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HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudy Session 02-065B - GM Auto Mall AGENDA STATEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION DATE: Julv 24. 2007 SUBJECT: STUDY SESSION: PA 02-065B: GM Auto Mall- Master Sign Program Amendment, Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review for the GM Auto Mall located at 4200 John Monego Court. Report prepared by Erica Fraser, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1) Project Plans. 2) Master Sign Program Text. 3) Applicant's Written Statement. RECO~TION' Receive p,e,entation ""d pmvide foedbnck PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is a Master Sign Program Amendment, Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review to add a 7'8" x 13' electronic readerboard (also known as a LED display) panel on the existing 55 foot freeway sign for the GM Auto Mall. BACKGROUND: On January 14, 2003, the Planning Commission approved a Master Sign Program/Site Development Review to allow the construction of a 55-foot tall freeway sign for the GM Auto Mall which then consisted of the Buick, Pontiac and GMC dealerships (see photo of the existing sign on page 1 of Attachment 1). On May 10, 2005, the Planning Commission approved a Site Development Review to allow the construction of three additional dealerships in the GM Auto Mall to include the Hummer, Saturn and Saab dealerships. Construction of the dealerships is nearly complete and a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy has been granted for the dealerships to allow the dealerships to open and operate while completing a few minor improvements. On May 11, 2007, the Zoning Administrator approved a Master Sign Program Amendment to amend the existing Master Sign Program to allow for the construction of new wall, monument and directional signage associated with the dealerships as well as new identification lettering on the freeway sign. Dublin Zoning Ordinance Section 8.84.050 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance states that an electronic readerboard sign may be permitted as a wall sign or a freestanding sign subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the COPIES TO: Applicant Property Owner File ITEM NO.: , 0 . , Pagelof5 G:\PA#\2002\02-065 Buick Pontiac Sign\02-065B MSP SDR\PC SS Agenda Statement.doc Planning Commission. The Zoning Ordinance defines an electronic readerboard sign as a business sign on which the copy is electronically changed and which is intended primarily to promote items for sale or of general interest to the community. An LED display panel is a type of electronic readerboard. Site Development Review and Conditional Use Permits are discretionary permits which allow the Planning Commission to review the project and determine if the project meets the following objectives: . Implement the purposes, polices and programs of the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; . Provide effective and attractive identification for business services and uses; . Promote reasonable sign standards to avoid visual clutter; . Attract and direct the public to available activities, goods and services; . Enhance the economic value of the community through attractive and effective signage; . Provide for vehicular and pedestrian safety by prohibiting or restricting distracting signs; and . Promote attractive development. Electronic Readerboard Signs in Dublin Only one electronic readerboard sign has been approved and installed in the City (a picture of this sign is included on page 3 of Attachment 