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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 BannerCompliancePgrm ., .. CITY CLERK File # f6lrrl~~-[I]~ ......-: . . 'II ;' AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 15,1996 SUBJECT: Banner Compliance Program ri... (Report Prepared By: Jeri Ram, Associate PI~----' EXHIBIT A TT ACHED: Exhibit A City Handout on Temporary Promotional Signs Exhibit B City Handout on Temporary Promotional Signs for Chamber of Commerce RECOMMENDATION: ~Receive Report FINANCIAL STATEMENT: . No fmancial impact DESCRIPTION: A report on the status of a work program to implement the City Council direction relating to compliance with City Regulations regarding Temporary Promotional Signs (Banners, Pennants and Decorative Flags) Back,ground: .;:~: The City Council at their meeting of August 13, 1996, directed staff to begin proactively enforcing the City's Sign Ordinance regulations regarding Temporary Promotional Signs (Banners, Pennants and pecorative Flags) in a sensitive manner. Status Report: , Staffhas begun implementing City Council's direction to b$g about compliance With City regulations. Our overall goal is to: , "Reduce the number of illegal Temporary Promotional Signs (Banners, Pennants, and Decorative Flags) in the City of Dublin, in a sensitive manner that encourages voluntary compliance and promotes a positive relationship With the business community. " Staff's work progr~ irtc1udes documenting the problem; qeveloping good, clear handouts; working with the Chamber of Commerce and personal contact with businesses. . Our goal is to encourage voluntary compliance, however, we will pursue more aggressive complianee methods, if necessary. ____________.~___________.~_~__________.________.________________________w~~________________...~_________~.~.___.____.w.~______.___________~~___ .> . .- COPIES TO: P A File Internal Distribution ITEM NO. ~ .:3 . We have made progress towards these goals by completing the following: Inventory: During the week of September 9, 1996, staff completed an inventory of all the banners, pennants and decoa? flags present in the business and industrial areas of the community. A total of 254 of these types of signs were documented at 119 businesses. Of these businesses, only 5 have valid permits. Public Education: During the week of September 9, 1996, staff developed several educational handouts regarding si~. One handout will be handed out in the field if staff needs to visit a business to explain the permit proces~ (Exhibit A). This same handout is also available at City Hall. Another handout will be distributed by the Chamber of Commerce with its monthly mailing (Exhibit B). This handout has been designed specifically for mailing, Staff also met with reporters from the Valley Times and Tri Valley Herald during the week of September 9, 1996. Both reporters indicated that they would prepare a short story to publicize the City's efforts to work with the business community to create a better environment. On September 18, 1996, staff made a brief presentation at the Chamber of Com,merce. The purpose of the presentation was to inform the business community of the regulations and encourage them to voluntarily either remove the signs or come into the City and get a permit. The Chamber will be distributing the handout, described above, (Exhibit B) with their monthly mailing. During the second half of October staff will begin directly contactirtg businesses to inform them of the Ci.:>: requirements. The procedure that will be followed is: "":.~.::.. 1. Send businesses not in compliance an educational letter; 2. Personally visit the business if the educational letter does not result in compliance; 3. Send a warning letter if the educational letter does not result in compliance; 4. Send a warning notice if the warning letter does not result in compliance; and 5. Issue a citation if items I" through 4 are not successful. Staff believes that in most instances, voluntary compliance will be achieved with this type of compliance program. The compliance portion of the program will begin in October, 1996, and be completed in February 1997. Staff will return to the City Council with a progress report on the work program on January 16, 1997. G:\codccomp\batlncrll\ccsrl ... .. , . .. . :.