (NOI)
has been sent to the California State Water Resources
Control Board per the requirements of the NPDES. A
copy of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP) shall be provided to the Public Works
Department and be kept at the construction site.
79. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
shall identify the Best Management Practices (BMPs)
appropriate to the project construction activities. The
SWPPP shall include the erosion control measures in
accordance with the regulations outlined in the most
current version of the ABAG Erosion and Sediment
Control Handbook or State Construction Best
Management Practices Handbook. The Developer is
responsible for ensuring that all contractors implement
all storm water pollution prevention measures in the
80. The Homeowner's Association shall enter into an
agreement with the City of Dublin that guarantees the
perpetual maintenance obligation for all storm water
treatment measures installed as part of the project. Said
agreement is required pursuant to Provision C.3.e.ii of
RWQCB Order R2-2003-0021 for the issuance of the
Alameda Countywide NPDES municipal storm water
permit. Said permit requires the City to provide
verification and assurance that all treatment devices will
be properly operated and maintained. This condition
shall not apply ifthe water quality treatment measures
are maintained by a GHAD or other public entity.
81. Building Codes and Ordinances: All project BLOG
construction shall conform to all building codes and
ordinances in effect at the time of building permit.
82. Retaining Walls: All retaining walls over 30 inches in BLOG
height and in a walkway area shall be provided with
guardrails. All retaining walls located on private
property, (individual lots) over 24 inches, with a
Page 20 of 29
Prior to Start of Any
Construction Activities
SWPPP to be Prepared Prior
to Approval of Improvement
Plans: Implementation Prior
to Start of Construction and
Ongoing as Needed
Prior to First Final Map;
Modify as needed with
Successive Maps
Through Completion)
Through completion
surcharge, or 36 inches without a surcharge, shall obtain
permits and inspections from the Building Division.
83. Phased Occupancy Plan: If occupancy is requested to BIDG
occur in phases, then all physical improvements within
each phase shall be required to be completed prior to
occupancy of any buildings within that phase except for
items specifically excluded m an approved Phased
Occupancy Plan, or minor handwork items, approved
by the Department of Community Development. The
Phased Occupancy Plan shall be submitted to the
Directors of Community Development and Public
Works for review and approval a minimum of 45 days
pnor to the request for occupancy of any building
covered by said Phased Occupancy Plan. Any phasing
shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all parcels
in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the
intent and purpose of the subdivision approval. No
individual building shall be occupied until the adjoining
area is finished, safe, accessible, and provided with all
reasonable expected servIces and amenities, and
separated from remammg additional construction
activity. Subject to approval of the Director of
Community Development, the completion of
landscaping may be deferred due to inclement weather
with the posting of a bond for the value of the deferred
landscaping and associated improvements.
84. Building Permits: To apply for building permits, BIDG
Applicant/Developer shall submit eight (8) sets of
construction plans to the Building Division for plan
check. Each set of plans shall have attached an
annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval. The
notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of
Approval will or have been complied with.
Construction plans will not be accepted without the
annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans.
Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining
the approvals of all participation non-City agenCIes
prior to the issuance of building permits.
85. Construction Drawings: Construction plans shall be BIDG
fully dimensioned (including building elevations)
accurately drawn (depicting all existing and proposed
conditions on site), and prepared and signed by a
California licensed Architect or Engineer. All structural
calculations shall be prepared and signed by a
California licensed Architect or Engineer. The site
plan, landscape plan and details shall be consistent with
each other.
Page 21 of 29
Prior to occupancy of any
affected building
Prior to issuance of building
Prior to issuance of building
i IJl.Al
Air Conditioning Units: Air conditioning units and
ventilation ducts shall be screened from public view
with materials compatible to the main building and shall
not be roof mounted. Units shall be permanently
installed on concrete pads or other non-movable
materials approved by the Building Official and
Director of Community Development. Air conditioning
units shall be located such that each dwelling unit has
one side yard with an unobstructed width of not less
then 36 inches. Air conditioning units shall be located
in accordance with the PD text.
Temporary Fencing: Temporary Construction fencing
shall be installed along perimeter of all work under
a) Provide a site plan with the City of Dublin's
address grid overlaid on the plans (1 to 30
scale). Highlight allcxterior door openings on
plans (front, rear, garage, etc.). (Prior to release
of addresses)
b) Provide plan for display of addresses. The
Building Official and Director of Community
Development shall approve plan pnor to
issuance of the first building permit. (Prior to
c) Addresses will be required on the front of the
dwellings. Addresses are also required near the
garage door opening if the opening is not on the
same side of the dwelling as the front door.