1). This sign is located in the Dublin Auto Mall at 6015 Scarlett Court and was approved by the Planning Commission on May 15, 1995. The sign displays message/advertisements for dealerships in the Auto Mall as well as some non-profit messages (required by the Conditions of Approval for the sign). The display panel for this sign is comprised of light bulbs which are turned on and off to form the messages. The sign is currently broken and has been turned off for approximately one month. Signs for the GM Auto Mall As shown in Attachment 2, there are a variety signs in the GM Auto Mall development which provide adequate visibility for all of the dealerships. Pages 5-8 of Attachment 2 depict sign locations and a picture of signage in the Auto Mall. In addition to the 55-foot tall freeway sign (on which the proposed LED display panel is proposed to be located), the site also has one 8'9" tall monument sign which displays the names of all of the dealerships on the comer of John Monego Court and Dublin Boulevard, one 36- foot tall monument sign for Buick, Pontiac and GMC on John Monego Court and one 28-foot tall monument sign for Buick, Pontiac and GMC on Dublin Boulevard. Regulations in Surrounding Cities Staff conducted a review of cities near Dublin to determine if LED or electronic signs are permitted in the surrounding communities. The following table provides information on the regulations of neighboring communities. City Electronic Sil!ns Permitted? Danville No Fremont Yes Hayward Yes Livermore No Pleasanton No San Ramon No Tracy No Walnut Creek No Of the eight cities surveyed, only two permit electronic signs. The City of Hayward permits electronic signs along the freeways. Two electronic signs have been installed in the City, one on 1-880 and one on 1- 20f5 92. The City of Fremont also allows electronic signs and one was installed approximately 10 years ago on Altamont Parkway. Fremont has indicated that they are currently trying to discourage the installation of new electronic signs. ANALYSIS: Display Panel The Applicant has proposed to install a LED display panel on the existing 55 foot tall freeway sign for the GM Auto Mall. The existing freeway sign is located in close proximity to the freeway (set back 100 feet from the right-of way) and provides visual identification of the dealerships in the auto mall. The freeway sign is located more than one mile from the existing Dublin Auto Mall electronic readerboard sign. The location ofthe existing sign is shown on the map below. The proposed LED sign panel would measure 7' 8" tall by 13' wide. The panel would be located below the Hummcr dealership name as shown on page I of Attachment I. The purpose of the sign is to display advertisements/promotions for dealerships in the Auto Mall. Each picture will bc displayed on the sign for a minimum of 4 seconds. Sample pictures for the sign can be found on page 2 of Attachment 1. The screen will not show video images. The Applicant has included a statement on the benefits of electronic signs as part of the Applicant's written statement (Attachment 3). The LED display panel will be located ncar the existing Ford Dealership which has a freeway sign and near the Koll Business Center and Gateway Medical Offices (no freeway signs). Both thc Koll office buildings and the Gateway medical buildings are attractively designed and are constructed with high quality materials. Thc sign will be located in an area with low landscaping (the taller landscaping along the freeway will be removed shortly) and a few trees. As a result. the LED panel will be visible