HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachmt 5 02-13-2007 Plng Comm Study Session Stf Rept (no Attachmts) AGENDA ST A TEl\IENT PLANNING COMlVlISSION STUDY SESSION DATE: Februarv 13. 2007 SUBJECT: STUDY SESSION: PA 06-009: Windstar Condominiums - Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone and Site Development Review for Windstar Condominiums located at 6600 Golden Gate Drive. Report prepared by Erica Fraser, Seniur Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site Development Review Plans. 2) Rendering of adjacent AMB Projecl. 3) City Council Ordinance 8-04. 4) City Council Resolution 30-04. 5) Location Map. RECOMMENDATION: Receive presentation and provide comments. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is a 210-unit condominium project located at 6600 Golden Gate Drive in the West Dublin BART Specific Plan area. The property is zoned Planned Development and has General Plan land use designations of High Density Residential, Retail/Office, and Public/Semi-Public. The project site is currently vacant. The purpose of tonight's Study Session is to discuss the proposed site layout, parking, landscape and design ofthe project. BACKGROUND: On December 19, 2000, the City Council adopted a Resolution approving the West Dublin BART Specific Plan which rezoned the plan area to encourage high-intensity mixed-use development. On February 24, 2004, the Plarming Commission adopted a Resolution approving a 308-unit condominium project (the AMB development) located adjacent to the project site. The location of this project can be found on page 2 of Attachment 1 and the approved design of the project can be found in Attachment 2. On March 2, 2004, the City Council approved Resolution 29-04 adopting an addendum to a Negative Declaration to the Downtown Specific Plan and the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station and Transit Village Project fi)r the Stage 1 Development Plan for this project. At the same meeting, the City Council also approved Resolution 30-04 which waived the requirements ofthe City's InclusionClry Zoning Regulations for the site (Attachment 3). On March 16, 2004, the City Council adopted Ordinance 8-04 (Attachment 4) amendment the West Dublin BART Specific Plan to increase the density on the site to allow up to 210 dwelling units. COPIES TO: Applicant Property Owner File ITEM NO.: Page 1 of9 G:IPA#\2006\06-009 Windstar Condos - TMAP, SDR, PD\Study SessionlPc SS Agenda Statement.doc Attachment 5 On February 21, 2006, the Community Development Director approved Tentative Parcel Map 8993 to subdivide two properties, one of which is the subject of tonight's Study Session. West Dublin BART Specific Plan The project site is located within the West Dublin BART Specific Plan area, a planning area in the City's downtown. This Specific Plan was adopted by the City of Dublin on December 19, 2000, for the purpose of directing the land use, circulation, infrastructure and development for 71.40 acres of land located in the central portion of Dublin, west of the 1-680 freeway and north of the 1-580 freeway. The West Dublin BART Specific Plan area allows for the development of a range of residential, commercial office, retail, employment and public/quasi-public uses. The West Dublin BART Specific Plan designates the project site as Residential. The Specific Plan land use designation permits a density of 30-58 units per acre. The West Dublin BART Specific Plan contains urban design guidelines and Streetseape Standards (landscape guideines for projects within the Specific Plan Area). ANALYSIS: The Windstar West Dublin BART Condominium project is a high density residential project located in close proximity to the new West Dublin/Pleasanton BART station (see page 2 of Attachment 1). A Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning was adopted by the City Council for the project site in March of 2004 and established the proposed density and maximum number of residential units (Attachment 4). The Stage 1 Development Plan adopted for the site allows a maximum 0' 210 residential dwelling units to be constructed on the site. Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning The Applicant has proposed a PD Planned Development District rezoning for the site. The existing zoning of the property is PD Planned Development Stage 1 Development Plan. Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance establishes the intent, purpose and requirements cfthe Planned Development District. The intent of the Planned Development District is to create a more desirable use of the land, a more coherent and coordinated development, and a better physical environment that would otherwise not be achieved under a single zoning district or combination of zoning districts. A Development Plan is required pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance, which establishes regulations for the use, development, improvement and maintenance of the property within the Planned Development Zoning District. The Zoning Ordinance also requires the adoption of both Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans with the reclassification ofthe property in question to the Planned Development Zoning District. The Applicant is requesting approval of a Stage 2 Development Plan for the specific development of the subject site at this time. The Stage 2 Development Plan/Project Plans for the project can be found in Attachment 1. The proposed Planned Development District Rezoning would implement and be consistent with the West Dublin BART Specific Plan, Stage 1 Development Plan and the Dubhn General Plan by: . Providing a high profile transit-oriented development in the vicinity ofthe West Dublin BART station; 20f9 . Providing a high intensity residential development for hOlseholds desiring a more urban living environment close to a transit station; . Promoting the development of a state-of-the-art transit-Oliented development on properties in close proximity