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HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 06-00 Rezone Dub RanchORDINANCE NO. 6 - 00 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF 1-580, EAST OF TASSAJARA ROAD AND WEST OF CURRENT AND FUTURE FALLON ROAD (APN 985-0005-001 AND 002) TO A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT AND ADOPTING DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR DUBLIN RANCH AREA F (PA 98-068), AREA G (PA 98-069) AND AREA H (PA-98-070) WHEREAS, Martin Inderbi;tzen, representing the property owner Jennifer Lin et. al, has requested approval of a General Plan Amendment, an Amendment of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to revise portions of the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Diagrams and Text to allow the relocation of various land uses and acreages within Areas F, G and H of Dublin Ranch and has requested approval of a Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone/Development Plan for Areas F and H and a Stage 1 and 2 Planned Development Rezone/Development Plan for Area G to define land use designations and standards as shown in the Development Plans (attached as C-2, and C-3) on land generally located north ofi-580, east of Tassajara Road and west of current and future Fallon Road (APN 985-0005-001 and 002); and WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted a complete application for a Planned Development Rezone, including individual Development Plans (Exhibits A-1 & A-2, B-1 & B-2 and C-1 & C-2) for Area F, Area G and Area H of Dublin Ranch as required by Chapter 8.32 of Title 8 of the Dublin Municipal Code which meets the requirements of said Chapter; and WHEREAS, the site will be rezoned from "Planned Development "(PA 94-030) to ''Planned Development"; and WHEREAS, the potential environmental effects of the proposed project have been previously addressed in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EIR (SCH No. 91-103064); and WHEREAS, individual Initial Studies have been prepared for each of the three Dublin Ranch Areas (Area F - SCH No.99112040, Area G - SCH No.99112041 and Area H - SCH No.99112042) to evaluate site-specific impacts of the project (to a greater level of detail than in the Program EIR) pursuant to CEQA guidelines Section 15168. Based on the three Initial Studies, a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigated Monitoring Program has been prepared for each area with the finding that with the implementation of Mitigation Measures previously adopted for the Program EYR and with site specific Mitigation Measures contained in the Initial Studies as further clarified in the Response to Comments, the potential site-specific impacts of the projects would be reduced to a level of insignificance. The Program EIR and Initial Studies adequately describe the impacts of the project, and there have been no substantial changes or new information that would be outside the scope of the Program EIR; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed public hearing on said applications on December 14, 1999, January 11, 2000 and January 25, 2000, and did adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council approve an individual Planned Development Rezoning and Development Plan for Area F (PA 98-068), Area G (PA 98-069) and Area H (PA 98-070); and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on February 15, March 7, and March 21, 2000; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve the application; and WItEREAS, on March 7, 2000 the City Council approved a related General Plan Amendment and an Amendment to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and adopted Mitigated Negative Declarations and Mitigation Monitoring Programs for Area F (PA 98-068), Area G (PA 98-069) and Area H (PA 98-070) as further clarified in the Response to Comments; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 8.32.070 and 8.120.050 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council makes the following findings: 1. The proposed Planned Development Zoning District Stage 1 Development Plan for Areas F and H and Planned Development Zoning District Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan for Area G meets the intent and purpose of Chapter 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance because it provides comprehensive Development Plans which will create a desirable use of land and an environment that will be sensitive to surrounding land uses by virtue of the layout and design of the site plan. The architectural guidelines and design standards for Area G will create a very exciting, unique and vibrant neighborhood commercial center to serve Eastern Dublin. 2 The Planned Development Rezone will be appropriate for the subject property in terms of setting forth the purpose, applicable provisions of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, range of permitted and conditionally permitted uses and Development Standards, which will be harmonious and compatible with future residential, commercial and public uses in the surrounding area; and 3 The Planned Development rezone Stage 1 (Areas F and H) and Stage l& 2 (Area G), are consistent with the general provisions, intent, and purpose of the PD Zoning District of the Zoning 'Ordinance in that it contains all information required by Section 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance and accomplishes the objectives of Section 8.32.010, A through H, of the Zoning Ordinance; and 3. The Planned Development Rezone Stage 1 (Areas F and H) and Stage l& 2 (Area G), will not have a substantial adverse effect on health or safety or be substantially detrimental to the public welfare or be injurious to property or public improvement, as all applicable regulations will be met; and 4. The Planned Development Rezone Stage 1 (Areas F and H) and Stage l& 2 (Area G), will not overburden public services or facilities as all agencies must-commit to the availability of Public Services prior to the issuance of any building perm/ts as required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Mitigation Measures; and an Assessment District will be formed to construct major infrastructure and utilities within Dublin Ranch; and 5. The Planned Development Rezone Stage 1 (Areas F and H) and Stage l& 2 (Area G), will be consistent with the policies of the Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; and 6. The Planned Development rezone Stage 1 (Areas F and H) and Stage l& 2 (Area G), will create an attractive, efficient and safe environment though development standards contained in the Development Plan; and 7. The Planned Development Rezone Stage 1 (Areas F and H) and Stage 1 & 2 (Area G), will benefit the public necessity, donvenience and general welfare; and 8. The Planned Development Rezone Stage 1 (Areas F and H) and Stage l& 2 (Area G), will be compatible with and enhance the general development of the area because it will be developed pursuant to a comprehensive Development Plan; and 9. The adopted Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Mitigation Monitoring Program and the additional site specific mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study (Exhibit A of Attachment 1) to StaffReport for Area F (PA 98-068), Area G (PA 98-069 and Area H (PA 98-070)) as further clarified in the Response to Comments (Exhibit B of Attachment 1) will apply to the Project, as the reporting and monitoring program required by Public Resources Code 21081.6 for the Project WltEREAS, the City Council did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, TItEREFORE, the Dublin City Council does ordain as follows: Section 1: Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code the City of Dublin Zoning Map is amended to rezone the following property ("the Property") to a Planned Development Zoning District: Approximately 304 acres of land know as Areas F, G and H of Dublin Ranch on land generally located north of 1-580, east of Tassajara Road and south of current and future Fallon Road, more specifically described as Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 985-0005-001 and 002. A map of the rezoning area is shown below: CiTY LIMIT LINE 1-580 DUBLIN BOULEVARD 1-580 8 . SlECHON 2 The regulatIOns of the use, development, Improvement, and mamtenance of the Property are set forth III the Development Plans for Areas F, G and H (Exhibits A-I & A-2. B-1 & B-2 and C-l & C-2 hereto) whIch are hereby approved Any amendments to the Development Plans shall be m accordance With section 832080 of the Dublm MUfilclpal Code or Its successors SECTION 3 Except as provIded m the Development Plans, the use, development, Improvement and mamtenance of the Property shall be governed by the provIsIOns of the DublIn Zonmg Ordmance SECTION 41 The City Clerk ofthe City ofDubhn shall cause thiS Ordmance to be posted In at least three (3) publIc places In the City of Dublm In accordance With Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of Califorma SECTD.ON 5 ThiS ordmance shall take effect and be enforced thirty (30) days from and after ItS passage Before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after Its passage, It shall be published once, with the names of the Counctlmembers votmg for and agamst same, III local newspaper published III Alameda County and aVaIlable m the City of DublIn PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the CIty Councd of the City ofDubhn, on thiS 21st day of March, 2000, by the followmg votes AYES Councdmember.. Howard, McCormu,k, Lockhart and Mayor Houston NOlES None ABSENT Louncllmember Z,ka ABSTAIN None M!!o~ K2/G/3-21-00/ord~dubhnranch2 doc (Item 6 I) g \P A 98 068\roord I do(.. 4 DEVELOPMENT PLAN - AREA F () ThIS IS a Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8 32 of the DublIn Zonmg Ordmance for DublIn Ranch' Area F' P A 98-068, located east of TassaJara Road, north of future Central Park"" ay and Area G and south of DublIn Ranch Phase 1, (APN 985-0005-01 a portIon) This Development Plan meets all of the requirements for Stage 1 review of the project Tlus Development Plan mc1udes the SIte, CIrculatIon and Other Plans, exhIbIts, DeSIgn GUldelmes and wntten statements contamed m a document dated receIved November 19, 1999, labeled ExhIbIt A-2 of Attachment 3 to the Ordmance approvmg thIs Development Plan (Czty Counczl Ordznance No - 00) and on file 10 the Plannmg Department The Planned Development DIStrIct allows the flehlbIlIty needed to encourage mnovatIve development willIe ensunng that the goals, pobcIes, and actIOn programs of the General Plan, Eastern Dublm SpecIfic Plan, and proVISIOns of SectIOn 8 32 of the Zorung Ord1Oance are satIsfied 1 Zomng PD Planned Development Zomng DIStrIct Stage I Tlus IS a rrnhed-use Zonmg DIStrIct that provIdes for reSIdentIal, parls, open space, schools and pubbc/serrn-publIc uses (General / SpecIfic Plan land use deSIgnatIons are as follows Smgle-Farrnly ReSIdentIal Mewurn DenSIty ReSIdentIal, MIddle and Elementary School, NeIghborhood Square and Park, PublIc and SemI-Pubbc (Govemmental/InstItutIOnal), Open Space) 2 Permitted and Conditional Uses co PD-Smgle-Famdy ReSidential 1) Permitted Uses The follow1Og are uses permItted for thIs PD/R-1 (planned Development Smgle-FamIly ReSIdentIal zonmg listrIct) Accessory structures and uses m accordance WIth SectIOn 8 40 030 of the Dubl10 Zonmg Ordmance Comrnuruty care facllIty/small (perrrntted If reqUITed by law, otherWIse as COndITIOnal use) Home occupatIon m accordance WIth Chapter 864 of the Dubl10 Zorung Ordmance PrIvate recreatIOn faCIlIty (for homeowners' asSOCIatIon and/or tenant use only) Smgle famIly dwellIng Small famIly day care home o 2) ConditIOnal Usesw Ambulance servIce (PC) Bed and breakfast mn (PC) Day care center (PC) Large famlly day care home (PC) Parl10g lot - reSIdentIal (ZA) RelIgIOUS faCIlIty (PC) School/pnvate (PC) Second urnt m accordance v.'1th Dublm Zonmg Ordmance (ZA) * Key/DecIsIOn Maler AuthOrIty ZA Zonmg AdrnmIstrator, PC Planmng CornrrnSSIOn EXHIBIT A-I OF ATTACHMENT 3 3) Temporary Uses Temporary constructIOn traIler Tract and sales office/model home complex . PD MedIUm Density Residential 1) Permitted Uses The followmg are uses perrrntted for tlns PD/R-I (planned Development MedIUm DensIty ResIdentIal zonmg wstnct) Accessory structures and uses 10 accordance V\'1th SectIon 8 40 030 of the Dublm Zomng Ordmance Commumty care facIlIty/small (permItted If reqUITed by law, otherWIse as conwtIOnal use) Home occupatIOns (per Chapter 8 64 of the DublIn Zonmg Ordmance) MultI-famIly dwell10g Pnvate recreatIon facIlIty (for homeowners' asSOCIatIon and/or tenants use onl) ) Smgle famIly dwellmg Small famIly day care home 2) ConditIOnal Uses* Bed and brealiast mn (PC) Boardmg house (ZA) Day care center (PC) Large famIly day care home (PC) Parlmg lot - reSIdentIal (ZA) RelIgIOUS faCIlIty (PC) School/pnvate (PC) Commumty Center (PC) 3) Temporary Uses Temporary constructIOn traIler Tract and sales office/model home complex ~ PD-Pubhc/Seml-PublIc 1) Permitted Uses The folloV\'1ng are uses perrrntted for thIs PD/P-SP (planned Development PublIc/SemI-PublIc zOillng listnct) PublIc, serm-publIc, and mstltutIOnal uses, mcludmg, but not 1umted to F Ire statIOn LIbrary Other govemmental and quasI-govemmental offices as deterrrnned by the Commuruty Development DIrector PolIce statIOn Post office Commumty center RelIgIOUS FaCIlIty 2) ConditIOnal Uses'" Schools/pnvate (PC) Day Care Center (PC) * Key/DecIsIon Maker AuthOrIty ZA Zomng AdrnImstrator, PC Plannmg CornrrnssIOn ~ 2 C{) PD-Open Space 1) Permitted Uses The folloWIng are uses permItted for thIS PD-OS (Planned Development Open Space zOlling dIStrIct) PermItted Uses, 1Oclud1Og, but not lImIted to RecreatIOn facllIty- paSSIve Those uses allowed by the U S Army Corps of Engmeers under SectIon 404 and by the Department ofFIsh and Game pursuant to 1603 agreements TraIls and mamtenance roads PD-Parks 1) Permitted Uses The follow1Og uses are permItted for thIs PD (Planned Development zOlling dIStrIct) NeIghborhood Park NeIghborhood Square PD-Schools 1) Permitted Uses The followmg uses are permItted for thIs PD (Planned Development ZOnIng dIstnct) MIddle School Elementary School () 3 DublIn Zomng Ordmance - ApplIcable ReqUIrements Except as specIfically modIfied by the proVIsIOns of thIS PD DIStrIct Rezone/Development Plan, all applIcable general reqUIrements and procedures of the DublIn Zomng Ord1Oance shall be applIed to the land uses deSIgnated m tlns PD DIStrIct Rezone 4 Site Plan See attached Stage 1 SIte plan, contamed m ExhIbIt A-2 of Attachment 3 Development Plan Area F ThIS Development Plan applIes to one Smgle-FamIly reSIdentIal parcel, SIX MedIum DenSIty ReSIdentIal parcels, two PublIc/SemI-PublIc parcels, two school SItes, two parks and open space encompassmg 146 5 acres shown on thIS plan ArIy modIficatIOns to the project shall be substantIally conSIstent WIth these plans and of equal or supenor deSIgn qualIty 5 DenSity The denSIty of the proposed development IS as follows, as shown on the Stage 1 SIte Plan (ExlnbIt A-2 of Attachment 3, Development Plan Area F) Smgle-FamIly ReSidential (L) 22 7 Ac 91 umts MedIUm DenSity ReSidential (Ml) 15 3 Ac 153 umts ({) MedIUm DenSity ReSidential (M2) 11 5 Ac 115 umts MedIUm DenSity ReSidential (M3) 13 2 Ac 132 umts 3 MedIUm Density Residential (M4) 10 6 Ac 106 umts . MedIUm Density Residential (M5) 16 4 Ac 164 umts MedIUm Density Residential (M6) 19Ac 19 umts PublIc/ Semi-PublIc (east side Delaney) 19Ac 25 FAR PublIc/ Semi-PublIc (west side .Devaney) 20Ac 25 FAR 7 Phasmg Plan Refer to attached phasmg plan mcluded m EAlnblt A-2 of Attachment 3, Development Plan Area F 8 Development Standards 8a Smgle-FamIly ResldentIall)evelopment Standards . TYPE OF UNIT LOW DENSITY LOW DENSITY MEDIUM DENSITY SF DET LOTS SF DET LOTS SF DET LOTS > 6500 SF < 6500 SF 1 61-140 DU/AC 2 NeIghborhood Lot >6500 4000 - :::6500 1600 mmlmum SIze, 10 sq ft Garage Setback 20' 18'J 18' or greater or 6' or less3 Front Y d Bldg 15' 10' 5' Setback4 Rear Yd Bldg Setback- 10'8 10'8 5'5 mID 20' 15' NA M10 average/neIghborhood Mmunum useable 15% of lot SIze w/ 15% of lot SIze w/ 200 SF rear yard SIze 15' mm dImensIOn 10'mm dImensIOn w/ 10'm1O dImensIOn M10 SIde Y d Bldg Setback 5' 0' or 5' 0' or 3' or greater Mm SIde Y d Bldg Setback adjacent to common open 10' 10' 10' space, rec areas or parks MmImum SIde Y d Bldg 10' 10' 6'6 Setback (comer) MImmum Bldg SeparatIOn 15' total 10' total 6' (I 4 () f) () Bldg Setback from 10' 10' 10' artenal or collector street mm sIde mm sIde & rear mm sIde & rear yards landscape easement yards Mm garage rear yd setback 4' 4' 0 Mm Street Frontage 35' 35' n/a Max BUIldmg HeIght 35' 35' 38' Max Stones 2 stOrIes 2 stOrIes 3 stones Parkmg Spaces ReqUIred 2 covered + 1 guese 2 covered + 1 guese 2 covered + 1 guese J Lots In planning areas with a minimum lot sIze reqUIrement of less than 6500 s f may occasIOnally exceed the 6500 sf hmlt but are stIll subject to the::: 6500 s f cntena , - Detached or duplex resIdence 3 18 feet or less reqUIres roll up doors 4 Measured from hVlng area or SWing In garages 5 One story elements 6 Except where fence IS used then setbad. IS 10 7 CurbSide parJ...lng may be counted to\\ard number of reqUIred guest spaces Tandem parJ...lng permitted 8 Patto structures ma) project Into rear yard setbacks Such structures must maintain a 5 setbacJ... from all property hnes 8b Multi-Family Residential Development Standards TYPE OF UNIT MEDIUM ATTACHED 61-140 DU/AC Lot SIze m sq ft N/A Bldg Setback from Artenal Street 10' Landscape Buffer Mm SIde Y d Bldg Setback adjacent to 10' comrnon open space, rec areas or parks Bldg Setback from ROW on a PublIc Street 10' Bldg Setback from an exterIor proJect 10' Property Lme not on a PublIc ROW HabItable Bldg Setback from a Pnvate Street 10' 2 or Comrnon Dnveway DrIveway Length or Garage Setback from 3 - 6' Common Dnveway or PrIvate Street or 18' or greater I Pnvate Open Space ground floor umts 150 sf mm w/ 10' mm dImensIOn3 upper floor uruts 50 s f deck w/ 5' m10 dlmensIOn4 Mlmmum BUIldmg SeparatIOn 10' Max BUIldmg HeIght 38' Max Stones 3 stOrIes Parkmg Spaces ReqUIred 2 covered spaces5 1 Upper story hVlng area over garages may encroach up to 2 Into driveway length or garage setback 2 Measured from hVlng area or sWing In garage 5 3 1<;0 S f ma} be In side yard 4 ASSisted care umts may be exempt from deck reqUirement 5 These requirements ma) be modtfied for semor housmg \\ here It can be demonstrated that fewer spaces are sufficIent Curbside pari-mg around pen meter of project ma) be counted to\\ard number of reqUIred guest spaces Tandem pari-lOg permitted . 8c Additional Residential Standards Setbacks Front yard setbacks for detached resIdences should vary for VISUal mterest - a 2' offset for adJacent bUIldmgs IS deSIred Residential Massmg Smgle story homes or elements are encouraged at comers to break up rows of 2 story resIdences Encroachments The followmg encroachments may proJect up to 2' mto yard setbacks (all non-fire rated encroachments must be at least 3 feet from property lmes), eaves, archItectural proJectIOns, fireplaces, log storage, entertamment nIches, balcorues, bay WIndows, WIndow seats second floor overhangs, decks, porches and aIr condItIOnIng eqUIpment ReSidential SItmg ConsideratIOns Slope condItIons m Area F should be addressed by creat10g a senes ofterraces generally steppmg . down from north to south At locatIOns between products or at 10tenm po1Ots WIthIn larger parcels, slope shall address any excess slope The mtent IS to provIde a reasonable number of terraces rather than creatmg large level pads House SIting Considerations ~ Sltmg Criteria One Important goal of these standards IS to create a functIOnal street scene possessmg visual vanety Plottmg and deSIgn cntena are 10tended to proVIde thIS varIety m appearance as well as a sense of mdlvIdualIty for each home ProJects where nearly IdentIcal bUIldmgs lIne streets WIthout vanatIOn 10 placement and archItectural form are dIscouraged ThIS, and the followmg sectIOn lIsts plottmg and massmg techmques wlnch wIll aId m the creatIOn of a successful street scene Wlule It IS not necessary that every method be utIlIzed, selectIve and approprIate use WIll greatly contrIbute to achIevmg the deSIred results Treatment of Corner Conditions The treatment of corner lots IS key to Imtlat10g a successful SIte plan Uruts occupymg comer lots on publIc streets should be selected and placed so that o The dnveway and garage IS placed agamst the mterIor SIde yard o A clear lIne of SIte across the comer IS maxIrmzed o The wall adjacent to the ehtenor SIde yard IS as short as pOSSIble o The extenor SIde and front yard setbacks are maxImIzed . Plottmg on Cross Slope Conditions When plottmg where the elevatIOn dIfference between lots IS greater than 3 feet, the urnts should 6 (() () tJ be placed so that the dnveway IS on the mgh sIde of the lot Plottmg on Lots at the Bottom of a Slope \\Then plottmg and desIgrung the home, maAlmlZe the rear yard depth and consIder steppmg back the rear elevatIOns second story to aVOId a "canyon-hke" rear yard Varymg Setbacks and Profiles A vaned bUIld10g setback IS necessary along the street frontage StrIct complIance to the mIDlmUID garage setback may contrIbute to a repetItIous and monotonous appearance along the street \\There garages are adJacent to one another along 1Otenor lot lInes, a 2' mIrumum dIfference 10 setbacks IS deSIred WIth the exceptIOn of zero lot hne products and lots along substantIal street slopes, plans should be reversed and plotted so that garages and entrIes are adjacent to each other ThIS creates an undulatmg sense of setback OccaSIOnally thIS pattern should be broken so that It WIll not become overly repetItIouS nor reflected by the unItS dIrectly across the street impact of Garage on the Street Scene The home and the yard, rather than the garage, should be the pnmary emphasIs of the elevatIon as seen from the street DeSIgn techmques to reduce the emphasIs on the garage should 10clude the follow1Og o Sett10g back the garage m relatIOnshIp to the front of the house o The garage should be mcorporated WIth the archItecture of the house The deSIgn treatment should stnve to reduce the overall VISUal mass ofthe garage o Arclntectural forms should de-emphasIze the garage by hIghlIghtmg other parts of the house o POSSIble optIOns mclude tandem garages, detached garages and garages located on the rear of the lot The use of swmg-m dnveways and garages on lots at least 55 feet In WIdth WIll break the contmuous VIew of garage doors along the street 8d Pubhc/Seml-PublIc Development Standards These standards shall be submItted WIth the Stage 2 Planned Development (PD) / Development Plan ApplIcatIOn 9 DeSign Concepts and Themes Refer to attached CommunIty Landscape DeSIgn GUIdel10es (pages II-I to II-lO) contamed 10 ExhIbIt A-2 of Attachment 3, Development Plan Area F 10 Master Neighborhood Landscapmg Plan ExhIbIt A-2 of Attachment 3, Area F contams SIte and clfculatIOn plans showmg par1.s and pedestrIan CIrculatIOn The Commuruty Landscape DeSIgn GUIdelInes referenced m #9 above IdentIfies SUItable plant matenals and landscapmg concept for Area F These GUldelmes satIsfy the reqUIrements of SectIOn 8 32 040 A 5 of the ZODlng Ordmance A PrelImInary 7 Landscapmg Plan shall be submItted WIth the Stage 2 Planned Development ReZOnIng ApplIcatIon for the Stage I PD area, to mclude publIc streets, entry statements and perImeter sIte landscapmg areas 11 IncluslOoary Zomng Ordmance In accordance WIth the InclusIOnary Zomng Ord1Oance the developer shall be reqUIred to pay IncluslOnary Housmg In-LIeu Fee m the amounts and at the tImes set forth m CIty of Dublm ResolutIOn No 57-97, adopted by the CIty CouncIl on May 20, 1997, or 10 the amounts and at the tImes set forth m any resolutIOn reVISIng the amount of the InclusIOnary Hous1Og In-LIeu Fee 12 School Mitigation Fee The developer shall mItIgate the Impacts of the development on the school facIlItIes of the Dubl10 Umfied School DIstrIct 10 accordance WIth the School MItIgatIOn Agreement, dated October 1997 The mItIgatlOn agreement establIshes the level of mItIgatIOn necessary, the amount of school Impact fees, the tIme of payment of such fees and the requIred dedIcatIOn of property for use as school SItes \ \pa#\980068\devplan 8 . . . (() Area JF; Devello}PlmelIllt JPMSlIll Includmg the foHowmg 1) Site InformatnOlIn 2) Project Descrnptnon 3) Reduced! Drawmgs 4) Desngn Stallldards co () EXlnlblt A-2 of A'fTACHM.:ENT 3 (f) av OH N 011 V .!I aVOH \ OHHVHJ 13 \ E--< U ~~ "'"'":l E--< o en 1--- 0:: t ~~ I aVOH VHvr SV.L ~ 0 0 z 0:: ::i < < 0 > E-< 0:: ~ i ~ (f) Q) ::i Z ::::> Z ~\ Q) >- Z 0 0 !:: en o:l 3AIHG 0 @ ~\~ < '7:'~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ '7:' c:o t-' ::3 Z o;:j ~ o:l o ~ ~ ::::> ce::r: c..) 0 0 0 U) ~ c..) Q CO ~ ~ L() ce::r: o ..0 ~ ~ c..) %. I ~ ~ - aVOH ~ <:C ~ 2 aHVAdOH O-t ~ ~ c..) aVOH A.LH3HDOOa ~ rn ~ E--t Z l===9 Z l===9 - U l===9 > ~ ~ ~ .... 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'J1 ~ o i:d ~ ~ Z ~ u 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... > \li; G CY' f "' G Dublm Ranch Area F December 11. 1998 · RevIsed Julv. /999 PrOject Description for DUBLIN RANCH AREA F Planned Development District and Stage 1 Development Plan (P A 98-068) IntroductIOn DublIn Ranch IS located wIthm the Eastern DublIn SpecIfIC Plan Ared and compnses 1,311' acres The portlOn of Dubhn Ranch that has been annexed to the City of Dublm conSIsts of 1,111 acres The 1,311 acre annexatIOn area was pre-zoned III conformIty wIth the SpeCIfIc Plan land use deslgnatIOns under P A 94-030, therefore, thIS Development Plan for Area F wIll also serve as an amendment for a mmor modIfIcatiOn to that pre- zonmg Refer to the Proposed Development Plan sectIon m thIS document for further detaIls concernmg mod1flcdtIons Area F of Dublm Rdnch, herem after cdlled the ProJect Area, IS approXImately 147 dcres m SIze and IS bordered by Dublm Ranch Area E and Phase 1 on the north, DublIn Ranch Area B on the east, Central Parkway on the south and Dublm Ranch Area E and property of the DublIn Land Company to the west Area F has been decreased ]0 su:e from approxImately 157 acres to approxImately 147 acres due pnmanly to the fmal alIgnmcnt of Central Parkway from thdt Illustrated In the SpeCIfIc Plan Because of thIS reductlOn III Area F, Area G has mcreased III SIze a lIke amount The PD Development Plan for Area F proposes a project WIth Low DenSIty and MedIUm DenSIty ReSIdential land uses, a lTIlddle school, elementary school, neIghborhood park, nC1ghborhood square, open space/stream comdor and SItes for pubhc/selTIl-pubhc uses A General Plan/East DublIn SpeCIfIC Plan Amendment applIcahon for mInor modIfIcatIOns l~ bemg processed concurrently WIth thIS applIcation Area F (P A 98-068) IS a Stage 1 Development Plan as defmed by SectIOn 8 32 030(A) of the Dublm Zonmg Ordmance ThIS submIttal mcludes a IIst10g of permItted and condItionally permItted land uses, development standards data on SIte area proposed denSItIes, maXImum number of dwellIng UnIts, a phasmg plan, and textual mformatIOn suffICIent to establIsh conSIstency WIth the General Plan and Eastern DublIn SpeCIfIC Plan Dublm Ranch mcludes all of the property m the Eastern Dublm SpeCific Plan area f>hown as bemg owned by Chang Su-O Lm and Paa Yeh Lm excludmg Phase I that IS currently under development Area G IS that portIOn of Dublin Ranch between Central Parkway and Dublin Boulevard the area to which some Area F land uses are proposed to be relocated ThiS Development Plan (Area F)ls belOg submitted concurrently with a Development Plan for Area G (P A 98 069) and General Plan/SpeCific Plan Amendments for Areas F and G (pA 98 068 and PA 98 069) The reasons for the relocatIOn of the Village Center and Its reduction m size are descnbed In P A 98-069 Please refer to these documents for further mformatlOn Planned Development DIStrict and Stage 1 Development Plan Project Descrlpllon Page / 0[9 An:. r pd d= nn" doc o @ G Dublm Ranch Area F December 11. 1998 · RevISed Juiv. 1999 EXlstmg Land Use and Site ConditIOns EXIstIng land use wlthm the Project Area IS predommantly agncultural consIstIng of cattle graz10g and dry farnung of graIn and hay crops No resIdences or other structures eXIst WIthIn the ProJect Area AdJOInIng propertIes to the east, south and west currently employ these same uses To the north, Phase I of DublIn Ranch IS bemg developed WIth low and medIUm denSIty reSIdentIal, an elementary school, open space, a park and other recreatIonal amenItIes The ProJect Area IS pnmanly open grassland Only a few trees eXIst on the property, these are generally In the VICInIty of a large stock pond Both of these featUles are located centrally wIthm Area F The eXIstmg topography across the SIte IS vaned WIth the greatest elevatIonal dIfference between the north dnd south project boundanes beIng 13S feet Average slope across thIS portIOn of the sIte IS 5 4 % A few portIOns of the Project Area have slopes of up to fIfteen percent ElevatIons across the Project Area generally nse from south to north Vanous bIologIcal stw:bes have been undertaken WIthIn the Project Area and surroundmg areas by H T Harvey & ASSOCIates relatIve to speCial status plants and WIldlIfe speCIes Please refer to the AppendIX for a detaIled summary of theIr studIes and fmdIngs The only speCIal status plant or anImal speCIes detected on the sIte by the Vdnous surveys are the CalIfornIa tIger salamander (CTS) and the CalIfornia red-legged frog (RLF) The stock pond 10 Area F IS the only area SUItable for bIeedmg red-legged frogs and Cahfol1ua tIger salamanders These speCIes reqUire SIte speCIfIC mItigation measures as reqUIred by the East DublIn SpeCIfic Plan FEIR (FInal ErR, p 172, Response to Comment 20-7) Please refer to the AppendIX to reVIew the SpeCIal Status SpeCIes Survey and mItIgatIOn report for greater detaIl concern1Og CTS and RLF A report prepared by Ted Wmfield & ASsocIdtes, proVIdIng an analYSIS of the SIte's areas that are subject to Corps of EngIneers' JunsdIctIOn, was formally submItted to the USACE on May 20, 1999 ThIS report was prepared WIth the fIeld reVIew and mput of Corps' representatives and IS expected to be venf1ed In wnt10g by the Corps shortly Maps and acreage estImates contamed m the draft report are conSIdered to be prehmmary until the Corps has offiCially venfIed the JunsdIctIOoal delIneatIOn Proposed fIll m the proJect area WIll requlfe a Corps of Engmeers permIt It IS anticIpated that the Corps permIt for Area F wIll be part of a larger penruttIng effort that WIll mclude all of the remammg portIOns of DublIn Ranch whIch are encumbered WIth areas of Corps' JunsmctIon Holman & ASSOCIates ArchaeologIcal Consultants conducted a focused surface mspectIOn of a preVIOusly recorded archaeologIcal resource IdentIfIed In the FEIR on a portIOn of the ProJect Area on May 20, 1999 Based on theIr fmdmgs, It IS concluded that future development WIll not Impact potentially slgmfIcant archaeologIcal matenals and no further testmg or archaeologIcal momtonng of future development IS warranted Refer to theIr study on file at the CIty of Dublm for greater detaIl Planned Development DIStrict and Stage 1 Development Plan Project DeSCriptIOn 0 Page 2019 MO F pd de", fUllll doc C9 G c:J Dublm Ranch Area F 0 December 11. 1998 RevIsed July. 1999 A Phase 1 and 2 sIte assessment of the ProJect Area has been conducted by Berlogar Geotechmcal Consultants to determ10e the presence of anyon-SIte hazardous waste and substance SItes The find10gs of thIS study 10dIcated that no problem SItes were found In addItIOn, an envIronmental records search was conducted by Berlogar to detenmne If the site was Included on a lIst of hazardous wdste and substance areas The results of thIS search 10dIcated that neIther thIS partIcular SIte nor any areas WIthm a two nule radIUS of the center of the SIte are hsted as a hazardous SIte, hazardous matenal generator or transporter, or known to have underground storage tank leaks Refer to the AppendIx to reVIew thIS document 10 greater detaIl Commumty Theme Key elements of the "upscale rural" communIty theme estabhshed for the prevIOUS phases of DublIn Ranch wIll be Incorporated mto thIS ProJect Where appropnate, the contmuatlOn of establIshed landscape and archItectural themes, matendls, forms, and elements WIll proVIde an overall UnIfIed communIty appearance whIle creatmg a claSSIC and lIvable communIty Refer to the Project Development Standards and DesIgn GUIdelInes for further dISCUSSIOn and detaIls Proposed Development Plan The Project Area IS composed of two dIstmct subaredb The subarea north of Gleason Dnve contaInS the mIddle school, stream/open space comdor and the only Low Densay ResIdentIal neIghborhood bemg proposed The mIddle school SIte IS 306 acres m SIze The Low DenSIty ReSIdential neIghborhood IS 227 acres and WIll conta1O detached reSIdences at a denSIty of approxImately 4 du/ac The north-south reSIdentIal collector (Devaney Dnve) and stream/open space comdor separate the nuddle school and thIS reSIdentIal neIghborhood The second subarea, located between Gleason Dnve and Central Parkway, contams fIve MedIUm DenSIty ReSIdentIal neIghborhoods on 68 9 acres of land ThIS acreage mcludes a small portIOn of another MedIum DenSIty area, deSIgnated as the M6 neIghborhood that, due to ItS small SIze and odd confIguratIOn, WIll become part of a slnularly zoned neIghborhood In DublIn Ranch Area B to the east However, thIS fragment wIll be processed as part of thIS ProJect Area Development Plan An elementary school neIghborhood park, neIghborhood square, and two publIc/semI-publIc parcels are also mcluded w1thm thIS subarea WIth the exceptIOn of the pubhc/selTIl-publIc uses, these faCIlItIes are surrounded by MedIUm DenSIty ReSIdentIal neIghborhoods The pubhc/senu-pubhc uses are adjacent to MedIUm DenSIty ReSIdentIal neIghborhoods on two SIdes and front onto pubhc streets on the others The placement of the publ1c/seIlli- publIc uses creates a "gateway" entrance mto Area F whIle also creatmg a termmus to the VIllage Center area to the south MIllor modIficatIOns of the pre-zomng are due mamly to the proposed relocatIon and downs1zmg of the NeIghborhood ComrnercIal portIOn of the area termed "Town Center- ComrnercIal" and ItS adjacent hIgher denSIty res1dentlal neIghborhoods 10 the SpeCIfIC Plan In the SpeCIfIc Plan thiS area IS located along both SIdes of the two lane TranSIt Spme, WhICh separates Area G from Area F, (now Central Parkway and four lanes) WIth Planned Development DIstrict and Slage 1 Development Plan Project DescriptIOn Page 3 of9 Area F pd de", filllll doc @ rYil\ e G Dublm Ranch Area F ~ December 1 I. 1998 · RevIsed July, 1999 HIgh DensIty ResIdential uses Immediately adjacent on the north and south ThIS revIsed cIrCUlatIOn pattern created by an amendment to the CirculatIOn Element of the General Plan and East DublIn SpecIfIC Plan by the CIty of Dubhn IS one of the mam reasons for the relocatIOn and reonentatIOn of the VIllage Center It IS beheved that havmg a commercIal d1stnct frontmg dIrectly onto Central Parkway would mhIbIt traffic flow on that artenal and such a constnctlOn would dIvert traffIC to other thoroughfares, thereby Impactmg traffIc cIrCUlatIOn throughout the entire ProJect Area and adjacent propertIes ThIS traffIc Impact would also affect the acceSSIbIlIty and economIc VIabIhty of busmesses located along Central Parkway In other words, NeIghborhood CommercIal/VIllage Center uses are not an appropnate use on an artenal street MOVing the VIllage Center south and onentmg It between two artenals separates commerCIal users from through-traffIc and WIll result m a more effICIent CIrculatIOn system The concept of the "Town Center " as presented In the SpeCIfIc Plan, IS not bemg changed by thIS applIcatIOn It remams the focus for convemence commerCIal and serVIces for adJacent resIdentIal neIghborhoods and the center for entertamment and specIalty retml uses for the larger Eastern DublIn commumty To mamtam the relatIOnshIp of the VIllage Center to nearby hIgher denSIty reSIdentIal uses, the relocatIOn of the VIllage Center also necessItated moving the HIgh DenSIty and MedIUm-HIgh DenSIty ReSIdentIal deSIgnated areas of the SpeclfIc Plan m Area F (0 locatIOns south of Central Parkway and adJacent to the VIllage Center and replacmg these neIghborhoods WIth the medIUm denSIty neIghborhoods of Area G ThIS permIts the hIgh mtenSIty reSidentIal neIghborhoods to be better sItuated to support a VIable commerCIal d1stnct Hence, whereas the SpeCifIc Plan shows 14 acres of NeIghborhood CommerCial (VIllage Center), 10 acres of Htgh DenSIty ReSIdentIal, and 11 acres of MedIUm-HIgh DenSity ReSIdentIal deSIgnated land north of Central Parkway, thIS Development Plan proposes theIr relocatIOn to Area G and theIr replacement by MedIUm DenSity ReSIdentIal Planned Development District and Stage I Development Plan Prolecl DeSCriptIOn ~ Page 4 of9 Area F pd deS<. r onoI doc Dublin Ranch Area F December l1, 1998 0 RevIsed Juiv. 1999 The proposed Stage 1 Development Plan exhIbit for the ProJect Ared IS based closely on the type, locatIOn and IntensIty of land uses found m the Eastern Dublm SpecIfIc Plan Area F has been decreased In SIze from 1568 acres to 1465 acres due pnmanly to the fmal alIgnment of Central Parkway from that Illustrated In the SpecIfic Plan A companson of acreages allocated to desIgnated land uses wIth the proposed Stage 1 Development Plan and approved SpecIfIc Plan IS as follows G Land Use Proposed PD Stage I Development Plan 22 7 acres 91 du 689 acres 689 du o o o 5 6 acres 2 0 acres 2 8 acres 100 acres 30 6 acres 3 9 acres Low Density ReSIdential (L) MedIum DenSIty ResIdentIal (M) MedIum-HIgh DenSIty ResIdentIal (MH) HJgh DenSIty ReSIdentIal (H) VIllage CommercIal (VC) NeIghborhood Pdrk (NP) NeIghborhood Square (NS) Open Space (OS) Elementary School (ES) MIddle School (MS) PublIc/SemI-PublIc (PSP) Eastern DublIn SpecIfic Plan 23 6 acres 403 acres 11 0 acres 107 acres 14 2 acres ') 6 acres 3 0 acres 3 0 acres 100 dcres 314 acres 4 0 acres 94 du 403 du 220 du 375 du 216,493 sf 1465 acres 780 du 1568 acres 1,092 du 216,493 sf G Accordmg to the SpecIfiC Plan, the Low DensIty ResIdentIal land use deSIgnatIOn allows a range of reSIdentIal densIty from 09 to 60 dwellIng UnIts per acre The MedlUm DenSity range IS 6 1 to 140 dU/dc Based on the mIdpomt of the denSIty ranges, 91 UOlts of Low DenSIty and 689 UnIts of MedIUm DenSIty result For the denSIty range, Area F could accommodate between 20 and 136 homes In the former locatIOn and from 420 to 965 umts m the latter whIle mamtammg confornuty With the SpeCIfiC Plan However, the SpecIfIC Plan hmIts the entIrety of Dublm Ranch to 5,760 UnIts It would take addItIonal envIronmental documentatIOn and a General Plan/SpeCifIc Plan Amendment to exceed that number unless other propertIes w1thm the SpecIfic Plan area buIld out at less than thelf ffild-range densay Therefore, unless such an amendment IS requested WIlh the Area F Stage 2 Development Plan subffilttal, the Stage 2 subffilttal will propose a specIfic maxImum number of umts whIch, when mc1uded WIth the umts shown on the remamder of the Dubhn Ranch property, does not exceed the 5760 una overall hmIt Total The two SItes for Pubhc/Seffil-Pubhc (P/SP) land uses are depIcted as "overlay" uses wlthm the MedIUm Density ReSIdentIal deSIgnatIOn on the Development Plan In keepmg WIth Its prezonIng by PA 94-030 The CIty has not yet definItely comIDltted to locatmg specIfIC land uses on the PublIc/Seffil-Pubhc SItes These SItes are targeted for the northeast and northwest quadrants of the Central Parkway/Devaney Dnve mtersectIOn ModIficatIOns to the SIze, locatIOn, and confIguratIOn of either SIte m Area F from that shown on the PD Development Plan may be made at the SDR stage, as long as a IDlmmum of a half acre net SIzed parcellS mamtamed at eIther sIte o Area F pel de", fmal do< Planned Development DIStrict and Slage 1 Development Plan ProJecl DescriptIOn Page 5 of9 ~ @ ~ ~ Dublin Ranch Area F December I 1. 1998 ReVised Julv. 1999 The applIcant proposes that one of these sites be reserved for the constructIOn of a chIld care facIlIty for a penod of ten years from the date of approval of P A 98-068 If after ten years have passed and no PublIc/SemI-PublIc uses have been approved, It IS proposed that the City consider apphcatIons for MedIUm DensIty ResIdentIal purposes (the underlymg land use zone) or VIllage Center WIthout the need for an amendment to the DublIn General PlanlEast DublIn SpecIfIc Plan or the PD Rezone, as long as the total number of resIdential umts do not exceed 5,760 Both MedIUm DensIty ResIdentIal or VIllage Center uses are proposed because If the surroundmg MedlUm DenSIty ReSIdentIal parcels have already been developed, It wIll hkely be InfeaSIble to proVIde reSidential uses on these two SItes The reasons for thIS are that there WIll be a 15-20' elevatlOn difference between the reSIdentIal and pubhc/sem1-publIc parcels there mayor may not be a street to extend from the adjacent parcels mto these SItes, and the uncertamty Involved m mterestmg a buIlder m a relatIvely small developmcnt SIte The sitIng and deSIgn of these SItes are Important to the concept of provIdmg a gateway entrance to Area r and also as a terrmnus of the Village Center m Area G Refer to the gmdehne sectIOn of thIS applIcatIOn for further detaIl The Development Plan shows a 306 acre mIddle school SIte and a 10 0 acre elementary school SIte The IDlddle school IS shown on the SpecIfIc Plan as a hIgh school SIte but the DublIn UmfIed School DIstnct has detenmned that a hIgh school wIll not be needed m Ea~tern Dublm because suffICIent space eXists at DublIn HIgh School to accommodate antIcIpated growth (refer to appendIx for school dlstnct representatIve's memorandum) It IS the DIstnct's mtent that thIS SIte be developed mItIally as a K-8 cOmbInatIOn school and eventually revert to a mIddle school Conceptual site pl'innIng for the mIddle school SIte IS now proceedmg 10 conJunctIon WIth the Dubhn UmfIed School DIstnct to help determme the confIguratiOn of the parcel whICh would best fIt the DIstnct's needs Please refer to the appendIces for a letter that clanfIes the DIStnCt'S mtentlOn for thIS SIte In regards to the type of school that WIll be proVIded at thIS SIte The elementary school IS located east of the locatIon where thIS faCIlIty IS shown on the SpecIfic Plan so as to proVIde better acceSSIbIlIty from all East DublIn areas Both of these modIfIcatlOns are mInor enough that they are consIdered to be conSIstent WIth the SpecIfIc Plan The "hIgh school" (now mIddle school) SIte has been prezoned PD Smgle FamIly ReSIdentIal, whIle the elementary school has been prezoned PD MedIUm-HIgh Density ReSIdentIal The approval of thIS PD Plan WIll rezone the underlymg zone of the Elementary School from PD MedIUm-HIgh DenSIty ReSIdentIal to PD MedIUm DenSIty ReSIdentIal Although the underlymg zone of the "hIgh school" sIte WIll remaIn the same, the hIgh school use WIll be revIsed to a mIddle school use Any school sIte or It'S deSIgnated acreage deemed by the DublIn UnIfIed School D1stnct CDUSD) to be unnecessary for school purposes m the future may be redeSIgnated accordmg to ItS underlymg zomng and used for s10gle famIly or medIUm denSIty reSIdentIal purposes DUSD has already stated they WIll not reqUIre the full 50 acres deSignated for a "hIgh school", of whIch 30 acres fall w1thm thIS ProJect Area The SIze and locatIon of the future mIddle school WIll be determmed later, however thIS WIll result m non~school lands revertIng to the underlymg land use deSIgnatIOn The development standards for the school lands that revert to reSIdentIal land uses WIll confonn to the development standards proposed wIthm thIS Development Plan RedeslgnatlOn of school SItes can be Planned Development DIStrict and Stage 1 Development Plan Project DeSCf/ptlOn · Page 60f9 Area F pd d= fme.l do< Dublin Ranch Area F · December n. 1998 ReVIsed Julv. 1999 ~ \5!;J done In thIS manner wIthout amendment to thIS PD Rezone or the DublIn General PlanlEast Dubhn SpecIfic Plan as long as the total number of dwellIng umts wIthm the DublIn Ranch property do not exceed the 5,760 umts permItted by the SpecIfIC Pldn The Development Plan proposes a 56 acre neIghborhood park and 20 acres desIgnated as neIghborhood square ThIS IS generally the same as the park acreage shown on the SpecIfIC Plan, however, the latter calls for two 1 5 acre neIghborhood squares rather than the SIngle larger faCIlIty shown on thiS Development Plan ThIS IS not consIdered to be an InCOnsIstency between the two plans as the Intended use of the NeIghborhood Square remaInS the same dnd the Park and RecreatIOn Department prefers larger park fdcIlItIes Smce the neIghborhood park WIll be Integrated WIth the elementary school and users Will have access to the school playfIelds, It WIll, In effect, serve as a larger faCilIty than the typIcal neighborhood park o The neIghborhood park has been prezoned PD MedIUm DenSIty ReSIdentIal and the neIghborhood square SIte has been pre zoned PD HIgh DenSIty ReSIdential WIth the approval of thIS PD Plan, the underlymg zone of the NeIghborhood Square WIll be rezoned from PD HIgh Density ReSIdential to PD MedIUm Density ReSIdential Any park or square relocated or reconfIgured from thIS PD Plan may be redeSIgnated accordIng to ItS underlymg zone and used for dny medIUm denSIty reSIdential purpose SItes can be redeSIgnated In thIS manner Without amendment to thIS PD Rezone or the East Dubhn SpeCIfic Plan/Dublm General Plan as long as the total number of dwellIng umts shown on the remaInder of the Dublin Ranch property do not exceed the 5,760 umts permItted by the SpeCIfIC Plan A stream/open spdce comdor runs along the edstern boundary of the middle school SIte It IS a contwuatIOn of a reconstructed open space comdor that WIll wend ItS way through portIons of Dublm Ranch Phase 1 to the north ThIS feature WIll have to be crossed to proVIde access to the school WIthm Area F, thIS stream/open space comdor IS currently antICIpated to end at Gleason Dove as shown on the SpeCIfIc Plan ThIS comdor wIll contam a 12' WIde multI-use traIl along one SIde and WIll be deSIgned for shared use by pedestnans and bIcyclIsts Therefore, m addItIOn to provIdmg potentIal WIldlIfe habItat, the comdor WIll serve as a linear CIrculatIon route lmkmg reSIdentIal neIghborhoods to the north and east WIth the school and pomts south of Gleason Dnve Although the stream/open space comdor may termlOate at Gleason Dnve, dn open space comdor contamlOg a 12' WIde multI-use traIl WIll contlOue southward towards the VIllage Center ThIS traIl WIll be proVIded on both SIdes of the outer VIllage Center boundanes and extend through the VIllage Center to DubllO Boulevard ThIS WIll prOVIde bIcyclIsts and pedestnans an exclUSIve route of travel through the proJect and contmue the Image of a landscaped open space comdor along Devaney Dnve lP'roJect Access and Circulation ~ \!:Y Central Parkway and Gleason Dnve WIll proVIde east-west access to the Project Area The applicant Will extend both of these artenals Into the ProJect Area UltImately, Central Parkway and Gleason Dnve are proposed to be four lane dIVIded artenals However, It IS antICIpated that full street Improvements wIll not be mcluded as part of the Planned Development DIStrict and Stage I Development Plan Project DescriptIOn. Page 70f9 Area F pd de!>: fln" doc @ 9 \:!!!) o Dublm Ranch Area F December 11. 