~ ': . 2 .~ . ::'<l .....--::-:-. .:.... ".: ~~ -.. . . .- CITY OF DUBLIN TEMPORARY PROMOTIONAL SIGNS (Banners. Pennants & Decorative Flags) I need a permit??? " I / .:: .< . >" EXHtB1T R / .~ .)) .~::. WHY DO I NEED A PERMIT? · The City of Dublin adopted new Sign Ordinance in 1994 · The City Council wants businesses in Dublin to comply with regulations · The City Council wants a better environment for all businesses and citizens .tlalH'.. ,",'"". ". '. '..~,:-;. .' ' . . ".., . , . . ".' - .<; .,. -...... .... ....--.". ,. . : .:' ~'" t '. _ ." 'f. ..;..~.:.~: ~ · The City Council has directed staff to encourage voluntary compliance, but failing that, require compliance ~ .~:_ ..- ." .... ..- .:; .7\ ;'"':\ '<':".-;-:) TEMPORARY PROMOTIONAL SIGNS INCLUDE: · BANNERS · DECORATIVE FLAGS · PENNANTS 3 .~ '"0 .j ;/) .'" HOW OFTEN CAN I GET A PERMIT? · Each Permit is good for 30 days · There is a 15 day waiting period between Permits 1j .... e.. ....:.::.;. .. ... e:-. . .") . . . HOW DO I GET A PERMIT? · Fill out Zoning Clearance Form · Mail or Bring the Form in to the Planning Department at City Hall together with a fee of $25.00 ~ ::J _7'\ . :.~~~. oA .... -.,- e. SUMMARY · Permits are valid for 30 days · There is a 15 day waiting period between permits · The the Zoning Clearance Application is available at the City of Dublin Planning Department · There is a Fee of $25.00 per permit · If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department at (510) 833-6610 for assistance &. e.; .:.. ~...,.fDI. .... '-~ l/"' .'\. y- ~...V' /- '/' ~ ',../,' ../ ~ VI''. .fl'(' " ~o "'\\\\ 1::~1~::5'< CITY OF DUBLIN . ~~~~~/A1~' .- .-. -.0':\;_' ~ ,'J;,--..-----. -. .~ ~ /' ~ .c.. ',C:i~..:::0'\;;/ p.o. Box 2340, Dublin, California 94568 ~ City of Dublin Zoning Clearance Application Form (Temporary Promotional Signs) .") .::7\ . . . City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568 I certify that I have the authorization of the Property Owner to file this application for Zoning Clearance. I understand that the proposed Temporary Promotional Signs shall not be established prior to receiving Zoning Clearance approval from the Community Development Director, I agree to remove tile temporary promotional sign(s) witilin thirty days from its installation as required by tile Zoning Ordinance. Name: Title: (Print or Type) Address; Phone: (Street) Signarure: Date: .... PROJECT INFORMA TJON Project Address: Project APN: Project/Business Name: Written Statement: (Describe each temporary promotional sign - is it a banner, pennant, flag, etc. How many are proposed and what are their dimensions? If the request is for a banner, please indicate what the text of the banner will be. Fee: $25 (cash or check payable to the City of Dublin) .;:: G:forllls\zngcler2 ? Administration (510) 833-6650 . City Council (510) 833-6605 . Finance (510) 833-6640 . Building Inspection (510) 833-6620 Code Enforcement (510) 833-6620 . Engineering (510) 833-6630 . Parks & Community Services (510) 833-6645 Police (510) 833-6670 . Public Works (510) 833-6630 . Planning (51 0) 833~661 0 :-.