to the West Dublin BART station to create a vital and visually distinctive district, both locally and regionally; . Creating a developmem with an attractive design w1ich IS compatible with approved development in the plan area; . Encouraging the stimulw; of the new BART station to increase economic vitality and overall activity within downtown Dublin; and . Creating a more pedestri:m friendly environment within the West Dublin BART planning area to attract businesses and visitors. The property contains approximately 3.66 gross acres ofland, and with the construction of 21 0 dwelling units, the density of the site will be 57 dwelling units per acre cons] stent with the Stage 1 Development Plan. This density is consistent with the density range of 30 to 5g units per acre permitted under the Specific Plan. The proposed density is also consistent with the General Plan land use designation of High-Density Residential which permits 25.1 + dwelling units per acn:. Site Development Review The following information is a summary ofthe key components ofthe project associated with the Site Development Review. Site Plan The Project is bound by St. Patrick Way to the north, a future hotel ard retail development to the south, an internal roadway and future AMB residential development to the we~,t and Golden Gate Drive to the east. Parking will be constructed on a subterranean parking level and several parking stalls are also proposed to be located adjacent to the internal roadways which will serve the development. The site plan can be found on page 11 of Attachment 1. A conceptual neighborhood plan which shows the relationship of the site to the surrounding neighborhood can be found on page 2 of Attachment 1. At the interior of the project, the buildings will wrap around a small courtyard which will feature a pool, walkways and landscaping. The building will be set back a minimum of 8 feet 10 inches from th~: property line on Golden Gate Drive (page 19 of Attachment 1 shows a cross section of this area) and 10 feet from the property line on St. Patrick Way (page 20 of Attachment: 1). The building will be connected to the sidewalk by stairways and small stoops which lead to the first floor units on all of the building elevations. The building setback from the street and the pedestrian connections to the sidewalk is consistent with the recommended conditions in the Specific Plan. The project site is bordered by intemal roadways on the west (which will serve this project as well as the future AMB project shown on Attachment 2) and the south side of the property. 30f9 Floor/Unit Plans: The Windstar project will have six unit types. The condominiums will vary with respect to size and number of bedrooms (See Table 1 below). a)e : rea own 0 mts )yype No. of Unit size Unit Type Bedrooms No. of Units (net square footal!e) Unit 1 Junior 1 12 616 Sq. Ft. Unit 1 1 125 840 Sq. Ft. Unit 2A 2 46 1,156 Sq. Ft. Unit 2B 2 10 1,260 Sq. Ft. Unit TH Townhome 2 6 1,607 Sq. Ft. Unit 3 3 11 1,350 Sq. Ft. T II 1 B kd fU. b T Typical floor plans for the units can be found on pages 23-24 in Attachment 1. Access to a majority of the units will be from interior corridors. Access to each of the floor;; can be taken from stairways and elevators which are dispersed throughout the project. Access to the frst floor units via small stairways or stoops, which will connect to the sidewalk, have also been provided. Trash enclosures are located on the subterranean parking level (page 10 of Attachment 1) and can be accessed by elevator or via garbage chutes which will be installed throughout the project. The trash and recycling bins will be temporarily relocated outside for pick-up and will be promptly returned to the enclosures following pick-up. Access and Circulation: Motorists can enter the parking garage from the internal roadway on the west side of the project. Reserved parking for residents will be located inside the parking garage. Residents and guests can also utilize open parking spaces on St. Patrick Way ;md on the internal roadways. GLlests can also access reserved guest parking stalls inside the parking garage. Pedestrians can enter the development from several areas. On St. Patrick Way, a grand stairway has been included which provides access to the development. An enclosed lobby on the ground level has been provided for access on Golden Gate Drive and a small stairway has also been provided on the south elevation. From these entrances, a resident or guest can walk to a unit on Level 1 or walk to one of the staircases or elevators. In order to promote the pedestrian vlability of the surrounding streets, the design of the building includes many pedestrian features to promote the use of Golden Gate Drive and St. Patrick Way. Along these streets, a sidewalk and landscaping has been provided to make tbe street a more pedestrian friendly environment as recommended by the West Dublin BART Specific PLlll. Ground floor units with access to the streets on all of the elevations will encourage the use of the sidewalks. These units include an entry and a stoop or small stairway with a porch. Low landscape planters with shrubs and flowering plants are provided along the sidewalks next to the buildings. A double row of trees will be planted on St. Patrick Way and Golden Gate Drive. The low walls provide visual interest and the trees will provide shade for pedestrians walking in the area. A combination of lower architectural elements and attractive landscaping will promote a pedestrian friendly environment. 40f9 Parking: Section 8.76.080.