1998 RevIsed Julv. /999 InItIal mfrastructure to be constructed Instead the center median and one lane 10 each duectIOn wIll be constructed In the nght-of-way of each street Separate from the backbone Improvements, entnes to PrOject Area neIghborhoods wIll be constructed along artenals and resIdentIal collectors and wIll be lInked WIth resIdential collector streets that wIll weave through the SIte Key resIdentIal collectors wIll be deSIgned WIth a wIdened landscaped parkway sectIOn along each sIde of the street SImIlar to that bemg constructed In Dublm Ranch Phase 1 The Project Area will be tIed together m a north-south duectlOn by Class II Collector streets that wIll bIsect and frame thc property The central collector (Devaney Dnve) wIll extend Into DublIn Ranch Phase 1 at the north and south, to DublIn Boulevard The nght of way WIdth of thIS collector IS not constant and IS dependent upon thc land uses bordenng It Streets WIthIn detached residential areas may bc publIc streets based on a slIghtly modIfIed verSIOn of the City of Dubhn's deSIgn standards as approved by the DIrector of Pubhc Works (as was done In DublIn Ranch Phase 1) or may be pnvate streets Street CIrculatIOn systems wIthm neIghborhoods WIll be deSIgned to allow for VISibIlIty and safety, pedestnan connectIOns to adjacent areas, and emergency access In accordance With the DublIn General Plan and East Dubhn SpeCIfIc Plan The Development Plan for the Project Area IS conSIstent WIth the traffic studIes done for the Eastern DublIn General Plan and SpeCifIC Plan, the subsequent City of DublIn's amendment to the CIty s General Plan CuculatIOn Element, and project spcclflC studlc,:> prepared for thIS submIttal Because of the reductIOn In the SIze of thc VIllage Center, as well .:IS relocatIOn of land uses traffIc Impacts projected for thIS Development Plan arc less than those descnbed In the Eastern Dubhn GP A/SP A EIR Ownership and Mamtenance of Open Space and Pedestrl3n Areas A homeowners' assOCJatlOn(s) WIll be created for the reSIdentIal portIOns of the Project Area and a DeclaratIon of Covenants, CondItIOns and RestnctIOns (DeclaratIOn) WIll be prepared and recorded The DeclaratIOn wlll reqUIre the homeowners aSSOCiatIon to own and/or mamtaIn the lands m accordance With the followmg table Element Center Medlan 10 Pubhc Streets Public Parks Stream Comdor Open Space Areas Stream Comdor Tralls Other Trails Tralls along Artenals/Collectors R1gh t -of - way LandscapIng (curb to ROW hne) RIght-of-way Landscapmg (Internal publIc streets) SubdIvIslon Commumty LandscapIng Own CIty Clty HOA EBRPDIHOA EBRPD/HOA Clty City Mamtam Clty City Zone 7-EBRPD* or HOA Zone 7-EBRPD* or ROA EBRPD or HOA Landscapmg only- HOA HOA Clty ROA Po vate HOA * Publlc easement requzred Planned Development DIstrICt and Stage J Development Plan Project Descf/ptlOn 0 Page 8 oJ9 Area F pd de.. ron<>! doc Dublin Ranch Area F December 11. 1998 Revised July, 1999 The DeciMatIOn wIll establIsh easements and other nghts-of-way necessary for the ~ aSSOCIatIOn to fulfill ItS responSIbIlItIes KncluSlonary Zomng Ordmance Dublin's InclusIOnary Zomng OrdInance reqUIres 5% of all housmg to be affordable to those of very low, low and moderate mcomes, or reqUlres the developer to pay an m-heu fee whIch wIll allow the CIty to faCIlItate constructIOn of such hOUSIng It IS mtended that thIS proJect wIll comply wIth the Inclu:;'lOnary Zomng Ordmance reqUIrements by paymg an m-lIeu fee, provIdmg affordable housmg, or dedIcatlOg land for :;,uch use,> Per SectIOn 868070 of the Dublm Zonmg Ordmance, the apphcant will enter Into an affordable hOUSIng agreement wIth the City pnor to the SubdIVISIOn FlOal Map approval of the speCIfIc project The agreement WIll record the exact method and terms of meetIng the mtent of thIS ordInance o Ci:\ I...:Y Planned Development DIStrict and Stage J Development Plan Project DescriptIOn' Page 9 of9 Am> F pd d= r1ll6l doc z <( ....J 0... r- z w ~ 0... 0 ....J ~ ~I ;;: r;:: ~ ::l <8 ~ 2: ~ W ----- g > -< w ~ If"!~"!oooo ~ 0 :i ...._~~22~ 8 CZl j II 111111 1111 II Ii Ii 111111 II ] W (1) II 00 l~~~a~;~g~~~~~ c.J ~ ~ .. 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() () [) Dublm Ranch Area F 0 DesIgn Guldelmes 0 December 11 1998 0 RevISed July 1999 COMM1UNlITY ILANJI}SCAJP>E JI}ESlI<GN EILEMENTS Land plannmg for Area F represents a qUIlt-work of mterconnected patterns An array of land uses, each mterdependent on the other A rmcroenvIronment of mterwoven reSIdential, recreatIOn, and publIc/serm-publIc uses wIthm the Master Planned Communzty of Dublm Ranch Although there may be vanatIons of the establIshed mfrastructure deSIgn that have been defined m proceedmg phases, It IS vanatIon WIth consIstency m context Any proposed addItIonal components bUIld upon the collectIon of elements that formulate the deSIred cohesIve commurnty theme Each phase and land use development must cont1Oue to mclude the homogeneous use of forms and matenals that Impart the dIstmctIve but congruent vIsual Image throughout Dublm Ranch VlEmCUlLAR ClIRC1lJlLA l'J[ON A luerarchy of streets compnses the velucular cIrCUlatIOn system w1tlun and through Dublm Ranch The goal has been to create synergy and ma10tam a partIcular scale, commumty character, and provIde a senes of lOgIcal connectIons Streets, mcludmg pedestrIan walks and bIcycle lanes, proVIde a favorable atmosphere for recreatIOnal purSUItS, alternatIve commuter transportatIon optIons, and effiCIent travel throughout the commurnty Infrastructure deSIgn conSIstency IS executed through a well-prescnbed vocabulary of SIte furruslnngs, streetlIghts, sIgnage, and plant matenal amculatmg artenal, collector, and local reSIdentIal nghts-of-way These elements provIde the conSIstent VISual Image that umfies the commurnty theme and character Artenal Streets Artenal streets define edges of specIfic plannIng areas WIthIn Dublm Ranch They proVIde OpportunIties for several levels and chOIces of travel such as velucular, publIc tranSIt, bIcycles, and walkmg Walkways shall be separated from the street where appropnate to provIde for a safer pedestnan enVIronment Planting shall be deSIgned to define the artenal from adjacent land uses and proVide an mterestmg VIew comdor for both the motonst and pedestrIan /I-1 Commumty Landscape DeSIgn Elements I) f) @) Dublm Ranch Area F 0 DeSign Guldelmes 0 December 11 1998 0 ReVised July 1999 Street DeSign Concept Gleason Dnve wIll ultImately consist of four traffic lanes, a landscaped medIan, and bIcycle/emergency lanes on both sides of the street Each sIde of the street WIll mclude a meandenng separated sIdewalk wItrun a landscaped area An addItIonal publIc servIce/landscape easement extends beyond the nght-of-way lIne on both SIdes of the street A publIc servIce easement (PSE) WIll be proVIded as reqUIred by the CIty and WIll be dedIcated to the publIc per detaIls to be worked out as shown on the TentatIve Map The landscape easement WIll be pnvately mamtamed and owned by the Commumty Homeowners ASSOCIatIon Landscape Treatments Artenal street medIans and parkways shall be predommately planted WIth decIduous street trees m patterns emphaslzmg the hentage of Dublm Flowenng trees shall be used as accents m key locatIons Dnfts of tIered (or layered) shrubs and low growmg groundcover shall be repeated m elongated patterns over large areas for vIewmg at lngher travel speeds IndIgenous or sUItable natIve plants shall be utIlIzed as appropnate Collector Streets To create a more pedestrIan frIendly enVIronment and sense of commUDlty, collector streets shall have an expanded nght-of-way greater than the CIty of Dublm standard Tills mcreased WIdth wIll allow for a WIder landscape parkway and separated multI-use trail along each SIde of the roadway A row of shade trees shall be planted on eIther SIde of the SIdewalk, one WIthm the parkway and one WItlnn the landscape easement beyond the nght-of-way Tills wIll allow the pedestrIan path-of-travel to act as a safe domaIn by VIsually and phYSIcally mImrmzmg the mteractIon of pedestrIan and motonst whIle creatmg a more pedestnan-onented neighborhood comdor A crosswalk should be located on Devaney Dnve between Gleason Dnve and Central Parkway to prOVIde dIrect access from the western neIghborhoods to the elementary school and the neIghborhood park located to the east of Devaney Dnve The placement of thIS crosswalk should take mto conSIderatIon road and school/park site grades, roadway mtersectIons and other safety Issues 1/-2 Commumty Landscape DeSign Elements Dublm Ranch Area F 0 DesIgn Guldelmes 0 December 11 1998 0 RevISed July 1999 (f) Street DesIgn Concept Class II Collector 'A' IS proposed to consIst of two traffic lanes, and a landscaped medIan WIth left turn lanes, and a parkmg lane on both sIdes of the street Each sIde of the street WIll mc1ude a parkway strIp WIth a separated multI-use tr311 (for one-way pedestrIan/bIcycle travel) An adchtIOnal publIc serVIce/landscape easement extends beyond the nght-of-way hne A publIc servIce easement (PSE) WIll be provIded as requued by the CIty and WIll be dedIcated to the publIc per det31ls to be worked out as shown on the Tentahve Map The landscape easement WIll be pnvately mamt31ned and owned by the Comrnuo1ty Homeowners AssocIation A landscaped medIan WIth left turn lanes may not be requued based on the finalIzation of the land use plan and traffic report I) Class II Collector 'B' consIsts of two traffic lanes, a landscaped medIan With left turn lanes, and a parkmg lane on both SIdes of the street Each SIde of the street mcludes a parkway strIp WIth a separated multi-use tr311 (for one-way pedestrIan/bIcyc1e travel) An addItional publIc servIce/landscape easement extends beyond the nght-of-way lme A publIc servIce easement (PSE) Will be provIded as requued by the CIty and WIll be dedIcated to the publIc per detaIls to be worked out as shown on the Tentative Map The landscape easement WIll be pnvately m31ntamed and owned by the Comrnumty Homeowners AssocIatIon A landscaped medIan with left turn lanes may not be requued based on the finalIzation of the land use plan and traffic report Devaney Dnve, from Central Parkway to Gleason Road, consIsts of two traffic lanes, a landscaped medIan With left turn lanes, and parkmg lanes on both SIdes of the street Each SIde of the street mc1udes a parkway stnp With a separated multI-use traIl (one-way pedestnan/bIcycle travel on the east SIde and two-way pedestnan/blcycle travel on the west SIde) Beyond the nght-of-way lme IS an addItional publIc serVIce/landscape easement on both SIdes of the street WIth the exception of where the street IS adjacent to the NeIghborhood Park The nght-of-way at the NeIghborhood Park WIll be located 8' from back of the curb A publIc servIce easement (PSE) Will be provIded as requued by the CIty and wIll be dedIcated to the publIc per det31ls to be worked out at as shown on the Tentative Map The landscape easement WIll be pnvately m31ntamed and owned by the Comrnurnty Homeowners AssocIation A landscaped medIan WIth left turn lanes may not be reqUIred based on the finalIzation of the land use plan and traffic report (() Devaney Dnve, from Gleason Road to the north property lIne, consIsts of two traffic lanes, a landscaped medIan/turn lane, and parkmg lanes on both SIdes of the street A parkway strIp WIth a separated multi-use /1-3 Commumty Landscape DeSIgn Elements CI) () () Dublm Ranch Area F 0 Design Guidelmes 0 December J J J 998 0 Revised July J 999 traIl (one-way pedestrIan/bIcycle travel on the east sIde and two-way pedesman/bIcycle travel on the west sIde) wIll be provIded on both sIdes of the street Beyond the nght-of-way IS an addItional publIc servIce/landscape easement on the east sIde of the street A publIc servIce easement (PSE) WIll be provIded as requIred by the CIty and wIll be dewcated to the publIc per detaIls to be worked out at as shown on the Tentative Map The landscape easement WIll be pnvately maIntamed and owned by the COIDmUDlty Homeowners AssocIation On the west SIde, beyond the nght-of-way lme, IS the stream/open space comdor A landscaped medIan/turn lane may not be reqUIred based on the fmalIzation of the land use plan and traffic report Landscape Treatment Collector streets shall have a staggered double row of deCIduous trees to create a canopy effect for pedestrIans and motonsts Only one tree speCIes Will be utilIzed on each collector to clearly and conSIstently define the collector as a land use edge treatment Lawn or other acceptable plant matenal shall be planted WIthIn the parkway strIp !Pubhc/!Pnvate Resndenntnal Streets ReSIdential streets are pedestrIan onented and accomrnodate a lIghter volume of traffic Street trees shall act as the pnmary landscape element affordmg each neIghborhood mwvldual1zed personalIty, beauty, and seasonal character Street DesIgn Concept !PrRvate reSIdential streets should be more mtimate m scale than that of publIc reSIdential streets Vanous options eXIst for reSIdential streets, mcludmg two travel lanes WIth one parkmg lane or perpendIcular parkmg bays or two travel lanes and two parktng lanes or perpendIcular parktng bays !Prnvate reSIdential streets and dnveways WIll be owned and mamtaIned by a homeowners asSOCIation !PublIc reSIdential streets shall consist of two traffic lanes WIth park10g lanes on both SIdes of the street A monolIthIc SIdewalk wIll be provIded on both SIdes of the street An addItional publIc semce/landscape easement extends beyond the nght-of-way lIne on each SIde of the street A publIc servIce easement (PSE) wIll be proVIded as requIred by the CIty and WIll be dedicated to the publIc per detaIls to be worked out as shown on the Tentative Map The landscape easement wIll be pnvately mamtamed and owned by the Homeowner or the ComrnunIty Homeowners ASSOCIatIon //-4 Commumty Landscape DeSign Elements ~ () ({) Dublm Ranch Area F 0 Design Guldelmes 0 December 11 1998 0 ReVised July 1999 Landscape Treatment Each neIghborhood shall create Its own Identity through the use of one speCIes of street tree per neIghborhood Through the use of a smgle speCIes per neIghborhood, a grove effect WIll be aclneved Where practical, each lot shall be requIred to have a mImmum of one street tree and corner lots shall reqUIre two trees EN'flRlIES EntrIes are mtended to convey a clear sense of arnval Although the level of detail WIll vary WIth each type of entry, all shall be deSIgned to portray a conSIstent comrnurnty lIDage WIthm the comrnurnty of Dublzn Ranch as a whole Area IF Gateway The Area F Gateway IS located at the 1OtersectIon of Central Parkway and MalO Street/Devaney Dnve The bUIldmgs on these comers WIll be set back to proVIde for a vIsual terrrnnus to Mam Street and to proVIde an "entrance" or "gateway" to Area F reSIdential neIghborhoods Landscape Treatment Tills gateway should be slITlllar m nature WIth those m Areas G and H WIth the use of sImllar plant speCIes and p1antmg patterns to create a urnfied gateway theme along the Main Street/Devaney Dnve comdor Pavmg Materials Enhanced paVIng should be provIded 10 pedestnan areas to match enhanced paVIng matenals and colors utilIzed at the VIllage Center Gateways wIthm Areas G and H Resndentlal EntJrles ReSidential area entnes w1l1 contmue the pattern establIshed 10 the preVIOUS phases of Dublzn Ranch NeIghborhood entnes WIll reflect the overall commUDIty Image by mcorporatlOg stone entry pIlasters Plant matenal w1l1 be selected to proVIde lOd1v1dual Identity to each partIcular neIghborhood II-5 Commumty Landscape DeSign Elements f) (() () Dublin Ranch Area F 0 Design Guidelines 0 December 11 1998 0 Revised July 1999 lREClREA 1'][ ON IF ACn.][1'][lES Dublzn Ranch offers the potential for an array of recreation opportunIties beyond the natural open spaces and 10termIttent stream comdors Multi-use traIl systems wIll lmk neIghborhoods WIth a neIghborhood park, a neighborhood square, open space, schools, the VIllage Center and other areas of Dublzn Ranch The NeIghborhood Park and Square shall be deSIgned to provIde recreational needs for the resIdents of Dublzn Ranch The conSIstent use of matenals and landscape concepts WIthm these faCIlIties shall mamtam cont1OUlty of the comrnumty character Neighborhood Park The proposed approXImately 5 6 acre NeIghborhood Park wItlnn tlns phase of Dublzn Ranch IS centrally located to serve as the vIsual and socIal center of the surroundmg neIghborhoods The park IS bounded on one sIde by a future elementary school and may be bounded on two sIdes by collector and local streets The nght-of-way for adJacent streets wIll be located 8' from the back of the curb ReSIdents wIll be Imked to the park VIa an mtemal pedestrIan system cons1stmg of sidewalks and multi-use traIls DeSIgn Crlterla The Neighborhood Park shall be deSIgned to generally meet the 10tent of the park standards establIshed m the Czty of Dublzn Parks & Recreatzon Master Plan July 1994 Potential sports faCIlIties may mc1ude fields for softball/baseball and soccer, and a tenrus, volleyball, or basketball court Play areas WIth seatmg for parents wIll be prOVided A shade structure WIth pIcmc tables for group actiVItIes may also be proVIded along WIth casual seatmg and pIcmc areas scattered throughout the park Where feaSIble, the deSIgn of the NeIghborhood Park should mcorporate pubhc art m a central gathenng area On street parallel parkmg shall be avaIlable on adJacent streets Landscape Treatment Landscapmg WIthIn the pubhc nght-of-way shall be conSIstent WIth the character of the collector streets and mc1ude a staggered double row of broad deCIduous canopy trees Tree plantmg WIthIn the park shall conSIst pnrnanly of deCIduous shade trees to prOVIde seasonal mterest and allow shade m the summer and warmth m the wmter Lawn areas WIll dommate the neIghborhood park prov1dmg spaces for orgaruzed and paSSIve actiVIties Shrub and groundcover plantmgs shall be hmIted to the central gathenng area and penmeter edges of the park II-6 Commumty Landscape DeSign Elements . I) f) Dublm Ranch Area F 0 Design GUidelines 0 December J J J 998 0 ReVised July J 999 Slopes adjacent to resIdentIal neIghborhoods shall be more densely planted to create a sIgruficant buffer to pnvate yards adjacent to the park At focal pomts such as the central gathenng area, accent plantIngs of shrubs, perenruals and groundcover should have a more ornamental appearance Neighborhood Squnsll"e The proposed two-acre NeIghborhood Square IS centrally located, provIdmg a focus for the Dublm Ranch-Area F neIghborhoods The NeIghborhood Square should not be bounded on all four SIdes by reSIdentIal streets The nght-of-way for adJacent streets wIll be located 8' from the back of the curb DeSIgn Criteria The NeIghborhood Square shall be deSIgned to generally meet the mtent of the park standards establIshed m the City of Dublm Parks & Recreation Master Plan July 1994 The NeIghborhood Square should try to mcorporate pubhc art such as a pIece of sculpture, fountam, or other landscape elements along WIth a plaza provlling a gathenng area for neIghborhood functIons A smaller scale play area should be proVIded WIth adJacent seatmg for parents PotentIal sports faCIlItIes may mclude a tenrus, volleyball or basketball court IndIVIdual pICnIC facIhtIes WIll be proVIded With pICruC tables and seat walls Landscape Treatments Formal tree plantmg WIthm the neIghborhood square shall conSIst of pnrnanly flowenng trees to provIde seasonal mterest The ground plane shall be predommately lawn WIth colorful shrub, perenruals and groundcover plantmgs hmIted to the "gathenng areas", provIdmg an ornamental appearance Sl'lREAM/OIPEN SIP ACE COlRRJIDOR The stream/open space comdor functIons as a lmear cIrCUlatIOn route along the westerly SIde of Devaney Dnve, between the northern property hne and Gleason Dnve ThIs comdor has been structured as a wIldhfe habItat comdor and cornrnurnty IdentIty element by mamtaImng and enhancmg the natural ecologIcal character of the SIte ThIs WIll be a contInuatIon of the stream/open space comdor wmdmg through the center of Dublm Ranch Phase I and WIll extend south of Gleason Dnve as an open space comdor wItlun the nght-of-way A 12'wIde multI-use traIl (for two-way pedestrIan!bIcycle travel) WIll be located along the eastern stream bank It WIll meander where //-7 Commumty Landscape DeSign Elements . I) @ Dublm Ranch Area F 0 DesIgn Gwdelmes 0 December J J J 998 0 RevISed July J 999 physIcally feasible, proVIdmg a pedestnan and bIcycle connectIOn to proposed parks, schools, neIghborhoods, VIllage center, and other areas of Dublm Ranch At traIl access pomts, bollards wIll be placed across the operung to prevent unauthonzed motonzed access Appropnate wrectIonal and mformatIOnal sIgnage wIll be provIded (m accordance wIth the Amencan wIth DIsabIlIties Act 1990) The 12' multi-use traIl Will contmue along Devaney Dnve to Central Parkway wItlnn a wIdened street nght-of-way AdlitIOnallandscape area wIll be provIded to contmue the Image of an open space comdor through the proJect Tlns multI-use traIl wIll connect up WIth numerous other multi-use traIls leadmg to and through the VIllage Center and resIdential areas DeSIgn Crlterla Construction of the stream/open space comdor wIll provIde a naturalIzed channel With a gentle curvIlmear alIgnment where feasIble If drop structures are needed to stabilIze the channel, natural matenals such as boulders or logs wIll be utilIzed CalIforma native and other appropnate trees, shrubs, and ground covers wIll be planted WithIn the stream/open space comdor based on specIes, water requIrements, user safety, and secunty surveIllance VISIbIlIty Channel shad10g IS a cntIcal factor for the development of wIldlIfe comdors When feasible, vegetatIon wIll be mstalled m masses overhangmg the stream Concentrated plantmgs wIthm 8' of the streambed wIll proVIde the most shadmg Barners, such as solId fences, that may lIDpede the movement of wIldhfe wIthIn the stream/open space comdor WIll not be perrrntted Dunng and after construction of adJacent lands, SIte-specIfic storm drams and erOSIOn control practIces WIll be employed to lImIt sedImentation of the mtenmttent stream/open space comdor Human access wItmn the stream/open space comdor wIll be controlled VIa fencmg, traIl placement, and mterpretIve sIgnage Where pOSSIble, the multi-use traIl should be set back as far from the channel as pOSSIble to maIntam habItat qualIty New homeowners wIll be appnsed by wntten documentation, 10 adwhon to sIgnage, of the enforcement of pet leash laws WIthIn the stream/open space comdor 1I-8 Commumty Landscape DesIgn Elements Dublzn Ranch Area F 0 Design GUldelznes 0 December 11 1998 0 RevISed July 1999 . 10 CHANNELBED FENCE () MIDDLE SCHOOL 3 1 SLOPE MIN NATIVE VEGETATION 75 MIN STREAM/OPEN SPACE CORRIDOR C{) CONNECTION TO DUBLIN RANCH PHASE I NEIGHBORHOODS STREET TREE CULVI::RT FUTURE ACCES" TO MIDDLE SCHOOL r 12 MULTI USE DEVANEY DRIVE ROW SECTION POTENTIAL PEDESTRIAN CRO"'MN<:. (SPECIFIC LOCATION TO HI:: DETERMINED) 12 MULTI USE TRAIL MEANDERS AS PERMITTED BY GRADING CULVERT PLAN Stream/Open Space Corndor 11-9 Commumty Landscape DeSign Elements . I) f) Dublm Ranch Area F 0 DesIgn Guldelmes 0 December J J J 998 0 RevIsed July J 999 S][GNAGlE Identification of residential neIghborhoods and parks/recreatIOn facllIties throughout Dub/m Ranch may appear m a vanety of formats utilizmg the deSignated palette of matenals, patterns, and forms provldmg the UDIfymg components TIns may mclude battered stone veneer pIlasters With ornamental logo plaques L][GlHIT][NG Street lightmg playa crucIal role m enhancmg the level of qualIty and character of Dub/m Ranch LIght standards shall be urnform m color and style by specIfic land use LIghts on the artenal streets shall conform to the City of Dublm's standard cobra head and shall be pamted to match the decorative lights to be used along collector streets Street lights on collector streets and m reSidential areas w1l1 be the same decorative fixture deSign approved for Phase I to reflect the character of the Dub/m Ranch communIty All lightmg shall be deSIgned to conform to City of Dublin, PaCIfic Gas and Electnc and IES safety standards and 1llurnmation reqUIrements With the exception of the artenal streets, reSidential neIghborhoods and parkmg lots shall utilize a metal halide light source m conformance with the approved light source for Phase I of Dub/m Ranch II-JO Commumty Landscape DeSIgn Elements r:.r.I Z o - ~ u ~ r:.r.I ~ ~ ~ ~ r:.r.I \ r- I I "' 1 I I L -<e: -<e: ~ ~I o 01 E-- E--oI ~ U ~ ::s ~~~ Of-; 0 U-<e:U:;E =~=l:2 U':I-U':IJ:.I..:l U':IE--U':IE-- jsj~ U U ~ :> ~ o z o U':I 2ii ~ ~ L Q Z <CIJ g; ...... 0 1Ilf<lf<l...... 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() DEVELOPMENT PLAN - AREA G This IS a Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8 32 of the DublIn Zonmg Ordmance for DublIn Ranch 'Area G' PA 98-069, located north of future DublIn Boulevard and Area H, east of TassaJara Road, south of future Central Parkway and Area F, west of the current and future Fallon Road (APN 985-0005-01 a portIon) This Development Plan meets all of the reqUIrements for Stage 1 and Stage 2 review of the project ThIS Development Plan mcludes SIte, ArchItectural, CIrCUlatIOn, and Landscape Plans, other plans, exhIbIts, Arclutectural and Landscape DeSIgn GUIdelmes, SIgn GUIdelmes and wntten statements contaIned m a document dated receIved November 19, 1999, labeled ExhIbIt B-2 to the Ordmance approvmg tlns Development Plan (Czty Counczl Ordznance No -00) and on file m the Plannmg Department The Planned Development DIStrICt allows the fleXIbIlIty needed to encourage mnovatIve development willIe enSUrIng that the goals, polICIes, and actIon programs of the General Plan, Eastern Dublm SpeCIfic Plan, and proVISIOns of SectIon 8 32 of the Zorung Ordmance are satIsfied f) 1 Zonmg PD Planned Development Zomng D1StnCt Tlns IS a mIhed-use zorung dIStrIct wlnch proVIdes for retaIl commercIal, servIce, entertamment, multI-famIly reSIdentIal, publIc, semI-publIc, parks and open-space uses Some reSIdentIal and office uses are enVISIOned occupymg upper story space above ground floor retaIl and serVIce establIshments (General/SpeCIfic Plan land use deSIgnatIOns are as follows NeIghborhood ComrnercIal, MedIum HIgh DenSIty ReSIdentIal, HIgh DenSIty ReSIdentIal, NeIghborhood Park, NeIghborhood Square, PublIc / SemI-PublIc (Governmental / InStItutIOnal), Open Space) 2 Permitted and ConditIOnal Uses PD-Vdlage Center (Neighborhood Commercial) * 1) Permitted Uses The follOWIng uses are permItted for thIS PDN-C (planned Development VIllage Center zonmg dIStrIct) a Local-servrng retaIl uses 10cludmg but not IIrmted to Art gallery/supply store Auto parts Bakery BIcycle shop Book store Clothmg store Computers/electroruc eqUIpment Drug store Floor coverIngs FlOrIst/plant shop GIft shop S> * The applicants have chosen to use the deSIgnatIon VC (VIllage Center) mstead ofNC (Neighborhood CommerCial) deSIgnatIon of the GeneraVSpeclfic Plan the Dublm Zonmg Ordmance Wlthm thIS document both deSIgnatIOns shall mean the same EmmIT B-1 OF ATTACHMENT 3 Hardware Hobby shop Home applIances Jewelry store LIquor store MUSIC store Newspapers and magazmes Pamt, glass and wallpaper store Parkmg lot/garage - comrnercIal Party supplIes Pet store and supplIes Photograplnc supply store PIcture framIOg shop Shoe store SpecIalty food store/grocery/supermarket mcludmg meat, fish, wme, candy, health food, etc SpeCIalty goods IOcludmg cookmg supplIes, housewares, IIOen, WIndow coverIngs, clnnalglassware, etc Sportmg goods StatIOnary/office supplIes Toy store VarIety store b Busmess/professIOnal offices and servIce establIshments 10cludmg but not lImIted to Bank, savmgs and loan and other finanCIal mstItutIOns Barber/beauty shop/naIl salon Bed and breakfast IOn Copymg and prInt10g Dry cleaner (no plant allowed on premIses) Employment agency Formal wear/rental Hotel/motel Laundromat LocksmIth MedIcal ClInIC Photographlc StudlO ProfessIOnal offices mcludmg, account1Og, archItectural, dental, engmeerIng, legal, medIcal, optometry, etc Real estate/tItle office Shoe repaIr TaIlor Travel agency Watch and clock repaIr C EatIOg, dnnkIOg and entertamment establIshments mcludIOg but not IImlted to Bagel shop Cafe 2 - . . () Coffee house DelIcatessen Ice cream/yogurt Outdoor seatmg Restaurant (servmg alcohol permItted) (no dnve-through allowed) Theater - mdoor (Dmner, MOVIe, LIve Play, etc ) VIdeo store d Assessory Uses, mcludmg but not lImIted to Upper story resIdentIal dwellmgs provIded that the maxImum number of dwellmg uruts for Dublm Ranch (5,760 as set forth m the Eastern DublIn SpecIfic Plan) are not exceeded () 2) ConditIOnal Uses* Bar or cocktaIl lounge (ZA) Day care center (PC) DrIve through/dnve m facIlIty (PC) Lodge hall (PC) MIcro-brewery (ZA) NIghtclub (PC) RecreatIOnal facIlIty - comrnercIal or publIc (PC) RecreatIOnal facIlIty -mdoor (ZA) RelIgIOus facIlIty (PC) Commurnty Center (PC) School/pnvate (PC) V Ideo arcade (PC) 3) Temporary Uses Arts and crafts faIr CarDlval Chnstmas tree sales Farmers' market FestIval/street faIr Pumpk10 sales - outdoor Sales office/model home compleAlrental office SIdewalk sale Temporary constructIOn traIler PD-MultI-Famdy Residential (MedIUm High) () 1) Permitted Uses The follOWIng uses are permItted for tlns PD/R-M (Planned Development MedIum HIgh DenSIty ReSIdentIal zonmg dIStrIct) Accessory structures and uses CommunIty care faCIlIty/small (permItted If reqUIred by law, otherwIse as condItIonal use) Home occupatIOns (per Chapter 8 64) * Key/DeclSlon Maker AuthOrIty ZA Zonmg AdmImstrator, PC Plannmg Comrn1ssIon 3 MultI-famIly dwellIng . Pnvate recreatIOn facIlIty (for homeowners' aSSOCIatIOn and/or tenants use only) Small famIly day care home 2) ConditIOnal Uses* Bed and breakfast mn (PC) Boardmg house (ZA) Commumty care facIlIty/large (PC) Day Care center (PC) Large famIly day care home (PC) Park10g lot - resIdentIal (ZA) Comrnumty Center (PC) RelIgIOus facIlIty (PC) School/prIvate (PC) 3) Temporary Uses Sales office/model home complex Temporary constructIOn traIler PD-Multl-Famdy Residential (HIgh Density) 3) Permitted Uses The followmg uses are permItted for thIS PD/R-M (Planned Development . HIgh DensIty ReSIdentIal zomng dIstnct) Accessory structures and uses Commumty care facIlIty/small (If reqUIred by statute, otherWIse It should be a condItIOnal use) Home occupatIOns (per Chapter 864) MultI-famIly dwellmg Pnvate recreatIOn facIlIty (for homeowners' aSSOCIatIon and/or tenants use only) Small famIly day care home 4) Conditional Uses* Bed and breakfast 100 (PC) Boardmg house (ZA) Commumty care facIlIty/large (PC) Day Care center (PC) Large farmly day care home (PC) Parkmg lot - resIdentIal (ZA) RelIgIOUS faCIlIty (PC) CommunIty Center (PC) School/pnvate (PC) HospItal/medIcal center (PC) 3) Temporary Uses Sales office/model home complex/rental office Temporary constructIon traIler . * Key/DecIsIOn Maker Authonty ZA Zorung AdmmIstrator, PC Planmng CornrrnssIOn 4 (() PD-PublIc / Semi-PublIc 1) Permitted Uses The followmg uses are permItted for thIS PD/P-SP (Planned Development PublIc/SemI-PublIc zODlng dIStrIct) a PublIc, semI-publIc, and mstItutIOnal uses, mcludmg, but not lImIted to FIre statIOn LIbrary Other govemmental and quasI-govemmental offices as determmed by the CommunIty Development DIrector PolIce statIOn Post office Comrnurnty Center RelIgIOUS FaCIlIty 2) ConditIOnal Uses* School/Pnvate (PC) Day Care Center (PC) PD-Parks () 1) Permitted Uses The follow1Og uses are permItted for tlns PD (Planned Development zonmg dIstrICt) NeIghborhood Park NeIghborhood Square PD-Open Space 1) Permitted Uses The followmg uses are permItted for thIS PD/O-S (Planned Development Open Space zonmg dIStrIct) RecreatIOnal - paSSIve TraIls 3 DublIn Zonmg Ordmance - ApplIcable ReqUIrements Except as specIfically modIfied by the provISIOns of tlns PD DIStrICt Rezone/Development Plan, all applIcable general reqUIrements and procedures of the DublIn Zon1Og Ordmance shall be applIed to the land uses deSIgnated m thIS PD DIStrIct Rezone 4 Site Plan & Architecture See attached SIte and elevatIon plans contamed m ExhIbIt B-2 of Attachment 3, Development Plan Area G ThIS Development Plan applIes to the 6 VIllage ComrnercIal parcels encompassmg 22 acres, two MedIum HIgh DenSIty ReSIdentIal (MHl and MH2) parcels encompassmg 26 2 acres and the two HIgh DenSIty ReSIdentIal (HI and H2) parcels encompassmg 25 acres, a PublIc/SemI-PublIc parcel encompass1Og 3 1 acres, a NeIghborhood Park of no less than 2 acres (net), the NeIghborhood Park of no less than 5 acres (net) m area and open space parcels total1Og 1 4 acres ArIy modIficatIOns to the proJect shall be substantIally conSIstent f) WIth these plans and of equal or superIor matenals and deSIgn qUalIty * Key/DecIsIOn Maker AuthOrIty ZA Zomng AdrnIDlstrator, PC Planmng ComrnIssIOn 5 5 Density The maXImum square footage/number of dwell10g unIts of the proposed development . under thIS Development Plan (as shown on the Stage 2 sIte plan) are as follows Village Center (VC) Parcell 3 1 Ac Net 40 Ac Gross 39,700 Sq Ft Village Center (VC) Parcel 2 2 1 Ac Net 2 6 Ac Gross 28,200 Sq Ft Village Center (VC) Parcel 3 32 Ac Net 3 7 Ac Gross 37,075 Sq Ft Village Center (VC) Parcel 4 2 1 Ac Net 24 Ac Gross 27,595 Sq Ft Village Center (VC) Parcel 5 3 7 Ac Net 47 Ac Gross 37,040 Sq Ft . Village Center (Ve) Parcel 6 3 5 Ac Net 4 6 Ac Gross 60,390 Sq Ft MedIUm High (MH1) Parcell 9 1 Ac Net 11 9 Ac Gross 232 Umts 195 Du/Ac MedIUm High (MH2) Parcel 2 11 6 Ac Net 14 3 Ac Gross 296 Umts 207 DulAc High (HI) Parcell 8 7 Ac Net 115 Ac Gross 300 U mts 261 DulAc High (H2) Parcel 2 102 Ac Net . 13 5 Ac Gross 576 Umts 426 DulAc 6 ct) () f) PublIc/Semi-PublIc 2 2 Ac Net 3 1 Ac Gross 37,026 Sq Ft 6 Phasmg Plan Refer to attached Phas10g Plan mcluded 10 ExhIbIt B-2 of Attachment 3, Development Plan Area G 7 Development and Design Standards PD-VIllage Center (Neighborhood CommercIal) 7a VIllage Center - Mixed Use Development Standards The standards contaIned herem are based on mlrumal requIrements Refer to follow1Og SpecIfic DesIgn Standards for further mformatIOn regardmg bUIldmg development and ArchItectural GUIdel10es referenced 10 #8 below DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VILLAGE CENTER MIXED USE MinImUm Parcel SIze N/A Parcel Depth N/A Parcel WIdth N/A MinImUm BUIlding Setback from face of curb - Main St - 12' Street 'F' - 12' Main St, Street 'F, and ReSIdentIal Collector 'C,24 ReSIdential Collector 'c' - 16' MinImUm BuIlding Setback from 10' 24 Artenal Street nght-of-way MmImum BUIldmg Setback from Multi-use TraIl 10' WIthin Open Space Parcels BuIlding HeIght mm 15 facades max 70' ) Office Parking < 7500 S f 1/250 S f Office Parking 7500 - 40,000 S f 1/300 S f RetaIl Parkmg 1/300 S f 3 Restaurant Parking 10/1000 S f3 Hotel 1/ room, plus 1/250 sf office space, 1/300 s f of retaIl, 1/100 s f of eating and drinking faCIlIty, and l/employee on the largest ShIft 1 Measured from average of fimshed ground surface to highest pomt of roof excludmg equipment/penthouse Appurtenances ma) be allowed subject to approval by the Commum\) Development Director 7 2 Determmatlon of setbad.s must consIder \ ISlblhty and landscape reqUirements 3 Shared/reduced standards permit these uses to reduce required stalls b\ 10% from the standards shown here 4 An e>.cepl1on to the standard for setback.s from Mam Street may be permitted for buIldmgs located at the corners ofDubhn BoulevardlMam Street and Centra] Park.waylMam Street See followmg addItIOnal standards 5 At least 30% of BUlldmg far,:ade shall be 20 mInimum heIght . 7b VIllage Center Mixed Use SpecIfic Design Standards ImplementatIOn of the followmg standards IS reqUIred o ArchItecture assocIated WIth a speCIfic corporate entIty IS not permItted As an exceptIOn corporate archItecture may be conSIdered If It IS conSIstent WIth the deSIgn and mtent of the VIllage Center as shown below and presented m the ArchItectural GUIdelInes as ExlnbIt B-2 of Attachment 3, Area G Umque and conSIstent archItecture that IS m keep10g WIth the 10tent of the Town Center VISIOn IS reqUIred o PrOVIde sense of varIety and spontaneIty mcludmg an orchestrated mIX of archItectural styles, matenals and colors o Wmdow spacmg and locatIOns, massmg, use of matenal, color and detaIls shall be appropnate to speCIfic style lIsted m gUldelmes . o ProVIde cont1Ouous bmldmg frontage except at comers and "paseos" o BUlldmgs shall be bUIlt to, and parallel WIth, the front setback provIdmg subtle 12" (mm) offsets at least every 75 feet, WIth change m store front facade and use of materIals (depth of offsets may be mcreased to proVIde for outdoor dIrung areas and entrIes) o Alter door, WIndow and facade treatments at least every 75', or two store fronts, whIchever IS less oVary style, materIal, apparent floor heIghts, roof and parapet deSIgn every two store fronts or 75' on average, whIchever IS less o Long monotonous umnterrupted walls or roof plans shall be aVOIded o All VIllage Center area bUIldmgs shall have a 15' mInImum front facade heIght, WIth at least 30% of that facade havmg a heIght of20' or greater o PrOVIde roof lIne/parapet offsets o WIth pItched roofs, proVIde both hIpS and gables wlthm the street scene . o Parapet roofs are appropnate when compatIble WIth the bUIldmg's arclntectural style o Use a vanety of roof forms and heIghts for one story bUIldmgs 8 C{) o Wrap front facade detallmg on all VISIble sIdes, mcludmg rear elevatIons o ProvIde near contmuous glass store fronts (mImmum 60% of WIdth) and frequent operable entrIes (every 50' or less) o Integrate aWllings and canopIes mto VIllage Center area frontage where appropnate o Locate pnmary operable entrIes so they front onto streets, paseos, or comer plazas o ProVIde pedestnan paseos on MaIn St at approxImately mId-block locatIOns for dIrect access to rear parkmg areas o Screen loadmg and servIce areas or match to bUIld10g archItecture Setbacks / BuIldmg SeparatIOn BUIldmg separatIOn between reSIdentIal uses and VIllage Center retaIl/mIxed uses shall be at least 50' Uses WIth10 thIS area may conSIst of alleys, drIve aIsles, parl1Og, streets, pedestrIan/bIcycle pathways, landscapmg, etc () Encroachments Encroachments at comer locatIOns on Mam Street and DublIn Boulevard and Mam Street and Central Parkway o BUIldmg elements may encroach up to 2' mto the bUlldmg setback along Mam Street (Where tlns occurs the mmImum dIstance from curb face to bUIldmg face shall be 10' and an eqUIvalent area of publIc SIdewalk access, such as arcaded walks, must be mcorporated m the bUIld10g deSIgn) o At the mtersectIOns WIth MaIn Street, bUIld1Og(s) may be located up to 20' from face of curb along Dublm Boulevard or Central Parkway The followmg encroachments along VIllage Center ComrnercIal streets shall be allowed to proJect beyond the face ofbUIldmg o Up to 2' Eaves, arclntectural proJectIOns, (I e columns, fireplaces, bay WIndows, wmdow seats, second floor overhangs, balCOnIes, decks, porches, bUIldmg facades at entnes), and planter boxes o Up to 4' Outdoor dmmg areas and perpendIcular bUlldmg SIgns o Up to 6' Awnmgs and canopIes (m1O 8' heIght clearance over SIdewalk) () o Allowable encroachment varIes for SIgns - - Refer to #11 below and ExhIbIt B-2 of Attachment 3, Development Plan Area G, VIllage Center MIxed Use Area SIgn GUldelmes for speCIfic dImenSIOns 9 o Under no CIrcumstances shall allowed encroachments reduce the passable wIdth, (curb face to . encroachment or bUIld10g to bUIldmg) to less than 8 feet Village Center Plazas o VIllage Center Gateway Plazas at Mam Street and Dublm Boulevard, and Mam Street and Central Parkway shall have mImmum areas of 1000 square feet WIth a mInImUm dImenSIOn of25' from face of curb m any dIrectIon o Pnmary Ma10 Street Plazas at ReSIdentIal Collector 'c' Street shall have a m10Imum area of 2000 square feet WIth a mInImum dImenSIOn of 35' from face of curb m any dIrectIOn o Secondary Mam Street Plazas at Street F and Ma10 Street shall have mmImum areas of 750 square feet WIth a mInImum dImenSIOn of 25' from face of curb m any dIrectIOn o MId-block Plazas shall have mlDlmum areas of 2500 square feet WIth a m10Imum dImenSIOn of 40' from face of curb m any dIrectIOn 7c Village Center Upper Story Residential Development Standards The standards conta1Oed herem are based on mImmal reqUIrements Refer to followmg SpecIfic DeSIgn Standards for further mformatIOn regardmg bUIldmg development and Arclntectural Gmdelmes referenced 10 #8 below . DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VILLAGE CENTER UPPER STORY RESIDENTIAL I HabItable BUlldmg Setback from Open 10' Parkmg OptIOnal Pnvate Open Space 50 s f balcony/deck (not perrrntted on publIc street frontage) WIth a mmImum dImenSIOn of 5' 2 ReqUITed Parkmg Apartments 2 spaces/DU3 CondomImums- Townhomes 1 5 spaces/l bedroom/studI03 2 spaces/2+ bedroom3 I Ground floor reSidential use IS prohlblled WIth the exceptIOn of upper stor) access onl) Where upper stor) reSidential use occurs m MIxed use bulldmgs ground floor uses I architecture remaIn subject to MI,ed U~e De, elopment Standards SectIOn 7a &. b of thIS document 2 If pnvate open space IS provIded these are the mInimum permitted standards 3 These requIrements ma) be modified for senior hOUSIng where It can be demonstrated that fewer spaces are suffiCient ReSIdential shall be IdentIfied by slgnage or strlppmg . 10 (f) 7d VIllage Center Upper Story Residential Design Standards The folloWIng standards apply only to archItecture for resIdentIal uses located above the ground floor level m the VIllage Center MIxed Use area Where upper story resIdentIal use occurs, the overall bUIldmg remams subJect to VIllage Center MIxed Use SpecIfic DeSIgn Standards above ImplementatIOn of the folloWIng standards IS reqUIred Facade ArticulatIOn It IS the mtent 10 the VIllage Center area for upper story reSIdentIal facades to be conSIstent m style and character WIth the mIxed use office / comrnercIal character of the street scene Wmdows and entrIes may be artIculated WIth further detaIl where applIcable, usmg elements such as pIlasters, lIntels, pedIments, etc , however theIr placement and overall effect shall remam conSIstent WIth the ground floor archItecture PrImary Entnes Locate pmnary reSIdentIal unIt entrIes so they front onto Mam Street, ReSIdentIal Collector C and Street F These entrIes should be doorways, or lobbIes lead10g to recessed or mtenor staIrs Extenor staIrs are prolnb1ted on front facades Secondary entnes at SIdes and rear ofbUlldmgs should be proVIded where possIble for dIrect reSIdentIal access to areas () WIndows Upper story wmdows and any detaIl elements used, shall be conSIstent WIth the character and arclutectural style ofthe bUIldmg LightIng Where upper story reSIdentIal occurs, exterIor IIghtmg fixtures shall be proVIded at front and rear entrIes for purposes of safety and address IdentIficatIOn These fixtures shall be compatIble WIth the style and character of the archItecture and WIth other fixtures on or near the same bUIldmg Encroachments The follOWIng encroachments for VIllage Center Upper Story reSIdentIal unItS shall be allowed to project beyond the bwldmg setbacks o Up to 2' Eaves, archItectural proJectIons, (I e columns, fIreplaces, bay V\'1ndows, OrIel wmdows, second floor overhangs, balcOnIes, bUIld10g facades at entrIes), and planter boxes o Up to 6' A WDlngs and canopIes, pergolas, arbors Under no CIrcumstances shall allowed encroachments reduce the passable WIdth (curb face to encroachment or bwld10g to bUIldmg) to less than 8 feet f) ParkIng ReqUIred parkmg for upper story reSIdentIal urnts wIll be met WIth open surface parkmg Such spaces shall be located WItlnn 200' of the urnt and deSIgnated for reSIdents m accordance WIth the 7c chart 11 PD-Multl-FamIly ResidentIal (MedIUm High and High Density) 7e Multi-famIly reSidential Del elopment Standards DEVELOPMENT MH-MEDIUM HIGH H-HIGH STANDARDS 141-25 DU/AC 251 DU/AC MIN Lot Size 10 sq ft N/A N/A Bldg Setback from Artenal Streets 10' 15' & Collectors ROW Bldg Setback from ROW on ] 0' 15 Public Streets ReSidential Bldg Setback from 10' 10' Open Space Property Lme Habitable Bldg Setback from 5' 10' Pnvate street / Common Dnveway Habitable Bldg Setback from 10' 10 Parkmg Driveway Length or Garage 3 - 6' or 18' or morel For common garages - use Setback from Common Driveway or bUlldmg setbacks standards Pnvate Street above Mmlmum Pnvate Open Space 100 s f patio 100 s f patio w/ a 10' mm dimensIOn or wi a 10' mm dImenSIOn or 50 s f deck w/ a mm 50 s f deck w/ a mm dImenSIOn of 5' dimensIOn of 5' Mmlmum BUlldmg Separation 2 2 stones 20' total 20' total 3 - 3 5 stones 25' total 25' total 4+ stones NA 30' total MahImUm BUlldmg Height 40' 60' Maximum Stones 3 5 stones 5 stones ReqUired Park 109 Apartments 2 spaces4/DU3 (lOcI guests) 2 spaces4/DU3 (lOcI guests) Condommmms- Townhomes ] 5 spaces4/ 1 bedroom or 1 5 spaces4/1 bedroom or less3 less3 (mcI guests) (mcl guests) 2 5 spaces5/ 2+ bedrooms3 2 5 spaces5/ 2+ bedrooms3 (mcI guests) (lOcI guests) ] Upper stOI) hVIng area over garages ma) encroach up to 2 Into driveway length or garage setback. ? - Where 1\\10 dIfferent bUIldIng heights are adjacent, taller buddIng controls separatlon ]2 . . . Cf) 3 These reqUIrements ma) be modified for semor housing \\here It can be demonstrated that fe\\er spaces are suffiCIent On street parking can be counted to\\ ard number of reqUIred guest spaces Tandem parking pennltted 4 Minimum one parking space shall be covered 5 MinImum two parking spaces shall be covered 7f Multi-FamIly ResidentIal Additional Standards Setbacks Setback.s adJacent to multI-use traIls shall be a mmImum of 10' Encroachments The followmg encroachments shall be allowed to proJect up to 2' mto bUIldmg separatIOns, eaves, arclntectural proJectIons, fireplaces, log storage, entertamment nIches, balcorues, bay wmdows, wmdow seats, extenor staIrs, second floor overhangs, decks, porches and aIr condItIOrung eqUIpment, (provIdmg the aIr condItIOrung eqUIpment IS screened from off-SIte VIew) Parkmg ReqUIred reSIdentIal park10g may be met WIth tandem garages On-street park10g can be counted toward number of reqwred guest spaces ({) Common Open Space (In additIOn to Pnvate Open Space reqUirement) ArI average of 50 square feet of common open space shall be provIded for each dwellIng UnIt The m10Imum dImensIOn of any space satIsfymg thIS standard IS 10' ThIS common open space shall be Improved for eIther paSSIve or actIve use by reSIdents PD-P/SP PublIc/Semi-PublIc Development Standards 7g PublIc/Semi-PublIc Development Standards The standards contamed herem are based on mlIllma] reqUIrements Refer to followmg AddItIOnal DeSIgn Standards for further mformatIOn regard10g bUIldIng development and Arclntectural GUIdelInes referenced m #8 below () DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS PUBLIC / SEMI-PUBLIC MImmum Parcel SIze N/A Parcel Depth N/A Parcel WIdth N/A MaxImum Front BUIldmg Setback from 15' I Streets 'F' and 'E' ROW 13 MahImum SIde BUIldmg Setback from 10' J Streets 'F' and 'E' ROW Mm BUIld10g Setback from Central Parkway 10' ROW MmImum BUIldmg Setback from MultI-use TraIl 15' WItlnn Open Space Parcels Mm BUIldmg Setback from 1Otenor parkmg 10' J BUIld10g HeIght mm 15' facade 2 max 70" Par.lIng VarIes based on specIfic land use/functIOn 4 Refer to CIty of Dublm Zonmg Code Standards J Detennmatlon of setbacks must consIder vlslbIllt) and landscape reqUlrcments ~ - At least 30% of buIldmg facade shall bc 20 mInimum height 3 Measured from average of finished ground surface to highest pomt of roof excludmg eqUipment/penthouse steeple~ to\' ers or other ~peclal character elements related to mdlvldual architectural st) Ie Appurtenances ma) be allo\\ed subject to approval b\ the Community Development Director 4 Shared/reduced parkmg standards ma\ appl) based on speCific land use/functIOn and proxlmlt) to commerCial/office use~ 7h PublIc/Semi-PublIc Additional Design Standards ImplementatIOn of the follOWIng standards IS reqUIred o No bUIldmg shall front onto Central Parkway o PrOVIde a sense of lnstOrIcal character usmg appropnate arclntectural styles, matenals and colors o W1Odow spac10g and locatIons, mass1Og, use of materIal, color and detaIls shall be approprIate to speCIfic archItectural style o Long monotonous unmterrupted walls or roof planes shall be aVOIded o All publIc / serru-publIc bUIldmgs should have a 15' mIrumum front facade heIght o WIth pItched roofs, prOVIde both hIpS and gables w1th1O the street scene o Parapet roofs are appropnate when compatIble WIth the bUIldmg's archItectural style Where used, prOVIde roof lIne/parapet offsets o Wrap front facade detaIlmg on all VISIble SIdes, mcludmg rear elevatIons o It IS preferred that bUIldmgs front onto Street F, although bUIldmgs may front onto Street E BUIld10gs shall not front onto Central 0 ]4 . . . () C{) () BUIldmgs may not front onto Central Parkway o Locate operable entrIes so they front onto pnmary comers or streets o ProvIde secondary entnes / access to rear parkIng areas o Screen loadIng and servIce areas or match bUIldmg archItecture Encroachments The followmg encroachments along 'F' and 'E' streets shall be allowed to project beyond the bUIldmg setback o Up to 2' eaves, archItectural proJectIOns, (1 e columns, fireplaces, bay wmdows, WIndow seats, exterIor staIrS, second floor overhangs, balCOnIes, decks, porches, bUIldmg facades at entrIes), and planter boxes o Up to 6' Awrungs / canopIes WIth a m10Imum vertIcal clearance of 8' Allowable encroachment vanes for SIgns - Refer to #11 below and ExhIbIt B-2 of Attachment 3, Development Plan Area G, VIllage Center MIxed Use Area SIgn GUIdelInes for specIfic dImenSIOns 8 Architectural Standards, concepts & themes PD-VC Village Center Refer to attached ArchItectural DeSIgn GUIdelInes VIllage Center (pages II-I to II-33) and the VIllage Center CommunIty Planmng and DeSIgn (pages III-I to III-lO) contaIned m ExhIbIt B-2 of Attachment 3, Development Plan, Area G PD-RM Multi-FamIly ReSidential (MedIUm High and High DenSity Refer to attached Arclntectural DeSIgn GUIdelmes MedIum HIgh and HIgh DenSIty NeIghborhoods (pages 11-34 to 11- 58) and the VIllage Center CommuDlty Plann10g and DeSIgn (pages 111-12 to 1II-17) contamed m ExlnbIt B-2 of Attachment 3, Development Plan, Area G PD-P/SP PublIc/Semi-PublIc Refer to attached VIllage Center ComrnuoIty Planmng and DeSIgn (page III-18) contaIned m Exlnb1t B-2 of Attachment 3, Development Plan, Area G 9 Streetscape / Landscapmg Plan Refer to attached conceptual landscape plan and ComrnunIty Landscape DeSIgn GUIdelInes (pages IV-1 to IV-45) contamed m ExlnbIt B-2 of Attachment 3, Development Plan, Area G In conJunctIOn WIth the first SIte Development ReVIew applIcatIOn for the comrnerc1al portIon of the VIllage Center, a Streetscape and Landscape Master Plan shall be reVIewed and approved by the Planmng CommISSIon 10 Park deSign standards, concepts & themes Refer to attached Commurnty Landscape DeSIgn GUIdel10es (pages IV-29 to IV-30) contamed m ExhIbIt B-2 of Attachment 3, Development Plan, Area G The final deSIgn of the park shall be subJect to the approval ofthe Parks and RecreatIOn DIrector 15 11 Slgnage (I PD-VC Village Center Refer to attached VIllage Center MIxed Use Area Master SIgn Program (pages V-I to V-20) contamed m ExlnbIt B-2 of Attachment 3, Development Plan, Area G PD-RM Multi-FamIly ReSidential (MedIUm High and HIgh DenSIt)r SIte Development ReVIew ApplIcatIOns for the MultI-famIly ReSIdentIal development wItrun thIS PD shallmclude a Master SIgn Program descrIbmg all proposed sIgnage for each reSIdentIal neIghborhood PD-P/SP PublIc/Semi-PublIc Refer to attached VIllage Center MIxed Use Area Master SIgn Program (pages V-I to V-20) conta1Oed m ExlnbIt B-2 of Attachment 3, Development Plan, Area G 12 IncluslOnary Zonmg Ordmance In accordance WIth the InclusIOnary Zomng Ord1Oance the developer shall be reqUIred to pay InclusIOnary Hous1Og In-LIeu Fee m the amounts and at the tImes set forth m CIty of Dublm ResolutIOn No 57-97, adopted by the CIty CouncIl on May 20, 1997, or m the amounts and at the tImes set forth m any resolutIOn revIs10g the amount of the InclusIOnary Housmg In-LIeu Fee 13 School MItigatIOn Fee The developer shall mItIgate the Impacts of the development on the school faCIlItIes of the Dublm Umfied School DIStrICt m accordance WIth the School MItIgatIOn Agreement, dated October 1997 The mItIgatIOn agreement establIshes the level of mItIgatIOn necessary, the amount of school Impact fees, the tIme of payment of such fees and the reqUIred dedIcatIon of . property for use as school SItes \ \pa#\980069\devplan - 16 (() Area G: DeveHoJPlmennt PRann lincludmg the followmg 1) Site InformatIOn 2) Project DescriptIOn 3) Reduced Drawmgs 4) Design Standards o co Exhibit B-2 of ATTACHMENT 3 , , (j@ @ ~ -<e: ~ ~Cf) ~~ t==lZ Z t==l U t==l > Q) ~,Q) 1; ,:;1, ~ U ?,:,,:;1 ~ ?':' ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ u ~ ~ u %. ~ ~ ~ -:2. ~ u aVOH E- i :i z ............ ~ CO ~ Q aVOH A.LH3HDOOa - - - - - - - ~ ~ u ; Z t>j ~ S"-.~ ~~n~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ < ~~ ~ ~ ~! ~ ~ "-~ Q ~ ~ ~ .... ....' .... j ~ v> o Z ~ ~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ ~ s g. 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N r- CZl ~ ~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ CZl I ::r= ~ ~ GI ~ ~... ~ tJ ;~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ < ~i ~ !~ ~ 8 Q ~ ~ - . ~ \ ~ \ I~ ..... ~ '" o Z .....' ..... j .~ ~ ~ -;:: a .~"' ~ ~ I E-- rJ) < ~ == E-- o o rJ) '-' z t2 o o ~ ~ E-- - rJ) ~ o z o - E-- ~ o ~ ~ ~ E-- rJ) ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ 'f ~ 0::: ..9 Odtfco~ co ~ .= ~ .~ :.a ~ ~ s ~ 0::: -< .~ -= "0 8- Jl"'~rl ~~li~ ~ ~ .~ ~ Vl :I:: i:l ~ ~ ~ -< ~ ~:s ~ :J ~ ~ I . . ~ @ Dublm Ranch Area G 0 December 11 1998 0 RevIsed July 1999 lProJect Description for DUBlLHN RANCH AREA G Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development lPlan/lPlannoo Development Rezone (P A 98-069) HntroductIon Dublm Ranch IS located wIthm the Eastern DublIn SpecIfIC Plan Area and compnses 1,311 * acres The portIOn of DublIn Ranch that has been annexed to the CIty of Dublm consIsts of 1,111 acres ThIs Development Plan IS bemg submItted concurrently wIth the General PlanlEast Dublm SpecIfIc Plan Amendment applIcatIons for a mmor modificatIOn to Area F (P A 98-068) and Area G (P A 98-069) The 1,333 acre portIOn of Dublm Ranch was pre-zoned m conformance wIth the East DublIn SpecIfic Plan when It was annexed to the CIty under P A 94-030 Therefore, thIS Development Plan for Area G wIll also serve as an amendment for a mmor modIficatIOn to that pre-zonmg DublIn Ranch Area G, herem after called the ProJect Area, contams 869 acres and IS bounded by Central Parkway on the north, DublIn Ranch Area B to the east, DublIn Boulevard on the south and DublIn Land Company property to the west Area G has been mcreased 10 SIze from the 76 6 acres Illustrated 10 the East DublIn SpecIfic Plan to 86 9 acres 10 thIS PD Plan due pnmanly to the final realIgnments of DublIn Boulevard and Central Parkway The Area G Development Plan proposes MedIUm-HIgh and HIgh DensIty ResIdentIal, VIllage Center mIxed-uses, PublIc/SeIDl-PublIc uses, a NeIghborhood Park, and a NeIghborhood Square Although the reasons for a IDlnor modIficatIon to the Eastern Dublm SpecIfIC Plan and General Plan are fully dIscussed under the project descnptIon for an amendment to these documents, they wIll be bnefly noted here Mmor modIfIcatIOns are due to the proposed relocatIOn of the NeIghborhood CommercIal portIOn of the area referred to as "Town Center-Comrnerc1al" on the SpecIfic Plan and now called "VIllage Center" In the SpecIfic Plan that area IS located along both sIdes of the TransIt Spme (now Central Parkway) wIth HIgh DenSity ResIdentIal uses 1mrneruately adJacent on the north and south The Town Center, heremafter called DublIn Ranch VIllage Center, IS proposed to be moved south of Central Parkway and onented at nInety degrees to Central Parkway such that It wIll connect to both Central Parkway and Dublm Boulevard and reduce It to a SIze more consIstent WIth future demand, from 28 0 acres to 22 0 acres The acreage of the VIllage Center IS proposed to be mcreased by approxImately 8 acres w1thm Area G, but reduced 6 0 acres overall (mc1udmg Area F and Area G) Relocat1Og the DublIn Ranch VIllage Center also necessItated mov1Og the Area F HIgh DensIty and Melium-HIgh DensIty ResIdentIal deSIgnated areas mto Area G and adjacent to the VIllage Center so these hIgher densIty residential neIghborhoods would be better sItuated · Dubhn Ranch mcludes all of the property m the Eastern Dubhn SpecIfic Plan area shown as bemg owned by Chang Su-O Lm and Pao Yeh Lm excludmg Phase I that IS currently under development Planned Development Dutnct and Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan Project Descnptlon 0 Page 1 of 10 Area G pd dese final doc Dublm Ranch Area G 0 December 11 1998 0 RevIsed July 1999 to support a vIable comrnerc1al d1stnct In summary, whereas the SpecIfIc Plan shows 14 acres of VIllage Center, 10 acres of HIgh DensIty and 11 acres of MedIUm-HIgh DensIty deSIgnated lands north of Central Parkway In Area F, thIS Development Plan proposes theIr relocatIOn to Area G AddItIOnally, the overall amount of MedIUm-HIgh DensIty ResIdential deSIgnated land has been mcreased by 15 2 acres (from 11 to 26 2 acres) over the amount IndIcated In the SpeCIfic Plan ThIS Increase IS due to the reductIOn of NeIghborhood ComrnercIallV1llage Center acres, the Increased SIze of Area G due to the final reahgnment of artenal streets, and movIng and clustenng hIgher densIty resIdentIal uses adjacent to the VIllage Center ~ '0 Area G (P A 98-069) IS both a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan (~s defmed by SectIOn 8 32030 of the DublIn Zomng OrdInance) The Stage 1 Development Plan IS reqUIred to Include a hstIng of permItted and condItionally permItted land uses, data on SIte area, proposed denSIties, maxImum number of dwellmg UnIts and non-reSIdential square footages, conceptual SIte and landscape plans, a phasmg plan, and textual 1OformatIOn suffIcIent to estabhsh consIstency WIth the General Plan and Eastern DublIn SpeCIfIc Plan In addItion to the mformatIOn descnbed above, the Stage 2 Development Plan subrmttal Includes development regulations, archItectural and landscape standards, and other supplemental exhIbIts Stage 2 approval constitutes fInal PD zonIng, however, the bUIldIng type, deSIgn, locatIon and configuratIon, parkIng, landscapIng, lot hnes, and SIte CIrculatIOn as shown on the Stage 2 exhIbIts and/or descnbed In the text of thIS PD package are conSIdered to be conceptual m nature It IS proposed that further refInements to these elements be penrutted at the time of SIte Development ReVIew and TentatIve Map WIthout the need for an accompanymg modIfication to thIS PD lExlstmg Land Use and Site ConditIons EXIStIng land use w1thm the Project Area IS predormnantly agncultural, consIstmg of cattle grazIng and dry farrrnng of graIn and hay crops No resIdences or other structures eXIst WIthIn the area AdJomIng propertIes currently employ these same uses EXIStIng topography w1thm Area G generally nses from south to north, WIth the greatest elevatIon dIfference bemg from about elevatIOn 342 at the south boundary to approxImately elevatIOn 375 feet at the north boundary ThIS creates an elevatIOnal dIfference of 33' or an average slope of about 2 3% Vanous bIOlogical studIes have been undertaken WIthIn the ProJect Area and surroundIng areas by H T Harvey & ASSOCIates relative to specIal status plants and wIldlIfe specIes No specIal-status plant or wIldlIfe specIes were detected on SIte Pre-constructIon surveys WIll further address thIS Issue Please refer to the AppendIces for a sumrnary of theIr studIes A draft Junsd1CtIonal delIneatIOn report for Area G, prepared by Ted Wmfield & ASSOCIates, was subrmtted to the Corps m August 1998 ThIS report determmed that no JunswctIOnal areas eXist wIthm the area The Corps fIeld SIte venficatIOn was conducted and a letter dated February 11, 1999 was Issued by the Corps venfymg that" there are G Planned Development DlStnct and Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan Project Descnptlon 0 Page 2 of 10 Ar~a G-pd d~sc finnJ doc Dublm Ranch Area G 0 December 11 1998 0 RevISed July 1999 no areas of Corps of Engmeers JunsdlctIOn on the central portIOn of the property (Area G) "Please refer to the AppendIces to reVIew thIS document No archaeologIcal resources or IndIcators of such have been found on the SIte by Holman & ASSOCIates ArchaeologIcal Consultants Refer to theIr study on-fIle at the CIty of DublIn PlannIng Department for greater detaIl A Phase 1 and 2 SIte assessment of the Project Area has been conducted by Berlogar GeotechnIcal Consultants The fIndmgs of thIS study IndIcated that no problem SItes were found Refer to the AppendiX to reVIew thIS document m greater detaIl Master Planned CommuDlty Dublm Ranch IS a large, mIxed land use development that IS bemg planned as a smgle entIty In addItIon, It IS a pnme example of a Master Planned ComrnunIty contaInIng a senes of neIghborhoods where hous1Og, Jobs, shoppmg, entertamment, and recreatlOnal, educatIOnal and cultural aCtIvItIes are clustered and mter-connected to provIde a full range of urban expenences WhIle the most notable examples of master planned CommUnitIes have been stand-alone "new towns", DublIn Ranch IS unIque m that It has been planned to fIt wIthm and be lInked to the eXIstIng CIty of DublIn . For the past year the Tn - Valley B usmess CouncIl has been engaged m an ambItIOus busmess and CItIzen partICIpatIOn exerCIse to determme how the Tn - Valley Area should develop over the ensumg ten years ThIS process IS called "A 2010 VISIOn for the Tn- Valley RegIOn' and has mvolved scores of commumty and busmess leaders from throughout the Tn-Valley The overall VlslOn IS composed of seven major goals One of these goals IS tItled "VItal Centers and Connected NeIghborhoods" The VISIOn for that partIcular goal states m part "We want a VIbrant urban core, where people are strongly satisfied wIth the neIghborhoods m WhICh to hve and the downtowns busmess dIStnCtS, and other centers m whIch they socIalIze, shop and enJoy a range of commumty amenItles We want Vibrant, walkable regIOnal and CIty centers, and connected neIghborhoods where housmg, Jobs, cultural actlvllles, education, places of worship, shoppmg entertamment, and parks are clustered together When places to hve work shop and SOCIalIze are close to one another and deSIgned to create a sense of safety and faclhtate mteractlon, people have more chOIces for meetmg their needs MobilIty IS eaSIer because walkmg bdang, and usmg mfrastructure IS used more effiCIently " ~ Dubl10 Ranch, as currently planned and constructed, IS the embodIment of that VlSlon Based upon the East Dubl10 SpecIfic Plan formulated by CIty leaders and CItIzenry It IS planned as a truly umfied communIty WIth a WIde vanety of reSIdentIal neIghborhoods, an employment center, schools, neighborhood and commuDity parks, pubhc/selTIl-pubhc use SItes, and a VIllage center ThIS latter feature, WIth ItS pedestrIan-fnendly atmosphere, outstandmg archItecture, and WIde vanety of shoppmg OpportuDit1es WIll gIve nse to the "vItal center" extolled by the VISIOn It IS felt that as Dubhn Ranch grows, the Village Center WIll become a wstmctIve shoppmg, dmmg, and gathenng place that wIll draw people not Just from eastern Dublm, but the entIre Tn-Valley area Planned Development DlStnd and Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan Project DescnptlOn 0 Page 3 of 10 A....a G pd tksc final doc Dublin Ranch Area G 0 December 11 1998 0 Revised July 1999 Ci The VIllage Center wIll also provIde an alternatIve from tYPIcal modem power centers by prov1dmg a human-scaled, vItal, and mterestmg place Many of the resIdentIal neIghborhoods m DublIn Ranch are w1thm easy walkIng dIstance (less than one half IDlle) of the VIllage Center, provIdmg the opportumty for pedestnan access for adJacent resIdents and creatmg a "heart" for the comrnunIty Other areas of DublIn Ranch such as the employment center and regIOnal shoppmg area between DublIn Blvd and 1-580 and the golf course communIty to the north provIde the balance of the area needed so housmg, Jobs, cultural actIvItIes, educatIOn, places of worshIp, shoppmg, entertamment, and parks can be easIly accessed and lInked together as called for m the VIsIOn Dublm Ranch IS a proJect of whIch everyone assocIated wIth can be proud CommuDlty Theme Where appropnate, the contmuatIOn of landscape and archItectural themes, matenals, forms, and elements establIshed m preVIOUS phases of DublIn Ranch WIll proVIde an overall UnIfied comrnumty appearance whIle creat10g a claSSIC and lIvable comrnunIty WhIle thIS upscale rural theme IS especIally well SUIted for the lower denSIty reSIdentIal areas, the more urban IIvmg enVIronment of the VIllage Center WIll reqUIre a dIfferent fleXIble, yet IdentIfIable, VISUal appearance to establIsh Itself as the phYSIcal centerpIece and actIVIty center of the overall DublIn Ranch comrnunIty Refer to the Project Development Standards and DesIgn GUIdelInes for further dISCUSSIOn and detaIl Proposed Development Plan . The ProJect Area conSIsts of four dIStInCt reSIdentIal neIghborhoods, the VIllage Center, a PublIc/SeIDl-PublIc use, a NeIghborhood Park and a NeIghborhood Square The VIllage Center IS re-onented m a northeast/southwest dIrectIon along both SIdes of the Mam Street WIth hIgher denSIty reSIdentIal neIghborhoods located to the east and west VehIcular access to the reSIdentIal areas IS VIa ReSIdentIal Collector C, DublIn Boulevard, Central Parkway, Class II Collectors A and B, and Streets D and E The mtersectIOn of ReSIdentIal Collector C WIth MaIn Street forms the heart of the VIllage Center The MedIUm-HIgh DenSIty neIghborhoods are located north of ReSIdentIal Collector C whIle the HIgh-DenSIty neIghborhoods are to the south The concept of the ''Town Center", now referred to as DublIn Ranch VIllage Center or VIllage Center, as presented In the SpecIfIC Plan IS not bemg changed by thIS applIcatIon It remaIns the focus for convemence comrnerc1al and servIces for adJacent reSIdentIal neIghborhoods and the center for entertaInment and specIalty retaIl uses for the larger Eastern DublIn communIty . Even though a General Plan/SpecIfIc Plan Amendment WIll be necessary because of the relocatIOn and reductIon m SIze of the VIllage Center and the substItutIon of MedIUm HIgh DenSIty ReSIdential for MedIUm DenSIty ReSIdentIal, the proposed Development Plan for the ProJect Area IS based closely on the location, IntenSIty and relatIOnslnp of land uses found m the Eastern DublIn SpeCIfic Plan Area G has been mcreased m SIze from 76 6 acres to 86 9 acres due pnmanly to the final alIgnment of DublIn Boulevard and Central Parkway from that Illustrated m the SpeCIfic Plan Planned Development DlStnct and Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan Project DescnptlOn 0 Page 4 of 10 Area G pd due final doc Dublm Ranch Area G " December II J998 " ReVised July J999 CIJ The folloWIng table Illustrates acreages, UnIts, and square feet allocated to desIgnated land uses w1thm the proposed Development Plan and the approved SpecIfic Plan Proposed PD Eastern Dubhn Use Stage 1 & 2 Specific Plan Development Plan Area F Acres Quannty Acres Quanhty Smgle Family Resldenl1al 227 91 du 236 94du MedIUm Density ResIdential 689 689 du 401 403 du MedIUm High Density Residential 00 11 0 220 du High Density Residential 00 107 375 du Village Center 00 142 216493 sf Public/Semi Public 39 40 Middle School 306 314 Elementary School 100 100 Neighborhood Park 56 56 Neighborhood Square 20 30 Open Space 28 30 Total - Area F 14.,6 5 acres 780 du 156 8 acres 1,092 du 216,493 sf Area G Acres Quantliy Acres Quantuy MedIUm Density ReSidential 00 373 373 du MedIUm-High Density ReSidential 262 528 du 00 ~ High Density ReSidential 250 876 du 127 445 du Village Center 220 230 000 sf 138 210,395 sf Public/Semi Public 3 1 38 Neighborhood Park 67 60 Neighborhood Square 25 30 Open Space 14 00 Total - Area G 86 9 acres 1,404 du 76 6 acres 818 du 230,000 sf 210,395 sf Areas F and G Acres Quantliy Acres Quantlly Smgle Fatmly ReSidentIal 227 91 du 236 94du MedlUm DenSity ReSidential 689 689 du 776 776 du MedIUm High DenSity ReSidential 262 528 du 110 220 du High Denslly ResIdential 250 876 du 234 820 du VJilage Center 220 230 000 sf 280 426 888 sf Public/Semi-Public 70 78 Middle School 306 314 Elementary School 100 100 NeIghborhood Park 123 116 Neighborhood Square 45 60 Open Space 42 30 Total Areas F&G 233 4 acres 2,184 du 233 4 acres 1,910 du 230,000 sf 426,888 sf '" WIthm the East Dublm Specific Plan half of the Neighborhood CommerCial square footage IS mcluded . wlthm Area F and halfwlthm Area G Total VIllage Center squarefootage wlthm the East Dublm SpecIfic Plan is 426 888 on 28 0 acres whereas the Project proposes 230000 squarefeet on 22 8 acres Planned Development DlStnct and Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plo.n Project Descnptwn 0 Page 5 of 10 Au" G pd desc jintJl doc (j) . . Dublm Ranch Area G 0 December J 1 1998 0 RevISed July 1999 A range of housmg types IS planned for the desIgnated resIdentIal neIghborhoods A conceptual layout of resIdentIal areas IS graphIcally depIcted on the Stage 2 Development Plan mcluded m thIS subIDlttal package The specIfIC breakdown of thIS conceptual layout, by resIdentIal neIghborhood and mtens1ty of use, for the ProJect Area IS as follows Neighborhood Gross DwellIng DenSity Acreage VOlts (dulac) 119 232 195 143 296 207 262 528 202 115 300 261 135 576 427 250 876 350 51 2 Acres 1,404 VOlts 27 4 dulac MH1 MH2 Subtotal HI H2 Subtotal Total As can be seen from the table above, the Development Plan for Area G proposes a maXImum of 1,404 dwellIng UnIts Although thIS UnIt count IS slIghtly less than the IDld- range establIshed by the SpecIfIc Plan for MedIUm-HIgh and HIgh DensIty ReSIdentIal uses based on the resIdentIal acreage proposed by thIS applIcatIOn (1407 UnIts vs 1404 UnIts), the proJect proposes approxImately 275 more UnIts than ongmally IdentIfIed m the East Dublm SpecIfic Plan for Areas F and G, (13% or 2,184 UnIts vs 1,910 m the SpecIfIC Plan, even WIth the mcreased acreage deSIgnated for reSIdentIal uses) These resIdentIal UnIts are the result of the loss of VIllage Center acreage m both Areas F and G and ItS replacement WIth hIgher densIty resIdentIal uses and the deSIre to mcrease reSIdentIal densIties m keepmg WIth the SpecIfIC Plan's Town Center concept ThIS UnIt mcrease does not prOVIde addItIonal dwellIngs to the overall Dublm Ranch proJect, smce, the total number of dwellIng UnIts for all areas of DublIn Ranch cannot exceed the 5,760 uruts perrrntted by the SpecIfic Plan ModIficatIons to the number of dwellIng UnIts, locatIOn of UnIts, and IDlX of urnt types for each of the neIghborhoods from that shown on the Development Plan may be made at the SIte Development ReVIew stage so long as the total number of uruts does not exceed 1404 For example, 700 medIum-hIgh denSIty UnIts could be bUllt between the two medIUm-hIgh denSIty neIghborhoods, but tlus would ltIDlt the two hIgh denSIty neIghborhoods to spIlt the remammg 704 uruts between them By consoltdat1Og these hIgher denSIty proJects m JuxtapOSItIOn WIth the VIllage Center of Area G, the Development Plan carnes out the land use concept of the SpecIfic Plan Whtle the SpecIfic Plan shows the VIllage Center extended along both SIdes of Central Parkway, It also shows HIgh DenSIty ReSIdentIal bordenng the commercIal uses on the north and south, the thought bemg that these hIgher denSIty reSIdentIal neIghborhoods Planned Development DlStnct and Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan Project DescnptlOn Page 6 of 10 Area G-pd desc final doc Dublm Ranch Area G 0 December II 1998 0 Revised July 1999 @ would help provIde an addItIonal market for the commercIal dIStrIct The same desIgn approach has been employed In thIS Development Plan As part of the VIllage Center, a 3 1 acre PublIc/SeIDl-PublIc "overlay" SIte has been deSIgnated at Central Parkway and Street E As part of the annexatIon prezonIng under P A 94-030, the underlYIng land use zone of thIS PublIc/SeIDl-publIc SIte was deSIgnated as PD NeIghborhood ComrnercIal WIth the approval of thIS PD Plan, the underlYIng zone wIll be rezoned from PD NeIghborhood Comrnerc1al to PD MedIUm-HIgh DenSIty ReSIdentIal The CIty has not conurutted to locatIng speCIfIC land uses on thIS SIte If no PublIc/SeIDl-PublIc uses are approved for thIS SIte at the end of a ten year penod from the date of approval of P A 98-069, It IS proposed that the CIty conSIder applIcatIons for It to be used for PD MedIUm-HIgh DenSIty ReSIdentIal purposes WIthout the need for an amendment to the DublIn General PlanlEast DublIn SpeCIfic Plan or PD Rezone as long as the total number of dwellIng umts shown w1thm the DublIn Ranch property do not exceed the 5,760 UnIts permItted by the SpecIfic Plan C9 To encourage addItIonal consumer mterest, outstandmg urban deSIgn WIll be cntIcal to create a comfortable, fnendly, and hIgh qualIty shoppmg enVIronment (Refer to the follOWIng Development Standards and DeSIgn GUIdelInes) In addItIon, careful attentIOn wIll be placed on attractmg a dIverse and complementary base of qualIty retaIlers conSIstent WIth the VIllage Center Image A umque feature of the VIllage Center Development Plan allows for offIces and reSIdentIal above ground floor retail or offIce Not only does such an arrangement Impart a very tradItIOnal Mam Street character, but thIS close proXImIty of retaIl and offIce uses wIll enhance each sector's customer base In the event Mam Street cannot attract suffICIent retail and offIce uses wIthm a reasonable penod of tIme to complete the proposed development program, or If the mtroductIOn of upper story reSIdentIal uses onto Main Street IS seen as a pOSItIve, upper story reSIdentIal uses are permItted to occur as an accessory use ThIS would permIt MaIn Street to fully buIld out, create a contmuous edge along the street, create a lIvely IDlxed-use area, and permIt reSIdents to lIve close to local servmg comrnercIal uses ReSIdentIal UnIts could be mtroduced mto the VIllage Center as long as the total number of dwellIng UnIts shown w1thm the DublIn Ranch property do not exceed the 5,760 uruts permItted by the SpecIfIC Plan No school SItes are located 10 thIS portIon of DublIn Ranch Schools that WIll serve the ProJect Area are located In the IDlddle and northern sectIons of Area F and are close enough to effiCIently serve the students that WIll lIve m thIS Area The Development Plan Includes 9 2 acres of parkland In the form of one 6 7 acre neIghborhood park and one 2 5 acre neIghborhood square ThIS IS slIghtly more park acreage (9 2 acres vs 90 acres) than IS Illustrated In the SpeCIfIC Plan The re-onentatIon of the neIghborhood park and neIghborhood square from theIr ongInal SpecIfic Plan locatIOns IS planned so as to be more convenIent to the greatest number of reSIdents and VISItors to thIS area AdwtIOnally, pnvate recreatIOn faCIlItIes wIll be Incorporated Into the MedIUm-HIgh and HIgh DenSIty ReSIdentIal developments Planned Development DlStnct and Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan Project Descnpllon 0 Page 7 of 10 Area G-pd desc jiruJ1 doc: @ . Dublin Ranch Area G 0 December 11 1998 0 Revised July 1999 As part of the annexatIOn prezonIng under P A 94-030, all neIghborhood park and square SItes were depIcted as "overlay" uses wIthm portIOns of desIgnated PD MedIUm DensIty ResIdentIal areas WIth the approval of thIS PD Plan submIttal, the underlymg land use of the neIghborhood park and neIghborhood square wIll be rezoned from PD MedIUm DensIty ResIdentIal to PD MedIUm-HIgh DensIty ResIdentIal Any park or square relocated or reconfigured from thIS approved PD Plan may be redesIgnated accordmg to ItS underlymg zone and used for any MedIUm-HIgh ResIdentIal purpose SItes can be redesIgnated m thIS manner WIthout amendment to thIS PD Rezone or to the East DublIn SpecIfic Plan/DublIn General Plan as long as the total number of dwellIng UnIts shown wIthm the DublIn Ranch property do not exceed the 5,760 UnIts permItted by the SpecIfIc Plan The NeIghborhood Square has been deSIgned to mterconnect WIth the lIvely pedestnan onented atmosphere provIded by "Mam Street" The use of SImIlar pavmg matenals and colors, the use of a focal pomt, and the proVISIOn of a small amphItheater and more actIve chIldren's play area wIll create a commumty gathenng area The proVISIon of publIc art would provIde mterest and a sense of place w1thm the gathenng spaces of the VIllage Center, and be a benefIt to the resIdents and VISItors of DublIn GUIdelIne polIcIes have been mcluded wIthm thIS document to establIsh the framework for the mclusIOn of publIc art w1thm thIS proJect PrOject Access and Circulation East-west access to the ProJect Area wIll be provIded pnmanly by DublIn Boulevard and Central Parkway The applIcant WIll extend both of these artenals through the Project Area from TassaJara Road to the eastern boundary of the ProJect They WIll be connected VIa Class II Collector 'B' along the eastern boundary lIne and Class II Collector 'A' along the western boundary lIne UltImately DublIn Boulevard IS proposed to be a SIX lane dIvIded artenal and Central Parkway IS proposed to be a four lane diVIded artenal However, full street Improvements wIll not be mcluded as part of the mItIal backbone Improvements, mstead, two lanes m each dIrectIOn wIll be constructed for DublIn Boulevard and one lane 10 each directIOn for Central Parkway UltImately, north-south access through Area G wIll be VIa three collector streets (Class II Collectors A and B, and Mam Street) WhICh wIll eIther frame or bISect the ProJect Area ResIdentIal Collector C, and Streets D, E, and F WIll serve as mmor mtenor streets prov1dmg access through the SIte and to specIfic development parcels Street CIrculatIon systems and walkways w1thm the hIgher densIty resIdentIal neIghborhoods are deSIgned to allow for vlSlb1hty and safety, pedestrIan and bIcycle connectIons to adJacent areas, and emergency access It IS antICIpated that most of the streets w1thm these neIghborhoods wIll be pnvately owned and mamtamed by homeowners' assoc1atIon(s) The Development Plan for the ProJect Area IS consIstent WIth the traffic studIes done for the Eastern DublIn SpecIfic Plan and the subsequent amendment to the CIrculatIon Element of the General Plan Because of the reductIon m the SIze of the VIllage Center Planned Development DlStnct and Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan Project DescnptlOn 0 Page 8 of 10 Area G pd thsc final doc Dublin Ranch Area G 0 December 11 1998 0 Revised July 1999 CI and the re-onentatIOn of land uses, traffIc Impacts projected for thIS Development Plan are less than those descnbed In the Eastern DublIn GP AlSP EIR The Impact of these tnps on the street system has been detenruned In the SpecIfIc Plan traffIC studIes and the streets have been sIzed accordmgly In accordance wIth CIty reqUIrements, follow-up traffIc analyses WIll be conducted wIth each phase of the ProJect to determIne when vanous street Improvements are reqUIred m order to maIntaIn acceptable levels of servIce The traffIc study for Areas F, G, and H IS on fIle at the CIty of DublIn Ownership and Mamtenance of Open Space and Pedestrian Areas _ A homeowners' assoc1atIOn(s) wIll be created for the resIdentIal portIons of the ProJect Area and a DeclaratIon of Covenants, CondItIons and RestrIctIOns wIll be prepared and recorded The DeclaratIon WIll reqUIre the homeowners aSSOCIatIOn(s) to own and/or mamtam the lands In accordance WIth the followmg table Element Own Mamtam Center MedIan In PublIc Streets CIty CIty Pubhc Parks CIty CIty Stream Corndor Open Space Areas HOA Zone 7-EBRPD* or HOA Stream Corndor TraIls EBRPDIHOA Zone 7-EBRPD* or HOA Other TraIls EBRPDIHOA EBRPD or HOA (j TraIls along Artenals/Collectors CIty LandscapIng only- HOA RIght-of-way LandscapIng CIty HOA (curb to ROW lIne) RIght-of-way LandscapIng CIty HOA (Internal publIc streets) SubdIvIsIOn Commumty LandscapIng Pnvate HOA * Pubhc easement requITed The DeclaratIOn wIll establIsh easements and other nghts-of-way necessary for the assocIatIon to fulfill ItS responSIbIlItIes More speCIfic detaIls of ownershIp and mamtenance wIll be IdentIfied and descnbed further at TentatIve Map and/or SIte Development ReVIew stage, whIchever IS subffiltted first In addItIon, a VIllage Center Property Owners' ASSOCIatIOn WIll lIkely be establIshed to own and/or maIntam SIdewalks, street furnIture and any spec1allandscapmg and comrnon areas m the VIllage Center An aSSOCIatIOn fee WIll be created to fund these actIVItIes SInce It wIll take a number of years to completely buIld out thIS d1StnCt, the developer of DublIn Ranch or a successor owner of the VIllage Center property WIll help support the aSSOCIatIOn untIl all parcels are sold or occupIed Adwbonal detaIls regardmg ownershIp and maintenance of these areas IS descnbed m the DeSIgn GUIdelInes CI Planned Development Dlstnct and Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan Project DescnptlOn 0 Page 9 of 10 Ar~a G pd tksc final doc @ o @ Dublin Ranch Area G " December J 1 1998 " Revised July /999 KncluslOlI1ary Zonmg Ordmance DublIn's InelusIOnary Zonmg Ordmance requIres 5% of all housmg to be affordable to those of very low, low and moderate mcomes, or reqUIres the developer to pay an m-lIeu fee whIch wIll allow the CIty to facIhtate constructIOn of such housmg It IS the mtentlOn of thIS project to comply wIth the InelusIOnary ZOnIng Ordmance reqUIrements by paymg an m-lIeu fee, prov1dmg affordable housmg, and/or dedIcatmg land for such uses Per SectIOn 868070 of the DublIn Zomng Ordmance, the apphcant wIll enter mto an affordable housmg agreement wIth the CIty pnor to the SubdIvIsIOn Fmal Map approval of the specIfIc proJect The agreement WIll record the exact method and terms of meetmg the mtent of thIS ordmance Platllled Development DIS/net aruJ Stage 1 aruJ Stage 2 Development Plan Project DesenptlOn 0 Page 10 of 10 Ar~a G-pd desc jituJl doc ~ l' ,1 ,t Z <t:: .....J 0... t- Z LL) ~ 0... o .....J LL) > LL) o LL) c.J <t:: t- r:/) ]j ~~iH!~~ <!~~~::f:;;: ::;:~g;~~- ~.o. ;:!-r:ao..t 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'----- ';' ~ ~~!H~ g " '" 0 '" ;;- <L ~ ~ . ---- - - - --- -f)- ---- (f) DUBLIN RANCH AREA G Development and Deslgn Standards and GUIdelInes (f) CI) RevIsed July, 1999 December 11 1998 Dllblm Randl Area G 0 Dem:n Gllldelll1es 0 December /1 /998 0 RevIsed July 1999 Table of Contents t) t) Architectural DesIgn GUIdelInes Village Center In troduclt on Village Center/MaIn Street Character Architectural Styles Sty 1 es- Contem par drY Architectural In tef1lretatlOns Itahanate Bnck-Front Romanesque Arcaded Block False-Front Gable-Front ArtistIC Front Modem Broad-Front Central California Vernacular Pnmary DeSign ConsideratIons Scale BUlldmg Facades 'Gateway" Architecture Corner dnd Mid-Block ConditIons Roofs and Roof Forms Entry DeSIgn Side and Rear Facade., MIxed-Use BUlldmg Facades Free Standmg BuIidmgs Village Center Architectural Elements Matenals, and Details Roof Matenais Facade Treatments and Matenal., Doors W mdows Archl tectuml FIxtures Secondary ElementslDetdlb Archnecturdl DeSIgn GUIdelines () 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-6 1-7 1-9 1-10 1-12 1-13 II-I II-I II-I 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-8 II-lO 11-12 II-I4 11-16 II-I8 11-20 11-22 II - 24 II - 24 11-24 11-25 11-25 11-26 II-26 II-27 11-29 II-29 11-30 II - 30 11-30 II-30 Il-31 II-31 II-32 11-14 fJoge I of .J / able of COlllenlS DlIbllll Ranch Area G 0 DesIgn Gllldelllles 0 December 1/ /998 0 RevIsed JlIh /999 t) MedIUm High and High Density Neighborhoods Purpose ReSidential Architectural Styles California Craftsman/Bungalow California TraditIOnal European Eclectic Spanish Colonial Revival Monterey RenaIssance RevI val Architectural Treatment Elevation Treatment Roof ConSiderations Multi-Family Residential Design Elements Architectural Elements Matenals and Colors I) Village Center Commumty Planmng and DeSign Village Center Village Center Mixed-Use Form BuIidmg Sltmg BUlldmg Sltmg at Gateway Comers BUlldmg Height BuIidmg Types BUlldmg Entnes Parkmg TranSit Pedestnan CirculatIOn Public Open Spaces Special ConsideratIOns MedIUm HIgh and High DenSity Residential Neighborhood BUildIngs BUlldmg SitIng BUildIng Height BUlldmg Mass and Form Treatment of Comer Conditions Creatmg J Vaned Street Scene Setbacks BuildIng Types Entnes ParkIng Auto CirculatIon Pedestnan/Blcycle CirculatIOn Open Space Public/SemI-Public Community FdcllItles I) II-34 II-34 11-35 11-37 II-39 IIAO HAl I1-43 II 45 II -4 7 II -4 7 Il-48 II-51 II-51 II-58 III-I III - 2 III-3 HI-3 III - 3 III-4 111-6 11I-6 III-7 III-7 IlI-8 11I-9 III-9 III-lO III-12 III-12 III -12 III-I3 11I-13 III-13 11I-14 11I-14 IlI-14 III-15 III 16 III-16 IlI-16 III-16 III-18 III-I 8 Paf!,l :2 of .J Table of COIl(l'n(~ DI/bllll Rallch Area G 0 De~lglI GUldelllle~ 0 December // /998 0 RevIsed July 1999 () Commumty Landscape Design GUidelines Vehicular CirculatIOn Artenal Streets Collector Streets MalO Street and Street F Street E Street D Pn vate Residential StreetslMedlUm-Hlgh Density and High DenSity Residential Neighborhoods Entnes and Gateways Village Center Gateways MedIUm-High DenSity NeIghborhood Entnes High DenSity Neighborhood Entnes VIllage Center Image MalO Street Plaza Secondary Plazas MId-block CrosslOgs Pedestnan Paseos Parkmg Lots Ownership and MalOtenance of the Village Center Area Public Art Street Furniture Recreation Amemtles Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Square Multi-use TraIls Bicycle Route Bike Lane General Landscape Recommended Plant Palette IrngatlOn PIlasters, Walls and Fences Stone and Stucco Pilasters Stone Veneer Pilasters Commumty Wall Rail Fences Open View Fences IV-I IV-l IV-3 IV-4 IV-6 IV-6 () IV-7 IV -13 IV -13 IV -14 IV -15 IV -18 IV -19 IV -20 IV -21 IV -21 IV -22 IV - 24 IV -25 IV -26 IV -29 IV -29 IV -30 IV -3 I IV -32 IV -33 IV -33 IV Al IVA2 IV-42 IV-43 IV -43 IV -44 IV -45 I) Village Center Mixed Use Area Master Sign GUldehnes IntroductIOn ApplicabIlity Intent General RegulatIOns Mdxlmum Number Total Allowdble Sign Area Calculation of Total SIgn Area Calculation of IndivIdual SIgn Arcd V-I V-I V-2 V-3 V-3 V-3 V-3 V-4 Page i of .f fable ofColllelll~ DlIbll/l Ranch Area G 0 Design Gllldell/les 0 December // /998 0 RevIsed JlIl\ /999 () Upper Floor SIgns SIgn Matenals Color Lighting PermItted Signs ProhibIted Signs Exempt SIgns Temporary Signs SpeCifiC Sign Type GUldellOes Wall Signs ProJectlOg SIgns AwnlOglCanopy SIgns Window SIgns SpecIal Window GraphIcs Plaque SIgns Directory Signs Address Signs Menu Signs Special SIgns V-5 V-5 V-5 V-6 V-6 V-S V-9 V-9 V-II V-I I V-12 V-13 V-15 V-16 V-I7 V-17 V-IS V-19 V-20 (f) I) Pal(t' 4 of .J (abh of COlIIlllH Dublin Ranch Area G 0 DesIgn GUIdelines 0 December 11 1998 0 RevIsed July 1999 ARClHIKl'JECl'1URAIL IDJESKGN GlUIDEILlINES '---./ VJDLlLAGE CENTER 'G> INTRODUCTION The purpose of these Village Center mixed use architectural gUldelmes IS to provide specific design cntena and gUidance for the deSign of bUlldmgs frontmg on the MalO Street, Residential Collector C, Street F and portions of Central Parkway and Dublin Boulevard These gUldelmes mclude a descnptlOn of deSign objectives and stylistiC analogs to be Incorporated mto the overall architectural concept for MalO Street Architectural deSign gUidelines and a deSign vocabulary for architectural elements and details are also mcluded VILLAGE CENTER / MAIN STREET CHARACTEJR The Village Center / MalO Street proVides an opportumty to develop a umque pedestnan onented environment framed by one to five story bUild lOgs The key to a successful project IS the development of an appropnate architectural theme and vocabulary ~ 111 ArchItectural GUIdelines Dublm Ranch Area G "DesIgn GUldelmes " December 11 1998" RevIsed July 1999 (t) ARClHIKl'JECl'lURAlL ID]ESKGN GlUKIDJElLITNJES VliLlLAGE CENTER ,,- ~"'i." .. ~.. .): l:o'o..~ ~.. "'" ~ too': v 1'., "'.J!) .. ~.4J',......... to! e ;/..,J Can>! Amu.. " ., 'J:J .. \' - {) INTRODUCTION The purpose of these Village Center mixed use architectural gUIdelmes IS to provide specific design CrIterIa and guidance for the deSign of bUlldmgs frontmg on the Mam Street, Residential Collector C, Street F and portions of Central Parkway and Dubhn Boulevard These gUldelmes mclude a deSCrIptIOn of deSign objectives and styhstlc analogs to be mcorporated mto the overall architectural concept for Mam Street Architectural deSign gUIdelmes and a deSign vocabulary for architectural elements and details are also mcluded VILLAGE CENTER / MAIN STREET ClBIARACTER. The Village Center / Mam Street provides an opportunity to develop a unique pedestrian OrIented enVIronment framed by one to five story bUlldmgs The key to a successful project IS the development of an approprIate architectural theme and vocabulary f) 111 Architectural GUldelmes Dublm Ranch Area G "DesIgn GUldelmes " December 11 1998" RevIsed July 1999 (f) For msplratlOn and gUidance m the selection of an architectural theme for the Village Center and Mam Street, we go back 50 to 100 years to the small towns of the Tn-Valley area Such towns were found throughout Central and Northern Cahfornla servmg the surroundmg farms and ranches These towns prOVided necessary shoppmg, housmg, entertamment, educatIOn, rehglous and medical services, as well as the transportatIOn and CIVIC needs of the residents They made pOSSible a fulfilled hfe for the hardworkmg reSidents of the area They also possessed a unique character Today the Mam Streets of some of these towns contmue to draw people from the surroundmg larger, more modem areas because their character offers more than Just necessary services They proVide a sense of belongmg and community which people today seek Just as they did a century ago The Visual elements of these Mam Streets appeal to both the people of the past and present because they create a place which "feels nght" and creates an environment m which people want to partiCipate, be part of and Simply enJoy () It IS pOSSible to quantify many of the elements which create the Mam Street's Visual character These gUldelmes help to recreate the ambiance and appearance that the Mam Street and Village Center possess While the success of Mam Street depends on many other consideratIOns beyond ItS phYSical appearance, the ImplementatIOn of these gUldelmes can prOVide an Initial step The pnmary deSign components of a Mam Street mclude the vehicular street sectIOn, Sidewalk and streetscape elements, deSign of the bUIldmg facade and deSign of the mdlVldual shop space These components are fundamental to the creatIOn of a successful Mam Street They must each be addressed m regard to location and use Sub-components of these categones mclude the followmg Vehicular Street o Pedestnan emphaSIS m the street deSigns With numerous crossmg pomts at parkmg and street mtersectlons o A relatively narrow two lane street sectIOn Mmlmal honzontal separatIOn of the bUlldmg facades ties both Sides of the street together o Parallel, on-street parkmg to prOVide both convenience and d buffer to create a sense of secunty f) 112 Architectural GUldelmes Dublm Ranch Area G "DesIgn GUldelmes " December 11 1998" RevIsed July 1999 CD Sidewalks and Streetscape Elements o Importance of sidewalk width relatmg to sense of scale o DeSign width/capacity that provides neither a congested nor vacant appearance o Street tree wells and landscapmg to provide adequate shade, visual mterest and a comfortable environment o Seatmg and outdoor dmmg opportunities o A wnmgs of various Sizes, shapes and colors o Store slgnage and displays, mcludmg mterestmg signs perpendicular to Sidewalks, and directed to pedestrIans rather than vehicular traffic o Vaned street furniture and accessones such as barber poles, street clocks, drmkmg fountams, trash receptacles, benches etc Storefront Facades () o A sense of vanety and spontaneity rather than monotony and repetition make walkmg or strolhng mterestmg rather than bormg o Unique door and wmdow treatments that differ for mdlvldual shops o Near contmuous glass store front displays and frequent entnes add vanety and mterest o Butldmgs or shops Will appear mdlvldual or umque o Varymg matenals, apparent floor heights, roof and parapet deSigns o Vaned wmdow head and Sill heights, patterns, spacmg and frammg details Side and Rear ElevatIOns It IS the mtent to aVOid one-sided architecture The Side and rear facades m the Village Center mixed use area Will be actively used therefore they should have an appearance Similar to a "front" m regard to doors, wmdows, etc Although the architectural treatment may be SimplIfied and vary accordmg to function, these elevatIOns should remam consistent through style, use of matenals, colors and detatls () Another factor which contnbutes to the success of a traditional Mam Street IS ItS mixed-use character Multiple users and functions msure day long and evenmg use rather than peak penod crowdmg and the off hours vacancy of separated land uses Examples mclude lunch for office/ store employees and shoppers, commuter hour convemence shoppmg and adJacent reSident mornmg and evenmg use 113 ArchItectural GUldelmes () () f) Dublm Ranch Area G " DesIgn Gllldelmes "Jul)! 1999 ARCHlTECTURALSTYLES Visually the MaIn Street commerCIal street facade should resemble an Ideahzed rmage of a tradItIOnal Mam Street ThIs can be successfully achieved through a mIx of commerCIal styles found throughout Cahforma durIng the early part of thIS century Smce the bUIldIngs on such a street were bUIlt or replaced over an extended penod by mdlvldual buIlders, they possessed an eclecttc character, sense of vanety and spontaneity unhke the predictable, repetItious and somewhat monotonous appearance often found m many late twentIeth century commerCial developments The deSired eclectIc street scene can consist of authentic mterpretatlOns of vanous styles, a more contemporary mterpretatlOn of these styles, or Ideally, an mterestIng combmatlOn which remforces the perceptIOn of a long estabhshed commumty bUilt over tIme One bUlldmg type or style that shall be aVOided IS that of a corporate cham store With ItS easIly recognized bUlldmg and marketIng rmage By requmng that MaIn Street bUildIngs reflect contemporary mterpretatlOns/verslOns of the speCified authentiC styles and related slgnage cntena, the goal of achlevmg an archttecturalrmage remmlscent of early Cahforma Mam Streets and theIr mix of styles can be assured The followmg styles were found on the most traditIOnal Cahfornla penod Mam Streets and are appropnate as part of a mix for mcluslOn m the Dubhn Ranch Village Center o Itahanate o Bnck-Front o Romanesque o Arcaded Block o False-Front o Gable-Front o ArtistiC Front o Modern Broad-Front o Central Cahforma Vernacular Wntten descnptIons, a hst of pnmary charactenstlcs and graphiC IllustratIons of each of the above nme (9) authentIc styles are prOVided follOWIng tills sectIon The descnptlon of each authentic style IS followed by two elevatIOns The first Illustrates the authentiC style and the second IS a contemporary mterpretatIon of It In an attempt to formulate a thorough, yet reasonable set of standards based on actual use/expenence, a review was conducted of several gUIdehnes/standards docwnents that currently serve commumtIes snndar to Dubhn Ranch Village Center These gwdelmes are based upon that reView, drafts and diSCUSSIOns m order to achteve effectIve estabhshment and regulatIon of the deSIred architectural program 114 A,cllIlectlll al Gllldelme:, ({) () () Dublll1 Ranch A,ea G 0 DesIgn Gllldelll1es 0 July 1999 Styles - Contemporary Architectural InterpretatIons The followmg two paragraphs provide a descnptIon of the mtent for the contemporary archttectural mterpretatlon These parameters are generally applIcable to each of the nIne (9) hlstoncal styles In response to economic constramts and modern constructIOn practIces, the contemporary versIOn of each style IS slmphfied In form, detaIl and ornamentatIon Flll1sh matenals selected shall be appropnate m their use and apphcatlOn, and be durable In nature BaSIC wall matenals mclude stucco, masonry (bnck and stone), sldmg (wood, synthetic wood compOSites), metal and cast concrete or synthetIc- concrete composites Roof materIals may be of a bUilt-up or membrane type at parapet conditIOns, and concrete tIle, composItIon shtngle tile, or metal roof (flat, standmg seam, or corrugated) at roof pitches 3 12 or greater Metal roofs and their color selectIon shall be subject to detail deSign review DetaIls and ornamentatIon may be of pre-cast stone, concrete or synthetIc matenals, metal, wood, masonry, tIle and glass The chOice of matenals should be governed by the style as well as ItS locatIOn and proxmuty to the pedestnan As an example of thIS, second story false materIals are less vIsible/detectable than those at street level, and would be more approprIately used III those locatIOns 115 4/ cllItectl/ral Gllldelll1es (B () f) Dublm Ranch Area G 0 DesIgn Gllldelll1es 0 July 1999 ItahaDate Popular durmg the 1880's, Itahanate was one of the first successful hlstonc styles bUIlt from manufactured matenals The Itahanate store- front was dlstmgmshed by long and narrow WIndows, comers of bmldmgs quomed m bnck or stone and stackmg of upnght elements on top of one another WhIle archItectural detathng could be accomplIshed with bnck, Iron-front, or wood constructIOn, the best opportumtIes for ornamentatIOn were offered by wood and metal constructIon DetaIls commonly used with these constructIOn types mcluded floral motIfs, rosettes, pIlasters topped WIth elaborate capitals and decoratIve anchor Irons OrnamentatIOn on bnckwork constructIOn was normally Ilflllted to enhancement of the cornice and Illltels ThIs style estabhshed a design standard that IS stIll eVident 111 the great nmnber of ltahanate upper stones m bUSIness districts throughout the country Chm actenstzcs o TYPically 2-3 stones o BrIck claddmg or Iron front o Flat roof o DecoratIve cornIce o Tall narrow wmdows WIth segmental arch 116 Archaectlll al Gllldelmes () t) I) Dllblll1 Ranch Area G 0 DeSIgn GUldelll1es 0 JlIly 1999 Authelltlc ElevatlOll (ltallallate) Sheet Metal CorDlce J I: Central Door 01 COlltemporary ElevatlOll (ltallallate) D t F Column And/Or May Oc - ecora Ive neze CapItals Brackets r-- Parapet Roof WIth DecoratIve Cor cur ,I I II II !, Ii II ~ I II II II I! II II I II II ... - . ~~ Ive Door & Lmtel --- :m:w Elm m 1.