HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachmt 1 Reso recmmd CC adopt Ord appv Stg 2 DP RESOLUTION NO. 07 - XX A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR AN EXISTING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT KNOWN AS "FALLON CROSSING" AT THE NORTHEAST INTERSECTION OF T ASSAJARA ROAD AND FALLON ROAD PA 04-016, APN 985-0002-001 WHEREAS, the Applicant, Standard Pacific Corporation, Slbmitted applications for an area of approximately 67.8 acres known as "Fallon Crossing" located at thc~ northeast intersection of Tassajara Road and Fallon Road in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area; and WHEREAS, The applications include: a) Stage 2 Development Plan for approximately 67.8 acres at the northeast intersection of Tassajara Road and Fallon Roac in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area; b) Site Development Review; and c) Vesting Tentative Map '7617 for 106 low density residential units including 98 detached single-f:lmily units and 8 duet units as l,)ts. Other uses include Open Space and private recreation facilities with some public access, storm water management elements, and associated public and private rights-of-way. The applications collecti vely define this "Project"; and WHEREAS, the Project site generally is located at the nort1east intersection of Tassajara Road and Fallon Road; and WHEREAS, on May 10, 1993, the City Council certified a program Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") for the Eastern Dublin GP AlSP Project and an addendum to update plans to provide sewer service. The May 10, 1993 program EIR, the May 4, 1993 addendum and the August 22, 1994 addendum are collectively referred to as the Eastern Dublin EIR; and WHEREAS, on May 16,2006, the City Council approved a Mitigated Negative Declaration by Resolution 71-06, for prezonings, Stage 1 Planned Development zoning, an annexation application, and a preanexation agreement for Fallon Crossing P A 04-016 and the Fredr .ch property; and WHEREAS, on May 16, 2006, the City Council approved the prezonmgs and Stage 1 development Plan by Ordinance 07-06 for Fallon Crossing PA 04-016; and WHEREAS, as of July 1,2007, the project site was annexed 10 the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated November 13, 2007 anj incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the current application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the staff report at a duly noticed public hearing held on November 13,2007 at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and us,~ their independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. ATTACHMENT 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based on the findings set forth in Section 1 of the attached draft ordinance, the Plmrning Commission of the City of Dublin hereby recommends that the City Council adopt the ordinance attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, which ordinance adopts a Stage 2 Development Plan for Fallon Crossing. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 13th day of November, 2007 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commi ,sion Chair ATTEST: Planning Manager G:\PA#\2004\04-016 Mission Peak - Standard PacificlPC 1 1. 13. 07\drajiPCreso-Stage2.doc 2 ORDINANCE NO. XX - 07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ***************************************** AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO REZONE A 67.8 ACRE AREA KNOWN AS FALLON CROSSING TO PD-PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AND APPROVING A RELATED STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN PA 04-016, APN 985-0002-001 The Dublin City Council does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Findings A. Pursuant to Section 8.32.070 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows. 1. The Fallon Crossing PD-Planned Development zoning, including a Stage 2 Development Plan, meets the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32 in that it provide~; a comprehensive and coordinated development plan for a residential tract within the Foothill Residential subarea of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, and as further described below, the project continues to provide a desirable use ofland that is sensitive to surrounding land uses by making efficient use of development areas so as to preserve hillside and natural drainage ways, conserve open space, and allow s ~nsitive slope and biological areas to be undeveloped. 2. Development ofPD-Planned Development zoning, including a Stage 2 Development Plan, will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future developmert in the surrounding area in that the land uses and site plans provide effective transitions from constrained areas to development areas while maintaining an attractive frontage along Tassajara Road and Fallon Road. Implementation of the development plan will maintain open space uses along hillsides ald an existing natural tributary and drainage way to Tassajara Creek, consistent with other development in the area. B. Pursuant to Sections 8.120.050A and B of the Dublin MuniciJal Code, the City Council finds as follows. 