throughout the area including the freeway, office buildings, parking areas and John Monego Court. Signage plays an important role in the overall aesthetics of a city. Signage is one component of the overall built environmcnt and image for a city. Attractive signage plays a key role in the overall vision of a city which includes architecture and landscape. Sign clutter and sizes which arc out of context with the surrounding environment, and poor materials can lead to negative visual impacts of a city. In this case. thc 30f5 proposed panel will be located next to a freeway which has high visibility, not only from motorists on the freeway, but from adjacent properties and businesses. The building and signage adjacent to areas which are heavily used creates a visual impression of the City to residents as well as motorists and our regional neighbors. CONCLUSION: The proposed electronic sign will be the second electronic sign on the 1-580 freeway. As previously discussed, most cities do not allow electronic signs and in the two cities where these signs are permitted, the number of these signs is limited (no City has more than one electronic sign on each freeway). The Applicant has requested approval of the electronic sign for advertising promotions/sales on cars for sale in the GM Auto Mall. Staff is asking for feedback from the Planning Commission on the following: . Does the proposed display panel fit within the character of Eastern Dublin and the vicinity? . Does the proposed display panel meet the objectives for signage listed on page 2 of this Staff Report? . Will the proposed display panel negatively impact the vision of the City from the 1-580 freeway? . Will the display panel result in sign clutter for the GM Auto Mall site? . Is the display panel appropriate for this use and the site? RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission receive presentation and provide feedback. 40f5 GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT: Hummer/SatumlSaab Inder Dosanjh 3093 Broadway Oakland, CA 94611 PROPERTY OWNER: Same LOCATION: 4200 John Monego Court ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER: 986-0016-004 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: General Commercial SPECIFIC PLAN AREA: Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EXISTING LAND USE: Auto Dealerships SURROUNDING USES: Location Zoning General Plan Land Use Current Use of Property Site PD (Planned General Commercial GM Auto Mall Development) consisting of the Buick, Pontiac, GMC, Hummer, Saturn and Saab dealerships North PD (Planned Medium Density Single Family Development) Residential and Mixed Residential Use South N/A N/A 1-580 Freeway East PD (Planned Retail/Office Office and Medical uses Development) West PD (Planned General Commercial Ford Dealership and Development) Dublin Comers shopping center 50f5 4' -O'T (48"1 TYP 14'-1 (169") Illlll BUICK 7-8" ( 92") - a urn EXISTING PYLON SIGN WITH NEW COMPONENTS - SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" +- UghtIng & S/gM SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" 13' -0" (156") Technical Specifications 34 mm full-Color RGB Outdoor full.Matrix-3400 Series Qlaracter Height. 19' (7 piKel lanl) Pillel Pilch: 13-4 mm (1.33' I cen1r.r-10-Cf'!nler, I 81 pIXels per sq. h. COI04 Capability; . 132,768 colon 1 '6: 2 rod, 2 grCKlfl and 2 blue +- - - -- - - - -; 100,000-+ hours I 190 degrMs harilontallt 40 oegreGS vertical I LEOs per Pixel: Eshmated LED Lilellme: Viewing Angle: Contros. Enhancement: Horilonlollouvers -- - - ---. ---- - $el'tice Access: I Fronl access Graphic Capability: Text. graphics. logos. basic animation. I multiple lont styles and lIizcs 1___ ,Venus 1500 - '"120/240 VAC siogle phose I .