=;=1 f-- IOned s w/ es , J 0 D 0 D I J [ Decorat Wmdow VertIcal Pro port Wmdow MultI-lIt Bracket Surrounds 2/2 Wmdows DIce Strmg Course Masonry Or Stucco Wall Fmlshes May Occur Jf7 Archltectl/l al GlIldelmes () () f) DlIblm Ranch Alea G "Deslgll GUldelmes 0 JlIl)J 1999 Brick -Front BUIlt as a slllgle bUlldmg or m groups with party walls, the bnck- front store could extend up to a block m length It was the most popular store front for the longest tIme and vaned m height from one to three stOrIes Smgle story bUlldll1gs were not often bUIlt alone, but rather as a senes of stores along a portIOn of a block The entrance was on or off center The lower level was domll1ated by large wmdows framed by the bUlldmg's corners and the panel of brIck between floors The upper levels often Included sll1gle or double onel wmdows, bnck fnezes, panels and decorative tll1 cormces Other optIOns mcluded the use of parapet walls, contmuous SIlls or decorative hntels and strmg or belt courses dlVIdll1g the wall laterally The cormce functtoned as a cap under whtch other elements were arranged and balanced Charactel1stlcs o 1-3 stones o BrIck claddmg o Flat roof WIth parapet o Canted onels on 2nd floor 118 4rcJlItecfllral GUldelmes o f) f) Dllblm Ranch Area G 0 DesIgn GUldelll1es 0 JIIly 1999 Authentic ElevatIOn (Brick-Front) Contmuous S.I EEB Double Door GENERAL o Smgle Bulldmg or groups wI party walls o 1-3 Stories Contemporary ElevatlOll (Brtck-Front) Decorative Pre-cast CorDlce Decorative Lmtel & Sill Trim Pre-cast Ornamentation Face Brick Veneer Double Door Entry Corbeling May Occur Brick Pilaster Storefront Glazmg Decorative Panel Wamscot Flat Roof With Parapet Large Wmdows In Groupmgs Pre-Cast Base Wall Trim Or Cut Stone Veneer 119 Archlfectural GUldelmes co e f) Dublm Ranch A,ea G 0 DeSIgn Gllldehnes 0 July 1999 Romanesque The Romanesque vernacular style was a picturesque mode of expressIOn and was charactenzed by a low, wide, arched entrance flanked by round-arched w1l1dows At ItS most ambitIous level It used a prImary facade of coursed, rock-faced sandstone blocks The deSign emphasized the rhythm of the arches and surface texture Romanesque bmldmgs were also deSigned m stone and bnck, one materIal servmg as tnm for the other Where brIck was used as a pnmary surface materIal, ehmmat1l1g the rough surface, elaborate (Queen Anne) bnck elements such as arcades, arches and cornices were 1l1troduced with mould1l1gs surroundmg the curved elements Romanesque was popular for banks and publIc bmld1l1gs and comer bus1l1ess blocks The bUlld1l1gs Imphed security and comtInent to purpose ChQ1 actenstzcs o 1-2 stones o 2-3 stones m bnck o Flat roof With parapet or steep pitched roof o Large round-headed wllldows o Heavy VOUSSOlfS (wedge shaped blocks used III arches) o Arcaded entrances o Colored glass o Canted comer entrance 1110 41chltectural Gl/ldelmes Dublm Ranch Area Go DesIgn Gllldelmes 0 JlIly 1999 ([) fj) . Elaborate Tm Cormce Keystone Arched DecoratIve Glazmg Large Smgle Lite Storefront Wmdow Parapet Roof or Steep Pitched Roofs May Occur Brick Or Stone Veneer, Base Wall Trim At First-Floor Authelltlc ElevatlOll (Romallesque) COlltemporary ELevatlO1l (Romallesque) 00 DO DO Hipped Roof (Steep Pitch) Or Parapet Roof May Occur Terra Cotta Patterned Frieze Strmg Course Large VoussOlrs First Floor Fmlsh Wall Usually Stone or Bnck DecoratIve Cormce & Fneze Strmg Course Arched DecoratJve Glazmg With Ornamental Sill, Jams & Lmtel Trim Stucco, Sldmg Or Masonry Veneer May Occur Base Course Wamscot In Stucco Masonry Or Cut Stone 1111 A,chaectll1 al Gllldelll1es Dublm Ranch Area G 0 DesIgn GlIIdelmes 0 Jill}' 1999 co Arcaded Block The Arcaded Block, often used as a corner commercial bUlldmg at the heart of a busmess dIstriCt was normally an Imposmg structure With a strong overall shape and sohd massmg One elevatIOn would often be larger than the other and dIfferent m deSign detatl Fum hnes on both elevatIOns, e g stnng or belt courses prOVIded contlllUIty m deSign H H RIchardson and LoUIS SullIvan, among other architects, had demonstrated how an elevatIOn could be mtegrated through the use of arches, round-headed elements, or arcades Wmdows appeared as clusters or bands of lIght, portIOns of walls had a hght feelmg ThiS deSIgn focused on the mtersectIOn of walls at the comer whtch often culmInated m a tower that rose from a recessed or canted ground-level entrance f) Styhstlcally, the Arcaded Block was an eclecttc combInatIon of claSSICal and picturesque elements Broad arches of stone blocks were part of the Romanesque reVival vocabulary Queen Anne deSIgn motifs Illcluded tall chtmney stacks and upper level OrIel wmdows The arcaded block was an anchor for the commercIal diStriCt and one of the strongest deSign statements of all vernacular bUIldmg types and styles It mallltallled ItS posItIon III busmess dlstncts throughout the 1870-1940 penod Chm actenstzcs o 2-4 stones o Comer bUlldlllg o Bnck o Flat roof With parapet o Tower, often WIth spIre or canted corner entrance () 11 12 Arclwectwal Gllldelll1es (fi) t;) I) PedIment Round-Headed Wmdows Belt Course FIrst Floor Arcade Dublm Ranch Area G 0 DeSIgn Gl/ldelll1es 0 July 1999 Alltllentlc ElevatIOn (Arcaded Block) B9 Contemporary ElevatIOn (Arcaded Block) Parapet Roof WIth DecoratIve CorDlce Wmdow Shadmg DeVIces May Occur SIll Belt Course TrIm Masonry Or Stucco Wall FlDlsh May Occur Ha OJ Bell Tower Roof Corner Tower Stone Column Second Floor Set-Back From FIrst Floor Arcade Metal Roof Corner Tower FIrst Floor Arcade Canvas Or Metal Awnmgs At BuIldmg EntrIes 1113 Architectural Gl/ldelmes CD () I) Dublll1 Ranch Area G 0 DeSIgn Gllldelmes 0 Jill)' 1999 False-Front The False-Front commercIal bUlldlllg has been associated With the settlement of the west and IS best typified by the one and two story store front which IS the most common of commercial bUIldlllgS The false-front simply extends the facade, so that the bUIldIng seems larger than It IS The false portIOn extends the facade vertically and hOrIzontally so that the roof over the maIn body, most often a gable or flat roof, remalllS htdden from VIew The entrance IS centered with dIsplay wmdows on either Side Central pedIments ahgned wIth the entrance and panel diVISIOns ahgn with dIsplay wmdows Detallmg and ornamentatlOn III the form of corner- boards, columns, or pllasters are Illtegrated llltO the facade and carried up the front False-Front commercial bUildIngs did not create IllUSIOns that fooled the CitIzenry but provided symbohc eVidence of the general clvlltZIng process The false-front was later replaced by or mcorporated llltO bnck bUIldIngs It mallltallled the scale of the onglllal town site Charactenstlcs o 1-2 stones o Wood frame o Clapboard, bnck or board and batten o Gable roof covers maIn bUildIng o Front does not conform to roof shape o Sometrmes plam porch wIth shed roof 1114 Arclmectl/1 al GlIldelll1es ~ (f) 10 Gable Roof Behmd F Symmetrical Facade Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Des/WI GUldelllles 0 Julv 1999 Authentic ElevatIOn (False-Front) 1+1- 1+ l+ //"'-. I I // "'- I rout '/1 "" /7 ~'- A ~ ==== === tb I I ill ill I I Contemporary ElevatIOn (False-Front) Pethment Stepped Gable Wood Cormce With Brackets Signboard Or Simple Panehng 111 Window Material Wood, Stucco Or Masonry Double Door Or Smgle Door May Occur Fiber Cement Sldmg Plam CorDlce Flat Or Pitched Roof Behmd Front May Occur 1/1 Pane Clerestory Wmdows Display Wmdows Decorative Paneled Walls May Occur Base Course Wamscot, May Be Stucco, Metal, Masonry, Tile or Wood Panelmg i JBa8 Im1 Ill:; ArchItectural GUldelmes () () () Dublin Ranch A/ea G 0 Destgl1 Gmdellnes 0 JuZ~ 1999 Ga ble- JFron t The Gable-Front store was a frame structure, usually clad In clapboard and served as a general store, hardware grocery or feed store, most often In a small town or rural settmg The upper level provIded IIvmg space for the owner The Simple, dIrect, unadorned bUlldmg form was defined by the straIght gable roof and the end wall gable Most elements reInforced that shape A shed roof or awnIng covered the entrance area Wmdow fenestratIOn mcluded modest dIsplay WIndows on the ground level and tradItIOnal double hung sash wmdows III other locatIOns A large SIgnboard on the facade advertIsed the name of the store Other boards adverttsed specific products Decoratton was hmlted to brackets In the gable The gable-front was an Important bmldmg, sometImes serving as the post office and often a center for SOCIal activIty, service and mformation Character/stlcs o 1-2 stones o Frame, gable roof o SIgnboard o Somettmes a porch [] 16 Architectural GUldefllles ([) f) IJ SIgn Board Wall Fmlsh May Be Wood, Sldmg, Stucco or Masonry Shed Roof Over Porch Store Front Wmdow Corner Board Gable Roof Base Course Wamscot, May Be Stucco, Metal, Masonry, TIle or Wood PanelIng TI Dublll1 Ranch Area G 0 DesIgn GUidelines · July 1999 Authentic ElevatIOn (Gable-Front) o o Contemporary ElevatIOn (Gable-Front) Gable Roof Bracket Sldmg, Masonry Veneer or Stucco wIth Coursmg Wall Fmlsh May Occur Double Hung Wmdows Roof, Awmng or TrellIs Over Entrance DIsplay Wmdows I/17 Arcllltectllral GlIIdelll1es ({) () (D Dublm Ranch Area G " DeslWl GUldelmes "July 1999 ArtIstic Front The Artistic Front was pnmanly assocIated WIth a groupmg of phYSIcally connected stores The 1920 s seems to have been the major perIod for this development, although there were examples of shoppmg areas bUIlt before and long after that decade Based on theIr unusual appearances, they were referred to as artIstic deSIgns whIch denved from the use of archItectural detaIls as attentlOn-gettmg deVices The use of mtersectmg roof fonns, gable fronts, stucco and trIm came dIrectly from the Eclectic ReSidentIal deSIgn vocabulary Each structure could be dlstmgUlshed from the others through the wuque applicatton of mdlvldual detaIls, yet still belonged to the group OccaSIOnally these fronts were bUilt as mdlvldual free standmg busmesses (e g gas stations) and looked very much hke cottages In many cases they were lllltmlly resldenl1al use bUlldmgs converted later for commercial uses Character IStlCS o 1 or 2 stones o Detached or grouped o Resldenl1a1 scale o Bnck of stucco claddmg o Intersectmg gable, or stepped parapet roof IllS Alchltectural GUldelmes Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Design GUidelines 0 July 1999 (() () f) Authelltlc ElevatlOll (ArtIstIc Frollt) Gable Or Hipped Roof May 0 Dormers Ma Occur Wall Fmlsh Be Wood, SI Or Stucco Panel Front ResidentIal S {One or Two Gable Roof Hipped Roo May Occur Shmgled Ro DecoratIve Stucco, Ston or Masonry Base Course May Occur ccur, -~~ y A -~ ~ "Y ""'i May dmg II ~ ,II '* ~ it 1 \It tt "it ..... ,.. III III III - I II ~ - - DO t- - l- - Door t- - t- ~ ... :: I1b== 0 ~Oli~ ~ Ii ..J..0'1'\. ;y Ml -l ResidentIal Scale, 1 Or 2 Stones May Occur Store Front Wmdows COlltemporary ElevatlOll (ArtIstIc Frollt) cale Roof Story) or f With of liD ~ m U 111I e I~ ~ c- IW' ~ ~~ 11< I S I Dormer Roofs May Occur Fascia, Eaves, TrelliS Columns, Etc All Residential In Style And Matenal Stucco Sldmg or Masonry Wall Fmlshes May Occur 1119 Architectural Gllldelmes Dublm Ranch A rea G 0 Design GlIldefmes 0 July 1999 () Modern Broad-Front The desIgn of the double-WIdth storefront, labeled the Modem Broad- Front uttlIzed modem matenals The use of steel beams and colrnnns made a smgle space over two stores or one wIde store possIble The broad-front was most often a low one-story structure The facade design mcluded two thIck pIers anchonng the edges and holdmg a sub-dIVIded bnck panel above DIsplay wmdows were separated Into panels WIth thin mullIOns All of these elements helped broaden the front and remforced the openness of the buIldmg s face Though It had a few hIstoncal detatls as lmks to the past, the Simpler ornamentation usually mcluded eIther bnck work or terra cotta panels or copmgs around the edges The Modem Broad-Front truly was ongmally and today remains a modern bUlldmg Character IStlCS () o 1 story o Bnck claddmg o Flat roof WIth optional shallow stepped parapet o Cast stone or cement omamentahon () Jl 20 Architectural GUldelmes () () (fi Stepped Parapet With Cormce May Occur Transom Windows Display Window With Thin Mulhon Dublll1 Ranch Area G 0 DesIgn GlIldelll1es 0 July 1999 Authelltlc ElevatlOll (Modem Broad-Frollt) t+ ] o COlltemporary ElevatlOll (Modem Broad-Frollt) Panahzed Frieze With Simple Trim Ornamentation Stepped Parapet With Simple Cormce Trim Display Wmdows With Thm Mulhons Base Wamscot Trim May be Stucco, Tile, Masonry or Metal D} D Symmetrical Orgamzatlon of Facade Typical Frieze Panel Brick Pier BUlldmg Often 1- Story But 2-Story May Occur Canvas Or Metal Awnmg at Entry and Display Wmdow May Occur Entry 1s Recessed With Transom Wmdows Wall Panel Detallmg to Segment Surfaces 1121 Arc/wee/ural GlIldelll1es ~ () ([) Dublm Ranch 4rea Go Design GlIldelmes 0 July 1999 Central Cahforma Vernacular A bUlldmg type representatIve of many agnculturaI cornmurutles m the late 19th century BUIldmgs tended to be vIsually less commercial In nature wIth gables or hIpped roofs and overhangs Bmldmgs were usually wood framed but occasIOnally masonry BUlldmg wall matenals were qUlte fleXIble and mcluded stucco, masonry, or wood sldmg Roof forms Included lupped, gabled or parapeted flat roof solutIOns A vanety of roof matenals mcludmg shmgles or nIe were used Chm acterzstlcs o 1-2 stones o Claddmg o PItched roof wIth hIpS or gables or parapeted flat roofs o OccasIOnal dormer m attic/upper floor o ReSidential feel, matenal and detaIl II 22 .4rchIfectural GUldelmes () ([) f) Dubhn Ranch Area G 0 DesIgn GUldelll1es 0 July 1999 AuthentIc ElevatIOn (Central Califorma Vernacular) H d Gabled Roof TypIcal <I Ippe or ~~--==--- -~p ~'- -I I '. - - - I I I I I 7",\ s - r - en 0 I OrnamentatIon SImple Or Non-ExIstent VarIOUS SImple GrIded Wmdow Patterns Store Front DIsplay Wmdow Smgle or Double Doors May Occu OrgaDlzatIon Oft AsymmetrIcal Eave Det WIth Cor Or Expos Rafter Frammg May Occ Deck or Terraces May Occ MultI-LIt Transom Contemporary ElevatIOn (Central Califorma Vernacular) ~ ails ~ bels ed !L--lB-BL ur ~ ~ ;~ B = II Ir IJl TilL? - Ar ~ - ur =. ed = It l=- T I T ;;: - ,.. - I- ~ ..... I l arapets May Occur Offices Above RetaIl Strmg Course TrIm May Occur Arched Wmdows & Portals May Occur Wall Fmlsh m BrIck, Stucco or Sldmg MultIple Roof Forms (Hips Or Gables) Masonry, Sldmg or Stucco Wall Fmlshes May Occur VarIous SImple GrIded Wmdow Patterns DIsplay Wmdows Base Wall TrIm, Wamscot, Stucco, Masonry or Tile May Occur 1123 AI clllfectlll al GUldelll1es Dublm Ranch Area G 0 DesIgn GUldelmes 0 December 11 1998 0 RevIsed July 1999 ~ ~ omu {) CENTRAL PARKWAY . l~ G~ ~M/ ~ ~Q ~ C DUB UN BOULEVARD lPRIMARY DESIGN CONSJIDERA 'f][ONS Scale BUlldmgs shall generally relate In scale and desIgn features to surrounding bUlldmgs In order to achIeve a pedestnan scale, buildmg proximity to the street IS provided by the 40' Wide street and an addltlonal 12' Sidewalk from the face of curb to the bUlldmg setback line ProportIOnate length to street Width should be mamtaIned wlthm each of the three.:!: 400' long blocks between Dubhn Blvd and Central Parkway as Illustrated on the Village Center site plan (See FIgure III-I, Commumty Plannmg & Design Section) The tYPIcal Sidewalk WIdth of 12' from face-of-curb to the bUlldmg setback line provIdes a zone for pedestnan movement, street trees In grated tree wells, architectural proJectIOns, canopies, outdoor dmmg, benches, lightmg, trash receptacles, etc Buddmg Facades Long, monotonous unmterrupted walls or roof planes shall be aVOided Techmques to utilize mclude mcorporatmg wall offsets, recesses, changmg the extenor expreSSiOn of the second floor plate lme, and varyIng head and Sill heights of wmdows, as well as their shape and spacmg Subtle (.:!: 12") buildmg offsets from the buddmg setback Ime shall be provided at least every 75 feet, at changes m the store front facade deSIgn and use of matenals, thus addmg visual vanety and mterest to the buIldmg facade Further, an orchestrated mix of archItectural styles, matenals and colors WIll be reqUired to further the ImpressIOn of a place bUIlt over time "- :1 J ....... 01_ 'WIUJAM tiIlMAtHALCH ARCHIlK1S,.lNC JI-24 Architectural GUIdelines Dublm Ranch Area G ~ DesIgn GUldelmes ~ December 11 1998 ~ Revised July 1999 () To a reasonable extent, upper story wmdows should be vertIcally aligned With the locatIOn of wmdows and doors on the ground level, mcludmg storefront or display wmdows These architectural fenestrations shall be compatible With the style, matenals, colors and details ofthe bUlldmg Although simplified, the architectural treatment of the front facade and Its major features shall be contmued around all vIsIbly exposed sides of the bUlldmg mdudmg consistency With regard to style, use of matenals, colors and details "Gateway" Architecture () BUlldmgs wIth dommant bUlldmg styles and/or greater height shall be desl gned for the VIllage Center Gateways (corners of Main Street and Dublin Boulevard and MaIn Street and Central Parkway) In order to emphasize the Importance of these "entnes" to the Village Center Appropnate scale and facade treatments mclude multI~story and/or stepped facades with "front" facades on all vIsibly exposed Sides Vertical elements, upper story balcomes or umque architectural features used at these corners will also aid 10 attammg a sense of Importance Architecture may be recessed or extended mto these promment corners to prOVide public plaza spaces (For speCIfic plaza dimenSions, see SectIOn t, Development Standards) Corner and Mid-Block Conditions BUlldmgs located at major and mInor street intersectIOns shall have at least two front facades vIsibly exposed to the street Two story and/or stepped facades are encouraged at corner locations so as to emphasize their locations Vertical architectural elements, such as corner towers, and added embellishments, such as flags or fountaIns, also aid 10 attammg thiS emphasIs ProVldlOg squares, courts, plazas, buIldmg recesses and/or colonnades at mid-block and comer locations adds vanety and Visual rehef to the street Paseo connectIOns to parkmg and residential areas are also reqUired at mid-block locat(ons (Refer to Commumty Planmng and DeSign - Pedestnan CirculatIOn sectIon) () II 25 Architectural GUldelme~ Dub/It! Ranch Area G ~ DesIgn GUIdelines 0 December 1/ /998" ReVised July 1999 (j ~ ({) r ~ ffi S3 JiBE 1E rn 1 I 8M .umrm 01... WIU...... 1tfZIMI.IW.0< AIlO!ITECT~ jl'lC. Roofs and Roof lForms Roofs are a dommant architectural element as viewed across the street and from the surroundmg area Provide roof hne offsets m order to add architectural mterest and vanety to the massmg of each buildIng and to relieve the effect of a smgle, long roof Introduce both gable and hipped conditIons to add vanety and mterest to the roof scape Roof types should be m keeping with the character of the architecture Parapet roofs, vaned m height and deSIgn, are an appropnate solutIOn to provide opportumtles for architectural enhancement and tranSitIonal heIghts between bUlldmgs Architectural elements such as dormers, belvederes, chImneys, cupolas, clock towers and other elements which add visual mterest to roofs are encouraged Entry DeSign Entrances to bUlldmgs frontmg on MaIO Street shall be articulated and defined by architectural elements such as pilasters, columns, hntels, pediments, porches, portIcoes, balustrades, rallmgs, overhangs, and others where appropnate and spaced at rntervals of no more than 50' (see Commumty Planmng and DeSign - BUlldrng Entnes section) These elements, when ublIzed, shall be compatIble With the architectural style of the bUlldmg and ItS matenals, colors and details Entnes may be recessed or made generally flush WIth the buddmg facade 11 26 Architectural GUldelmes Dublin Ranch Area G <> DesIgn GUIdelines 0 December 11 1998 0 ReVised July 1999 ([) Side and Rear Facades Village Center bUlldmgs will be vIsible from the sides and rear and should therefore create the same sense of amval and pleasmg entry statement found on the front facade Side and rear elevations should be artIculated wIth an equivalent level of detail as front facades Detail should be wrapped around all vlSlble sides and appropnate elements used to hIghlight entnes and wmdows Other elements that may occur and add mterest on these facades mclude balcomes, awnmgs, canopies, and planter boxes provided that they are kept wlthm the hmltatlons of allowed encroachments as specified In the Development Standards sectIOn of thiS document EJ mmmm; PARAPET DETAILS CONSISTFNT WI rH MAIN STREET CHARACTER STOREFRONT STYLE GLAZING \ I - OFnCE ABOVL RJ;T All SECONDARY STORE ENTRY t- ... PARKlNG UTlUTYfl'RASH ENCLOSURE DRIVE PARKING Rear Elevation \- STONE VENEER WAINSCOT t) Side and rear facades are also actIve m nature and where possible, should proVide direct access to stores and offices Although It IS not the mtent to reqUlre more than two entries per bUlldmg use, secondary entries should be provided at these locatIOns (mcludmg along paseos) m conjunction With the arrangement of commercIal and office uses These entry pomts as Identified on the rear elevations, should relate directly to people aITIvmg In adjacent parkmg lots and pedestnans commg from nelghbonng reSidential areas Il27 Architectural GUidelines () f) () Dublin Ranch Area G ~ DesIgn GUldelmes ~ December 1 J 1998 ~ RevIsed July J 999 PEDESTRJ \"1 P.o,SEO PARAPET DETAILS SECONDARY STORE ENTRY II ) t-- -0-!.- .... <- PARJ<.!NG PEDESTRlA"l PASEO P~G Rear Elevatron STOREFRONT Sn'LE GLAZING Trash receptacles, service entnes and loadmg docks, where reqUIred, shall take place at the rear of bUlldmgs Preferred locations for utIhty meters are at the rear (may be located on the side where unavOidable) Where pOSSIble, these elements shall be screened from view ROOF OVER UTILITY/ TRASH ENCLOSURE A WNlNG SERVICE E'ITR Y STOREFRONT GLAZING .., moos DO 11 11 I' ~"> PARKING SECONDARY STORE ENTRY tmLlTY/TRASH ENCLOSURE STUCCO FINISHED CO'CRETE BLOCK Rear Elevation STONE VENEER WAINSCOT JJ 28 Architectural GUldelmes C() tj () Dublm Ranch Area G a Design Guidelines 0 December II 1998 a Revised July 1999 Mixed-Use Bulldmg Facades Where second level offices or apartments occur over retail commercIal uses, the use of awmngs or other overhead structures extendIng from second floor decks can provIde real and psychological separation and pnvacy for the second floor occupants In mixed use bUlldmgs, where ground floor commercial/retaIl uses and entrances for upper level reSidential/office occur, entrances shall be highlighted by differences m facade treatment, use of dlstmct but compatible extenor matenals, signs, awnmgs, and extenor Itghtmg Freestandmg Bulldmgs Freestandmg bUlldmgs will be vIsIble as four-sided archItecture thereby requIrIng a consistent level of artIculation on all facades Front entnes on these freestandmg bUlldmgs shall be located so that they face a public street Secondary entnes should be provided on side and rear facades for access to parkmg and/ or adjacent public open spaces Entnes and wmdows may be highlighted With a number of architectural elements such as pilasters, columns, lmtels, hoods, etc When used, these elements shall always be consistent with the character and sty Ie of the architecture BUlldmg setbacks heights and allowed uses are governed by the Vtllage Center Mixed Use Development Standards set forth In thiS document 11-29 Architectural GUldelmes ~ @ ({) Dublm Ranch Area G Q DesIgn GUldelmes Q December 11 1998 0 RevIsed July 1999 VIILILAGE CENl'ER ARCJHIlIl'lECl'lURAIL EILEMENl'S, MA l'ERJ[AlLS ANID> ID>El' AILS Roof Matenals Different roof types Include vanous pitches, shapes and forms This provIdes the opportUnity to Introduce a vanety of roof matena Is Acceptable materials mclude o High Qualtty CompositIOn roof, (comparable to 30 yr + grades) o Concrete tdes . (all shapes) o Standing seam / corrugated metal (appropnate to style) o Built-up asphalt - (Flat Roofs only) Facade Treatments and Materials The facade IS the pnmary element that defines the character of a building Primary facade elements mclude windows, doors, base course, wall surfaces, and pitched roofs or articulated cornices Acceptable facade matenals mclude o Smooth plaster or I1ghtly textured (no rough plaster) o Wood sldlllglcomposlte matenals (such as Hardy Plan/...) o Bnck, stone, pre-cast concrete o Tile - as a secondary matenal o Glass block. as a secondary matenal Doors Doors are one of the most Important facade features because they are the store/building entry Illustration of the locatIOn, onentatlOn and proportIOn of entries and doors IS reqUired Door types and edge treatments should be Illustrated mcludmg side lIghts, tnm and transoms Acceptable door matenals mclude o Wood, metal and/or glass o Mulll-pane glaZing shall have true diVIded hte at ground floor Upper stones may use other forms of pane diViders proVIded that their appearance matches ground floor glazmg treatment 11 3() Architectural GUldelmes Dublin Ranch Area 6 ~ DesIgn GUldelmes 0 December II 1998 0 ReVIsed July 1999 () Wmdows The shape and pattern of wmdow opemngs should vary at least every 75' at reqUIred changes In store front facade design Where a smgle use such as office IS proposed, a common wmdow vocabulary can be used In vanous ways to create an mfimte vanety of facades Important window features mclude the number of panes, the way It opens, and the tnm around It Wmdow styles should be deSigned In keepmg wIth the architectural character of each building, (refer to Architectural Styles sectIon begmnmg on page 11-4) Acceptable window types and matenals mclude o Metal and wood o Vinyl clad (at window locations above Jst floor only - match first floor wmdow deSign) o Fixed pane and operable styles o Multi-pane glazmg shall have true divided lites at ground floor Upper stones may use other forms of pane dIviders provIded that theIr appearance matches ground floor glazmg treatment t) Architectural Fixtures A wnlng:-,ICanopJes Awnmgs or canopies overhead are an mtegral part of MaIO Street They should be used to call attentIOn to entnes, provIde shade/shelter, help to create a sense of mtlmate scale and enhance the VIsual character of the bUlldmgs and street scene, and prOVide pnvacy to potential residential umts The use of fixed or retractable awnmgs m vanous colors, shapes and matenals and detail mg are encouraged If they compliment a building's architectural style, matenals, colors and details Awnmgs are reqUired to be deSigned as an Integral part of the facade so they do not unnecessanly conceal archItectural features, such as cornices, columns, pilasters, or decorative details and do not Impair facade compOSition () Acceptable matenals mclude o Wood o FabrIC o Metal o Glass 11 31 Architectural GUldelmes Dublm Ranch Area G .. DesIgn GUldelmes 0 December II 1998" RevIsed July 1999 () Slgnage BUlldmg signs should be vaned m format, graphic style, shape and method of IIghtmg accordmg to the functIOn and archItectural style of each bUlldmg Back IIghtmg IS not permitted SignS perpendicular to and extended from the face of the butldmg onent to the pedestrian and are encouraged (refer to Village Center Mixed Use Area Sign GUidelines, SectIon V, for specIfic cntena and standards) Llghtmg Extenor IIghtmg fixtures attached to the bUlldmg shall be compatible wIth the style, matenals, colors and details of the bUlldmg Llghtmg used on the extenor of bUlldmgs and SIgns, and the light quahty produced, shall be appropnate and compatible Facades shall be ht from the extenor, and, as a general rule, hghts should be concealed through shleldmg or recessed behmd architectural features Outdoor Dmmg t) Outdoar dmmg areas may encroach up to 4' mto the 12' Sidewalk area Any addItIonal depth reqUired for outdoor dmmg (beyond 4' allowable encroachments) must be provIded wlthm the bUlldmg Where separatIOn from pedestnan space IS deSired, a maximum 42" high, moveable, self-supportmg divider (e g, raIhngs, partitions, planter boxes, etc ) should be used The matenal, deSIgn and color of the divIder shall be compatible With the subject buddmg's archItecture Other permItted moveable fixtures associated With outdoor dmlng mclude tables, chairs, umbrellas, low level hghtmg and heaters Secondary Elements/lDletads Trim Tnm should mclude, where appropnate to the style, eaves, corner boards, gable and eave boards, pediments, fnezes, hntels, Sills, quoms, belt courses, balustrades, soffits, etc () 11 32 Archllectural GUldelmes Dublin Ranch Area G 0 DesIgn GUldelmes 0 December]1 1998 0 ReVIsed July 1999 () Gutten Roof gutters and down spouts, whether butlt m or attached, should be specified as to shape and Integrated with the tnm UtilIty Meters Above ground meters shall be located at the sides or rear of buildmgs away from adjacent streets or pedestnan walkways All meters except those placed underground shall be enclosed or set behInd archItectural or mature landscape elements to screen them from view MechanIcal EqUIpment All mechanical equipment, mcludmg air conditIOners, gas regulators, telephone/cable tv pedestals, satellite dishes, solar panels, etc shall be located In VIsually unobtrusive locatIOns, screened from view from surround 109 areas and baffled for nOIse attenuatIOn where necessary Skylights and Rooftop Wmdows ~ Unless they are Integral elements of the architectural deSign, skylights and rooftop windows shall be completely screened from view from surrounding areas Roof Flashmg & Vents Roof flashIng shall be Integrated with the roof deSIgn Place vents In unobtrusive locations away from publIc view from surroundmg areas, unless they are part of the bUlldmg's architectural style () 1133 ArchItectural GUldelmes Dublin Ranch Area G Design GUidelines · December 11 1998. Revised July 1999 () ARClliIli1rEC1rURAlL DESliGN GUliDElLliNES MEDIUM 1BIJIG1BI ANID 1BIJIG1BI DENSITY NEIG1BIBORIHIOODS 01999 W1lUAM HUMALHALCH ...aOilnclS INC. () PURPOSE The goal of these archItectural gUldelmes IS to provIde general desIgn cntena and gUldance for the development of the vanous multi-famIly resIdentIal neighborhoods wIthm the VIllage Center at Dublm Ranch These gUldelmes have been developed to establIsh a hIgh level of product qualIty, to assure both vanety and compatIblhty and to enhance the commuruty's overall value These gUldelmes do not propose ngld adherence to a smgle or extremely hmIted number of styles Rather, the goal IS to promote both visual compatlblhty and varIety m a commumty settmg acrueved by utIlIzmg a number of compatIble traditIonal and contemporary styles and through archItectural mnovatIOn ce Each multI-famIly nelghbarhood can take on ItS own theme and character to create a diverSity of archItectural styles wItrun the VIllage Center The project WIll remaIn umfied through the careful selectIOn of archItectural matenals, colors and forms and the use of landscapmg and entry monumentatlon II 34 Architectural GUldelmes Dublm Ranch Ana G 0 DesIgn GUldelmes 0 December 1 J 1998 0 RevIsed July 1999 f) RESIDENTIAlL ARCHITECTURAlL STYlLES The VIllage Center at Dubhn Ranch represents an OppOrtunIty to develop uruque multi-family neIghborhoods combmmg the most posItive aspects of neIghborhood design WIth the most favorable bUlldmg types and styles of long estabhshed neighborhoods These gUldelmes are based on the pnor expenences of earher planned commurutIes and can thus Implement the successes achIeved while aVOIdmg the negative aspects sometimes created Key to a successful project IS the development of an appropnate architectural vocabulary and theme whIch aVOids two alternative pItfalls found m some reSIdential developments One of these IS the selectIOn of a smgle "trendy" style which when used everywhere IS monotonous, repetitIOUS and, as a result, qUickly becomes dated The other extreme to be aVOIded IS the combmatIOn of strongly contradIctory styles and mcompatIble deSIgns whIch lead to VIsual chaos ([) To achIeve a successful mIddle ground, The VIllage Center at Dublm Ranch WIll create a more urban hvmg enVIronment WIth a fleXIble yet Identifiable VIsual appearance that estabhshes Itself as the centerpIece of the commuruty The goal IS to prOVIde both vanety and compatIbIhty wlule creatmg a sense of famIharIty The styles selected convey VIsual sIgruficance not only to the deSIgner but also to reSidents and guests For concept and msplratIOn, we have turned to the greater Dubhn area's own archItectural past In small towns of both the East Bay and the Central Valley, one finds attractive estabhshed neIghborhoods composed of housmg bUilt dunng the openmg decades of thIS century These neIghborhoods conSIst of a mixture of mterestmg and different, yet compatible styles From among these "penod" or eclectic styles, we have selected those wluch are not only attractive and compatIble but can also be reasonably mtegrated mto a vanety of modern, merchant-bUilt multI-famIly housmg prototypes ({) 1/35 ArchItectural GUldelmes () ({) (@ Dublm Ranch Area G . DesIgn GUIdelines December 1/ 1998. RevIsed July /999 These styles are o CalIfornia CraftsmanlBungalow o 'CalIfornIa TraditIonal o European EclectIc o SpanIsh Colomal RevIval o Monterey o RenaIssance ReVIval These closely assocIated archItectural styles have each evolved m Call forma smce the turn of the century and examples are well represented m the East Bay and Central Valley area TheIr Inherent attractIveness, mformalIty and sense of elegance have enabled these styles to remaIn popular over a long penod of tIme It IS not the mtent of the Arclutectural GUIdelInes to mandate speCIfic styles However, the styles shown here possess charactenstIcs whIch the deSIgner and buIlder should conSIder when choosmg a deSIred style or Image SpeCIfically, the styles o are VIsually compatIble WIth each other o possess general market appeal and community acceptance o can be successfully expressed m a varIety of modem merchant bUIlt, medIUm-hIgh and hIgh denSity housmg prototypes o are capable of contemporary mterpretatIOn and varIatIOn o have a hIstonc background and precedence m the East Bay and Central Valley area The follOWIng sectIons wIll address each style, defimng those elements that are charactenstIc The text and graphICS are mtended to prOVide general dIrectIOn, gUIdance and hopefully InSpIratIOn to the bUIlders and archItects as they deSIgn contemporary InterpretatIOns of these hlstonc styles These SIX styles lustoncally have been used as both attached and detached and In a vanety of denSIty ranges GUIdance concernmg IndIVIdual styles, archItectural treatment and color selectIon are generally applIcable, however speCIal attentIon and conSIderatIOn should be gIven to overall buildIng mass and scale for both medIUm lugh and lugh denSIty resIdentIal land uses addressed here 11-36 ArchItectural GUldelmes f) ,.... .. '\ ; ~ -i}.,~ ,..~.... ..... ~,.:. '~~M 1I'-~.)l~ ~.. ~ ~~" ..\ - \ "'" iW" ;4.~~ .....~- ({) () Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Design GUidelines 0 December 11 1998 0 Revised July 1999 CalIforma Craftsman/Bungalow e1999 WlLUAM HEZMMHALCH ARCKlrtClS lNC. Background The Craftsman style was InspIred by the Enghsh Arts and Crafts Movement of the late 19th century That movement rejected both VIctonan elaboratIOn and the emergIng machIne esthetics It dId stress the Importance of Insunng that all extenor and Intenor elements receIve both tasteful and "artful" attentIOn The movement Influenced numerous CalIforrua archItects such as Green and Green and Bernard Maybeck The resultIng Craftsman Style responded wIth extensIve bUIlt-In elements and by treatIng details such as WIndows or ceIlIngs as If they were furmture The overall affect was the creatIOn of a natural, warm, lIvable home The Bungalow began In CalIforrua, evolvIng from the Craftsman hentage, and qUIckly spread to other parts of the country where It was adapted to a multitude of dIfferent styles It became so popular after 1905 that It IS often credIted as beIng the first style to be bUIlt In quantIty by merchant bUIlders CharacterIStics Form SImple box-lIke maSSIng One and two story box hke volumes WIth a predommate honzontal appearance The bUIldIng mvarlably has a full or partIal WIdth elevated front porch or stoop 1137 Architectural GUldelmes Dublm Ranch Area G 0 DesIgn GUldelmes December 1 J J 998 0 RevIsed July 1999 t) The entry stoop IS an mtegral part of the massmg of the bUIldmg whIle tapered porch posts are the most obvIous CalIfornIa Bungalow feature Columns for supportmg the porch roofs are a dIstmctIve and vanable detatl TYPIcally short, square upper columns rest upon more masSIve pIers, or upon a sohd porch balustrade These columns, pIers, or balustrades frequently begm dIrectly at ground level and extend Without break to a level well above the porch floor Commonly the pIers or columns have slopmg (battered) Sides Matenals used for pIers, coIumns, and sohd balustrades are vaned Stone, clapboard, shmgle, bnck and stucco are all common, they frequently occur m combmatlOn Roof Low pItched (4 12) gabled roof WIth deep eave overhangs and elaborate exposed rafter tatls WIdespread use of decoratIve beams and braces under the gables The porch IS typIcally a covered extenslOn of the front gabled roof () Rafters, ndge beams, and purlms are usually exposed and extended beyond the wall and roof Along the slopmg, or rake edges, three or more beams (usually false) extend through the wall to the roof edge These may be Simple or embelhshed by a tnangular knee brace Roof matenals tYPIcally are ttle, shake or shmgle Matenals Honzontal wood sIdmg, shmgles and stucco are the pnmary matenal Stone or bnck IS frequently used for the porch base, lower half of columns and chImney Colors Colors can range from earth tones to pastels, With low contrasts between colors and matenals Elements Second floor wmdows m honzontal groups of three or mare, Battered (tapered) piers or posts, covered porch or stoop, exposed rafter tatls at roof hne CD 11-38 Architectural GUldelmes DlIblln Ranch Area G . Design GUidelines. December 11 1998. Revised July 1999 f) CabforRlla TraditIOnal 0'''' WlWAM H1l.MALl1ALCH AaCHlna5. INC. / Background () The CahfornIa TradItIonal style IS a mixture of several styles mcludmg Craftsman, Prame and Cahforrua Ranch The style has developed m the Bay Area smce the 1940s by arclutects such as Cliff May and WIlham Wurster It mltIated the current acceptance of the mformal open room plan and the strong relatlOnslup between mdoor and outdoor hvmg areas CharacteTlstlcs Form One and two story forms wIth expressed volumes and large expanses of extenor glass Roof Simple hIpS and gables Typical 4 12 pItch wIth substantIal eave overhangs Roof of shmgle, shake or flat tile Matenals Honzontal wood sIdmg or stucco With occasIOnal use of masonry entry features ([) Elements Bay and corner wmdows, pillars, pop-outs and recessed openmgs Exposed beams and an emphasis on covered entrIes 1I-39 Architectural GUldelmes () () f) Dublin Ranch Area G DesIgn GUidelines 0 December 11 1998 0 RevIsed July 1999 EuropemD EclectIc I ;::t.... --' I "V o 99tlWUlIAM flMU l K IlI!l" INC Background European Eclectic IS a picturesque style denved from medieval Norman and Tudor domestIc archItecture The resultmg Enghsh and French "cottage look" became extremely popular natIonwide after the adoptIon of bnck and stone veneenng techniques m the 1920's CharacterIStics Form One and two story asymmetric forms typIcally With a lowered roof plate on the second story combmed WIth dormer wmdows Roof Steep 6 to 8 12 roofs With mmlmum overhangs The Enghsh versIOn typically has a dommate front facmg cross gable while the French denvatIve IS usually lnpped With occasIOnal use of a tower element Curved roof hnes are also found Matenals Bnck and stone veneers, half tImbers and some stucco or plaster Frequent mIxmg of matenals Elements MaSSIve chImneys and tall, narrow multI-hght wmdows m multIple groupmgs Bay wmdows, shutters and dormer WIndows are Widely used II-40 ArchItectural GUldelmes Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Design GUidelines 0 December 11 1998 0 Revised July 1999 ({) Spamsh Colomal Revival -~ , ... -- __\J <:[.... ,...,. .J' -!}II? - ... - """'"" ~ -..."'"~ ".... ~ ..... .... "--1 ~- { -";'- '<:" "" ,,~< ,- -. : ~ .{..~ "'-~ :::r-..,'" ~-.....".~= ~~ 1'-f1~.:, "" ~ o t91WlUl M QMAlKAlC C lTICTS NC () Background SpanIsh Colomal RevIval, also known as SpanIsh Eclectic IS an adaptatIon of MISSIOn RevIval enrIched WIth addItIOnal Latm Amencan detaIls and elements The style attamed WIdespread populanty after Its use m the Panama-CalIfornIa EXposItIon of 1915 Characterlstlcs Form Simple one and two story volumes mcorporatmg courtyards, patios, colonnades, archways and balcomes The wall predommates over WIndow openmgs and appears maSSIve ThIS style IS frequently asymmetnc m form ~ Roof Widespread use of gable and shed roofs frequently combmed WIth hIpped wmg elements The roof IS often asymmetncally broken up mto elements of dIfferent heIghts TYPIcally With a near flush eave and rake but occasIOnally IS found With a 12" to 18" eave and exposed rafter ends Barrel and S-tIle roofs /1-41 Architectural GUldelmes (f) () (f) Dublin Ranch Area G DesIgn GUidelines December 11 1998 Revised July 1999 Matenals Troweled plaster or stucco walls With httle or no texture Frequent use of wrought Iron raIls and gnlls Elements Deep mset wmdows WIth Irregular placement, sometimes shuttered Focal pomt entry door of wood tYPIcally covered or recesses m elaborate surrounds Frequent use of multI- paned, double door opemngs mto courtyard / patio and covered areas 1I-42 Architectural GUldelmes Dublm Ranch Area G DesIgn GUldelmes 0 December 11 1998 RevIsed July 1999 () . ce Monterey "'~l ~4'Z; ,;;r~~ ; .J - ---- ;' - -, -'~ ' "- -~ .. Background The Monterey style IS a comb1OatlOn of the ongmal SpanIsh Colomal adobe constructIOn methods and Amencan East Coast Colomal archItecture Fust bUilt by Thomas Larkm 10 1835 at Monterey, It 1Otroduces two story resIdential constructIOn and sh10gle roofs to CahfornIa The Monterey Style and Its smgle story counterpart eventually had a major 10fluence on the development of modem archItecture m the 1930's CharacterIStics Form SImple two story masses, usually With a proJectmg second story baIcony of wood spann10g all ar most of the bUIldmg WIdth Roof Wood or flat tile usually gabled but occaSIOnally hIpped The pnnclpal roof covers the balcony Exposed rafter troIs Widely used Matenals Plaster or stucco With occaSIOnal wood sIdmg on the second story The balcony roof and numerous detrols such as shutters are of wood Il-43 Architectural GUldelmes Dublm Ranch Area G DesIgn GUldelmes . December 11 1998. RevIsed July 1999 () Elements The full wIdth porch and balcony are the dommant feature of the Monterey style Protected upper and lower story spaces for congregatmg, observmg, and relaxmg ProvIdes a transItional mdoor/outdoor area surroundmg the structure, shaded from the sun or protected from ram Upper balcony IS eIther supported from below WIth wood posts or cantilevered SImple wood picket balcony ralls, mset multi-paned, double doors and multI-paned wmdows WIth shutters Wood doors, sometimes multi-paned, double doors, and wood double-hung wmdows WIth an Eastern Amencan mfluence Rectangular m shape and posItioned vertIcally Monterey Coloma! structures supported more wmdows than other SpanIsh Colomal styles structures Sometimes shutters are apphed Adjacent patios for outdoor hvmg onentatlOn, fireplaces, pIcket fencmg, and mcorporatIOn of balcomes () ({) /1-44 Archllectural GUldelmes () Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Design GUidelines 0 December J 1 19980 Revised July 1999 Renaissance RevIval -=- fl ~-...... -..::s- ~ ~~ .... ~ ~- -2...-.