1. Development of Fallon Crossing under the PD-Planned D~:velopment zoning, including a Stage 2 Development Plan, will be harmonious and compatible with exi:;ting and future development in the surrounding area in that the land uses and site plan provide effective transitions from constrained areas to development areas while maintaining an attractive frontage along Tassajara Road and Fallon Road. Implementation of the development plan will maintain open space on hillsides and within a natural tributary and drainage way to Tassajara Creek, consistent with other development in the area. 2. The area of Fallon Crossing proposed for development is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the proposed zoning district in that the portion of the ~ ite proposed for development is the most suitable for buildings. A large amount of open space in the eastern hills and along an exiting natural tributary to Tassajara Creek will be preserved. Existing infrastructure (including roads, sewer, storm drain, potable and recycled water, natural gas, and electricity) is or will be located immediately adjacent to the site. The project is large enough to provide housing as well as open space for future residents. The flexibility of the proposed PD-Planned Development district allows development to be tailored to onsite conditions, as well as the design and development standards in the Stage 2 Development Plan. 1 Exhibit A 3. The proposed PD-Plannecl Development zoning will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare in that the project design provides and an open space corridor to create a buffer between developed and natural areas, is sensitive to biology and topographical feature~" will comply with all applicable development regulations and standards, and will implement all adopted mitigation measures. 4. The PD-Planned Development zoning is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan in general and as amended in connection with prior project approvals in 2006. The project is within the density range of the Single Family Residential designations of both the City of Dublin General Plan Land Use Element and the Eastern Dublin 3pecific Plan (as amended); it also provides open space required by the Land Use, Parks and Open Space and Conservation Elements, roadways consistent with the Circulation Element, adequate public'acilities as required by the Schools, Public Lands and Utilities Element, Housing as desired by the Housing Element, and safe design as required by the Seismic Safety Element. C. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the City Council certified a program Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") for the Eastern Dublin GPAlSP Project on May 10, 1993, and an addendum to update plans to provide sewer service. The May 10, ] 993 program EIR, the May 4, 1993 addendum, and the August 22, 1994 addendum are collectively referred to as the Eastern Dublin EIR. Also, on May 16,2006, the City Council approved a Mitigated Negative Declaration by Resolution 71-06, incorporated therein by reference and on file with the City for prezonings, and related Stage 1 Development Plans, an annexation application, and a preannexation agreement for Fallon Crossing P A 04-016 and the Fredrich property. The Mitigated Negative Declaation together with the previously certified Eastern Dublin EIR adequately describes the impacts of the proposed project. SECTION 2. Approval of Zoning Map Amendment Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code, the City of Dublin Zoning Map is amended to rezone the following area to a PD-Planned Development wning district. Approximately 67.8 acres located at the northeast intersection of Tassajara Road and Fallon Road in the northeastern area of the City and within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (APN 985-0002-001) The zoning district for Fallon Crossing, including the Stage 2 Development Plan, is located within the City of Dublin. 1 l!I r ~' ~ ~ ~ ~l i ROJECT SITE 1,6. cov'foii'f !i<" caS COJti1l' ~.J.MED" WI RICHEY fiiUN TfR UN A location map of the zoning area is shown on the right: DfiJVE PKwr ~~~ .t~< ~ It'" INTERSTATE i580 </.Q{) ~.