HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.2 CitiznsOptionPublicSafety CITY CLERK . ~ [Q]~~[Q]-[~[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT e CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 17,1996 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Proposed expenditure of Federal Grant Money regarding Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS). Report prepared by: Jim Rose, Police Chief EXHffiITS ATTACHED: RECOMMENDATI~ . ~ eINANCIAL STATEMENT: DESCRIPTION: None Open Public Hearing Receive Staff Report Receive Public Input Close Public Hearing Deliberate Approve Staff Recommendation to fund an additional patrol officer position for 8 months to provide additional bike patrol and crime prevention. Under the COPS Program, the City of Dublin will receive a funding allocation of approximately $61,136 for the Fiscal Year 1996-97, to be used for supplemental front line municipal police services. Funding for this position as proposed would require no money from the General Fund. At the August 13, 1996 City Council meeting, Council received a staff report regarding the Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) Program. The COPS Program is established as an ongoing program ~o.. supplement front line law enforcement services. The program has been funded by the State for the Fiscal Year 1996-97; however, it requires an annual appropriation for continued funding. Accordingly, at the current time, it is difficult to rely on this program for ongoing support of municipal police services. Funding allocated through the COPS Program can be used only for front line municipal police services, which, by definition, include anti-gang and commWlity crime prevention programs. Administrative overhead costs are specifically limited to 0.5% of the total allocation. Capital expenditures are acceptable if they directly support front line police services. 4It----------------------CO-piE-ST()~-------------------------------- ITEM NO. ~ ~ H/cc.forms/a gd:lstlll t.d oc - . The Finance Department has e ted the City will receive approxima 61,136. Staffhas prepared the following information on thtsitiOn of Crime Prevention Officer fo review by the City Council, Implementing the new deputy position as the Crime Prevention Officer will provide the following . services: 1. Additional bike patrol 2. Expand Neighborhood Watch 3. Ability to present more Crime Prevention programs Examples of the work that may be assigned to the Crime Prevention Officer include: 1. Bicycle Patrol- Currently Dublin Police Services has six trained Bicycle Patrol Officers operating on an as needed basis and indirectly supervised by a Detective Sergeant. Implementing the new Crime Prevention position will provide for a person to conduct bicycle patrol on a regular basis and be assigned as needed to targeted areas. 2. More citizen contact to involve residents within the community in Crime Prevention Awareness and Techniques. . 3. Work with the existing Crime Prevention Unit, to expand Crime Prevention Programs offered to the community. The Crime Prevention Unit currently consists of an Officer of Deputy rank and a civilian City employee. The Alameda County Sheriff s Department which provides police services under contract has indicated . an officer will be available on November 1, 1996. The following budget is based on that time frame. Monthly Cost One Officer (total per month) Leased vehicle ($400/mo.) Fuel (IOO/mo.) Total Cost/Month $ 6,601 400 100 $ 7,101 X 8 months Subtotal ' $56, 808 One Time Cost Hand held Radio (portable 800mhz) Office supplies Communications Furniture and equipment ,,, 1,700 150 150 2.328 Subtotal TOTAL $ 4.328 $61,136 Should funding be discontinued in the 1997-98 fiscal year, this position could be assimilated into patrol for East Dublin. Staff recommends the City Council conduct public hearing to consider the City ManagerIPolice Chief s recommendation for expenditure of the City of Dublin's allocation of COPS funding for the Fiscal Year 1996-97. . - 2 -