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires one parking stall for every one bedroom unit, two parking stalls for every two bedroom unit and one guest parking stall for every two dwelling units. The following table shows the required number of parking stalls for rhe residential development based on the number of units and the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance Please also refer to Table 1 which provides a breakdown ofthe units by type. Table : Required ParklDl! StaHs Unit Type Zoni ng Ordinance No. of Units Required Requirement One Bedroom 1 stall per unit 137 137 Two Bedroom 2 stalls per unit 62 124 Three Bedroom 2 stalls per unit 11 22 Guest Parking 1 stall for every 2 units 210 (total number of 105 unit~) Total Stalls Required 388 2 As shown in Table 2 above, a total of 388 parking stalls are required to be provided on the project site by the Zoning Ordinance. The following table shows the number of parking stalls proposed for this residential development. a Ie 3: Proposed ParklDl! Stall Type Required No. of Proposed No. of Difference Stalls Stalls Private 283 262 -21 Guest 105 95 -10 Total 388 357 -31 Tb A total of 357 parking stalls will be provided for the residential development. A total of 43 parking stalls will be provided on the site on the internal roadways (off-street parking stalls) and 314 stalls will be located in the subterranean parking level. As shown in Table 3, the proposed number of parking stalls are 31 stalls less than what is required by the Zoning Ordinance. The Applicant has requested a 10% parking exception as allowed by Section 8.76.050.D of the Zoning Ordinance. Approval of the exception would reduce the required number of parking stalls to 349 (or a reduction 0'39 parking stalls). The Applicant is requesting that the number of required parking stalls be reduced to 357 (or a reduction of 8%). The project will have several types of parking stalls. The parking stalls will include comp'act and regular sized parking stalls and ADA accessible parking stalls. Tanderr parking stalls are also dispersed throughout the garage (86 total tandem stalls) and will be used for 50me of the two and three bedroom units. Tandem parking stalls are consistent with similar development~; and these stalls have been provided in high density transit oriented developments in the Transit Center. In conjunction with new projects in the Specific Plan area, the neighborhood will include sidewalks and pedestrian elements to create a walkable neighborhood. The West Dublin BART Station (construction is anticipated to begin this calendar year) will be located approximately 250 feet from this development. Additionally, the AMB development (adjacent to this property) will include office space and there are several office buildings located in the vicinity which may provide jobs for residents of this project. Several retail centers are also located in the area. The shopping center with Ross and Orchard Supply Hardware is located across St. Patrick Way (approximately 136 feet) and the Dublin Towne Center which 50f9 has retail shops and restaurants is located less than .25 miles away. A WHEELS bus stop is also located in close proximity to the site near the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Golden Gate Drive. Due to the nature of this development and the close proximity to BART and office and retail uses it is likely that parking demand will be lower than what is typically found in remote residential developments. Additionally, a parking reduction was approved for the AMB p~oject and parking reductions were approved for the approved residential developments that comprise the Transit Center adjacent to the existing Dublin/Pleasanton Station based on the information regarding parking demand for transit oriented developments which was included in the Transit Center EIR. In this case, based on site conditions, proximity of services and previous studies, Staff recommends that the parking reduction of 8% be granted. Architecture The architectural concept for the project is a modern, urban tram it-oriented character with industrial influences to reflect the historical industrial use of the neighborhood. The proposed architectural design will complement the style of the modern urban buildings and landscaping which eventually will be constructed in the Specific Plan area. The massing, form and setbacks of the building are compatible wib massing, form and setbacks of the residential portion of the AMB project (Attachment 2). Additionally, the building colors, roof type and window types are compatible with the design of the adjacent AMB residential project. Building colors and materials can be found on page 21 and 22 in Attachment 2. The buildings will have a combination of brick and stucco materials on the building walls to replicate the materials commonly found on industrial buildings. The two building materials will break up the massing of the buildings and will promote visual interest by staggering the use of these materials. Additionally, the building will have several colors which will be painted on the stucco portion of the project. These colors will be used to provide additional interest on the elevations. Each building elevation will featun: several forms which gives the building the appearance that it was formed by several industrial buildings or a project which is the redeyelopment of a former industrial site. This detail promotes architectural interest on each of the sides of the building by creating a building with a variety of details. Additionally, the design breaks up the massing of the building by creating several sections which vary in width and height. The roof on the building will be flat and will feature two different types of eaves. Details on the three different eave types are provided on page 22 of Attachment 1. While the City typically strives to limit the use of flat roofs, in this case, the flat roof design is compatible with the industrial character of the building. A pitched roof of this building would be out of character with the rectilinear design of the project and would not be compatible with typical industrial design elements. As designed, the top of the building will not have a flat appearance due to the varying heights of each of the building forms. Two types of eaves will also promote interest of the tope of the building. While Staff likes the concept of Eave 1, Staffhas concerns regarding the placement of this eave. By lowering the eave below the top of the roof, the top of the roof is unarticulated. In this case, Staff recommends that this eave be raised so that it is located at the top of the roof. The windows on the project will have reveals and will be recessed from the building wall by 3 inches (see window details on page 22 of Attachment 1). By recessing the windows, shadows will be cast around the windows which will give more definition to the building. Additionally, by creating shadow lines throughout the proj ect, the building will have more visual interest. The use of reveals on the windows is also consistent with older industrial building and will provide a unique element on the elevations. 