-l_ _ _ __ 16-4 levels (automatic or monu~ control) -- Conliol Software: Power ; Display Dimming: - ----....,.- Communication Options. RS231. R.S422. Modem, Seriol Fiber,' Fiber and Radio I Compliance Information: 1 UL and ULc usted J....__ ___ ___ ".------------------------------------------.-.---.-..--------------------------.-.-------------.-.--" INSTALL TWO(2) ILLUMINATED L.E.D. MARQUEE DISPLAYS (1 EACH SIDE OF PYLON) -It ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION DISPLAY WITH 8" RETURNS -It 34MM RGB 64x112 MATRIX L.E.D. PIXEL CONFIGURATION -It SURVEY REQUIRED TO VERIFY SIGN STRUCTURE . '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,' Attachment 1 R'ECETVE0 MAR 0 9 2007 DUBLIN PLANNING EXISTING PYLON SIGN NOT TO SCALE ~t---t---t--- 0999 6~~6 ~6~~~ .~~~- . fa ~ z ~ ; w ~ VI ~J oIl':- C> VI Clt, rCi.: ~ c." -&1 ffi c...;> l%l ~ II: I w is en ~ Z u: 0.:: LL Co 0 U <...) n2 I UJ ~ 2 ., Z 2 t)L :::J ::J I [Q I Z -~ ., D :E t)L ~ Ul ::s ::J t)L uP ~ ~ <( ~ en z ~ ~ J ~ f/) u: c(S [Q <( <( ~ t)L Ul 2 2 <( ::J D I <...) Ul (.Q Z Z t- O 0 I :J :J ..- ZC\J [Q [Q , ::J ::J ~O) D D <( O~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ bi - 6LotJ .9 Dublin Auto Mall 5510 Scarlet Court, Dublin, CA 94568 a. Sign is double faced and viewed from East / West bound traffic on Interstate 580. Sign is approx. 65' tall with a 6' x 18' incandescent light bank message center amber monochrome. ~t:; t:;t:; ~ A, , , 't<") ~9 50 I I , t<") 15 ~5 50 ~ .@1 ~ (\.1 ra . . . . ~ ~ \II -'.1 .,;l' 0 \/1 ~ 8Cl.' ! ... ~ c,. :i-1 a:: ~ w cD z ~ ~ z ffi ~ it ~ ~ Cf) ~ l!S Fremont Auto Mall 5720 Cushing Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538 a. Sign is double faced and viewed from North / South bound traffic on Interstate 880. Sian is armrox. 55' tall with a 4' x 15' full color LED messatJe center. No video. - . . - Z u.. u.. o U I ~ Z DL :::::) In ~ @ Cf) DL ~ < ~ J Cf) Z DL :::::) ~ ill 06 In < < ill no! UJ 2 2< ~u@~ zz\-9 --0...- --!--!ZN In In I :::::):::::)illo) a a < o~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ i UghtIng & S/gM ~ D I..) ~ Ul ~ ., ~ ::::l . I I .5 :E :l uP ~ z ~ u: ....., ~t'-- t'-- t'-- 09 00 'tc) ~$ 50 I , 5 ~ t5 ~5 ~~~ t<) Iil , , , . ~ w ~ VI -.. t .,:. C> vi I p; ~..:I P- c,. ~1 ffi C.J ell Z ~ ~ ~ !f ii: ~ ~ rn ~ Century Auto Mall 3800 Century Way, Pitt5burg. CA 94565 a. Sign i5 double faced and viewed from Ea5t / We5t bound traffic on highway 4. Si~n i5 approx. 80' tall with a 14' x 23' full color LED me55age center. No video. Antioch Auto Center 1031 Somer5ville Road, Antioch. CA 94509 a. Sign i5 5ingle faced and viewed heading North on Somer5ville road a5 well a5 lookina North from hitthwav 4. Sian is al?l?rox. 90' tall with a 15' x 26' full color LED - - - - I I me55age center. Have video capabilitie5. :.'" R V !:oo ,-, ... .. Jeep DODGE SCIOli ., 2 ~ :::> ~ ti) ~ m < < ti) ~ w ~ ~< ~u~~ 22\-9 --0..- ....J....J2C\J mm I :::>:::>lJ)0) DD<a~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ i 2 u:: lL o U I lJ) 2 ~ :::> m t5 ~ m ~ rn < ~ J rn CERTIFIED USED CARS tl ~ {f . ~'.'" litJ 1 III " ~ . ~ LJgt/IJng.. S/gM JJ~~. J 1 :LIJ ll.i-__..J J{ - j ~~.~~ .-'3 :f;. t:t:1I Z u: Ql lL a 0 u u Do! I Ul \5) ~ ., Z ~ t\l :::::l . :J I en I Z D .E :E t\l i w :J :J t\l uP < < ~ f/l J z \5) ~ ~ ~ Ii: en < < \5) t\l W 2 2< D ~u W ~ ZZ \- a 0 I ::::i::::i ..- ;.. en en ZN I :J:J \5)0) .