HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.1 BandBoostersUseSrCtr .;~ CITY CLERK File # n[g]~~-[2][Q] 'I. ,. AGENDA STATEMENT . CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:' December 17,1996 SUBJECT: Request From Dublin High School Band Boosters For Use Of Dublin Senior Center For Weekly Bingo. Report by: Diane Lowart, Parks & Community ServiCes Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Request Submitted By Lee Carpenter, Director Of Bands, Dublin ?h School RECOMMENDATION: Ot'/} \j See Discussion Below FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: At the November 20, 1996, meeting of the Dublin City Council, Dublin High School Band Director, Lee Carpenter, presented a request on behalf of the Dublin High School Band Boosters. The Band Boosters are requesting use of the Dublin Senior Center for their weekly bingo game. As the item was not on the City Council agenda, the Council could not take action on the request but instead referred the matter to the Senior Center Advisory Committee and Parks and Community Services Commission for their input. eequest from Dublin Hiih School Band Boosters The Dublin High School Band Boosters would like to lease the Dublin Senior Center for one night per week, Thursday, to hold Bingo. The hours of use would be from 4:15 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. although the actual bingo games would be held from 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The Band Boosters would like to have a one year lease with a three month option to cancel the lease. The lease would begin in January of 1997. The Band Boosters would like to use the social hall for bingo games and the kitchen for a snack bar. They would also like to use the 8' tables and folding chairs that are the property of the Center. All other equipment (pots and pans, coffee makers, utensils, additional tables, public address system and bingo equipment would be provided by the Band Boosters and would be brought in and removed each night). One exception would be their bingo board which they would like to permanently mount to the east wall of the Center. ' In exchange for use of the Center, the Dublin High School Band Boosters would be willing to offer a discount to Dublin Senior Center Supporter Cardholders and would also be willing to share their bingo equipment with the Senior Center. . COPIES TO: DHS Band BoostersIPiU'ks & Community Services Commission./Senior Center Advisory Committee ITEMNO.~ F:\citycoun\ccmtgs\1217bngo.doc "'::;j",r A~eement For Lease of Fallon School Multipm:pose Facility '. " The Fallon School Multipurpose Facility is owned by the Dublin Unified School District and leased to the City for use as the Dublin Senior Center. Under the terms of the lease agreement the City has total ". responsibility for the costs associated with the operation of the facility and, in addition, pays the District $100 per month as rent for the facility. Any revenues generated from the use of the facility are retained by the City. Further, the lease agreement provides that the District shall have fust priority in use of the facility when it is not being used for City activities and the type of use must be consistent with the City's use of the facility and subject to approval by the City. Dublin Senior Center Facility Use Policy The Dublin City Council adopted a Facility Use Policy which establishes rules, regulations, procedures and fees governing the use of the Dublin Senior Center. The Dublin Senior Center is available for rental by the community during those times when the Center is not used for City sponsored programs. As stated in the Policy, reservations are accepted one month in advance of the requested date for weekday use and three months in advance of the requested date for evening and weekend use. The Center must be vacated by 10:00 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday and 12 midnight on Friday and Saturday. The Policy does not provide for continuous use of the Center. In addition, the Policy indicates that cooking and refrigeration facilities are not available and that smoking is prohibited within the interior of the Center (Resolution No. 143-89). And, because the Dublin Senior Center is situated on Dublin Unified School District property, smoking is also prohibited on the grounds. Fees for use of the Dublin Senior Center by a public agency or resident community group are $10 per hour for use outside of regular business hours and $40 per hour if the building is to be used for the purpose of fundraising. . Exceptions to the Facility Use Policy can be granted by the City Manager or his designee. Analysis of Request Staff has reviewed the .request from the Dublin High School Band Boosters and has prepared an analysis of each of the issues. 1. Day of Week and Time: (Fhursday, 4:15 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.) Staff does not believe that the proposed day and time will have an adverse impact on Senior Center programming.. At present, programs sponsored by the Senior Center are offered from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Senior Bingo, sponsored by the Dublin Senior Center, is offered the first Wednesday evening of the month and there are preliminary discussions to expand the program to third Wednesday of the month as well. , In addition, there are tentative plans to reinstate the monthly tea dances which were previously held on the fourth Thursday of the month but which had to be suspended due to the illness of the musician. If the tea dances are reinstated, it is possible to change these dances to Wednesday evenings instead of Thursday evenings without adversely affecting the program. 2. Term of Lease: (One Year beginning in January, 1997) Staff would recommend that the initial agreement be for a term of six months (through the end of the school year in June, 1997) with an option to renew for an additional year if the arrangement is deemed to be satisfactory to both parti-es. Staff would also support the three month option to cancel the lease provided both the Band Boosters and the City would be able to exercise the option. . -,",,- .."