--:E"~ () () Background RenaIssance RevIval became popular 10 the 1890's as a dramatIc contrast to the GothIC 10spIred Slungle or Queen Anne styles Its more formal and classIcal appearance remamed popular untIl the 1930's Ong1Oally developed for expensive landmark residences, It became more wIdespread wIth the development of masonry veneenng after 1920 CharacterIStIcs Form Simple vertIcal box like form wIth a strongly symmetncal facade and shallow or steep pItched roofs Centrally placed entry With small clasSIcal columns or pIlasters W1Odow deSIgn and SIze dIfferent from floor to floor Roof Pitched roof IS usually a smgle hIp or hip WIth proJectmg wmg(s) Although thIS style IS occasIOnally found WIth a flat roof, It would be mappropnate at Dublm Ranch Roof matenal IS typIcally barrel tile or slate The roof commonly has broad overhangs and box eaves WIth brackets beneath 11-45 Architectural GUldelmes Dublm Ranch Area G Design GUldelmes 0 December 11 1998 0 Revised July 1999 () Matenals Invanably has stucco and/or a masonry clad extenor Wood clad walls are never used Elements ClasSical details mcludmg door surrounds, corner qUOinS, rusticated base, pediment wmdows, molded corlllces and belt courses () () 11-46 Architectural GUldelmes () ~ () Dublm Rarn:h Area G · Design GUldelmes Q December 11 1998 Q RevISed July 1999 MUlL 1fi-lF AMB.. Y RESiDEN1fiAl. ARCIU1fECl'URAl. l'REA 1fMlENT Elevation Treatment The followmg sectIOn provides gUidance concermng elevatIOns Major ElevatIOns Proper vIsual balance and a sense of coheSIveness creates a successful project desIgn The dIfferences between the plans and elevatIOns must be readily dIscernIble and create vanety, yet at the same tIme desIgn elements, styles and matenals should not contrast to such an extent as to result In VISUal chaos CreatIOn of Form and Relief Recesses and Shadow The manner m which lIght stnkes or frames a bUIldmg IS Instrumental In how that structure IS perceIVed The effect of sunhght IS a strong desIgn consIderatIOn SInce shadow and shade gIVes the bUilding a sense of both depth and substance ProJections, offsets, overhangs and recesses are all tools m the creatIOn of shadow ArchItectural Pro}ectwn~ ProjectIOns not only create shadow but also proVIde strong Visual focal pomts ThIs can be used to emphasize some aspect of the desIgn such as an entry or major wmdow It can also dIstract the observer's attentIOn away from other elements such as the garage or a large wall plane Steppmg Forms ElevatIOns may be stepped both honzontally and vertIcally to help break up the overall mass of a bmldmg A stepped form IS also effective In creatmg a tranSitIOn between stones, (vertically), or between spaces, (honzontally), such as a recessed entry space DeSired changes In matenal best occur at such a step II-47 Archllectural GUldelmes Dublm Ranch Area G 0 Design GUldelmes · December 1 J 1998. Revised July 1999 () Entry Statement The entry should be desIgned to serve as a focal pomt of the elevatIOn and be readlly dIscernIble The approachmg observer should be drawn mto It by Its VISUal Impact ArticulatIOn of BUilding ElevatIOns InterIOr CondItIOns There IS a tendency to "buIld out" to the maxImum bUlldmg envelope without articulated treatment on wall planes Tlus results m a two to four story stuceo box, Without vertical or hOrIzontal relIef These large, blank expanses of wall are to be aVOided The followmg suggests a number of ways to accomplish tills ~ One solution IS to create smgle story projectIOns at entries and porches, etc Another optIOn IS to Improve the articulatIOn of the plan forms by offsettmg upper floor wall planes One should recess or project the plan and elevation to enhance usable and accessIble pnvate and common open space It IS also deSIrable wlthm the lImIts of eCOnOITIlC realIty that all four bUIldmg elevatIOns share common materIals and degrees of artIculatIOn At Major Streets The SIdes of multI-fanuty bUlldmgs orIented toward streets or gathenng areas are hIghly vIsIble from surroundmg areas They must be treated With adequate artICulatIOn, matenals and color m keepmg WIth their mdIVtdual archttectural styles to enhance theIr appearance (See mdlvldual style descnptlOns, SectIOn II, Architectural GUIdelmes) Wherever possIble, site plans should anent the front door Image and pnncIpal access toward the publIc street Roof ConsIderations Allowable Roof Pitch ~ The prmclpal roof forms shall have a pitch of between 3 1/2 12 and 6 12 dependmg upon bUlldmg style and character A smgle roof pItch should be used on OpposIte SIdes of a ndge Shallow pItches tend to lessen the apparent bUIldmg mass 11-48 Architectural GUldelmes l) f) f) Dublm Ranch Area G 0 Design GUldelmes · December 11 1998 0 RevIsed July 1999 Roof Types The use of different roof types WIll add variety and Interest to the street scene Changing the roof fonn on a given bUilding IS the best method of creating alternatIve elevations However, the roof charactenstIcs should be consistent wIth whIchever archltectural style rmght be chosen Acceptable Roof Types There IS no single type or fonn of roof that IS preferred Hip. gable and sheds may wIthin reason be used separately or together on the same roof RepetitIous gable ends should be aVOIded Roof forms With features such as donners and cupolas, or pItch changes at a porch or projection are encouraged Inapproprzate Roof Types Roof forms havmg dual pitches such as Gambrel or Mansard should not be used Flat roofs are not permItted DeSign of Rakes and Eaves The deSigner may choose from a vanety of rake and eave types based on climatiC and stylIstic conSIderations Moderate or extended overhangs are acceptable If properly deSIgned TIght faSCias WIth appropnate styles are acceptable Smgle fasCia boards, double faSCIa boards. or exposed rafters when adequately scaled are acceptable Care should be taken to ensure matenal SIzes aVOid a weak or flimsy appearance Exposed rafter taIls WIthout faSCiaS should be at least 3x (3" lumber dimenSIOn) Overhang ProjectIOns and Covered Porches Substantial overhangs are encouraged as a response to solar and clImatiC condItIOns The mcluslOn of covered porches and entnes expand sheltered hVlng spaces. create entry statements and proVIde elevatIOn relIef Steppmg the Roof Form Steps In the roof respond to the Intenor room arrangement and proVide VIsual rehef and Interest A vertical step wlthm the ndge 1I-49 Archllectural GUidelines Dublm Ranch Area G ~ Design GUldelmes ~ December 11 1998 ~ Revised July 1999 () Ime should be at least 18" 10 order to create vIsual Impact and allow for adequate weatherproofing Solar Panels Solar panels should be located m remote or mconsplcuoUS 10catlOns wherever possIble In the case of roof mstallatlOns, the panels should be parallel to the roof slope and mtegrated mto the roof deSIgn The frames should match either the roof or fascIa color The plumbmg should not be exposed and the eqUIpment must be enclosed and screened from view Cf) () 11-50 Architectural GUldelmes ~ ~ ~ Dublin Ranch Area G Design GUidelines December J 1 1998 Revised July J 999 MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DESIGN ELEMENTS The followmg sectIOns provIde gUIdance concermng specIfic elements of multI famIly bUIldmgs such as entrIes doors wmdows and parklOg Architectural Elements Facade Treatment In the case of multi famIly bUIldmgs as all elevatIOns are vIsIbly exposed comparable levels of archItectural detaIl and character elements shall be provIded on all SIdes SpecIal attentIon should be given to doors and entry porches or patios usmg enhanced tnm and detaIls to emphaSIze these as pnmary focal pomts In additIon to provldmg sources of shade and wmd protection umque wmdow treatments mcludmg shutters awnmgs etc provide artIculatIOn of wall surfaces willIe contnbutmg to the character of the neIghborhood Other elements that help to mImmIZe large blank masses Include false shuttered wmdows decorative louvered vents and honzontal bandmg Umt Entries Use of Entry Statements The entry serves several Important arcilltectural and psychologIcal functIOns o Identifies and frames the front doorway o Acts as an mterface between the publIc and pnvate spaces o Acts as an mtroductlOn to the umt whIle creatmg an ImtIal ImpressIOn Placement and Vzszbzlzty The entry should be deSIgned and located so as to readIly emphaSIze ItS pnme functIOns If the front door locatIon IS not ObVIOUS or VISIble because of bUIldmg configuration the entry should dIrect and draw the observer m the deSIred path through the use of sIgnage IIghtmg and landscape I1 51 Architectural GUldelmes Dublm Ranch Area G Design Guuielmes December 11 1998 RevISed July 1999 t) IncorporatIOn of Roof and ArchItectural Features Proper use of roof elements columns feature wmdows and arcrntectural forms contnbute to the overall 1l11pact and success of the entry A covered entry IS a tradItional Amencan hous1Og element It may no longer serve as a hv10g activIty area (1 e porch or veranda) but stIll has an 1l11portant function as a semI pnvate tranSItion between the pubhc walkway and the pnvate 1Otenor Even when the entry VIsually obscures the door It still announces the door Doors DeSIgn EmphaSIS should be placed on the deSIgn and type of entry door used It functions as the major 1OtroductIOn to the 1Otenor of the unIt and concern should be gIven to the Image It creates () The entire door assembly should be treated as a s10gle deSIgn element 1Oclud1Og surround1Og frame mold1Og and SIde hghts EIther s10gle or double doors are appropnate TypIcally the door should be covered by an overhead element or recessed 1Oto the wall plane Matenals/Colors FleXIbIhty IS allowed concern1Og the color of the door It may match or contrast the accent tnm but should be dIfferentiated from the wall color Use of Glass The use of glass 10 the door and overall assembly IS encouraged It expresses a sense of welcome and human scale It can be 1Ocorporated 1Oto the door panels or expressed as s10gle Side hghts double SIde hghts transom glass or fan wmdows (prOVIded that It meets UBC standards) e II 52 Architectural GUldelmes Dub/In Ranch Area G Design GuuJe/lnes December 11 1998 RevISed July 1999 ({) Wmdows Placement and Orgamzatlon TypIcally the location of wmdows IS detennmed by the practlcal consideratIOn of room layout possIble furmture placement VIew opporturntIes and concern for pnvacy Greater deSIgn emphasiS should be dIrected to msure that wmdow placement and orgaruzatIOn wIll pOSItively contnbute to the extenor arclutectural character Wmdows greatly enhance the elevatIOn through theIr vertical or honzontal groupmg and coordmatIon With other deSIgn elements TIns relatIOnslup to one another and the wall/roof plane creates a compOSItion and sense of order Use of MultI LIghts Where feasible and appropnate to the arclutectural style multiple pane Windows are encouraged These styles due to lustoncal precedence and their sense of quahty and detall add charm and character to an otherwIse Simple facade co Alummum Frames Due to cost and mamtenance benefit alummum frame Windows are the dommant type used m merchant bUilt multi family buIldmgs Bronze anodized frames or those complementary to the color palette may be used wlule natural Sliver or gold anodIzed frames are unacceptable When used these wmdows shall be given extra attention to tnm detallmg m order to enhance theIr mass and appearance of structural quahty Use of Wood and Stucco Tnm When alummum frame Windows are used they should be accentuated With other deSIgn elements These shall mclude wood tnm stucco surrounds shutters or recessed opernngs IntegratIOn with Roof and ArchItectural Detads ~ The wmdow IS Important to the proper articulatIOn of the wall and roof elements Focal pomts can be created by the placement of Windows m archItectural prOjectIOns or recesses mcorporated With gable hIp or shed roof overhangs lIS3 Architectural GuuJelmes Dublm Ranch Area G Design GUldelmes December J 1 1998 Revised July J 999 t) ConsIderatIOn should be gIven usmg overhangs and projectIOns to shadow wmdows wIth south and west exposures Balcomes The mclusIOn of balcomes IS encouraged for both aesthetic and practical purposes They are useful m breakmg up large wall planes offsettmg floors creatmg visual mterest and addmg human scale to the bmldmg They provIde the practical advantage of creatmg outdoor lIvmg areas and elevated open space Balcomes may be covered or open They may be eIther recessed mto the mass of the bmldmg or serve as a projectmg element In whIchever manner they are used they must appear to be an mtegral element of the bmldmg rather than an after thought or add on The detaIls eaves supports and raIlmg must be conSIstent WIth the balance of the bmldmg s deSIgn elements or style Concern should be given to aVOid deslgmng balcomes 10 plans m such a manner that they are plotted sIde by sIde PatLO/ Porch Covers () PatIO covers trellises pergolas and other extenor structures should reflect the character color and matenals of the bmld10g to WhICh they are related Supports and frammg members will conform to the gmdelme cntena for columns and posts The pitch of the patIO roof may be less than the adjacent bmldmg Exterior Stalrs StaIrs should be compatIble m type and matenal to the deck and landmg Use of open stan treads can only be JUStified where the balcony or landmg element IS a projectmg element Columns and Posts It IS Important that both columns and posts project a substantial and durable Image Posts should be constructed of wood Columns may be clad m masonry or stucco They should be square rectangular or round WIth a heIght of approxImately 4 to 5 times the WIdth (f) It IS deSIrable that columns mcorporate both base and capItals Related arches may be flat round ar segments of an mch Other vanatIOns such as parabolic curves are unacceptable II 54 Archllectural GUldelmes Dublm Ranch Area G DesIgn GUldelmes December 11 1998 RevIsed July 1999 ({) Rallmg The type of extenor raIlmg used on balcomes deck and staITS creates a sIgmficant Impact on the elevatIon An extensIve vanety of raIl types are avaIlable mcludmg closed stucco open wrought Iron and wood pIcket ChOIce of raIl type should reflect taste and be consIstent With the chosen desIgn vocabulary or be hIstoncally correct far the style Gutters and Downspouts Exposed gutters shall be colored to match fascIa matenal Exposed downspouts wIll be lIkewise colored to match the surface to which they are attached unless copper IS used Chimneys () Properly deSigned and located clumneys can serve as a major desIgn element and focal pomt for the bUIldmg elevatIon It IS frequently the major archItectural element on multI fanuly bUIldmg elevatIOns ChImneys should be of unpamted masonry or the dommant wall matenal Care must be taken concernmg the selectIOn of any accent matenals and the cap deSign The use of steps curve and bandmg on the shaft and capItal have major VIsual Impact agamst the sky and roof plane Parkmg The multI famIly bUIldmgs and open space/pedestnan areas shall be the pnmary emphasIs of the elevatIon as seen from the street Each project wIll mcorporate mtenor onented parkmg solutIons and deSIgn techmques lIsted below to enhance the archItecture of the street scene o Locate garage and parkmg areas mtenor to the SIte off of mtenor vehIcular access roads o Where site onentatIon dIctates alternate solutIOns turn short sIde of parkmg courts to street to aVOId lengthy parkmg areas abuttmg the street o DIstnbute parkmg wlthm SIte to proVIde as close proXImIty as pOSSIble to mdlvldual multI famIly unItS CD /1 55 Architectural GUldelmes ([) () CD Dublm Ranch Area G DeSign GUldelmes December 11 1998 ReVised July 1999 Open Parkzng/Guest Parkzng o Groupmg these parkmg spaces appropnately and IdentIfymg guest vs tenant spaces wIll help to achIeve adequate coverage and convemence Tuck Under and Subterranean Garages Settmg the garage back m relatIOnship to the face of the bUIldmg stnves to reduce the overall visual mass of the garage ThIS also proVides addItional facade articulatIOn and shadow rehef In the case of subterranean garages VISIble opemngs should be treated and mcorporated as mtegral elements of facade articulatIOn Tuck Under Carports ThIS solutIOn should be deSigned slImlarly to the tuck under garage wIth added detaIlmg above and between stalls and at wmg walls to draw attentIon away from the auto Detached or Remote Garages and Carports Proper use of matenals and screemng elements wIll tIe these facIlitIes mto the overall project desIgn while at the same tIme Visually down playmg them Matenals Roll up wood panel garage doors (or composIte matenals that SImulate wood) are encouraged Metal doors may only be used when they mclude eIther texture or raised panels of a reSIdentIal nature The use of wmdow elements IS encouraged The desIgn of garage doors should reflect the theme or style of the overall bUIldmg desIgn Proper use of accent colors Will comphment the archItecture and prOVIde VIsual varIety along the streetscape 1156 Architectural GUldelmes Dublm Ranch Area G DesIgn GUldelmes December 11 1998 RevIsed July 1999 () Face Design The design of the door face should result m a tasteful treatment WhICh breaks up the expanse of the door plane whIle not bemg so excessIvely decorative as to draw attentIOn away from the bUIldmg s arclutectural elevatIOn Use ofTrzm with Jomts Where Jomts occur they should be properly sealed and tnmmed appropnately m accordance wIth the over all door desIgn The productIOn drawmgs should reflect the desIgn mtent to Insure that It IS camed out at the Job SIte Recessmg It IS hIghly deSIrable to recess the garage door 6 12 from the face of the bUIldIng Tlus allows for a strong shadow lme and decreases the Impact of the door whIle mcreasmg the apparent sense of mass of the surroundmg wall (() Further DeSign Conslderatzons All mecharncal eqUIpment should be screened from public VIew WIth arclutectural features or landscape elements Further consideratIOn should be gIven to aIr condItIornng urnt pad placement wIthm the sIde or rear yard to mmImIze Impact on pnvate or common open space All antennas shall be placed In attIcs or mtenor of the bUIldmg () 11 57 Architectural GUldelmes (tV f) f) Dublm Ranch Area G Design GUldelmes December 11 1998 ReVised July 1999 MA l'ERIALS AND COLORS The matenals and colors used at DublIn Ranch should reflect a general theme of environmental harmony With the surroundmg commuruty topography and elements The preferred styles at Dublm Ranch Will contnbute to acluevmg tlus goal The hlstonc matenals and colors used for the Craftsman/Bungalow style demonstrates the concept of a bUIldmg s orgaruc growth from Its Site The use of natural or natural appeanng matenals and colors reflectIng the local environment such as earth tones IS deSirable Architectural styles of European Eclectlc Spanish Colomal and Monterey share a common sense charactenstlc TheIr hlstonc predecessors were bUilt from matenals of the local area It IS preferred that a general reference to Indigenous matenals and colors be used at DublIn Ranch The use of elements such as red clay tlle white washed plaster half tlmbenng and wrought Iron Will proVIde varIety and contrast New mterpretatlOns of these claSSIC combmatlOns of matenals and mherent colors are encouraged as they relate to a general feelIng of environmental uruty ArtifiCIal colors not reflected m the enVironment should be aVOided (such as mauve and coral) Greens may be botarucally mspIred mcludmg blue greens and greens With earthy mfluences lIke olIve moss green and sage Examples of blues would be cornflower mdlgo and slate Spice tones should mfluence the warm colors used With the mcluslOn of russet cmnabar and ochre A variety of natural matenals and earth based colors Will provide the diverSity needed for visual mterest wlule unlfymg the bUildmgs With theIr settmgs and creatmg a timeless appeal Knowledgeable experts antiCIpate color for the mId to late mnetles to reflect thIS envIronmental trend as consumers awareness nses With the approach of a new century the tendency has been to hold on to past tradItlons before movmg ahead The use of tradltlonal matenals and colors Will lead to new VISUal mterpretatIOns The matenal and color gUidelInes set forth above are not mtended to be a restnctlve framework m WhiCh to deSIgn They are meant to be the foundatIon and baSIS from wluch unIque and creative Ideas may grow 11 58 Architectural GUldelmes DlIblm Ranch Area G DesIgn GUIdelines December 11 1998 RevIsed 1999 I) VlllLlLAGE CENTER COMMUNllTY PILANNKNG ANJI)) l[J)JESliGN The Intent of these gUldelInes IS to provide the structure and overall \ ISlOn needed to provide for the development of a phYSIcally coordmated and cohesive Village Center m Dubhn Ranch Thts chapter proVides development and desIgn gUidelines necessary to create an attractive well ordered pattern of development that features pedestnan scaled streets thoughtfully deSigned bmldmgs and carefull) mtegrated commuruty facIlItIes and publIc open space The obJectI\ e IS to proVide a deSign framework m wluch developers and deSigners can express their creatIvIty on mdlvldual prOjects Without compromlsmg the community character as a whole The gUidelInes are orgaruzed by land use areas In order to commUnicate the dIfferences lD deSign character envIsioned wlthtn each area Refer to Fig A 1 for the locatIOn of each land use area I) A~IEA G lLAN[) IUSlES VC Mam Street MIxed Use MedIum High DenSIty Multi Famtly Housmg HIgh DenSIty MultI Family Housmg NeIghborhood Park NeIghborhood Square PublIC I SemI Public MHI H NP NS P!SP Fig A 1 I) IOl(U IBHlJ N ~N CIHl wn [ULA CG [E ([[ENlf[E~ 11/1 CommUnIty Planmng and Desrgn Dublm Ranch Area G Design GUIdelines December 11 1998 RevISed July 1999 VH.JLAGE CENTER I) The Village Center will be the focus for the Dublm Ranch commumty ServIces WIll range from drugstores restaurants offices and a hotel servmg the entIre communIty to small shops and service bUSInesses servmg nearby neIghborhood reSidents SurroundIng the retail/mixed use core and WIthIn walkmg dIstance of It are residential neIghborhoods offenng a broad range of hOUSIng choices . AlltlEA G lLANID> lUSrES VC Main Street MIxed Use Medium High DenSity Multi Family HOUSing High DenSIty Multi Family HOUSing Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Square Public I Semi Public MIHI H NIP NS IP IS IP Fig A 2 [)(!JlmUN ~NClHI 'VUlLIl..AGIE CIENlflElR? f) The gUidIng deSign concepts for the VIllage Center are to develop a compact Imageable Village form and to IDllllIIllze relIance on the auto by creatlOg a pedestnan frIendly enVIronment WIth access to transit servIces and parks Fig A 2 shows a plan view of how thiS concept might look III 2 Commumty Planmng and DesIgn (f) I) I) Dublin Ranch Area G DeSIgn GUIdelines December II 1998 Revlfed Julv 1999 VlIlLlLAGIE ClENTlER MlIXlElG-lUSlE The Main Street commerclaI area WIll be the SOCial and cultural hub of the Dublin Ranch commumty The Image of thiS area where residents shop eat play and do bUSiness each day Will be a major source of commumty Identity The emphasIs of the gUidelines for the Village Center RetaIl/MIxed Use area IS on establIshlOg the character of Main Street with a walkable system of streets well defined by bUildings and a lively InterestlOg shopping street catenng to pedestnans transit users and others Form Development should be compact and umfied by a Simple clear street network which disperses traffic and encourages pedestnan movement In all dIrectIOns o Arlenal streets at either end of Main Street help to establish the V Illage Center boundary o In order to preserve the pedestnan scale In the Village Center area cross streets/parking area entnes on Main St should be spaced no more than 500 feet apart Buddmg SItIng As 10 the traditional Main Street bUildings should form a continUOUS edge that gIves defimtlOn and scale to the street o Site bUlldmgs to onent toward Main Street and ReSidential Collector C With secondary onentatIon toward other Side streets and entry dnves accessing parking to the rear of these bUlldmgs See Fig A 3' o BUlldmgs should be bUilt to and parallel With the front setback Ime provldmg subtle 12 offsets at least every 75 feet and as permitted by allowable encroachments such as outdoor dmIng areas and entry plazas See Fig A 4 11/3 Community Planning and DeSign I) f) f) Dublm Ranch Area G DeSIgn GUldelmes December 11 1998 ReVIsed JlIly 1999 BUlldmg SItIng at Gateway Corners MalO Street and Dublm Boulevard, MaIO Street and Central Parkway o Comer bUlldmgs may encroach up to 2 mto bUlldmg setback along Mam Street provided that eqUlvalent pubhc Sidewalk area IS mcorporated 10 the buIldmg desIgn adjacent to such encroachment (where thIS condItIOn occurs the mmlmum distance from curb face to bUIldmg face shall be 10 ) o Corner bUlldmgs may encroach up to 4 mto landscape buffers along Dublm Boulevard and Central Parkway (where thiS conditIon occurs the ffilmmum distance from curb face to bUlldmg face shall be 20 ) o Offset corner facmg buddmg facades at Mam Street mterseclions to prOVide public plazas/open spaces as descnbed under Commumty Planmng and DeSign SectIOn III PublIc Open Spaces 1114 Community Planmng Qnd De~lgn Dublin Ranch Area G DesIgn Guu1elmes December II 1998 RevISed July 1999 I) FlgA 3 t) BUilding Heights Village Center mixed use. I) IllS Onent primary bUIlding entries toward Main Street. ResidentIal Collector C and Street F Fig A 3 BUIld up to the setback line on Main Street and Street F With subtle 12 offsets and as permitted by allowable encroachments such as outdoor dining areas entry plazas etc FIg A-4 70 maximum ~ 15' MJrntum I I Fig A 5 Community PlannIng and Design Dublin Ranch Area G Design GUIdelines December /1 /998 RevISed July /999 f) I) f) Transit o Provide bus stops WIth SIgnS (maps schedules etc) and other amenities (waste receptacles telephones bIcycle storage etc) at locations accordmg to LA VT A cntenalrequrrements o Provide dlstmctIvely desIgned bus stop shelters on artenal streets to contnbute to the rmage and Identity of the community as well as the comfort of the transit user o Encourage busmess owners to provIde retaIl sales of monthly transIt passes for local residents and employees DUBLIN BOULEVARD Site bUildings With dominant styles and/or greater heights to form a gateway at Main Street and Dublin Boulevard and Main St and Central Parkway Fig A-6 50' maximum ~~- ~_~~I :l -~ M'~I~~ I II ~ Use a variety of roof forms and heights l~ Locate entrres so they front on the Main SI 1I/8 Fig A-8 Fig A 7 12' Mmnum Provide pedestrran paseos to Main Street from parking areas Fig A 9 Commumty Plannmg and Design (f) I) (() Dublm Ranch Area G DeSIgn GlIIdelmes December II 1998 ReVIsed Julv 1999 Pedestrian Circulation The Village Center should have a lively attractive and stImulatmg pedestnan environment o Develop 12 wide tYPical sidewalks along Mam Street and portIOns of ResidentIal Collector C and Street F to accommodate pedestnan circulatIOn wmdow shoppmg outdoor merchandlsmg and cafes These pedestnan onented sidewalks should contmue along the east/west streets and paseos mtersectmg Mam Street o Provide 12 mmlmum pedestnan passageways ( paseos ) between commercial buIldmgs Provide 6 minimum clear walks through the park 109 lots to connect adjacent reSidential plaza and parkIng areas With the Village Center Mam Street One pedestnan walkway connectIOn per SIde on each block should be proVided at approximately mId block locatIOns Where appropnate paseos should have natural light and display wmdows and/or secondary store entnes along their length o ProVide convenient connectIOn pOints for neIghborhood multi use trails with paseos and walks leadmg to the Village Center o Encourage development of Sidewalk cafes and mdoor/outdoor restaurants WIth recessed storefronts to promote pedestnan mteractIOn along Mam Street See Fig A 10 o DeSign ground floor btuldmg facades frontmg on Mam Street to be at least 60% transparent Window surface See Fig A 11 o Encourage use of colorful awnmgs and pedestnan level store signs along facades PublIc Open Spaces Public plazas and parks should be deSigned as social gathenng places for the community Allowable uses wlthm these areas should lOclude spaces to accommodate elements such as fountams outdoor dmlOg specimen trees public art and speCial publIc events 11/9 Community Planning and DeSign f) (f) I) DlIblln Ranth Ana G DeSign GUldelmes December /1 1998 ReVIsed JlIlv 1999 Create a neighborhood square and neighborhood park wlthm the Village Center resIdential areas to provIde common public open space and related actIvItIes Where possible alIgn paseos With these open spaces to create both vIsual and physical connectIOns to the Village Center Mam Street Plaza areas should conform to the followmg CrIterIa where feasible o Create public plazas on the Mam Street at mtersectIons to provide open space and establlsh/remforce pedestnan scale street segments See Fig A 12 Specl~d ConslderatlODs o The size and locatIOn of signs along Mam Street should be geared toward pedestnans rather than the automobIle o Screen all loadmg docks and service areas from public streets and adjacent residential views III /0 Comm Unity Planning and De~ Ign Dublin Ranch Area G Design GUIdelines December I I 1998 RevISed July 1999 Encourage development of sidewalk cafes and Indoor/outdoor restaurants along Main St Fig A 10 (f) Design ground floor bUilding facades to be at least 600/ transparent window surface Fig A 11 Create public plazas at primary Main St Intersections to establish/reinforce pedestrian scale street segments () Fig A 12 1//11 CommunIty Plannmg and DesIgn Dubltn Ranch Area G DesIgn GUIdelines December J J 1998 RevISed July J 999 (() MEDIUM HIGH AND HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS BUlldmgs The Village Center residential areas COnsiSt of a relatively urban hOUSIng mix of apartments flats townhouses and condoffilmums all withIn easy walkIng distance (1/4 mile) of the MaIn Street See Fig A 13 ReSidential development will occur m a senes of pedestnan onented neighborhoods where parks and pedestnan areas become the focus of public activity and neighborhood Identity Street patterns Will accommodate the movement of vehicles while providIng opportunities for pedestnan and bicycle lInks and circulatIOn Multi use traIl and Sidewalk connectIOns to the V 1Ilage Center MaIn Street proVide convement access for nearby reSidents (f) Village Center I ReSidential Area I Fig A 13 BUlldmg Sltmg () BUlldIngs should be deSigned with a setback that IS close to the Sidewalk and entrIes that front onto the public street to create a well detmed lOtlmate street space Internally OrIented umts may be acceptable for some bUlldlOgs as long as they do not back onto the publIc street III f7 Commumty Plannmg and DeSIgn (f) I) f) Dublin Ranch Area G DeSIgn GUIdelines December 11 1998 ReVIsed July 1999 Buddmg Height A key technique for creatIng a sense of vanety wlthm a project IS to vary the heights and forms of the bUlldmgs In the case of MedIUm High and High DenSity ReSidentIal projects bUlldmgs should be of a height to enclose the street space gIVIng It a mare lOtImate scale To Improve the visual relatIOnshIp between adjacent bUlldlOgs It IS occasIOnally deSirable to lOtroduce some sort of mtermedlate transItIon between them ThiS should be done by addmg a slOgle or two story archItectural element to three and four story bUlldmgs to lessen their apparent height especially at bUlldmg corners Buddmg Mass and Form Extenor mass and form can be manipulated to Improve the streetscape by controlling the Impact of bUlldmgs as they relate to comer conditIons adjacent bUildIngs setbacks and the street Treatment of Corner ConditIOns The treatment of bUlldlOg mass at corner locatIOns IS key to mltIatIng a successful site plan BUlldmgs occupYIng corner locatIOns on public streets should wrap the corner to create an articulated bUlldmg facade framlOg the lOtersectIon BUlldlOg mass should be formatted to reflect Intenar uses to create a posItIve relatIonship With adjacent buildIngs and land use to proVide Visual emphasiS and to reflect the archItectural style Methods for maxImiZIng the vanety of archItectural form wlthm these constramts lOclude o CreatlOg recessed alcoves or projected overhangs which cast shadows o Sculpting major chimney forms o UtlllzlOg dormers bay WIndows and other architectural projectIOns o Porch / entry projections 1f/13 Community Plannmg and DeSign Dub/In Ranch Area G DesIgn GUldelmes December II 1998 RevIsed Julv /999 (f) Creatmg a Varied Street Scene I f the deSigners enVISion bUlldmg forms as a serIes of mterlockmg masses rather than a box they will be able to achieve a more aesthetic and attractive deSign solutIOn This sectIOn addresses the use of massmg to Improve the street scene These techmques Include o Mmlmlzmg visual Impact of parklOg areas o GlvlOg attentIOn to compOSItIon of bUll dIng mass o Stepping the bUildIng facade and roof line o IncorporatlOg slOgle story elements on multI story bUlldlOgs o A VOidIng obVIOusly repetitIous patterns o Varymg setbacks and profiles (() Setbacks StrIct compliance to the minImum setback may contrIbute to a repetItious and monotonous appearance along the street o ProVide a landscaped setback from street ROW In accordance wIth the Development Standards lOcluded In these gUidelines o ProVide bUilding separatIOn and setbacks In accordance with the Development Standards mcluded 10 these gUldellOes o ProVide adequate mitIgatIOn for High and MedIUm High DenSity ReSidential bUlldmgs along Central Parkway and DublIn Boulevard to buffer them from arterIal traffic nOise Such measures may Include setbacks berms walls speCial bUildIng techniques etc BUlldmg Types f) BUildIngs should generally be deslbned to malOtam a consistent character In tcrms of thc scale and relatIOn to the street Although 11/ 1./ Community Planning and Del/gn f) I) CI Dljblm Ranch Area G Design Gwdelmes December 11 J 998 Rt!1Iued July J999 areas are differentIated by their densIty deslgnatlOns developers are encouraged to meet these reqUIrements With a vanety of multl family building types (I e townhomes apartments) The following are examples of the most lIkely bUIldmg prototypes to be developed Within specIfic denSity ranges o High DenSIty ReSidential Area Apartments and condomlruwns WIth surface parkmg and/or parkIng under the bmldmg It IS the mtent that parkmg be depressed below grade to reduce the apparent heIght of the bU1ldmg o MedIUm High DenSity ReSidential Area Apartments and townhouses With attached detached or surface parkIng Parkmg lots carports and/or detached garages should be located lfi and accessed from mtenor courts surrounded by reSIdential bUlldmgs Entries Entnes to reSldentlal projects should be deSigned to promote Sidewalk acttvlty and SOCIal Interchange between neIghbors o Site buildmgs so that uruts WIth mdlvldual entrIes front the public street mcorporatmg porches and stoops Encourage proVISion of stairways from upper floor umts to the publIc street o Site major bUIldmg entnes and lobbies so that they front the publIc street and are vlSlble and accessIble from the street, not Just parkmg areas See Fig A 14 o DeSign Units With balcomes and WIndows affordmg VIews of the street to create the secunty of eyes on the street See FIg A 14 4.- -- ~ ,. .: ->>- <'" ... ~':=i -~~ $-\-''''' I ~r- I :).l~ -"''lC'1._ Major ooi~~ OO'ttAasl21nd lobbl~ should be VISible and acc6sIble from the street ~ A-i4 III I) Community Plannmg and Design CI) f) I) Dub/m Ranch Area G DeSign GUidelines December II 1998 ReVised July 1999 Parkmg DeSign parkmg areas for the least Impact along residential street frontage o Encourage development of mid block access to parkmg areas and garages o Incorporate parkmg wIthm grouped or shared structures whenever possible such as carports garages tuck under subterranean or ground story residential parkmg garages Auto Circulation The street system should provide a pattern that accommodates the movement of vehIcles while enhancmg OpportunItIeS for pedestnan and bIcycle cIrculatIOn o ProVide well defined entry pomts from publIc streets to MedIUm High and High DenSity ReSidentIal parcels PedestnanllBlcycle CirculatIon Neighborhood SIdewalks and multi use trails should proVIde an active fnendly pedestnan environment connectmg reSidences to neighborhood parks squares and the VIllage Center o Connect multI use trails m open space areas and parks to the Sidewalk system along local streets and proVIde links from these to the Village Center / Mam Street Open Space Open spaces mcludmg parks neighborhood squares plazas and multi use trails should be dispersed through the multI family reSidential neighborhoods giVing all reSidents access to neighborhood and communIty open space for Informal meeting socialIzing and play III 16 Commumty Planmng and De~lgn (f) f) (() DlIblm Ranch Area G DesIgn GUldelmes December 1/ 1998 Revised July 1999 o Site the neighborhood park and square wlthm resIdentIal neighborhood areas Illcorporatmg appropnate programmatIc elements III each as Illustrated by concepts provided herem and In accordance with the program reqUirements of the City s Parks and RecreatIOn Master Plan 11I17 Community Plannmg and Design t) I) I) Dl blltl Ranch 'rea ( Deslg 1 (lIldelltle~ December II 1998 Re Ised JI/lv 1999 PUBLiC / SEMi - PUBLiC USlES It IS 10tended that this land use wlil encompass architecture that IS relevant to CIVIC 1OstltutlOnal educatIOnal or religIOUS uses This architecture shall be lOterpreted 10 a style that reflects the authentic character of that bUlld10g type from the turn of the century through the early 1930 s Although the appearance of architecture 10 this area wlil be dnven largely by use/functIOn It shall stili be compatible with other V Iilage Center architectural styles Included 10 the Architectural DeSign GUldellOes sectIOn of thiS document As these bUlld10gs wlil likely be vIsible from all Sides a level of articulatIOn use of matenals and details eqUivalent to the front entry Side IS expected on all facades o Site bUlld10gs and pnmary entrIes to front onto public streets o Pnmary entnes may face either of these streets or the Intersect 109 comer o Secondary entnes shall be provided for direct access to rear park10g lot areas PrOVide on street parkmg on all pnmary streets On site parkmg shall be located to the rear of the bUlldlOg away from the pedestnan onented Sidewalk area Screen all utility/service areas from public view With architectural and /ar landscape elements CommuDlty Facilities o Encourage development of commumty facliltles for 1Ofant/pre school chlid care after school child care Independent elementary schools ~emor hous1Og churches mumclpal bulidIngs and faCIlities and other public/semi public uses meet10g state standards Child care facilities and semor houslOg should be sited near neighborhood open space and 10 close proximity to tranSIt Iff n CommUni!) Plannll1~ and De5/gn Dublin Ranch Area G Deslf:n GlIIdelmes December II. /998 Revised lulv. 1999 COMMlUN][l'Y lLANDSCAPE DES][GN GU][DElL][NES (() VEHICULAR CIRCULATION A hierarchy of streets carnes motonsts wlthm and through Area G of Dublm Ranch They create and mamtam the desired master planned commuruty character Streets mcludmg sidewalks multi use trails and bICycle lanes provIde a favorable atmosphere for recreatIOnal purSUitS alternatIve commuter transportatIOn optIons and efficient travel throughout the commuruty Consistency m walls fencmg site funushmgs and plant matenals used wlthm and adjacent to the artenal collector and residentIal streets WIll serve to create the deSired cohesive and umfymg commuruty character Artenal streets are the pnncIpal transportatIon corndors wIthm thIs area provldmg connectIons between a vanety of master planned mixed land uses The collectors serve as the promment parkways lmkmg several indIVidual residentIal neIghborhoods recreatIon amemtIes and the Village Center ResidentIal streets pnvate or publIc are deSIgned to be mare mtImate 10 scale and create a dlstmctIve sense of neighborhood IdentIty f) Refer to the street sectIon exlubIts at the end of VehIcular Circulation pages IV 7 thru N 11 for dImenSIOns Artenal Streets The artenal streets Dublin Boulevard and Central Parkway define the edges of speCific land uses and provIde opporturutIes for several types of travel such as vehIcular public transit bIcycles and pedestnan Where deSIred commuruty walls open VIew fences and raIl fences can be used to provIde defimtlon between artenal streets and adjacent land uses In most cases Sidewalks and multI use trails wIll be separated from the street to provIde for a pleasant safer pedestnan environment Street DeSign Concept ~ Dublm Boulevard IS proposed to ultImately consIst of SIX traffic lanes a landscaped median With left turn lanes and blcycle/emergency lanes on both SIdes of the street There Will be parkway stnps on the both Sides of the street With a separated Sidewalk The north SIde of Dublm Boulevard between the north south multI use trails runnmg along the Village Center boundary will have a multi use traIl (for two way pedestnanlbIcycle travel) WIth tree wells at the back of the curb AdditIonal plantmg beyond the nght of way WIll be provided adjacent to IVI Community Landscape DeSign GlIIdelmes ~ ~"' E-4 ~~ "'~ z~ O~ -u ~< sf}j u~ e5~ uo ~ I .....:l , I I ~ . 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Dublm Ranch Area G Desl~n GUldelmes 0 December 11. 1998 RevIsed Julv. 1999 (() parkIng lots far screemng An additIonal publIc servIce/landscape easement typically extends beyond the nght of way lIne on both Sides of the street However along the VIllage Center parcels a public service easement extends beyond the back of the curb A public service easement (PSE) Will be provided as reqUired by the City and wIll be dedicated to the public per detaIls to be worked out as shown on the TentatIve Map AdditIonal area adjacent to the Village Center parcels could consIst of enhanced paving and/or plantmg The landscape easement Will be pnvately mamtamed and owned by a Commumty Homeowner or Property Owner ASSOCIatIon Bus stops Will be provided on the north Side of Dublin Boulevard Just west of both Class II Collector B and MalO Street f) Central Parkway WIll ultImately consist of four traffic lanes a landscaped medIan With left turn lanes and a parkIng lane on both Sides of the street Along residentIal parcels both SIdes of the street mclude a parkway stnp WIth a separated multI use trail for one way pedestnanlbIcycle travel The south Side of Central Parkway between the north south multi use traIls runmng along the Village Center boundary will have a multi use trail (for two way pedestnanlblcycle travel) WIth tree wells at the back of the curb AdditIonal area along the Village Center could consIst of enhanced pavmg and/or plantmg Deceleration lanes for nght turns are provided at all mtersectlOns An addItIonal public servIce/landscape easement typIcally extends beyond the nght of way lIne on both Sides of the street However along the Village Center parcels a public service easement extends beyond the back of the curb A publIc service easement (PSE) will be provIded as reqUired by the CIty and WIll be dedicated to the public per details to be worked out at as shown on the Tentative Map The landscape easement WIll be pnvately mamtamed and owned by a Commuruty Homeowner or Property Owner AssocIatIon It IS antIcIpated that deSignated bus stop shelters Will be located on the north and south Side of Central Parkway Just east of the mtersectIons ofMam Street and Street E Landscape Treatment Arlenal street medians and parkways shall be predominately planted With deCiduous street trees m patterns emphaslzlOg the hentage of Dublin Evergreen trees shall be used as accents m key locatIons The understory will be a comblOatIon of turf panels With dnfts of tIered (or layered) shrubs and low growmg groundcover repeated m elongated patterns over large areas for vlewmg at hIgher travel speeds I) IV 2 Commumty Land~cape DeSIgn GlIldelllles Dublin Ranch Area G Design GUidelines 0 December I I. 1998 Revised Julv. 1999 Collector Streets t) To create a more pedestnan fnendly environment and sense of community collector streets link several different land uses and will have an expanded nght of way greater than the City of Dublin street standard Tlus Increase In WIdth will allow for a Wider landscape parkway along each Side of the roadway A row of shade trees Will be planted In the parkway stnp and 10 the prescnbed landscape easement areas that extend beyond the nght of way ThiS will allow the pedestnan path of travel to act as a safe domam by vIsually mlrumlzmg the mteractIon between pedestnan and motonst while creatmg a more pedestnan onented neighborhood comdor Street DeSign Concept I) Class II Collector A from Dublin Boulevard to Central Parkway consists of two traffic lanes a landscaped medIan wIth left turn lanes and a parlang lane on both Sides of the street Each SIde of the street mcludes a parkway stnp wIth a separated multI use trail (for one way pedestnanJbIcycle travel) An additIonal public servlce/landscape easement extends beyond the nght of way lme A public service easement (PSE) WIll be proVIded as reqUIred by the CIty and Will be dedicated to the public per details to be worked out as shown on the TentatIve Map The landscape easement WIll be pnvately mamtamed and owned by the Community Homeowners ASSOCiatIon Class II Collector B from Street D to Dublm Boulevard consists of one southbound traffic lane two northbound traffic lanes a landscaped median with left turn lanes and a parkmg lane on both Sides of the street Each Side lOcludes a parkway stnp WIth a separated multi use trail (for one way pedestnanJbIcycle travel) An additIonal public service/landscape easement extends beyond the nght of way lme A pubhc service easement (PSE) will be proVIded as reqUIred by the City and WIll be dedIcated to the public per details to be worked out as shown on the TentatIve Map The landscape easement Will be pnvately malO tamed and owned by the Commuruty Homeowners ASSOCiatIon The nght of way Width along Class II Collector B between Street C and Street D vanes as the second northbound lane IS transltlOned out IJ Class II Collector B from Street C to Central Parkway consists of two traffic lanes a landscaped median with left turn lanes and a parkmg lane on both Sides of the street Each Side mcludes a parkway stnp with a separated multI use trail (for one way pedestnanJblcycle travel) An additIonal public service/landscape easement extends beyond the nght of way lme A pubhc service easement (PSE) will be proVIded as reqUIred by the City and Will be dedicated to the public per details to be IV 3 Community Landscape DeSign Glildelllles Dublm Ranch Area G DesIgn GUldelmes 0 December II. 1998 RevIsed Julv. 1999 (() warked as shown on the TentatIve Map The landscape WIll be pnvately mamtaIned and owned by the Commuruty Homeowners AssociatIOn () ReSIdentIal Collector C typIcally consists of two traffic lanes with a parlang lane on both sides of the street A parkway stnp with a separated multi use traIl (for one way pedestnan!blcycle travel) will occur on each side of the Street The north and south side of ResidentIal Collector C between the north south multI use traIls runnlOg along the Village Center boundary WIll have a multI use trail (for two way pedestnan!blcycle travel) with tree wells at the back of the curb AdditIonal area along the Village Center could consIst of enhanced paVIng and/or plantIng AdditIonal plantIng beyond the nght of way WIll be provided adjacent to parlang lots for screerung For traffic calmIng curbs at lOtersectIons In the VIllage Center Will extend lOto the lOtersectIon the WIdth of a parallel parked car ResIdentIal Collector C along the Neighborhood Park and Square WIll have a parkway and multI use traIl (for one way pedestnan!blcycle travel) with the design and locatIon to be determIned 10 conjunctIon with park deSIgn An addItIonal publIc servlce/landscape easement extends beyond the nght of way IlOe on both SIdes of the street However along the Village Center parcels a publIc servIce easement extends beyond the back of the curb A publIc sernce easement IS not reqUIred at the Neighborhood Park and Square A publIc servIce easement (PSE) Will be proVided as reqUIred by the City and WIll be dedicated to the publIc per details to be worked out as shown on the Tentative Map The landscape easement Will be pnvately malOtamed and owned by a Community Homeowner or Property Owner ASSOCiatIon Landscape Treatment The predommate feature of the collector streets Will be the presence of the staggered row of decIduous shade trees to create a canopy effect for pedestnans and motonsts The second row of trees will be planted 5 from the edge of the walk or as conditIons permIt WithIn the prescnbed landscape easement Only one species of street tree Will be allowed to clearly and consistently define each collector street A low growlOg ground cover of a slOgle speCIes or lawn WIll be planted wlthm the parkway stnp IntersectIons with extended curbs along ReSidentIal Collector C through the Village Center Will be planted with three (3) flowenng trees wlthlO the Village Center pavlOg pattern MaID Street and Street' F' I) The deSired focus of MalO Street and Street F will be a comfortably proportIOned (honzontally and vertically) pedestnan environment In IV 4 Communzty I and~cape DeSIgn ell/defmes Dublin Ranch A rea G 0 DesIgn GUldelmes 0 December II. 1998 0 RevIsed iulv. 1999 f) planrung terms the pedestnan realm IS the spatIal raho created by the Width of the pavmg to the heIght of the bUIldmg Dependmg on this ratIO whIch vanes along the length of the VIllage Center a umque set of public spaces IS created for outdoor eatmg activitIes ar retail browsmg under the sun This pedestnan onented corndors IS designed for strollIng leisurely conversatIOn and social mteractlOn Street Design Concept f) Matn Street between Dublm Boulevard and Central Parkway and Street F between Street E and Matn Street conSists of two traffic lanes with parallel parkmg bays on hoth SIdes of the street A monoilthlc SIdewalk wIth tree wells at the back of the curb are proVided on both Sides of the street mc1udmg the public/semI publIc parcel A multi use traIl or Sidewalk wIll be desIgned and located In conjunction with the Nelghbarhood Square Extended curb sections at IntersectIOns and mid block crossmgs create vanatlOn In the street WIdth for mterest while slowmg traffic at pedestnan crossmgs The nght of way lme IS typically located at the back of the curb An addItIonal pubhc service easement typIcally extends beyond the back of curb Along the Public/Semi Public parcel the public service easement extends beyond the nght of way lme A pubhc service easement IS not reqUlred at the NeIghborhood Square A publIc seIVlce easement (PSE) will be proVIded as reqUIred by the City and WIll be dedicated to the public per details to be worked out as shown on the Tentative Map Landscape Treatment MedIUm Sized flowenng deCIduous trees will be spaced consistently at mtervals of approximately twenty two feet on center Pavmg Materials Pavmg matenals along Matn Street and Street F WIll contmue the pattern estabhshed for the VIllage Center Gateways for a coheSive desIgn from end to end Amenlttes Where space and path of travel pennlts benches WIll placed penodlcally under the street trees and III front of hmldmgs when they are set bdck from the street I) JV5 Community Landscape Dellgn Cwddlrl€1 Dublin Ranch A rea G 0 Design GUIdelines December 11. 