(Prior to permitting)
d) Address signage shall be provided as per the
Dublin Residential Security Code. (Occupancy
of any Unit).
e) Provide a site plan with the approved addresses
in 1 to 400 scale prior to approval or release of
the project addresses. (Prior to permitting)
f) Exterior address numbers shall be backlight and
be posted in such a way that they can be seen
from the street.
Engineer Observation: The Engineer of record shall
be retained to provide observation servIces for all
components of the lateral and vertical design of the
building, including nailing, hold downs, straps, shear,
roof diaphragm and structural frame of building. A
written report shall be submitted to the City Inspector
prior to scheduling the final frame inspection.
Foundation: Geotechnical Engineer for the soils report
Page 22 of 29
Prior to occupancy of unit
Through completion
Prior to issuance of permit
and through completion
Prior to scheduling the final
frame inspection
Through completion
shall reVIew and approve the foundation design. A
letter shall be submitted to the Building Division on the
91. Green Building Guidelines: To the extent practical BLDG
the applicant shall incorporate Green Building
Measures. Green Building plan shall be submitted to
the Building Official for review.
92. Electronic File: The applicant/developer shall submit BLDG
all building drawings and specifications for this project
III an electronic format to the satisfaction of the
Building Official pnor to the Issuance of building
permits. Additionally, all reVISIons made to the
building plans during the project shall be incorporated
into an "As Built" electronic file and submitted prior to
the issuance ofthe final occupancy.
93. Universal Design: The dwellings shall conform to the BL)G
universal design standards in the Dublin Municipal
Code Chapter 7.90. The applicant shall provide the
following information or reports:
a) Provide options with master plans detailing
design methods for proper compliance with
Universal Design. The information shall be
included in the master plans used for permitting.
(Prior to issuance of 1st permit)
b) Provide check list( s) for each model type,
indicating mandatory options and voluntary
options and cut off dates for selection for review
and approval of the City. (Prior to issuance of
1st permit)
Provide form(s) detailing the selected items to the City.
94. Construction trailer: Due to SIze and nature of the BLDG
development, the Applicant/Developer shall provide a
construction trailer with all hook ups for use by City
Inspection personnel during the time of construction as
determined necessary by the Building Official. In the
event that the City has their own construction trailer, the
Applicant/Developer shall provide a site, if necessary,
with appropriate hook ups III close proximity to the
project site to accommodate the trailer(s). The
applicant/developer shall cause the trailer(s) to be
moved from its current location at the time necessary as
determined by the Building Official at the
applicant/developer's expense.
95. Permit Expiration. Construction or use shall PL
commence within one (1) year of Permit approval, or
the Permit shall lapse and become null and void.
Commencement of construction or use means the actual
Page 23 of 29
Through Completion
Prior to issuance of building
Prior to the final inspection
of each dwelling
Through completion
construction or use pursuant to the permit approval, or,
demonstrating substantial progress toward commencing
such construction or use. If there is a dispute as to
whether the Permit has expired, the City may hold a
noticed public hearing to determine the matter. Such a
determination may be processed concurrently with
revocation proceedings in appropriate circumstances. If
a Permit expires, a new application must be made and
processed according to the requirements of this
96. Time Extension. The original approvmg decision- Ongoing
maker may, upon the Applicant's written request for an PL
extension of approval prior to expiration, and upon the
determination that any Conditions of Approval remain
adequate to assure that applicable findings of approval
will continue to be met, grant a time extension of
approval for a period not to exceed 6 months. All time
extension requests shall be noticed and a public hearing
or public meeting shall be held as required by the
particular Permit.
97. Revocation of permit. The permit shall be revocable PL Ongoing
for cause in accordance with Chapter 8.96 of the Dublin
Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or
conditions ofthis permit shall be subject to citation.
98. Clean up. The Applicant/Developer shall be PL Ongoing
responsible for clean up and disposal of project related
trash and for maintaining a clean, litter-free site.
99. Controlling Activities. The Applicant /Developer shall PC,PL Ongoing
control all activities on the project site so as not to
create a nuisance to the surrounding residences.
100 NoiselNuisances. No loudspeakers or amplified music PC,PL Ongoing
shall be permitted to project or be placed outside of the
residential buildings during construction.