~,~ ~,~ . b 0/ IOj VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCAlE 2 SECTION 3. Approval of Stage 2 Development Plan The regulations for the use, development, improvement and maintenance of the project area are set forth in the Stage 2 Development Plan below, which is hereby approved. Any amendments to the development plans shall be in accordance with Section 8.32.080 ofthe Dublin Municipal Code or its successors. Sta2e 2 Development Plan. See Development Plan Books 1 and 2, conforming to plans prepared by Ruggeri, Jensen, Azar & Associates; the Dahlin Group; and Ralph J. Alexander & Associates labeled "Fallon Crossing - Stage 2 Planned Development; Site Development Review, and Master Vesting Tentative Tract Submittal" dated November 5, 2007 and is also referenced as Attachment 3 to the Planning Commission Staff Report dated November 13,2007. 1. Statement of compatibility with Stage 1 Development Plan. The Stage 2 Development Plan is consistent with the Stage 1 Development Plan previously ade.pted by Ordinance 07-06. 2. Statement of proposed uses. See Ordinance 07-06. 3. Stage 2 Site Plan. As shown below. -- ~ - ~{:.i;Iot~\.<tldt.l!OC'iIf)_".... -- ""* 1<oo-....;.__I<#J'" ._- . , t "-:~ . 4. Site area densities. As shown on Stage 2 Site Plan above, Sl:e also Ordinance 07-06. 3 5. Development regulations. As shown below: Minimum Lot Area 3,760 square feet 2,550 square feet Average Lot Area 4,712 square feet 2,813 square feet Minimum Lot Width 35 feet' 20 feet' (Street Frontage) Minimum Lot Depth 47 feet 38 feet' Maximum Lot Coverage 55% 55% Maximum Building Height 35 feet 35 feet Minimum Building Separation I 0 feet 10 feet Minimum Setbacks Front I 2 feet I 2 feet - to garage door I 8 feet I 8 feet - to porch 10 feet I 0 feet Rear 10 feet I 0 feet Side - interior 5 feet 5 feet - street side/corner lot 10 feet I 0 feet Parking 2 covered I covered and - Per unit I uncovered tandem space - Guest space per unit I curbside I curbside NOTES: I. Garage setback reduced to 17 feet on private driveways (motorcourts). 2. Setbacks measured from property line. 3. Items such as, but not limited to air conditioning, condensers, porches, chimn.!ys, bay windows, retaining walls less than 4 feet in height, media centers, etc. may encroach 2 feet into the required setback of one side yard provided that a minimum of 36 inches of flat and level area is maintained for access around th.! house. 4. Setback for accessory structures shall be in accordance with the building code in effect at the time of construction/installation. Noise generating uses such as pool and spa equipme.nt shall be acoustically screened or outside of the setback area. 5. Retaining walls up to 4 feet high may be use to create a usable level area. Retlining walls in excess of 4 feet to create usable area are subject to review and approval of the Community Developme,t Director. Retaining walls over 30 inches in height are subject to safety criteria as determined by the Building Official. 6. Building setback shall be subject to review and approval of the Building Officid for building code and fire code compliance. Setback to building overhang may be a 3-foot minimum or as required by current City building code standards. 7. Where a minimum S-foot wide Homeowners Association (HOA) parcel lies between a lot and an adjacent street, the lot is not considered a corner lot, and interior lot setback standards shall apply. 8. Curbside parking may be counted toward required number of guest spaces. 9. Maximum building height is subject to building code requirements for access. 10. The third floor must be stepped back from the front and rear elevations to reduce building mass. Third floor is available on Duet Plan 5.2, only. 4 SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED/ATTACHED SITE DEVELOI~MENT STANDARDS ij. t'..... ~-f - -l 0'. t~, ! ' I ~ , , ."I'lT 'J ~I j'L..... ! II' " 1 I !:.' I i -, ~ ~....-----'\. TYPICAl. .NTI.... LOT ..""'CK DIAGRAM .c." ,,-' .w ,- TYfJICAI. COIUtIR LOT .....ACK DlAOUlit 6. Architectural standards. See Book 1 of 2, Applicant's submit:al package dated November 5, 2007 and is also referenced as Attachrnent 3 to the Planning Commission Staff Report dated November 13, 2007. 7. Preliminary Landscaping Plan. See Book 1 of2, Applicant's submittal package dated November 5, 2007 and is also referenced as Attachment 3 to the Planning Commission Staff Report dated November 13,2007. SECTION 4. The use, development, improvement, and maintenance ofthe project properties shall be governed by the Dublin Zoning Ordinance except as provided in the Stage 2 Development Plan. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be enforced thirty (30) days following its adoption. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. 8. Traffic, Circulation & Streetscape standards. See Book 1 of2, Applicant's submittal package dated November 5, 2007 and is also referenced as Attachment 3 to the Planning Commission Staff Report dated November 13, 2007 9. Phasing. The Fallon Crossing project will be developed as one p'lase. 5 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this 18th day of December, 2007, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G: IP A #12004\04-016 Mission Peak - Standard PacificlPC 11.13. 071draftOrd Stage 2,doc 6