HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachmt 6 02-13-2007 Plng Comm Study Session Minutes
"Planltiltg COrtll111'Ssion
Study Sessiol1 Minutes
A special meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, February
13,2007, in the Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Plaza. Chair Schaub called the meeting
to order at 5:30 p.m.
Present: Chair Schaub, Vice Chair Wehrenberg; Commissioners Biddle, King, and Tomlinson;
John Bakker, City Attorney; Mary Jo Wilson, Planning Manager; Erica Fraser, Senior Planner;
and Rhonda Franklin, Recording Secretary.
1.1 Study Session - Windstar Condominiums
Chair Schaub asked for the Staff Report.
Ms. Erica Fraser, Senior Planner, presented the specifics of the project as outlined in the
Staff Report.
Cm. Tomlinson asked if the parking spaces along the internal streets of the project would
be reserved or open. Ms. Fraser stated that at this time, the parking spaces would be
Chair Schaub asked if the guest parking would be gated. Ms. Fraser stated that the guest
parking would not be gated.
Chair Schaub asked if the internal guest parking would be time-limited. Ms. Fraser
explained that the guest parking inside could be time-limited and signs could be posted
indicating such. Chair Schaub expressed concerns about BART patrons parking in guest
and resident parking spaces. Ms. Fraser commented that the demand for guest parking
is typically inversely related to the demand for BART perking; thus alleviating some
conflict with parking.
Cm. Biddle asked about the capacity of the West Dublin BART parking garage. A
member of the project team stated that the capacity would be 740 parking stalls.
Chair Schaub asked about the type of material that woud be used for Eave #2. Ms.
Fraser explained that the developer would decide the material to use for Eave #2.
Cm. Biddle asked about the status of other projects in the area. Ms. Fraser briefly
discussed the status of other projects in the area.
'Fc6ruary 13, 20()6
Attachment 6
Chair Schaub asked about the circulation of construction traffic in the Downtown area.
Ms. Fraser explained that the Public Works department requires a construction traffic
management plan as part of the conditions of approval for the project.
Cm. King asked if the West Dublin BART Specific Plan could allow a space for a 'Village
Green' area. Ms. Mary Jo Wilson, Planning Manager, explained that the majority of the
property in the West Dublin BART Specific Plan area would be developed and would
most likely leave little room for a 'Village Green' area.
Vice Chair Wehrenberg commented that the West Dublin BART Specific Plan area would
probably not be a prime location for a 'Village Green' because of its close proximity to the
Cm. King asked about the type of material that would be used for the fa<;ade. Ms. Fraser
stated that the project plans call for a veneer to be used. She explained that a material
board would be provided for the public hearing on the project.
Cm. King asked if the balconies would be functioning or faux. Ms. Fraser explained that
they should be functioning; however, the balconies facing the freeway may be subject to
a noise study. Chair Schaub asked how a noise study cculd be done when the area is not
yet built out. Ms. Fraser explained that assumptions are used when conducting noise
Chair Schaub asked if the residents could choose to have a balcony. Ms. Fraser explained
that whether or not a balcony would be constructed would depend on the decibel level
obtained by the noise study.
Chair Schaub invited the Applicant to speak.
Mr. Eric Heffron, with Windstar Communities, spoke in favor of the project.
Cm. Tomlinson asked about the mix of unit sizes for sinilar projects. Mr. Heffron stated
that similar projects are about 60% 1-bedrooms and explained that the mix for this project
would be compatible with a transit-oriented development.
Cm. Biddle asked about the timeframes for the project. Mr. Heffron stated that they
would like to start construction by the end of August 2037.
Mr. Chuck Tang, of MVE Architects, spoke in favor of the project.
Chair Schaub stated that he does not like to see panel veneers and would like to see high
quality veneers used for this project.
Cm. Tomlinson stated that he likes the overall design of the project. He stated that he
would like Eave #1 set down a bit. He stated that he does not have a problem with using
foam in areas that are out of the public's reach, but would like to use high quality
materials in areas that are within the public's reach. He stated that he would like to see a
if'd;nwry 13, 20iJ6
different color choice for the elevator element. He stated that he likes the mixture of
materials used and would like to see the proposed colon for the awnings. He stated that
his main concern is regarding the parking. He asked if they could consider making street
parking for residents only. He expressed concern about the adequacy of the number of
parking spaces, especially with the 8% parking reductio:l. He stated that he is not sure
that guest parking has to be open access parking; if someone is truly a guest, a resident
could allow them access into a restricted parking area.
Vice Chair Wehrenberg stated that she likes the buildin~; and the eaves. She asked if the
43 off-street parking spaces were included in the parking count. Ms. Fraser said yes and
stated that the future parking spaces on St. Patrick Way were not counted. Vice Chair
Wehrenberg stated that she would like to see timed or permitted parking for parking on
the internal roadway. Vice Chair Wehrenberg stated that garbage pickup is important
and would be asked about in more detail during the public hearing for the project.
Regarding landscape, she stated that she would like them to ensure that the trellises and
planters are watered regularly. Ms. Fraser stated that Staff would ensure that the final
landscape plans show irrigation. Vice Chair Wehrenberg stated that it would be nice if
cell towers and TV dishes could be incorporated into on~ system. She requested that the
development team work on a construction/ demolition plan with the City. The
Development Team stated that they would do their part to be good neighbors to the City.
Vice Chair Wehrenberg cautioned the Development Team to be aware that pigeons will
probably congregate on the building's eaves.
Cm. King stated that the overall architectural look is more interesting than it could be.
He stated that his reaction is that it is too rectangular. He stated that there is a dramatic
effect at the corner (shown on drawing # 19) and would like to see a visual effect there,
such as a sculpture or fountain. He stated that what is shown in the conceptual plans is
not dramatic enough for him.
Cm. Tomlinson Greg stated that he would like the proposed water feature to be as
dramatic as possible. Ms. Mary Jo Wilson, Planning Manager, stated that she believes the
water feature would be approved as part of the Public Art process. She stated that Staff
would verify if this is correct.
Cm. Biddle stated that he agrees with the comments from the Commission. Regarding
parking, he stated that there could be enough parking spaces available as long as they are
handled properly. He stated that residents would probclbly expect some parking
problems. He stated that he likes the design and concept of the project.
Chair Schaub stated that he likes the project and is comfmtable with the parking as long
as the parking is available to the residents. He stated that he does not want BART
patrons parking in resident and guest spaces at the expense of the residents. He stated
that he is a stickler for quality materials, and would like quality materials used for this
The Planning Commission took a straw vote for Eave #1. All Planning Commissioners
voted that Eave #1 should be dropped down a bit.
Tc6nwry 13, 2006
Chair Schaub requested that the Development Team use brick instead of stucco.
The Planning Commission thanked Ms. Fraser and the Development Team for putting
the Study Session together.
Hearing no further comments, Chair Schaub adjourned:he meeting at 6:52 p.m.
iFcbl1wry 13. 2006