\ D D < ail; ~ i I 1 ~ ~ q ~t---~~ 0900 5~~$ ~55~~ ~~<.6l~ .... .... .... .... Marina Auto Mall 1066 Marina Blvd. San Leandro. CA 94577 a. Sign i6 double faced and viewed heading North / South on inter6tate 880 near Southland Mall 1 Southland Mall. Hayward. CA 94545 a. Sign i6 double faced and viewed heading North / South on inter6tate 880. Sign ....11.. ~.A ""..i..."" P.I"A DVI+- ....._ ..._. 1.'- _...._.. _"...... a:".... II":: ,.,""""""'..."" ac::.' +_11 11':+1... _ ')r"f' u ~~, .J:...II __1__ I r=n -... __ _ _ __ '-"'a" ....... ....rr. "'". ""'''"' ........11 ,........ '""....., """""'"" 1 \All ,",VIVI &-L-V '11"'VV.:;..e~V :,-:: ,.,~........-" Of"\'+-.....II..ri+L.t" 1c::.'" ~I""\'J;.,II __1__1 en -....______ __.......__ ~I_ ...:..J__ .- &oo'Irrl ""A. ""'........ .......... ...v...... ."'" ,,~'-" IWII ",VIVI ......."" II.V,",vc;.4~V VVI.VVI. . 'IV YI",,",VV. fil ~ ~ center. No video. z o s: a: ~ ~ ffi ~ <Il ~ \I) ~l ~I -=-:. ! P- c.. -='" I :i'-t CJ ffi al ~ Z ~ ~ ""., JP,~ ~<., 1 I of' @2006Ru<< UghtIng & S/gM *,S~CE >f~ ~iK: t~ HU"~. @2006I'lt1cnKOLJght/ng& S/gM I t 1 III/! ~ ~-U1 \ \-\- Illl 0111 -'- 1'1 :10'-<7" I .~f , [ij' I I I I II L - ------ ---- I \ I~ \ I 7 \: ~ U !'!:. Ii (1' ~-~ , I-I I I I \ I I I I I , \ \ I \ \ I i i ID' I' f, I I I I I I , I I I I _____J ~T't1".r f 1\ \ '} J _ I \ I \ \~ \ r \ \ I I ~lll- \ \ I \ \ ~~ I \ r I \ I I \, 1 I , LOT ARS:A . 5.6 ACIlE . I' ~J~;\ .: --,r' - . ..- - I~l '-~ A a !l Ai; ,.....~. ,r------ 7 _ .. f(,.. ~--.--01 n ,: t-- i~- - 'I : I - ~~ -.e' (c ......,'.:. "oc=cc, -0- ~:l' c(.1 "- L -' I ~. ~'," ~~.. - . "r.-.. .. --..::l I , ; / I' -,- ?'.~:~ ..~u~.'.:~'."71 01 - - i-- I: I ! . ! I : - .. ...- ~~I> ~ I .." 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I ill Z ~ =:) [f) ~ @ <J) ~ ~ <( <J) ~ ~ <J) ~ D <....) tl.2 UJ ~ ~ ~ I I .E .1 :E ::J uP ~ z ~ Z ()L =:) ~ ill 06 tQ <( <( ill {)L w ~ ~<( =:) <..) D ,C"'\ :r: w~ zz\-9 --0..-- -l-lZN tQ[f) I =:)=:)U)(j) D D <( a~ ; GM Auto Mall (Buick, Pontiac, GMC, Hummer, Saturn & Saab) Master Sign Program This Master Sign Program incorporates PA-02-065, #PA 99-061, PA# , and PA# (to be determined on application for amendment). See Exhibits A - D attached hereto and made a part hereof. Exhibit A shows existing signage and the new proposed Daktronics LED board at 4400 John Monego Court (Freeway Sign), Exhibit B shows existing signage at 4400 John Monego Court, Exhibit C shows new signage at 4200 John Monego Court, and Exhibit D shows new signage at 4400 John Monego Court. Freeway Sign: Height: 55 feet Sign Size: DUBLIN (on top of the cabinet) Height: I foot ten inches Width: 14 feet Cabinet: 11 feet by 12 feet BUICK, PONTIAC, and GMC (on alucobond panels) Height: 18 feet IA inches by 14 feet Cabinet: 11 feet by 12 feet HUMMER Panel: 4 feet by 14 feet I inch Letter Height: I foot 4 inches by 13 feet 2 inches SAAB Panel: 4 feet by 14 feet 1 inch Letter Height: I foot 8 inches by 7 feet 6 inches SATURN Panel: 4 feet by 14 feet 1 inch Letter Height: I foot 8 inches by 6 feet 4 inches DAKTRONICS LED BOARD Board: 7 feet 8 inches by 13 feet Character Height: Minimum 9 inches (7 pixel font) Pixel Pitch: 34 MM center to center; 82 pixels per square foot Color Capability: 32,768 colors LEDs per Pixel: 2 red, 2 green and 2 blue Viewing Angle: 90 degrees horizontal by 40 degrees vertical Graphic Capability: Text, graphics, logos, basic animation, multiple font styles and sizes. No video. Display Dimming: 64 levels (automatic or manual control) Attachment 2 RECEIVED JUN 1 9 Z007 DUBLIN PLANNING Monument Signs: BUICK, PONTIAC, GMC, DUBLIN, GM Medallion Height: 36 feet Sign Size: Main Sign - II feet, 2 inches by 12 feet Medallion - 3 feet