101 Accessory Structures. The use of any accessory PL,B,F Ongoing
structures, such as storage sheds or trailerlcontainer
units used for storage or for any other purpose during
construction, shall not be allowed on the site at any time
unless a Temporary Use Permit IS applied for and
102 Removal of Obstructions. Applicant/Developer shall PW Prior to Issuance of
remove all trees including major root systems and other Occupancy Permits
obstructions from building sites that are necessary for
public improvements or for public safety as directed by
the soils engineer and Director of Public Works.
103 Utility Siting Plan. The Applicant/Developer shall PW,PL Prior to issuance of Grading
Page 24 of 29
provide a final Utility Siting Plan showing that
transformers and service boxes are placed outside of
public VIew where possible and/or screened to the
satisfaction of the Community Development Director
and Public Works Director. Applicant/Developer shall
place all utility infrastructures underground including
electric, telecommunications, cable TV, and gas III
accordance with standards enforced by the appropriate
utility agency. Utility plans showing the location of all
proposed utilities shall be reviewed and approved by the
City Engineer/Public Works Director pnor to
Applicant must comply with Dublin Municipal Code
104 Section 7.32.220, Residential Security Ordinance,
which covers lighting, landscaping, locks, gates and
105 Developers must ensure that police radios function in the
area prior to starting the project. An appointment may be
made with Dublin Police Services Crime Prevention
Unit, (925) 833-6677.
106 Applicant must indicate the location of available light
sources for parks and footpaths.
107 Applicant must indicate how they will address the
residences. Where will address numbers be positioned
on each residential design? Dublin Police Services has
the following conditions of approval regarding
a) Address numbers shall be displayed on all
buildings, on the fa<;ade closest to the street.
Addressing may be placed on another fa<;ade
facing the street (e.g., the garage) ifit is not
setback more than 25 feet away from the street.
It does not appear that addressing on the garage
will be acceptable on Plan 3 (refer to page
b) Residences that share a common driveway shall
incorporate [monument] signs with the address
range, visible from Main Street. [Monument]
signs shall be made visible during hours of
darkness by a light source.
c) Address numbers shall be unobstructed by
architectural/design features (trims or accents)
or landscaping.
Page 25 of 29
During construction
NO, I'1!i1\.1 RESPON.
DEPART. '.'.
d) Address numbers shall be in a color that
contrasts with the background color and shall be
made visible at night by a light source.
e) Must abide by Security Ordinance's addressing
requirements (lighting, diagrammatic maps).
108 Postal Service "gang boxes" (group postal boxes) shall Ongoing
be illuminated with a uniformly maintained minimum
level of one foot candle of light.
109 Construction shall not begin without ensuring During Construction
emergency vehicle road access to the affected job sites.
110 During the Construction phase of this project, the During Construction
developer shall ensure that construction crews will not
block ingress/egress into or out of Parcel M of Tract
7540, to the detriment of existing neighbors as well as a
potential threat to emergency vehicle access.
III During the construction phase, the site shall be fenced, During Construction
and locked at all times when workers are not present.
112 A temporary address sign, of at least 36 inches by 36 During Construction
inches with a white background and stenciled black
numbers and letters that can be seen during night time
hours with existing street lighting or additional lighting
is to be posted on all approaches to the site. Addressing
is required to aid the response of emergency services.
113 The developer/contractors will file a Dublin Police During Construction
Emergency Contact Business Card prior to any phase of
construction. The emergency card will provide 24 hour
phone contact numbers of persons responsible for the
construction site.
114 Good security practices shall be followed with respect During Construction
to storage of building materials and storage of tools at
the construction site.
115 Lighting levels during darkness shall be sufficient to During Construction
prevent or reduce theft or burglary.
116 Security During Construction. During Construction
a. Fencing - The perimeter of the construction site
shall be fenced and locked at all times when
workers are not present. All construction activities
shall be confined to within the fenced area.