>~ '.. . >\ HOW TO GET A PERMIT FOR A TEMPORARY PROMOTIONAL SIGN (Banners, Pennants and Decorative Flags) .:... '. The City of Dublin has a simple permit process to allow for temporary promotional signs such as banners, pennants, and decorative flags. Businesses are permitted to display temporary promotional signs with a City of Dublin Zoning Clearance for 30 consecutive days. After 30 days the sign(s) must be removed for at least 15 days. If at the end of the 15 days the business would like to put up the same or other temporary promotional sign(s), a new Zoning Clearance must be obtained and then a sign(s) can again be put up for 30 days. This process continues to repeat. In other words# each Zoning Clearance is good for 30 days and there is a 15 day waiting period before putting up the same or other sign(s). The process for getting the permit is simple and it can be done with one visit to City Hall. Fill out the Zoning Clearance Form on the back of this sheet and either mail it or bring it into the Planning Department at City Hall, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin (prior to the erection of your sign). A fee of $25.00 is required with your Zoning Clearance Application. .:.. . -. If you have any questions regarding this process or the Zoning Clearance . Form please feel free to contact the Planning Department at (510) 833. 6610. e': 9' g:\forms\zngclear( 1-95) .,. .-:-- .- 7 .~. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY OF DUBLIN REQUIREMENTS FOR TEMPORARY PROMOTIONAL SIGNS (Banners, Pennants and Decorative Flags) . The City of Dublin adopted a new Sign Ordinance in 1994 with substantial input from the Chamber of Commerce and the Business Community . The City Council wants a better environment for all businesses and citizens . The City Council wants businesses in Dublin to comply with regulations . The City Council has directed staff to encourage voluntary compliance, but failing that, require compliance HOW DO I GET A PERMIT The process for getting the pennit is simple and it can be done with one visit to City Hall. Fill out the Zoning Clearance Fonn on the back of this sheet and either mail it or bring it into the Planning Department at City Hall, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin (prior to the erection of your sign). A fee of $25.00 is required with your Zoning Clearance Application. . Permits are valid for 30 days . There Isa15 day-waitiD.-g..peri"od between permits'.. - . The Zoning Clearance Application (attached) is also available in the City of Dublin Planning Department . There is a Fee of $25.00 per permit If you have any questions please contac~HIBIT' Planning Department at (510) 833-66U - - _ B aty DfDublin Planning Deparcmmt 100 Dvic Plaza Dublin, CA 91/568 (510) 833-6610 fax tI (510) 833-6628 --:-:=n~:--.... /....:. ~_.: __,4 /.'~ .;" . .....--=---..::-. ., " i(i'@"'~~~-~/\)~. .: ~_...~ :". ,.\\ ~ ;" -\,\ /it \\~, ~ /'''X' ,r....... .,.....,.. / ~.~.~:'?~."',.~'"/ ~ ...... CITY OF DUBLIN P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, California 94568 . City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza. Dublin, Calif 0..:.: j[ City of Dublin Zoning Clearance Application Form (Temporary Promotional Signs) I certify that I have the authorization of the Property Owner to file this application for Zoning Clearance. I understand that the proposed Temporary Promotional Signs shall not be established prior to receiving Zoning Clearance approval from the Community Development Director. I agree to remove the temporary promotional sign(s) within thirty days/rom its installation as required by tlte Zoning Ordinance. Name: Title: (Print or Type) Address: Phone: (Street) Signature: Date: PROJECT INFORMA nON e.:.. .,........ Project Address: Project APN: ProjectIBusiness Name: Written Statement: (Describe each temporary promotional sign ~ is it a banner, pennant, flag, etc. How many are proposed and what are their dimensions? If the request is for a banner, please indicate what the text of the banner will be. Fee: $25 (cash or check payable to the City of Dublin) G:rorms~g~I~!"~. _, ". ,-" ;'- .. ,.' ~:.:;. ..;, ~~;~ ~.:~: (. .fi -~: ,..:::,. ~:;, i ~: :. ~.;: ~. .. ~ "r; I ." ~:. \..: -;;' -#-~. .~~ ;~ .:,~ .1.' V,, ..~~;; e,::. /0 Administration (510) 833-66S0 . City Council (510) 833.660S . Finance (S10) 833.6640 . Building Inspection (S10) 833-6620 Code Enforcement (S10) 833-6520 . Engineering (S10) 833-6630 . Parks & Community Services (S10) 833-6645 Police 510 833.6670 . P li~ W r