1998 0 Revised ]u{v, /999 Street' E' () Street E IS designed to be more lOtImate m scale while pro\ Idmg d pedestnan frIendly environment lmkmg reSidentIal uses to recreatIOn amemtIes A row of shade trees will be planted m tree wells Street Design Concept Street E WIll consist of two traffic lanes WIth parkmg lanes on both Sides of the street A monolithIC Sidewalk with tree wells at the back of the curb WIll be proVIded on each Side of the street with the exceptIon of where the Neighborhood Square occurs An addItIonal publtc servIcellandscape easement Will be establIshed beyond the nght of way lme except at the Neighborhood Square A publIc service easement (PSE) WIll be proVided as reqUired by the City and Will be dedicated to the publIc per detatls to be worked out as shown on the TentatIve Map The landscape easement will be pnvately mamtamed and owned by the Commumty Homeowner or Property Owner ASSOCiatIon Landscape Treatment (() Street E WIll be planted WIth a smgle row of trees In tree wells to shade the pedestnan Secondary trees beyond the SIdewalk to be planted as a part of the Neighborhood Square public/semI publIc or adjacent hOUSing will provide contrasting texture and lor seasonal color Street'D' Street D IS deSIgned to be more intImate m scale while proVidIng a pedestnan frIendly enVIronment IInkmg reSIdentIal uses to recreatIon amemtles A staggered row of shade trees will be planted In the parkway stnp on the non park Side of the street ThiS wlil allow thc pedestnan path of travel to act as a safe domaIn by visually mm1I111zmg the mteractlOn between pedestnan and motonst while creatmg a more pedestnan onented neighborhood comdor Street DeSign Concept () Street D Will consist of two traffic lanes With parkmg lanes on both Sides of the street A separated multi use trail (for one way pedestnan bicycle travel) WIll be proVIded on the non neighborhood park Side of the street An additIonal publIc service/landscape easement will be established beyond the nght of way lIne except at the Park A public Service easement (PSE) will be provided as reqUired by the City and \\.'111 be dedicated to the public per detaIls to be \\ orked out JV6 COII/IIl/II11f'. Land!:.cape DeSign GlIIdc IlIle \ Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Desl~n GUidelines 0 December II, 1998 0 RevBed Julv. 1999 f) as shown on the TentatIve Map The landscape easement will be pnvately mamtamed and owned by the Commumty Homeowners Association Landscape Treatment Street D Will be planted wIth a staggered row of trees III the parkviay to shade the pedestnan Private Residential Streets MedIUm HIgh DenSity and High Density ResidentIal Neighborhoods Pnvate residential streets are deSigned to serve the reSidents of medIUm high denSIty and lugh denSIty reSIdential nelghbarhoods and should be more mtImate III scale Vanous options eXist for pnvate streets Streets could have two travel lanes With either one parallel parkmg lane or perpendicular parkmg bays A second alternative would be WIth either parallel parkmg lanes or perpendIcular parkmg bays on both Sides of the travel lanes Landscape Treatment I) Each neighborhood shall be deSigned wlth one predommate specIes that IS and will be dlstmctIve from every other nelghborhood Secondary tertiary and accent trees shall complement the pnmary specIes and proVide contrastmg texture and/or seasonal color f) IV 7 CO/llll1l1lltty Landscape DOfgn Gwddll!C5 en Z o - E- U ~ en E- ~ ~ E- en ~~ >~ ~~ o~ ~~Il ~ E- J ~ L: lr-- z ~ OU II r.. > o : r.< I Ul r.< => Z r.<UlOll:: ::t:E-<ll::0 E-<gaOr.. ll::tlr..r.< O>r.<~ r..Ull:: r.<ai<~ ll::QCO:;: <Z ll:: ~<f:;E-< .... 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A well thought out collectIOn of elements has been established for the Dublm Ranch Master Planned Community Entnes for land uses m Area G will contmue the cohesive theme established 10 prevIOus phases where appropnate This homogeneous use of forms and matenals will Impart a consistent visual Image wlthm the entire community the goal of a master planned mIxed use development Although the extent and scale may vary with each land use type mdIvldually they Will be designed to portray the consistent overall community Image Urufymg elements may mclude the repetitIve use of the defined vocabulary of matenals colors and patterns m walls pilasters enhanced pavmg and street furnIture The Village Center Gateways occur at the mtersectIons of Mam Street with Dublm Boulevard and Central Parkway They define the entry pomts to the Village Center NeIghborhood entnes reflect the overall community Image m additIon to the mdlvIdualIdentIty of a particular neighborhood Village Center Gateways I) Village Center Gateways are located at the mtersectIOns of Mam Street wIth Dublin Boulevard and Central Parkway The bUlldmgs on both corners of Mam Street are set back to proVide for a Visual entrance or gateway plaza to Mam Street WIth a uruque entry statement different from other land uses m Area G yet with a conSIstent use of matenals used throughout the commuruty Refer to additIonal standards page I 3 for nurumum dimenSIOns of gateway plazas ComposItIon mcludes enhanced pavmg from the bUlldmg to back of curb with a pattern of flowenng trees Landscape Treatment The gateways on each end of the Village Center Will be Similar m nature with the same flowenng trees planted m simIlar patterns between the curb and bUlldmg fayade Spacmg shall be appropnate to ensure the trees health bUlldmg facade VISibility and comfortable/unrestncted pedestnan paths of travel At matunty fifty percent (50%) of the paved area shall be shaded With trees Pavmg Materials f) SimplistIc and geometnc pavmg patterns of stnkIng but subdued colors add to the success and Viability of an Invltmg retaIl area and pedestnan comdor DecoratIve pavlOg may be a combmatlOn of mterlockmg concrete pavers bnck pavers and/or colored/stamped concrete IV 13 Community Landscape DeSIgn Gwddme\ Dublin Ranch Area G DesIgn GUIdelines December 11. 1998 RevIsed Julv. /999 . Decorative paving wIthm vehicular circulation at crosswalk areas should be Identical to the matenals throughout the Village Center The crosswalk pavmg wIll act as a decoratIve band leadmg mto the Village Center Decorative pavmg will be permitted 10 designated areas wlthm the public nght of way as approved by the Director ofPubhc Works Amemtles The mtersectIOns that encompass the Village Center Gateways should mclude a monument IdentIficatIon structure to announce amval at the Village Center Where applIcable seat wall planters With colorful groundcover may accentuate the bUlldlOg frontages In addition to the seat walls and where space and path of travel permIts benches shall be placed under the trees One corner at each gateway should endeavor to mclude elements such as newspaper racks mformatIon kIosk and lItter receptacles MedIUm High Density Neighborhood Entnes I) Where appropnate entnes for medIUm high denSIty neighborhoods may reflect Similar deSign elements utIlIzed throughout the Dublm Ranch Master Planned Community such as walls stone pilasters and enhanced vehicular pavmg The pedestnan gateway format of two entry pilasters will flank the sidewalk on either side of the street Should a median be part of the entry a smgle pIlaster shall be placed wlthm the medIan Where deSired the slOgle pilaster 10 the medIan would be capable of mtegratmg a vehicular gate along With pedestnan gates for controlled access III \">11-1{ WITH DUBlIN I{A'\UI LOCO II "nUl \11 III \N IIL"S II R III \511-R \\ 11 H 'FI H130RHOOD IIlI '11flC \lION PL \OUI ..5 "'- t) MedIUm High DenSity Neighborhood Entry IV 14 Commullltv Landscape DeSIgn Guu/e/llles Dublm Ranch Area G Design GllIdelmes December 11. 1998 Revised Julv. 1999 Landscape Treatment I) For visual focal dommance flowenng accent trees shall be placed within the entry parkway and median where provided The understory will be a combmatlOn of turf panels and groupmgs of shrubs perennials annuals and groundcover In additIOn to trees plantlOg wlthm the entry median shall also consist of perenruals annuals and low groundcover Pavmg Matertals Enhanced pavlOg wIthm the roadway may consist of concrete lOterlockmg pavers WhlCh may be IdentIcal m shape and color to those used at the community entnes throughout Dublin Ranch Interlockmg pavers shall define the crosswalk area and a reasonable dimenSion beyond the intersectIon curb return as may be applicable should an entry median be utilized All decorative pavmg wlthm the public nght of way will be malOtamed by a Property Owner s ASSOCiatIOn Pilasters Walls and Fences I) The use of contmuous walls and/or fences to enclose the penmeter of a project IS not penmtted Although not encouraged commumty walls or open view fences With stone pilasters could be placed between the penmeter medIUm high denSity reSidential bUlldmgs where deSired to proVide a buffer or for secunty If utIlized they must match the style of the architecture be of short segments and be set back a mmlmum of ten feet (10 ) from the face of the bUlldIng frontmg the street Where proVided freestandmg stone entry pilasters shall be placed wlthlO the parkway and entry median at the entnes Into the neighborhoods Sign age The pilasters Within the parkways shall contam an ornamental plaque on one of the freestandmg stone pilasters With the nelghbarhood IdentIficatIon logo whIle the pilaster of the pedestnan gateway on the left side of the entry shall contam the Dublin Ranch logo HIgh DenSity Neighborhood Entnes ct) At the lOtersectlOn where a high denSity reSidential project mtersects With an artenal or collector street each corner of the project entry shdll have an IdentificatIOn composItIon conslstmg of Dublin Ranch feature key elements A stone pilaster to be placed 10 a center median of the entry IS capable of mtegratmg a vehicular gate along With pedestnan gates for controlled access IV 15 COmlllll1l1tv Landscape DLSlgl/ GlIldelme\ - -- ,"Ih.CEIIREI - - _-=1 =- I \LU'T 'RCEl - -I ; - ~ J" - i I ~ I) f) (f) Dublm Ranch Area G 0 Desl~n GUldelmes December II. 1998 0 ReVised Julv. 1999 i'll \STI::R \\ ITH DU/lLl'J RANCII LOCO PI AQUL PIL \') I ER \\ 1111 'JI::IGIIBORHOOD IDL \, llFI( \ nON PI \OUF ~l ~- f ~~"'I \ ~~~ t 11 fl "- &" .......e.,..._""'- ~ High DenSity Neighborhood Entry Landscape Treatment Like the medIUm htgh denSity entry flowenng accent trees with a tiered or layered understory of shrubs perennials annuals and groundcover will be utilIzed Evergreen flowenng vlOes may be used on fenCing Planting wlthm entry medians shall consist of perenruals annuals and low groundcover Pavmg Matertals Pnvate streets are encouraged to Include enhanced paving of either concrete mterlockmg pavers or stamped concrete of a pattern and color that IS SimIlar m nature but may be different m color and pattern than those utilized In other reSidentIal entnes Enhanced pavlOg shall define the crosswalk area and a reasonable dimenSIOn beyond the intersection curb return as may be applicable should an entry median be utIlized Ptlasters Walls and Fences The use of continUOUS walls and/or fences to enclose the penmeter of a project IS not permitted Although not encouraged commumty walls or open view fences With stone pilasters could be placed between the pen meter high denSity reSidentIal bUildings where deSired to proVide a buffer or for secunty If utIlIzed they must match the style of the archItecture be of short segments and be set back a mIrumum of ten feet IV 16 CommllllllY Landscape DeSign GlIldellfle~ Dublm Ranch Area G Design GUldelmes December II. 1998 0 Revised Julv. 1999 (f) (10 ) from the face of the bUlldmg frontmg the street Where provided freestandmg stone entry pilasters shall be placed wlthm the parkway and entry medIan at the entnes mto high density nelghbarhoods Sign age The pilasters wlthm the parkways shall contam an ornamental plaque on one of the free standmg stone and stucco pIlasters wIth the neighborhood IdentIficatIon logo while the pilaster of the pedestnan gate on the left side of the entry shall contain the Dublm Ranch logo () () IV 17 Commllfllty Landscape Design Guulelllles Dublm Ranch Area G Design GUldelmes December II. /998 0 Revised Julv. /999 VILLAGE CENTER IMAGE (f) The JuxtapOSitIOn of the VIllage Center wlthm Area G enables residents to participate m converuent shoppmg and servIces that will be wlthm easy walkmg and cyclmg distance The atmosphere bemg depicted along MalO Street and portions of ItS cross streets shall be pedestnan onented punctuated with trees and focal accents such as fountains sculpture and other landscape elements Key areas within the Village Center mclude o Village Center Gateways (previously descnbed) Mam Street Plaza Secondary Plazas Mid Block Crossmgs Pedestnan Paseos Parktng Lots o o o o o I) Mam Street wIll be a catalyst for commumty participatory activities and events of a seasonal educatIonal mformatIonal after school or outreach nature Part of the desIred feelmg to accommodate people first and the velucle second will be accomplished by creatmg SItuatIOns that cause the motonst to feel like they are passmg through a pedestnan onented space To enhance the VIsual character of Mam Street urufymg elements throughout the Village Center areas Will mclude the repetitIve use of enhanced pavmg matenals and patterns street furniture and accessones and plant matenals such as street trees accent trees and understory plantmgs Potential elements wluch may be conSidered m finalizing the deSign concept for the VIllage Center Include the followmg o Flush curbs at mtersectIons WIth lighted bollards spaced a mlmmum of 4 clear (for ADA compliance) o Parallel parkmg bays nestled between mtersectlOns and mid block pedestnan crossmgs that narrow down the street o Uruformly spaced street trees m patterns applicable to bUlldmg facades o Structural archways at pedestnan paseos o Seasonal theme banners attached to decorative street light poles o Enhanced pavmg at crosswalks o An orderly but functIonal placement of aesthetically pleasmg street furniture ([) IV 18 COllllllUlllty Landscape DeSIgn GlIIdelrne~ Dublm Ranch Area G 0 DeslVI GUldelmes December 11. 1998 Revised Julv. 1999 MaID Street Plaza &; A prominent feature of the Village Center will be the Main Street Plaza at the intersectIon of Main Street and ResidentIal Collector C It will highlight all four comers of the intersectIon The bUildings at these intersectIOns are set back to form a pedestnan onented area for outdoor dining social endeavors or other interactIve or entertaImng activItIes Refer to Development Standards page I 1 for mImmum dImenSIOns of each corner of the Main Street Plaza ThiS lIvely human scaled space WIll also become a destinatIon node for rendezvous social interactIon and respite At comers bUildings may open at the apex to allow for pedestrIan access to parlang areas through a pedestnan paseo Landscape Treatment The backdrop to Main Street Plaza WIll be dIstinctive controlled shape flowenng trees Spacing should be appropnate to ensure the trees health bUilding facade VISibility and comfortable/unrestncted pedestrIan paths of travel At matunty fifty percent (50%) of the paved area shall be shaded WIth trees Large pots With colorful trees shrubs groundcover or annuals may be located for vIsual mterest I) f) Conceptual MaID Street Plaza IV 19 Commllnll) Landscape DeSign GlIu/dlllU Dublin Ranch Area G DeSlr:n GUidelines December 1/. 1998 RevIsed Jull. /999 PavlIlg Materzals ~ The pavmg of the plaza may be lOterlockIng concrete pavers bnck pavers and/or colored concrete which will provide for a safe and pleasurable walkmg expenence The use of enhanced pavlOg wlthm the mtersectlOn at Mam Street and ResidentIal Collector C IS an option that may be considered and approved by the Director of Public Works If Implemented It will consist of mterlockmg concrete pavers bnck pavers and/or colored concrete to match the pedestnan onented ground texture (pavmg) Amemtles AmemtIes may mclude fountams sculpture and other landscape elements on each mtersectIon corner Benches will be set under the flowenng trees The JuxtaposItion of the benches will be dependent on the path of travel reqUirements and door and wmdow locatIOns of adjacent bUlldmgs Secondary Plazas I) Secondary plazas are located at the mtersectIon of Mam Street with Street F The secondary plazas are deSigned to provide a smaller gathenng area for soclalIzmg rest and mformal dmmg Refer to Development Standards page I 1 for mlrumum dimenSIons of Secondary Plazas Landscape Treatment To accentuate these plazas without detractmg from the Mam Street Plaza formal patterns of flowenng trees similar to the mid block croSSings will prOVide a backdrop to the plaza m addition to provldlllg shade PavlIlg Materials The pavmg of secondary plazas mcludlOg the crosswalks may be mterlockmg concrete pavers bnck pavers and/or colored concrete which will proVide for a safe and pleasurable walkmg expenence Pavmg matenals and patterns will generally match that of the Mam Street sidewalks Crosswalk sections will be approved by the Director of Public Works () /V?O COlllllllllllf) LandscapL DeSign GUllhlll/u Dublin Ranch Area G Design GUidelines December J J. J 998 Revised Julv. /999 IJ Conceptual Mid Block Crossmg I) Mid Block Crossmgs Two (2) mId block crossmgs have been planned for the two southern most blocks At these areas the curb extends mto the street to narrow down the roadway to slow down traffic at pedestnan croSSings Landscape Treatment To accentuate these areas and call further attentIon to the pedestnan crossmg a flowenng tree dIfferent than the street tree wIll be planted Pavmg Materzals Pavmg matenals and colors wlthm the street nght of way wIll continue a rhythmic pattern m these areas as approved by the Director of Public Works PedestrIan Paseos (() Pedestnan paseos have been planned In the southern most two blocks to connect Mam Street to the parkmg lots and directly connectmg residential areas With Mam Street Pedestnan paseos will be reqUired m the northern blocks of MaIO Street If dnveways are not provided A promment pedestnan paseo and plaza provIdes direct pedestnan /V 21 Community Landscape DeSign GUide/me:, Dublin Ranch A rea G Design GUIdelines December 11. 1998 0 Revised Julv. 1999 CIJ circulatIon and gathenng from the Neighborhood Square with MaIO Street through a plaza openIng between the commercial bUlldmgs The promment paseo also contmues east of Mam Street to provIde a link to the medIUm high density two neighborhood DlInellSlOltS The mInImUm dimensIOn ofpedestnan paseos between bUlldlOgs shall be 12 WIde mcludmg the maIO paseo connectmg the Village Center to the Neighborhood Square Wlthm parkmg lots pedestnan paseos shall be a mInImUm of 6 Wide Lalldscape Treatmellt Where the pedestnan paseo Interfaces With the bUlldlOgs large pots With colorful trees shrubs groundcover or annuals may be placed for visual lOterest Pottery shall be placed so that It does not Impede the pedestnan path of travel In parkIng lots trees WIll be located WIthIn a planter m a linear fashIon With a low growmg groundcover understory PavlIIg Materials I) Where the pedestnan paseo mterfaces WIth the bUlldmgs the pavmg pattern established for the Village Center Will contmue through to the parkIng lots The SIdewalk of the pedestnan paseo that extends through the parkmg lot IS at grade to mmmllze the need for curb ramps Amellltles The promment paseo from the Neighborhood Square passes through the commercial bUlldmgs With an enlarged courtyard area With a fountam publIc art or other element as the focal pomt In additIon to seat walls and where space and path of travel permits benches will be placed along the pedestnan paseo Parkmg Lots Parkmg lots Will consist of perpendicular parkmg bays VIsually broken mto smaller areas wlthm the larger mass of parkIng between landscaped medians and Islands As a transItIon to the parking lot a mmlmum 5 of enhanced pavmg and/or landscape shall be provided at the backSIde of all bUlldmgs (() IV 22 Commllnlty Landscape DeSign GlIulel/lles Dublin Ranch Area G DesIgn GUldelmes December 1 J. 1998 RevIsed Julv. 1999 I J I) I) CODceptuallParkmg Lot with PedestrIaD lPaseo Landscape Treatment Parkmg lots will have a generous number of deciduous canopy trees spaced tnangularly with one set of trees m the median and another m mtermediate planter Islands placed at the end of and among the parkmg bays There should be a nurumum of 5 plantmg areas between the parkmg lot and adjacent street nght of way or the multi use trails along Village Center parcels A mlllimum of3 shall be used for a low profile penpheral raised screen of hedges and/or moundlOg with colorful groundcover and trees to mmlmize views of parked cars from adjacent streets and residential uses () Transformers and other utihty structures shall be located eIther m bUlldlOgs wlthm or adjacent to the parkmg lot where feasible or behmd bUlldmgs The preferred option would be to locate transformers wlthm self contalOed utihty rooms wlthm a bUlldmg or at the penphery of parkmg lots adjacent to multi use trail comdors A second optIOn would be to locate them Within landscape Islands Within parkmg lots They shall be screened With plantmgs and/or structures such as walls fences and trelhs that Will architecturally blend With adjacent architectural styles of the Village Center bUlldlOgs IV 23 Community Landscape DeSIgn GlIlddll1e~ Dublm Ranch Area G DesIgn GUldelmes December 11. 1998 RevIsed Julv. /999 PavlIlg Materzals \I) Pa\ 109 of parklOg lots shall be asphaltic concrete except where pedestnan paseos cross the parklOg lot and at trash/recycling collectIon areas The paving pattern established for the Village Center will contlOue the rhythmiC pattern through the parklOg lot The pedestnan paseo that extends through the parkIng lot to the multi use trail will be at grade to mlOlmlze the need for curb ramps OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE OF THE VILLAGE CENTER AREA The City Will own and malOtalO only that area between the back of curbs (41 nght of way) on MalO Street and Street F and portions of Residential Collector C wlthm the Village Center All Sidewalk and landscape areas between the back of curb and the bUlldlOg face along MalO Street (lOcludlOg the Plazas and Village Gateways) as well as portIOns of Street F and Residential Collector C wlthm the Village Center would be owned and malOtalOed by a Village Center Property Owners ASSOCiation Utility and access easements would be provided to the City as necessary () () /v 24 COII/II/Ull/tv Landscape DeSIgn GlIIdLlmes Dublin Ranch Area G DeH[?n Gllldellnes December 11. 1998 b RevIsed iulv. 1999 PUBLIC ART t) Pnvate and publIc development projects are encouraged to mclude creatIve artwork of artists craftspeople archItects landscape architects and any other qualified deSIgn professionals mto the public spaces of the Village Center and publIc parks and squares The purpose ofmcorporatmg publIc art IS multi fold o Create more vIsually pleaSIng publIc spaces o Ennch commuruty Identtty and sense of CIVIC pnde o ProvIde contmUlty and hlstoncal links to the past and present of DublIn and the Tn Valley area o Leave to future generatIOns a visual and artIStIC legacy o Increase public access and understandmg of the Visual arts Art pieces should be appropnate to the site The relattonshlp between the art and site should be conSIdered In terms of the phYSIcal dlmenslons SOCIal and cultural dynamiCS envIronmental sensItIvIty and durability of matenals and resistance to vandalIsm t) Sites should be VIsually promment so as to be enjoyed by the greatest munber of people PublIc art should be located at lugh profile locations such as street mtersectlOns gateways bUlldmg entnes publicly and pnvately owned gathenng areas such as plazas and parks Incorporated Into a bUlldmg s deSign and other umque sites PublIc art Includes but IS not limIted to sculpture murals fountams pavmg deSIgns pamtmgs and lIghtmg usmg appropnate matenals such as clay and masonry fiber wood metal stone glass plastICS landforms and plant matenals The artwork may be decoratlve ornamental or functIonal elements of the arclutecture landscape or site Mamtenance responsIbilities for pubhc art WIll be resolved at the Slte Development ReView (SDR) stage f) IV 2) Community Landscape De,!gn GUlde/ul( \ Dublin Ranch Area G DesIgn GUldelmes December 11. 1998 ReVl~ed Julv. 1999 STREET FURNITURE () Street furmture throughout Area G will reflect the commuruty s theme and architectural styling Details for the selectIOn of street furniture will be developed further with the Site Development Review submittal for the Village Center streetscape elements Street furniture such as tree grates benches litter receptacles bollards mailboxes street lights traffic signals and street IdentIficatIOn slgnage Will be placed accordmg to functIOn and enhance the ambience of the residentIal Village center and recreational areas of Dublm Ranch Tree Grates Tree grates wlthm the Village Center area shall be cast metal DeSign of the opemngs shall comply with California Title 24 and ADA path of travel standards Tree wells can be of any shape as long as a mlmmum dimenSIOn of 4 IS mamtamed m any dIrectIOn Benches f) In most locatIOns benches shall be wIth arms and backs (10 compliance with the Amencans wIth DIsabilIties Act 1990) In some areas of the Village Center It may be appropnate to provide some benches without backs Benches for residentIal and recreatIon areas Will be coated mesh m all the same color to provIde for comfort m all weather conditIons DeSign of the benches for the Village Center shall reflect the deSired theme of the commercial area Litter Receptacles Litter receptacles should be placed m convement and accessible locatIons (m complIance with the Amencan with DisabilitIes Act 1990) along the pedestnan path of travel and within actIVIty areas/plazas Litter receptacles for each area Will complement benches In deSign color and constructIOn Bollards (f) If used wlthm the Village Center bollards shall reflect the style of the decorative lIght fixture and where located along flush curbs wIiI have an mternal lIght Bollards wlthm reSidential and recreatIonal areas wIll be deSigned to reflect the character of Dublin Ranch Bollards m residential IV 26 Commu!IItv Landscape DeSIgn Gl/ldehne~ Dublin Ranch Area G DeHgn GUIdelines December II. 1998 Revised iulv. 1999 f) and recreatIon areas Ifnecessary will be placed at the entrance to multi use trails and where controlled emergency or mamtenance access IS reqUired or desired A lockmg mechanism at each bollard base Will be proVided for easy removal by authonzed persons Mailboxes Mailboxes Will be designed to reflect the character of the particular reSidentIal neighborhoods IncorporatlOg the architectural styling and color of the umts Boxes will meet U S Postal Service standards and In the maxImum allowable configuration for medIUm high and high density houslOg areas Street Light Standards Street and parkmg lot lighting playa crucial role In enhancing the level of qualIty and character of Dublm Ranch Light standards shall be umform 10 color and style by specIfic land use Lights on the artenal streets shall conform to the City of DublIn s standard cobra head and shall be painted the same color as the decoratIve fixture on collector streets f) Streetlights on publIc reSidentIal streets and 10 the VIllage Center will be the same decoratIve fixture as utIlized In pnor phases of Dublin Ranch All streetlights associated With reSidentIal areas shall be palOted an IdentIcal color scheme to prOVide a umfyIng element Llghtmg for parking and common areas should be tempered In scale and form Human scale should Influence the height and style of standards and fixtures IllUminatIOn should be subtle but creatIve and should be encouraged to be expressed In several formats Parkmg lot lighting may utilize an alternate decorative style form and complimentary color to the adjacent street lIghtlOg All lighting shall be deSigned to conform to City of Dublin PaCific Gas and Electnc and IES standards and IllumlOatIon reqUlrements With the exceptIon of the artenal streets lighting for reSidentIal collectors local reSidential streets reSidentIal neighborhoods and parking lots shall utIlize a metal halide source In conformance With the approved light source for Phase I of Dublm Ranch I) IV 27 Commul/lty Land~cape DeSign GlIldelmes Dublin Ranch Area G DesIgn Guuiellnes December 11. 1998 RevIsed Julv. 1999 Street Identification Slgnage (() IdentIficatIOn of residential neighborhoods parks/recreatIon facilities and commercial uses throughout Dubhn Ranch may appear In a vanety of formats utllIzlOg the deSignated palette of matenals patterns and forms to provide the urufYIng components This may Include battered stone veneer pilasters with ornamental logo plaques UtlhtIes Where possible traffic signal light bases lIght controller boxes and other above ground utIlities shall be located at the penphery of gateway entnes MalO Street and secondary plazas and not along Mam Street UtIlItIes should be consolIdated at locatIons whIch are generally inconspIcuous to pedestnan views and access Other AmeDltIes I) Other amerutles In the Village Center may Include but are not limited to informatIon kIOsks tIme clocks newspaper racks character dnnkmg fountainS and themed utIlity covers Bike racks and storage WIll typically be adjacent to parking lots near the multI use trail I) IV 28 Commu/llty Land!>cape De!>lgn Gutdeltllo Dublin Ranch Area G o DesIgn GUldelmes December II. /998 o RevIsed Julv. 1999 RECREATION AMENITIES I) Dublzn Ranch offers an array of recreatIon opporturutIes Area G Includes a Neighborhood Park and Neighborhood Square The consistent use of themed matenals and landscape concepts withIn these faCIlitIes will maIntaIn the contInUity of the prevIOusly determIned commumty character Neighborhood Park The proposed Neighborhood Park wIthin Area G IS centrally located to the reSidentIal areas The park IS adjacent to Class II Collector B and between a medIUm lugh denSity reSidentIal neighborhood on the north and a hIgh denSity reSidentIal neighborhood on the south The nght of way for ReSidentIal Collector C and Street D Will be 8 from the back of curb and 16 from back of curb on Class II Collector B ReSIdents shall be lInked to the Neighborhood Park VIa an Internal pedestnan system consistIng of Sidewalks bicycle route lanes and the multI use traIls DeSign Criteria I) The Neighborhood Park shall be deSigned to meet the park standards established In the CIty of Dublzn Parks & RecreatIOn Master Plan July 1994 On street parallel parkmg shall be avaIlable on adjacent collector and reSIdentIal streets AmemtIes wlthm the park may Include fields for softballfbaseball and soccer tenrus volleyball or basketball courts Play areas With adjacent seatmg for parents wIll be proVided A shade structure With plcmc tables for group actIvItIes may also be proVided along WIth casual seatmg and pICruC areas scattered throughout the park Where feasible the deSIgn of the Neighborhood Park should Incorporate public art In a central gathenng area Landscape Treatment (f) Landscapmg Within the public nght of way shall be consistent With the character of the surroundmg streets and Include a SIngle or double row of broad deCiduous canopy trees Tree plantIng WithIn the park shall conSIst pnmanly of deCiduous shade trees to proVide seasonal mterest and allow shade 10 the summer and warmth m the Winter Lawn areas Will dommate the park prOVidIng places for orgaruzed and passive actIvItIes At focal pOInts such as the central gathenng area accent plantmg of shrubs perennials and groundcover should have a more ornamental appearance IV 29 Commuf/lty Landscape De~lgll Guulel/lle\ Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Des/[1I GUidelines December 11. 1998 Rev/sed Julv. 1999 Neighborhood Square () The proposed Neighborhood Square SitS north of ResidentIal Collector C Street between the Village Center and one of the medIUm high density residentIal neighborhoods and IS centrally located to serve as a vlllage green for the future resIdents Tlus wIll become the outdoor gathenng area for the Vlllage Center A senes of multI use trails and pedestnan paseos will prOVIde a slgruficant lmk to the Village Center and surroundmg residential neighborhoods The nght of way for ResidentIal Collector C will be at the back of the multi use trail and 8 from the back of curb on Street E and Street F Design Criteria The Neighborhood Square shall be designed to generally meet the Intent of the park standards established m the City of Dublm Parks & RecreatIOn Master Plan July 1994 Due to the close proximity to the VIllage Center the Nelghbarhood Square program wlll be modified to mcorporate an amplutheater and other urban features provldmg a Viable outdoor communIty space On street parallel parlang shall be available on adjacent collector and residentIal streets WIth additIonal parlang available wIthIn off street parlang lots m the VIllage Center I) A strong Visual and phYSical lmk from the Village Center to NeIghborhood Square shall term mate m a sculptural element m the square such as a fountam public art or other architectural elements Neighborhood Square formal gathenng areas such as amphitheater and open lawn areas should be created to fulfill the need for outdoor performances public gathenngs art shows and a fanners market The arrangement of spaces shall be more formal for an urban settmg A play area should also be mcorporated mto the park and could consist of an interactIve fountalO WIth Jets arclutectural wall elements or a high qualIty piece of play eqUIpment m a tot lot Landscape Treatment Tree plantmg wltlun the square shall consist pnmanly of deCiduous shade trees to proVide seasonal Interest and allow shade m the summer and wannth In the wmter Lawn areas Will dommate the square provldmg areas for orgarnzed and passive actiVIties At focal pomts such as the central gathenng area accent plantmg of shrubs perennIals and groundcover should have a more ornamental appearance (i) IV 30 COmTnZmll} Landscape DeSign GlI/deline\ Dublm Ranch Area G o DesIgn GUIdelines December 11. 1998 RevIsed Julv. 1999 t) IF~ ~~= I ~~ me- E== -F ~-_r"""""'/"'> j 78 ,l 12 }- l RESIDENTIAL VILLAGE CENTER SF A TINGfBICYCLE MULTI USE PARKING LOT STORAGE AREA TRAIL LANDSCAPE PLANTING BUFI-ER LARC E CANOPY TREE i ACCE\lT TREI:: I I Multi Use Trail (Behmd Village Center) Multi Use Trails The multI use traIl wIll serve as a shared bicycle and pedestnan trail IInkmg residentIal areas schools and recreatIon areas WIth the Village Center It provIdes an opporturuty to connect to commuruty Wide open spaces and other local and regIOnal traIl systems () The multI use tralls Will be located on both Sides of Central Parkway Class II Collector A Class II Collector B ResidentIal Collector C and one Side of Street D and/or between the parkmg lots for the Village Center and adjacent residentIal and public/semI public and/or Neighborhood Square land uses from Central Parkway south to DublIn Boulevard Bicycle parklOg along thIS traIl will be provided to encourage MalO Street to be pnmanly a pedestnan enVIronment DimensIOns MultI use traIls shall be 8 Wide for one way pedestnanlblcycle travel and 12 Wide for two way pedestnanlblcycle travel Removable bollards should be placed at all entry polOts to prevent unauthonzed motonzed access M ateTlals Multi use trails shall be paved With concrete StnplOg shall meet City standards Sign age I) Appropnate directional and lOformatIonal slgnage shall be provided IV 31 Commlllllty Landscape De~lgn GlI/{lellne~ Dublin Ranch Area G Desl~n GUIdelines December II, 1998 RevIsed July, 1999 Ble) ele Route Bike Lane () The bicycle route on DublIn Boulevard will serve to lmk residential areas schools recreatIOn areas and the Village Center to commumty Wide open spaces and other local and regional trail systems DlI1IellSlOIIS Bike lanes Will be a mlmmum of 4 Wide Materials Stnpmg and symbol pamtmg Will meet City standards Slgllage Appropnate directIonal and mformatlOnal slgnage Will be provided () f) IV 32 COlllllllllllf\ Lalld5cape De5/gl1 GlI/(lelllle5 Dublin Ranch Area G Design GUidelines December II, 1998 0 Revised Julv, 1999 GENERAL LANDSCAPE t) CalIforma natIve and other horticulturally adaptIve plant matenals will serve as umfymg elements throughout Dublm Ranch Trees will be used to define a luerarchy of entnes streets and neighborhoods provldmg IndIViduality and dIstInctIveness IndIgenous oak trees have been Incorporated mto the plant palette to reflect the lustoncal landscape of the Tn Valley area The City of DublIn IS currently m the process of establIshmg standards for streetscapes throughout DublIn Items mdlcated m this document such as but not lIrmted to tree speCIes sIze spacmg tree wells streetscape deSign etc wluch do not currently meet the City s cntena or may not meet It when ImplementatIon of thIS document commences will be subject to the reVIew anu approval by the DIrectors of PublIc Works and Commumty Development pnor to the development of construction drawIngs Reeommended Plant Palette The follOWIng pages represent the recommended plant palettes whIch establish the preVIously prescnbed character of Dublm Ranch Plants have been selected to enhance entnes and streets and proVide shade where necessary Street trees have been selected from the City of Dubll1l Approved Street Tree LISt SpecIal attentIon has been paid to the selectIon of Cahforma natIve and other ornamental plants which are hortIculturally adaptIve to the natural charactenstIcs of the site such as climate and soIls CI) The plant palette WIll be further refined dunng the plannIng and constructIon process as soIls reports become aVailable and areas are IdentIfied as to the avaIlablhty of recycled water Medium High DenSity Neighborhood Entries Accent Tree!\ Crataegus phaenopyrum Lagerstroemza mdlca P,stach,a chmensls Prunus cerasifera Thundercloud I) Shmh!\ IV Perenmal!\ Buxus m japomca Green Beauty Dletes vegata ErlObotrya deflexa Coppertone Hemerocallls hybrzd PlttoSTJorum t Wheelers Dwarf IV 33 Waslungton Thorn Crape Myrtle ChInese PIstache Flowenng Plum Japanese Boxwood Fortnight LIly Bronze Loquat Day LIly Dwarf Mock Orange Communi!) Landscape Deslgll GUldelll/e5 ~ !l 'II i ~~ I 1 J ] it , is l ~ ] ~ Z -r : :~: : ~ ~l H -< ! ~,U2; ~2;~2; ::l~~!:l ~ 2;1< ~,,1~2;""~'~ ~] ~ I I' 11 J. I' I' J I: I. ~ ~ j fdl jd] h~H l ~ ~ j~l ~j l ~g8j .. jJ! ~~ i! Ii ~ ~ "0 J rdl ,ii, luliJ II l i! hi !l i Jll!1 nfJF h II II ~<e: < l=: J I ~ ~ i& J I 1 ~ }1 j H / u ~ :11 ~ ~1 ! I~] it J ]1 lid~! j it~ H iJ U ~~ Pi rJ1 d) I itjlf JlfH phh~! ii hi :i!! 'h j! Hi! j1iHh fJ~ i~ ii ~ ~ ~ J fhlJ f1di ~sdHl ~l U Ih i!U fU U li~Ui IfillU Hi t~l ii~ ~ < ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ , ! ~ i i ~ J ,d ~~ ~ ~ u ~~ ~gz ~< ~ ::J o ~ L. .... ::;: Q Z .... ::;0 <>: ..... z '-'<>: 0::0: l;; '-' ~ 15 u:: t::! ~ c; ~ ~~ ~ ::;<"" "a3 ~2. c.J uJ~ .... ....l E:= ::5.;2 ~ 8~ ~ z.... ""I z<.:> :J!:: "- ....l c:l ~ Q 7' 0<: L.U ..... "" < L.U 0, ~~ ..... .......;:, ..... " ~~ J~ .,,:: w f-.. Z w U -lw ~~ ~ E--l ~ w~ w on> f-.. :Jo ~ [::~ .,,:: ....Ix W :::Jw E- :E <<l Z w u OJ o ~ ....l ....l ;::; gJ <( :J 0' '" o 8 ~~ :r: -f- ~ "'z o 1511l moo -- 5:r:8 - ! til 9:r: z :r:.,,:: ::; :EO.( ;:Jmu _::c_ 000.. w->- ""OJ..... "" Z '-' . {]tl - -- -----' RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR B - ------.. [:: ....l :::J :E ~ w E- 15 u dw -0::0 r:<:.o:: E-....l l<ld "'> :Jo f:~ ....l:r: :::Jw :Em <( N -0:: ....l 0.. f- OJ gJ f- '" ~ <( ~ . "" "" .... "" "" ..... "" "" N "" "" o '" "" 1- ;.. <( ~ W f- .0:: o ~ w E- Z w u w o <: ....I .J ;::; "'" ., i3 <..> if: ~ j .:dEl~~ "",!l--= <= - Ii! k ... ..!l! I:! ~ ~ ~ < <= ~ " ~ ;;;, -fi lii :;r Jj]~U is. 0; ~ ~ E E 1:0 <:> tl ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -= z ><:: "= iil ~ :a ;.. Ct: f-.. Z w Q o o ;] o III :r: o G3 z ;.. E- iii", z...:r w-O:: QU :r:- o~ -j::: :c....., . Dublin Ranch A rea G 0 Desl[:n GlIldelmes 0 December 11. 1998 0 Revised iulv. 1999 RaphlOlepls mdlcw Jack Evans IndIa Hawthorn Tulbaghw vlolacea Society GarlIc I) Viburnum tmus Spnng Bouquet Laurustmus Grollndcover Lawn Rosa x Flower Carpet Carpet Rose Rosmannus ofJicmall1s Prostrate Rosemary Trachelospermum jasmmOldes Star Jasmme High DenSity Neighborhood Entries Accent Trees Koelreutena pamculata Goldenram Tree Malus Pralrfire Flowenng Crabapple Pnmus sargentll Flowenng Cherry Robmw amblgua Purple Robe Black Locust Shmhs IV Perenmals Agapanthus afncanus LIIy-of-the-NIIe Dletes blcolor Fortmght LIly GreVlllea Noelll GrevIllea Heuchera sangumea Coral Bells () Loropetalum chmense rnbrnm Fnnge Flower Nandma domestlca Heavenly Bamboo PI ens japomca LIIy-of-the- Valley Shrub Pnmus laurocerasus OUo Luyken EnglIsh Laurel Grollndcover Lawn Cotoneaster d Coral Beauty Lantana hybnd Trachelospermum jasmmOldes Arterial Streets Street Tree - Dllhlm ROlllevarcl Platanus acerifolw Yarwood Street Tree -Central Parkway CeltiS smenSIS () MedIan/Accent Trees Gmgko bdoba Famnont Lagerstroenlla indica Quercus agnfolw Pyrns calleryana Chanticleer Coral Beauty Cotoneaster Spreadmg Lantana Star Jasmme London Plane Tree Chmese Hackberry Maidenhair Tree Crape Myrtle Coast Live Oak Flowenng Pear IV 34 Community Landscape De\lgn GlIldellllu, Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Desl[:n GlIldellnes 0 December 11. 1998 0 Revised Julv. /999 () Shmhs IV Perenmals Abella wandiflora Arbutus unedo Compacta CIStus ladanifer maculatus Dletes vegata Grevlllea Noelll Nandma domestlca Photlma frasen RaphlOlepls umbellata Salvw leucantha Tulbaghw vlOlacea Grollndcover Lawn Acrtostaphylos u Pomt Reyes Cotoneasater d Coral Beauty Rosmarmus officmallls Trachelospermum jasmmOldes Collector Streets Glossy Abeha Dwarf Strawberry Tree Brown-Eyed Rockrose Fortmght LIly GrevIllea Heavenly Bamboo No Common Name Yeddo Hawthorn MeXIcan Bush Sage Society GarlIc Manzaruta Coral Beauty Cotoneaster Prostrate Rosemary Star Jasmme Class n Collector' A' IV 'R' Street Tree Pyrns calleryana Anstocrat Flowenng Pear () Resldenhal Collector' C' Street Tree Quercus coccmea Scarlet Oak Groundcover Lawn Cotoneaster d Coral Beauty Myopornm parvifollum Rosmarmus 0 'Huntmgton Blue' NeIghborhood Park/Square Street Street Trees Carpmus betulus Fastlgwta Celtis smenSIS Coral Beauty Cotoneaster No Common Name Rosemary European Hornbeam Chmese Hackberry Vtllage Commercial Street (Maw Street and Street 'F') Street Tree Lagerstroemw x faunel Crape Myrtle f) VIllage Center Gateways IV Main Street Plaza Tree Carpmus betulus Fastlgwta Upnght European Hornbeam IV 35 Commumty Landscape DeSign GlIlde/lne~ Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Design GUidelines 0 December 11. 1998 0 Revised Julv. 1999 Accent Tree at Secondary Plazas IV Mld-Rlock Crossmg Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer Flowenng Pear f) Parkmg T ,ot Tree Zelkova serrata Platanus acerifolla 'Yarwood' Saw Leaf Zelkova London Plane Tree Pedestrian Paseos wlthm Parkmg Lots Tree Pyrns calleryana Chanticleer Neighborhood Park Street Tree Celtis smenS1S Quercus coccmea Accent Tree Acer rnbrnm Prnnus sargentll Sophora japomca f) Shmhs IV Perennials Hemerocallls hybnd Czstus ladanifer maculatus Penmsetum setaceum Rubrnm RaphlOlepls umbellata Sa/vw leucantha Tulbaghw vlO/acea Gr01mdcover Lawn Arctostaphylos u Pomt Reyes Rosa x Flower Carpet Neighborhood Square Street Trees Carpmus betu/us Fastlgwta Platanus acerifolw Yarwood I) Accent Trees Lagerstroemw mdlcw Laurns nobdls Saratoga Prnnus cerasifera Thundercloud Prnnus serntlata Kwanzan Flowenng Pear Chmese Hackberry Scarlett Oak Red Maple Flowenng Cherry Japanese Pagoda Tree Day LIly Brown-Eyed Rockrose Purple Fountam Grass Yeddo Hawthorn MeXican Bush Sage Society Garhc Manzamta Carpet Rose European Hornbeam London Plane Tree Crape Myrtle Sweet Bay Flowenng Plum Flowenng Cherry IV-36 Community Landscape DeSign GUIdelines Dublln Ranch A rea G 0 Design GlIldell1le~ 0 December 11. 1998 0 Revised Julv. 1999 () Shmhs IV Perennials Bux:us m japo1llca Green Beauty Camellia sasanqua Hemerocallls hybnd Heuchera sangmea Lavandula angustifolla Rosa Slmpllclty Salvw /eucantha Grollndcover Lawn Rosa x Flower Carpet Trachelospermum jasmmOldes Multi-use Trail belllnd Village Center Canopy Tree Quercus rnbra Accent Tree Llquldambar s Rotundaloba I) Shmhs & Perennials Dletes blc%r Czstus /adanifer macu/atus Nenum oleander Little Red Photmw frasem RaphlOlepls mdlca Jack Evans Salvw leucantha VIburnum tmus Sprmg Bouquet Grollndcover Rosa x Flower Carpet Trachelospermum jasmmOldes Street Tree Spacmg Japanese Boxwood No Common Name Day LIly Coral Bells EnglIsh Lavender Slmphclty Rose MeXican Bush Sage Carpet Rose Star Jasmme Red Oak Amencan Sweet Gum Fortmght LIly Brown-Eyed Rockrose Oleander No Common Name India Hawthorn MeXican Bush Sage Laurustmus Carpet Rose Star Jasmme Refer to Prehmmary Landscape Plan and the followmg Typical Street Tree Plantmg Sections for spacmg and pattern of street trees () IV 37 Commllmtv Landscape DeSign GUlddllle\ I) () f) Dublin Ranch Area G 0 DeSign GlIldelmes 0 December 11. 1998 0 RevI ~ed Julv, 1999 o ~ - 00 r---- Arterial Street - Dubltn Boulevard Platanus acenfolIa 'Yarwood' -tnangulated "A" = 30' , "B" = 50' f) plcal Street Tree Plan A IV 38 CommUfllty Landscape DeSign Guulehnes (I) () (I) Dublm Ranch Area G 0 DeSign Gwdelmes 0 December 11. 1998 0 ReVised Julv. 1999 o ~ 00 - 00 Class II Resldenttal Collector A Pyrus cal1eryana 'Anstocrat' - tnangulated "A' = 28 , 'B' = 44 Class II Resldenttal Collector B Pyrus cal1eryana 'Anstocrat' -tnangulated "A" = 28', "B" = 44' Typical Street Tree Plan B IV 39 COmmllllll} L(//l{'~cape De~lgll GlIulellllU Dubll1l Ranch Area G 0 Design Gllldehnes 0 December 11. 1998 0 RevI~ed Julv, 1999 t) () ResIdenttal Collector C Quercus coccmea- tnangulated "A" = 28', "B" = 44' (() Typical Street Tree Plan C IV 40 Commlllllty Landscape DeSign GlIulellne~ Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Design GUIdelines 0 December 11. 