Construction materials and/or equipment shall not
be operated or stored outside of the fenced area or
within the public right-of-way unless approved in
advance by the Public Works Director.
b. Address Sign - A temporary address SIgn of
sufficient size and color contrast to be seen during
night time hours with existing street lighting is to be
Page 26 of 29
1 IloA 1
posted on the Dublin Boulevard perimeter.
c. Emergency Contact - Prior to any phase of
construction, Applicant/Developer will file with the
Dublin Police Department an Emergency Contact
Business Card that will provide 24-hour phone
contact numbers of persons responsible for the
construction site.
d. Materials & Tools - Good security practices shall
be followed with respect to storage of building
materials and tools at the construction site.
e. Security lighting and patrols shall be employed as
117 Graffiti. The Applicant/Developer shall keep the site
clear of graffiti on a regular and continuous basis and at
all times. Graffiti resistant materials should be used.
118 All emergency vehicle access roads (first lift of asphalt)
and the public water supply including all hydrants shall
be in place prior to vertical construction or combustible
storage on site.
119 The minimum fire flow design shall be as required by
CFC Appendix IlIA. Raised blue reflectorized traffic
markers shall be epoxied to the center of the street
opposite each hydrant.
120 The homes on Street 'B' that are adjacent to open
space or undeveloped land shall comply with the
Wildfire Management Plan as specifies in the
conditions of approval:
a) The homes shall be provided with an automatic
sprinkler system.
b) The roof covering shall be class A.
c) The underside of the eaves shall be one hour
d) The exterior wall shall be one hour rated on the
side facing the open space.
e) The exterior doors shall be non-combustible or
solid core 1 % inch thick.
f) Attic vents or other vent openings shall not
exceed 144 sq. in. and covered with non-
combustible corrosion resistant mesh with
openings not to exceed 'l4 inch.
g) Fences constructed of combustible materials
shall be separated from the perimeter of
buildings containing habitable by connecting to
buildings with a masonry pilaster as shown in
the Wildfire Management Plan. Pilaster are not
required if a noncombustible fence is provided
Page 27 of 29
During Construction
Prior to construction
During Construction
On going
NO; '..~..11.."..... RESPON. ' ..~..".,
on the side( s) facing the open space and
additional 10 feet towards the home.
Comply with the vegetation requirements
121 The landscape plans for the REAR YARDS for home's On going
lot 78 through 106 adjacent to open space or
undeveloped land shall comply with the standards for
vegetation establishment and maintenance as required
in the Wildfire Management Plan:
a) Plants within 3 feet of the homes shall be
irrigated flowers only. The area within 3 feet
shall have non-combustible materials only (no
combustible mulch).
b) Plants 3 to 15 feet from the home shall only be
those listed for use in Areas A and B in the plant
species table.
c) Trees shall be a minimum of 4 feet from the
homes. Trees between 4 ft and 30 feet of the
homes shall have a minimum of 10 feet between
crowns. The trees shall be limited to those types
listed for use in Areas B through D in the plant
species table.
d) Plants 15 to 30 feet from the home shall only be
those listed for use in Areas A through C in the
plant species table.
e) The distances increase for areas with slopes over
30%. See the Wildfire Management Plan.
122 The landscape shall be maintained year round to On going
comply with the Wildfire Management Plan. Trees
between 4 and 15 feet from the homes shall have their
limbs pruned 10 feet from grade or 1/3 of the total live
crown height. Trees between 15 and 30 feet from the
homes shall have their limbs pruned 6 to 10 feet from
grade. The distances increase for areas with slopes over
30%. See the Wildfire Management Plan.
123 Grasses in the undeveloped land shall be kept mowed On going
to a height of 4 inches in the Fire buffer zone. The fire
buffer zone is defined as follows:
a) 15 feet beyond the maintenance road.
b) 45 feet beyond the fence lines where there is no
maintenance road.
c) 15 feet beyond the public roads.
The buffer zone shall be defined by a non-combustible
124 Provide escape or rescue window for every sleeping On going
room below the fourth story in accordance with the
UBC section 310.4.
125 Automatic sprinklers shall be provided throughout On going
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homes that are 3 or more stories, or are subject to the
Wildfire Management Plan or exceed 5000 sq ft. as
required by the Dublin Fire Code. Include the garage
area when calculating the sq. n. ofa home.
126 The project shall comply with Building and Fire Codes
as adopted by the City of Dublin.
127 Signage: This project shall be subject to Chapter
8.84.050D ofthe Dublin Zoning Ordinance "Community
Identification Signs" unless additional signage is
required. The Applicant may apply for "Master Sign
Program/Site Development Review" in accordance with
Chapter 8.84.130 ofthe Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
On going
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 13th day of November, 2007 by the following vote:
Planning Commission Chair
Planning Manager
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