HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 AdFutureOpeningsCC e e CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 28, 1994 SUBJECT: Placement of Ad in Newspaper Related to Future Opening on City council (Report by Elizabeth Silver, City Attorney) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: ;'(City Attorney Memorandum dated November 11, 1994 ~List of Commission/Committee Appointments . / showing terms which expire in December, 1994 ;- Application forms currently used to fill vacancies on Planning commission and Parks & Community Services (formerly Park & Recreation) Commission LamPle display ad which was run last year RECOMMENDATION: ~ Consider and provide appropriate direction to Staff. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Costs to run a display ad similar in size to what was run last year two times in both the Valley Times and the Tri-Valley Herald would be approximately $500. Sufficient funds are included in the Fiscal Year 1994-95 City Council budget. DESCRIPTION: When Councilmember Houston is sworn in and seated as Mayor at the December 12th City Council meeting, a vacancy on the Council will occur, with a term ending in November, 1996. The council then has 30 days (until January 11, 1995) to either fill the vacancy of the unexpired term by appointment or call a special election (which would be held on June 6, 1995). Another option would be for the Council to adopt an ordinance providing for a temporary appointment to fill the vacancy only until the June election. Cm. Houston has requested that Staff place the issue on this agenda in order that the Council may again discuss the possibility of placing an ad in local newspapers advising residents of this opening and allowing them to request applications. The City Attorney has determined that the current City Council could legally advertise for interested applicants if so desired at this time, without hampering the ability of the new City Council to call a special election to fill the Council seat vacated by Councilmember Houston. Additionally, the City Clerk is required by state Law to post/publish a list of all City CommissionS/Committees where openings will occur. This list must be posted/published each year no later than December 31st. Application forms have been developed for both the Planning and the Parks & Community Services Commissions and Staff is currently developing an application for the future Heritage Center Advisory Committee. Staff recommends that the Cpuncil discuss the issues and provide direction to staff. Should the Council direct that ads be placed, direction should be provided with regard to: 1) When should ads run? 2) How many times should ads run? 3) Should there be a formal application form for the Council position? If so, what information should be included? 4) What date should be listed as the cutoff date for submitting applications to the City Clerk? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO. -8.1 COPIES TO: CITY CLERK FILE~ e e ~~: (u-lu}'l ~ . -f 1!fif.,. 6a.t/rtJZ..~. .f- Ref1 -r pJ<c:5V ":)'" . MEYERS, NAVE, RIBACK, SILVER & WILSON A Professional Law Corporation Michael R Nave Steven R Meyers Elizabeth H. Silver Michael S. Riback Kenneth A. Wilson Gateway Plaza 7n Davis Street, Suite 300 San Leandro, CA 94Sn Telephone: (510) 351-4300 Facsimile: (510) 351-4481 Santa Rosa Orfice Clifford F. Campbell Michael F. Rodriquez Kathleen Faubion Wendy A. Roberts David W. Skinner Steven T. Mattas Rick W. Jarvis Veronica A. Nebb 555 Fifth Street, Suite 230 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 545-8009 (707) 545-6617 (Fax) n r: C L:. 1 V ~~ to: I, ~ San Leandro .' j 1 i.t 1994. ern or- DUBUN Of counsel: Andrea J. Saltzman MEMORANDUM TO: Kay Keck Dublin city Clerk DATE: November 11, 1994 FROM: Elizabeth H. Silver Dublin city Attorney RE: council Vacancy When Guy Houston is sworn in as Mayor, which I will assume will be on December 12, 1994, a vacancy will occur on the Council. The Government Code provides in this situation that ". . . the council shall, within 30 days from the commencement of the vacancy, either fill the vacancy by appointment or call a special election to fill the vacancy. The special election shall be held on the next regularly established election date not less than 114 days from the call of the special election." (Government Code ~ 36512, subd. (b).) If the Council fails to appoint a person to fill the vacancy, the Council must call a special election. The last regular Council meeting at which the Council could act is the January 9, 1995, meeting. The special election must be held on the next regular election date at least 114 days after the Council calls the election. Elections Code section 2500 establishes the regular election dates. The possible dates for an election include the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March of odd-numbered years and the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June of each year. ,< i. e e TO: FROM: RE: DATE: PAGE: Kay Keck Elizabeth H.Silver Council Vacancy November 11, 1994 2 The next regular election date at least 114 days after December 12, 1994, would be June 6, 1995. The special election