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HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-03-2007 Adopted CC Min MINUTES OF THE ern' COUNCIL OF THE ern' OF DUBLIN RE6ULAR MEETIN6 - JULY 8. 2007 CLOSED SESSION A closed session was held at 6:30 p.m., regarding: I. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: Assessor's Parcel Number 986-0004-003 Agency Negotiator: City Manager Negotiating Parties: Elvira Bragg and Claire Silva Under negotiations: Price and terms of payment IL PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONpursuant to Government Code Section 54957, Title: City Manager '. A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, July 3, 2007, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:01p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. . ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, Oravetz, Sbranti and Scholz, and Mayor Lockhart. ABSENT: None . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Staff and those present. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING July 3, 2007 PAGE 257 . REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION Mayor Lockhart advised that there was no reportable action. . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Appointment to Senior Center Advisory Committee 7:01 p.m. 3.1 (110-30) City Manager Richard Ambrose presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider filling a vacancy on the Senior Center Advisory Committee as a result of the resignation of Jim McCuen. Applications on file were reviewed, and the Mayor appointed Delilah Vanderpool to fill the remaining portion of the term. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the Council confirmed the Mayor's appointment of Delilah Vanderpool to the Senior Center Advisory Committee to a term ending December 2008. . Public Comments 7:01 p.m. 3.3 No comments were made by any member of the public at this time. . DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING July 3, 2007 PAGE 258 CONSENT CALENDAR 7 :03 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.10 On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Sbranti and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes - None; Adopted (4.2 670-40) ORDINANCE NO. 15 - 07 ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE FOR SCARLETT DRIVE/IRON HORSE TRAIL BETWEEN DUBLIN BOULEVARD AND DOUGHERTY ROAD Adopted (4.3 350-20) RESOLUTION NO. 114 - 07 AUTHORIZING STAFF TO PROCURE DESK- TOP COMPUTERS FROM DELL, INC. Adopted (4.4 670-40) RESOLUTION NO. 115 - 07 APPROVING QUITCLAIM OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENT ON PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP 7250 (ARGONAUT HOLDINGS, INC.) Adopted (4.5 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 116 - 07 APPROVING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH KLEINFELDER, INC., FOR GENERAL GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING July 3, 2007 PAGE 259 Adopted (4.6 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 117 - 07 APPROVING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH KIMLEY -HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Adopted (4.7 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 118 - 07 APPROVING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH BSK ASSOCIATES FOR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Adopted (4.8 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 119 - 07 APPROVING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH PERMCO ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES Authorized (4.9 600-35) Staff to advertise for bids for Contract No. 07-09, 2007 Annual Slurry Seal Program. Approved (4.10 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $4,246,186.91. . WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None .. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING July 3, 2007 PAGE 260 PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and Zonin2 Map Amendments - P A 02-074 7:03 p.m. 6.1 (450-20/410-55) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Associate Planner Laura Karaboghosian presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider a request to include three additional parcels into the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan boundary and the associated Zoning Map Amendment for the Dublin Village Historic Specific Plan overlay. Cm. Sbranti inquired as to why the Hexcel property was not included in the boundaries of the Historic Specific Plan. Community Development Director Jeri Ram commented that the Hexcel property was indeed within the boundaries of the Specific Plan because there had been archeological concerns along the back of the property. No testimony was received by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. Mayor Lockhart asked Staff if Briarhill Cabana Club needed a new roof or maintenance, would they have to go back to a 1850s style roof, or follow the Specific Plan Guidelines. Ms. Karaboghosian stated that according to the Guidelines, maintenance and repairs would not trigger the Guidelines, but an addition or a new building on the property would. Mayor Lockhart asked if someone would have to follow the guidelines if they purchased the property and then wanted to build a residence on it. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING July 3, 2007 PAGE 261 Planning Manager Mary Jo Wilson stated, yes, in the Mayor's example, the property owner would have to follow the Guidelines. Cm. Sbranti stated the Briarhill Cabana Club was the gateway to the residential area and did not see the need to include it in the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan. Vm. Hildenbrand stated the Briarhill Cabana Club was part of the Homeowners Association's common property. It was their community center. She was not comfortable in having them have to follow guidelines and spend the money to follow those Guidelines. It was the entrance to, and part of, the residential look. Cm. Oravetz stated he supported the motion of including the two parcels in the Specific Plan, but not the Briarhill Cabana Club. Mayor Lockhart stated she would not want to change the look of the neighborhood. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the Council directed Staff to modify the Resolution approving an Addendum to the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and Amending the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan; and an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map adding two parcels at the City Council meeting of July 17, 2007, with the revised Resolution and Ordinance on the Consent Calendar. '. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Approval of Agreement with Royston Hanamoto Alley & Abey to Provide Consulting Services for the East and West Dublin BART Station Corridor Enhancement Proiects 7:19 p.m. 7.1 (600-35) Public Works Director Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report and advised that the City's Five-Year Capital Improvement Program included two projects that would enhance the Dublin Boulevard corridor 'namely the East Dublin BART Station Corridor Enhancement and West Dublin BART Station Corridor Enhancement Projects. The City DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING July 3, 2007 PAGE 262 was combining the design of these two projects into one and intended to hire the firm of Royston Hanamoto Alley & Abey to provide design services. Mayor Lockhart asked if at the Dougherty Road intersection where the buildings had been, was that CalTrans property. There were weeds that needed to be removed. Could the City make an agreement with CalTrans to handle the weeds. Public Works Director Morton stated, yes, that was CalTrans property and she would call CalTrans to ask them to take care of the weeds. The interchange was not at the ultimate configuration and the conditions might improve once it was completed. Cm. Sbranti inquired as to the timing of the 1-580 Corridor Improvements. Public Works Director Morton stated the eastbound HOV lane was the next project queued to go forward. That would go to bid in September and would take about 18 months to complete. Next would be the westbound HOV project and that would start while the eastbound HOV lane was under construction. That would be completed in two to three years. They were incorporating hot lane improvements into those designs so if in the future the HOV lanes needed to be converted to hot lanes that could be accomplished. For definition purposes, a hot lane was a toll lane where the Fast Track device used for bridges could be utilized for payment. A hot lane currently planned was on 1-680 southbound from approximately Pleasanton to Automall Parkway. That project was queuing up very quickly, and would probably begin before the 1-580 eastbound HOV lane. Regarding the northbound to westbound 1-580/1-680 Interchange Improvements, the preliminary study report was due to be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration by the end of the month. A bus drop down project was also in the preliminary report stage. That would allow buses coming along 1-580 to drop down directly to the East Dublin BART Station. Mayor Lockhart stated a hot lane was also high occupancy vehicle, so if you had the required number of occupants in the car, it would be free, any others would pay. Public Works Director Morton added that a hot lane was continuously a hot lane and HOV lane. There would not be specific periods designated for a hot lane/HOV lane. Cm. Sbranti asked how far would the hot lane run, all the way to Greenville? DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING July 3, 2007 PAGE 263 Public Works Director replied yes, it would run all the way to Greenville. On motion ofVm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 120 - 07 APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH ROYSTON HANAMOTO ALLEY & ABEY TO PROVIDE CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE EAST AND WEST DUBLIN BART STATION CORRIDOR ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS . NEW BUSINESS Report on Development of a Global Transportation Plan 7:34 p.m. 8.1 (1060-95) Public Works Director Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider a report regarding a global transportation plan that identified multi-modes of transportation for the City. Mayor Lockhart commented that she was excited to see this report coming together and Public Works was doing a fabulous job. The City Council received the report. . Desi2nation of A2encv Labor Ne20tiators - Unrepresented Emplovee: City Mana2er 7:38 p.m. 8.2 (110-30/600-30) City Manager Richard C. Ambrose presented the Staff Report and advised that this item would provide for the designation of two members of the City Council as the City's representatives to discuss conditions of employment, including salary and fringe benefits, for the City Manager. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING July 3, 2007 PAGE 264 On motion of Cm. Sbranti, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council designated Cm. Oravetz and Mayor Lockhart as City Representatives to negotiate with the City Manager. . OTHER BUSINESS Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AD 1234) 7:38 p.m. City Manager Ambrose commented that the City would like to see everyone have a safe and sane 4th of July and only use only Safe and Sane fireworks and no illegal fireworks. Three Dublin City Parks were available for use of Safe and Sane Fireworks. They were Emerald Glen, Alamo Creek, and Dublin Sports Parks. Shannon Park would not be available due to construction equipment and trailers that were in the parking lot this year. On July 6, the Dublin Police Department would kick off National Night Out at the Senior Center. It was an opportunity to recognize those volunteers who support the Police, Department in its efforts in preventing crime in our community. The Dublin Concert Series would kick off at the Dublin Civic Center on Friday, July 6 and run through August 3. The Parks and Community Services Department had been busy promoting Family Oriented events. The Family Camp Out which would be held on July 7 at Alamo Creek Park was completely sold out. Cm. Sbranti asked if the Dougherty Hills Dog Park Opening was still being held on July 28, at 10:00 am. City Manager Ambrose confirmed that was the correct date and time. Cm. Oravetz stated he and Mayor Lockhart had attended the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority meeting on Monday. The Bus Rapid Transit Program was moving rapidly and would help with the traffic situation. Cm. Sbranti stated he had been busy working in fireworks booths throughout the City. He had enjoyed the event at Enigma Motors last Friday which raised money for the DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING July 3, 2007 PAGE 265 Children's Museum. After the Chamber Mixer last Wednesday, he attended the League of California Cities' Bocce Ball Tournament fundraiser. His team had come in second. Vm. Hildenbrand stated the bocce ball tournament would be a yearly event. There was a bocce league in Dublin for anyone that wanted to hone their bocce ball skills. Mayor Lockhart stated the Children's Museum was a great event and showed off the Museum's Moving Mission exhibit. She thanked the Dublin Chamber and non-profit organizations for the Mixer which was wonderful. The Mayor would be at the Dublin Day at the Races on July 5. She wished everyone a very safe and sane 4th of July and reminded everyone that the City of Dublin did not tolerate illegal fireworks. Illegal fireworks could be turned in at fire stations. . ADJOURNMENT 10.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 7 :46 p.m., in memory of our fallen soldiers. Minutes prepared by Caroline P. Soto, Deputy City Clerk. ATTEST: Uvwt!I-f;;f Deputy City Clerk ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING July 3, 2007 PAGE 266