by 3 feet GM Certified USED VEHICLES, DUBLIN Height: 28 feet Sign Size: Main Sign - 8 feet 8 ',4 inches by 8 feet 8 ',4 inches Medallion - 2 Y2 feet by 2 Y2 feet DUBLIN AUTO CENTER Height: 8 feet by 9 feet 7 inches Setback from sidewalk: 3 feet DUBLIN AUTO CENTER letters: I foot by 7 1f.I feet BUICK letters: 8 inches by 4 ',4 feet PONTIAC letters: 8 inches by 5 feet GMC letters: 8 inches by 3 feet SAAB letters: 8 inches by 3 feet SA TURN letters: 8 inches by 2 Y2 feet HUMMER letters: 8 inches by 6 t,4 feet Directionals: Thank You Come Again/Directional Sign Height: 5 feet Sign Size: 2 feet II inches by 4 feet 4 inches GOODWRENCH Service Plus Height: 8 feet Sign Size: 2 feet, 3 and 9/16 inches by 8 feet, 4 and 9/16 inches CUSTOMER PARKING Height: 4 feet Sign Size: 2 feet II inches by 4 feet 4 inches HUMMER, SAAB and SATURN directional Height: 5 feet 4 inches by 4 feet HUMMER and SAAB Service Drive directional Height: 5 feet 4 inches by 4 feet 2 Wall Signs: DUBLIN (over main entrance) Height: 24 inches Width: 16 feet 10 inches BUICK (on east elevation) Height: 36 inches Width: 21 feet 6 inches PONTIAC (on east elevation) Height: 36 inches Width: 12 feet 2 inches GMC (on north elevation) Height: 36 inches Width: 12 feet 2 inches SERVICE & QUICK LUBE (on east elevation) Height: 16 inches Width: 25 feet 10 inches HUMMER (on South elevation of Hummer Building) Height: 3 feet Width: 21 feet II inches 4200C (on East elevation of Hummer Building) Height: I foot Width: 4 feet 2 inches HUMMER (on West elevation of Hummer Building) Height: I foot 3 inches Width: 7 feet 5 inches SAAB (on West elevation of Hummer Building) Height: I foot 3 inches Width: 4 feet SERVICE (on West elevation of Hummer Building) Height: 2 feet 6 inches Width: 19 feet 9 inches SAAB standard brand sign (on South elevation of Saab Building) Cabinet: 2 feet by 21 feet 6 inches Logo: 2 feet 5 inches by 2 feet Letters: 2 feet by 7 feet 6 inches 3 SAAB of DUBLIN (on South elevation of Saab Building) Height: I foot Width: 9 feet 2 inches 4200B (on East elevation of Saab Building) Height: I foot Width: 4 feet 2 inches PARTS (on South elevation of Parts Building) Height: 2 feet Width: 8 feet 11 inches PARTS (on East elevation of Parts Building) Height: 2 feet Width: 8 feet II inches 4200D (on East elevation of Parts Building) Height: I foot Width: 4 feet 2 inches SATURN (on South elevation of Saturn Building) Height: 2 feet Width: 7 feet 6 inches SATURN (on East elevation of Saturn Building) Height: 2 feet Width: 7 feet 6 inches 4200A (on East elevation of Saturn Building) Height: I foot Width: 4 feet 2 inches 4 ~ ~ (j ~, lI\ ~ ,~ If, ~ Exhibit "A" - Existing Signage and proposed new LED Board at 4400 John Monego Court i I .._l...._,~ I I I 1-= -- L L---, / I ::::::', I. _. ,L. fn--L '=:-1C~ tI.C.;; , ..- . - T '. " . _ 11I---.--. ~ J '- .-, i="'. c \..-, , · J '4H'n · ~ 1-1' 1-3 . ., iH: 1..;- j. I _ :;:. ~- I I I I .- i It . . _ I I' .', ... ..-1' I' ,~ , _JI- 1 I~ ..... ~~1 r: ~ _--T" ~, r I 14'-1 ~lblr) 111111 BUICK -~ ClMe .... ~;~..-..... '...... f(i)~ W'~ urn .~II" '. I'" l',: " HiGllWA Y {(Quit 550 Exhibit "B" - Existing Signage at 4400 John Monego Court ~ rTirr ~~ hf. P~";..G ~o ~txT 101' PAlio(JNG ... z il -~."~. ~,.,... .., ..~...... ..... ... - .. ......~ " ... ~ ~, ~ \ ,~~~t' . - - .-.....,., I ,/ ~ II a UtH-Htr 11 I ! > I Ii I II - ! - I ~ II I : I I / I 'I LOTNtIi.A-U/!lClfr. II 1~ c= = I , ==-== =~( ~J -======- ~! ====' ~ ~! ..... '< ~ ~ ~ Ctj !SERVICE ,~ ..l, 0wu0 ~ o HUM... ((:>ZOO5' UfIIrIIn, , .s.un. Exh(Qt-~ - ~ ':iJ11X3( Q1- q~(X) Jdv\ ~o CtWf- c .. J PARTS 4200 ID .......