1998 0 Revised Julv, 1999 IrngatIon (() Imgatlon throughout the publIc nght-of-ways Will be accomplished by means of automatIcally controlled spray, bubbler, and dnp ImgatlOn systems The design wIll mcorporate water savmg techniques and eqUIpment and wIll meet the reqUIrements of the water effiCient landscape ordmance adopted by the City of Dublm and the State's AB325 To the extent aVailable, recycled water wIll be used to Imgate landscaped areas wlthm the publIc nght-of-way and recreatIOn facIlities All ImgatlOn systems wIll be effiCiently designed to reduce overspray onto walks, walls, streets, and other hardscape features Dnp or other water conservmg ImgatlOn systems IS recommended for mstallatlOn throughout Dub/m Ranch home landscapmg When spray systems are mstalled, low gallonage/low precipitation spray heads should be used m accordance With SOli mfiltratIon rates ImgatlOn systems WIll be valved separately dependmg on plant ecosystems, on entatIon and exposure to sun, shade, and wmd The design Will be sensItIve to the water reqUIrements of the plant matenal selected and SimIlar water usmg plants Will be valved together Slope and soIl conditIons wIll also be conSidered when valvmg ImgatlOn systems () () IV 41 Commulllty Landscape Design Guulelmes I) f) f) PRECAST PI Aour PRI CAS I CONCRCTE CAP I I <; rucco -I I ~k~~~R , \ ~ tit Dublm Ranch A rea G 0 DeSign GUIdelines 0 December II. 1998 0 ReVised July. 1999 PILASTERS, WALLS, AND FENCES Although penmeter fenCIng IS not required or encouraged, pIlasters walls, and fenCIng are mgredlents that could add to the overall COlnmon elements that compose the consistent and recuffing commumty theme Due to the high vIsibilIty of walls and fences, their locatIOn and deSIgn have a direct affect upon the overall communIty appearance To mamtaIn the more urban character establIshed for Area G, the use of walls and fences should be mmlmlzed and shall not create the appearance of a walled/fenced commumty Patterns and textures have been chosen to complement the proposed vanety In architectural styles and the overall Dub/lll Ranch communIty theme Stone and Stucco Pilasters LocatIOII Stone and stucco pIlasters may be used at pedestnan gateways of neighborhood entnes proVided that they are placed outside of the sIght VISibilIty tnangle DImellsIOIIS Free standmg gateway pIlasters Will be 4'-9 1/2" m height PIlaster dimenSIOns are considered to be approximate only and wIll be refined dunng deSign development and the preparatIOn of constructIOn draWIngs All stone and stucco pilasters Will have a 4 5-degree batter With an 18" square dimenSIOn below the cap The 4'-9 1/2" pIlasters wIll be 27" at the base MaterIals Stone and stucco pilasters wIll be square With a battered form, smaller at the top WIth a precast concrete cap The stone pattern wIll be pnmanly random runnIng bond stacked stone With random angular larger stone accents The stone wIll cover approximately two-thirds of the pIlaster height, With an Irregular edge adjacent to the stucco fimsh at the top FInIsh and color of the stucco wIll be Identical to the communIty wall, If present Stone and stucco pIlasters wIll receive a round ornamental plaque contaInIng the Dubllll Ranch logo or neighborhood name or logo IV 42 CO/llmllllltv Lalld~cape De~lgll GUldelll/e\ Dubll1l Ranch Area G 0 Desl[:n GUldell!le~ 0 December 11. 1998 0 Revised Julv. 1999 Stone Veneer Pilasters () LocatlOll Stone veneer pilasters may be placed at the termmus and/or change of direction of the commumty wall, open View fence, raIl fences, and at the optional gated neighborhood entrIes DlmellSlOlls The height of the pIlaster at the two-raIl fence wIll be 3'-9 1/2" At the three-raIl fence the height Will be 4'-9 1/2" All other pIlasters wIll be 6'_ 9 1/2" m heIght with the exceptIOn where a sound bamer IS higher than 6' In those mstances, pilasters Will be 9 1/2" above the cap of the wall All pIlasters wIll have a 4 5 degree batter with an 18" square dimenSIOn below the cap The 3'-9 1/2" pIlaster wIll be 25" at the base, the 4'-9 1/2" pIlasters, 27" and the 6'-9 1/2" pilaster, 30" Materials () Stone veneer pIlasters Will be square With a battered form and a precast concrete cap The stone pattern Will be pnmanly random runnmg bond stacked stone With random angular larger stone accents CommuDlty Wall LocatIOn The commumty wall could be mcorporated mto common areas between bUlldmgs located on the pen meter of a neighborhood The placement of walls, If utilIzed, must be setback a mmlmum of ten feet (10') from the bUlldmg elevatIOn facmg the street ~ PRCCA'ST CONCRL TC CAP SlONC VENEER HIDDI-N COLUMN PRI CA5 r WAf L PANEL STUCCO FINISH ~ PAINTED \ sorr Nf U I R \L COlOR I \ , ~I I) IV 43 Commulllty Landscape DeSign GlIldel111es Dublin Ranch A rea G 0 Design Gwdell1les 0 December 11. 1998 0 Revised Julv. 1999 DImenSIOns () Height of the commumty wall wIll be 6'-0" Spacmg of stone pilasters wIll be determmed by the length of the precast wall panel and wIll always be equally spaced Typical spacing Will be such that at least two wall panels Will be placed between two stone pIlasters Materials The wall design Will match that approved for Dublm Ranch Phase I, whIch Will consist of a precast wall panel and cap With a stucco finIsh of a soft neutral color to complIment the stone pIlasters Rail Fences LocatIOn The raIl fence, remmIscent of agranan Images, may be designated for areas where defirutlOn by a solId enclosure IS not desired A two-raIl fence may be constructed along the reSidential collector, at the entnes to the neighborhoods and at other appropnate locatIOns The three-raIl fence may be constructed along artenal roads () DlmenSIOIIS The two raIl fence Will be held at 3' In height to the top of upper raIl and three-raIl fence at 4' In height to the upper raIl r-- PRCCAST COM. Rl I L (AI' Ie ~STONE PILA51~R i ,I'RI C,\<iTlONCRCIE R \11 -r PRI CAST ( ONCR'rT[ CAP c;; I ONI: I'll AS rLR 1 nNUPOsr"o~ . I . I 1/ ! rll .. H NC[ POS] ('I O~ 17 ~ () IV 44 CommufllIy Landscape De~lgn GUldelllle.'> Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Design GUldehnes 0 December 11. 1998 0 Revised July. 1999 Materials () The raIl fence should be constructed of concrete to sImulate a wood raIl fence Stone pIlasters wIll occur at any termmus and change m dIrection of the raIl fence Intermediate posts wIll be approxImately 8' on center Open View Fence LocatIOn ThIs type of view fence may be constructed between bUlldmgs at the pen meter of medium-hIgh and hIgh-denSity neighborhoods and other locatIons where defimtIon by a solId enclosure IS not deSired Fences, where utilIzed, must be setback a mIrumum of ten feet (10') from the front bUlldmg elevation DimenSIOns Open view fences WIll be a maximum of 6' m height Materials () Open view fencmg Will be constructed of tubular steel PRE A RE AP r:-<;,TONE PILASTER 0;::; -g. r METAL VIEW FENCF ~ f" 17 ~ 7 -r,& I -D t?~ I I J( I I r I JJl I I I - t tl I J.'( ~ C srCONC TEC (f) IV 45 Commulllty Landscape DeSign GUIde/illes () () () Dllblm Ranch Area G 0 DeslK!l GlIldelmes 0 Jllly 1999 VlILLAGJE CJENTJER MJIXJEJI]) USJE ARJEA MASTJER SIGN PROGRAM INl'ROJl) UCTION The Village Center nuxed use area Will be the social and cultural center of the Dublm Ranch Commumty Further, the unage of thIs area, where residents shop, eat, play and do busmess each day, wIll be a pnme source of commumty IdentIty The deSign qualIty and character of all SignS WIll play an unportant role m developmg a deSirable vIsual Image m the VIllage Center mixed use area In an attempt to formulate a thorough, yet reasonable set of standards based on actual use/expenence a reVIew was conducted of several gUIdelInes/standards documents that currently serve commumtles SimIlar to Dublm Ranch Village Center These gUIdelInes are based upon that reVIew, draft and diSCUSSions m order to aclueve effecttve establIshment and regulatIOn of the deSIred Sign program All references to "SIte Development ReView approval of the CommunIty Development DIrector", or "SDR Approval" m tlus document shall mean approval by the review process through the Dept of Commumty Development APPLICABlUL][Ty The deSign standards descnbed m thIs sectIOn apply to all Sign proposals WIthm the Village Center mixed use area only (They do not apply to other land uses wlthm Area G) All SignS In the VIllage Center mtxed use area must comply With these standards The deSIgn standards specified m tlus sectIOn take precedence over those found In the Sign RegulatIOns of the CIty of Dublm Zomng Ordmance Any other SIgnS, unless specifically prolublted by these standards, Will contmue to be governed by that ordInance With the exceptton of Exempt SignS as descnbed m the followmg gUIdelInes, all new SignS, or changes to eXlstmg SignS must be approved by the Commuruty Development Director or lus/her deSignee, and have a permit Issued by the City of Dublm pnor to their mstallatIOn Amendments and/or changes to these Sign program gUIdelmes shall reqUIre a Master Sign Program SDR approval by the Commumty Development DIrector V 1 ViI/age Centel Mn:ed Use 4rea Mastel Sign Program co . ([) Dub/Ill Ranch Area Go DeSign GUide/illes 0 Ju/y 1999 INTENT ---- These sign gUidelInes are deSigned to standardize the review and approval of sign proposals for the Village Center mIxed use area In Area G of DublIn Ranch Except for Items noted as exceptIOns, or those not speCifically addressed, these deSign standards shall supercede the City of DublIn ZonIng OrdInance In regard to thiS umque area of the City (VIllage Center Mixed Use Area - shown on map below) VILLAGE CENTER MIXED USE AREA DUBLIN RANCH AREA C Signs In the Village Center mixed use area Will contribute to the overall SplTlt and character of thiS community The Intent of these sign gUidelInes IS to o EstablIsh a reasonable set of standards for bus mess and tenant IdentificatIOn o PrOVide sign applIcants With an understandIng of City and DublIn Ranch standards and expectatIOns o ReInforce the mixed use character of the VIllage Center commumty o Encourage variety and spontaneity WithIn reasonable parameters o Promote bUSIness use and support the local economy In the VIllage Center V 2 ViI/age Center MIXed Use Area Mastel Sign Program ([) () () Dublm Ranch Area G 0 Deslf!;1l Gwdelmes 0 July 1999 GENERAlL RlEGUlLATIIONS Maximum Number The maximum number of signs with the exception of street address and menu signs, for any mdlvldual busmess or bUlldmg IS two per facade Any exceptlOns to tills are subject to SDR approval Total Allowable SIgn Area Total allowable Sign Area for each busmess or bmldmg facmg DublIn Boulevard or Central Parkway WIthm the Vtllage Center shall not exceed 100 square feet Total Allowable Sign Area for bmldmgs on MalO Street Street f and Residential Collector C are as follows o Each busmess or bmldmg may be allowed up to a total of one (1) square foot of sign area per Imeal foot of pnmary street frontage o Each busmess or buIldIng may be allowed up to a total of one half ( 5) of a square foot of SIgn area per Imeal foot of Side or rear facade frontage o In the case of comer bmldmgs With paseo or secondary street frontage, each busmess or buIldIng may be allowed up to one half (5) of a square foot of Sign area per Imeal foot of paseo or secondary street facade frontage o These allowable Sign areas may be apphed only to that facade on wluch the area IS figured CalculatIon of 1'otal Sign Area o Store mformatIon (e g, hours of operatIOn) lUlder one lOch 10 height, mcorporated WithIn wmdow SignS are not mcluded 111 the calculatIon of total SIgn area o Brackets and lor chams for proJectmg signs are not mcluded In the total sign area calculauon o In the case of a double faced sign, only one face wtll be used to calculate total sign area o Where a multi-faced sign IS the case, all faces shall be Included In the total Sign area calculatIOn o Unless classified as an exempt Sign any Intenor SIgn shall be mcluded III the calculatIOn for total allowable SIgn area and total wmdow SIgn area o Address signs, proJectmg SIgnS, and drrectory signs are not reqUIred to be mcluded III the calculatlOn of total sign area V 3 Vilfage Center !vJned Use Area Mastel SIgn Program Dublin Ranch A rea G a Design GlIIdelmes a July 1999 {) Calculation of Individual Sign Area The calculatlOo of l11dlvldual Sign area shall be detennl11ed by actual measurement around the outside edge of the SIgn In cases where the letterIng, logos, etc , are applIed l11dlvIdually to the bUlldmg surface, the area IS determmed by measurement around the outside edge of the collectIVe sign elements Thls area mcludes the spaces between characters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ;t L T IDJ Gu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CalCldatlO1l1 of Ill1dIvIdual Sign Area () Where mdIvldual letters or elements are located on a background materIal other than the bUlldmg Itself, the area shall be calculated around the outside edge of the background materIal p--~------------------------. "' /il!:p' ~ ~Jlo~DrID . Calculation of"Kndlvulllllal Sign Area () V 4 Vilfage Centel MIxed Use 1rea Master Sign Program Dublin Ranch Alea G 0 Design GUidelines 0 July 1990 () lJ pper Floor Signs Acceptable sIgn types for upper floors are o Directory or proJectmg signs located at ground level entries o PI oJectmg sIgns located at the upper story wmdow slIl level o Wall signs on the upper level o LetterIng applIed directly to upper floor WIndows Refer to the followmg IndIVIdual SIgn type sectIOns as apphcable for SIze alJowances/restnctJOns Sngn Matenals All Sign matenals should be appropnate to the ec1ectlc mIX of archItectural styles envISIOned for the VIllage Center mIxed use area IndIVIdual cast or cut metal letters, ceranuc tlle, and carved wood SIgns are encouraged PlastIc or sInlllar matenals may be perrmtted under Inmted CIrcumstances, such as the generatIOn of mdlvldual letters or custom logos that are otherwIse dIfficult to produce, hut are In all other cases, discouraged These signs are subject to SDR approval {) A high level of craftsmanshIp IS reqUIred for all SIgns and supports, the edges of wluch should be neatly firnshed usmg appropnate methods and matenals Color Color selectIOns for all SIgns wItlun the VIllage Center should be appropnate m regard to purpose, locatIOn, and Size, and should be compatlble WIth the color schemes of the Immediate and surroundmg arclutecture Extremely bnght, "neon" colors and sharply contrastmg color combmatlOns should be aVOided These colors and mternally IllumInated SIgn colors are subject to SDR approval () V 5 Village Centel Mixed Use Area Mastel SIgn Progi am Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Design GlIldelll1es 0 July 1999 cD LlghtlOg All SIgn IIghtmg sources should be as InCOnSpICUOUS as possIble FIxtures must be properly shIelded or shaded to reduce glare and con- trol lIght spill The followmg types of SIgn lIghts are stnctly prohIb- Ited o Bare bulbs or tubelIghts that are not properly shielded or shaded o MOVIng or blInkIng lIghts Internally Illummated signs are prohibIted on Side and rear facades, but may be permItted on street front facades under lImIted Clfcumstances These are subject to SDR approval PElRMlfTTlEJ[) SiGNS The follOWIng SIgn types are permItted III the Village Center mIxed use area and are subject to the follOWIng SIgn gUldelmes 0 Wall signs 0 Wmdow SignS () 0 ProJectmg SIgnS 0 Awrung signs 0 Plaque SIgnS 0 Address SIgns 0 DIrectory SIgns 0 Menu signs 0 SpecIal SIgns cD V 6 Village Centel Mned Use Alea Master SIf5I1 ProglGm () 1 f ~ 'l) , 'l' ~ ~ ~ " .. WALL SIGNS if - . Jt~ ~~ Dublm Ranch Area Go Design GlIldelmes 0 July 1999 PJERMITTJED SIGNS The followmg sign types are permitted ill the Village Center nuxed use area and are subject to the followmg sign gUIdelInes PROJECTING SIGNS \ ~~<<m iSllIIlmJI1\ \, j C!II3.':l ~ IUD PLAQUJE SIGNS ~ -cl'"'(ln ' I: ~~ \~ .. t 0 AWNING SIGNS DIRJECTORY SIGNS U...::r-o?' "I - ! ~ ~ I '" r- If'" l- c--~ :- J- t- ]i ..,,,- ~~~ :"',.l~ ) ;;4. -<- ~r:r- p_ ~ ~\L- 3 -: >{ --~ -- "':;. ~ l-t:~gf". ..j. - - - ADDRESS SIGNS .".:l.vJ:;;' -- J SPlECJIAlL SIGNS : ~~d' r . ~;:", _;:j :.-1 - MENU SIGNS V 7 Village Centel Mned Use Alea Master Sign Progtam Dubll11 Ranch Area G 0 Design GlI/delmes 0 July 1999 (t) CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED SIGNS The followmg sIgns are generally not permitted, but may be consIdered subject to SDR reVIew and approval o Small freestandmg sIgns o Neon signs (store front only, prohIbIted on rear or Side facades) o Intenor IllumInated SIgnS o TIme sIgns or time clocks o SIgnS pamted dIrectly on wall surfaces PROIDBITED SIGNS The followmg SignS are prohIbIted from use In the VlIlage Center mIxed use area 0 FreestandIng SIgns 0 Roof Mounted SIgnS 0 Changeable Letter Signs 0 ElectronlclReader Board SignS () 0 SIgnS that mcorporate flashmg or bhnkmg lIghts or movement 0 Easel or A-Frame Signs 0 CabInet SIgns 0 Pylon SIgns 0 FloatIng/Balloon SIgnS 0 'Sale' SIgnS In wmdows In additIOn to the above mentIOned speCific Sign types, any signs that possess the follOWIng charactenstIcs are prohIbited o SIgns that are determmed to be VIsually mdlscrImmate, unattractive or otherwise incompatIble wIth the character of the Village Center area o SIgnS that overwhelm, or restnct the vIew of adjacent sIgns or arclutecture o Signs mcorporatmg hghts or movement that are VISIble from a pubhc nght-of-way or from any area open to the pubhc o SignS that may dIstract or confuse the pubhc or pubhc safety officials dunng an emergency response o SIgns that may have a negatIve Impact on the health, safety and/or general welfare of the commuruty ({) V 8 Village Centel Mned Use Area Master Sign PlOglGm Dublm Ranch Area G 0 Design GlIldelmes 0 July 1999 f) EXEMPT SIGNS The folloWIng sIgns may be Installed without obtammg a Sign PermIt They are not conSIdered when calculatIng maXImum total sIgn area o Intenor SignS that meet the follOWIng cntena TIlose that are not VISIble from a publIc nght of way or any area open to the publIc 2 Those that are VISIble to the publIc, more than fifteen feet from the bUIldIng front, and contaIn a letterIng SIze of three Inches or less 3 Those that are vlSlble to the publIc, WIthIn fifteen feet of the bUIldIng front, and contaIn a lettenng SIze of one Inch or less o Door mounted name plates not exceedmg 2" x 24" o One alarm SIgn that IndIcates the presence of an alarm system and IdentIfies the person or agency to be contacted In case of aCtIvatIOn, WIth a maXImum SIze of one square foot o SIgns that are reqUIred by CIty, State or Federal law () TEMPORARY SiGNS Temporary SIgnS are defined as those prOVidIng InfOrmatIOn regardIng upcomIng events or temporary conditIOns Thelf use, apphcabllIty and duratIOn are governed by the City of DublIn ZonIng OrdInance SectIOn 8 84050 ExceptIOns to the Zornng OrdInance Standards are contaIned In the follOWIng paragraphs -- - -::.=-- ,~ - I ,.,. -. /.ol(- ... ~ -- - .... """' :~-7-' _~~~ _~...._ .." _.......r.... ...- ~_'*.,. -.~~1'-~~ __ .... 00;, t"~ ) - """ \ n" ^}, n.../iJ.~n - ~,"'\, ~r ~- ~~ (d.J t.;{ I l f ~y:-- Q~ r ~~~t:~ ) - r <~ L , '" " ~ t2trl ~ Gr' ~.., ih ~ ~ nrr q III ~Il [ I I I J "".. ----J ! *+ti . :_J"-~"_ ~~~~ \ \ ': n 101 J. I~~ J~l A~~ -1 DO ~ [ -- ~ ,j ~2 ~~ , t', ,l J r o~ 't., I, Il-- ~ ::>c " -~,:" .----; ~~q:g ""': ~ ~ _ ~~ I .f\ I r= .. ;D1 J Ii'" I, \ }' V9 Village Center Mr'(ed Use Alea Mastel Sign PlOglGm Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Design GUIdelines 0 July 1999 () A lIst of acceptable matenals IS found m that ordmance They may take the form of wall SIgns, WIndow graphICS, Simple flyers, posters, and/or banners IllumInated, lummescent, fluorescent, blInkIng or movIng SIgns are prolubIted The total allowable number of temporary SignS IS limIted to one per bUIldmg or use Temporary retail sales SIgns must meet the followmg cntena o Maxillmm total area of all temporary SignS on an IndIVidual bUSI- ness front shall not exceed ten per cent of the dIsplay WIndow area (m addition to permanent SignS) o Maxmmm IndIVIdual sign area not to exceed SIX square feet o MaXImum letter SIze not to exceed SIX Inches In heIght o MamtaIn compliance WIth cntena specIfied In the "ProlubIted signs" sectIOn of these gUIdelmes ~ L~~ I L "- o ~= " ~">- L Temporary real estate sale or lease mformatIon, and constructIOn, alteration and repair SignS must meet the followmg cntena (f) o The total area of all temporary SIgnS on a busmess tenant frontage shall not exceed SIX square feet o IndIVIdual SignS shall not exceed three square feet o Letters shall not exceed three Inches m heIght o Signs must maIntam compliance WIth cntena speCIfied In the "ProhibIted SIgnS" sectIOn of these gUIdelines V 10 Village Center Mned Use Area Master Sign Program ~ () e " 'fU$~~rJ \ 1 iT~EJilSURES 1RUJJ ~ ~ frr==1 ['] ~ ~l I I I I ~-- ~ \, Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Design GlIldelmes 0 July 1999 SPECIFJIC SIGN TYPE GUJIDEl.JINES WALl. SIGNS Wall sIgns are those that are mounted flush to the face of bUildIngs and do not extend past the sIde or above the highest wall of the bmldlng They are generally used to Identtfy the bmldmg name, address or cur- rent tenant Wall SIgnS should be deSigned and located wIth respect to the IndiVId- ual character and archItectural detatl of each bUlldmg They may be compnsed of the followmg o A sohd pIece of matenal that has been carved, routed or sand- blasted with all edges firnshed o IndIVldual letters and/or logos that are applIed to a backgrowld or attached dIrectly to the wall surface o Intenor Illummated wall SIgnS whose deSign and matenals have receIved SDR approval ~ ~-P~. c""> /F~r~~ l n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ ~ -A - -~ Wall SIgnS Identtfymg specIfic bmldIngs or major tenants must comply wIth followmg cntena o SIgns are Inmted to the name of the bmldmg or the major tenant o Date of bmldmg constructIOn IS pernutted, but must be smaller than the pnmary wall Sign V 11 Village Centel Mn:ed Use Alea Mastel Sign Program () @ I ~ f.~ ~~ :f }r;! ~~ 1 ~ 'il~' ~ I(j ~ CC l E ~ A ~ N ~ ~j 1E ~ ~J~ ~ ~~O~~.} '< ~ ,<"Ii cil -~ ~ ~ r I ~ Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Design Gwdelmes 0 July 1999 o SIgnS must be located frontIng a publIc street or on the same SIde as the pnmary bUIlding access o SIgnS should be located on contInUOUS wall surfaces uninterrupted by doors, WIndows, columns or archItectural detaIls such as moldIngs o Wall SIgnS, mcludIng any mountmg boards, may not exceed allowable Sign area o MaXImum IndIVIdual letter SIze shall not exceed 12 Inches In heIght o ProjectIOn from the face of waIl surface shaH not exceed 4 Inches PROJECTING SIGNS PrOjectmg SIgns are defmed as those that hang or extend perpendIcular to the bUIldIng surface, supported by brackets or suspended from a frame They generaIlY conSIst of a twO-Sided SIgn WIth text only or graphICs/logos In combInatIOn With text Decorative mountIng brackets should be tastefully deSigned In keepIng WIth the character of the SIgn, the busmess that It represents, and the archItecture on which It Will be located PrOjectmg signs are strongly encouraged and should be carefuIly deSigned and constructed to express the umque personalIty of IndIVIdual busmesses, while stIll consIdenng the archItectural character of theIr locatton The tYPIcally smaller SIzes of these signs lend a sense of mdIvIdualIty and human scale to the Village Center area, helpmg to dIstIngUIsh It from other commercIallocattons WIthm the East Dubhn commumty As such, they should be located WIth the pedestrIan VIew m mmd, as opposed to the automobIle All projecting SIgns shaH conform to the followmg cntena o MaXImum number of projectmg SIgns shaH not exceed one each per storefront or SIde facade, (m the case of comer bUIldIngs) o Total mdlvIdual sign area shaIl not exceed SIX square feet o MaXImum projectIOn from bUIldmg faces shall not exceed forty- eIght mches o MmmlUm clearance between the SIgn and the bUIldmg face shaIl be SIX mches V 12 Village Centel Mn:ed Use Area Master Sign ?lOglGm Dublm Ranch Area G 0 Design GlIldehnes 0 Jul) 1999 Cf:) o MInImUm clearance below projecting sIgns shall be seven feet o Signs shall not be mounted above the first floor level on multI-sto- ned bUIldmgs o SIgns shall not be IlIummated AWNING / CANOPY SIGNS AwnIng or canopy sIgns are defined as those that are prInted, paInted, sewn, transferred, etc , dIrectly onto the outsIde surface of the awmng or canopy and do not extend past any edge of that surface Awmngs or canopIes provIde an opportunIty to serve as SIgn surfaces whIle addmg color, dimenSIOn and character to the Village Center environment Used In conjunctIon WIth WIndow SIgnS, they provIde maXImum VISIbIlIty to both pedestrIan and vehIcular traffic 8) ~ a ==s "'0 (' 0," Awrung/canopy and lettenng SIzes shall comply WIth the follOWIng cntena o AwnIng/canopy valances, (e g , vertical faces), shall not exceed twelve Inches m heIght Letter heIght shall not exceed eIght Inches o Letters, logos and other deSIgn elements applIed to the SIdes, (e g , closed ends of awnmgs), shall not exceed forty per cent of that area () V 13 Village Center Mned Use Alea Mastel Sign Program () Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Design GUldelmes 0 Jllly 1999 o Letters and/or logos applIed to the slopmg awmng/canopy face should be appropnately sized m the context of other nearby signs They shall not exceed ten per cent of that face and letters shall not exceed twelve mches o Letters, logos and other deSign elements applIed to the valances and/or sIdes of awmngs/canopIes are not mcluded m the calculatIon of total allowable sIgn area o If letters, logos and other deSIgn elements are applIed to the slopIng awnIng/canopy face, then the square footage of that sIgn WIll be Included In the calculation of total allowable SIgn area o Awnmg/canopy SIgnS are not penrutted above the ground floor level 1i .' ,,~ '" - Jl_l ) \ I o o o 0 ~,: I ! , I r Cf:'J "Ii \ I' I' t I ~ fd ~ r~ () ~7 J r"--- ~ I ~ \~;. "~f~) ~!/ i I 'ilOnA ~ ; PAM S m>1JfQlf1?0 i I BOoK \\lj\\ljli\\~ i ....- I H1[~' I 1w IT a !tt: ]J ~o __~ I I CJ IIW' ~~'9 II '1 I I -=-~ J ~ERS x PRII - I " f' ~ j V 14 Village Center Mrred Use Alea Mastel Sign ?lOglGm CD WINDOW SIGNS Dublin Ranch Area G 0 DeSIgn GUIdelines 0 July 1999 Wmdow SIgnS are defined as those that are permanently apphed drrectly to wmdow surfaces Geared to the passmg pedestnan, they generally provide name and address mformahon These are commonly text only, however colorful graplucs or logos may be combmed wIth text m a form that IS complementary to the character of the bus mess and the archItecture SIgns taped to wmdows or suspended freely near the glass are not permItted Wmdow sIgns shall confonn to the followmg cntena o IndIVIdual wmdow sIgns shall not exceed twenty-five per cent of any smgle wmdow area o Total wmdow SIgnS shall not exceed ten per cent of the total ground floor wmdow area o Lettenng SIzes shall not exceed eight mches o Wmdow SIgn text IS hnuted to busmess name, address, open hours, emergency telephone nwnbers, custom logos genenc products or services (e g , cameras or tmlonng) () V 15 Village Centel Mlted Use Area Master Sign Progwm Dublin Ranch Area G 0 DesIgn GUidelines 0 Jul}' 1999 () Special wmdow graphics SpecIal WIndow graphics are defined as rmages that are applIed dIrectly to the WIndow surface These may be m the form of manufactured graphIcs or pamted dIrectly on the glass SpecIal wmdow graphIcs are mcluded In the calculation of total allowable SIgn area and the maxrmum wmdow coverage area . ~.~"'\ .~- ~~ .0 o~ .... ta ~ ~ o """ SpecIal wmdow graphIcs must comply With the fO]]owlllg cntena o GraphIcs must relate to the type of busmess located wIthm o GraphIcs must be m keeplllg WIth the character, scale, and color of the unmedIately SurrOundlllg architecture and other signs () All permanent wmdow graphIcs are subject to SDR approval Special wmdow graphIcs that meet the cntena for "Temporary SIgnS" as descrIbed In that sectIOn of thIS document, are not subject to SDR approval They are governed by the CIty of Dublm Zorung OrdInance Section 8 84 050 V 16 Village Center Mn:ed Use Area Mastel Sign PlOgram () >:::> I o I ~ o ! ~ ga ~ ~ \ j I t!'l' " - ~Y). - l' ~.\ t : v~f' f j...: or ~l';;.,J'f .;; " .: .~ ~."'1P -" 1 ~~ > .... \~ t'> ali~ ~ I I . - ~ ~ () Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Design Gwdelmes 0 Jill)' 1999 PlLAQUJE SIGNS o Plaque signs are simply smaller verSiOns of wall SignS which are deSigned for vlewmg by pedestrians at close range They may be attached to surfaces at or adjacent to shop front entries, with mformatiOn generally Illmted to the bUSIness name and/or logo ~ "" b Plaque signs must conform to the followmg cntena '" ~~ o MaXImum area of mdlvldual sign shall not exceed three square feet o MaXimum projection from wall surface shall not exceed three mches Plaque SignS are not mcluded In the calculation of total allowable Sign area DIRECTORY SIGNS Directory SignS are those that contam Information regardmg the name and locatiOns of multiple tenants who share direct frontage onto a publIc street or paseo They are mtended to provIde InformatiOn to pedestnans at a close range These SignS are generally flush mounted on a wall surface, at or near the maIn entry, although m certaIn Instances may be attached to a freestandmg kiOsk Wlthm the bUlldmg courtyard or lobby area These SignS may be used for the followmg o MultIple bUSInesses sharIng a pnmary bUIldIng entry, where Individual entries are separated from publIc streets o Multiple busmesses located above ground floor level, that share a common bUlldmg entry Directory SignS must conform to the followmg cntena o MaXimum Individual sign area shall not exceed SIX square feet o Sign InformatiOn IS Illruted to bUlldmg name, bUlldmg logo, address, bUSIness tenant names and sUIte numbers or letters ~ 0 Letter height for pnmary bUlldmg name shall not exceed three ~ mches o All other sign characters shall not exceed a height of one mch o Changeable SIgn panels must contam the entire busmess name and location, (I e sUIte or office number) o IndIVidual letter changeable SIgnS are not penrutted Directory SignS are not mcluded In the calculatiOn of total allowable sign area V 17 Village Centel Mn:ed Use Alea Mastel Sign Program () f) CD ~\ ~ 41"[ ?'" 'n ~ -- ~ -;.,. I \) Dublin Ranch Area G 0 DeSign GlIldelmes 0 Jul} 1999 ADDRESS SIGNS Address signs are defined as those that contaIn address InformatlOn only They may fall under several SIgn type categones, mcludmg wall SignS, awmng SignS WIndow signs, etc As such, In addition to the followmg, they are subject to maXlmum sign sizes specIfied for that particular sign type Letter and number sizes should be between 4 and 12 mches m height for easy VISibIlIty as dictated by sign type and locatlOn Address signs are cruCial m asslstmg shoppers, busmess patrons and emergency response offiCials m locatIng their destmatlOns They should mclude the address number only or the street name m conJunctlOn With the number OnentatIon should always be toward the street so that they are eaSily seen by dnvers or pedestnans ~ D D ~ '" 0J~ \ 1'1 I~ I r I { I r I ~ ~ I '~~ BI ~ ~ - p -- ~ ~~- "'---- D , L /!,r1:; llD ~I ,,~ I,-~ r 1 t ~ i ~ ~-J;l j t l - TH"'TY lla:CO><D S T .. .. I[ T < , 0L-=- d --P 8 ""~ ~~ _J ~~~ T - {~ ---'<'~ -< ' - ~~~~ -."" - -"'-~~ ,. '- - - II \~~' i 1 . \ I hill I I '; ~i"'ff ~ o \ 'I ~ ... ~~-~ Address SignS must comply with the follOWIng cntena o Address signs should be located on or near to the maIn entry of the bUlldmg o Scnpt lettenng IS not as easIly read and therefore, IS discouraged for pnmary address signs V ]8 Village Centel Mned Use Area Master Sign PlOgram () . {) Dublin Ranch Area G 0 Design Gllldelmes 0 July 1999 o Address sIgn elements mcludmg locatIOn, type style and deSIgn should be appropnate to the character of the busmess and the archItecture Address sIgns are not mcluded In the calculatIon of total allowable sign area MJENU SIGNS Menu SIgnS are those that contam actual menus or hsted dally vanatlOns, descnbmg food served, pnces for each Item and other relevant mformatlOn regardmg restaurant pohcIes, etc These signs must be prOVIded for all restaurants WIth SIt down dmIng Menu SIgn SIze, type style and deSIgn should be m keepmg WIth the character of the busmess and the archItecture The maximum mdlvIdual SIgn area shall not exceed four square feet ~ -~- -" , , '- ~ ~'-';Wl () r-c'-:" r.,...;~~- ","}~ .~~~ tJ- ~ ~J ~ ~ J~ F , .. ,- ..., t-:;- "\ :r~r ~, .,... -"\. 'I. 3:. ~~-- ;1:i 1:%"" {fF ~- - &;;,. ,~-- ;:i~~"" 0 J J I d Q J l , " '" , ~ "'", '\ "I ~ r:1 -- ::..- -- -- f~/~~ -~ ~- -. (.~ I J -~B--' \ (~"'i~'J-\ ), ('" \!. ___....... ...>-0 '>.. ~ Menu sIgns should be prommently dIsplayed near restaurant entries Menus located In sIgn boxes that are mounted to the wall surface are the preferred optIOn Other pOSSIbIlItIes mclude menu SIgnS mounted m wmdow areas where wall space IS madequate, and hand wntten erasable SIgnS that change regularly Also mcluded are small, moveable SIgnS such as pedestal SIgnS that do not encroach beyond the 4' hmItatIon for outdoor dmmg furnIshIngs V 19 Village Center Mixed Use Area Master SIg11 Program (;) () () Dub/m Ranch Area G .. Design GUldelmes .. July 1999 o Subtle mght sign Iightmg IS encouraged to help promote evemng actIvlty o Tapmg menus onto doors and wmdows IS not permItted Restaurant menu sIgns are not mcluded m the calculation of total allowable sign area SPEClWL SIGNS SpecIal SIgnS are those uncommon, or creattve SIgn proposals that may not fit mto one of the categones mentioned above, but may be pOSItive contnbuttons to the eclectlc character of the Village Center IIllxed use area These may mclude, but are not hmIted to, flags banners, monument SignS, and slgns that span streets or paseos ThiS area IS envIsioned as a umque, communIty onented commerclal, mixed-use dlStnCt SpecIal sign proposals must be approved by the Commumty Development DIrector to detenmne their appropnateness to the character of the Village Center area Those slgns spannIng publIc streets Will reqUIre an encroachment penUlt from the Dept of Pubhc Works Approval depends upon theIr compatibility Wlth adjacent SIgns and archItecture and comphance With the followmg cntena o Slgns must contrIbute a poslttve, umque Image to the VIllage Center area o SpecIal signs should be very creative m theIr expreSSIOn of the busmess they represent, whIle respectmg the arcmtecture of the bUlldmg and the character of the unmedIate area o Signs must mamtam a size and character appropnate to the pedestnan scale of MaIn Street Slgns that are oversIzed or m some other way slmply do not comply wIth the standards set by these gUtdehnes, do not qualIfy as "Special SIgns" V 20 Vilfage Center MIXed Use Area Mastel SliJll Program DlIblm Ranch Area G 0 Design Guutelmes December 1/, 19980 RLvlsed Jut}', /999 ctY RaphlOlepls md,cla Jack Evans Tulbaghw vlOlacea Viburnum t/nus Spnng Bouquet Grollnrlc.ovpr Lawn Rosa x Flower Carpet Rosmannus ofJicmalhs Trachelospermum jasmInoldes HIgh DenSIty Neighborhood Entrles Accent Trpe!\ Koelreutena panlculata Malus Prazrjire Prnnus sargentll Robinia amblgua Purple Robe . Shmhs IV Perpnm::ll!\ Agapanthus afncanus Dzetes blcolor GrevIllea Noelll Heuchera sangumea Loropetalum chmense rnbrnm Nandma domestlca Plens japon/ca Pnmus laurocerasus Otto Luyken (lroll nrlc.over Lawn Cotoneaster d Coral Beauty Lantana hybnd Trachelospermurn jasm In 01 des ArterIal Streets Street Tree - DlIhlm Roulev::Irsl Platanus acerifolza Yarwood Street Tree -Central Parkway CeltiS SInenSIS ct:> Merllanl Accent Tree!\ Gingko blloba Fmrmont Lagerstroenlla mdIca Quercus agnfolla Pyrns calleryana Chanticleer India Hawthorn SOCIety Garhc LaurustInUS Carpet Rose Prostrate Rosemary Star Jasmme Goldenram Tree Flowenng Crabapple Flowenng Cherry Black Locust Ltly of the Nile Fortnight Lily GrevIilea Coral Bells Fnnge Flower Heavenly Bamboo Lily of the Valley Shrub English Laurel Coral Beauty Cotoneaster Spreadmg Lantana Star Jasmme London Plane Tree Chmese Hackberry MdldenhaIf Tree Crape Myrtle Coast LIve Oak Flowenng Pear IV 34 Commllnll) Landscape De'il&n GlIldehne~ '<0 \&J ~ Dublin Ranch Area G 0 DesIgn GUldelmes December 11. 1998 Revised Julv, 1999 o ......-l 00 - 00 Class II ResIdential Collector A Pyrus calleryana Anstocrat - tnangulated A :: 28 'B = 44 Class II ResIdentwl Collector B Pyrus calleryana Anstocrat - tnangulated A "" 28 'B = 44 TvpIcal Street Tree Plan B IV 39 COmlll1lnJtv I and5cape DUlgn Gille! lUlu () . () Dublm Ranch Area G Design GUldelmes July 1999 [NlfENT These sign gUldelmes are designed to standardize the review and approval of sign proposals for the Village Center mlxed use area 10 Area G of Dublin Ranch Except for Items noted as exceptIOns or those not specifically addressed these design standards shall supercede the City of Dublin Zonmg Ordmance 10 regard to thiS umque area of the city (VIllage Center Mixed Use Area shown on map below) VilLAGE CENTER MIXED USE AREA DUBUN RANCH AREA G Signs In the Vtllage Center mixed use area w1l1 contnbute to the overall Spirit and character of thiS commumty The mtent of these sign gUldelmes IS to o Estabhsh a reasonable set of standards for busmess and tenant IdentlficatlOn o Provide sign applicants With an understandmg of City and Dublm Ranch standards and expectatIOns o ReInforce the mlxed use character of the Village Center commumty o Encourage vanety and spontaneity wlthm reasonable parameters o Promote busmess use and support the local economy m the Vtllage Center V 2 Village Center MIXed Use Area Master Sign Program () () f) Dublm Ranch Area G Des/WI GUldelmes July 1099 GENERAIL REGIU ILAl'][ONS Maximum Number The maXImum number of sIgns With the exceptIon of street address and menu SIgnS for any mdlvldual bUSIness or bUIldIng IS two per facade Any exceptIOns to tlus are subject to SDR approval 'Iotal Allowable SIgn Area Total allowable SIgn Area for each busmess or bUlldmg facmg DublIn Boulevard or Central Parkway wltlun the Village Center shall not exceed 100 square feet Total Allowable Sign Area for bUlldmgs on Mam Street Street F and ReSidentIal Collector C are as follows o Each busrness or bUIlding may be allowed up to a total of one (1) square foot of sIgn area per hneal foot of pnmary street frontage o Each busmess or bUlldmg may be allowed up to a total of one half ( 5) of a square foot of sign area per hneal foot of sIde or rear facade frontage o In the case of corner bUlldmgs With paseo or secondary street frontage each busmess or bUIldIng may be allowed up to one half (5) of a square foot of sign area per lmeal foot of paseo or secondary street facade frontage o These allowable sign areas may be applied only to that facade on which the area IS figured CalculatIOn of Total Sign Area o Store mformatIon (e g hours of operatIOn) under one Il1ch In height mcorporated wlthm wmdow SignS are not rncluded 111 the calculatIOn of total sign area o Brackets and lor chams for prOjectmg SIgns are not mcluded m the total sign area calculatIOn o In the case of a double faced sign only one face wtll be used to calculate total SIgn area o Where a multi faced SIgn IS the case all faces shall be mcluded 111 the total SIgn area calculation o Unless classified as an exempt Sign any Intenor SIgn shall be mcluded In the calculatIOn for total allowable SIgn area and total wmdow Sign area o Address SIgns projectIng signs and duectory signs are not reqUIred to be mcluded m the calculatIOn of total sIbn area V 3 Village Cenlel MI'(ed Use Area MaMer SIgn PfOgl am Dublm Ranch Area G DesIgn GUldelmes July 1999 t) CaleulatlOn of Individual Sign Area The calculatIOn of mdlvldual Sign area shall be determmed by actual measurement around the outslde edge of the SIgn In cases where the lettenng logos etc are apphed mdlvldually to the butldmg surface the area 1S determmed by measurement around the outs1de edge of the collect1ve sign elements This area Includes the spaces between characters Calculation of lil.D.(DDvndual Sign Area () Where mdlv1dual letters or elements are located on a background matenal other than the bUlldmg Itself the area shall be calculated around the outslde edge of the background rnatenal CanculatlOn of lindlvndual Sign Area () V4 Village Center Mned Use A/ea Mmle/ Sign Program Dublin Ranch Area G Design GUIdelines July 1999 () Upper Floor Signs Acceptable sIgn types for upper floors are o Dlfectory or projectmg sIgns located at grOlmd level entnes o ProjectIng signs located at the upper story wlOdow Sill level o Wall signs on the upper level o Lettenng apphed dlfectly to upper floor wmdows Refer to the followmg mdIvIdual SIgn type sectlOns as apphcable for size allowances/restnctlons Snglll Matell"laHs All sign materIals should be appropnate to the eclectic mix of archItectural styles envISIOned for the VIllage Center mixed use area IndiVidual cast or cut metal letters ceramIC tIle and carved wood SIgnS are encouraged Plasttc or sundar matenals may be penmtted under bmIted clfcumstances such as the generatton of IndiVidual letters Of custom logos that are otherwise drfficult to produce but are In all other cases discouraged These SIgns are subject to SDR approval ~ A lugh level of craftsmanship IS requued for all signs and supports the edges of wluch should be neatly firnshed USIng appropnate methods and materIals Color Color selectIons for all signs Wltlun the Village Center should be approprIate In regard to purpose locatIOn and SIze and should be compatible with the color schemes of the nnmedtate and surroundmg architecture Extremely bnght neon colors and sharply contrastmg color combmattons should be avoided These colors and mternally IlltuIllnated sign colors are subject to SDR approval ~ V 5 Village Center Mn:ed Use Area Mastel Sign Prog/am Dublin Ranch Area G Design GUidelines Julv 1999 () LDghtmg All sign hghtmg sources should be as mconsplcuous as possible Fixtures must be properly shielded or shaded to reduce glare and con trol hght spill The followmg types of sIgn lights are stnctly prohlb Ited o Bare bulbs or tubehghts that are not properly shielded or shaded o MoVlt1b or bhnkmg hghts Internally illummated sIbns are prohibited on Side and rear facades but may be permitted on street front facades under limited clrcwnstances These are subject to SDR approval rERl\1II1I"fJED SllGNS The followmg SIgn types are pellllltted In the Village Center mixed use area and are subject to the followmg SIgn gUIdelines 0 Wall signs 0 Wmdow signs () 0 Projectmg SIgns 0 AwnIng SIgns 0 Plaque signs 0 Address SIgnS 0 DIrectory SIgnS 0 Menu signs 0 SpecIal SIgnS () V 6 Village Cenler Mned Use Area Mastel Sign Program (f) WALL SiGNS . WJ[Nl/)OW SIGNS p' ~kh ""'" I j ADDRESS SlfGNS I) Dublin Ranch Area G DeSIgn GUldelmes July 1999 1J>ERMJf'Il'lED SlfGNS The folloWIng sign types are permitted 111 the Village Center mixed use area and are subject to the followmg sIgn gUIdelInes lP'ROJJECTIlNG SllGNS PLAQUIE SJIGNS MENIU SlfGNS AWNlfNG SlfGNS IDllRECl'ORY SIGNS SlP'ECiAL SIGNS V 7 Viflage Center Mlled Use Area Mmter Sign Program Dublin Ranch Area G DesIgn GUIdelines July 1999 () CONDITIONALLY lPJERMll'TEID SIGNS The folloWIng signs are generally not permitted but may be conSidered subject to SDR reVIew and approval o Small freestandmg SIgnS o Neon SIgnS (store front only prohibIted on rear or side facades) o lntenor tllummated signs o Time signs or time clocks o SIgns pamted dIrectly on wall surfaces JPR01HlIBI'fJEllJl SIGNS The followmg signs are prohIbIted from use In the VIllage Center mIxed use area 0 FreestandIng Signs 0 Roof Mounted SIgns 0 Changeable Letter Signs 0 Electromc/Reader Board Signs t) 0 Signs that Incorporate flashmg or bhnkmg lights or movement 0 Easel or A Frame SignS Cabmet Signs 0 Pylon SignS 0 FloatmglBalloon SIgns 0 Sale SignS In WIndows In addltton to the above mentIOned speCIfic sign types any signs that possess the followmg charactensttcs are prohtbIted o SIgns that are determmed to be Visually Indlscnmmate unattracttve or otherwise mcompatlble WIth the character of the Village Center area o Signs that overwhelm or restrict the VIew of adjacent signs or archItecture o Signs IncorporatIng hghts or movement that are vlSlble from a publIc nght of way or from any area open to the pubhc Signs that may distract or confuse the publIc or publIc safety offiCials dunng an emergency response o SIgns that may have a negattve Impact on the health safety and/or general welfare of the commuruty () V 8 Village Center Ml).ed Use Area Mro/er Sign ProglG/71 () {) . Dublm Ranch Area G DeslK/l GUldelmes July 1999 EXEMPT SIGNS The followmg signs may be mstalled wIthout obtammg a SIgn PermIt They are not considered when calculatlllg maxImum total SIgn area o Intenor SignS that meet the followmg cntena Those that are not VISible from a publIc nght of way or any area open to the publIc 2 Those that are VISIble to the pubhc more tharI fifteen feet from the bUlldmg front and contam a lettenng sIze of three mches or less 3 Those that are vlSlble to the pubhc wlthm fifteen feet of the bUlldlllg front and contalll a letterlllg SIze of one Inch or less o Door mounted name plates not exceedIng 2 x 24 o One alarm SIgn that mdIcates the presence of an alarm system and Identifies the person or agency to be contacted m case of actlvatlOn with a maXImum size of one square foot o SIgns that are reqUired by City State or Federal law TEMPORARY SIGNS Temporary SIgns are defined as those providIng mfonnatlOn regardmg upcommg events or temporary condmons TheIr use applIcabIlIty and duratIon are governed by the City of Dublm Zonmg Ordmance SectIOn 8 84050 ExceptIons to the Zorung OrdInance Standards are contamed ill the followmg paragraphs ..J!!flf'r~t"" V9 Village Center MIxed Use Area Master Sign Program (V ~ Cf) Dublin Ranch Area G Deslf!!I Gllldelmes Jill) 1999 A list of acceptable matenals IS found In that ordInance They may take the fonn of wall sIgns wmdow graphICS Simple flyers posters and/or banners IIIummated lurnmescent fluorescent blmkmg or movmg signs are prolublted The total allowable number of temporary signs IS lImited to one per bUIldIng or use Temporary retatl sales SIgnS must meet the followmg cntena o MaXimum total area of all temporary SignS on an IndivIdual busI ness front shall not exceed ten per cent of the display wmdow area (m additIon to permanent SignS) o MaXImum Individual SIgn area not to exceed SIX square feet o MaXImum letter SIze not to exceed SIX Inches 1Il heIght o MamtaIn comphance With cntena specified m the Prolublted signs sectIOn of these gUIdelInes \ lE1~ [ Temporary real estate sale or lease mfonnatIon and constructIOn alteratIOn and repair SIgnS must meet the followmg cntena o The total area of all temporary signs on a busmess tenant frontage shall not exceed SIX square feet IndiVidual signs shall not exceed three square feet o Letters shall not exceed three mches m heIght o Signs must mamtam complIance With cntena specified In the ProhibIted SIgns section of these gmdehnes V 10 Village Center Mixed Use Area Masler Sign Program ~ (;) () ~ ~m- ! 