HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.4 ExtensionMeasureB Input
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File # !I]@]~[Q]-~~
Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACTA) - Request for
Input on the Extension of Measure '~B" Half-Cent Sales Tax
Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director
1) Letter from Vince Harris, Executive Director of ACTA
2) Draft Response Letter
RECOMMENDATION: JSend a letter to Vince Harris expressing the City Council of
~o Dublin's desire to work with the Tri-V~:tlley Transportation Council
~ (IVTC) to develop a unified list of projects for the entire Tri- Valley
The extension of the measure "B" half-cent sales tax would help
fund needed major transportation improvements in Alameda County
and, more specifically, in the Tri-Valley Area. If approved by the
public, this funding would relieve some of the pressure on Dublin's
funds for contributing to regional improvements.
DESCRIPTION: The original voter-approved Measure "B" half-cent sales tax has,
and is still, funding major improvements in the Tri-Valley Area. These projects include the BART
Extension, the 1-58011-680 Flyover, and improvements to Route 84.
This program is set to expire in the Year 2002. ACTA is proposing to go to the voters for an e>..1ension of
the program to help fund some of the remaining needed regional projects in Alameda County. To that
end, ACTA is soliciting input from affected agencies.
Inasmuch as the Cities of Pleasanton, Livermore and Dublin and the County of Alameda have been
working through the TVTC for several years to come to an agreement on priorities for regional,
improvements, Staff believes it to be appropriate for the affected agencies in the TVTC to formulate a
priority list for the Tri-Valley Area to be submitted to ACTA. Staff recommends that Council send a
letter to ACTA expressing the desire to present a united front through the TVTC for the Tri- Valley Area.
COPIES TO: Alameda Co. Board of Supervisors
Pleasanton City Council
Livermore City Council
1401 Lakeside Drive
Suite 600
Oakland, California
Keith Carson
e. Supervisor
Mark Green
Mayor, Union City
Edward R. Campbell
\Vilma Chan
Roberta Cooper
Mayor, Hayward
Nora Davis
Mayor, Emer)'ville
Elihu M. Harris
Mayor, Oakland
Mary V. King
Gail Steele
Vincent J. Harris
Executive Director
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October 2, 1996
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Mr. Richard Ambrose
City of Dublin, City Manager
P.O. Box 2340
Dublin, CA 94568
Dear Mr. Ambrose:
Your organization has been identified as one of many groups interested in Alameda
County's transportation system. The current Measure B half-cent sales tax program for
transportation improvements is set to expire in the year 2002. We seek your assistance
tn d~veloping a continuation of the sales tax measure, ....viilc.', if passed by COllnt{Voters,
would help fund Alameda County projects and programs well into the next century.
Some of the projects and programs currently underway as a result of the original
Measure B, passed in 1986, include: 1-880 widening and interchange reconstruction;
13/24 interchange reconstruction; the 580/680 direct connector; Route 84 improvements
in Livermore, Fremont and Union City; Route 238 improvements in Hayward, Union City
and Fremont; the BART Dublin/Pleasanton extension; AC Transit's Comprehensive
service Program; Alameda County's paratransit program; and a wide variety of local
street and road improvements.
The Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACTA), which disburses the Measure B
funds to these projects and programs, is required by law to prepare a new expenditure
plan that may appear as a ballot measure to continue the half-cent sales tax. This plan
will outline specific transportation projects and programs. If approved by the county
Board of Supervisors and by the majority of cities in the county (representing the
majority of the population), the expenditure plan could be proposed as a sales tax
measure to county voters as early as 1998,
ACTA has launched a reauthorization plan of action and formed a steering committee
of local elected officials and transit representatives to oversee the effort. Developing
this expenditure plan, however, will require the involvement of all segments of Alameda
County-including your organization. We are interested in finding ,out the transportation
projects or programs you would like to see funded by the continuation of this sales tax.
How You Can Get Involved
There are several ways to get involved. Please use the enclosed mail-back card to
indicate your interest in participating in one or more of the following ways:
ACT A mea 11 sAc t i 0 11
Hold your own workshop. ACTA has developed a workshop kit that will help your group hold
its own brainstorming session on ways to improve Alameda County's transportation system.
The kit includes a workshop guide, comment sheets, a time line, and various visual aids. You
will be able to use these materials at your next meeting to discuss transportation problems,
mobility improvement needs, and/or unfunded or potential projects and programs. ACTA will
take the results of your workshop and include them in the many upcoming discussions on
reauthorization. Kits are available on a check-out basis. Workshop results should be sent to
ACTA by December 15,1996.
. Send a group representative to a focus group session. In the coming months, ACTA will be
conducting a series of focus groups with representatives of organizations with common
transportation interests. These focus groups will probe issues and test ideas for potential
projects and programs. Representatives of these focus groups may apply to serve on the
Expenditure Plan Development Committee, which will meet beginning next year to formulate the
expenditure plan and test the levels of public support for specific elements of the plan. Please
note that the number of spots on both the focus groups and the Expenditure Plan Development
Committee is limited, and that there is no guarantee that your group's representative will be
selected to participate. Nevertheless expressing your interest on the mail-back card will ensure
that your organization will receive careful consideration as the focus groups are formed.
. Add your name to the mailing list. Throughout the Measure B reauthorization process, updates
will be provided in ACTA's B-Lines newsletter and other agency materials. By adding your
name to the ACTA mailing list, you will be able to stay informed about the progress of
reauthorization efforts and about upcoming activities. .
If you are interested in helping shape the future of Alameda County transportation, please return
the enclosed card as soon as possible--the reauthorization process involves many steps, and your
quick. response will help us avoid unnecessary delays. Indeed, your participation will help ensure the
success of the Countywide collaborative effort. Please feel free to write us if you have any questions
or comments about this process.
Vincent J. Harris
Executive Director, ACTA
October 31, 1996
Mr. Vince Harris, Executive Director
Alameda County Transportation Authority
1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 600
Oakland, CA 94612-4305
SUBJECT: Measure "B" Reauthorization
Dear Mr. Harris:
Thank you for your request for input from the City of Dublin for ACTA's proposed
Measure "B" Reauthorization Program.
The cities in the Tri-Valley Area (Dublin, Pleasanton and Livermore) have been working
for several years to develop a priority list of regional transportation needs in the Tri-
Valley Area, This work has been accomplished through the consortium of agencies in
our area called the Tri-Valley Transportation Council (TVTC) , We believe that the three
cities in the Tri-Valley Area should present a united front through our TVTC for our sub-
area of Alameda County insofar as establishing project priorities and providing
representation to your reauthorization committees or focus groups.
We will certainly be available to discuss this proposal with you and/or your staff,
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office.
Guy Houston
cc: Alameda Co. Board of Supervisors
Pleasanton City Council
Livermore City Council