-. (-II"M Olt o-.y. Saturn if /~' - t _ r, / ,;'-' . /~) 1 ! -~--- -----i.-="--f!' ..- .~-,-,- -r- I --~-~It-_:r"~'_'- q f / " ' " " " " ~ooc ..-....-......1= SUbof[l;:dn 4200 8 ) Site Plan ,"= 60'-0- HIGHWAY ROUTE 580 ~il ~, ~ ~i c..> Z III ~ If) ~ 10 ~ If) w ~ ~< ~uQ\D zz~9 :::i:::i~N 1010 I 55~~~ i 4 " Jmn 1'YI~ 09 ((;; ZfKIf""-'<o LJfIhIIn, . s.... Exh ibl1 ]) - I\ew ~~ Q-t L{L<<)o Jnt\ mtfleq D JB2.6lE.~16~ JITlTnTITlllTIf I ~~.~~ ~ I~ 01tH+HtQtHt~ NTS ~ -J Cl:l <: ::i :., Cl:l ... :::> ~ Q ~ 68"1.7,---5 02'1331 E 687.7\ JOHN MONEGO CT eN z u:: u. o u m z III => IQ Z D III uJ ~ ~ ~ \l) !"'") 06 IQ ~ \l) uJ ~ ~ ~6D~ zz~9 :J:J~C\i ~~\l)m DD<O~ I] ,,"\ :.-, ~I ex:: ;i Cl. ~) -PIOvl~ b~ Aw~c.c,u,d- Applicant's Written Statement Benefits of Electronic Message Centers Tax Base Benefits - EMC's are a great advertising benefit to their users. It has been shown that sales increase with the installation of an EMC. This increase in business improves the city's tax base. Increase Competitiveness - EMC's are an important tool for small businesses to compete with larger companies. Large companies have much larger advertising budgets on average. EMC's allow small companies to communicate with the public in an efficient and cost effective manner. EMC's are an important tool for new businesses to compete with established companies. An on-premise sign is a critical piece of a new business plan. An EMC is the optimal method by which to alert the area of a new business. EMC's are an important tool for local businesses to attract customers from neighboring areas. Potential customers who happen to be passing by the location may be enticed to shop there instead of closer to their own homes due to the EMC. This helps to bring business into the community. Liability Concerns - EMC's also reduce liability concerns for businesses. Manual changeable copy signs often require an employee to cross a parking lot and use a large pole or climb a ladder in order to reach the sign. In windy, icy, rainy conditions etc. this can cause a dangerous situation. EMC's are remotely controlled and do not entail these dangers. Furthermore, letters that fall off manual changeable copy signs may create a personal or property hazard as they fall to the ground. Efficiency Argument - EMC's create a more proficient workforce. Manual changeable copy signs often require employees to stop the work that they are doing, thereby causing a loss of productivity. Public Service Announcements - EMC's may be used for public service announcements (PSA's) such as Amber Alerts. These signs are an effective way of spreading an important civic message to the public. Safety Concerns - EMC's are used by the federal and state governments to communicate with the public. Numerous studies have found that EMC's are not a safety hazard, as many have claimed. On the contrary, there is evidence that EMC's act as traffic safety enhancement devices. Less Clutter - EMC's provide clear, concise, legible messages to the public. They allow for smaller/fewer signs, as a business is able to place multiple frames of text in the same signage area. This produces less clutter along city streets as the sizes of signs may be decreased. Overall Aesthetic Improvement - EMC's improve the aesthetic image/appearance of a community as they weather more gracefully than traditional signage. Manual changeable copy signage can fade and the letters may be lost or fall off due to weather. Replacement letters do not always match the original set and signs tend to take on a mismatched look. Attachment 3 RECEIVED dUN 1 9 Z007 DUBLIN PLANNING