HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.2 WaiveBldgPermitPenltyFee
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SUBJECT;. PUBLIC HEARING Request for a Variance so as to waive
Building Permit Penalty Fee
Report by: Victor Taugher, Building Official
1.;1Cetter from Crosswinds Church, 6444 Sierra
90urt dated November 23, 1994
2./Building Permit Extension Letter dated
~ctober 14, 1993
3~~ection 7.28.430 C. Dublin Municipal Code
4~Draft Resolution Granting Variance
5~raft Resolution Denying Variance
- J 1. Open Public Hearing
~ 2. Receive Staff Report
3. Receive Public Testimony
4. Close Public Hearing
5. Deliberate
6. Adopt Resolution
Reduction in revenue of $970.00
DESCRIPTION: On October 29, 1992, a permit was issued to
Crosswinds authorizing the remodeling of an industrial building into a
church and related uses. On October 11, 1993 the Crosswinds ChurCh
requested, and was granted, an extension to the permit until April 11,
1994 (Exhibit 2).
On March 25, 1994, a final inspection was made at the request of
Crosswinds. The work was approved and the Building Department files
were closed.
In August the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority noted that substantial
electrical work was being done. Crosswinds was requested to obtain a
permit. An application was filed on October 6, 1994, and after -
receipt of additional information, the application was approved for
issuance on October 31, 1994, but it has not been issued yet.
Section 7.28.430 C. Dublin Municipal Code (DMC) provides that when
work is started without a permit the fees shall be doubled. The fee
is $370.00 and Crosswinds is requesting that the additional $370.00 be
COPIES TO: Crosswinds Church
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ITEM NO. -".2
C IT Y C L E R K "
The applicants rationale for the variance is that:
1. The work was shown on the original plans;
2. The city should have known that after Crosswinds Church called
for the final inspection they intended to do additional work;
3. Crosswinds did not know that permits were required for the
electrical work necessary for theatrical lighting.
The recently completed work was in fact shown on the original plans.
Crosswinds should have known the permit expired. Although Crosswinds
may not have been aware of the requirements for a permit, the work was
done by a licensed contractor. The contractor should have know that
permits are required.
The original Conditional Use Permit limited the capacity of the main
sanctuary to 700 persons. This limit was based on the number of on-
site parking spaces. In order to limit the number of occupants, a
partition was installed in the original construction so as to prevent
the rear portion of the sanctuary (2 approximately 16 x 40 areas) from
being used. This partition has been removed, without a permit, and on
November 1, 1994, a total of 764 chairs were in place. Also,
bleachers accommodating 484 persons were installed, at the rear of the
sanctuary without a permit. These are folding bleachers and are in
the retracted position. According to Crosswinds, they are not in use
at this time.
On November 22, 1994, Crosswinds applied for a Conditional Use Permit
to expand their capacity so that the bleachers may be used. If the
Conditional Use Permit is granted the building permit fee for the
bleachers would be doubled. An application for a building permit for
the bleachers had not been filed, at this time, but the Building
official estimates the permit fee would be $600.00 with an additional
penalty of $600.00.
The Building Official advised crosswinds that as long as a variance
was being requested, to waive the double fee for the electrical work,
the request should also include the waiver for the double fee for the
bleachers. The granting of this waiver for the bleacher permit would
only apply if the Conditional Use Permit was granted to allow the
increased capacity.
The rational for the waiver of the double fee for the bleachers is
that although they have been installed they are not in use. It is
noted that they could have been stored in the areas at the rear of the
sanctuary which was partitioned off so as to limit the capacity of the
The purpose of the double fee is to discourage work being done without
permits. If the city council feels that the applicants should be
penalized for failure to obtain permits then the variance should be
denied. If the city Council finds that the above specific
circumstances warrant, then the variance should be granted. Draft
resolutions are provide for Council action.
Dublin City Council
City of Dublin
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
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November 23, 1994
Dear Council Members,
CrossWinds Church is appealing the assessment of permit penalty fees penaining to twO separate
projects at our facility. The first is regarding the completion of electrical work in our auditorium which
we believe is tied to our original building permit, and the second is regarding a conditional use permit
for the installation of bleachers-also located in the auditorium.
We respectfully request that the city nullify the assessment of these penalty fees on the basis of the
conditions stated in the following paragraphs. Moreover, the collective penalties, amounting to
approximately $900, would present a financial hardship to our church at this time and also deplete
designated congregational con"tributions originally intended for the completion of the two projects
previously mentioned.
Electrical Work
In keeping with our original approved and permitted set of drawings, we commenced the installation of
our theatrical lighting ponion of the build-out in June of 1994. With the understanding that our
original permit covered our work (which before it expired, it did), we proceeded with the project. It
wasn't until representatives from the Building Department and Fire Marshall visited our facility in late
August that the question was raised as to whether the permit covered this work. Conversely, since the
original building permit had been approved, whether or not an additional permit was necessary.