60f9 On St. Patrick Way, a visible break between the left and right side of the elevation is visible. This break has been provided for access into the site and the left and right sidc are connected by a brick overhang. The left and right side vary with respect to the overall design; howev'~r, the buildings have complimentary forms and materials. Rectilinear fonns and metal awnings have been provided throughout the elevations which relate to typical industrial buildings. Porches and balconies art: provided throughout this elevation. On Golden Gate Drive, the building extends from one side to the cther without a break. This elevation features several distinct forms and appears as though it is made up of several buildings. On the right side of the elevation, the first floor units can be accessed via a short stairway which will lead up to a small patio and an entrance to the units. Balconies and small porches have also been provided on this elevation. The site layout and architectural design of this project is consistent with the urban lifestyle and character of mixed uses planned for in the West Dublin BART Specific Plan area. The proposed design of the building will be a unique addition to the City and will be compatible with the historic industrial uses of the Specific Plan area. Landscaping: A conceptual landscape plan can be found on page 8 of Attachment 1. Street trees will be provided along St. Patrick Way and Golden Gate Drive which are consistent with the City's Streetscape Master Plan. Accent trees will also be planted at the back of sidewalk (where the sidewalk and property meet). Shrubs and flowering plants will be planted in low planters on all elevations which will provide an attractive pedestrian element. A trellis with vines will be constructed above the first floor on the St. Patrick Way and Golden Gate Drive elevations. This trellis will provide an interesting element on the building and the landscape material provides an interesting contrast between the rectilinear form of the building and the undefined form of the greenery. The low walls provide visual interest and the trees will provide shade for pedestrians walkmg in the area. A combination of lower architectural elements and attractive landscaping will promote a pedestrian friendly environmenl. A water feature will be constructed on the corner of St. Patrick Way and Dublin Boulevard to provide a unique project gateway feature. Internal landscaping will also be provided near the pool and in the courtyards and along the internal roadways. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, Staff has recommended that the project be found exempt from CEQA pursuant to Government Code section 65457 which exempts residential projects that are consistent with a specific plan when environmental review of the plan has been adopted from further environmental review. Additionally, the Project is within the scope of the Negative Declaration for the Downtown Specific Plans (which includes the West Dublin BART Specific Plan area) and the Addendum to the Negative Declaration approved by the City Council on March 2, 2004. CONCLUSION: The Applicant is requesting approval of a 210-condominium proje:;t which falls within the number of units permitted by the Stage 1 Development Plan and the West Dublin BART Specific Plan. The 70f9 residential project is a high intensity transit oriented development which will take advantage of the future West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station and the proximity of sl~rvices in the area. The proposed development will have a modern design with industrial influences which will be attractive, will promote a pedestrian friendly environment and will be compatible with approved and future development in the area. The site layout and design ofthe development is compatible with the West Dublin BART Specific Plan. Staff is asking for feedback from the Planning Commission on the following: . Is the proposed request for art 8% parking reduction appropriate for the project? . Is the design of Eave 1 compatible with the design of the building? RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission provide Staff and the Applicant with direction/comments on the proposed Windstar residential development and provide feedback to Staff on the questions in the above section. 80f9 GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT: Windstar Communities 11149 North Torrey Pinc:s #250 La Jolla, CA 92037 PROPERTY OWNER: Same LOCATION: 6600 Golden Gate Drive ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER: 941-1500-046 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: High-Density Residential SPECIFIC PLAN AREA: West Dublin BART EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant SURROUNDING USES: Location Zoning General Plan Land Use Current Use of Property Site PD (Planned High-Density Vacant Development) Residential North PD (Planned Retail/Office Shopping Center Development) South PD (Planned Retail/Office Vacant Development) East PD (Planned Retail/Office Industrial and Development) Automotive Repairs West PD (Plamled Mixed Use R VX International Development) Warehouse (AMB project approved on this site) 90f9