1 -- Dublm Ranch Area G Design GUidelines July 1999 SPlECDJFKC S]GN TYlPE GUllUJElJNlES WALl. SIGNS Wall SIgns are those that are mounted flush to the face ofbuIldmgs and do not extend past the sIde or above the hIghest wall of the bmldmg They are generally used to Identify the bulldlllb name address or cur rent tenant Wall SignS should be deSIgned and located with respect to the tndlVId ual character and archltectural detatl of each bUlldmg They may be compnsed of the fol1owmg o A sohd plece of matenal that has been carved routed or sand blasted wIth all edges fimshed TndIvldua1letters and/or logos that are applIed to a background or attached directly to the wall surface o lntenor 1llurnmated wall SignS whose desIgn and matenals have receIVed SDR approval Wall slgns Identtfymg specIfic bmldmgs or major tenants must comply wIth followmg cntena o Slgns are hmIted to the name of the bmldmg or the major tenant o Date of bmldmg constructIOn IS permitted but must be smaller than the pnmary wall slgn V 11 Village Centel Mlted Use 4rea Mastel SIgn Program ~ . @ Dublin Ranch Area G DeslflJl GUidelines July 1999 o SIgns must be located frontmg a pubhc street or on the same side as the pflmary bUlldIng access o SignS should be located on contInUOUS wall surfaces unmterrupted by doors WIndows colwnns or archItectural detaIls such as moldmgs o Wall SIgns Includmg any mountmg boards may not exceed allowable Sign area o MaxImum mdlvIdual letter size shall not exceed 12 mches 1t1 heIght o ProjectlOn from the face of wall surface shall not exceed 4 Inches PROn:CTlLNG SiGNS Projectmg signs are defmed as those that hang or extend perpendIcular to the bUlldmg surface supported by brackets or suspended from a frame They generally consist of a two Sided SIgn With text only or graplucs/logos In combmatlOn wIth text Decorattve mountIng brackets should be tastefully deSigned m keepmg WIth the character of the sign the bUSIness that It represents and the archItecture on whIch It Will be located Projectmg SIgns are strongly encouraged and should be carefully deSIgned and constructed to express the umque personalIty of IndIVidual busmesses whIle sttll consIdenng the architectural character of thelf 10catlOl1 The typIcally smaller sizes of these signs lend a sense of mdlVldualtty and human scale to the Village Center area help1l1g to dlst1l1gmsh It from other commerCial locatiOns wltlun the East Dubhn cormTIluuty As such they should be located With the pedestnan VIew m rmnd as opposed to the automobIle All projectmg signs shall confonn to the followmg cntena o MaxllIlum number of proJectmg signs shall not eXL-eed one each per storefront or SIde facade (m the case of comer butldmgs) o Total mdIvldual SIgn area shall not exceed SIX square feet o MaxImUlIl projectIon from butldmg faces shall not exceed forty eIght Inches o MImmum clearance between the Sign and the bUlldll1g face shall be SIX ll1ches V 12 Village Centel MIxed Use >lrea MaMel SIgn Proglam (f0 " () Dublm Ranch Area G Des/WI Gwdefmes July 1999 o Mlmmum clearance below projectIng sIgns shall be seven feet Signs shall not be mOlmted above the first floor level on multi sto ned bUlldmgs o SIgnS shall not be 1llummated AWNING / CANOPY SIGNS AWning or canopy SIgnS are defined as those that are pnnted palflted sewn transferred etc drrectly onto the outside surface of the awnlllg or canopy and do not extend past any edge of that surface AwnIngs or canopIes provide an opporturuty to serve as SIgn surfaces while addmg color dimensIOn and character to the Village Center enVIronment Used In conjunction With WIndow SignS they proVIde maximum vlSlbIhty to both pedestrian and vehIcular traffic Awnmg/canopy and lettenng SIzes shall comply WIth the followmg cntena o Awrung/canopy valances (e g vertical faces) shall not exceed twelve mches ill hel!,ht Letter height shall not exceed eight mches o Letters logos and other deSign elements apphed to the Sides (e g closed ends of awnmgs) shall not exceed forty per cent of that area V13 Vilfage Center Mixed Use Area Master SIgn Program CD . () Dub/Ill Ranch Area G DeSIgn GUldelmes Julv 1999 o Letters and/or logos apphed to the slopmg awrung/canopy face should be appropnately sIzed m the context of other nearby sIgns They shall not exceed ten per cent of that face and letters shall not exceed twelve mches o Letters logos and other desIgn elements apphed to the valances and/or Sides of awmngs/canoples are not mcluded 111 the calculatIon of total allowable sign area o If letters logos and other desIgn elements are apphed to the slopmg awmnglcanopy face then the square footage of that sign Will be Included 111 the calculatIon of total allowable SIgn area o Awmnglcanopy signs are not penmtted above the ground floor level V 14 Village Center Mixed Use A/ea Masler Sign Progl am ([) WINDOW SIGNS Dublm Ranch Area G DeslWI GUldelllles July 1999 Wmdow SIgnS are defmed as those that are permanently applIed duectly to wmdow surfaces Geared to the passmg pedestnan they generally provide name and address mformatton These are commonly text only however colorful graphics or logos may be combmed WIth text III a form that 15 complementary to the character of the busmess and the architecture Signs taped to wmdows or suspended freely near the glass are not permItted . Wmdow SIgnS shall conform to the followmg cntena o IndIVIdual WIndow SIgnS shall not exceed twenty five per cent of any SIngle WIndow area o Total wmdow signs shall not exceed ten per cent of the total ground floor wmdow area o Lettenng SIzes shall not exceed eIght mches o Wmdow sign text IS luruted to busmess name address open hours emergency telephone 11lunbers custom logos genenc products or services (e g cameras or tatlonng) () V 15 Village Center MIxed Use Area Master SIgn Program () . C() Dublin Ranch Area G Design GUidelines July 1999 SpeCial wmdow graphics SpeCial wmdow graphICS are defined as Images that are applIed dIrectly to the WIndow surface These may be In the fonn of manufactured graphics or pamted dIrectly on the glass SpecIal wllldow graphICS are Included In the calculatton of total allowable sign area and the maXImum wtndow coverage area SpecIal wmdow graplucs must comply wtth the followmg cntena o Graplucs must relate to the type of busmess located wltlnn o GraphICS must be In keepmg WIth the character scale and color of the lllunedmtely surroundmg arclutecture and other signs All permanent wmdow graphICS are subject to SDR approval Spectal WIndow graplucs that meet the cntena for Temporary Signs as descnbed m that sectIon of tlus document are not subject to SDR approval They are govemed by the City of Dublll1 ZOTIlllg Ordmance SectIon 8 84 050 v 16 Village Center Mn:ed Use Area Master SIgn Program () . () Dublm Ranch Area G Design GUldelmes July 1999 PlLAQUE SIGNS Plaque signs are Simply smaller verSiOns of wall SignS which are desIgned for vlewmg by pedestnans at close range They may be attached to surfaces at or adjacent to shop front entries with mformatIOn generally hrulted to the busmess name and/or logo Plaque signs must confonn to the followmg cntena o MaXimum area of mdlvldual sign shall not exceed three square feet o MaXImum projection from wall surface shall not exceed three 111ches Plaque signs are not mcluded 111 the calculation of total allowable sign area DlLRJEC'fORY S][GNS Directory SignS are those that contam InformatIOn regardIng the name and 10catlOlls of multiple tenants who share direct frontage onto a pubhc street or paseo They are mtended to proVide InformatIOn to pedestnans at a close range These SIgnS are generally flush mounted on a wall surface at or near the mam entry although 111 certam mstances may be attached to a freestandmg kIosk wlthl11 the bU11dmg courtyard or lobby area These signs may be used for the followmg o Muluple busmesses shanng a pnmary bmldmg entry where mdlvldual entnes are separated from pubhc streets o MultIple busmesses located above ground floor level that share a common bUlldmg entry Directory signs must conform to the follOWIng cntena o MaXimum mdlVldual sign area shall not exceed SIX square feet o Sign mformatlon IS hmlted to bmldmg name bUlldmg logo address busmess tenant names and SUIte numbers or letters o Letter height for pnmary butldmg name shall not exceed three mches o All other sign characters shall not exceed a height of one mch o Changeable SIgn panels must contam the entIre busmess name and locatIOn (I e sUlte or office number) o IndlVldualletter changeable SignS are not permitted Directory SignS are not lllcluded 111 the calculation of total allowable Sign area V 17 Vilfage Center Mixed Use A/ea Master Sign Program () " () Dublm Ranch Area G DeSIgn GUldefmes Jill} 1999 ADDRlESS SIGNS Address sIgns are defined as those that contam address Information only They ma) fall under several SIgn type categones mc1udmg wall SIgns awnmg SIgns wmdow sIgns etc As such m addition to the followmg they are subject to maxImum sign SIzes specified for that partlcular sIgn type Letter and munber sizes should be between 4 and 12 lOches m heIght for easy VISibIlity as dictated by sIgn type and locatIon Address sIgns are cructal ill asslstmg shoppers buslOess patrons and emergency response offiCials m locatmg theIr destmatIons They should mclude the address number only or the street name In conjunction WIth the nwnber OnentatlOll should always be toward the street so that they are easlly seen by dnvers or pedestnans ~ c ! F ~ ~ J j Address SIgnS must comply WIth the followmg cntena o Address SIgns should be located on or near to the mam entry of the bmldmg o Scnpt lettenng IS not as eaSily read and therefore IS dIscouraged for prnnary address SignS V 18 Village Cente! MI1:ed Use 4rea Master SlgJl ProgJ am ~ . ~ Dublm Ranch Area G DeslWI GUldelmes Jufy 1999 o Address sign elements mc1udmg 10catlOn type style and design should be appropnate to the character of the busmess and the arclutecture Address SIgns are not mc1uded m the calculatlOn of total allowable sign area M1ENU S[GNS Menu SignS are those that contam actual menus or lIsted dady vanatIOns descnbIng food served pnces for each Item and other relevant mformatlOn regardmg restaurant pohcles etc These sIgns must be proVided for all restaurants With SIt down dnung Menu Sign size type style and deSign should be In keepmg With the character of the busmess and the arcmtecture The maximum mdlvldual sign area shall not exceed four square feet Menu signs should be prommently displayed near restaurant entnes Menus located 10 sign boxes that are mounted to the wall surface are the preferred option Other posslblhtles mclude menu sIgns mounted III WIndow areas where wall space IS madequate and hand wntten erasable SIgnS that change regularly Also mcluded are small moveable SIgns such as pedestal signs that do not encroach beyond the 4 lImItatIOn for outdoor dInlllg furnIshIngs V 19 Vilfage Center M,xed Use Area Mastel SIgn Program ~ G ~ Dublm Ranch Area G DesIgn GllIdelmes Jill) 1999 o Subtle mght sIgn lIf,htmg IS encouraged to help promote evenmg activity o Tapmg menus onto doors and WIndows IS not permItted Restaurant menu SIgnS are not mcluded m the calculation of total allowable SIgn area SJPEClIAJL SIGNS Special signs are those uncommon or creative SIgn proposals that may not fit mto one of the categones mentIOned above but may be posItive contrIbutions to the eclectIc character of the Vdlage Center nnxed use area These may mclude but are not lllmted to flags banners monument SIgns and SIgns that span streets or paseos Tlus area IS enVIsIOned as a uruque commumty onented corrunerclal rmxed use dlstnct SpecIal SIgn proposals must be approved by the Commumty De\ elopment DIrector to determme theIr appropnateness to the character of the Vtllage Center area Those signs spanmng pubhc streets WIll reqUIre an encroachment permit from the Dept of Pubhc Works Approval depends upon theIr compatibilIty WIth adjacent SIgnS and architecture and complIance WIth the followmg cntena o Signs must contnbute a pOSItive Ul1Ique Image to the VIllage Center area o SpecIal SIgnS should be very creative In then expressIOn of the busmess they represent wlule respectmg the architecture of the butldmg and the character of the Immediate area o SIgns must mamtam a SIze and character appropnate to the pedestnan scale of Mam Street Signs that are oversIzed or III some other way Simply do not comply With the standards set by these gmdelmes do not quahfy as SpecIal SignS V 20 Village Center Mned Use Area Master Sign Plogram (f) () (f) lDlEVELOPMENT PLAN - AREA H This IS a Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8 32 of the Dublin Zonmg Ordmance for Dublin Ranch' Area H' P A 98 070, loeated north of I 580, east of 'fassaJara Road and south of future Dublin Boulevard (APN 985 0005 02) This Development Plan meets all of the reqUirements for Stage 1 review of the project Tlus Development Plan mcludes SIte CIrCUlatIOn and other Plans exhIbIts and wntten statements contaIned m a document dated receIved November 19 1999 labeled ExhIbIt C 2 of Attachment 3 Area H to the Ordmance apprOVIng thIS Development Plan (City Counczl Ordmana No 00) and on file In the PlannIng Department The Planned Development DIStnCt allows the flexIbIhty needed to encourage InnovatIve development whIle ensUflng that the goals pohcIes and actIon programs of the General Plan Eastern Dubhn SpeCIfic Plan and provlSlons of SectIon 8 32 of the Zomng OrdInance are satIsfied 1 Zomng PD Planned Development ZOning DIStnCt Stage I (General / SpeCIfic Plan land use deSIgnatIOns are as follows General CommerCIal Campus Office) 2 Permitted and ConditIOnal Uses PD General Commercial 1) PermItted Uses The followmg are penrutted uses for thIs PD/C 2 (Planned Development General CommerCIal zomng dIstrIct sIte) a CommunIty servmg retaIl uses mcludmg but not hrmted to Auto parts Book store ClothIng/apparel/accessones Drug store Electromcs/computers General merchandIse store Grocery/food store Hardware/home Improvement store Hobby shop Home furnIshIngs and apphances Other retaIl uses automatIcally permItted m the C 2 DIStnCt Pets and pet supphes Shoe store SportIng goods StatIOnary and office supphes Toy store b RegIOnally onented hIgh volume retail uses Includmg but not hrmted to DISCOunt centers Factory stores Furruture outlets EXJH[][B][T C-l OF ATTACHMENT 3 Home Improvement centers PromotIOnal centers . c ServIce uses mcludIng but not lImIted to Bank savmgs and loan and other financIal mstItutIOns Barberlbeauty shop/naIl salon Copymg and pnntmg Dry cleaner (no plant on premIses) Formal wear rental Laboratory Laundromat LocksmIth PhotographIc studIO Real estate/tItle office Shoe repair TaIlor Travel agency Watch and clock repair d EatIng dnnkmg and entertaInment establIshments IncludIng but not lImIted to Bagel shop Cafe Coffee house Dehcatessen Ice cream/yogurt Restaurant no dnve through Theater - mdoor (DInner MOVIe LIve Play etc) . 2) CondItIOnal Uses* Ammal hOSpItal (no kennel) (PC) Bar/cocktaIl lounge (ZA) Day Care Center (PC) Dnve through/dnve In faCIlIty (PC) Hotel and motel (PC) MIcro brewery (ZA) NIghtclub (ZA) Other uses wruch could meet the mtent of the General CommercIal land use deSIgnatIOn per the determmatIOn of the CommUnIty Development DIrector (PC) RecreatIOnal facIlIty/mdoor (ZA) ServIce statIOn (PC) 3) Temporary Uses Arts and crafts fair Chnstmas tree sales Farmers market . * Key/DeclSlon Maker Authonty ZA ZOning AdmmIstrator PC Planmng CommISSIOn 2 () 0/ FestIval/street faIr SIdewalk sales Temporary constructIon traIler Tract and sales office/model home complex 4) Residential Uses MIxed use developments IncludIng resIdentIal uses may be permItted at a Stage 2 Planned DevelopmentlDevelopment Plan apphcatIOn If location and desIgn ensure compatIbIhty and If the mcorporatIOn of reSIdential uses meets the Intent of the Eastern DublIn SpecIfic Plan PD Campus Office 1) Permitted Uses The folloWIng are permitted for thIs PD/C 0 (Planned Development Campus Office zornng dIStrICt sIte) AdmInIstrative headquarters AncIllary uses whIch provIde support servIces to bUSInesses and employees IncludIng but not hmIted to restaurants converuence shoppIng copYIng servIces blueprmtIng pnntIng and branch banks BUSIness and commercIal servIces BUSIness professIOnal and admInIstratIve offices Laboratory Research and development () 2) Conditional Uses* Day Care Center (PC) Health servIces/chrucs (ZA) Hotel/motel (PC) HospItal/medIcal center (PC) LImIted hght manufactunng assembly warehOUSIng and dIstrIbutIon aCtIVItIes (uses that do not produce noxIOUS odors hazardous matenals or exceSSIve nOIse) (PC) Other uses that could meet the Intent of the Campus Office land use deSIgnatIOn as deterrnIned by the Commumty Development DIrector (PC) RecreatIOnal facIhty/Indoor (ZA) ServIce StatIon (PC) 3) Temporary Uses* Arts and crafts fau FestIvaVstreet fau Temporary constructIon trailer Tract and sales office/model home complex (j) 4) ReSidential Uses MIxed use developments IncludIng reSIdentIal uses may be permItted at a Stage 2 Planned Development If the follOWIng condItIOns are met a If the development meets a speCIfic hOUSIng need In the commuruty b If the estabhshed traffic levels of servIce are not exceeded Appropnate traffic study(s) may be reqUIred to make the proper determmatIOn regardIng traffic levels of servIce 3 * KeylDeclSlon Maker Authonty ZA Zonmg AdmInIstrator PC PlannIng CommIssIOn c If the development creates a pedestnan onentated attractIve em Ironment d That the proJect IS conSIstent WIth the mtent of the SpecIfic Plan and does not result In adverse enVIronmental or servIce Impacts e ReSIdentIal uses may not occupy more than 50% of the developed area . 3 Dubhn Zonmg Ordmanee Appheable ReqUirements Except as specIfically modIfied by the proVIsIons of this PD DIStnCt RezonelDevelopment Plan all applIcable general reqUIrements and procedures of the DublIn Zomng Ordmance shall be applIed to the land uses deSIgnated In thiS PD DIStrICt Rezone 4 SIte Plan (See attached Stage 1 SIte plan contaIned m ExlubIt C 2 of Attachment 3 Development Plan Area H ) Tlus Development Plan applIes to the General CommercIal and Campus Office parcels encompaSSIng 71 acres shown on tlus plan The 10 5 acres ofland located In the south west quadrant of Area H With a General/SpecIfic Plan land use deSIgnatIOn of General CommercIal may be developed With Campus Office uses to be determIned at the Stage 2 Planned Development ApplIcatIOn Process Any modIficatIOns to the project shall be substantIally conSIstent WIth these plans and of equal or supenor SIte deSIgn qualIty 5 DenSIty The maAImum square footage of the proposed development for the General CommerCIal and Campus Office parcels covered under thIS Development Plan (shown on the Stage 1 site plan) are as follows . General CommerCIal 164 Ac Gross 178,596 Sq Ft Campus Office 439 Ac Gross 860,528 Sq Ft 105 aeres of addItIonal land deSIgnated for General CommerCIal uses located m the south west quadrant of Area H may be developed WIth eIther Campus Offiee or General CommerCIal uses pursuant to a Stage 2 PD ApphcatIon Process 105 Ac Gross 205, 821 Sq Ft 6 Phasmg Plan Refer to attached Phasmg Plan Included In ExhIbIt C 2 of Attachment 3 Development Plan Area H 7 DeSIgn Concepts and Themes Refer to attached CommunIty Planrung and DeSIgn GUIdelInes (pages lIto I 3) contamed m ExlubIt C 2 of Attachment 3 Development Plan Area H 8 Master NeIghborhood Landscapmg Plan ExhIbIt C 2 of Attachment 3 Area H Commuruty Landscape DeSIgn GUIdelInes (pages II 1 to II 3) Identifies the landscapIng concept for Area H . These GUIdelInes satISfy the reqUIrements of SectIon 8 32 040 A 5 of the Zomng Ordmance A Prelmllnary Landscapmg Plan shall be submItted WIth the Stage 2 Planned Development / Development Plan ApplIcatIOn for the Stage 1 PD area to mclude publIc streets entry statements and penmeter SIte landscapmg areas 4 ({) () (j) 9 School MItigatIOn Fee The developer shall mItIgate the rmpacts of the development on the school facIhtIes of the Dubhn Unified School DIStrIct m accordance WIth the School MItIgatIOn Agreement dated October 1997 The mItIgatIOn agreement estabhshes the level of mItIgatIOn necessary the amount of school Impact fees the tIme of payment of such fees and the reqUIred dedIcatIOn of property for use as school sItes 10 IncIuslOnary Zonmg Ordmance The current project does not Include resIdentIal uses however residentIal uses may be consIdered at the Stage 2 Planned Development / Development Plan apphcatIOn If resIdentIal uses are proposed at the Stage 2 Planned Development / Development Plan apphcatIon the project shall be consIstent WIth the InclusIOnary ZOning OrdInance \ \pa#\980070\devplan 5 ~ Area H DeveRopmemt PRam Includmg the followmg 1) SIte InformatIon 2) Project DescnptlOll 3) Reduced Drawmgs 4) DesIgn Standards () () ExhIbit C-2 of ATTACHMENT 3 o \ \ CJ ~ 0.., <C ~ ~rn bE--< I--tZ Z I--t U I--t ::> Q) aYOH OHHYHJ 13 aYOH N011Yj aYOH aH 0 0 0:: <: <I: 0 :> t: 0:: e:.J :::a ......:l (I) :J Z :::> Z Z 0 0 ~\ (I) >- en co 3Ama 0 ,:.;1\~ t: ~ <I: '7:',:.;1 u r---.:::J e:.J ~ ......:l Z ~ '7:' CO 0 ::3 Z ? ~ ~ co <C o ? :::> (.) 0 0 0 ~ (.) ~ en UJ t/l ~ If) <C 0 ~ (.) %. 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E-- 00 ~ == E-- =:: o z Co-' ~ o o ~ Q < o =:: ~ Co-' < E-- Z o ==: ~ ~ o 2 ~ ~ fi: ~ ~ - ;, M . ~ rJ':l ~ ~ ~ z g o o ~ Q < o =.:: ~ < ~ z o =.:: ~ ~ o ~ ~ z ~ ~ o =.:: ~ ~ ~ ioooo( ;;... ~ . @ Q\ Vi!!) @ Dublm Ranch Area H December 11, 1998 RevIsed Julv, 1999 PrOject DescriptIOn for DUBLIN RANCH AREA H Planned Development District and Stage 1 Development Plan (P A 98 070) IntroductIon DublIn Ranch IS located wIthIn the Eastern DublIn SpecifIc Plan Area and compnses approxImately 1 311 acres The portIon of Dublm Ranch that has be&1 annexed to the CIty of DublIn conSIsts of 1 III acres The 1 311 acre portIOn of Dublm Ranch was pre zoned m conformance wIth the East DublIn SpecIfic Plan when It was annexed to the City under PA 94030 Therefore thIS Development Plan wIll also serve as an amendment for a rmnor modifIcatIOn to that prezomg Addlltonally thIS Development Plan IS beIng submItted concurrently wIth a rmnor modificatIOn of the Dublm General PlanlEast DublIn SpecifIc Plan Amendment DublIn Ranch Area H heremafter called the Project Area IS bordered by Dublin Boulevard on the north Dublm Ranch Area C to the east I 580 on the south and the property of the Dublm Land Company on the west It IS approxImately 70 8 acres In size ThiS area has two land use designatIOns General Commercial and Campus Office The SpecIfIc Plan shows 35 9 acres deSIgnated General CommercIal and 367 dcres for Campus OffIce In thiS Stage I Development Plan these acreages have been modified proposmg 439 acres of Campus Office 164 acres of General Commercial dnd the remalmng 10 5 acres as bemg eIther all General CommercIal or all Campus Office PA 98 070 IS a Stage 1 Development Plan as defmed by Seclton 8 32 030(A) of the Dublm ZonIng OrdInance ThIS subrmttal Includes a lIstIng of permItted and condIltonally perrmtted land uses data on sHe area proposed square feet a phasmg plan and textual mformatlOn suffICIent to establish conSIstency WIth the General Plan and Eastern DublIn SpecIfIc Plan EXlstmg Land Use and Site ConditIons EXIstmg land uses WIthIn the Project Area IS predommantly agncultural conSIstIng of cattle grazIng and dry fanrung of gram and hay crops No reSIdences or other structures eXIst WIthIn the area AdjOInIng propertIes currently employ these same uses The project area IS pnmanly open grassland or dry farmed croplands WIth no eXIstIng trees The enure area IS VIrtually flat WIth an average grade change of four feet or 0035% across the SIte ElevatIOns across the project area generally nse from south to north Dublin Ranch Includes all of the property m the Eastern Dublin SpeCIfic Plan area shown as bemg owned by Chang Su 0 Lm and Paa Lm excludmg Phase I which IS currently under development Planned Development DIStrict and Stage I Development Plan Project DeSCrIption Page 1 of 6 Area H pd d= fmal do<: G ~ ~ ~ Dublm Ranch Area H December 11. 1998 RevISed Julv. 1999 Vanous bIOlogical studies have been undertaken III the Project Area and surroundmg areas by H T Harvey & AssOcIates relatIve to specIal status plants and wildlIfe species No specIal status wIldhfe or plant species were detected on SIte Please refer to the Appendix for a summary of these studies A report prepared by Ted WInfield & Associates contammg an analysIs of the areas of the SIte that are subJect to Corps of Engmeers junSdlctIOn was formally submItted to the USACE on May 20 1999 ThIS report was prepared with the field reVIew and mput of Corps representatIves and IS expected to be venfled III wntmg by-the Corps very soon Maps and acreage estimates contamed III the draft report are consIdered to be prehrmnary until the Corps has offtcIally venfIed the JunsdictIOnal delIneation Proposed fIll for thiS proJect WIll reqUIre a Corps of Engmeers permit It IS anttcIpated that the Corps pennit for Area H wIll be part of a larger penruttIng effort that wIll mc1ude all of the remammg portIOns of Dublm Ranch which are encumbered With areas of Corps junSdlctIOn Refer to the Appendix for a summary of thiS study No archaeologIcal resources or IndIcators of such have been found on the SIte by Holman & ASSOCIates ArchaeologIcal Consultants eIther dunng their work undertaken for the East Dubhn SpeCific Plan or a follow up site survey on May 20 1999 A Phase 1 and 2 site assessment of thc ProJect Area has been conducted by Berlogar Geotechmcal Consultants to detenrune the presence of any on site hazardous waste and substance SItes The fmdmgs of the study IndIcated that no problem sites were found In additIOn an envlfonmental records search was conducted by Berlogar to detenmne If the site was mcluded on d SIte of hazardous waste and substance areas The results of thIS search IndIcated that neither thiS partIcular site nor any areas wIthm a two rmle radIUS of the center of the Site are lIsted as a hazardous Site hazardous matenal generator or transporter or known to have underground storage tank leaks Refer to the AppendIx to review thIS document In greater detail CommuDlty Theme Area H IS more urban and contemporary In use and appearance than the rest of Dublin Ranch To proVide a degree of thematIc umty throughout Dubhn Ranch certain common elements such as community slgnage hght standards street fU1TIlShmgs and SImIlar plant palettes WIll be utIhzed Refer to the followmg DeSIgn GUIdelInes for further diSCUSSion about key deSIgn concepts Planned DevelQpme1l1 District and Stage I Development Plan Project DescrlpllOn Page 2 of 6 A:u H pd des.: fllUll doc @ (iJ ~ Dublm Ranch Area H December 1 J. J998 Revised Julv, 1999 Proposed Development Plan When the Eastern Dubhn SpecIfIc Plan was prepared the regIOn servIng commerCIal and office land use deSIgnatIOns were located adjacent to I 580 for three reasons the land there IS generally level these sItes are hIghly vIsIble and easy access IS aVaIlable from the freeway For these reasons Area H IS a pnme commercIal/office site The SIte IS fully vlSlble from I 580 and IS WIthIn 950 feet and 2 700 feet of the Tass3.Jara Road and Fallon Road Interchanges respectively Area H In combInatIOn WIth Area C of DublIn Ranch IS the only remammg large (over 100 acres) commercial/office SIte In DublIn and as such IS hIghly deSIrable for users needIng campus type sites especIally hIgh tech users expandmg from SIlIcon Valley The Development Plan proposes to mcrease Campus OffIce uses by eIther 72 acres or 17 7 acres above what 15 depIcted on the SpecIfic Plan (the dIfference beIng whether the 10 5 acre GC/CO flex pdfcells developed with Campus OffIce uses or not) and the General Commercial area IS bemg reduced by a lIke amount In addItion the Development Plan proposes that the mIdpomt of the denSIty range of the floor area ratio (FAR)Jor Campus OffIce uses be Increased from the 0 35 In the SpecifiC Plan to 0 45 WIth 60 FAR beIng the maxImum of the range ThIS WIll allow the fleXIbIlity to exceed 45 FAR for some parcels however the average PAR for all CO parcels would not exceed 45 PAR ThiS PAR reVISIon would set a mdXImum of 292941 sq ft of General CommercIal With the Least OffIce scenano or a mdXlmum of 1 066349 sq ft of Campus OffIce In the Most OffIce scenano However In eIther scenano the total square footage of any cOmbinatIOn of GC and CO shall not exceed 1 244945 Por companson the East Dublm SpecIfIC Plan has 390951 square feet of General Commercial and 559528 square feet of Campus OffIce for a total of 950479 square feet If the property IS subdIVIded mdIvIdual parcels may be developed at greater than their respective mIdpOInt PARs (025 for GC and 0 45 for CO) as long as the overall square footage maxImums are not exceeded Par example If 26 9 acres of GC deSIgnated land IS developed and It IS subdIVIded Into two parcels one of those parcels could be developed at aFAR greater than 025 as long as a correspondmg decrease In the FAR on the other parcel kept the overall bmldmg square footage at or below the 292 941 sq ft fIgure The changes descnbed above are based upon the result of market assessment studIes undertaken by EDA W Inc whose analYSIS concludes that the I 580 comdor IS over zoned for regIOnal/community servIng commercIal uses The comdor IS saturated WIth large format speCIfic market and full servIce retaIlers ApproXImately 150 acres of land Intended for such users are still aVaIlable In the SpecIfiC Plan area however recent market studIes show the bUIldout populatIOn of Eastern Dubhn wIll not be at hIgh enough levels to warrant a commercIal area of thIS SIze AddItionally the market assessment mdIcates a conSIderable demand at present for regIonal and headquarters offIce land That need IS especIally acute for large parcels of such land It IS for these reasons that the Development Plan for Area H IS propOSIng the flexIbIhty to have eIther a 7 2 acre or 17 7 acre reduction m General CommercIal and a correspondIng Increase In Campus Offlce deSIgnated property Because demand cannot be predIcted WIth complete accuracy very Planned Development DlStnct and Slage 1 Development Plan Project DeSCriptIOn Page 3 of 6 Area H-pd des<: fUl.llldo<: ~ ~ (] Dublin Ranch Area H December 11. 1998 RevIsed Julv, 1999 far mto the future the 10 5 acres at the southwest corner of Area H IS beIng shown as havIng a flex deSIgnatIOn of eIther GC or CO Area H IS Intended to work In harmony with the remaInder of Dublin Ranch especIally Area G One of the premIses on WhIch the vlabIhty of the VIllage Center IS based IS that a large percentage of ItS daytIme activity will come from employees and VISItors from bUSInesses In Area H Therefore whatever can be done from a phYSIcal deSIgn standpOint to Integrate the two areas would be benefICIal to both The Development Plan proposes to achIeve thIS goal by al1gmng the pnnclpal north south access pomt mto Area H With MaIn Street of the VIllage Center WIthIn Area G The concept IS that the VIllage Center would In effect be extended Into Area H by deslgnatmg the southwest and southeast comers of the mtersectIOn as a gateway for uses whIch would duectly complement Area H bUSinesses and employees The northeast corner of Dubhn Boulevard and the VIllage Center MaIn Street IS vlsuahzed as the Site of an approxImately 50 room executIve extended stay hotel It IS hkely that the maJonty of customers of thIS hotel would be VISitorS to the offIce complexes m Area H and the adJommg offIce (CO) propertIes to the east The pnmary north south access pomt would generally serve as a dlvldmg pomt between the CO uses to the east and the generally GC areas to the west The 164 acre parcel at the northwest corner of Area H would be the slte for large format retailers It could attract freestandmg uses such as large bookstores offICe supply electromcs etc or a commumty servmg shoppmg center with a supermarket anchor The CO sector to the east of thiS street could eIther be subdlvlded Into smdller indIVidual parcels for small offIce bUlldmg developers or kept Intact as a campus for one or two large owner users The 10 5 acre SIte at the southwest corner of Area H would serve elther commerctal or office users depending upon area need Planned Development DIStrICt and Stage 1 Development Plan Project DescnptlOn 0 Page 4 of 6 A= H pd dei< rllllll.doe Dublm Ranch Area H December 11, 1998 RevIsed Jull(, /999 @ Below land use acreages and square footages depIcted on the proposed Development Plan are compared to the approved SpecIfIc Plan acreages and square footages The two alternatives are Illustrated one for the maximum GC and the other for the mInimUm GC areas possIble under thIS proposal The follOWIng table uses a densIty mid range of 045 FAR for the Stage I Development Plan CO uses whlle a densIty mid range of 035 PAR IS used for the SpeCIfic Plan CO uses Por GC a 025 mid range FAR IS proposed m both Instances Alternative 1 MaXimum CO/Mlmmum GC Scenario ("Most Office") Proposed PD Stage I East Dublm Des lfma tlOn Development Plan Specific Plan Acres Sa Footage Acres Sq F ootaJ!e GC 164 178596 359 390951 CO 544 1,066,349 367 559,528 Total 708 1,244,945 726 950,479 Alternative 2 MIDlmum CO/Maxlmum GC Scenano ("Least Offiee") @ Proposed P D Stage I East Dublm DeslfmatlOn Development Plan Speqfic Plan Acres Sa Footage Acre 5 So Footar.:e GC 269 292 941 359 390951 CO 439 860,528 367 559,528 Total 708 1,153,469 726 950,479 The square footage fIgures cIted above establIsh the maxImum hrmts for Area H They mdIcate that a IDdXImum of 292941 sq ft of General CommercIal with the Least Office scenano or a maxImum of 1 066349 sq ft of Campus Office m the Most OffIce scenano IS permitted However In either scenano the total square footage of any cOmbinatIOn of GC and CO shall not exceed 1 244 945 For companson the East DublIn SpeCIfic Plan has 390951 square feet of General CommercIal and 559 528 square feet of Campus Office for a total of 950479 square feet ~ Planned Developmem DIstrict and Stage 1 Development Plan Project DeSCriptIOn (J Page 5 of 6 ArClI H pd dose fmaLdoc (if ~ \W ~ Dub!!n Ranch Area H December 11, 1998 ReVIsed Jut)!, 1999 Attached and detached dwellIngs at denSItIes estabhshed for the MedIUm MedIUm HIgh and HIgh DensIty ResIdentIal land use desIgnatIOns per the East DublIn SpecIfIc Plan may be allowed as a ConditIOnal Use If the followmg condItIons are met o Established traffiC levels of service are not exceeded Appropnate traffiC study(s) may be reqUIred to make the proper determmatlOn regardmg traffIc levels of servIce o That the project IS conSIstent wllh the Intent of the SpeCIfic Plan and does not result In adverse envIronmental or servIce Impacts and o ReSidential uses may not occupy more than 50% of the developed area NeIther this Development Plan nor the SpeCIfic Plan Include schools parks or other pubhc faCIlItIes smce the plans for Area H are devoted exclUSIvely to commercIal and campus office uses However smce a certaIn number of employees from the area will utilIze nearby pubhc parks a per square foot publIc faCIlItIes fee for commercIal and offIce bUIldmg constructIOn has been estabhshed by the CIty to help pay for recreatIOn facIlItIes PrOject Access and CIrculation The major east west access to the ProJect Area WIll be from DublIn Boulevard a SIX lane artenal Secondary east west access WIll be prOVIded by an eXlstmg frontage road along the north boundary of I 580 that extends from TassaJara Road to approximately the middle of Area H The pnmary north/south access pomt to the ProJect Area would be the southerly extenSIOn of MaIn Street ThIS connectIOn will tIe the Project Area to the Village Center (nnmedlately to the north m Area G) where many of the commercial uses that WIll serve employees In the Project Area Will be located Secondary access POInt(s) may be located at the Class II Collector Band Dublm Blvd mtersectlOn and/or other locatIOns along Dublin Blvd In accordance WIth the East Dublm SpeCifiC Plan and Dublm General Plan standards and approved by the director of publIc work ClfculatIon WIthIn the Project Area may be Via a system of mdlvIdual Internal streets a coHector loop or some other system However the preference IS for larger land users SInce campus type developments are more mime WIth the deSIgn concept enVISIOned for Area H Larger blocks of land would entaIl fewer publIc streets and these streets would be replaced WIth Internal pnvate clfculatlOn systems Whatever the case the Internal street system wIll be created only as users are found An analYSIS has been prepared by TJKM to determIne whether the proposed project ldlld use changes would have a greater Impact on traffIC levels than those shown In the Eastern DublIn GPA/SP EIR Because offices generate conSIderably less P M peak hour traffIC than do retail commercial uses and the P M peak IS the entIcal traffic penod for Eastern Dublm the analYSIS concluded the traffiC Impacts of thIS Development Plan would be less than those antICIpated by the SpecIfic Plan even though more bUIldIng square footage IS pOSSIble For thIS reason the traffic rarruficatIons of the Area H Development Plan WIll not reqUIre modIficatIOn of the eXlstmg EIR or preparatIon of a new EIR The TJKM report can be revIewed at the CIty of Dubhn Planned Development DIStTlct and Stage 1 Development Plan Project DeSCTlptlon (J Page 6 of 6 Area H pi d= fmal doc z i~ ~ ~... .. j <r: 3~ "I: ~ "'JC\ ~~ ~ C\C\ ~ 3 i~ ~ f-- C\C\ l:: ' z 0... ~~ ..3 ~ -.. -.. 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Dublm Ranch Area H Desll!.n Gwdel/fles December II, 1998 Rei Ised illly. 1999 () COMMUNiTY PlLANNiNG AND DESiGN The Intent of these gUidelInes IS to provIde basIc desIgn parameters for site planning parcehzatIOn bUlldmg siting and other consIderatIOns to assIst m the development of a quality proJect for the community and the end user The obJective IS to provide a deSign framework In whIch developers and deSIgners can express their creativIty on indiVidual proJects without compromisIng the community character as a whole Form The Area H site plan should be well organized with each development parcel made easlly IdentIfiable and accessIble by a sImple clear street network that dIsperses traffIC and allows for off street parkIng () The pnmary entry Area H Gateway IS ahgned WIth Mam Street at ItS mtersectIOn WIth DublIn Boulevard and proVIdes a dIrect and clear connectIOn to the VIllage Center s mix of uses In Area G BUlldmg Sltmg The mtersectIOn at Dublin Boulevard and Main Street forms the southerly gateway of the VIllage Center Main Street and the gateway to the Area H General CommercIal and Campus OffIce development areas As a tranSItion pOInt between the VIllage Center and Area H CommercIal areas the building deSign at thiS mtersectIOn reqUIres specIal features In the form of vertical elements facade and ground plane treatment to announce ones amval at thIS Important focal pomt BUlldmg anchors should be planned to accentuate the pnmary proJect entry opposite the Village Center Buildmgs at thiS locatIOn shall mamtam a Visual character that IS compatible With Village Center mixed use bUildings as It marks the termmus of the Village Center (f) AdJacent to Dublin Boulevard bUlldmgs should be onented toward Dublm Boulevard where pOSSIble With parking between buildmgs and to the south away from Dublin Boulevard frontage I I ComllllllllfY Plannlllg and DeSlf?n Dubllll Ranch A.rea H De<;/f!n GUldelllles Decembu 11, 1998 ReH,ed Julv. 1999 () BUlldmg sItmg shall refer to the policies and standards noted In the East DublIn Scemc Comdor Policies and Standards document concernIng vlewsheds and scemc corndors Buddmg Types o PermIt a vanety of General Commercial smgle and mixed use buIldmgs o Permit a vanety of Campus Office bUlldmgs for Professional Medical SerVIce and other type uses Buddmg EntrIes o Onent pnmary bUIldIng entnes on aXIs wIth the pnmary site/parcel entry for ease of onentatlOn and IdentIfIcatIOn by ViSitors and users o PrOVide clear bUIldmg tenant name and address IdentificatIOn on the buIldmg facade at or adjacent to the pnmary bUIldmg entry Circulation f) o Dublin Blvd will proVide pnmary access to Area H uses If subdivided mto smaller p<llcels indiVIdual parcel/sIte access will be proVIded by an mternal collector street system o Direct access IS not preferred to mdlvldual parcelS/Sites abuttIng Dublin Boulevard If access IS reqUIred with no other alternatives then access from Dublm Boulevard must be approved by the Director of Public Works o Secondary access to some portions of Area H may be proVIded by an eXlstmg frontage road on the north side of 1 580 connectmg Area H to T assajara Road AdditiOnal secondary access may be proVIded vIa an east/west collector street through the proJect area connettmg Area H with Area C to the east or from other pOints along Dublin Blvd o PrOVide SIdewalks along Area H mternal collector streets and along entry dnve~ to accommodate pedestnan CirculatIOn and thereby reduce vehlcular/pedestnan mteractiOn f) I ? Com/llwury PlallllllHJ a/ld DGSIf,/I DlIbllll Ranch Area H Dew!/! GlIIdeflllU December I I. 1998 Rev/suI llllv, 1999 () P .:irkmg o Provide reqUired parkmg for each buildIng or building complex m a convenIent and well organILed mdnner o Where possIble onent pdrkmg aisles perpendicular to bUilding destmatlOn pOints Tran~lt o ProvIde for transit stops and convement pedestnan connectiOns to same 10 dccordance with LA VT A reqUlrements Gatewa}s o Provide entry plazas dt the southeast dnd southwest mtersectlOn comers ot Main Street and DublIn Boulevard at the Ared H Gdteway These plaza.s should be of an appropnate scale and size to compltment the Village Center Gateway located to the north Special ConSlderdtlODs f) o loCate allloadmg docks and service areas dway from DublIn Blvd I 580 other public streets and pedestnan areas and screen them from view with walls and/or land~capmg dS appropnate f) / 3 Commllll/!'y Planlllllf:, alld Dr. 1!,1l f) I) (f) Dublm Ranch Area H De51gn Gwdellneso Decembu II 1998 () RevHed July 1999 COMMUNITY LANDSCAPE DESIGN ELEMENTS A well thought out collectlon of elements deSigned to be subtle and blend WIth the natural beauty of the site have been established for Area H to ensure that the cohesive commumty theme IS mamtamed throughout the vanous types of land uses WIthm Dublm Ranch The homogeneous use of forms and matenals will Impart a consIstent visual Image throughout the commumty VEHICULAR CIRCULATION A hierarchy of streets compnses the circulatIOn system to carry motonsts wIthm and through Dublm Ranch while creatmg and mamtaInIng a pleasant community character Streets mcludmg pedestnan walks provIde a favorable atmosphere for recreation pursUlts alternattve commuter transportation optIOns and effiCient travel throughout the community DeSign consistency In vehicular and pedestnan pavmg patterns SIte furniture street hghtIng slgnage and plant matenal used wlthm the nght of way WIll augment the umfymg conunumty character General Commereml / Campus Offiee Streets General CommerCIal/Campus Office street ahgnments should generally be dIrect but provide for a sense of place CIrculatIon patterns need to address the mterface and separatIOn of pnvate vehicles pubhc tranSit bIcycles and pedestnans To create d mOl e pedestTIan fnendly enVIronment separated SIdewalks shall be provided on each Side of the street With a staggered row of deCiduous shade trees planted on either Side of the Sidewalk Landscape elements shall be a counterpart and supplement to the architecture With an emphaSIS placed upon entnes and pedestnan scaled streets Street trees shall act as the pnmary landscape element wlthm the General CommercIal/Campus Office land use affordIng mdlvlduallzed personality beauty and seasonal character Street Deslgll COllcept The General Commercial/Campus Office Streets shall tYPIcally consIst of two travel lanes Both Sides of the street shall mclude a parkway stnp With a separated Sidewalk An addltlonal pubhc servlcellandscdpe easement extends beyond the nght of way Ime on each SIde of the street A public servIce easement (PSE) \\!l1 be prOVIded as reqUired by the City and will be dedIcated to the public per II / Community Land~cap(, De\/gn E{ell1enl~ f) t) f) Dublm Ranch Area H DesIgn GUide/meso December II 19980 Revised July 1999 details to be worked out as shown on the Tentative Map The landscape easement wlll be pnvately mamtaIned and owned Landscape Treatment General CommercIal/Campus Office Streets shall have a staggered row of declduous tree to create a canopy effect for pedestnans and motonsts Lawn panels shall be planted wlthIn the parkway stnp ENTRIES Entnes are mtended to convey a clear sense of amval Although the level of detail WIll vary WIth each type of entry all shall be deSigned to portray the conSIstent commumty lmage wIthm the commumty of Dublin Ranch as a whole A tiered system of entnes has been proposed for the General CommercIal/Campus Office land uses The Area H Gateway provIdes an anchor to the VIllage Center at the south end of MaIn Street while also provIdIng a tranSItion Into the General CommerclaVCampus Office land uses Secondary entnes Into General CommerclaVCampus Office activItIes WIll mcorporate umfymg elements through the repetItIve use of the defined Dublm Ranch vocabulary of matenals colors and patterns Area H Gateway The Area H Gateway IS located at the mtersectIon of DublIn Boulevard and MaIn Street The bUIldmgs on these corners will be set back to provide for a vIsual termInus to the VIllage Center and provide an entrance or gateway mto Area H Each Area H Gateway comer WIll have an entry statement such as a water feature and/or vertIcal element Landscape Treatment ThiS gateway should be SImIlar m nature WIth those In Areas F and G With the use of slmIlar plant speCIes and plantmg patterns to create a Unified gateway theme along the MaIn Street comdor PavlIIg MateTlals Enhanced pavmg should be prOVIded In pedestnan areas to match the matenals and colors utIllzed at the Village Center Gateways wlthm Areas G and F 112 Communrty Landscape DeSIgn Element5 (() f) I) Dublm Ranch A rea H Des Igll GUldelmes 0 December II 1998 0 Revllied July 1999 SiGNAGJE IdentIficatlOn and mformatlOnal SIgn age throughout the General Commercial/Campus Office streets may appear m a vanety of formats wIth the consIstent use of prescnbed matenals patterns and forms as seen In proceedIng phases of Dublm Ranch provIdmg the unIfymg components Matenals utIlIzed for IndIVIdual bUIldmg slgnage can create a more urban Image LiGHTiNG Street and parking lot hghtIng playa crucIal role m enhancmg the level of quahty and character of Dublm Ranch IllummatIon should be subtle but creatIve and should be encouraged to be expressed In several formats Both hIgh and low voltage fixtures should be uhh7ed StreetlIghts along collectors are proposed to be the same decoratIve fixture utIhzed In precedmg phases of Dublm Ranch StreetlIghts assocIated WIth Individual development parcels WithIn the General Commercial/Campus Office land uses may be of a dIfferent color yet be conSIstent With the overall Dublm Ranch theme and character Parking lot hghtmg may utIhze an alternate decorative style form and complImentary color to the adjacent street lightIng All lIghtIng shall be deSIgned to conform to CIty of Dublm PaCific Gas and Electnc and IES safety standards and IllummatIon reqUIrements Collector streets and parkmg lots shall utrhze a metal hahde source In conformance WIth the approved lIght source for Phase I of Dublm Ranch II] Commumty Landscape DeSIgn Elemenl~ I) I) I) Dublm Ranch Area H DeSIgn GUldellneso December 11 1998 ReVIsed July 1999 SIGNAGE IdentIficatIOn and mformatIonal sIgnage throughout the General ComrnercIaVCampus Office streets may appear In a vanety of formats with the consIstent use of prescnbed matenals patterns and forms as seen m proceedmg phases of Dublin Ranch proVIdIng the umfymg components Matenals utIlized for mdIvIdual buIldmg sIgnage can create a more urban Image LIGHT][NG Street and parkIng lot hghtmg playa cruCial role m enhancmg the level of quality and character of Dublm Ranch IllUmInatIOn should be subtle but creahve and should be encouraged to be expressed m several formats Both hIgh and low voltage fixtures should be uhhzed Streethghts along collectors are proposed to be the same decoratIve fixture utIhzed m precedmg phases of Dublm Ranch StreetlIghts assocIated WIth IndIVIdual development parcels wIthm the General CommercIaVCampus Office land uses may be of a different color yet be conSIstent WIth the overall Dublm Ranch theme and character Parking lot lightIng may utIlize an alternate decoratIve style form and complimentary color to the adjacent street hghtmg All lightIng shall be deSigned to conform to CIty of Dublm PaCIfic Gas and Electnc and IES safety standards and dlummatlOn reqUIrements Collector streets and parkmg lots shall utIlize a metal hahde source III conformance WIth the approved hght source for Phase I of Dublm Ranch 113 CommUnity Landscape DeSign 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