Because the electrical work was known to be an ongoing project by both the City of Dublin and
CrossWinds (there were miscellaneous recognized electrical items that still needed to be completed
after the building permit was finalized), it was our understanding that the theatrical lighting wasn't in
need of a permit since it, along with the other electrical concerns, was covered under the original permit.
In short, the theatrical lighting permit was paid for once through the original permit, and it is our belief
that a penalty assessment would constitute double billing to the extent that it would have to be paid
again." We ask that you consider alleviating the new permit fee, along with'the penalty, as we were
acting in good faith to proceed with the project.
We have been informed by Mr. Vic Taugher that there would perhaps be a penalty assessed to the
conditional use permit we have filed for the installation of 68 linear feet of bleachers in our auditorium.
According to Mr. Taugher, the penalty (or doubling of the permit fees) would be assessed as a result of
the bleachers being installed prior to the, C. U.P. approval.
6444 Sierra Court, Dublin, CA 94568. (510) 551-3300
City of Dublin
November 23, 1994
Page 2
It should be duly noted that CrossWinds Church began the permit process and preliminary planning
discussions of the bleachers project with the Building and Planning Department at the city, .
immediately after we became aware of Dublin High School's offer to donate the bleachers in July.
The offer was based on the condition that as soon as the new bleachers were to be installed at the
school, and the old ones extracted during the summer, that we would supply the equipment and
manpower to haul them away at our own expense.
In early September the bleachers became available. Because there was no place (inside or outside our
building) to store the disassembled bleachers and the cost for commercial storage for several months
would be exorbitant, we determined that it would be best to install them. We presumed that if the
bleachers remained unused and fully retracted that we would not be in violation of code. To date
we have not used the bleachers nor do we intend to until approval is granted.
.'~ appreciate your careful consid~ration of t~ese pending. matters and look forward to your positive
.". .'-,.<~sP,nse. If you have future questIons regardmg these proJects, I can be reached at 551-3300. .
R spectfully, .
copy: Vic Taugher
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"Celebrating 10 Years Of Cityhood 1982-1992"
PO. Box 2340, Dublin, California 94568
City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568
October 14, 1993
Gregg Nelson
CrossWinds church
6444 sierra court
Dublin, CA 94568
Per your letter dated October 11, 1993, requesting a 6-month extension
to building permit number 92-0695.
Your request is hereby granted to April 11, 1994. Please note that
only one extension may be granted.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to
contact our office.
victor L. Taugher
cc: street File
Administration (510) 833-6650. City Council (510) 833~6605. Finance (510) 833-6640. Building 1m
Code Enforcement (510) 833-6620 . Engineering (510) 833-6630 · Planning (510)
Police (510) 833-6670 . Public Works (510) 833-6630 · Recreation (510) 833.
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October 11, 1993
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Victor Taugher
City of Dublin
100 Civic Plaza
P.O. Box 2340
Dublin, CA 94568
RE: Permit #920695
CrossWinds Church
6444 Sierra Court
Dear Vic,
We are requesting a six month extension on our permit, which expires on
October 29,1993.
We have been making progress on completing the final punch list items, but still
have the handicapped lift and sheet rock work in the lobby to complete.
We are requesting this extension in order to do as much work as possible on a
volunteer basis.
Thank you for your consideration.
.~-t ~JK-K--
, Gregg Nelson ", .
GN Ikk
6444 Sierra Court, Dublin, CA 94568 (510) 551-3300
7.28.420 Permit-Suspension or
The Building Official may, in writing,
suspend or revoke a permit issued under
the provisions of this chapter whenever
the permit has been issued in error, or on
the basis of incorrect information sup-
plied, or in violation of this chapter, rule
or regulation. (Ord. 21-89 ~ 12.12)
.7.28.430''-1 Fees-Generally.
The provisions of this section apply to -
fees collected, by the Building Official.
A. The City Council shall, by resolu-
tion, adopt a schedule offees for permits.
reinspections, code compliance surveys,
moved building inspections, plan and
specification storage fee, additional plan
checking, hourly rates for inspection
services not covered by,specific fees, and
fees authorized by the Alquist-Priolo
Geologic Hazards Zones Act.
B. Prior to the issuance of any permit
required by this chapter, the applicant
shall pay the fees as established by resolu-
tion of the City Council.
, C; Where work for which a permit is:
required by this Chapter is started or pro.
ceeds prior to obtaining such permit, the
permit fee shall be, as a minimum, dou~
bled and may be increased up to three (3)
times the, ()riginal,amountdepending on}
the crcumsiancesofviolation. The pay}
.., ," - ."', . .' ?;
men! of such 'penalty fee shall ,not relieve
aAfperSon'from fully"complying with an
qt.thfp~~visi~~s 'of this chapter.
D. The payment ofa penalty fee shall
not be required where the work was done
two years before the date it has been
determined that the work was done with-
out a permit. A penalty fee shall ~ot be
required when the work was done or
caused to be done by a previous owner of
the property.