would still be held on June 6 even if the Council waited until its January 9, 1995, meeting to call an election. The council may, if it wishes, enact an ordinance pursuant to Government Code section 36512, subdivision (c), to provide that the vacancy be filled at a special, election only. This would eliminate the Council's option of filling the vacancy by appointment. If the Council enacted such an ordinance, the election would still be on June 6. There are three forms the ordinance may take. It could merely provide that the vacancy is filled by special election. (S 36512, subd. (c) (1).) Alternatively, it could provide that a special election be called only if a certain number of petitions are filed with the City asking that the vacancy be filled by election. (~36512, subd. (c) (2).) Finally, it could provide that the vacancy be filled at a special election but that a person be appointed to hold office only until the special election. (~36512, subd. (c)(3).) The person appointed or elected to fill the vacancy will serve for Guy Houston's unexpired term of office or until the November 1996 election. Very truly yours, MEYERS, NAVE, RIBACK, SILVER & WILSON r/;. /Jj Elizabeth H. Silver EHS: jde 114\memo\Ol\vacancy e e Commission/Committee Name Term Expires Planninq Commission George zika Le Roy (Lee) North Ralph Rafanelli Bill Burnham Patrice Geist December 1996 December 1994 * December 1996 December 1994 * December 1996 Parks & Community services commission steve Jones Barbara Donnell Randy Cahn steve Lockhart Bob Trimble student Commissioner Holly Ann Lampe December 1996 December 1994 * December 1994 * December 1996 December 1996 June, 1995 senior Center Advisory Committee Barbara Gifford Mary Gibbert Frank Zagarella Martin Sirlin Mary Lou Bielke December, 1994 * December, 1996 December, 1994 * December, 1996 December, 1996 Heritage Center Advisory Committee To Consist of 7 Members 5 At-Large 2 From DHPA (President & 1 Board Member) * Terms expire this year. K2/C/LISTAPPT Updated 11/16/94 ~ e e SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS FOR PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICANTS 1. Why are you interested in being on the Planning commission? 2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning? 3. How do you feel about Dublin's future growth? 4. What should the city's position be regarding growth? 5. What type(s) of housing do we need? 6. What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning? e e SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS FOR PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICANTS Page 2 7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance Dublin's business districts? 8. What, if anything, should the City Council demand of developers in future developments? 9. How do you feel about the Sign Ordinance? 10. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with some neighbors? 11. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission? NAME: OCCUPATION: TELEPHONE: DATE: (Work) (Home) ~ e e SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS FOR PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION APPLICANTS 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Park & Recreation Commission? 2. What knowledge do you have of the park and recreational facilities in Dublin? 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Recreation Department? Have you or a family member participated in a Recreation Department program? 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? ~ e SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS Page 2 e FOR PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION APPLICANTS 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Park & Recreation Commission? NAME: OCCUPATION: DATE: TELEPHONE: (Work) (Home) ~ e e ~ ',*, ~ ...,~ '*' ~ ., ~ ., ~ &-,~., ~ ...~ -~ ~ D VJ ' , . ~ · r9'6" CITY OF DUBLIN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ._-~ TIle City of Dublin is seeking applicml~ kl fill cunoent mld!orf~~ure vacancies ~ f\I on Ule following bom'ds: " .' . ,.'. ~ ' , .- - . ., ~ '~' Planning Commission - Meets on 1st and 3rd Monday evenin~ of each month at ' .!II. .!II. Ule Dublin Civic Center ' '" '1'\ '1'\ ,~ --~. Park & Recreation Commissioll- Meets on 2nd lllesday evening of each montl} at ~ , Ule Dublin Civic Center '. . '1'\ .=:! Senior Center Advisory Committee -Meelli on 4Ul Thursda; morning of each . ~ ,. monUl at the Dublin Senior Center, 7431 Larkdale Avenue ~ f\I. Heri~1ge Center Task For~ - This is a new committee just being formed with a ~ ~ ~1Sk kl determine ;md ildvise Ule City Council on Ule best way to operate programs ~ ~.....~ at th~ Heritage Center. ~ ~ DUBLIN RESIDENTS interested in serving on one of Ule above boards may ~ '~ request ,m application form by con~1cting Kay Kec~ City Cler~ at 833-6650. .' '1'\ . ~ ~ In order for appointmenl'i to be considered by Mayor Peter Snyder, completed .!II. applications should be returned to tlle City Clerk'sOffice, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, '1\ f\I CA 94568 no later Ulan 5:00 p.m., on Friday, January 29',1993. , ~ -'*'~...~ .,~'*'~:...~ '*',~,*,~ ~ o 0, / - ff -7 ~ 7i IJta5 ~