~ 3. Use of Social Hall and Tables and Chairs: Currently the social hall of the Dublin Senior Center has ... approximately 2,310 square feet of usable space. Applying the Uniform Building Code guidelines this provides for the following usage: 330 assembly and 154 dining. Depending upon the set.up arrangement (providing for adequate entrance and exit clearance) a total of nineteen (19) eight foot ". tables could probably be set up. This arrangement would provide seating for a maximum of 152 persons (eight per table). The Senior Center currently has nine eight foot tables and approximately 300 folding chairs which could be used by the Dublin High School Band Boosters. The balance of the tables would have to be provided by the Band Boosters. 4. Use of Kitchen: Staffwould notrecommend that the kitchen be made available for use by the Dublin High School Band Boosters. At present, the Senior Center operates a lunch program which is unique to the Center. Lunches are prepared and served from the Center's kitchen (meals served at the other senior centers in the area are prepared off-site and simply served from their kitchens). The Dublin Senior Center kitchen (cooking, refrigeration, dish washing, and storage areas) must, therefore, pass regular inspections by Alameda County Department of Environmental Health. According to the Alameda County Environmental Health Department anyone using the Senior Center kitchen would technically be considered as "employees" of the Center under the Center's Health Permit and the City would be held liable if a problem arose with food served by that entity. Additionally, due to the shortage of storage space and the time needed to systematically order the kitchen for meal preparation, items regularly used by Staff and kitchen volunteers for meal preparation are arranged on the kitchen counters and left on the counters each day. If the kitchen were made available for use by the Band Boosters, these items would need to be secured in cabinets. Beside the fact that locks would need to be installed on most of the cabinets (at considerable cost to the Center), there would be additional Staff time needed to organize the kitchen on a daily basis for . meal preparation which would negatively impact the Center's partwtime staff budget. Lastly, there are only two electrical outlets available for use in the Center kitchen. The wiring of the building does not allow for heavy use. Circuits are easily overloaded causing loss of power to the refrigerator and/or freezers resulting in considerable loss and expense. 5. Dublin Hi2h School Band Boosters Equipment: Storage is at a premium at the Dublin Senior Center so it would be necessary for the Band Boosters to remove their equipment after each use. Mounting of the bingo board on the East wall could be problematic and would require further study. 6. Facility Use Fees: Under the Dublin Senior Center Use Policy, use by public agencies for the purpose of fundraising would be $40 per hour. The Agreement For Lease of Fallon School Multipurpose Facility does not address the issue of fees. Staff would recommend that the Band Boosters be assessed a $10 per hour charge for use of the Center. This charge would be used to offset the cost of a Building Attendant who would be scheduled to open and close the Center and to oversee the use of the Center. Keys m llQ1 issued to users of other City facilities and Staff would recommend that keys are not issued for the Senior Center. It has been the City's experience that when keys are issued, the City loses control over the facility which increases the risk of loss or damage to the facility. . -3- ~"I~ Conclusion ,,. ;:; The Senior Center Advisory Committee considered the request from the Dublin High School Band Boosters at their November 21, 1996 meeting. The request was approved by the Committee with the . following provisions: 1. The term of the initial lease would be for six months. 2. Storage of equipment would not available. 3. Use of the kitchen would not be permitted. 4. Permanent mounting of the bingo board would not be recommended at this time pending further study. 5. Fee for use would be $10 per hour. The Parks and Community Services Commission will be considering this item at their December 16, 1996 meeting. Staff will present a verbal report to the City Council regarding the recommendation of the Parks and Community Services Commission. In the event that the Commission is also in favor of use of the Dublin Senior Center by the Dublin High School Band Boosters, Staff would recommend that the City Council approve the use with the provisions noted previously. It should be noted that the Dublin High School Band Boosters have verbally indicated that the Dublin Senior Center is an interim location and that they would ultimately like to use the Shannon Community Center. However, a formal written request for use has not yet been received. Staff would point out that continuous use of Shannon Center is much more problematic arid, if granted, would most likely result in the cancellation of City sponsored classes and loss of revenue to the City. At the time that a written request is submitted, Staff will prepare a detailed analysis of the request for consideration by the Parks . and Community Services Commission and City Council. '. - '1- I To: Bonnie Leonard Ci~y of D~ublin . DUBLIN HIGH BAND BOOSTERS SENIOR CENT~R REQUEST I. Dublin Band Boosters wish to lease the Dublin Senior Center for one night a week to hold Bingo Thursday nights 4:15 pm ~ 10:30 pm (the games themselv8s would be over by 10:00 pm, the extra 30 minutes Is fOf clean up) We would like this lease to be a continuous use lease Of at least a one year. wIth a three month drop out clause. II. We also request use of the kitchen area to serve as a snack bar. We would only need; Serving counters, electrical outlets. stove and possibly a warming rack. We have our own pots. pans, coffee makers and utenSIls Ill. We also would like to use the Senior Center's 100-1251olding chairs and the B long tables We have 24 additional tables we will be bringing in each week. IV. We have all our own Bingo equipment and all our own P.A. equipment We would be willing to share Bingo eQuipment with the Senior Center which would improve . both our game and the Senior Center's monthly game V. We will be storing all our equipment on the Dublin Unified School District grounds @ We would also be willing to offer a discount to members of the DUblin Senior Center. which may increase participation in both activities. Any addrtlonal Questions please call. Thank~you Lee Carpenter Director of Bands, Dublin HIgh School (510) 833-3352 . 5