E. The determination of value or
valuation under any of the provisions of
this chapter shall be made by the Build-
ing Official. The value to be used in com-
puting the building permit and permit
processing fees shall be the total value of
all construction work for which the per-
mit is issued as well as all finish work,
painting, roofing, electrical, plumbing,
heating, air conditioning, elevators, fire
extinguishing systems and any other per-
manent equipment at the time the per-
mit is issued. (Ord. 21-89 S 12.13 (a))
7.28.440 Permit processing fee.
Each application for a permit shall be
accompanied by a fee equal to forty per-
cent (40%) of the total permit fee
rounded off to the nearest dollar. The
pe,rmit processing fee shall be credited
toward the total permit fee required.
After permit processing has commenced,
no portion of the permit processing fee
shall be refundable. (Ord. 21-89 S 12.13
7.28.450 Re(unds.
A. Sixty percent (60%) of any permit
fee may be refunded to the applicant
prior to the expiration of the permit pro-
vided that the work' authorized under the
permit has not commenced. Thirty per-
cent (30%) of the' permit fee may be
refu,nded to the applicant after a permit
has expired provided that the work has
not commenced, but in no case shall any
refund be allowed after one year from the
date of expiration of the permit. Requests
for refund shall be in writing. Any
- 94
WHEREAS, Crosswinds Church, 6444 Sierra Court, Dublin has
requested a variance to Section 7.28.430 C. Dublin Municipal Code so
as to waive the double fees for electrical work and installation of
bleachers at 6444 Sierra Court, because the work was done without a
permit; and
WHEREAS, the city Council did hold a hearing on this matter
on December 12, 1994; and
WHEREAS, good cause appearing to the city Council.
does hereby grant the requested variance to Section 7.28.430 C. Dublin
Municipal Code to Crosswinds Church so as to waive the provisions for
imposing a double fee.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of December, 1994
City Clerk
EXi;"'Bf.r 4
WHEREAS, Crosswinds Church, 6444 Sierra Court, Dublin has
requested a variance to section 7.28.430 C. DUblin Municipal Code so
as to waive the double fees for electrical work and installation of
bleachers at 6444 Sierra Court, because the work was done without a
permit; and
WHEREAS, the city Council did hold a hearing on this matter
on December 12, 1994; and
WHEREAS, good cause appearing to the City Council.
does hereby request the variance to section 7.28.430 C. Dublin
Municipal Code be denied.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of December, 1994
city Clerk
EXrilBIT 5
7.28.420 Permit-Suspension or
The Building Official may, in writing,
suspend or revoke a permit issued under
the provisions of this chapter whenever
the permit has been issued in error, or on
the basis of incorrect information sup-
plied, or in violation ofthis chapter, nIle
or regulation. (Ord. 21-89 9 12.12)
) G
7.28.430 'Fees- enerally.
The provisions of this section apply to .
fees collected by the Building Official.
A. The City Council shall, by resolu-
tion, adopt a schedule offees for permits.
reinspections, code 'compliance su[Y'eys,
moved building inspections, plan and
specification storage fee, additional plan
checking, hourly rates for inspection
services not covered by, specific fees, a:iG
fees authorized by the Alquist-Priolo
Geologic Hazards Zones Act.
B. Prior to the issuance of any pem:it
required by this chapter, the applic:?nt
shall pay the fees as established by resoiu-
tion of the City Council.
C. Where work for which apermit is
required by this Chapter is started or pro-
ceeds prior to obtaining such permit, the
permit fee shall be, as a minimum, dou-
bled and may be increased up to three (3)
times the original amount depending on
the circumstances of violation. The pay-
ment of such penalty fee shall not relieve
'1 ....,. ,'/"-1',
any person fro_m fully complying with all
of the provisions of this chapter.
D. The payment of a penalty fee shall
not be required where the work was done
two years before the date it has bee:::J.
determined that the work was done wiu,1.
out a permit. A penalty fee shall ~ot be
required when the work was done or
caused to be done by a previous owner of
the property.
E. The determination of value or
valuation under any of the provisions of
this chapter shall be made by the Build-
ing Official. The value to be used in com-
puting the building permit and permit
processing fees shall be the total value of
all construction work for which the per-
mit is issued as well as all finish work,
painting, roofing, electrical, plumbing,
he3ting, air conditioning, elevators, fire
extinguishing systems and any other per-
manent equipment at the time the per-
mit is issued. (Ord. 21-89 ~ 12.13 (a))
7.28.440 Permit processing fee.
Each application for a permit shall be
accompanied by a fee equal to fony per-
cent (40%) of the total permit fee
rounded off to the nearest dollar. The
pe,rmit processing fee shall be c:edited
toward the total permit fee .required.
After permit processing has commenced,
no ponion of the permit processing fee
shall be refundable. (Ord. 21-89 ~ 12.13
7.28.450 Refunds.
A. Sixty percent (60%) of any permit
fee may be refunded to the applicant
prior to the expiration of the permit pro-
vided that the work authorized under the
permit has not commenced. Thirty per-
cent (30%) of the' permit fee may be
refu.Ild~d to the applicant after a permit
has expired provided that the work has
not commenced. but in no case shall any
refund be allowed after one ye:1r from the
date of expiration of the permit. Requests
for refund shall be in writing. Any
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